#cas ep: the ostrich effect
medicallymercury · 1 year
God not to be defensive of Teddy after only one of today’s episodes but to be defensive of Teddy after only one of today’s episodes, I feel strongly that his behaviour so far is no worse than what Sah and Paige have done.
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medicallymercury · 1 year
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I don’t really have the brain space to form actual readable thoughts, I’ve got thoughts but they’re nonsense thoughts so I’ll just rotate them in my microwave brain for a couple more days but I’m so ludicrously excited guys!!
Edit: Okay, one coherent thought, I’m seeing people worried about them doubling up on episodes and what that might mean for scheduling (and yeah, I know it got bad at the end of last year, and I wouldn’t surprised if that happens again) but these episodes feel like they were written to air together to me? Reading the summaries of both - it’s the same three storylines and even the way they’re written seems to link them. Who knows, I guess.
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medicallymercury · 1 year
The Ostrich Effect and One Hundred Years (02/09/23)
Double episode day was a great one for me to be honest - Barbie movie and then Chinese takeaway and then DOUBLE CASUALTY. But I’ve only just gotten to sit down and fully take in the episodes.
The stuff to do with Teddy, Paige and Sah is gonna probably be it’s own post when I’m feeling up to it or at least a post about Teddy because I am definitely feeling excessively sympathetic towards him right now - he’s so stupid but he’s also so me. Basically, I disagree with the proposal as a writing decision but will still defend how Teddy got there as a character. I don’t know, I feel weird about it all and I can just feel Sah and Teddy’s ability to go back to the way they used to be slipping away and it makes me so sad because they’re why I got back into Casualty in the first place (the episode that drew me back in was With a Bullet).
Like last time I had to make a post about two episodes at once, it might be a little mushed in my brain so I might miss things or not mention stuff but like I swear I technically know it happened.
The Ostrich Effect
I felt so bad for Dylan in this episode :( With his new aftershave. I respect the love triangle and whatever but for all that I think Max is really interesting as a character and think his relationship with Jodie is super interesting, Dylan is the clear choice on a romantic level for me.
I enjoyed all of Dylan and Max’s scenes in this one, I’m wanting a One Man and His God style episode for them more than ever right now. It would make for such a brilliant special episode between this chapter and the next.
I think Stevie is so great lately and hate how she’s been dragged into all this stuff with Faith. Got nothing else to say cause all I ever have to say about Faith is that she is there.
I know we didn’t get much of this, BUT I LOVED RASH AND RIDA’S SCENE.
I did enjoy the scenes we got with Teddy and Jan and Gethin - but that’s the part of the that loves family stuff for every character I care about. Spoilers but I’m excited for how Teddy will be involved in next episode’s stuff.
One Hundred Years
Storm episode, love that. No other thoughts just think it’s cool.
FINALLY, Iain has told Max about Faith and Stevie was going to. But I still can’t see this properly getting rid of this stuff, the writers seem so attached to this storyline. Really enjoyed Iain and Stevie’s moments. That moment with the reveal that Iain has already told Max!!
Surprised at the lack of Donna in both of these episodes actually.
This is a relatively minor moment. When Dylan tells Max and Jodie they can’t his mum/her nan, they pull like the same face and I just appreciated that. I love all their family stuff, and Max stressing about now wanting to hurt her when he hasn’t given her anything is so sad. Really loved their family stuff in this one.
Again, not gonna touch the proposal and stuff in full here but Jan and Sah’s reaction!! I choose to believe that post-proposal they went back to the ambulance station and had some overly-sugary tea and got the emergency pink wafers together because this is very much an emergency.
Looking forward to this week’s episode (and tomorrow’s spoilers for next week) moving on from here.
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medicallymercury · 1 year
So I said I’d be happy no matter how the storyline with Sah, Teddy and Paige went just because I find Sah and Teddy’s relationship so interesting but I actually didn’t account for it going this way.
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I’ll be honest I don’t agree with this as a writing choice right now, like I could believe Teddy taking Paige back as quickly as he did even though I didn’t think he should do that because it lined up with what’s happened and how he’s characterised. Even if she ends up saying no (I’d be very surprised if she doesn’t), I don’t believe he’d go this far. I guess I didn’t agree with the kiss happening until it happened but also like they’ve been together a couple months and Gethin feels like a not-great source for relationship advice.
Live Mercury’s Thought Process As I Type: Was this foreshadowed back in 37x32? “I need to know how much time I’ve got to get a suit fitted.” “Suit fitted for what?… No, no. Not like that, not yet.” “Well, I need to be your best person anyway, so…” “I don’t know about that.” “Well, who else is gonna do it?” “Iain could?” and then also “Second date, you’ve gotta decide - church, registry office, Vegas?”
I still don’t agree with it but I am counting that as foreshadowing.
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