troublcmakcrs · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts   ⟶   ❛  ❝ you want some gum? ❞ -for tweek!  ❜   ╱   (  the gray man , accepting .  )
“Gah!—no way, dude!” Tweek says, waving his hands in front of him and stepping back.  “That stuff’s bad for you.  I’ve heard all kinds of stories about people swallowing it, and then it gets stuck in their system for ten years.  Or maybe it’s—ngh—s-seven, I don’t remember.”  Ten years sounds more factual; seven sounds like one of those bad luck superstitions.  Therefore, he is going to err towards ten because that’s the more severe of the two, anyway, and it’s always better to be more careful than less.
“Point is, I don’t want that shit anywhere near me,” he says, still eyeing the stick of gum like it’s a chemical bioweapon, “and you probably shouldn’t chew it, either.  What if you accidentally swallow it, and it gonks up your intestines, and you die?”
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div1nity · 1 year
@carriedghosts 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑡 : " i mean , i admit i’m a bad piece of work ! " ——— ( GRAND THEFT AUTO ⟋ ACCEPTING )
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❛ how so ? ❜ head tilts to the side along with a curious quirk of her brow , she always takes such admissions with a grain of salt until intuition - or the individual manages to prove otherwise . so far , she isn't getting that energy from him , considering how well she knows people ; it doesn't feel right giving room for any doubt in the assessment , though there's a first time for anything , there's always wiggle room for being wrong ❛ all due respect , you hardly seem like the 'piece of work' type . ❜
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soulmissed · 1 year
@carriedghosts: ❝  we’re gonna have to keep ice on that.  ❞ -rat
memes, accepting
a pained grunt butchers the humdrum: rat, stood over him, tends his newest battle wound. the bump upon his head pounds and pounds and pounds.
(august recalls previous injuries. and judges bump-to-the-head would roost on the lesser, inconsequential side of the list.) he’s conscious, aware. “ you wager i’ll make a full recovery, doc? ” his lips zigzag. a playful smile. breaking the tension.
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freeddead · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts​   ⟶   ❛  i know more than i want to know.  ❜   ╱   (  trespasses , accepting .  )
Gerry gives Rat a small smile, something halfway between amusement and sympathy.  “Sorry,” he says.  He can at least recognize when something is entirely his fault.  “Knowing sucks, right?”  He laughs—he has to find a bit of morbid humor in his situation.  Joy and silliness are some of the only defense they have against the Fears.
“You wanna know something really fucked up?”  Despite predicting Rat’s negative answer, Gerry persists.  “There’s also an Entity that covers the fear of awareness, both being noticed and the anxiety that comes from noticing things nobody else seems to.”  He holds up his hand, the back of it facing Rat so he can see all of Gerry’s small black eyes.  “That’s the one I’ve got.”
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oceanoecielo · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts​   ⟶   ❛  i wanna heal.  ❜   ╱   (  linkin park , accepting .  )
“Well, you know what they say about time,” Simon says cordially.  He can’t say he has any wounds to speak of because everything that might have hurt him happened so long ago that he can hardly remember the details.  And whenever they do cross his mind, he loathes to linger on them.
When it comes to his healing, though, he has the benefit of 400 years, something he knows Rat doesn’t.  “Of course, there is the issue of what happens when time runs out before it can do what’s required of it.”  He laughs darkly, evidence of it not being a problem for him.  “It’s well and good to want to heal.  Whether the forces that be allow it is another thing entirely.”
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❛  you don’t look so good.  ❜ -rat!
"why? what do i look like?"
conrad knows that where a firm layer of tissue used to be, there's now a hole, and it's oozing, because he can feel it dripping down his neck - drip, drip, drip, onto his faded jeans. it's alright. facial wounds aren't any trouble to heal. last time they tore a chunk out of from between his shoulder blades - now that was a bitch. he might as well have been trying to clean it with a blindfold on.
(they wanted it to be difficult for him, then, but today they just wanted it to be ugly. and he's sure it is.)
"gonna need a bathroom," he mutters, and he's thinking about where the nearest one is. there's a mcdonalds on the next block. but he can't go in there looking like this. when he realizes that he exhales gravely. he's not worried. just exhausted of this endless cycle he'll never be free of. "oh brother. oh boy." he'd hold his chin in his hand, but it's kind of awkward to do, with the hollow in his face, and all.
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year
"He exploded before they could shoot him." -rat
"Oh my god. Shit, dude, I'm so sorry."
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carriedghosts · 1 year
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You're old enough to kill but not for votin', but you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
carriedghosts, a collection of canon divergent muses from the things they carried, quantum leap, and a few OCs. crossover friendly, 60s/70s based with modern verses available. centers around the aftermath of the vietnam war, specifically the treatment of veterans and PTSD.
rules &. muses
you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction!
promo template source: stephysource
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ofyorkshire · 1 year
where should you be kissed?
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you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing… always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
tagged by: @heretoboogie tagging: @conduitandconjurer, @idcnticxl, @parameddic, @carriedghosts, @sovereignreigned, and anyone else who'd like to!
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts   ⟶   ❛  ❝ did he deserve it? ❞ - for Craig!  ❜   ╱   (  the gray man , accepting .  )
Craig casts a casual glance over his shoulder at the retreating form of Eric Cartman, clutching a bleeding nose and wailing for his mommy.  He will be wailing the entire three-block walk back to his house, more than likely.  “Yeah, trust me, he deserved it,” Craig says.  “You don’t know the half of it with that kid.  He really should be locked up or something.”  He is a confessed murderer and has already been to juvie once—not for the murder, somehow—so it’s a wonder that he’s still walking around out here with the rest of them.
Weirdly, Craig is grateful for it, though.  He still considers Cartman his friend, even if he doesn’t trust the guy as far as he can throw him, which is not very far at all on account of him being so goddamn fat.  He would find the town too quiet without Cartman and would have one less person to delight in his own fucked up brand of humor with.
“I’m going over to his place to watch Terrance & Phillip tomorrow after school.”
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
     @carriedghosts  〢  cont from here .
Craig shakes his head.  “A lot of people do think they’re scary,” he says, “but not me.  You’re strapped in them super tight with safety bars and everything, so you don’t fall out of them, so it’s kind of stupid to be scared of them.”  The safety mechanisms on rollercoasters and the predetermined track work together to create a controlled environment, which changes what may be frightening heights and speeds into thrilling ones.  However, he doesn’t yet understand enough about the psychology of them to say that.
He takes a piece of paper and draws a loopy design to represent a rollercoaster and hashes vertical lines across the track.  “Plus, all rollercoasters are cut into blocks to keep the trains from running into each other.  So, if a train gets stuck here”—he taps his pencil in the valley of two hills he drew—“the next train can’t leave this block”—the top of the lift hill—“until that gets sorted out.  You’re more likely to die in some… freak accident just walking down the street than on a rollercoaster.”  Probably.  He doesn’t know.  He doesn’t have a list of death statistics in front of him.
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freeddead · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts   ⟶   ❛  what does that look mean?  ❜   ╱   (  trespasses , accepting .  )
Much of the time, Gerry does not realize he is staring until somebody calls him out on it, like now.  Light floods his listless eyes, and he peruses Rat’s face for another moment before averting his gaze.  “It’s nothing.”
However, he did notice something in Rat’s expression when he was looking, so while he didn’t mean to stare, it would be inaccurate to say he gained nothing from the experience.  “You look tired,” he notes, busying himself with lighting a cigarette to make sure his eyes stay down.  “Long night?”
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freeddead · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts​   ⟶   ❛  do you have any happy news?  ❜   ╱   (  trespasses , accepting .  )
At first, Gerry is just going to scoff at the question, but he can’t help the deep, miserable, ironic laugh that comes out of him instead.  “Man, do you think I don’t fucking wish?” he says when it subsides.  “Sorry, I always wonder whether or not I should say anything because once you know, there’s no going back.”  Knowledge is paradoxical in that way—ignorance is bliss, but knowing is often what keeps you alive a little longer.
If the stress from knowing doesn’t kill you first.
“Unfortunately, given who—or what—controls our existences, happy news is a little hard to come by in the world.”
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oceanoecielo · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts​   ⟶   ❛  so what am i?  ❜   ╱   (  linkin park , accepting .  )
Simon pretends to be monumentally interested in whatever exists at the bottom of his teacup, keeping his countenance as impassive as possible.  “What are you?” he echoes.  “Why, it’s presumptuous to think that you’re anything.  A man, a veteran, a coward…”  That’s how Rat thinks of himself, in any case.  Simon has no room to judge him for cowardice, considering he ran and hid during both World Wars, unwilling to get involved in the drama of it all.
“That’s if you zoom all the way in, though.”  He takes a sip of what little warm liquid remains in his cup, and then his clear eyes flick pointedly up at Rat.  “What are you if you zoom all the way out?”  He shakes his head.  “Not even a dust mote.”
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oceanoecielo · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts   ⟶   ❛  i wanna feel like i'm somewhere i belong.  ❜   ╱   (  linkin park , accepting .  )
“Somewhere you belong, or somewhere you feel needed, important?” Simon queries, peering at Rat over the rims of his glasses.  “The distinction is a bit nuanced, but it is there.”  It is necessary to gauge whether the man before him is touched more by the Lonely or the Vast, although the two of them experience enough overlap that Simon may still coax him over to his patron if he is more swayed by the former.
“You can belong to almost any subset of people.  In any part of the world, at any point in time, there are enough people similar to you in one way or another that you can join up with them, slap a little label on yourself, and call it a day.  Mattering is another thing entirely, so it might behoove you to evaluate your goals.”
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freeddead · 1 year
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▸   @carriedghosts  ​ ⟶   ❛  There is just… I’m a little scared okay?  ❜   ╱   (  concerned , accepting .  )
It’s bad enough that Rat was in the war, and then he has to return and deal with spooky shit on his home turf. Gerry feels for him, and as such, he’s not quite as exasperated as he usually is with the general public.
“I know—hey, I know,” he says, resting his hands on Rat’s shoulders and coaxing him into a sitting position.  “Honestly, I would be more worried about you if you weren’t scared.”  Gerry realizes immediately that his attempt to lighten the mood will fall completely flat.
“You’re okay, though. I’m not going to let anyone get you.  I’ve been dealing with this stuff my whole life and haven’t died from it yet.”  It was cancer that did him in, not the Entities, and that irony has plagued him ever since.  “Just lay low and take deep breathes while I figure this out, okay?”
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