#casper rove
firepokerart · 6 months
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week 2 VERY LATE sorry </3
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inosukes-boar-mask · 4 months
Century Mile victims if they were regular people in another universe
Norah Barnlow- still an architect. Probably a very famous one who's known for her bizarre yet majestic designs something like that. (Kinda similar to Zaha Hadid)
Casper Rove- Hmm.... Lemme guess..... He could still be a chess grandmaster who plays like Kasparov. (I mean his whole ahh name is a reference to Garry Kasparov though) or if not, I can see this guy as a software developer 👀
Orville West- definitely a Pilot. No explanations. Or he can also be an astronaut.
Ernest Picklebrain- he's either a crazy batshit science teacher or a crazy hobo man. There's no in between. (Also hate this guy for what he did to Aurora though.)
Arnold Nottingham- he's giving taxi driver vibes. Or probably just a regular guy who works as a welder something like that. He would probably work on a blue collar job though.
Celine Georges- Oooohh.... This one's interesting because I really think that Celine is DEFINITELY going to be successful in every STEM career. But in my headcanon though... I think she could be working as an aerospace engineer at NASA. Or if not, she's probably a mechanical engineer, or a chemical physicist.
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lonestarflight · 5 months
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"Astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission, works at the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) just prior to deployment of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) during the first extravehicular activity (EVA) on April 21, 1972. Note the Ultraviolet (UV) Camera/Spectrometer to the right of the Lunar Module ladder. Also, note the pile of protective/thermal foil under the U.S. flag on the LM which the astronauts pulled away to get to the Modular Equipment Storage Assembly (MESA) bay. While astronauts Young and Charles M. Duke Jr., lunar module pilot; descended in the Apollo 16 (LM-11) 'Orion' to explore the Descartes highlands landing site on the moon, astronaut Thomas K. Mattingly II, command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Modules (CSM-113) 'Casper' in lunar orbit."
Date: April 21, 1972
NASA ID: AS16-116-18578
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just--space · 2 years
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Apollo 16 Moon Panorama : Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. via NASA
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upwords1990 · 6 months
Best Selling Author
Scotty V. Casper has written a WESTERN FRONTIER... Historical Mountain Men making their way through the American Frontier.
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During the early days of America, people clustered together along the eastern seaboard, but after many years brave pioneers began venturing westward and each stop along the way was considered the Western Frontier. Then in 1764 American pioneers settled St. Louis on the Mississippi River, and it became the newest Western Frontier. Thirty years later Lewis and Clark’s expedition traveled all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Once the expedition returned to Washington DC with their report, trappers began moving out to the West to trap beaver. At that time there was a big demand for beaver pelts because gentlemen in the east and in Europe were fond of hats and other accessories made from beaver pelts.
In the 1820s, and into the 1830s, there were roughly 3,000 trappers roving about the Rocky Mountains. They enjoyed the wide open spaces and the freedom afforded them trapping beaver in the Rockies; it was a magical era. But trapping beaver was hazardous. Trappers were killed by Indians, grizzly bears, snakes, rivers, exposure, gun accidents, and by other means.
Jax Jepperson, our protagonist in this tale, starts out from St. Louis to ride by horseback to the Wasatch in the Rocky Mountains. He wants to be a mountain man. His father and brother were murdered in St. Louis so he found himself at loose ends, so he started westward to fulfill his dream. He starts out as a callow youth but by the time he reaches the Wasatch in Utah he has matured immeasurably. It turns out that the Wasatch is very beautiful. At the time beaver plews were bringing $1.25 a pound at the rendezvous, and at a number of newly established trading posts, or in St. Louis. So if a man was smart and diligent he could make a fortune trapping beaver. Jax intended to make a fortune.
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cjpromotionsmarketing · 7 months
Best Selling Author
Scotty V. Casper has written a WESTERN FRONTIER... Historical Mountain Men making their way through the American Frontier.
During the early days of America, people clustered together along the eastern seaboard, but after many years brave pioneers began venturing westward and each stop along the way was considered the Western Frontier. Then in 1764 American pioneers settled St. Louis on the Mississippi River, and it became the newest Western Frontier. Thirty years later Lewis and Clark’s expedition traveled all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Once the expedition returned to Washington DC with their report, trappers began moving out to the West to trap beaver. At that time there was a big demand for beaver pelts because gentlemen in the east and in Europe were fond of hats and other accessories made from beaver pelts.
In the 1820s, and into the 1830s, there were roughly 3,000 trappers roving about the Rocky Mountains. They enjoyed the wide open spaces and the freedom afforded them trapping beaver in the Rockies; it was a magical era. But trapping beaver was hazardous. Trappers were killed by Indians, grizzly bears, snakes, rivers, exposure, gun accidents, and by other means.
Jax Jepperson, our protagonist in this tale, starts out from St. Louis to ride by horseback to the Wasatch in the Rocky Mountains. He wants to be a mountain man. His father and brother were murdered in St. Louis so he found himself at loose ends, so he started westward to fulfill his dream. He starts out as a callow youth but by the time he reaches the Wasatch in Utah he has matured immeasurably. It turns out that the Wasatch is very beautiful. At the time beaver plews were bringing $1.25 a pound at the rendezvous, and at a number of newly established trading posts, or in St. Louis. So if a man was smart and diligent he could make a fortune trapping beaver. Jax intended to make a fortune.
#promotions2024 #scottyvcasper #BookNow2024 #bestsellingauthor #booktok #paperback #kindle #authors #adventure #western
#Frontier #oldwest #historicalfiction
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pricklenettle · 2 years
Fenton Driving School
The prompt comes from @gilbirda
WC: 3344
Prompt: The students of Casper High aren't sure why they are on a siege. The ghost villain is new, and they keep demanding for the Ghost King to show his face and battle them, but they don't know any 'Ghost King'. And why is the Fenton kid being held down by his friends? (PR284)
Danny Fenton felt like he was in a pickle jar. An impression not helped by the bottle green ghost shield that strained any light that got through into an unnatural twilight. When you looked up at the sun it almost appeared to wobble as though through old warped glass. This same effect made the huge ghost floating right outside look like a misshapen frog. 
Especially when he opened his mouth to bellow: “Where is the Ghost King! Fight me!”
Which was just a ridiculous thing to shout into the air. In any other world if someone walked around challenging the king of ghosts— well incarceration at an insane asylum would be the usual course. 
The ghost outside punctuated his cry by again punching a huge blast at the school. The shield wobbled, rippling like a disturbed pool. Danny sighed, but they were in his world and nothing so convenient would ever happen. He bounced his leg up and down, eyes flicking back and forth to track the attacker and watch for any other threats. Sam and Tucker stood on either side of him, guarding him from moving even a centimeter out of his seat on the steps in front of the school. The ghost shot another torpedo blast of force at the shield and Danny jerked toward it almost against his will. Sam sent him a loaded glare that would curdle milk and kill most small rodents. Danny settled back on the step.
All around them, students milled inside the shield, keeping together in tight worried groups. School hadn’t finished when the ghost attacked so inside was packed as well. Danny’s eyes roved over the parking lot, each vehicle representing a fraction of the students trapped in the ghost shield, crowding to the windows and doors, watching the ghost circle. Danny would have gone completely insane if he’d been trapped in a schoolroom on top of everything else. He was lucky other students were willing to risk their physical safety outside at the edge of the shield to catch a glimpse of Phantom. At least he had fresh air (although the breeze that filtered through the shield had the barest hint of stuffy citrus and battery acid, like bad cleaning product.) He didn’t feel lucky.
The ghost bellowed a blood curdling war cry probably designed to stop his enemies in their tracks, the students didn’t seem much more than annoyed by it though. Danny actually recognised this guy, it had taken him a hot second of course, for the simple reason he’d never taken him seriously.
Puncheus Maximus— yes, that was his name, was dressed like a wrestler you’d see on t.v. really, really bad t.v. Purple leopard print shorts and all. He did have a very battered, very real Roman helm, but Danny was pretty certain he’d found that after his death. Sometimes you couldn’t be sure though. Puncheus had led a small group of malcontents raiding Danny’s allies. Just generally spitting in the face of his reign, making big boasts, and failing to accomplish much except to be annoyances. So Danny had sent Fright Knight to clean them up so he could deal with the many actual problems clogging his life (one of which was locked around his waist under his hoodie.) Looked like Puncheus had joined the list.
Danny gritted his teeth and snuck another glance around the periphery. Everyone looked fine for now, if impatient. As for Puncheus, it looked like instead of using ecto blasts, the guy shot a powerful short range torpedo blast that vibrated the air every time he punched. It looked like it would hurt to take a hit head on, but Danny knew if he could just turn into Phantom he could bring him down.
“Ghost King,” he bellowed.
“We don’t know who you’re talking about,” Dash yelled, tossing a football at Kwan.
Kwan grabbed the ball out of the air, joining in a bit quieter, “Yeah, we don’t have any Ghost Kings around here.”
“Seriously, just let us go home.”
Paulina looked up from her perch on the railing at the top of the stairs. She smirked. “Phantom will make mincemeat out of you, so just go already before you embarrass yourself.” Apparently bored of bullying the ghost, she returned to her conversation with Star.
Danny buried his head in his hands. “This is what I get for playing up my fear of ghosts.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault.” Sam winced, she was always awkward in the position of comforter. “It’s not your fault people always see you run away from ghost attacks.”
He grunted, frustrated. Right now the specter deflector was at the top of his least favorite Fenton inventions. Dad and Mom had gone off to some conference, and they’d been very worried about the safety of their youngest child. So of course the best solution was to create a specter deflector designed just for Danny and his “ectoplasm residue” and lock it around his waist. The gesture might have been sweet if the stupid belt didn’t inflict terrible electrocution every time he tried to go ghost. At least the adjustments wouldn’t let it shock him on contact anymore. 
He turned to Tucker. “You’re sure you can’t unlock it?”
Tucker shook his head. “The lock is completely manual. They’re going to have to fly back with the key. Face it, dude, Phantom’s going to have to take the bench this time.”
“As soon as they get home I’m dropping this thing in the blender.”
Sam patted his shoulder. “You said yourself, this guy is no big deal, I’m sure Valerie can handle him.” 
“The suit Technus modified is completely ghost, she can’t pass it through the shield. I’m pretty sure she’s moping in the library.”
“Well, the ghost will have to give up eventually, won’t it?” Tucker’s voice was high and unconvincing. 
“Hey, Phantom.”
Danny groaned and dragged his hands over his face. “Hello, Wes. Would you mind leaving me to my misery?”
“Ha! You responded, tell me now you’re not him.”
“Alright, I’m not.”
Wes Weston crossed his skinny arms, scowling. “Transform already, I want to get out of here.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “If I was a ghost, I would be just as unable to pass through the ghost shield from this side as our friend out there.”
Wes’s face fell, perhaps finally realizing that he wasn’t being helpful at all. He crab-walked away up the steps, but then whipped out his camera anyway, as though Danny might transform after all. Danny sighed, kneading his palms into his eye sockets. 
It was Lancer who landed the final blow.
He came out of the school blinking, taking in the screaming ghost as though he hadn’t realized they’d been under siege for the past forty minutes. Then his eyes settled on Danny and he marched straight through the other students. There was no escape. 
“Mr. Fenton, this is the perfect opportunity to talk about your book report that was due today.”
Danny was done. He slapped his knees and lunged to his feet before Tucker or Sam could stop him.
“Sorry, Lancer, got to go.”
The Fenton thermos was in his backpack. He dropped it off his shoulder and plunged his hand in, rooting for it as he darted for the shield. 
“Danny, no, don’t do this!” Tucker slid down the banister, at the bottom he jumped off, arms out to tackle him to the ground. Danny skidded to a stop, just short of Tucker’s faceplant.
“Sorry, bud,” he shouted as he jumped over the prone form.
Tucker lifted a trembling thumbs-up into the air. “I’m okay.”
Danny’s hand finally closed on the thermos. And a good thing too, because Sam was sprinting at him with a look more determined than Cujo’s. He zipped the bag closed, then spun, launching the backpack at her at top speed. 
She went down with an “oof.”
Danny shoved the thermos into the front pocket of his hoodie, hopefully, it wouldn’t get in the way too much there.
“What is he thinking,” Lancer cried.
“Dash, incoming,” Sam shouted.
Dash turned, confusion on his dumb mug. That sneaky goth. Dash grinned, broadening his stance to intercept. Danny skirted around him, but Dash sidestepped to make a grab. It was easy to slip past him, and Danny left him behind. 
“What the heck are you up to Fen-turd?”
Other kids were now trying to grab him and hold him back, but Danny jumped and wound his way through, finally clearing the shield with a leap. It was like passing through a thick soup bubble, it caught him for a millisecond, green gooping over his nostrils, eyes, ears, the back of his neck like a freezing cold stream, and then it released him, letting him stumble forward into the parking lot. 
The ghost floated lower, glaring at him furiously. “You’re not the Ghost King.” His tone was mystified.
Danny put up his hands. “Nooooo, I am definitely not that guy, toootally not.” He raised his eyebrows waiting but Puncheus didn’t seem to get it. He stole a glance back to see Sam, Tucker, Lancer, Wes, Dash, and everyone else who’d been waiting outside the school pressed against the ghost shield watching him with wide eyes. The crowd was equally divided into delight at the mad show and the certainty that they were going to watch Fenton rushing to an early grave. Great, an avid audience was just what he needed. 
“Are you trying to mock me, human child?” Puncheus griped.
What was the plan? Who was he kidding, he never had one. Danny held back a laugh. If he could tire him out or take him off guard it would be easy to suck him up with the thermos. “I would never… Puncheus Maximus.” He won’t lie, a couple snickers burst out.
Puncheus seemed to take offense at that, he wound back, ectoplasm shimmering over his fist in glowing rings. “Shut up, I don’t need to take this from a brat. Tell me where the Ghost King is.”
“Don’t know anybody like that,” Danny said blithely, “how about I fight you instead?”
He snorted.
“Scared already? If you can’t even beat me, you should give up on Ghost Kings.”
“I am not scared,” Puncheus exploded. “You’re beneath my notice.” The fool floated lower so he could more effectively glare Danny into the ground. “You should be more careful who you—”
Danny punched him in the eye. He, of course, just went intangible, and Danny got to experience the other side of the cold sensation of his arm passing cleanly through an apparently solid person, but it certainly did the trick of making Puncheus really, really mad. Puncheus jumped back, letting loose with a torpedo blast. Danny leaped to the side, easily avoiding the wave of power that cracked the asphalt behind him. He darted forward, dodging another with both fists up. Puncheus scoffed, swinging a torpedo blast at him. Danny ducked under it, saw his chance, and landed two blows. Puncheus roared, Danny barely had time to roll away before a huge blast screamed past his ear. He couldn’t help a smile though, it was just what he thought, Puncheus couldn’t fire his powerful blasts and stay intangible at the same time. 
“You brat!” he shouted. 
He floated up a couple feet in the air, close enough that his blasts would still be effective but far enough that Danny would be missing his flight— not that he hadn’t been already. Puncheus reared back and sent a barrage of blasts raining down on him. Danny dodged behind a car, he put his back to it, wincing at the bang that no doubt meant a trip to the auto mechanic. He looked up in time to spot Puncheus floating over the roof and aiming another blast. 
Danny threw himself to his feet, avoiding a blast that splashed him with asphalt pebbles. “Wow, you are really bad at this.”
He ran deeper into the maze of cars, the rows packed tightly as the red marks that were going to crowd his book report— just as soon as he turned it in. 
It was a good chance to catch his breath. He got on his hands and knees so Puncheus would have a harder time seeing him. Jazz’s cruddy old car was somewhere nearby, Dad might even have stocked a Fenton bazooka. That would be lucky. He crept through the parking lot, carefully keeping an eye on the sky.
“Come out, brat.” Puncheus kept yelling. “You picked this fight, don’t run away now.”
Puncheus appeared right in front of Danny. He grinned, shooting a torpedo blast. Danny pushed off the senior’s car he was leaning against. The small car jumped sideways, the ugly dent right where Danny’s chest had been. He took a running jump, kicked off the side of the opposite car, and went flying through the intangible ghost. 
Grumbling he picked himself up, darting into another row of cars. The problem was hitting Puncheus at just the right moment. 
There it was. Jazz’s car was half shaded by a bush which did no favors for the peeling brown paint. Danny spotted Puncheus in a side mirror just in time to roll under a van. He peeked out carefully, it wasn’t too far of a sprint, he’d just need to be sneaky if he wanted any time to rummage.
He waited, Puncheus had stopped shouting threats. He eased himself out from underneath the van, squinting grumpily past the sun glaring into his eyes in search of Puncheus. Nothing. He crawled out. Keeping low to the ground he dashed across the empty space. The side of Jazz’s car was rough against his fingers when he ducked against it, scanning for Puncheus again. He reached for the handle, peeking through the window revealed a deliberately clean interior, a couple books in the back seat, and an empty coffee askew in the cupholder. He yanked on the handle again. His stomach sank, it was locked. Heavy boots crunched down behind him. He turned. Punchius stood over him with a triumphant grin. 
“Bad at this, am I?”
“Wow, you’re still burning over that quip? It wasn’t even that good.”
He shot a torpedo blast at Danny’s head. 
Danny rolled to the side, kicking out his leg to hook around Puncheus’s ankle. He went intangible but that just meant he couldn’t shoot torpedoes. 
“You really need to work on your self esteem.” 
Danny jumped to his feet, raining useless blows on him and dodging heavy punches. Then Puncheus caught Danny’s fist with his chin. He gaped at it for a single uncomprehending moment. Puncheus’s flashing red eyes glared murderously. Then a torpedo blast rammed into him. Danny hit the car hard, the breath whooshed out of his lungs in a gasp, and he felt the metal dent under his shoulder. Electricity from the specter deflector arced up and down his side as his ghost half tried to heal. He kept his balance, barely, even though his arm and chest felt like a wrung dishcloth. Puncheus grabbed his collar, dragging him up into the sky.
“Do you yield, brat?”
Danny wheezed out a laugh which made Puncheus’s eye twitch. “I just can’t—” he laughed, “I just can’t take you seriously. Congrats on landing one blow on a teenager.”
Puncheus’s face shot a livid green. “I don’t have time for this,” he said in disgust.
He swooped down. Danny tensed, ready to hit pavement. But instead, Puncheus forced him, intangible, through the roof of a car. Danny went sprawling in the backseat. Puncheus’s face phased through the roof above him. And what an ugly face it was.
“You should invest in cosmetics, I’ve taken more damage from your face than your punches.”
Puncheus snarled. “Be grateful I’m saving my strength for the Ghost King, kid.” Then his eyes glowed and all the locks snapped shut. 
Puncheus’s face disappeared. Danny could already hear his challenges starting up again as he wandered back toward the school. Well, this wouldn’t do, at this rate, he’d lose his crown to a t.v. wrestler wannabe who thought Puncheus Maximus was a cool name. 
Danny scrambled up over the divider into the driver’s seat. He only blanched when he saw the pile of graded papers in the passenger seat. This was Lancer’s car. Well, hopefully, whatever he did next would destroy his assignment in the crossfire. His fingers grazed over the ignition, no keys of course. He scrunched up his face in preparation for the pain and shoved his hand into the dashboard. The belt sparked, zapping out a series of light shocks. Danny just had to grimace, rooting around until the car revved to life. Danny quickly snapped back his hand, and the specter deflector immediately calmed down. A wide grin spread across his face as he switched to drive.
Danny stomped on the gas. The engine squealed in dismay, lurching forward in a skid. Danny’s teeth clicked together at the sudden acceleration, all the loose papers flew up like pigeons. He threw the wheel to the right, tires squealing messily. The back end clipped its neighbor. Puncheus spun, eyes wide with disbelief. Danny braced himself against the wheel. The car bucked as he smashed into the car Puncheus had been standing in front of. Time slowed, Danny lifted out of his seat, gravity losing its grip on him for a snapshot. Danny’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel. It was thrilling, feeling his heartbeat, his blood pumping through his veins like a hose, the euphoria as his brain bounced around his skull. Flying alive was great. Then he crashed back down, windshield cracked, head bouncing on the headrest. The front of the car was probably crumpled.  
Danny turned to the passenger seat with a smile. “Going somewhere?”
Puncheus was clearly discombobulated to find himself in the front seat of Lancer’s car. Automatically he retrieved the hand phasing through the door and the legs still standing in the street, folding them into the human space. Face drawn into a mask of fury, he leveled his fist at Danny like a gun.
“That’s it, brat, say goodbye to life.”
His arm rippled as it charged up ectoplasm.
“Already did that.”
Danny rammed the car into reverse, the gas hitting the floor with a satisfying thud. Puncheus was caught off guard in the tangible world where physics existed. He flew out the windshield, glass spraying across the asphalt. 
“I take tips by the way,” he shouted.
Danny pushed the brake for the first time, gasping. He put it in part, slipping his legs up into the seat. Feeling just a tad like jelly, he climbed out the windshield. He paused for a moment on the hood, planting his hands on his hips to survey the damage. Not bad for his first time driving.
Puncheus was still lying on the ground a few feet away. Danny hopped down, fishing out his thermos. He was face down on the ground, a couple shards of windshield sparkling under him. Other than a bad case of road rash and a healthy dose of shock, he looked fine. Danny let a devilish grin spread across his face. 
“I win.”
Puncheus just groaned miserably.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get back to the zone tonight, I’m sure Fright Knight is missing you sorely right about now.”
His eyes widened before the thermos’s beam engulfed him and he was safely vacuumed up. Danny couldn’t stop the self satisfied smile as he twisted the cap closed.
“Fen-turd, what the heck?”
He froze midstep, just then remembering his audience. He half turned toward them stiffly. The ghost shield had dissipated, but no one had moved, all staring at him. Sam smacked herself in the face.
“Are you— um, alright?” Lancer said, eyes popping out like a squeaky toy.
Danny put up a hand to the back of his head, laughing nervously. “Sorry about your car.”
Lancer seemed at a loss.
Danny laughed nervously again. Then he turned and ran.
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apod · 2 years
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2022 April 21
Apollo 16 Moon Panorama Image Credit: Apollo 16, NASA; Panorama Assembly: Mike Constantine
Explanation: Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap220421.html
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cosmos-pics · 2 years
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Apollo 16 Moon Panorama Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. Celebrate: Earth Day
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nlockett · 2 years
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APOD: Apollo 16 Moon Panorama (4/21/22) Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. Celebrate: Earth Day
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whyisthenightsosad · 2 years
Apollo 16 Moon Panorama
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Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. April 21, 2022 from NASA https://ift.tt/7aFhjKi via IFTTT
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expeditionspace · 2 years
APOD: Apollo 16 Moon Panorama
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Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. via NASA https://ift.tt/7aFhjKi
https://ift.tt/jSbpG5o from Blogger Expedition Space: Space Launch, Events, News
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lonestarflight · 5 months
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"An excellent view of the Lunar Module (LM-11) 'Orion' and Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), as photographed by astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr., lunar module pilot, during the first Apollo 16 extravehicular activity (EVA) at the Descartes landing site. Astronaut John W. Young, commander, can be seen directly behind the LRV. The lunar surface feature in the left background is Stone Mountain. While astronauts Young and Duke descended in the LM to explore the Descartes highlands landing site on the moon, astronaut Thomas K. Mattingly II, command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Modules (CSM-113) 'Casper' in lunar orbit."
Date: April 21, 1972
NASA ID: AS16-107-17436
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cyhnews · 2 years
Apollo 16 Moon Panorama
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Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. April 21, 2022 from NASA https://ift.tt/7aFhjKi via IFTTT
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stefany · 2 years
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Apollo 16 Moon Panorama Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth. April 21, 2022 via Space https://ift.tt/7aFhjKi
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mrm101 · 2 years
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Meanwhile 50 years ago... Apollo 16 is the eleventh flight in the Apollo Saturn V flight program, SA-511, and the sixth planned lunar landing. It is the second of the extended J-Mission series. The J-type version of the Lunar Module could support a stay of 75 hours and carried a Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). The CSM was equiped with a Science Instrument Module (SIM) bay for orbital science and mapping operations. The crew is…Commander John YoungHe is by this time the must experienced astronaut still serving having been co-pilot on Gemini III, the first crewed Gemini mission, Command Pilot of Gemini X and Command Module Pilot of Apollo 10. Command Module Pilot Tom ‘Ken’ MattinglyHe had been assigned as CMP for Apollo 13 but was grounded 72 hours before launch due to exposure to german measles.Lunar Module Pilot Charles M. Dukehad been back-up LMP on Apollo 13
Apollo 16 mission type-J
Apollo CSM-113 Casper (block-2)
Apollo LM-11 Orion & LRV-2
Saturn V SA-511
Launch Site: LC-39A KSC
Launch Date: 16 April 1972
Launch Time: 17:54UT
Lunar Orbital Insertion:..20:22UT 19 April 1972
Lunar Landing Site: Descartes Highlands
Pic: NASA (view of the north side of LC-39A, I think)
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