#cassia dubois
the Cassia Dubois experience
pretty pink hair,
a smile that promises mischief,
she was born to bring color to this world.
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"ever seen those freaks downtown?
street art is supposed to be fun, not freaky.
so let's fix that, why don't we?~"
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redstringraven · 1 year
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some tension in the studio today...
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grozva · 3 years
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some oc sketches from a while ago bc I haven't posted to tumblr for some time :3
characters here with allan and andy belong to my friends :D
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redstringraven · 1 year
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i know this isn’t the how the current meme goes, but i can’t see “you know what that means” without thinking of the vine.
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redstringraven · 7 months
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a bunch of things currently in my wip folder (but definitely not all of them)! got a lot that i'm working on, but the brain bees won't stop buzzing. 6_6;;; if i can twist my arm into finishing one, i'm sure finalizing the others will fall into place!
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redstringraven · 1 month
cozy in bed
this post crossed my dash, and i wanted to answer for my ocs! this, as expected, got a bit long, so m'just gonna dive in!
.: cassia
do they sleep in a bed or in something else?
a bed! she has her own room in a small, two-bedroom apartment; her parents have the other room.
how many pillows or blankets do they have and/or need?
cassia loves surrounding herself with pillows and cute stuffed animals to either hug at night or make a bit of a 'nest'. she likes the sensation of an enclosed sort of space when she sleeps rather than starfishing out.
what do they wear to bed?
varies! in the summer, she usually sleeps in a comfy t-shirt and gym shorts. in the winter, she has two themed pajama sets that she swaps between. they're warm, soft, and often pink, yellow, or white. she also wears knee-high, colorful socks in the winter and likes to have silly slippers around the apartment. hello-kitty or totoro themed--something like that.
do they sleep well?
most of the time! cassia has bad dreams here and there like your average person, but for the most part the only real interruptions to her sleep are self-imposed all-nighters for one silly reason or another. like... learning the entire dance routine to a music video or video games or a movie marathon. after the triceraton invasion, however, she does have more frequent stress dreams and nightmares. especially when her dad is traveling.
do they share a bed with anyone?
not usually. but after the triceraton invasion she sometimes struggles with stress dreams or anxieties about her dad being so far away. on these nights she'll sleep in her mom's room alongside her, or she and esme will build a little blanket fort in the living room and sleep in there together. there were also a few nights following the invasion where she and her parents would sleep in the same room. just... all wanting to be in arm's reach of each other should something else happen, more or less.
do they chill in bed often or do they just use it for sleeping?
fifty-fifty! cassia's a bit of a floor gremlin--she likes to sit on her floor when she spends time in her room--but she definitely uses her bed as a space for chilling. kind of varies with the activity she's doing. video games or painting her nails are more likely floor activities; reading comic books or talking on the phone/shell-cell are bed activities.
.: nyxram
do they sleep in a bed or in something else?
it's a bed, yes, but it's about as bare-minimum of a bed as you can get. it's used for sleeping and nothing else. nyx has a handful of hideouts and rotates where she sleeps, but all 'beds' are relatively the same: simple, have what's needed, and plain.
how many pillows or blankets do they have and/or need?
i personally picture triceraton 'beds' being more a carved out circle in the floor than a raised piece of furniture, since their frill would lead to them sleeping more on their stomachs or sides. pillows, if any, are likely used to line the 'walls' of the bed or 'texture' the mattress so it's higher/more supported in some places and lower in others. that all being said: the bare-minimum again. she has what she needs and nothing more.
what do they wear to bed?
whatever she's currently wearing, honestly. nyxram does have civvies, but, since sleeping puts you in a vulnerable state, she'd be more likely to sleep in most of her armor even if her designated sleeping locations are secure. if, for some reason, she has to sleep somewhere that ISN'T one of her hideouts, best believe she'll be napping in full armor. weapons included.
do they sleep well?
most nights, yes. by the time she sleeps, she's tired enough that she doesn't dream and remains asleep unless disturbed. there is one reoccurring nightmare, however, that surfaces once in a blue moon, and after it does she can't fall back asleep.
do they share a bed with anyone?
no. absolutely not.
do they chill in bed often or do they just use it for sleeping?
the bed is for sleep only.
.: gwyn
do they sleep in a bed or in something else?
she's always on the run and, therefore, doesn't have a bed nor home to call her own. she catches sleep where she can and when she feels like it's safe enough to close her eyes, let ash 'take watch'. sleeping locations can vary from trees, naps on public transport, alleys, abandoned structures--whatever she can find, whenever she feels just secure enough to grab it. after coming to earth and eventually befriending the turtles, she sleeps on a cot set up for her in the reservoir station.
how many pillows or blankets do they have and/or need?
after befriending the turtles, she has two pillows and two blankets. she normally only uses one of the latter, as liáfsians are used to cooler climates. the chill of the station is familiar to her, in a sense.
what do they wear to bed?
gwyn doesn't have clothes aside from those already 'on her back', as she can't afford to carry more while traveling and discards anything she can no longer wear. she sleeps fully dressed, footwear included (just in case she needs to wake and run). after befriending the turtles, casey and april pitch in to provide her with more clothes. over the years, she slowly eases into sleeping in boxers, then boxers and either a large t-shirt or hoodie.
do they sleep well?
no. gwyn's not only an extremely light sleeper most of the time, but when she does manage to fall into heavier sleeps she's prone to spells of severe night terrors and sleep paralysis. the turtles found out about the former after she'd been staying with them for a while, and she'd wake them up in the midst of a night terror. it wouldn't be until after gwyn and raph started dating and sharing sleeping spaces that they'd learn about the latter. raph's snoring acts kind of like an 'anchor' point for gwyn, too; they find she's slightly less prone to sleep paralysis when sleeping near him and much less prone to night terrors. raph also develops a few 'routines' to go through when she wakes up with sleep paralysis to make it manageable and less panicked until she can come out of it. after a while--should they not be able to sleep in the same space for some reason--gwyn starts to find it harder to sleep without him around. sometimes the CD with whale songs that min-ji gave her helps. other times, she just won't sleep.
do they share a bed with anyone?
as kids, she and ash near always shared a bed. presently, if you count the fact that gwyn always sleeps with her sheath on where ash has taken the form of a small dagger, then she still 'shares a bed with ash'. otherwise: no. sometimes after a night terror, however, she'll bunk in the room of whichever turtle (or splinter) kept an eye on her while she was wandering the lair. this is most often don or raph, since they have the least consistent sleep schedules in the family, but mikey and leo have extended their rooms to her as well. after she and raph start dating, they slowly go from just sharing the same napping spaces to then sharing the same sleep spaces. this usually turns out to be raph's room, as he loves his hammock and gwyn comes to find a lot of comfort in the hammock as well.
do they chill in bed often or do they just use it for sleeping?
since gwyn's spent a long stretch of time without having a bed of her own--before she befriended the turtles--she's not really used to using a bed for anything except sleeping. that being said, however, she does sometimes relax in her cot when drawing, talking to ash, or if she finds klunk taking a nap there, she'll join him.
.: ash
presently: her spirit is trapped in the soul gem powering a shapeshifting weapon. since she no longer has a physical body, she can't and doesn't sleep. this will change... someday. ...eventually.
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redstringraven · 1 year
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in the name of the moon, we will steal unclaimed pizza! ✨🌙🌸
doing a couple updated pride pieces! this time with headcanons for the boys. no idea if i'll be able to get all of them done before the end of the month BUT. shall try. u-u!! first up: cassia and michael.
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redstringraven · 9 months
some lil OC tidbits using a server template! i wanna start sharing and talking about them a bit more outside of my artwork just... both as a form of documentation and also because it makes me happy. c:
Cassia Dubois five random facts:
mains boo in most, if not all, mario games. if boo's not an option, she mains peach or yoshi.
a nervous laugher; will start giggling when nervous or unsure how to handle a situation. this has mixed results.
gives nicknames to basically everyone. if you're a friend in any form or fashion, you will get a few nicknames unique to you. (i.e., mikey's nicknames are 'tangerine', 'champ', and 'jell-o').
will sometimes text exclusively in emojis. leo can never decipher it, and sometimes it drives raph up a wall (she does this on purpose).
professional french fry thief.
favorite food: snickerdoodles or pretzels dipped in cool whip least favorite food: anything with the texture of cottage cheese cause of stress: having an inconsistent friend group at school; after the triceraton invasion, she worries about her dad a lot while he travels for work (he's a train conductor) a quote I associate with them: "cooler than a strawberry shake~!"
Nyxram five random facts
would not participate in the battle nexus despite that she'd most certainly win; she doesn't enjoy "combat for sport".
can fluently speak a handful of languages throughout the galaxy and can understand/read several more.
favorite third-earth instrument is the harp.
lowkey fascinated by third-earth's older technology (gramophones, steam-engine trains, etc) but unimpressed by the modern technology.
currently training traximus; she worries that, as the rebellion's leader, he'll quickly get targets on his back from other triceratons who disagree with the shift in power or from outside parties looking to further stir the current power vacuum.
favorite food: whatever the triceraton equivalent of a warm bagel with cream cheese is least favorite food: pizza (sorry, mikey); anything fried, swimming in grease, or generally unhealthy cause of stress: her past, her future, her parents a quote i associate with them: "no one will know the violence it took to become this gentle"
Gwyneth five random facts
can mimic bilelon* bugles well enough that they'll sometimes call back to her.
on third-earth she leans into she/her pronouns for simplicity's sake but is genderqueer given liáfsini's approach of the subject, as well as the galaxy's lack of a binary.
is the 'younger twin' and, therefore, considered the parasitic spirit. she was consistently shunned by other liáfsians and forbidden to participate in ceremonies or druidic practices.
arguably a better climber than the boys due to a childhood spent in the woods and exploring old liáfsian ruins. could parkour the city in her sleep.
enjoys sketching and gardening but rarely gets to indulge in either due to consistently being on guard/on the run. her art-style is more realism leaning, and the lines weave into each other as though she never lifts the pencil from paper.
favorite food: liáfsian equivalent of barmbrack least favorite food: isn't picky; food is food as long as it won't kill her cause of stress: darach; a loss of her own identity due to survival; her unshaken determination to get ash back in a body a quote i associate with them: "the woods are lovely, dark and deep. but i have promises to keep, and miles to go before i sleep, and miles to go before i sleep."
Aislinn five random facts
will rarely reveal she's sentient before she or gwyn deem someone trustworthy; often plays 'inanimate' and is always listening and watching; it's made her a bit of a gossip.
loves watching soap operas with master splinter and discussing the episodes with him afterward.
is the 'older twin' and, therefore, considered the original spirit. despite still being viewed as an ill-omen, she was not shunned as severely as gwyn. though sometimes invited to ceremonies or allowed access to other community practices, ash refused to participate if gwyn couldn't.
on third-earth, she leans more into she/her pronouns for simplicity's sake along with gwyn but does also seem to prefer femme-leaning gender identities galaxy-wide; more of a demi-girl.
both ash and gwyn can perform a liáfsian take on kulning, which they used not only to call to the bilelon and sithóran**, but also to locate each other while exploring the woods as kids; ash's is much more in line with traditional kulning, which is to say it's higher in pitch and is more melodic. gwyn's is lower in pitch and a bit more melancholic/haunting. in the extremely rare situation gwyn and ash get separated in present time, ash will kuln as a way to signal to gwyn without fully giving away her sentience or presence in the weapon.
favorite food: liáfsian equivalent of barmbrack least favorite food: doesn't remember cause of stress: darach; being physically dead; consistently worried about gwyn's mental and physical well-being a quote i associate with them: "i was with you before we were even born."
*bilelon are a sacred fae-fauna in liáfsini; they vaguely resemble elk **sithóran are fauna in liáfsini; they vaguely resemble maned wolves
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redstringraven · 1 year
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quick cassia doodle to keep the art chops up this week uou!
watch out, or she'll avo your cado.
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redstringraven · 4 months
random oc thoughts
do they believe in ghosts? other 'supernatural' entities?
not really.
she'll still get skittish in "haunted" areas just because they're generally spooky (especially at night), but will write off anything that happens as stray animals, ''''the wind'''', the foundation shifting, and whatever other rational option she has. is more likely to believe in the possibility of a ghost than a demon (or other entity more rooted in religion). doesn't tend to be superstitious and will sometimes tease those who are. in good fun, of course; she won't be an ass about it.
does believe in some cryptids but not all of them; where her 'line' is on that topic seems to be heavily involved with how interested she is in the cryptid itself. bigfoot and nessie? not that interesting. jackalope and fresno nightcrawler? extremely interesting; tell her more.
did believe in the possibility of aliens before the triceraton invasion, and she obviously does for sure now. the concept overwhelms her, but she tries not to think about it too much. is scared it could happen again.
yes, to an extent.
she's aware ghosts--or something fitting that definition--are real but only seems to pay this "fact" any mind under certain circumstances. believes ghosts haunt individuals more than they do environments or places. if you tell her a house is haunted she'll think that's stupid, but if you tell her you think something has latched onto you she'll believe that. doesn't believe in demons or, at the very least, categorizes them as a type of 'ghost' rather than their own thing (applies to any religion-based 'entity'). is mildly superstitious; having traversed long distances in outer-space alone has lead to adopting an odd belief or three. there're some superstitions she respects and even practices, but there're more that she's indifferent to.
doesn't seem at all invested in 'cryptids' or has a neutral position on the subject. there's always the possibility that the cryptid could exist, yes. but until she sees evidence of it she's not going to be concerned.
of course "aliens" are real. what self-absorbed, backwater planet are you from?
gwyn & ash
answering for both of them because their answer is basically the same.
they absolutely believe in ghosts; ghost sightings are somewhat commonplace in liáfsini. being told a ghost could be in the area isn't much different than telling them a deer might be in the area. when in a reportedly "haunted" space, they will assume a ghost is benevolent or indifferent to their presence until proven otherwise. the ghost will be treated with the upmost respect unless it gives them reason not to. might believe in demons since there are malevolent fae and spirits in liáfsini, and 'demons' could just be the third-earth name for a similar thing. ash tends to be more superstitious than gwyn does, but gwyn seems more empathetic when superstitious concern is expressed by someone else. there are some liáfsian superstitions they follow, but they don't follow all of them (gwyn sees herself as a 'curse' anyway, so what's one more thing?).
both believe cryptids exist, though their investment/curiosity varies. gwyn is drawn to animal-like cryptids; for ash it depends on associated stories of sightings/encounters.
of course "aliens" are real. though, they understand why you may not have known. ash didn't know until the druids started telling stories of outerworlds, and gwyn didn't know until ash told her.
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redstringraven · 2 years
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and here’s all of them together!!!
this was a lot of fun, and a good exercise for me! kinda draw the squad but not. as mentioned: min-ji (top right) and bree (bottom left) belong to @plantdonut !!
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redstringraven · 1 year
10 and 21 for cassia, if you're still looking? love your work <3
\;-;/ always looking and extremely appreciative, omg. thank you so much i just--[skitters toward you with a plate of cookies] <3
oc ask game
10) what kind of music do they enjoy?
cassia enjoys a HUGE range of music, but her favorites are probably classics from the 70s (likely stolen from her mom and dad's collections) or modern bubblegum pop. it's a bit of a stereotypical answer, but she'd definitely be a huge fan of lady gaga in 'the future' (since i think gaga was closer to the 2010s than the 2000s). but yeah, music you can move to. music where the music videos have elaborate dances she can learn and memorize and perform at 2am in her bedroom when she should be doing homework or sleeping, but she's restless and just needs to MOVE. music she can shove into her boombox or discman and rollerskate to. stuff that gets the blood going, gets your groove on, makes you wanna wiggle. girl's all about that energy and movement! ...she can definitely dance thriller and smooth criminal in her sleep.
21) hobbies your OC enjoys?
rollerskating and street art!! cassia rollerskates just about anywhere she's allowed to. she has a set that're green with pink wheels (affectionately called her 'watermelon wheels') that she takes just about everywhere she can with her--constantly swapping out her sneakers for them--and she'll use them casually on the sidewalk or spend time in local skate parks doing actual tricks and stunts. sometimes she'll go to an actual rink but, for the most part, she prefers to do her skating outdoors. it's not only more open, but she feels it allows for more creativity, exploration and expression. she's also very into street art, be it tagging small things with spray paint or markers OR turning a dented trashcan into a cute little trash-monster ready to gobble up your trash. she'll make a sunflower out of a manhole, parking space lines into dandelions, a fire-hydrant into an octopus, a tiny troll out of grass growing between sidewalk cracks--the possibilities are just endless! she's also, much to her mother's fear and dismay, made a small habit out of painting over purple dragon graffiti. ...hopefully THAT habit won't stick around. for esme's sake.
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redstringraven · 1 year
For the OC Ask Game I don’t know much about Cassia or Ash, so could you answer #20 for Cassia and #23 for Ash? owo
i absolutely will and i adore you so much for asking about them, thank you!! c:> !!
oc ask game
20) a nostalgic memory from your OC’s childhood? (cassia)
the first trip she ever got to go on with her mom and her dad, hands down. i think i've mentioned in passing that cassia's father, oliver, is a train conductor. he's often out of town due to this, but he calls very regularly at night, so he can talk to both cassia and esme (her mom) before they go to bed. when she was old enough that she'd be able to appreciate sight-seeing and experiencing new places, meeting new people, oliver and esme decided to make a little trip out of his occupation. while she doesn't remember all of the details, cassia has fond memories of getting to see new towns, watching landscapes pass by, talking with various passengers alongside her father and getting to hear their stories, and the constant rumble of the train lulling her to sleep. she doesn't get to relive this memory often, as esme is very high-anxiety (especially after the triceraton invasion), but cassia will always treasure the magic and whimsy that came with getting on her first train, getting to see her dad's "workspace", and getting a small taste of just how big the world really is.
23) what are your OC’s biggest flaws and biggest strengths? (ash)
so SPEAKING of anxiety-- ash is a very high-anxiety/fear person, which means that she also tends to be a very pessimistic person. she worries a lot, she often expects and anticipates the worst, and she can be a little dependent on gwyn when it comes to making decisions (like, beyond the fact that she's the one trapped in an inanimate object). i guess her biggest flaw in 'present' is that, despite still being sentient and conscious in the shapeshifting weapon she's in, she considers herself dead and doesn't expect a resolution. gwyn is the one clinging to optimism and hope--the idea that she'll find a way to get ash's spirit/soul/consciousness out of the weapon and into a new body. ash... has quietly accepted her death... but she's given up on arguing with gwyn over this for gwyn's sake. as for strengths, ash is often five steps ahead of the immediate problem (the 'plus side' of expecting the worst) and vigilant/aware of solutions or escape methods should gwyn--or those around her--need them. she can be quite analytical, good at troubleshooting as well as piecing together tidbits of information and conversation she's overheard when people thought she wasn't listening (leaning into the fact that to 90% of the people she and gwyn meet, she's just a dagger in a sheath; most people never realize she's sentient). she's very good of keeping track of resources and getting priorities in line. ash is also just... loyal. there were many times 'disowning' gwyn throughout their childhood would have benefited her or helped her status in the community, but she never did.
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redstringraven · 2 years
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three more to go! disgusted, she is revolted--dedicated her entire life to our lord and savior lady gaga, and this is the thanks she gets??
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redstringraven · 1 year
i was thinking about the cooking headcanons i posted a few weeks ago for the boys and decided i wanted to talk about my ocs as well. for me. as a treat.
cassia: very good cook! her father (oliver) is a train conductor and travels a lot, so as she got older she started helping her mom (esme) out in the kitchen at night. not just to help make mealtime easier but, also, because it was a way to spend time with her mom. esme's a hair-dresser, and as cassia got to the point she could be more independent esme will sometimes take evening clients to make bills more manageable (and sometimes to allow for little family 'treats' when cassia's having a bad day or oliver is in town visiting). so, cassia's more than capable of cooking nice meals for herself and some to leave in the microwave for when esme gets home. but as much as cassia enjoys cooking, she's more of a baker! snickerdoodles are her favorite treat to make. you can count on there being fresh cookies or brownies somewhere in the dubois kitchen at all times.
nyxram: can cook, but it's strictly utility and nutrition. taste isn't important. if you're willing to eat alien food, then you can always count on her meals to be filling and positively reinforce your body/health in some way. ...just don't expect all of them to taste good. ...or, even, taste at all. she has a bit of a routine and is a creature of habit with her meals, so don't expect her to be an adventurous eater or cooker. will often refuse to eat anything considered 'junk food', whether by triceraton standards or... most standards. mikey has never been more offended in. his. life.
gwyn: previously had average/basic cooking skills; she and ash took turns making meals as kids when their parents grew more and more distant. but, due to being on the run for the past several years, she's fallen out of touch with it. she takes what food she can get (often literally; she's not above thievery) and doesn't bat an eye at the taste or sometimes even condition of the food. is the ONE person who would eat whatever don cooked after he burned the shit out of it. because food is food. it's energy to burn, and in her mind she can't afford to be picky or selective. has been known to raid casey and april's fridges without asking. if you don't keep an eye on her during patrols, there's a high chance you're gonna turn around and she's suddenly holding a pretzel she stole from a street stall or a head of lettuce she swiped from the apartment directly below you. once she starts spending more time with the boys/in the lair, however, she'll sometimes linger in the kitchen when mikey or leo cook... --not JUST to pick at scraps/nibble on things when they're not looking (mikey's passive perception doesn't always catch it, but leo's does; he never lets on tho), but also to watch and maybe learn a little. sometimes she joins them.
ash: like i said, took turns with gwyn making meals as their parents grew more distant/obsessed with their work and studies. she was probably the stronger cook/baker out of the two, and her favorite thing to make was bread (a liáfsian version of barmbrack). but, well... now her soul or spirit or something inbetween is trapped in the shapeshifting weapon. she can't eat, doesn't need to eat, and she has no means of cooking independently, either. gwyn will often try her best to describe food to ash (food she enjoys, specifically), but it's been so long that ash has lost a frame of reference to most flavors and sensations that come with taste and eating. a lot of it's lost on her. during the times gwyn will lurk in the kitchen while leo and mikey cook, ash will be the more vocal of the twins; she'll ask the brothers questions about the process, ingredients... and, if she's feeling silly, she'll beg gwyn to hand her over so she can be a cutting utensil. a dagger can be a kitchen knife if you just don't give a fuck.
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redstringraven · 2 years
cassia ⚡ 2, 8, 12, 17, 23, 38, 60
\TuT/ !!! my GURL ✨☀💗
sixty more OC asks 📝✨
2) what’s their biggest regret?
i think cassia less has 'regrets' and more stuff that she more just feels super bad about, even if she knows she has no reason to. the biggest of those would be the estrangement from her mother's side of the family. to keep a long story short, they didn't support her transition, a family gathering got nasty, and her mom cut ties with all of them right then and there.
esme doesn't regret cutting ties at all (her daughter deserves to be loved and accepted as she is), but cassia can still tell it's... a complicated and difficult ball of emotions for her. i wouldn't say cassia feels guilty or at fault, just that she recognizes that it SUCKS things wound up like they did.
8) if they were an animal, which one would they be? which one would they think they’d be?
cassia would probably think she'd be a flamingo, but--we've joked about this before and i firmly stand by it--she'd definitely be an opossum.
12) what’s their ideal vacation like?
on the other side of the family, cassia has a wonderful relationship with her paternal grandmother and uncle!
her ideal vacation would be that she and her mom join her dad on one of the trains he's conducting (a chill adventure, sight-seeing, meeting tons of new people), then that once they get back from that they go wind down with her gram-gram and uncle in vermont!
17) what’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever spent money on?
do... do you want that list chronologically or alphabetically?
i would say random trinkets and other useless oddities that she just took a liking to. cassia's also that type of person who will see a bent or dented can of soda, feel 'bad for it', and buy it because she knows most people will pass it over. sometimes even if she doesn't like the soda, she'll do this. because poor can! :c
she did once buy a giant flamingo pool floaty despite the obvious fact that she doesn't have a pool. she put it on her bed and slept in it for a short period of time before she decided the squeaking whenever she moved around was annoying. so, now it's in her closet... waiting to emerge again...
23) what’s one childhood memory they’ve never forgotten?
the first time her parents called her by her chosen name.
38) if they hear something go bump in the night, do they get out of bed to check it out or do they stay put?
after the triceraton invasion, i think she'd get out of bed. not necessarily to check the sound out, but to make sure her mom (and dad, when he's home) is still safe in bed. then depending on what the sound was, she'd either camp out on the floor in their room or head back to bed.
60) what are some of their simple pleasures?
seeing dogs or cats 'in the wild'. the wind/breeze in her hair as she rollerskates down the sidewalk. the sound of people laughing. glitter. breaking out into random dances. french fries. street art. 70s aesthetic. bright colors. sunny afternoons. listening to bree talk about something. doing basically anything with mikey. movie nights with her mom. long phone calls with her dad. the anticipation of adventure while traveling.
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