#cassandra goth x don lothario
f1shart · 1 year
pl easantview ?
please has it really been almost a month oh my godddddddddddddd
anyway YES I KNOW I CALLED PV BORING AND. YES I REGRET IT. so to make up for it takemyshart
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tagging @fridaydevils while i hate being unoriginal i was soooo inspired by her designs for the twins I'M SORRY 😣😣💗 THEY'RE SO GOOD I COULDN'T NOT
so friday you can consider this fanartshit i guess it was already fanart
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sirensskai · 7 months
I seem to have a liking for shy sim x outgoing romance sim ships lol
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missingsimdata · 2 years
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uh ok :)
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dystopianam · 11 months
Canon and Un-Canon ships I like and dislike (Uberhood: PV, ST, VV + Some Sims from University, BC, BWV and TS2 for PSP)
These are all personal opinions, if you don't agree please don't insult me or create a flame under this post, IT'S JUST A GAME. Instead, write your own! I'm curious!
Ships I Like
Don Lothario x Nina Caliente OR Bella Goth.
Cassandra Goth x Vidcund Curious.
Alexander Goth x Lucy Burb.
Dina Caliente x Brandi Broke.
Nina Caliente x Don Lothario OR Cyd Roseland.
Brandi Broke x Skip Broke OR Dina Caliente OR Antonio Monty OR Armand LeBateau.
Dustin Broke x Melody Tinker (it's your fault @bigmouth-sims2 !)
Darren Dreamer x Darleen Dreamer OR Cassandra Goth (But one-sided) OR Nina Caliente.
Dirk Dreamer x Lilith Pleasant.
Angela Pleasant x Tank Grunt.
Cyd Roseland x Nina Caliente.
Pascal Curious x Nervous Subject.
Lazlo Curious x Crystal Vu.
Olive Specter x Ichabod Specter x The Grim Reaper.
Ophelia Nigmos x Johnny Smith x Ripp Grunt (Poli-relationship!)
Loki Beaker x Circe Beaker.
PT#9 x Jenny Smith.
Tank Grunt x Angela Pleasant OR Almeric Davis (IT'S YOUR FAULT @f1shart ! )
Buck Grunt x Jill Smith.
Stella Terrano x Aldric Davis (IT'S YOUR FAULT @budgieflitter ! )
Kristen Loste x Chloe Curious OR Erin Beaker.
Chloe Curious x Kristen Loste OR Lincoln Broadsheet (Don't ask, I have him in my game)
Consort Capp x Contessa Capp OR Patrizio Monty (CONTRIZIO IS REAL, OK?!)
Goneril Capp x Albany Capp.
Tybalt Capp x Mercutio Monty (Friends to Enemy to Lovers ✨)
Juliette Capp x Romeo Monty.
Hermia Capp x Puck Summerdream (with a lil infatuation for Mercutio Monty)
Miranda Capp x Viola Monty (with a lil infatuation for Mercutio Monty)
Hal Capp x Bottom Summerdream.
Patrizio Monty x CONSORT CAPP.
Claudio Monty x Olivia Monty (with a secret affair with Hero Monty)
Antonio Monty x Hero Monty OR Brandi Broke.
Hero Monty x Antonio Monty (with a secret affair with Claudio Monty)
Benedick Monty x Bottom Summerdream.
Beatrice Monty x Beau Broke.
Titania Summerdream x Oberon Gossamer.
"Canon" couple I dislike or honestly bored me
Don Lothario x Cassandra Goth. (Dislike)
Mortimer Goth x Bella Goth. (Bored me)
Dustin Broke x Angela Pleasant. (Bored me)
Cassandra Goth x Darren Dreamer. (Bored me)
Daniel Pleasant x Mary-Sue Pleasant. (DISLIKE)
Daniel Pleasant x Kaylynn Langerak. (HATE THEM TWO TOGETHER.)
Jennifer Burb x John Burb (I'm sorry but they're soooo boring)
Buzz Grunt x Lyla Grunt. (They're divorced for a good reason)
Regan Capp x Cornwall Capp. (I really dislike this couple. Theirs look like a forced marriage to me.)
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
The Stories of Riverblossom View and Pleasanthills
This post on @katatty's Strangeswap AU reminded me on a stupid idea I once had after reading that Riverblossom Hills might be a spoof on Pleasantview, but of course I didn't have the time/guts/interest/thrive to actually realize it as a 'hood (though I still might!). I basically gives every (except for two) Pleasantview an Riverblossom Hill character as counterpart and is really funny and interesting for me to thing about:
The Broke family <--> the Ottomas family:
Samantha was left to raise two boys alone following her husband's suspicious pool ladder accident. With David acting out, can Samantha teach young Tommy to make the right choices in life?
Large families have a lot of love to share, but also require a lot of work - especially with more children on the way! Will grandma's help be enough to keep this family strong? -> Basically everyone is swapped, so Peter is dead, Samantha is pregnant with his third baby, Flo Broke lives with her son Skip and his family, Brandi is pregnant with twins. Sharla becomes a Broke and gets to be a blend of Skip and Brandi.
The Caliente family <--> the Wan household:
Was it just coincidence that those girlfriends arrived in the eve of Stella's disappearance? And is their interest in Morty physical... or fiscal?
Dina and Nina moved to town when their uncle, Tango, offered them his old home - which they just finished remodeling. Will they find excitement in this quiet town after the dust has cleares? Will Nina and Daniel make a life together? -> I think it was the Wan households description on the wiki that make me first think about this AU. Though I can't find the comment about the Wans being a spoof of the Calientes anymore. Very little is interesting about this swap, Nina is Patricia, Dina is Cleo and vice versa
The Dreamer family <--> the Martin family:
Andrew is pursuing his dream of being a professional gamer, while his son Jacob hits the books. And Andrew may have found his muse, but will his creativity be enough to win Sandra's affection? -> So basically this one is a bit creepy since it makes Jacob's canon (now adult) girlfriend his dad's love interest. xD And Jules O'Mackey is back to being Jacob's girlfriend - yay!
The Goth family <--> the Roth family:
Sandra is ready to start a family of her own, but can she tame the town Casanova? And can Morty bounce back after the disappearance of his wife Stella?
Having recently moved to Pleasanthills has had a wondeful effect on the Goths! Cassandra and Alexander are doing great in school, Mortimer found a great job, but Bella seems a bit restless... -> This might be the most obvious and gifts us with the amazing couple Cassandra Goth x Dirk Dreamer! Isn't it lovely??? Sandra would be about to marry Leod McGreggor and well that's the only interesting switch imo.
The Lothario family <--> the McGreggor family:
Who is Leod McGreggor? Is his engagement to Sandra Roth genuine? And what about the rumor that her mother, Stella, was last seen scaling the deck of his condo?
Don Lothario has a farm... and an orchard. Will he be so focused on gardening that he forgets to cultivate friendships? -> This is such a fun pair imo! The dishonesty in the McGreggor/Roth engagement would probably be more about his sexuality in this case though... And Don as a farmer in a kilt? A+!
The Pleasant family <--> the O'Mackey family
On the surface, Gabe and Alexandra O'Mackey seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy facade? And can Angela and Jules make the right choices when it comes to love?
After being caught cheating, it took Daniel some time to start dating again. Is his relationship with Nina meant to last? Will Nina and Lillith be able to work out their problems and realize how similar they really are?
Mary-Sue succumbed to the call of pottery and left her family to pursue her dream. Will living the Artist life be enough to keep her afloat? -> I was about to let Daniel live alone but then I remembered that Gabe and Jason Greenman are siblings, and Daniel and Jennifer Burb are siblings so this aligns nicely so Lilith gets to live with her dad. Angela now is an O'Mackey and looks like Jules and she gets to date David Ottomas, yay! Jules is with Jacob, as the universe intended and Lilith once was Dirk's girlfriend. =( I don't like DanielxNina much but it's the logical result. And Mary-Sue as bisexual potter living in a hut is just top-notch!
The Burb family <--> the Greenman family
Rose, Jason and young Daisy have decided to trade the fast-paced city life for some fresh air, and hope to make a nice home in Riverblossom View.
Jennifer gave up her name for the love of her green-skinned god. Despite the love that they share, will they be able to raise a happy, healthy child? Can John adjust to living in a town instead of the great outdoors? -> The biggest changes would be that Daisy now is Jason and Rose's biological child and thus a mixture of them both and of course her and Rose aren't plant-sims anymore. So John and Lucy are plant-sims and Lucy is John's plant-baby.
The Oldie family <--> the Ramaswami family
The Ramaswamis are simply one of the nicest families around. Their years together through good and bad have made them into the wonderful parents, and grandparents, they are today.
Herb and Coral are ready to settle down and start their life together! Will they settle in the beautiful town of Pleasanthills or find a new place to make their happy home? -> This would be so fun because it would make (elder) Sanjay and Priya Alexandra O'Mackey's adoptive parents! I know we have Alexandra's parents in her family tree, but this would be so cool, wouldn't it? And seeing a young Herb and Coral start the family they always wanted together? *chef's kiss*
The Caliente-Goth-Dreamer household:
Can Tango and Frieda cope with the loss of their close friend and face their own imminent mortality or will they find a way to cheat death? Will Darren and Dirk fina a way to fulfill their dreams in the great game of life? -> I love this the most as is gives the opportunity to explore sims that usually are already decreased. Of course that means we don't have Catherine and Betty. But isn't it just too perfect that Nina and Dina have an uncle (just like Cleo Shikibu is Catherine's niece) and Morty has unmarried aunt (just like Mortimer)? Those are a little too many coincidences, aren't they? So I see where the Riverblossom Hills is a Pleasantview spoof comes from!
Aesthetic-wise I would imagine it to be like that: Every Sim gets the age of their counterpart (I mean of course) and also their outfit. But otherwise they keep their looks (except it's stated otherwise) like hair-do, face, skin-color, makeup etc. The maps are switched, but everyone lived in their counterpart's house, so for ex. Samantha, David and Tommy Ottomas live in the Broke trailer but the trailer is on the Riverblossom Hills map (if this makes sense xD). I really wanna do this but I know that I don't have the time or the patience or the skills to do this as it would mean massive editing of relationships and memories etc. But if somebody feels inspired, feel free to create! Just please share the end result with me <3
Wow, this is long xD Which 'hood would you swap like this? Maybe Veronaville and Strangetown would work together (with everyone being related with each other). Belladonna has so many sims it would probably require two hoods to do the deed so both Desiderata Valley and Bluewater Village?
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theromanticscrooge · 8 months
A Short Discussion About Classic Sims, The Nostalgic Living Dolls
Around 2004, the first iteration of The Sims was at the end of its life cycle as the biggest PC game on the market at the time and a juggernaut genre-starter (compared to the many different life sims and in-development options there are now).
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'Dollhouse' was a very apt nickname for the early development days of the original Sims. The locked top-down perspective, the deliberate isometric environments with only so many perspectives a player can view their pixelated 'dolls' from, the blocky aesthetic of the 'dolls' themselves, as well as the limited interactions with the world and objects around them. These objects and environments were lovingly rendered and hold up decently well in the way a specific, careful stylization can.
Create a virtual pixel person and follow their journey through life to an (untimely) demise. The first Sims were immortal outside of tragic pool ladder accidents and getting bitten by unhappy guinea pigs among other various gruesome or hilariously cartoonish deaths.
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Though, with the original Sims, the game was more about game-ifying the tight rope walk of work-life balance, if not an exercise as a vicarious 'American Dream.' The more expensive and higher-quality an item or the Sims' overall surroundings, the 'happier' they are according to how green their various needs bars are. While Sims slowly gained access to more quality of life additions beyond cushy objects, such as vacations, date venues, and furry friends, general life was such a grind that players cheated (through cheat codes, mods, or even in-game short cuts like getting their palm read) if they wanted to thoroughly explore and enjoy these new gameplay options vs just the needs balancing act. Even making and maintaining friendships was a grind. Outside NPC Sims are just as finicky as the playable ones. They just don't have as obviously visible needs indicators unless the situation is so desperate there's a flashing red thought bubble above their head.
While these Sims were engaging, whatever stories players assigned to them were woven together between the playful flavor text of in-game items or pop-up displays and the player's theater of the mind. Arguably, the more dynamic storytelling tools and mechanics so many players fell in love with started with Sims 2.
These next-generation Sims had a means of telling their god what they wanted through the slot-machine adjacent UI. For example, a fortune Sim happily reminds the player of their frivolous, extravagant shopping list with constant requests for luxury cars and the ever-more-expensive 'x' whether their current disposable income covered it or not. And don't forget the regular fourth wall breaks when a Sim looked up at that same god and complained, very vocally, about having to wash the dishes.
Also, Sims 2 has some of the most recognizable and iconic characters in the franchise. Pleasantview is especially notorious. The neighborhood Casanova Don Lothario is engaged to Cassandra Goth, the daughter of the richest man in town, Mortimer Goth. He's having an affair with Dina Caliente, a gold-digger, who is Mortimer Goth's young love interest and former sister-in-law. Not to mention, Don's also seeing Dina's twin sister Nina and neither one knows about him being involved with the other. That's just scratching the surface of the soap-operatic nonsense of Pleasantview's overall story.
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Many Simmers have touched on the prompts that pop up when a player first enters the house of a pre-made Sim in one of the three playable neighborhoods from the Sims 2 base game: Pleasantview, Strangetown, or Veronaville. The prompts suggest the player invite the maid to hang out after her shift to kick off an extramarital affair or to use a gnarly-looking vacuum to suck up skill points from the nearby unwitting test subject. The prompts work in concert with whatever story this pre-made Sim or household has. It's a start to a sandbox choose-your-own adventure story as well as a unique means to introduce the player to what mechanics and chaos the game allows. Don Lothario's nonsense is a decent starting place for showcasing how many different romantic relationships a Sim could have as well as the consequences for cheating if they get caught.
There's so much attention to detail. Players glean further story details from poking around through a Sim's relationships panel, their memories, their family tree, the artfully crafted screenshots in their family's virtual scrapbook. In the classic "Bella was abducted by aliens" plotline, there's so much room for connecting the dots between the screenshot of Don and Bella on Don's condo rooftop, Don's memory of getting rejected for a make-out, the Caliente sisters having an extraterrestrial grandparent. There's enough of a story thread and parts to put together, it stirs the imagination. There's so many possibilities for what led to the game's present-day and so many different directions it could go from that present-day.
In a nutshell, the Sims 2 has the right mix of attention to detail and ambiguous, but engaging story threads that the characters and stories still captivate players 20 years later.
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adzrielfaie · 5 months
Navigation for my premades rotational gameplay
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All links have /chrono at the end.
##: Link to the week
The XYZ: Link to all rotations of this family
(X, Y, Z): Link to all posts where this Sim appears*
*including all other gameplays or shoots I've ever tagged them in 😅
First rotation
01: The Brokes (Bob, Betty, Brandi, Skip, Dustin) | 02: The Pancakes (Bob, Eliza, Iggy, Babette) | 03: The Goths (Gunther, Cornelia, Mortimer, Bella, Cassandra, Alexander) | 04: Lothario (Don) | 05: The Calientes (Nighat, Nina, Dina) | 06: The Fengs (Lily, Victor, Andrew) | 07: The Landgraabs (Geoffrey, Nancy, Malcolm, Johnny, Marion) | 08: The Jangs (Baako, Anaya, Billie) | 09: The Villareals (Jacques, Hugo, Luna, Max) | 10: The Pleasants (Daniel, Mary-Sue, Angela, Lilith) | 11: The Burbs (John, Jennifer, Lucy) & The Oldies (Herb, Coral) | 12: Sterling-Rico (Bess, Jules) | 13: Pizzazz (Penny) | 14: The Bheedas (Arun, Jesminder, Avani) | 15: The Nishidakes (Shigeru, Sachiko, Kaori) | 16: The BFFs (Travis, Summer, Liberty).
Second rotation
17: The Brokes | 18: The Goths | 19: Goth-Lothario (Cassandra, Don, Victor) | 20: The Villareals | 21: The Bheedas (+ Anjali) | 22: The Calientes | 23: Pizzazz | 24: Bailey-Moon (Thorne, Octavia, Orange)
Third rotation
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plumbogs · 1 year
sims 2 base game premades memories
I have the urge to make lists and I like digging through ts2 (base game because i haven't dived into the others) premade's memories for lore nuggets, so here's some lists of specific memories and the sims that have them. Veronaville is not very well-represented because their memories are mostly very empty or only containing "Had x" or "X died", likely because Maxis didn't bother coding in any more memories, which means that any non-standard memories had to have been coded in from my understanding? which is why I made lists about it
Note that this only accounts for memories, even if it contradicts actual traits (like Juliet Capp being in private school. she doesn't have a memory about getting in), only applies to living playables, and I'm sure I missed some.
Grew Up Badly (basically every teen lmao) -Nervous Subject -Ophelia Nigmos -Ripp Grunt -Vidcund Curious -Dirk Dreamer -Dustin Broke -Lilith Pleasant -Nina Caliente -Tybalt Capp -Hermia Capp -Mercutio Monty
Got Shocked -Don Lothario (??? Why did he do that. why is he the only one)
Had an Accident (I was expecting more than just two actually. this feels like it would have popped up a lot more. vidcund being a pee pee pants is why i started digging in memories in the first place) -Vidcund Curious (and then circe broke up with him lol) -Alexander Goth
Burned Food -Lazlo Curious -Mortimer Goth
Lost a Fight -Loki Beaker -Lazlo Curious -General Buzz Grunt -Dustin Broke
Won a Fight -General Buzz Grunt (He remembers fighting with people who have no memory of losing a fight with him, which I choose to interpret in the silliest way possible) -Pollination Tech#9 Smith (GO GRANDPA!!)
Got into Private School (more sims than this are/were in private school but they don't remember being accepted) -Lola Singles/Curious -Pascal Curious -Cassandra Goth -Mortimer Goth -Alexander Goth
Rejected from Private School -Chloe Singles/Curious
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
Together In Our Sweet Solitude Victorian Simfiction
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Their worlds could not have collided. An isolated heiress to the most prominent clan of the county could not have encountered a long-forgotten petty aristocrat once banished from the local society. And yet, one day their paths cross. Has this happened by a Great Design or by a terrible mistake? Has it been written in the stars? Has fate blessed or condemned Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario? What shall it mean for either of them?
Can yearning for individuality and freedom unite two dissenters, a recluse and an outcast, as soulmates?
Can two solitudes become one togetherness?
Chapter I
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glowyjellyfish · 3 years
I started writing down an updated collection of thoughts and plans about my Megakingdom project, but they got very rambly and so I am beginning anew.
And no, I have not forgotten about Grimwood Abbey, but for my undiagnosed but likely adhd brain I gotta follow the fixations where they lead. It’s actually quite helpful to have several different Medieval Sims 2 concepts I want to play with while working on the excruciatingly long CC Sorting portion of the project, because I can bounce around from one to the other to find fresh things to think about without abandoning the CC project. I got through all the Teen and Child clothing, and everything in Buy Mode! I am halfway through Walls in Build Mode! I have some broken things to identify, some Star Factory stuff to check on updating (accidentally overwrote my fresh install of all those with some older duplicates and could not actually undo, Mia culpa), and a bunch of empty folders to check and remove. Then comes the real sorting. And a backup.
But today I am here to talk about the Megakingdom. I have realized I can’t just play it as a straight MCC, because I already have a king. And yet the Warwickshire rules are wayyyy too complicated for somebody who has yet to complete an MCC. So I am going to play mostly MCC, with a few Warwickshire rules incorporated early, using the advancements to replace unthematic community lots and make sure the community gets well-rounded. I’ll also be using the social advancement rules to earn sims the right to fill in a few empty class spots (for example, Pleasantview currently has no Gentry). I will probably start using some of the Warwickshire title guidelines once each subhood has a reasonable amount of sims in each class and sims start purchasing titles outside the basic ones. And I am thinking I might roll a THS for babies born in-game, but avoid randomized health hits and pregnancy health concerns until I get used to the system and/or those babies grow into adults.
The big difference I am planning from both rule systems is… frankly, I want to use the colleges and the college sims. The college sims are going to be a flexible marriage pool, but also, three is too many for just a couple of social classes to attend, and it really bugs me that college sims get more lifespan than non-college sims. So each college is open to a different selection of social classes. Academie Le Tour is the upper class university, and only royalty, nobility, and heir/firstborn gentry may attend. La Fiesta Tech is for non-heir gentry and merchants, and Sim State University is the trade school for yeomen and peasants who are sponsored by a noble. I’m not sure yet about the other two colleges, but SSU will for sure have a strong tuition fee, which peasants may request from a noble in exchange for becoming their serf. There will absolutely be many sims who still cannot afford to attend, and for those I’ll get some YA mods, but this plan will ease me into that play method AND will prep up some serfs for the megahood.
(I… will have to reread up on the lower classes and determine exactly how and who I want to set up as serfs, if I feel I need to start with any. For some reasons, I am constantly assuming that the lowest classes in these challenges do not automatically equal serfs and I might also just be wrong on that, and if I am I’ll figure it out.)
Some story plans and concepts:
Faith and Herbert Goodie are going to be church sims, with the Newsons moving in as a collection of orphans being raised by the church. Coral Oldie, meanwhile, is going to be a midwife (probably not the only one, but I haven’t identified anyone else for the role yet); I have set the Oldies as Merchant class, and so I might have Herb run a small business that complements her midwifery, perhaps selling herbs they grow or something.
I’m trying to figure out what’s to be done with Jessica Peterson; without the game lore she’s just an obvious peasant, but with it she’s divorced from Armand DeBateau, a duke, and therefore must be at least Gentry. I feel like the thematic way to handle this would be having her join the church or become an outcast, but I haven’t decided yet. By a similar token, I really want to keep Alexandra Teatherton nee O’Mackey’s “left family to become a pirate” story, but then I’d have to set up pirates and junk. Otherwise, she’s in the same position as Jessica.
Cassandra Goth is betrothed to King Malcolm Landgraab IV. I think that Don Lothario, a yeoman at best, has been trying to seduce her and making all kinds of promises in his efforts to bed her, but he never intended to actually try to marry her and is shocked at how seriously she took all his talk of running away together. That is way too permanent for Don Lothario, he just wanted to WooHoo her.
I did this same basic setup for a Steampunk Strangetown I played a while back, but I think the quickest and most interesting way to set up a kingdom in Strangetown is a. Olive Specter is the ruler, b. Ophelia has been raised as her heir, but c. Nervous is the true heir, kept secret because of his parentage but Olive plans to officially recognize him before she dies, and d. Loki learned the secret a while back and has been holding Nervous hostage in an attempt to either marry Nervous to Loki’s sister Erin or otherwise gain power. So that’s essentially what is happening here, Olive is the Duchess, Nervous is her heir, Loki is a mere Gentry trying some ruthless means of acquiring power and advancing his family’s status. Erin is a viable match for Nervous, but in my experience they usually don’t like one another; I think generally speaking I’m not going to force sims with X attraction to marry just because they’re a good match. Maybe for story purposes or if the pickings are too slim, but not in round one.
Oh, and I have designated a few ladies to be Duchesses of their subhoods, and a Gentry lady heiress here and there, but for the most part I will be sticking to full classic primogeniture. This is mainly for setup; I just picked the best/most interesting choices to rule each subhood. I.E., I’m not gonna make the Roths be the Ducal family of Riverblossom Hills when the Goths are right there ruling over Pleasantview, that is dumb, and Catherine Viejo makes a very interesting setup. Is Betty Goldstein her secret lover and/or lady in waiting? Is Andrew Martin her secret lover and/or gardener/serving man/serf? ...so Cleo Shikibu, heiress to the Duchy of Riverblossom Hills, and Florence Delarosa, Lady of Bluewater Village, will both have to find second sons or college sims to marry in order to preserve their respective inheritances (meaning, basically, they can marry Kent Capp or a college boy, because maxis families are really light on siblings generally). Olive Specter is technically another example, but since she has a male heir in Nervous, Ophelia is not being treated as an heiress and will just get married off wherever. (...not to Johnny, unfortunately for them. Johnny is a merchant. And thanks to Johnny’s heritage, it will be Difficult to cheat discretely. Sounds like Fun!) But I will be avoiding situations like this in the future, and will only allow heiresses if there is no possible male heir, and even then her duty is to marry a hapless guy and produce a male heir as soon as she can to preserve her family line.
I’m also pretty excited about my spreadsheet for the Megakingdom, making pages for simple round info, a full resident census, individual families and family trees, records of deceased sims and events, the neighborhood and treasury, maybe one day including full economic notes on sensible pricing for SMSF goods. And charts on viable marriage prospects for each class, which I am pretty proud of. They’re sorted by rank, red means not allowed, bright green is preferred, and light green is allowed. Generally speaking, sims get bright green within the same age group and light green outside it, making it easy to prioritize same age marriages over, say, adult-teen marriages or teen-child betrothals. Both of those are allowed but not preferred. And these charts will change as sims age, and sims will be removed when they get married and added when new sims are born or rolled.
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I am very excited. The spreadsheets also give me something I can work on during down time at work!
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
Coming soon(er or later, but certainly in 2020)
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Lo and Behold, my Victorian Cassandra Goth x Don Lothario AU/Simfiction. I have already finished the first draft of the entire version, but it still needs editing. And visuals, of course. Therefore I have no idea when exactly I will start posting it. Still, here’s a small sneak peek - so that I can formally say I began it in 2019 (if anyone cares at all lol).
“Cassandra, do you believe in redemption?”, the howling winds carried Don’s desperate inquiry. Over this issue he had deliberated lately, harbouring hopes he could still atone.
Eyes fixed at the rough, choppy waters (for they had hazarded to the dunes), his companion trembled in the veritably arctic gusts winnowing her about unheeded locks. Or maybe for another reason… As deadly silence fell, he feared the malady had possessed her completely; she seemed entranced by the billows [...]. Suddenly, the doctor’s buried hopes rose from their sepulchres; she spoke.
“Should one have erred, the Almighty shall absolve him.”
And not a single twitch on that seraphic visage.
Nothing to lose, then! Endowing him with heart-piercing cold indifference, she would not despise him more for the imminent confession; impossible, since he had rendered himself maximally loathsome of his own making.
“I recommend you pay a visit to the vicar at his parsonage.”, she added, dead serious. “He will feel only too pleased to engage in a theological discussion.”
At last, emotions! Admittedly, of piquancy and ire, nonetheless indisputably welcome. He did not mind in the least her being sharp-tongued. Like in the good old days.
“I don’t need spiritual counselling, yet advice from a bosom friend. Forgive the equivocation, I should not have inconvenienced you with those redundant nuances.”
Her aristocratic features hardened yet a hardly visible nod of encouragement ensued. [...]
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cassandragothstan · 4 years
<if anyone cares...>
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
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D:I’m home!
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D: Hey, I’ve been looking for this shirt for ages!
C: I missed you too.
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D: Cass, can I have it back?
C: Then come and get it.
D: You sure?
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C: ...
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C: Hey! Get changed first! I don’t want you to smell of hospital.
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D: Your wish is my command.
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D: Actually, I was joking. You can have it, it looks better on you than on me.
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* dancing in the dark
in the pale moonlight *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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cassandragothstan · 5 years
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I couldn’t help some more, now featuring my otp.
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