#casebook of Sloane Larson
sloanescasebook · 4 months
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Alright! Finally got this chapter done! This will be a quick rewrite/summation of Seven Year Itch, Breakfast in Bed, Blind Love and The Son Also Rises. (And a very brief mention of El Cuegle but I'm not a huge fan of that episode so it happened off screen, we'll say).
This will also be the last chapter based on canon episodes. Like I said before, there's still plenty I want to do so we'll be going for a while longer!
Out of the canon episodes though, the only ones I didn't do were: Season 1, most of season 2 up till I started rewriting at Volcanalis when Sloane showed up, kind of glossed over Endangered, never figured out where to insert Hibernaculum, didn't really feel like The Believer, glossed over El Cuegle, and now I'm just going to toss Tree People out. That's still a lot I did! Some faster than others, yes, but I did most of them.
There's a couple of reasons I'm not doing Tree people though. 1) while i love the creepiness and effects on the Jubokko and Kinoshimobe...the weeby Folklore lover was a bit irked because I didn't understand how it came to be there! These things grow where there's a lot of blood shed! What the hell happened in that forest??? it also felt a little preachy in some places about the enviroment--which I agree is important but it was a little obvious.
2) This chapter was already packed and long and I liked leaving it off .
3) The next chapter, an original idea/adaptation as all will be from now on, will also be centered on plants and plant wesen. So I think skipping over a chapter I'm not super enthused about for one I think will be more fun to write.
I also did include the diary from an older Grimm using the bone to sort of explain why trying to bring Patrick back wouldn't be good after what happened to Ketterling. I mean, after getting shot and messed up it seems like a bad idea anyway, but...I feel bad for him, I admit.
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dracophile · 2 years
Numbers 2 and 9 for your fanfic ask game please?? And specifically the Casebook of Sloan Larson!!
Hey! :D
2: Oh gosh, it was so long ago...If I remember right, the first scene I did when I officially started was a version of when they all first met at the Spice Shop. I hadn't figured out if I was going to start with a canon episode or an original, but I knew I wanted her to start out very combative and dislking everyone so I kept playing around with trying to kill them, getting caught and tied up, beating Nick, beating up Monroe and Rosalee...I didn't want her to be completely unlikable though so I pulled it back to Nick getting her to stop reluctantly. I figured her introduction would be a good way to get a handle on her character too. The pride I gave her reminded me of the Valiant Little Tailor, so that then inspired the rest of the first chapter (and wanting an actual GIANT wesen because I kinda like body horror sometimes...)
9: Oh yes XD I fully admit, Nick was not my very first choice as a love interest when I came up with Sloane as an OC--this was actually back when the show first premiered and she went through a few names and backstories then. And at first, like many, I really, really enjoyed Monroe and thought a Grimm/Blutbad love affair would be fun and dramatic and potential for a lot of angst. It was going to be a rocky romance focused fic, very Shakespearean tragedy but with a happy ending. Sloane probably would've been a bit different as well and started to learn from Monroe how to control a lot of anger she had and start working through her own trauma and them standing up to both sides.
HOWEVER, when Rosalee and Monroe's relationship started developing, it was hard to picture anyone else with him, they were such a cute couple with great chemistry. Conversely, while I thought Juliette had potential, I had a hard time feeling the chemistry between her and Nick (I blame the writing because the actors are actually together irl) and found her more interesting when she was away from Nick, and when she got her hexenbiest powers and was corrupted by them instead of her being somehow immune. And while I ended up liking Adalind towards the end and kind of liked her and Nick's chemistry, how they got around to it always kind of felt...off. Like it felt like we just kind of waved a hand at what she did to Nick because she also got pregnant because of it and they had to get together. Other things in the last season also didn't sit right, though I heard they thought they would at least have one more and had to wrap up quick. So I decided "Y'know what? It might be a little self-indulgent, but I think I could do something different and more satisfying, including with Nick's love-life." I started developing Sloane more as both her own character, but a potential match for him and it went from there. (Originally she was also going to be from a group of Viking-like Grimm but I pulled back on that in favor of making her Jewish).
Also, each chapter goes through a lot of potential rewrites. Sometimes I even start over completely if I can't get the right feel. I really enjoy doing ones based off of fairy tales and fables, and I fluctuate between wanting to be really obvious and wanting it to be more roughly based.
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fairy-writes · 6 months
For the AO3 ask ;3
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
this is really hard because i was literally on my way to recommend "The Casebook of Sloan Larson" because that's my fav fic atm but then i remembered you asked the question and are the literal author lol but if i REALLY had to choose...? probably THIS one right here! it's a crossover between grimm and dresden files (both of which i ADORE)
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
uuuuhhhh we don't talk about my search history... jk jk but recently? probably.... i honestly don't know. i feel like my search history is pretty tame in comparison to others.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
i'm gonna be boring and say i don't know again... i don't really make internet references or they don't make me laugh rip
(this is me saying i can't remember references that make me laugh)
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sloanescasebook · 6 months
Hey guys! Just letting y'all know, progress is being made. I got a little side tracked working on some original stuff, work,family stuff and before I knew it was the end of beginning of march -__-
But, after rereading and getting back int he swing of things, the next chapter is coming along nicely. I wrote a really rough, skeleton-like draft of the next few chapters together and now fleshing out the very next one. A few things are still in flux but I'm liking it so far.
Some may have noticed we're getting close to the end of the canon series.
But not here!
I still got stuff I want to write about with Sloane and NIck and the others, and a generally very different ending in mind. I mean, we got four other bones to find...
Without spoiling anything, some inspirations I know I want to hit:
-Puss in Boots (the story, not the movies)
-Prince and the Pauper (might combine with puss because the ideas I have are similar...)
-more Japanese urban legends and folklore
-Bloody Mary
-More Fae shenanigans!
-Mim and Jean finally get married! And maybe someone else...
-The triplets!
-stuff i don't know how to not spoil!
Some maybes:
-thumbalina (an old favorite but...how? without being really out of place?)
-Pygmalion (might be too much like Disguise and Dolls with the perfect children?)
-Ugly Duckling (did "I want to be beautiful" story way back with Killer Looks, based more on those "good sister, bad sister" sort of stories...So more like someone not fitting in? Adoption gone wrong? Jealousy over someone else becoming pretty? It is a classic.)
-Nightingale. (Technically I think "The thing with feathers" was working on this one as a theme with her having the gold nugget in her throat instead of a golden voice--combing it with the goose that laid the golden egg. But I was thinking something with the shady part of the music industry could be interesting...)
-Snow White and Rose Red--I was kind of picturing Sloane and Juliette/Eve in these roles, but I feel like we've settled that...
-Time whimey bullshit--jumping the shark?
That's what I'm running with right now.
Do you guys have any ideas? I make not guarantees, but I'd love to hear them. Is there a tale I"m forgetting or don't know that would be perfect? An urban legend? A piece of classic literature? Do you think Grimm dropped the ball with one idea? Let me know!
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sloanescasebook · 4 months
Bit of casting for the new(ish) characters!
Joseph Chen I picture played by someone like
Daniel Wu
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or Tony Leung
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Or BD Wong
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Handsome and charming Chinese actor is my basic criteria for this
For Jacob Saur I can now honestly only think of Max Jenkins
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I need an actor who is gay, can pull off nerd charm, but can look 30-ish with an inner boyish quality...if that makes sense. He'd pretty much look like this but wear more nerdy shirts and glasses. And then he busts out a surprising amount of strength and skill and kick your average man's ass
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sloanescasebook · 10 months
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Some wesen concepts I did when figuring out what to do on the recent chapter for Sloane. I knew I wanted to do the tourist trap town, and a wax museum after being inspired by watching the old and newer House of Wax back to back. I almost went a lot darker like the movies, with the statues being victims frozen and encased in wax or some other substance. But I decided I wanted to be a lighter toned story after the darker chapters before.
I considered a traditional gorgon with snake heads for hair, but it always felt weird thinking they might have tiny brains...
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Plus, seemed like a good chance to get in some Rattlesnake wesen! I realize rattle snakes are indigenous to the Americas and wouldn't be found in Greece or Europe in general, but hey, it's fantasy!
I also considered a jellyfish as a kind of "people thought the tentacles were snakes and it paralyzes people with it's sting" idea. And an insect wesen based on the lacquer bug that would encase people in a substance to hold them in place like statues. But ultimately i felt like gorgons and medusa in general were too iconic to subvert. So I did a more realistic mock up too. I decided on the full body woge later so I don't have a mock up of that...yet. If I make one I'll upload it. I also want to do one of the sirens, xyrafaki and cyclops.
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sloanescasebook · 10 months
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Little mock up of the Grimm eyes I've been working on, as they'd look on Sloane (using Yvonne Strahovsky as a base). We have normal, Grimm basic, the form awakened by Nick in Breaking the Ice, and then the one Sloane awakened after breaking the curse.
I've got some other art bits I'm finishing up as well
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sloanescasebook · 10 months
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Finally updated! Sorry for the wait, real life just keeps coming for me. This chapter also went through several different versions where I couldn't decide who the final villain was, or some other details I won't spoil here. I'll update later with some thoughts when people have a chance to read the chapter!
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sloanescasebook · 1 year
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So, this is very, very loosely based on The Wizard of Oz. Going to a a new world (state), guy shrouded in mystery being protected by a bunch of fantatical followers, witches, people needing some hearts, brains, and courage, etc. Going to be honest, it was not even intentional till I was almost done!
I’m sorry it took a while! I think doing bonaparte and this back to back was a lot harder than I anticipated--double bosses after all. It and other stuff made it tough to finish up. And more fight scenes! Fight scenes are hard!
But, overall, I like it and I’m happy to be moving forward. Gonna do a lighter chapter next.
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sloanescasebook · 2 years
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Quick little comic thing about all the things I considered when deciding on Sloane’s “father” while i had my tablet but not my computer. Ultimately, I’m happy I chose Victoria as I want to be more inclusive in my characters and especially make more trans, NB and other characters. And yes, Victoria is trans and pan.
What do you guys think about all the other ideas I had?
New chapter WILL be out soon, I promise. Christmas, my birthday, work, etc. have been INSANE the last couple of months...
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sloanescasebook · 2 years
Grimm 99
Sloane: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be!
Sloane: (gesturing to Nick) And this beautiful basketball-loving Die Hard fan is tearing down my walls of defenses! If we find out that he is half-Jewish, we are all doomed.
Monroe: Rosalee’s just upset because the historically entrenched patriarchy has created a culture of victim-shaming that suppresses any power shift in our masculo-phallic system.
Rosalee: Huh?
Monroe: I couldn't sleep last night so I watched a documentary on Netflix about feminism.
Rosalee: I love you.
Wu: Captain, hey! Welcome to the murder.
Sloane: Ugh, paperwork duty is so boring. I honestly would rather sit around and listen to you talk about the right way to make paella.
Monroe: There's more than one right way to make paella. There are ten right ways. You've got Valencian, modern Valencian-
Sloane: Wait, stop. I've made a terrible mistake.
Nick: Attention, our boss is headed this way. Everyone has to clear the hallway right now.
[The crowd grumbles]
Sloane: Shh!
[The crowd is silent]
Wu: [whispering] Wow, she is great at shushing.
Nick: (lovingly and a little turned on) I know, she's like a librarian.
Hank: You mean, like a sexy librarian? Or a Grimm one?
Nick: (still turned on) No, a regular one.
Nick: I was hoping that my best man duties would be all whisky and cigars, but this is Monroe we're talking about so we've got two straight days of wedding planning, plus he gave me this binder to prep titled "Fancy Brudgom". It means fancy groom in Danish. According to Monroe, the Danes throw the most beautiful weddings in the world. And the most violent funerals.
Nick: Insult me all you want, for I have only this to say-
Both: Victory shall be mine!
Sloane: I heard you practicing in the shower. You can't surprise me. Letting me into your life was the worst mistake you ever made.
Nick: Cool, fun take on our relationship.
Monroe: All right, someone's gotta go out there and kill that feathery bastard. Sloane, you're always looking for an excuse to behead something.
Hank: It feels like you're being a little harsh.
Renard: Thanks, good note. I was going for extremely harsh. I'll turn it up.
Captain Renard: An auditor will arrive shortly. He'll evaluate us on crime stats, physical plant, fiscal responsibility. There are 22 other precincts in Portland, so we just don't want to rate at the bottom.
Sloane: Are they gonna be looking in our desks? Also, unrelated someone left a bunch of swords in my desk.
Hey guys, working on the next chapter but thought of that first one. Thought it was funny so found a few more. Realized Sloane is kind of a strange combo of Jake and Rosa.
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fairy-writes · 3 years
3, 7, 9, 14 for fic writer ask?👀
3: Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
Probably not fanfic writing wise. I try and not be inspired by too many fanfics cause I’m paranoid I’ll get accused of stealing or something (I know I won’t, but my anxiety shoots through the roof when I even think about it)
I did start writing fanfiction in 2006 though! I was but a wee lass and wanted cat OCs inspired by the Warrior cats series by Erin Hunter.
7: Do you prefer short fics or long fics?
Long fics! Not that I don’t enjoy short ones but the longer the better! Some of my favorite fanfics are actually one million words or more. 
9: Tag 3 fit writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
I don’t really know what counts as underrated since I bounce from fandom to fandom. But I’ll put my three all time favorites! I’ll link their stories and tag them if I know they have a Tumblr. I’m not 100% sure with some of these folks.
The Casebook of Sloane Larson by @dracophile
Glass Lilies by FineChyna
Bloodborn Warriors by p1nkstardust
14: Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
Not really? The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain (my BSD oc story) I try and get at least 1,000 words per chapter and I do a lot of research for it so it really shows up in the word count. Anything else is kinda fair game lmao
Thanks for sending in the ask lovely!
Link to the Ask Game!
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fairy-writes · 4 years
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Taking a small break from all the bungo stray dogs and showing off a sketch I’m actually pretty happy with! It was drawn while I was driving in an RV so it’s sloppy but I still like it!
It’s actually a character named Sloane Larson from this freaking amazing fanfic series I’m reading. It’s called Grimm-The Casebook of Sloane Larson.
It’s a really great read and if you’re a Grimm fan then double points cause this is freaking incredible! I’ll leave the link below for any curious people :)
Grimm-The Casebook of Sloane Larson
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