ask-megamanx · 5 months
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X without helmet (3/3) Español: Zero: X, estas bien? X: seh... no te preocupes... --- X: Hay que pena... Zero: Pero que dices? te vez muy bien X: Gracias :)
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jadafitch · 3 days
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Halfway Rock Light Station, Bailey Island, Casco Bay, Maine. Sometime in the 1960s, coastguardsman, John Cluff was returning to the island with the recently repaired precious television set. It's always tricky landing a peapod in rough seas, the boat flipped, and the set sank. Three sad weeks with no tv.
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pre-hispanic · 2 years
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“ Esta figurilla procede de Colima y fue elaborada en torno al 300 0 600 d. C. Muestra un especialista ritual vestido como cocodrilo el casco puede ser removido en su totalidad. “
Figure from Colima around 300-600 AD. It shows a person dressed with a crocodile helmet. The helmet is removeable.
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pgfone · 1 year
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Oggi @manifestofuturista mi ha mandato la prima foto dicendomi "questo è come ti vedono le tue followers" quindi ho pensato bene di fare un "fantasia vs realtà".
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viejospellejos · 8 months
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cascowriteswords · 2 months
how do you expect me to sleep next to you at night knowing what you did? for the dialogue prompts please!
this maaaaaaaaay have taken me a little longer than expected to get to.
Lexa had just been falling asleep, finally. She was having one of those nights where she was dog tired but also wired, sleep an elusive and abstract concept she could feel like a fuzzy presence a the edge of her consciousness. She’d finally nuzzled into her pillow at just the right angle and pulled the sheets up to her chin with her leg sticking out and hooked over the top of the duvet to stay a comfortable temperature and she could nearly taste the sweet sweet relief of sleep.  
So when Clarke hmphed and turned over dramatically beside her, shaking the entire bed and yanking far more than 50% of the covers over to her side, Lexa’s eyes snapped open. And twitched. 
She took a deep breath - she was tired and didn’t want to snap at her girlfriend but at the same time, what the fuck? “Clarke?” Silence. Another deep breath and Lexa rolled over, blinking in surprise when she found Clarke only a few inches from her face. It was dark but Lexa could make out a grumpy pout, furrowed brows and lips set in a frown. “Babe, what are you doing?”
There was a brief silence that made Lexa think she might have to put in some more effort to draw whatever it was out of Clarke - although she already had an inkling what this was about. 
“How do you expect me to sleep next to you at night, knowing what you did?”
Yep, Clarke was still on about that. Apparently sleep depravation was Lexa’s penance.
“Clarke, it was a long time ago. Before I even met you! Or knew you existed.” She reached out and ran the back of her knuckles lovingly across Clarke’s cheek, trying to keep the amusement out of her voice. 
Clarke turned her head away indignantly, turning onto her back to cross her arms over her chest and stare at the ceiling. “Did you touch Costia - Professor Costia - like that?”
Clarke and Lexa had signed up for pottery classes together at the local community college, and tonight had been their first session. Turns out their instructor was someone Lexa had had a brief fling with years and years ago, Costia. Not wanting to seem shady or potentially put Clarke in an awkward situation, Lexa had told her about it casually after class. She and Clarke were both adults and while neither of them loved hearing about the other’s past sexual or romantic encounters, they acknowledged and respected that they’d both had lives before meeting each other.
That didn’t stop Clarke from sometimes feigning betrayal in a dramatic way when she felt jealous. Tonight it was just unfortunately was occurring when Lexa desperately wanted to sleep. “It’s just Costia, Clarke, she isn’t a professor,” Lexa laughed. “But of course not,” Lexa answered. “It wasn’t like that at all. It was more -” 
“La la la la la!” Clarke exclaimed, sticking her fingers in her ears. “I changed my mind. I don’t want to know anything else.”
Lexa bit back an endeared, amused grin. “Okay. You’re the only one for me, Clarke. My whole heart. Can we please go to sleep now?”
A few seconds passed without response. Then Clarke turned over abruptly again, towards Lexa, and slotted their legs together as she slung an arm over her waist. Lexa heard her breathing even out and deepen within seconds and rolled her eyes affectionately. 
She fell asleep shortly after, finding it much easier to do so with Clarke tucked up in her arms. 
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foreversedici · 19 days
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kpforpresident · 1 year
Good Vibrations AU
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Lexa is staring particularly hard at the one penis-shaped water stain in the damp ceiling, trying her absolute hardest not to eavesdrop on the couple that was standing a stone’s throw away, arguing hotly next to a hot pink, two-foot-long dildo that Lexa would hazard a guess at being at least as large around as her forearm. The girl, a tiny petite thing with platinum blonde hair fiddles with a bullet toy on the nearby display while the boy, a walking embodiment of a mountain dew and Cheetos gamer, gestures emphatically at the monstrous toy that dangles by the girl’s shoulder. Lexa can practically feel the toy staring at her with its bulbous head, the massive silicone ball silhouette gleaming softly in the dull fluorescent lighting. 
“Babe, I’m just saying, I think it would fit…”
Lexa bites back a shudder as she fastidiously scrubs away an invisible speck away from the display case that houses a frankly staggering array of lubes, both flavored and plain. 
One more year and I will have enough to pay outright for my master’s degree loans, and I never have to step foot in here again, Lexa finds herself thinking with the fervent hope of a thousand suns as she stares unseeing at a strawberry lube bottle that boasts an eye-wateringly bright green label that promises a “Sweet, Slippery Good Time!” 
“You have no issue with my dick, this isn’t that much bigger-” 
Lexa, fighting every demon known not to let out a cackle at the exasperated look on the blonde girl’s face, ducks her head to chew on her lip before moving from the safety of behind her glass and metal counter. Walking purposefully by the duo, she innocently straightens a lacy thigh-high garter that sits proudly in the slightly-frosted windows, just opaque enough to squeak by the city’s stringent guidelines but transparent enough to barely hint at what lay behind the metallic doors of Good Vibrations, Polis’s self-proclaimed best and largest sex shop. 
Kane, the town’s local eccentric but entirely affable billionaire had opened the shop three years ago must to the abject horror of the local evangelical group, led by the most fervent of the bunch, Charles Pike. 
Kane staunchly maintained that the shop existed to promote sex positivity and awareness in a world increasingly fraught with misinformation or staggering layers of prudish beliefs on the topic of sex education. Seething with barely contained hostility, Pike and his acolytes were ordered to cease their weekly prayer circles outside of the front door as Kane managed to find the largest, glittery, rainbow flag with a bedazzled uterus on it and set it flying proudly outside of their front door. 
Much to everyone and no one’s surprise, Good Vibrations does a rip-roaring trade in sex toys and accessories, with customers ordering online from around the world, business pouring in after young and scrappy student journalist Lexa Woods wrote a piece about the story of the local business for a university writing course. She, of course, had expected it to go no further than the boundaries of the sleep little town of Polis, assuming that many students would read the piece and make a note of the store as a place to stagger into when their sweet new girlfriend texted them that yes, they did really want to use the fluffy pink handcuffs, or no, of course, the vibrator wasn’t necessary and her boyfriend always made her O but the girl just figured it would be fun to try the Satisfyer Pro 2. You know, for science. 
Kane had laughed uproariously and framed it when the New York Times picked it up as an opinion lifestyle piece, hanging it just inside the front door with pride. He then offered young Lexa a job. Desperate to fund her dreams of global journalism and international affairs studies, she seizes the chance to work a flexible job with good pay and weekends off. 
Hence why she was currently furiously chewing her cheek again the onslaught of laughter bubbling up in her throat as Gamer Boy makes a show of jiggling the pink monstrosity of a toy near his own nether regions, minutely hip thrusting in the girl’s direction.
The girl rolls her eyes as she wanders away to examine some kinky position dice, leaving Lexa to contemplate the vast and confusing world of heterosexual encounters.
Her rumination on this topic is cut abruptly short by the cheery little chime of the shop’s front door, a high-pitched noise that automatically has Lexa pivoting away from the couple that is now arguing by a pair of furry, neon green garters, and towards the entrance. 
Only to be completely way-laid out by a wide-eyed blonde barreling towards her at high speed, brandishing something oblong and bright purple in her right fist. Completely nonplussed at this strange girl who was clearly on a mission, Lexa cocks her head and squints at the object in her fist, cursing the fact she forgot her glasses today. 
At least it’s not a weapon, Lexa finds herself thinking as bright blue eyes, sparking with indignation, are moving closer by the second. Hang on, is that—?
Skidding on the recently mopped hardwood in front of Lexa, courtesy of a curious frat boy and an exploded bottle of body glitter, Lexa has approximately 4 seconds to react as the girl slips, cartoon-like, feet flying out from underneath her as she fails to find traction on the glistening floor. 
Lexa, acting on autopilot, thrusts a hand forward to try and catch a flailing limb–
The girl hits the ground so hard the glass dildos rattle menacingly in their cases, Lexa’s teeth along with them. The girl peers up at Lexa dazedly, gaze sharpening and seeming to run the full gamut of human emotion before settling into horror. Both sets of eyes were now fixed on Lexa’s right hand, grasping the only thing she managed to find purchase as the blonde fell. 
A purple vibe fits snugly into her right hand, lights flashing at random as the toy gives a feeble bzzt of protest, seemingly in response to being manhandled in their owner’s fight with gravity. 
A strangled “What the fuck?” roughly 4 octaves higher than normal is all a startled Lexa can get out in response, a very gay part of her brain flashing loud rainbow lights as if to alert her that by some strange twist of fate, she has ended up being personally given this very pretty girl’s personal sex toy. Said toy vibrates feebly twice more before going dark and silent, as if satisfied that its death toll was in Lexa’s confused hand. 
The blond’s head hits the ground for a second time as she rolls her eyes back to face the ceiling, seemingly resigned to her fate. Then, as if animated by the gay sex gods, she pops up again to snatch the toy out of Lexa’s hand. 
“You-” Lexa can barely lean back in time as the purple toy sails within millimeters of her nose- “owe me an orgasm, Woods.”
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utkhowaga · 4 months
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Casco Viejo, Bilbao-Bilbo, Vizcaya-Bizkaia.
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aricastmblr · 3 months
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bts_bighit X 2jul2024
🤷"?!"🤷 2024. 08. 08. Coming Soon
Jimin Jungkook travel show Connecticut, EU. 230714~230716
Salen al atardecer - bosque, en moto, kayak , conducir, nadar, hacer snorkel abrazados, recostados en yate, pizza, visitas…
(cascos parecidos!¡?)
G.C.F in Budapest
BTS_twt X 8:00 a. m. · 20 nov. 2023
G.C.F in Budapest
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lovingtheshow · 7 months
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Simone worried caring boyfriend mode: on
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jadafitch · 28 days
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Spring Point Ledge Light in winter.
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antolingarcia69 · 2 months
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Palma, Mallorca.
Uno de los lugares de Palma por el que me cuesta mucho pasar sin tomar una foto.
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dysco-lymonade · 1 year
From the prompt list - doorstep, please :)
Here’s some more of the cabin AU.
Still accepting fic names, but ‘The Hideaway’ suggested by anonymous-red-506 is a top contender.
Shoving her clothes into her suitcase with the fury of the fire of 1000 suns, the last thing Clarke wants to hear is a knock on the door of her hotel room.
She wants to get the hell out of the mountains and back to her apartment in the city.
She’d gotten way too close to Lexa. She knew better. She fucking knew better. now Raven is trying to come patch things up.
Her best friend tried to talk to her earlier in the day, but Clarke was beyond the point of consolation.
How dare Lexa pull her close and pry all of her secrets out?
How dare she convince Clarke to spill her deepest desires and fears?
That fucking Lexa Woods.
Charming, swaggy, confident, conniving Lexa fucking Woods.
Clarke shoves her sweatshirt into the suitcase and makes her way to the door, ready to give Raven that fury of the fire of 1000 suns. How dare she put this whole setup into play?
That fucking Lexa Woods, who Clarke spies through the peephole.
That Lexa Woods who is standing outside of Clarke’s door with her hands shoved into her hoodie pocket, looking anything but confident.
That Lexa Woods mumbling to herself and looking anything but swaggy.
Clarke rips the door open, ready to unleash her fury.
“What the fuck could you possibly want?” Clarke spits out as she tears the door open.
Lexa fucking Woods, who for the first time since Clarke has met her, looks small.
“Clarke…” Lexa all but sobs. “Please, Clarke.” She begs, “Let me explain.”
“Why are you here, Lexa?” Clarke seethes.
“It’s the only place I want to be.”
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viejospellejos · 3 months
Lo primero es lo primero:
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majortom84 · 6 months
IPN Casco de Santo Tomás, CDMX 💜
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