#cas rants to him about Gortash and he goes “brother hes ugly as fuck can you just kill him already”
nevarroes · 7 months
ur hitting us w/ all the fatalistic endings, but is there one where things dont go bad? no heroes, no mortality, no fall? pls spare a crumb of happiness
okay u know I was just going to beg 4 forgiveness and say that Gortcas doesn’t really have a “good” ending (this is still true) because of who they are as people, you know.... men that will just drive whatever they’re doing to such an extreme that I see it as impossible for them to just end normally. Like if it’s not their conquest and need for power driving them to their ultimate fate it’s them as people just ruining each other sooner or later etc etc u know what I mean
BUT… there is more or less an ending to me that I usually enjoy entertaining the most where Cas’ story intertwines with the story of Jace (my main oc. my face. my pfp I know he does exist outside of serving cunt sometimes….) and it's well, not necessarily "happy" but it leaves it open enough that they might just be fine rn 💖
anyways Jace was, while Cas was in the Hells still, Mephistopheles' advisor but clearly for his own gain. I’m not going to elaborate TOO much about who or what Jace is but tldr is that Jace was the one making sure Cas survives long enough to get out of the Hells after he got disgraced and wounded by Mephistopheles and later on functions a bit as an informant about whats going on in the Nine Hells. (Why? Let’s just say Jace is something like a…. Aeon that started to rebel against Ao and the concept of balance and then fell from grace as well, ending up hiding as some common devil with a bit too much knowledge of what might happen) Much later when Cas confronts Bhaal Jace basically offers him a deal where he wants Cas to allow him to take his place as a new God instead and he will give him the powers and position of an Archdevil, basically allowing him to return back to the Nine Hells. Cas, who, as I mentioned before at some point, was VERY scared of losing himself (as in change as a person beyond recognition) if he becomes a God and also having yearned to live freely in the Hells again for ages takes this offer. also because he knows that he’ll be powerful enough down there to extend Gortash’s life or even turn him half immortal as well as long as he has some freedom and access to the Hells secrets/magic again
To me this is the only “ending” to the current plot that is, I suppose, not horrendously tragic because it just leads into another timeline where Cas and Gortash end up fucking around in the Nine Hells instead and begin challenging the Lords of the Nine 4 power (what else do you see them doing. lets be honest) … also Cas finally gets a shot at revenge on Mephistopheles as well 🙏 I'm not saying whatever is going on in the Hells will necessarily end well for them but it ALLOWS for a slightly better final end which I will not write. be free kings, try not to die horribly🔥
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