#case iii . off duty. ⌕ ooc
ultdete · 6 months
softblocking instead of unfollowing >>>>>
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olympivnshq · 5 years
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congratulations daisy ! your dedication to HEBE was truly inspiring, it made L & i feel like plebeians and sit up and pay some serious attention, because who are we and what kind of life choices are we making ?? we can’t wait to see what else you do with juliet and how she flourishes as hebe with your first faceclaim choice: ZOEY DEUTCH.  
☆゚*・゚  OOC INFO.
Daisy, PST, lover of baking and Starbucks
HEBE, goddess of youth - FEMALE. 20-25
Juliet Young. Make-Up Artist and Waitress. Chelsea, Manhattan
mortal form: oversized sweatshirts, different earrings each day, dancing with or without music, “just for fun”, laughter at everything, heart-shaped lollipops, pink make-up brushes, commitment issues, decisions made by impulse, social media addict, one drink too many, lipstick stains on cheeks, crushes that last only a moment, a deep love for life, spots every dog within a 5 mile radius
goddess: forever young, smiles and sunshine, innocent on the outside, knowing her importance, the diligent daughter, always too perfect, ambrosia and nectar, golden goblets, delicate jewels, youthful beauty, patron of young brides, married to a legend (and a legend herself), a secret desire for mortality, the taste of honey, pink eyeshadow and flushed cheeks
“In her grandest form, she was covered in gold, iridescent jewels flowing. In her greatest form, she was barefoot in white cotton, the river-drenched skirts and grass stains her only adornment.”
i. And I remember all my childhood dreams; I find it hard to get them out of my mind ii. Been 21 since 17, thanks to all the magazines; sometimes I just wanna scream and break my screen iii. When the sky was gold, and I needed no protection; when I was young, whatever happened it would do me no wrong iv. An urge to kiss you and let this secret pleasure out; this youthful slender, hallucinate my woes away
Juliet Sinclair has experienced little tragedy in her mortal memories. She was carefully placed within a middle class family, given loving parents and a talented twin sister. They lived comfortable in Long Island for all of her “life”. They were happy - or so the pictures imply. She smiled alongside these people, these strangers who were not strangers at all, and she looked happy. Whatever vengeful beast cast aside the gods, they had shown her mercy with this naive life and innocent memories. Young and beautiful and unbothered - her luck was likely better than the rest. Juliet walks around the city with child-like trust, just as Hebe once walked the roads of Olympus. The connections established in these feeble memories had given her a clear path - one she had not questioned over the course of the past year. She is a waitress (once a cupbearer, always a cupbearer, it seems) at a hip Greek-fusion restaurant, and on her days off she is a fairly successful makeup artist, serving various socialites and the occasional C- or D-list celebrity. Her specialty is covering up wrinkles in order to give her client’s a “youthful glow”, or so her reputation says.
For whatever she has accomplished, Juliet is a severely naive girl. Life is perfect, life is beautiful - “Just smile and everything will work out!” She does not remember the trials of a goddess, but rather the innocence of mortal youth. Those doe-eyes exude hope, something many of her siblings had abandoned long ago. Rather than dwell on the difficult or even notice the bad, she lets a goofy grin spread on her lips as if she’s happy to simply be alive.
Her only trouble comes with something that plagues her entire “generation” - social media has consumed her, even in her memories. Perfect, pretty, poised. Juliet’s account is for business (she says), since many of her clients visit her page for samples of her work and even to judge Juliet herself. Each post is perfectly curated, each caption expertly written; she tracks the likes and despairs over a lost follower. She insists that it’s part of her business, but of course there’s more to it - both the problem and asset of youth is being seen. And she is seen, she’s made sure of it. But they don’t really know her, how could they? She doesn’t even know herself.
answer these questions: 1. are they more likely to stand with the pantheon or against it? Juliet has never considered breaking apart from the gods; she was their dutiful cupbearer (when she was Hebe, that is) and she did as she was told. But her desire to be mortal, her curiosity of what it is to live and die as a human, may create a fissure in her alliance. She would never lift a sword against her brothers and sister of Olympus - she has no reason to. Her life among the gods was idyllic. She was useful, needed; she was - is - an asset to their immortality. Juliet’s only concern is in her curiosity. Perhaps she would rather stay amongst the mortals than return to the mountain; perhaps she would like to grow up. What a shock it would be to see a wrinkle on her brow, with only skillful make-up as a solution and not simply a snap of her fingers to reserve the age.
2. what is their stand on mortals? Curious. That is the best word to describe her strange fascination with them. How can they be so comfortable with aging? Some fight against it, this is true - they cover their skin with liquid to blur their wrinkles, they use computers to enhance their features (or create new ones). Others accept the role of nature. They grow from child to adult and know that one day they will die. Hebe has never considered a death from age, not when she was able to so easily reverse it. She has always wondered what it was like to walk amongst them, to exist in their presence and in their world. The truth is, her youth might be better served in the ground than in the sky.
A lollipop sat between delicate pink lips as Juliet tried to balance a plastic cup of iced coffee, a bulky makeup case, and a tablet (whose screen had already been shattered from a similar situation) in overflowing arms. The items were tipping over, precariously threatening to crash to the floor and embarrass her in the decadent lobby. Her savior came in the form of a stranger, a man she had never met but she was sure she had known intimately in another life. Those eyes - blue, so blue. She would never forget them, yet she also did not remember. He appeared out of nowhere, catching her case and her dripping coffee all in one fell swoop. “Ah, my hero,” she teased, although a smile of gratitude crossed her mouth. And as he replied, his voice deep and strong, that tugging familiarity only grew stronger. Her brow knit as she watched him, as if the longer she looked, the likelihood of her remembering would increase. “Do I know you?” The question appeared to shock him as well - perhaps he was thinking the same thing. “Maybe we knew each other in another life,” he shrugged, and Juliet couldn’t tell if he was serious. That was the answer she accepted, though, and with bright eyes she enticed him into helped her up to her client’s floor. ( She had a feeling he would have trouble saying no to her, as if he couldn’t in their “past life” either. ) “What should I call you, then?” It was a simple question. She was looking for a name, something like James or Charlie or Adam. But when he replied, “Well, if I’m your hero, maybe you should just call me Hercules,” her entire body froze. She had no idea why there was ice in her veins, why her heart was trying to escape her chest to reach him. Ignore it, don’t let it bother you - it’s probably nothing. Just a crush that will fade as soon as he leaves your sight. As she entered the apartment, leaving him behind with a polite thank you, the woman she was faced with was equally familiar. There were rumors about her, as there always are in New York’s high society - they said she was promiscuous, that she had a different lover each night. That the woman was more obsessed with the idea of love than actually loving anyone. Juliet preferred to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but the feeling of familiarity tugged on her insistently. As she painted the woman’s plump lips red, she remembered watching them sip from a golden goblet; as she ran her brush along the woman’s nose, she remembered peering at its delicate slope from the corner of her eye as they sat side by side. How? How would she know these people without knowing them? And as she left she called her sister, someone she knew to be real and consistent and sensible. “I feel so weird,” she admitted, “like I forgot an entire part of my life. That’s so stupid, right?”
I went way overboard with pinterest.
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ultdete · 6 months
I want to make a hsr verse for Shuichi in place of his gen/shin verse… this has been the only game I’ve been playing for months on end now
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ultdete · 1 year
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ultdete · 1 year
I always think of how one of Shuichi's first cases was finding his classmates lost pet alligator and how he did intense research on alligator behaviors so he could find it, wrestle it, and return it home. Like what the hell was this guy's problem.
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ultdete · 1 year
it’s MY sleepover and EYE choose the comfort character!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ultdete · 1 year
Shuichi dissection while I draft things though *lays him out on the lab table*
but I feel like a lot people forget just how cynical Shuichi can be. like he is capable of being mean, sarcastic, judgmental, and blunt. Like he yells, isolates, vents/lashes out, and lies. I love him being this soft and sweet guy who tries to be the peacemaker as much as he possibly can, but at the same time I feel like he know sometimes peace just is Not an option and you have to put someone in their place to get to that peace. Hence why he has, on many occasions, lied, yelled, and fought just to attempt to get peace.
I also looooove when he's cynical, but he's mostly empathetic than anything else, so it's rare to see that side of him. I feel it's super situational. or if you piss him off the right amount.
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ultdete · 1 year
I feel so embarrassed I wrote so much and promised replies and such, just to experience very bad burn out the past three days. Fjgjdjg I had a feeling it would happen again and I really hope it goes away very soon.
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ultdete · 1 year
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ultdete · 1 year
But seriously, imagine how lonely Shuichi must feel. First being left behind by his parents who dumped them off with his uncle to live overseas without him (honestly you cannot convince me there’s No Way a successful actress and screenwriter cannot house their kid and take him with them), his first major case was (to some degree) a misunderstanding and the hatred and guilt he felt from solving it caused him to avoid eye contact / much interaction with others, and then he loses most of the people that meant a lot to him during the killing game. I know in the end he learns that he needs to take care of himself and heal the best way he can, but still it all Has to hurt. That’s all so much. I want him to have happiness that can last a lifetime and it stays, becoming routine.
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ultdete · 1 year
This inbox game response from @takinghisbow just would not leave my head so I had to doodle smth for it real quick.
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ultdete · 2 years
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ultdete · 1 year
i lov ur art!!! 💙💙💙
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WAH!??! I'M SO SOSOSO SORRY I'M GETTING TO THIS SO LATE!!!!! anon..... ily... come here.
I'm always deleting art from here because I'm so self conscious but aahhh this means a lot!! sadly I have no new dr scribbles to share since I've been away. I've mostly been drawing trigun stuff since the brain rot is so real rn. orz
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ultdete · 1 year
on mobile the rest of the night! I sat at my table chair all day and now my back hurts. orz
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ultdete · 1 year
REVISED MY VERSES PAGE! It's still a major work in progress, but I got the basics down I think!
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ultdete · 1 year
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Soooooooo.. how about a revised muse page?
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