#cars honda civic 2018
firriapril · 1 year
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When your friend gives you a chance to ruin (improve) a Honda Civic R with your own bodykit design you take those!
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lyric-civic · 10 months
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A little guy can still do big things.
Shot on Canon EOS Rebel T7 12/4/23, Unedited.
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“Starter” August - Preview
Here we go! Preview of August «Starter»! These 9 cars available for Patrons!
Cars will be available since August 1’st.
2024 Honda Civic Sedan 🇯🇵
2021 Honda e 🇯🇵
2023 Volkswagen Arteon Shooting Brake 🇩🇪
2018 Jaguar I-Pace 🇬🇧
1983 Volkswagen Golf GTI 🇩🇪
2004 Nissan 350Z Roadster 🇯🇵
2018 Porsche Cayenne Turbo 🇩🇪
2022 Ford Escape 🇺🇸
2022 Wuling Mini EV 🇨🇳
Go and join my Patreon!
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perpetualproductions · 4 months
Never Be The Same- Chapter 7
All For Us
- Jordan, Emma, and Marie confront Andre, demanding an explanation in regards to his new job.
(Title song: All For Us by Labrinth & Zendaya)
[a/n: This one's a little bit heavy. Tears may have been shed. But I love angst so we ride.]
CW: mentions of drug use, cigarettes, sense of betrayal, emotional hurt.
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Bad Habits. Everyone has them. Jordan has their fair share of bad habits, though, some people might call them something else; dependencies, unhealthy coping mechanisms, whatever the fuck. But Jordan prefers to call them bad habits, cause everyone has them, it's only human.
So, there Jordan sits in the driver's seat of their Dark Blue 2018 Honda Civic, partaking in one of their many bad habits. They were meant to be getting gas, which they did, but instead of heading straight back home, they found themselves parked in the middle of an empty parking lot, windows rolled down, and a lit cigarette in hand. 
They sat there in female form, taking a drag as they stared off in the distance, contemplating on all the shit going on in their life right now. Even though she wasn't there, they could already hear Marie's voice telling them off about their “nasty habit” as she'd put it, and it's not like they disagree either. It really is an ugly habit that developed as an adolescent act of rebellion, which only became more frequent the more they realized how shitty life was to deal with sober. They had tried to quit a few times since then, only picking it back up when they had a particularly shitty day, but by college “quitting” was really just doing other drugs in place of it. As long as it took the edge off it worked for Jordan.
The longest they'd gone sober (besides a couple drinks and a blunt every now and again. It's not like they were an actual addict.) was when Marie and Emma convinced them to do so a month after Godolkin fell. They actually kept it up for a while too. Marie being there was a big help. With her, they honestly didn't really feel much of a need to get high or drunk. She was more than enough to make them feel good and content with their life. That did of course all change with recent events. 
Since Marie moved away, they did find themselves smoking weed a bit more than usual. But that was just weed, not like it was cigarettes or coke or whatever, and they were also back in school and weed always helped them unwind after a particularly stressful week. But now, Andre's in the Seven, and Vought's back on their radar, and as much as they didn't want to (especially with Marie back in town), they needed something to keep them from fucking exploding. So while they were at the gas station, they bought a pack along with Gatorade, gum, and some car air fresheners, and drove to an empty parking lot by a construction site that they used to frequent (with Andre, actually… fuck).
They just couldn't catch a fucking break, could they? Frustrated, they put out the cigarette and threw it out the window, the entire pack following after it. They chugged some Gatorade, popped a stick of gum, hung up one of those silly tree shaped car air fresheners, and made their way back home.
Later that day, Jordan found themselves back at that same parking lot. Except this time, Marie and Emma were in the car with them. It was dark out, the sun having set not too long ago. Jordan sat in the driver's seat in their female form, all their nervous energy manifesting as incessant finger tapping. Jordan's eyes flickered around from mirror to mirror, watching and waiting for a certain someone to show up. 
“Can you please stop with the fucking finger tapping? It's a steering wheel, not a fucking drum.” Emma exclaimed from the backseat, clearly annoyed. 
“Well, sorry if I'm a bit on edge, Emma! How about you leave me the fuck alone?” Jordan snapped back, the tense energy getting to them.
“Hey! How about we all just fucking breathe for a second, yeah?” Marie interrupted from the passenger side. She turned to look between the two of them. “We're all on edge, alright? But it's almost 10:30 so let's get our shit together before Andre shows up, okay?” 
Jordan and Emma mutter in unison. Jordan stops their tapping and Emma leans back against the window and takes a breath.
Marie reaches over and gently places a hand on Jordan's knee, looking into their eyes once she has their attention. “Hey, it is going to be alright, you know.”
Jordan sighs and nods their head. “Yeah, I know. I'm just… I don't know.” They shake off the thought of how they really feel about this situation. Facing someone they considered a close friend, the third close friend that they would lose within the past year. It was just too much and they really didn't want to think about it. 
Marie nods understandingly. “It's okay. I get it. Just remember, you're not doing this alone. Emma and I are right here, and we're all in this together.”
Jordan looks forward, biting their lip a bit to hold back a smile. But they couldn't help the small breathy laugh that escaped.
Marie gives them a confused look, “What?” she asks, curiously.
“It's nothing, really. Just- just ignore me.” Jordan says, still trying to hold their laughs in.
“No, tell me! Come on, why are you laughing?” She nudges them lightly. “Was it my speech?” 
Jordan clears their throat in attempts to recompose themselves, looking back at Marie. “No, your speech was great, babe! Very comforting. It's just…” another chuckle escapes as Jordan explains themselves. “You said “We're all in this together” and all I could think about was fucking High School Musical.” A smile makes its way onto Jordan's face. “I was laughing at myself, okay? Not you.”
“Dude! I fucking LOVED High School Musical as a kid! That was my shit!” Emma exclaims from the back seat, leaning forward to be included in the conversation.
Marie can't help the smile that makes it onto her face, mirroring Jordan's. Hell, seeing Jordan's smile always made her want to smile just as big. She lets out a chuckle. “It was kinda silly, wasn't it.”
“Maybe a little bit.” Jordan answers, glad Marie was laughing along now. “It did help break the tension.” 
“Seriously guys, when are we doing a High School Musical marathon? We need to do one!” Emma pleaded, but they were all interrupted when a pair of headlights appeared in front of them.
As the lights turned off they finally recognized the car in front of them as Andres. Everyone went silent, the previously light atmosphere now replaced with the same tension from before. Jordan shifted to their male form before taking a deep breath.
They watch as Andre steps out of the black Audi R8 convertible. Once out, he raises his hands to show that he means no harm. Marie looks back to the others in the car. “We ready?”
“As ready as I can be.” Emma replied.
Jordan nods, eyes still looking at and around Andre to make sure he was really alone. “Here goes fucking nothing.” They say, opening the car door and stepping out, Marie and Emma following after.
“You alone?” Jordan asks as they scan the area. 
“As alone as I can be.” Andre responds with a shrug. 
Jordan just stares at Andre, making it clear that they weren't here to fuck around. “Yeah, I'm alone.” Andre says, dropping the sarcastic tone. 
Jordan glances over at Marie, who nods her head, confirming that Andre was telling the truth. The three friends stand side by side, facing Andre who's standing in front of his car. “You care to explain why you fucking betrayed us?” Jordan blurted out, disdain clear in their voice. 
Marie turns to look at them, placing a hand on their shoulder. “Hey, we said we'd leave the accusations for after he explains himself.” Marie mutters.
“No, it's fine Marie. I get it. I will explain myself and hopefully you guys can understand that I did this for you.” Andre voiced. Jordan scoffs, shaking their head, but opting to listen to Marie and remain silent. 
Marie takes her eyes off of Jordan and looks to Andre. “Just explain what happened, Andre.” Marie spoke, clearly tired of the conflict. She just wants to know why Andre did what they did. There was no taking it back at this point, and she was really hoping she wouldn't be losing a friend here.
Andre clears his throat and prepares to tell his side of the story. “A few months ago I was visiting my dad, and as I was leaving a woman came up to me and told me that Ashley Barrett wanted to talk to me. And of course I was fucking shocked, cause why the hell would the CEO of Vought want to talk to me? After months of visiting my dad there, no one bothered me- no one bothered us, and I didn't know what to do so I said no.” Andre takes a breath, running a hand over his hair. “But then, she mentioned how apparently, Ashley was the one paying to keep my dad alive this whole time.”
Andre looks away, wringing his hands together, nervously. He clears his throat again to distract from the emotion rising in his chest. “They said they could've, and probably should've pulled the plug by now. But Ashley kept him plugged in, and even paid a whole fucking team of scientists to find a cure for this thing.” Andre gestures to his head. 
“Fuck… that sucks.” Emma comments, earning a small chuckle from Andre. 
“Yeah, it fucking does.” Andres eyes are watery, his voice rough from the knot in his throat. 
“So is that why you did it? They're holding your dad over your head as leverage?” Marie asks. Just the idea of Vought doing something like that to Andre pisses her off. 
“Not exactly. When I went up to talk with Ashley she mentioned that my dad's most likely not gonna make it. ‘He's too far gone’ “ Andre said with air quotes. “But by keeping him alive, they could hopefully figure out a cure for me.” Andre explained.
“So it is all about you then? You agreed to join The Seven just so you could use your powers again? And you're not even sure if they'll actually find a way to cure your fucked up head!” Jordan accused, switching into their female form. 
“That's not the only reason! I'm doing this for us. You think I wanna be in The Seven?” Andre retorts.
“Oh, what a fucking sacrifice!” Jordan shouts back. They take a step forward, Andre mirroring the move, and both Emma and Marie go to pull Jordan back.
“How about we don't fight in the middle of a fucking parking lot?” Emma notes as she and Marie make sure there's distance between Jordan and Andre. 
“Yeah, how about we talk like adults instead of fighting like fucking children?” Marie adds. 
Jordan and Andre stare at each other for a moment before relenting. They both take a breath, Andre avoiding eye contact as Jordan continues to glare at them. “Finish the damn story, Andre.” Marie mutters tiredly.
Andre straightens himself out, and continues talking. “Long story short, I talked with Ashley, and she was really fucking weird and intense. She said if I joined The Seven, then Vought would keep leaving you guys alone, so I fucking agreed, okay? Cause yeah, Jordan, it's not that bad of a sacrifice. It's a good deal. I just have to look pretty for Vought and you guys get to live your fucking lives!” Andre exclaimed, leaving the group in a relative silence for a few seconds. 
Jordan continues to stare at Andre, listening to his every word. They didn't know what to think. They hated Andre for folding so easily, walking back into that world like they never left. They also understood wanting to keep Vought out of the others' lives. Marie and Emma especially had bright futures ahead of them that could all come tumbling down if Vought wanted it to. But for the Tenth time in their life, they felt abandoned, left behind to deal with the pain while the others got to move on. 
Jordan felt tears start to prick up but forced them back as they switched back to their male form. “We didn't ask you to do that! You just agreed on the spot and didn't even think about how we would feel about it! I mean, what did you expect from us? After you told your sad little story about how your dad's dying, and now you have to do what you've been trained to do your whole fucking life; being Vought's little bitch!” Everyone looked at Jordan, shocked at their outburst, but Jordan wasn't done. 
They stepped closer to Andre, Marie and Emma throwing themselves in between Jordan and Andre. Marie tried pushing Jordan back, but she might as well be pushing against a brick wall. “What did you expect, huh? You want us to feel bad for you? Say thank you? Thank you, Andre, thanks so much for signing a fucking million dollar contract with a corrupt business, to run around and play fucking hero!” 
“Jordan, stop! Blowing up isn't gonna fix anything!” Marie pleaded, still standing in their way as they continued to walk towards Andre. 
Andre just shook their head, “Nah, you know what? Fuck this. This was clearly a mistake.” Andre turned around and began to walk back to their car. 
Jordan scoffed, “Of course you give up already. Just walking away like a fucking coward! Is this not worth fighting for, Andre? Too fucking difficult for you?” Jordan shouts as Andre makes it to their car door, unlocking the vehicle. 
Andre just bites their tongue. They know there's no winning with Jordan when they're this upset. Maybe they can try again later. 
“I thought we were friends!” Jordan yelled out, eyes watering as their emotions got to them. They wouldn't admit it, but they didn't want Andre to walk away. Basically pleading for him to stay even though they were berating him. 
Andre stops just as they were about to climb into the car. He looks up at Jordan, tears present on his face. He shuts the car door, pocketing the keys and walking over to Jordan, standing a couple feet in front of them. “We are friends, Jordan.” Andre states. 
“Friends don't do this, Andre! They don't abandon you!-” Jordan shouts but is interrupted by Andre. 
“I'm not abandoning you!” Andre declared. 
“Yes you fucking are! You're leaving me behind just like everyone else did!” Tears begin to fall down Jordan's face. Emma and Marie look at each other and silently agree to step back and let the two friends work through their stuff. 
Jordan runs their sleeve across their face, trying to erase the tears, but they keep falling. They clear their throat, attempting to loosen the knot that formed. “You know, when I first met you in my freshman year, I thought you were just another stuck up rich kid that didn't actually give a shit about school, and was just there to fuck around and party. And I was right.” Jordan takes a breath, looking Andre in the eyes. “But you were also the first person to not give a shit about the whole bigender thing. Even before Brink. You were the first person to not give a shit that I was a guy sometimes and a girl at other times.” 
Andre slowly nods as they recall first meeting Jordan, which felt like fucking ages ago at this point. More tears began to stream down his face. “You introduced me to Luke and Cate, taught me how to properly party, and humored me when I'd ramble off on whatever bullshit was happening. You were my first real friend Andre… So why?” Their voice broke as they spoke to Andre. 
Jordan's face was wet with tears, and raw with emotion as they stared back at Andre. “Why didn't you come to me? Why did you just walk away, right into their arms like it was easy? Why didn't you fight harder?” Jordan pleaded, their voice breathy and broken, just above a whisper. 
Andre shakes their head, wiping some tears away and shrugging his shoulders. “I don't know. It seemed like the right thing to do. My dad's dying and I don’t know what I'm gonna do once he does.” Andre couldn't help but laugh at his situation. The laugh was so misplaced, you would have thought he was losing it. “You're right, Jordan, I have nothing going on for me! My whole life, everything I was taught, was to prepare me for this. All I'm good for is running around, playing superhero, and smiling at the camera, so that's what I'm doing! Me being Voughts bitch was inevitable, I thought the least I could do was spare you guys the same fate.” Andre was so tired from their rant, the tears and shouting taking a toll on them.
Jordan looked at Andre, trying to process what they said. They didn't know if there was anything they could say at this point. They didn't feel satisfied with their answers, but they realized if they threw out more words, they'd just be going in circles, the point getting lost in the chaos. So they surrender… 
“Okay.” Jordan nods, accepting his answer. They turn around before Andre can say anything, and walk away. They've fought hard enough.
Jordan goes to open the driver's side door, but Marie stops their movements with a gentle hand on the shoulder. “Is it okay if I drive back?” She speaks softly.
As if they lost all the fight in them, they nod and walk over to the passenger side. They shift into their female form as they climb in, buckling their seat belt and leaning their head against the window. Emma climbs into the back and Marie gets into the driver's seat. She glanced over at Jordan, then back towards Emma, who just shrugs tiredly at her. Marie looks forward, starts the car, and drives off.
That was a fun chapter to write, honestly. Big thanks to @paperdoll201 💜 as always for reading it over and giving very helpful feedback. Tears were shed, lol. But yeah, big thanks to everyone who has read this far. I have one more fully written chapter left that I will post next Saturday. After that, it's guesswork for when the next chapter comes. But yeah, I'll keep you all updated ofc. Thanks for reading!!
Much love, 😎👍❤️
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i hate cars but i will always love my 2011 honda civic and my 2018 honda fit
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twothpaste · 2 months
intermission au car models 🚗
a definitive list that absolutely nobody asked for, with pictures
ness drives a 2011 chevy tahoe that used to be his dad's. it has carried him across america on many roadtrips. he loves it like it's a family member. 👇
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paula drives a 2020 vespa scooter, which was a graduation gift from her folks. it is her pride and joy. 👇
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jeff drives a 2008 volvo s60. it has been "totalled," and miraculously repaired, once or twice before. 👇
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poo drives a 2018 porsche 718 cayman that his parents got him for his 16th birthday. 👇
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porky drives a 2021 mercedes amg gt with vicious key scratches across one side. his dad got it for him. then cut him off. so uh 😏. he cannot afford repairs for it. the thing is slowly falling apart at the seams. 👇
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picky drives a 2010 honda civic. it's a relative's old car. 👇
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tracy drives a 2018 mini cooper. it was a gift from her dad. 👇
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lucas takes the bus. 👇
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claus used to drive a 2006 nissan altima. they spent all summer working long hours so they could afford to buy it. then they crashed it like 3 months into their freshman year. now they don't drive anything. tough break, buddy! 👇
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kumatora drives a legendary 2002 toyota corolla, in which friendships are forged and dreams come true. it makes horrible noises, the breaklight's always on, and the heat doesn't work, but it's carried her through hell and high water. 👇
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flint drives a 1989 ford f-150. 👇
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lovesosweeet · 1 year
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter two
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
chapter zero, one
july 13, 2018
los angeles, california
When we wrap up our final rehearsal for the week, the boys and I are both hyped for tour and drained from the whole thing before it’s even started. We’re all sweaty and eager to go home, yet we can’t manage to actually say goodbye to each other in the parking lot at our rehearsal facility.
It’s funny, seven years of spending practically every minute with these guys and I still find myself wanting to spend more time with them. I guess that’s family.
“What’s on the agenda for you and O tonight, Cal?” Ashton asks and leans against his car. He’s probably the sweatiest out of all of us, but to be honest, we’re all drenched.
I can’t help but smile when I think of her. “She’s been feeling kinda sick lately, so I was just gonna grab some ramen from that place near our apartment and we’ll just take an easy night in.”
“Ah, right before tour? Better not catch whatever she’s got,” Mike quips. “Maybe you should quarantine from each other.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not quarantining from my girlfriend two weeks before I leave her for four months, especially not when she feels like shit.”
Mike mouths “whipped” to me before Luke intervenes. I pretend to whack Mike over the head and ruffle his hair. I know he’s just kidding, but he’s not wrong, so I wouldn’t actually care if he wasn’t.
“Alright, alright, cut it out you two. I’m calling it—let’s all go home now. See you on Monday morning.” Luke doesn’t wait for any of us to reply before he gets into his car and slams the door behind himself.
The rest of us laugh at his quick departure from the conversation but also take it as the end for us all. Mike and Ash give me a sweaty half hug before we’re all clambering into our own cars, mine the shittiest by far. This tank goes through gas at a rate that may honestly be illegal in California, but it’s my car and I love it. Besides, it runs. I get from point A to point B—what else do I need?
Orion. Ramen. That’s what I need.
The journey back to the heart of LA, including the pit stop at O’s favorite vegan ramen shop, takes me about an hour and a half. Actually, I guess it’s her second favorite. There was one in Madrid that she went to all the time that had a Winnie the Pooh sign, so naturally it became her favorite. That one was also far cheaper than any of the options in LA.
I park my shitty Jeep in the parking garage, next to her less shitty but equally beat up Honda Civic. The girl hits curbs and “bonks” other cars as she parallel parks all the time. Naturally that’s taken a toll on her car.
I swipe my fob to enter the building and nod to the security officer in the lobby.
If it weren’t for Orion going to UCLA, I probably wouldn’t live in such a central location, for safety reasons. When we decided to move in together, I didn’t want her to have to drive over an hour stuck in traffic to go to campus every day. Going from living on campus and being able to run to class 5 minutes before it starts is a big shift from living in an apartment, so I wanted it to be as easy as possible for her.
Thus, we live in a super secure building in Santa Monica with 24/7 onsite officers and fob entry for the parking garage and the building.
I take the elevator up to our floor and feel myself start to get giddy at the excitement of coming home to her. It’s so silly—we live together, have been together for two years, and yet I still get nervous to see her.
When I open the door to the apartment, Duke is waiting for me and I hear the sounds of a show playing on the TV in the living room.
“I come bearing gifts,” I call out and set our food on the entryway table while I kick off my shoes.
I’m met with silence.
“O, where are you?”
More silence.
I start walking through our home, looking for signs of life, but end up finding her curled up in a massive blanket on the couch, sleeping. She’s not wearing any makeup and her hair is dirty, pulled into a messy knot on top of her head. She looks adorable, but she must still feel kind of sick. She had gone to the doctor today since she keeps getting these bugs, constantly having a fever and feeling sick, then feeling better, but then the sickness comes back a few weeks later.
I carefully crawl onto the couch and gently lift her legs to lay across my lap, trying not to wake her up, but just wanting to be closer to her. My efforts are fruitless and she stirs, her eyes cracking open sleepily. When she sees me, she smiles.
“Hi,” she says quietly. “How was rehearsal?”
My shoulders rise and fall in a shrug. “Same old. How’re you feeling? Did the doctor have anything helpful?”
She sighs and shakes her head. “Not really, they took some blood samples and stuff to send off to a lab. They think it’s just a bug, maybe a weakened immune system for whatever reason—they said the blood test could help indicate a bunch of different things.”
I frown. She’s been feeling kinda crappy every few weeks for months now. “I’m sorry they don’t have an answer yet. I brought you ramen.”
And just like that, there’s life in her face and light in her eyes while she beams at me. “You’re the best ever.”
Orion sits up and scoots closer to me and lazily drapes her arms over my shoulders. Her brown eyes gaze into mine and she gives me a quick kiss, pulling away too soon for my liking.
“Just one? I brought you noodles!”
She giggles — my favorite sound — and then she’s kissing me again, her lips smooth and soft with her favorite lip balm. It’s birthday cake flavored and she’s gifted me a few tubes whenever she makes me random gift baskets. I’ve gotten shit from the guys for it since it has glitter in it, but who wouldn’t want to think of their girl every time they put on a layer of lip balm?
“Thank you for bringing me noodles.”
“Anything for you,” I say, giving her another kiss. She beams her bright smile at me and then rests her forehead on my shoulder while pulling me into a hug. “Want to eat and then we can take a shower?”
“That may be the best idea you’ve ever had,” Orion says, pulling me even closer to her than I already am, trying to get rid of any space there is between us.
A few hours later, we’re back on the couch, the sunset shining into our place through the windows, casting a warm glow over the entire space. We’re all tangled up in a mess of limbs and blanket and pillows; Orion is playing some silly game on her phone and I’m half paying attention to an episode of Brooklyn 99 on the TV. I know I have two more weeks here, but I can’t help but dread the thought of leaving Orion for months at a time. With her classes and our minimal breaks on this tour, we probably won’t get to see each other at all until after the tour is over.
We started out long distance, sort of, since we weren’t in the same place the whole time but saw each other frequently, but we haven’t been touring since the Sounds Live, Feels Live Tour ended a year and a half ago, so we haven’t really had to deal with being apart. I’m not worried about going long distance—Orion and I are stronger and happier than ever. I’m really just going to miss her… so much.
I’m thankful that tour is so crazy busy usually, so the time apart should fly by, and we’ll be having a great time playing shows every night and exploring different cities and meeting all the fans. I just wish O could come with us, but I’d never ask her to take a semester off. Her education is so important to her and I admire her for it, but I do almost want her to try a semester off now. Once she’s done with undergrad and is in law school, she definitely won’t be able to visit on tour, but that’s a problem for future us, I suppose.
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but mine is already growing fonder from a mere few inches away. I don’t need more distance.
“What are you thinking about?” Orion’s soft voice interrupts my thoughts.
“No thoughts,” I say, tracing circles on her back. “Head empty.”
She chuckles, but I feel her gaze boring into my face, studying me. “Don’t lie. I know you zoned out.”
I swear sometimes she knows me better than I know myself. Every gift she buys me is completely her own idea—she’s never once asked for ideas or guidance and it’s always something I didn’t know existed but I needed or something I simply needed or wanted. She remembers everything I’ve ever liked at every restaurant we have been to and she knows every word to our songs, which I can’t even say I do. She can tell when I’m drained from being around people and will offer for us to leave before I’ve even had a chance to realize I’m ready to go.
Seen. Known. Loved. I’ve never felt more love from anyone than I have felt from Orion.
“Nothing, really, just being sad about leaving you for a few months,” I reply. When I look down at her, she’s pouting at me with sad eyes.
“Stop being sappy,” she goes. She then rolls her eyes. “It’s not gonna be fun at all to tour the world with your best friends and perform music you wrote to thousands of adoring fans and fulfill your lifelong dream.”
This time I roll my eyes. “Of course it’ll be fun, but that doesn’t mean I can’t miss you at the same time!”
“Even if you were here, I’ll be so wrapped up in LSAT prep and law school apps and classes, you wouldn’t get to spend much time with me anyway.” I know she’d be busy, but we’d be in the same space, sharing the same air, sleeping in the same bed. She’s right though, just the amount of LSAT prep she’s been doing with some of the other kids on the pre-law track over the summer took up an insane amount of her time.
Oh, Orion. Even though she lives her life through emotion and feeling, she still somehow can be logical and rational when it counts, almost to a fault.
“I’m still gonna miss you, so, so much,” I clarify. We lock eyes, and I know that we both know that it’ll be a bittersweet few months apart.
“You won’t miss me. I’ll be just as annoying as I am normally, just from a distance. I can promise you that!”
I crack a smile. “Oh yeah, you’re so annoying. Leaving your contacts on the side of the sink and using the espresso machine at ungodly early hours of the day. Always texting me to bring you a snack between classes. Giving Duke a kiss before me when you get home. Honestly, I can’t stand you.”
She scoffs and lightly taps her hand against my face in a mock slap. “Wow, so you’re leaving me and insulting me all in the same breath? Hit me while I’m down, why don’t you?”
“Hey, you called yourself annoying. I’m just supporting you here.”
“Fine, I’ll stop bringing you coffee in bed then.”
“Wait, no, no, no, I take it all back, please use the espresso machine while I’m still asleep.”
Orion looks at me with her big brown eyes, so round and gleaming with light, staring at me with pure adoration. “I’m gonna miss you.”
I gasp. “I thought you just said that won’t be happening!”
“Oh my god, just stop talking and kiss me!” She laughs and flips over so our chests are pressed together and I can pull her even closer.
read chapter three
a/n: hi hi. idk what i’m doing here getting back into writing is hard :’) happy friday folks
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111moonstone111 · 1 year
Top Gun mav characters and what car they would drive
no explaination other than i like cars and top gun mav, also i am qualified to make this as my father is a mechanic who was in the navy.
Bob: Grey 2018 Honda Accord
Phoenix: Tan 2015 Jeep Renegade
Hangman: Green 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sport
Coyote: Blue 2020 Subaru WRX
Payback: Black 2019 Honda Civic Type-R
Fanboy: Red 2023 Toyota RAV4
Rooster: Grey 2020 Honda Civic Sport Touring
i only included the 'main' bunch of people also i just really like hondas a lot
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toyota-supra · 1 year
Forza Horizon 5 Fate Liveries that I found so far
Subaru STI 2019 by Kaiju 5106
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Subaru WRX STI 2015 by Kaiju 5106
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Ferrari FXX-K Evo 2018 by MWHF | Spartan
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Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR 2008 “Welcome Pack” by MWHF | Spartan
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Ford Escort RS Turbo 1986 by Lylari
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Honda Civic Type R 2018 by KurohaYushi
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Honda Civic Type R 1997 by NosveratuExE3
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Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type-A (what kinda fucking car name is that?) by Wakki
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Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR 2008 by PinkChicken6225
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Toyota GR Supra 2020 by Zutessu
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pretty neat, huh ^^ I’m sure Forza Horizon 4 must have had some of these too but that game’s online is down as far as I know
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
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Chapter 201: Direct Negotiations, part 2—THIS IS AMERICA! 
Happy JJK-Sunday. 
Actually... not really... Our boys are about to walk into insanity... Get your Kleenex box ready. Gege is up to no good...
He also made fun of and called out “America” and I love him all the more for it. Makes me wonder whether he’s keeping up with the USAmerican fandom and wonders how we’re reacting to the chapter.
We love it!
If anyone cares to read... I got super political and opinionated and personal. That’s what happens when you are a First Generation USAmerican born in the US but raised outside of the US--you see things differently.
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Also, if you haven’t, go listen to the song by Donald Glover, This is America, a fantastic satire of a song and music video loaded with symbolism. The song and video were released in May of 2018 and depicted the deeply rooted societal problems plaguing American society. 
TW! The video is very graphic.
Not featured in the song and video, however, are...
The American Healthcare System: The fact that I can't afford to go to the Doctor or have a medical emergency without getting into ridiculous amounts of debt... 
Student loan debt: Not to mention the mountain of Student Loan debt I have because... #this is America and in the American Dream you get into debt to go to college to get better jobs. It’s a literal scam and millions of us bought into it. 
Far Right Christian Fundamentalism: Also, a group of judges took away federal protection for abortion laws. It’s feeling really Handmaid’s Tail up in here. 
Guns guns guns, USAmericans LOVE their guns: Did I mention my neighbors aren’t scared to publicly say that they’ll shoot you with their assault riffle if you trespass into their property and they assume you are suspicions? #Texas.
Talk about being a progressive society.
But hey...
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I think the biggest irony about the internal societal problems tearing down American society is intimately related to what Gege is addressing in this chapter... instead of focusing on fixing our internal problems, American leaders are hell-bent on colonization, conquest and dominating the political landscape outside of its borders. 
Cue Killing in the Name of by quintessentially American Rock Band, Rage Against the Machine.
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Yes, Gege. Say it.
And the whole implication about how the US uses its army to pursue this world domination agenda?
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I don’t care how cliché these American Villains are they’re painfully cliché... this whole thing is so on point.
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As a First Generation USAmerican, I honestly had second-hand embarrassment reading this chapter.
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Side note: I drive a 13-year old Honda Civic. I highly recommend Japanese cars. USAmerican cars are not that great.
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I am totally not surprised to see Gege addressing how the US government and media will manipulate public perception of certain political issues. 
“We’re not experimenting on Japanese citizens, we’re protecting them” reminds of the war in Iraq in the search for weapons of mass destruction that were never found.
Similarly, if you Google Project A119, the formal definition about it was presented to the public as having benign reasons. But who is to say it wasn’t about establishing dominance?
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Curious to learn more? You can read more about Project A119 and Operation Fishbowl by doing Google searches on these terms.
But I think most poignant is the implication that American leadership would think that it’s morally correct to experiment on humans.
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And Kenny totally has the USAmerican leaders eating right out of his hand by saying everything he knows they need to hear.
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We know Kenny is going around stirring the pot and getting countries pitted against one another.
But we haven’t seen what he has told the Japanese government. We also don’t know if Gege will write about the kinds of atrocities the Japanese government might have committed against its own citizens.
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Like other authors, Gege certainly doesn’t hold back his punches.
And, again, what’s most poignant about this whole ordeal is that we’re talking about governments and how they justify their actions while manipulating public perception of these issues.
That’s why I really appreciated the symbolism used to depict the ideal of what it means for USAmerica to be the world power that it is today (or at least was once upon a time).
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This is America.
And I love that, again, Kenny was just like...
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“Calm down USAmerica, you might have guns and muscle, but Japan has psychic warriors. Duh!”
That smug look on his face too... Let’s not forget that Kenny has been planning this ordeal and waiting for the right set of circumstances like an idiotic USAmerican President in office for at least a millennia
Yes, world. The clichés about USAmerica are mostly painfully true.
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Talking to @justafrenchlondoner​ we were both wondering whether Ura-ume is going to turn on Kenny since Ura-ume appears to have a deep allegiance with Sukuna and Sukuna had a change of plans.
Similarly, if I remember correctly, Kenny was ok with doing away with Sukuna... something like that. Gotta go back to re-read parts of the Shibuya arc.
Either way, gotta wonder about them...
And then the chapter ends...
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The perfect recipe for disaster.
800 soldiers with USAmerican guns and muscle against a comedian, an Angel, and two high school-aged Psychic Warriors.
I fear that here comes the culmination of this cozy feeling of safety that Gege created during the first half of the arc... and it is legit giving me anxiety.
I’m literally going crazy because I can see it coming. There’s a Gege-twist coming. I can feel it. And idk if I’m being paranoid but that’s how Gege rolls.
This man kills and hurts beloved characters without remorse just after you thought everything was groovy.
The Culling Game so far...
During the Culling Game, a literal Battle Royale twist on the Battle Tournament trope, with some exceptions, most of what we’ve gotten so far has been very lighthearted moments and battles and no significant deaths.
The Culling Game is about death but we haven’t experienced any deaths that we care about. Think long and hard about that.
Instead, Gege has bombarded us with Gege-style irony and humor.
Who could forget Yuta kissing a cockroach?
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Not to mention Yuta and Ryu’s bromance to wrap up the arc.
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Have we forgotten how incredibly annoying Charlie Bernard was?
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And how Kashimo vs. Hakari literally ends with them teaming up, stroking each other’s ego, and acting like they weren’t just trying to kill each other moments ago?
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What about Takaba’s awful jokes?
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Then there was Kappa-guy and Katana-guy...
And now that Naoya has died again... we’re back to where it all began: Yuji and Megumi willingly going on a suicide mission to save each other and their loved ones.
Now, during Shibuya, Yuji walked away scarred, not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically. Megumi, on the other hand, was protected by Sukuna.
This also just reminded me that, from my perspective, Megumi has shown us on more than one occasion that he doesn't seem to have much regard for the life of others. 
So I kind of have to wonder whether we’re about to find out just how much Megumi doesn’t value human life in general given the whole thing about how the most powerful sorcerers have an overwhelming sense of self and have no regard for others.
Who knows! Can’t wait to see how the rest of the Culling Game arc unfolds because when JJK is good, JJK IS GOOD.
Anyways. Happy JJK-Sunday! If you’ve made it this far, thank you again for reading my rant about USAmerica.
This is America
You know... the political rant about USAmerica aside, I must admit that living in USAmerica is quite the privilege that I am grateful to have.
I think that inasmuch as we, USAmericans have a bad reputation, we really are just like everybody else--doing our best with what circumstances we have been handed. 
For some self-disclosure: I lived in Houston, TX for a decade. Houston is a criminally underrated yet quintessentially USAmerican city...
Houston is no Manhattan, but it is the cultural capital of the Southern US and is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country. And amongst the things that are quintessentially American are the immigrant communities that have made this country what it is today.
I understand that when Anthony Bourdain recorded the episode for Parts Unknown in Houston, despite Houston’s incredible gourmet foodie scene, he specifically asked to visit the hole-in-the-wall-type cultural nooks in the city because he wanted the episode to focus on the USAmerican experience of being an immigrant in this country.
I can tell you that while I lived in Houston, I had friends from Mexico to Nepal, and worked with people from Spain all the way to Korea. 
The private school I worked at had children enrolled from at least 50 different nationalities from the world over. What I loved most about working there was knowing that these children were being taught that it didn’t matter where you’re from because in the end we’re all just human.
Similarly, when Hurricane Harvey dumped a year’s worth of water on Houston in 2017, Houston was practically under water. The outpouring of support from the community in the midst of the chaos, however, was beautiful to behold. Your nationality or skin color did not matter, what mattered was helping other Houstonians get back on their feet.
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This is USAmerica. 
... and we’ve got deeply rooted societal problems, but we really are just doing our best with what we’ve got.
One final jab at “America”
I didn’t want to couldn’t help myself...
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userblaney · 1 year
top 2 road cars >:) <3
OMG BESTEST Q ON EARTH ILY. ok i have So o ooooooooooooooo many i could choose but i'm going for:
alfa romeo giulia quadrifoglio there are so so sos so sos osossososososo many reasons im obsessed w this car i cant tell if its bc its alfas best car they've made since the 70s or because shes better than the m3 or bc she has a ferrari twin turbo v6 under the hood. shes just. everything to me. augh
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and then . my second Road Car of all time ummmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh also great all rounder:
2018 honda civic type r hot hatch. angry guy look. vry usable as an everyday car. 4.9 sec 0-60. shes so rrrrrrrrrrrgrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrr ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr g rrrrrrr rrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrwoofowoof type beat. i want. this is the more insane guy option
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ok thank you grace. ily
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purplegenderfox · 2 years
Need For Speed: In Heat (Repose)
I actually really like this game. Need for speed has always been a vibe for me, and I had a good time romping through this game! It doesn't help that cops suck shit and this game let's you live out a cool power fantasy that basically boils down to doing donuts in a nissan flipping off any and all authority.
ANYWAYS, The new one comes out so I figured I'd revisit my garage for the last time this cycle, take some pics of my favs, and hype myself for release tonight.
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2014 Honda Civic Type R
First car I really built in the game. Yes. I am this way. Good luck
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1995 Porsche 911 Turbo
I will own one of these in every video game. Need for Speed: High Stakes was such a cool game, The 933 is my dream car forever.
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(from a NFS 4 remake of the intro)
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I love this deep metallic purple, and how FUN this car is to drive in this game. This car is my second fastest car, with a fancy modern engine and exotic customized performance.
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2018 Porsche Cayman GT4
Did a LOAD of the campaign in this guy. my first try at an actual livery. Definitely my midgame car. Haven't driven it much post campaign.
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1971 Nissan Fairlady 240z
This car never saw my main campaign playthrough, however, it has a high amount of usage because I used it for a lot of gameplay when friends were getting the game, and honestly just for driving around and playing idly every once in a while. I really like this car's dark carbon aesthetic, it reminds me of the 240z from The Run which rules.
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2014 BMW M4 Convertible
I'm sorry this car exists. I don't particularly like drifting in this game. But I did do it a little bit for the story missions and money grinding as well.
As silly as this car is, I do think it's unhinged vibes absolutely match this game's energy. and ✨aesthetic✨
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Another Car rental list (newer cars)
2014-2018 Mazda 3 GT
Mazda 5 LC500
Kona N or Elantra N Auto
W204 Mercedes
ND Miata
WRX with CVT
2025 Integra type S
Honda Fit second gen
Bronco 4 door soft top
Jeep 2 door Rubicon
BMW 128i
Honda Civic Si (2025) 2025 Mazda CX-5 GS (No Cylinder deactivation/start-stop) Mazda CX-50 Hybrid?
0 notes
lianailia · 13 days
I got a car! It's very blue. So in the spirit of Gourry, named it Jellyfish. Of course first music listened to was Slayers. I am happy with it. A couple of things I will have to get used to, like the stick to put it in drive has a flip on the underside. It kind of pinches sometimes. And there's no backup beep or side mirror sensors. But other than that big fan. It's a Honda Civic LX 2018. I knew I wanted a Honda. And the color blue. I knew someone at the dealership so that helped a lot I think in the sale. But I have a car again! I'm getting a Gourry peeker decal soon and jellyfish license plate covers. 🪼
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doldilic · 16 days
Been reminiscing my highschool years as of late. It's the music you see.. I have a super good memory, especially when it comes to music and sounds. For the most part I can date back and tell you when and what I was doing upon hearing one of the songs I have saved around. I wasted so much time on Counter Strike Source, Destiny, GTA, and being a cretin with my friends around town from 2014-2018 (highschool years). We'd all talk about how we would get a clan house in Texas and were so certain it would happen... Here I am 10 years later.. I'm still in touch with some of the online friends from that era but we are all living our own lives. Me and like two other people are the only ones that kept playing a bunch of games.. That clan house would have never worked out lol; we were all so different with different lifestyles.. And now that we're older, we are of even more contrast. Good times though.
Here's a song from when I had to bust my ass skating 15 minutes across town to get to school. This was around my WitchBoy era (i was a big BONES fan at the time and liked the song WitchBoy; there's more but that's for another time).
Unknown to me, I never took World Geology which was a requirement for graduating.. I wouldn't have known that earlier because i had transferred in sophomore year and my counselor never brought it up. So over summer I took it at the rival highschool because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to graduate FUCK!
There was one time when I was about to skate away after school was over, some kids called out "Yo WELCOME!" because I was always skating a Welcome Skateboard.. I just waved at 'im and sped off.. Yes I know I'm so cool and edgy _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): i looked like a super massive nerd back then too, trust.. 2-3 weeks before the end of summer school I got my DL and a car and let me just say, that shit was epic! A shitty blue 2002 Honda Civic with no AC made my day because I didn't have to wake up early to skate. It was liberating..
I miss my mind from then.. But not really. I like who I am now. Also younger me would totally call me a fag now lol
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eobdtooluk-blog · 3 months
Lonsdor K518 Update:Added More Honda Auto Immobilizer Car Models
Lonsdor K518 Pro/K518 series key programmer released a new auto immobilizer upgrade for Honda on June 24th, 2024. Please update your device to check the details.
Support Models:
Accord\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Accord\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Accord\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Accord\2023-\Smart key\Button start(old key)AVANCIER\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 AVANCIER\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 AVANCIER\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 BREEZE\2023\Smart key\Button start Ciimo\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Ciimo\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Ciimo\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 City\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 City\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 City\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 City\2019-\Smart key\Button start Civic\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Civic\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Civic\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Crider\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Crider\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Crider\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Crosstour\Smart key\Button type 2 CR-V\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 CR-V\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 CR-V\2023\Smart key\Button start Elysion\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Elysion\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Elysion\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Elysion\2019-2021\Smart key\Button start Envix\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Envix\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Envix\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Everus\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Everus\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Fit\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Fit\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Fit\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Gienia\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Gienia\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Gienia\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Greiz\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Greiz\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Greiz\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 HR-V\2023-\Smart key\Button start Inspire\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Inspire\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Inspire\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Inspire\2019-2022\Smart key\Button start Jade\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Jade\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Jade\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Life\2021-\Smart key\Button start Odyssey\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Odyssey\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Odyssey\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Odyssey\2019-2021\Smart key\Button start Spirior\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Spirior\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 UR-V\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 UR-V\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 UR-V\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Vezel\-2018\Smart key\Button type 2 Vezel\-2018\Smart key\Button type 3 Vezel\-2018\Smart key\Knob type 1 Vezel\2022\Smart key\Button start(4A chip) XR-V\2019-2021\Smart key\Button start XR-V\2023\Smart key\Button start
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