#carrie x konnie
glorioustragedykid · 3 months
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As tradition here on my blog,
Based on this old drawing
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rippeanuts1950-2000 · 1 month
i hate u, i love u
Chapter 2)
Laney winces at how loud Konnie is shouting. “I made a bet with Corey.” She repeats. It’s just her and Konnie at the lunch table as Kim is in the science labs checking her experiment with Carrie, and Larry just doesn’t have this lunch period. “Okay, but why?” Konnie stresses as she picks up her grilled cheese sandwich from her lunch tray. “If you guys win the battle of the bands, he leaves me alone.” Laney explains with a shrug as she digs around in her backpack for her lunch box. She finally finds it and pulls out a bag of chips. “But if we lose?” Laney deflates a little. “I have to rejoin Grojband for a month and if I enjoy being a part of the band again, I have to consider staying permanently.” She tacks on.
Konnie shakes her head. “Well this gives us more of a reason to win. But seriously, why did you think this was a good idea? You’re literally the brain cell of The Newmans, that’s why you’re our manager.” She points out. Laney opens her mouth to answer her but finds that she doesn’t know what to say. Like she knows the main reasons why she said yes, but in all honesty she paid attention to the pros instead of the cons. Why did that happen? Laney usually goes for the cons first instead of the pros.
“I-I don’t know. I guess I wasn’t thinking about what would happen if The Newmans lost. You guys wouldn’t leave me if I had to go back to Grojband, right?” The bag of chips Laney has been holding pops open and chip crumbs fall onto Konnie’s lunch tray. Fortunately the blonde girl doesn’t seem to care however and just organizes them into a little pile on her tray while she answers Laney’s question. “Of course not, Penny Lane. You’ve become an important part of our group since you’ve started hanging out with us. Even before you became our manager, you were important to the team.” Konnie assures her, using the nickname that the band gave to Laney when she first started hanging out with them to further prove her point.
Laney takes a deep breath, silently reminding herself to breathe evenly so that she doesn’t work herself into a panic attack. Though even if she did work herself into a panic attack, she’d be okay because she’s hanging with Konnie right now and Konnie knows how to calm her down the best. “Thanks Konnie.” Laney says, feeling a bit more assured. Konnie nods. “Girl, you know I always got your back.” As sweet as the sentiment is, it makes Laney laugh afterwards because Konnie is sprinkling chip crumbs from her plate into her mouth. Though Laney would probably do the same. “Hey, do you have work today?” Konnie asks once she’s swallowed some water.
“Yep, it’s gonna be a long shift too so I’ll be doing homework there.” Laney says with a sigh. “Well, me and the others are gonna stop by and visit you. We could do homework together if the shop’s not too busy.” Konnie suggests, making Laney smile even more. “Yeah, that sounds good. You guys ARE always a great buffer for Corey.” She says, popping some chips in her mouth. “Oh and let me know if they need to hire more people because I will try to get hired to keep you company.” Konnie adds, finishing off the grilled cheese. “You don’t have to do that but I’ll keep you posted.” Laney says with a laugh.
Out of all the Newmans, Laney was the closest to Konnie. After the big blow up between her and Grojband, which had happened at school with an audience of no less than thirty, Laney had run off to cry in a janitor's closet. Konnie was there when the blow up had happened so she chased after Laney and comforted her. The rest is pretty much history, with Laney being added into the Newman’s crew as their manager that week at lunch. Being as close as she is to Konnie also meant that she knew a lot more about Konnie than most people. Like her secret boyfriend.
“How are you and Kon doing by the way? He hasn't sent me cryptic emails on his burner account asking for date ideas in a while.” Laney asks, causing Konnie to blush. “Oh we’re good. Coming up on that one year, so he’s been trying to prove that he can plan the perfect date without your help.” She says, her eyes practically morphing into hearts. Kon was the only member of Grojband that Laney had a good relationship with to this day, so she very much approved of the relationship between Konnie and Kon. “Well as long as he's treating you well, I have no complaints.” Laney says with a grin and a shrug. She pulled out the last of the food in her lunch box.
“Want my cheese stick?”
You know what sucks?
Writing lyrics and using your own inspiration instead of your sister’s. But Corey knows it must be done if he wants to get his thoughts out. This of course, means that he has to write yet another song about Laney that he’ll never perform. But getting the words out isn’t as easy as it sounds, no, no, no. If anything, he’s having more trouble than usual, what with the bet that’s gonna put Laney back in his life for a month, the fact that the Newmans are currently in his dad’s shop and have been here for the past two hours, oh and that shiny necklace in the display shelf Corey is writing on isn’t helping much either.
He should have known the Ewmans were coming when Lanes asked his dad if her friends could come to the shop and do homework with her. His dad said, yes, of course because Laney is his favorite employee and apparently she gets her work done or something. Which sucks because when Corey asks his dad if Kin and Kon can come hang out with him in the shop, he’s told “No, Corey, finish pricing the rare books section and organizing it by price.” To which Corey would like to say that it’s not his fault that they never get anything cool at the pawn shop, like instruments or boxes of mannequin heads.
Wait, what was he supposed to be doing again? Oh right! Writing lyrics. Here’s what he had so far, 
Am I the boy you dreamed of? Oh(might need to tone down the oh, don’t want people to think we’re too much of a boy band, if we ever played this)
Living in your subconscious, oh oh
Do you believe in love? Oh
And is it because of me?(i hope she still believes in love)
Yeah, if it's up to me
Am I the boy you dreamed of? Oh
Living in your subconscious, oh oh
Do you believe in love? Oh
And is it because of me?(once maybe, prob not anymore)
So not much, but soon it will hopefully become something. But he doubts that it will happen today, because once again, the Ewmans are in his general area of space, talking to his Lanes. Right now they were talking about some Disney Channel franchise that he knew Laney probably didn’t care less about and was only humoring the Ewmans in their conversation. That’s Lanes for ya, always so considerate and willing to listen to people talking about things she doe- “By the way, Laney, did you finish writing that song?” Carrie’s stupid voice really needs to stop interrupting his thoughts.
Hold on, Laney writes music now? Since when? “No, I still need to do the sad ex part. Angry ex is done though.” And she’s writing songs about heartbreak? Who broke her heart, Corey would like to know. “Care to share it?” Kim asks, her voice is less stupid than Carrie’s but it’s still stupid.
“Uh, sure.” Laney glances his way to make sure he’s not paying attention so Corey pretends to be doing something that doesn’t involve looking and paying attention to her. This seems to work as he can hear the rustling of paper and Laney says, “Larry could you read the highlighted part? It’s my favorite part. Also I’m thinking kind of like a slow piano part with this song if that makes sense. ” Corey hears the Ewmans agree and Larry begins to read the paper;
“Do you miss me like I miss you?
Fucked around and got attached to you
Friends can break your heart too
And I'm always tired but never of you
If I pulled a you on you, you wouldn't like that shit
I put this reel out, but you wouldn't bite that shit
I type a text but then I never mind that shit
I got these feelings but you never mind that shit
Oh, oh
Keep it on the low
You're still in love with me but your friends don't know.
And if I was you I would never let me go.”
Corey’s heart is pounding wildly. Did…Did Laney write this song about him? The Ewmans’ feedback falls flatly on his ears as he starts to scramble to figure this out. She did write that friends could break your heart, which did happen at least to him when they stopped being friends. And Lanes did used to always be tired but she also always listened to him and the others with as much attention as she could give them. She was right about how he would have felt if she did what he did to her. He would have hated it. He would have hated her. 
All the signs were saying that the song was about him with the only part being wrong that Kin and Kon didn’t know about his feelings. They did, and were most definitely tired of him ranting about how he missed his chance and that he wished he could take it all back. 
“We should sing that for battle of the bands!” Konnie says, pulling the brakes on Corey’s speeding thoughts. “If I can get it done in time, it’s hard trying to do the sad ex.” Lanes says and out of the corner of Corey’s eye he can see her putting paper into a blue folder. “Either way, that’s probably one of your best works, Penny Lane.” Larry says and Corey wants to yell at them to stop calling Laney Penny Lane because that is a stupid nickname even if he DOES like the Beatles sometimes.
But he doesn’t because last time he did that, Carrie threw a book at his head and told him that he doesn’t get to pick Laney’s nicknames. The book ended up breaking a shelf and Carrie had to work at the shop for a month to make up for it, so Corey would rather not have a repeat of that incident.
A ball of paper hits his face. “Riffin! What’s your band’s setlist?” Carrie asks and Corey has to fight the urge to vomit at the sight of Carrie’s face. “Uh for what?” Corey says when he realizes he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. “For the battle of the bands.” Carrie says with an eye roll. Corey scowls. “We’re not fully decided yet but we have agreed on 2 BEST FRIENDS, Old Me, and Monster.” He says. Sharing setlists is a thing he and Carrie do so that each band can do the opposite of what the other is doing. “Angry and rueful songs, huh? Guess we’re gonna have to do the opposite. Happy and content.” Carrie mumbles and Corey glances at the rest of the Ewmans and Lanes who are deep in thought. 
“Yeah that’s great, can I have my personal space back?” Corey snaps and Carrie rolls her eyes some more. He hopes that one day they get stuck in the back of her head. “Jeez, what crawled up your ass and died? I’m just making sure we don’t sound the same and no one is gonna confuse our bands again, literally nothing about that is out of the ordinary.” She says, raising an eyebrow. “Three reasons. One, I don’t like you. Two, I’ve had to listen to your stupid voice for the past two hours. Three, It’s almost six and you and your band are still here, distracting my coworker from doing her job.” He snaps, crumpling the paper in his hands.
Carrie scoffs. “One, I don’t like you either but at least I can be civil with you. Two, your voice is annoying to me but do I say anything? No, I don’t. And three, you’ve literally just sat there for the past two hours doing nothing while Laney has been doing homework, going over stock in the display case, and keeping a steady conversation with us. I don’t think you get an opinion on what she does. And anyway, we’re leaving soon.” Corey opens his mouth to argue but for once, Carrie is right. He hates it when she calls him out but when she’s right, ugh that is the worst!
Carrie smiles. “That’s what I thought.” She turns around and Corey just watches numbly as she and the rest of the Ewmans say their goodbyes to Lanes. He hated the Ewmans before everything that went down with Laney, but now that they took Laney from them he hates them even more.
Faintly he can hear the door close so he looks over at Laney and starts to take her in. She’s not paying attention to him, so he can stare for as long he wants. Earlier today when they made the bet he noticed that she hadn’t straightened her hair that morning so her normally straight hair was curly. Corey had always thought Laney looks pretty but when her hair is in its natural state, it just does something to him. It’s like he’s seeing her for the first time all over again. Her eyes are darting over the stock notebook and he truly finds it incredible how expressive they can be. No matter how stoic her face is, her eyes always give her away. Her freckles cover her face perfectly and Corey just wants to kiss each one of them, one by-
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Lanes’ voice interrupts his thoughts. Corey jerks back a bit, embarrassing himself further after being caught staring. “Just taking in your natural beauty.” He responds, which is true but he knows Laney just thinks he’s messing with her when he says stuff like that. “You look like a stalker.” She answers, checking something off the stock notebook. Laney’s not even looking at him, she just knows he’s staring. “You’re a piece of art, Penn. I need at least an hour to take you in.” Corey says, grinning mischievously.
Laney looks up from the notebook, her expression a bored one. “Did you get that pick up line off the internet again?” She asks and Corey blushes. He really hopes it doesn’t show. “Ouch, you wound me. That was a Riffin original.” He says and Laney throws a pencil at his head. “No wonder it was bad then.” She reaches the stock notebook out towards him. “I’m going to stock check in the back, finish this for me will you?” Corey takes the notebook from her and their fingers brush. Just like when they did the pinkie promise, her skin feels warm and electrifying. She disappears into the back room as Corey lingers on how her touch makes him feel.
He loves it.
Almost as much as he loves her.
And the second chapter is done! Sorry if the ending seems a little awkward I didn’t know how to finish it. As always, send me asks about this, I would to info dump for this!
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1-aussiedollar · 2 months
Relationship charts!
(I’ve put notes for each in the alt text!)
Corey and Laney
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Kin and Kon
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Carrie and Lenny
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Kim and Konnie
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Trina and Mina
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penguinbuttcheeks · 5 months
Three's a Crowd - ghost x reader
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summary: you’re the latest addition to the 141. price and gaz have each other, ghost and soap vice versa. you start to realise that you’ll never be able to gain the attention of your comrades - let alone your lieutenant - the way you so desperately crave.
pairing: ghost x gn!reader
cw: angst, typical cod violence, character death, mw3 spoilers
word count: 2,318
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A/N: feeling angsty so have this :D (FURTHER PROOFREADING IS NEEDED !!! but im eepy and impatient its 2am)
also i genuinely can't live without music, so i always end up adding a song that kinda reminds me of my fic. its not something that needs to be listened to - simply any song i find that kinda suits the vibe of the story and also just sharing some good music for others to enjoy !! idk, just something i enjoy doing (im rambling)
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Being the latest addition to the TaskForce 141's ensemble had its downfalls.
While you were immensely grateful for the opportunity to have been recruited by John Price himself, there was still the lingering discomfort of trying to fit in with a new group.
It was childish really. Such a minuscule concern whilst in the midst of fighting a war.
It had been several months since you were enlisted, yet your relationship amongst the four members seemed to lag in comparison to the camaraderie they each shared between one another. Years of companionship amidst the terrors of combat had strengthened the bindings of their connections, forcing them to rely on one another when faced with life and death. It was something that you had yet to experience with them.
You know that these things take time - especially given that fact that it was so common to lose comrades in this field of work. Everyone was terrified of getting attached. 
Over the coming days, the five of you had been preparing for an upcoming mission. It was crucial that everything panned out perfectly. Price wasn't leaving any room for fault, not when the safety of thousands were at stake. thousands of civilian lives. Men, women and children.
While Price and Gaz - with the assistance of Farah - had set out to Urzikstan to lead an infiltration on a Konni base they believed Makarov was operating at, you were assigned to Verdansk with Soap and Ghost. 
The task; stop Konni from destroying the Gora dam.
The three of you were currently grouped at the meeting point, scoping the area before setting off to defuse the bombs scattered across the site. With the little numbers you had, you were going to have to rely on stealth. You hated stealth.
Stealth required trust. Trust in your comrades to complete their designated tasks without fault, trust in your comrades to stay alert. 
You had none. 
You were determined to change that succeeding this mission.
"Be advised, Konni personnel are grouping near multiple locations below you." Laswell's voice snaps you from your thoughts, her voice ringing through the comms. 
Ghost and Soap look up at where you were perched. You were their sniper for this mission. They were relying on you to keep them covered and you were not going to let them down.
You raise your hand in the air, giving them a thumbs up to alert you were ready and in position. The two men send a curt nod in return before setting off to track down and defuse the explosives.
With Laswell over-watching the operation, and you giving the duo support from a higher vantage point, the low numbers were of little concern. The four of you knew that you would be able to carry out the mission smoothly. Besides, 
Failure wasn't an option.
You watch as Ghost silently takes out several guards, advancing his way through the facility as he tries to locate the bombs.
"Bagged 'em" Laswell confirms another kill for Ghost.
“Two guards, on your three by the barrels” you alert Ghost, watching as he stealthily approaches the guards. “I’m lined up, I can get them in one”.
They’re on the ground before Ghost can even blink.
You grin as you peer through the scope of your sniper. This was going to be cake.
“Good to see you in one piece, Johnny” Ghost huffs, splayed on the floor of the heli alongside you and Soap.
“Haven’t felt better, LT.”
It was a scramble trying to meet with Nikolai and board the aircraft, lifting off amidst the enemy's gunfire. You ensured there were no men left standing by the time you all were long out of sight. 
Price would be pleased. 
“Yeah, I’m okay too. Thanks for asking” you huff out in annoyance, watching as Ghost lends Soap a hand, lifting him to his feet with a small grunt. 
You get up by yourself, a simple side glance sent your way from Ghost before both the men turn to Nikolai. At least Soap had the decency to return a relieved smile.
“Mission accomplished, Bravo. You three took down an army and saved lives tonight” Laswell congratulates through the comms, her usual monotonous voice doing little to praise the successful operation that the three of you had completed. “Makarov will not take this well.”
“He’s a big boy,” you respond with an amused grin. “He can handle it.”
“Don’t underestimate the rage of the Russian’s” Nikolai chuckles back in response, looking back at you momentarily to ensure all three of you weren’t seriously injured.
“Speakin’ from experience, Nikolai?” You smirk back, walking over towards the front of the heli where both Ghost and Soap stand, your sniper left discarded on the metal floor of the military carrier.
“Firsthand” Nikolai simply snorts back.
The rest of the ride back is silent, Ghost and Soap sat beside each other, a singular empty seat distancing their proximity. You? You sit across from them, alone on the empty bench. 
You don’t mean to let your guard down. You were simply exhausted and finally allowing yourself to stare aimlessly into space as the adrenaline in your system slowly drained from your veins.
The harsh voice has you crashing back to reality, eyes focusing in place to meet dark hazel ones, narrowed and directed at you. You hadn’t realised you were staring at Ghost while you silently decompressed. It was a rude startle from your meaningless thoughts.
“Sorry, I zoned out. My eyes were just comfortable” you respond awkwardly, adjusting your seating position and clearing your throat. “Didn’t realise I was staring”
Ghost simply glares back at you, his usual cold and emotionless stare making your hands clammy and stomach flutter. You quickly avert your gaze, turning your head away to stare at the metal tread plate flooring, instead focusing on the loud hum of the aircraft you were all seated in.
It suddenly grew too hot, too cramped in the helicopter. It was claustrophobic - suffocating almost.
You’re the first to scramble off the heli, exhaling in relief when you’re no longer boxed into the hunk of metal you had just spent the last hour travelling in. With your sniper draped loosely over your shoulder, you make your way inside the small safe house nestled on the outskirts of Verdansk. You don’t bother to wait for Soap and Ghost.
It’s late at night. Your body is near spent. Your only goal in mind was getting the heavy military gear off your body to finally allow yourself the comfort you crave. 
It’s a small shack, only the bare minimum provided. An old, tattered couch and rickety square dining table with four chairs on each side, each varying in design and wood finishes. They evidently didn’t come as a set. There is a small room off to the side, various camping cots packed and stacked against the furthest wall, at our disposal for when we choose to retire for the night.
Ghost, Soap and Nikolai soon enter after you, Nikolai retreating into the small room to set up the cots and get some much needed rest.
You keep to yourself while Soap settles on the small couch, Ghost taking a seat at the dining table to clean and check over his equipment. 
You hastily peel the stiff fabric from your body, vest and outerwear folded on the floor in the corner of the living room, your sniper. Resting atop of them. Your aching body can finally breathe now that the extra layers were finally discarded
“Ye did good today” Soap finally speaks up after a beat of tense silence. You turn to him in slight surprise, not expecting him to initiate any sort of conversation with you. “We’d have been fucked without ye” he continues, Scottish accent thick as ever.
You can’t help the small smile that creeps on to your face.
“You guys did the dirty work. I simply scoped the area from above” you assure modestly, not wanting to come across arrogant.
“Aye. Saved our asses several times. We owe you.”
Ghost simply scoffs quietly, standing to move outside where there would be less chatter. He was tired and didn’t want to indulge. 
Your smile is wiped from your lips, replaced by a slight frown at Ghost’s exit. It doesn’t go unnoticed by the Scot.
“He’s a crabbit old man. Pay him no mind” Soap assures you, voice low and seemingly unaffected by the Lieutenant’s departure. “The lad’s not one for meaningless blether.”
You nod, evidently disappointed
Soap observes you silently, taking in your defeated expression, a low hum of acknowledgment absentmindedly leaving his tight lips.
"Ye like the Lieutenant" he voices aloud. There was no room for argument in his statement.
Your head darts to Soap in stunned horror, mouth parted in shock. You're unable to respond, Soap speaking up before you're able to form your words.
"Keen een."
You immediately shut your mouth. There was no point in arguing. He knew.
Soap chuckles, a bitter and amused sound that leaves you feeling uneasy.
"Foolhardy choice"
You watch as Soap leaves to the makeshift bedroom, closing the door behind him and leaving you alone with your thoughts and anxieties. You don't get much sleep that night.
Returning to the 141 base was a relief in itself.
Touching down on British soil allowed you to finally relax. You were finally familiar with your surroundings once again.
You sigh happily upon entering your private quarters, throwing your bag carelessly to the ground. A shower was in order. You waste no time in stripping down bare to prepare yourself for the best shower of your life.
When you emerge from the shower, hair still damp and leaving small patches of dampness along the fabric of your fresh shirt you immediately make your way to the rec room. Some caffeine was in order if you were going to set your sleep schedule back to its usual.
You inhale sharply when you see Ghost sat alone, immediately on edge.
He turns his attention to you momentarily before wordlessly resuming back to the reports in his hands.
Message received.
You quietly walk over to the coffee machine, pulling out a mug as you put the kettle on.
You keep your eyes trained on anything but Ghost, not wanting to anger him again. You can't help but lose yourself in your thoughts once again as you wait for the water to finish boiling.
It wasn't anything more than a physical attraction that you had towards the aloof man. You didn't know the slightest thing about him. You did know however, that he was loyal. Just from your observations alone - it was obvious just how passionate he was about the 141. He would lay his life down without a second thought to ensure a mission was successful, to ensure his teammates were safe.
All of his teammates, save for you.
He was a machine during training, a monster on the field. Rippling muscle and deadly speed, accuracy that rivals even Captain Price himself.
So many times you've caught yourself staring, admiring from the peripherals of your vision with your lip caught between your teeth. You felt like a lovesick teen in high school. It was absolutely infuriating.
"It won't make itself"
You jolt in alarm, head whipping towards the voice. Ghost simply stares at you, eyebrow raised. His skull mask was replaced by his usual black balaclava he wore around base, the prominent shape of his brow bones underneath the knit fabric the only giveaway of his expression. His thick thighs are spread lazily in front of him, large feet planted on the floor as he leans back against the dark leather couch, papers still in hand.
You quickly tear your eyes away from him once again.
"I know." You internally grimace at your response. Stupid. So stupid.
Ghost chuckles, still eyeing you as you stare dumbly down at the now finished boiling kettle and empty mug.
"You're an open book" he speaks up, shaking his head slightly in disapproval, lowering his eyes back down to his reports. "You need to keep your head in the game, sergeant. This is a war, not a dating reality."
You glimpse over at him from the corner of your eye, fighting down the heat that tries to spread across your face.
"I'm well aware of that" you respond sternly, hastily making your coffee.
Fucking. Soap.
"Start acting like it, soldier"
You swiftly leave, coffee rushed and head lowered in shame. You didn't bother drinking the sloppy coffee, instead tipping it down the bathroom sink and watching as it swirls down the drain.
Makarov was defeated - the 141 finally accomplishing what they had chased like hell hounds for months - finally at its end.
Ghost stares down at your lifeless eyes.
What should have been Soap’s life was instead replaced with your own.
It was a selfless act of bravery.
No one was fast enough to respond. One minute you were here, yelling out to Soap in alarm, the next you were motionless. An instant death after Makarov lodged his final bullet in your skull.
Ghost knows that he should feel something - anything for the life lost. His teammate stolen from life too soon, but he can't find it in himself to care.
Price places a large hand on Ghost's shoulder, pulling him away from the scene.
The Taskforce retreats. They would send reinforcements to retrieve your body, to be able to send something back to your loved ones waiting anxiously on your return.
It was a shame really. The potential you had was evident, destined to continue fighting for your country alongside Ghost, Price and Gaz.
Ghost turns on his heel, following after his comrades and boarding the heli, your empty seat bringing a deep sense of impending doom, the reality finally setting in for the four men.
Ghost scoffs, shaking his head.
Three was always a crowd
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afro-hispwriter · 10 months
A Soldier & An Assassin
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
Summary- sent on a solo recon mission, ghost finds himself with an assassin from a Brotherhood that has an official-unofficial undocumented alliance with the military
Assassins Creed x Call of Duty
A/n- The reader is French and black but has no physical descriptions. She has a French accent but it probably comes off as more English. She is a descendant of Abbo Cernuns(a hidden one who is the most intrigued by). Her outfit choices are similar to Evie Fryes but more modernized I should say.this is part 1. Warnings- slow burn??? Wc- 1.1k
Hassan was dead but now Makarov was coming up. He is in prison but the man has power, and his own army is causing trouble already which has the 141 on edge. 
The Konni have been transporting weapons never-ending, and the possibility of one of those containers carrying missiles goes up every time.
Price and Laswell agreed just to send one person to check. Ghost was chosen for this recon, quick and quiet. 
Ghost climbed up the stairs and ran to the ledge and pulled his sniper out.
"Watcher 1 to Ghost, how we looking?" Laswell says in his ear.
"Lots of armed personnel surrounding multiple containers." 
"Okay, if there are any signs of a missile, we're coming to you." 
"Copy." Ghost zoomed in his scope on each container, trying to get a closer look inside one.
"How many do you think there are down there?" To say his bones didn't jump out of his skin was an understatement. The feminine voice in his ear did not come from his comm in his right ear. No. This voice was not Laswell and whoever it was, was physically there next to him. Ghost whipped around to see who it was but was met with a black hood. He drew his knife but it got knocked out of his hands and the blade was pressed against his neck. 
"Is this how you treat all your allies?" Ghost slowly raised his hands in surrender, knowing the blade could slice through his jugular any second. 
"If you were an ally, you wouldn't have snuck up on me. Anybody tell you don't sneak up on an armored man?" He says slowly standing up to his feet, the blade the woman had following him. 
"Anybody tell you don't underestimate a woman." There was a slight chuckle that came from you. "Laswell, always keeping her word." The blade retracted and Ghost finally turned his head to face you. You were not at all what he was expecting. The all-black get-up looked ridiculous, it was like you were pulled right out of a book. You looked Ridiculous.
"You know Laswell?"
The hood was pulled back and the brightest smile was put on your face. Okay, you look less ridiculous now. 
"Laswell and I go way back, she saved my life one day and now she is my friend, along with the others. She has earned our respect."
"Ever heard of the Brotherhood, or the Hidden Ones?" You ask him and start to walk to the ledge of the building and pull out some binoculars to zoom in on the Konni. 
"Rumors, stories. A large  group of Assassins that live among us." Ghost says cautiously and approaches you from behind. 
"And we have kept it like that for thousands of years, thanks to our skills, leaders, and people like Laswell." 
"Well, I would've liked to know I would have company on something that was supposed to be solo." 
"I asked her not to say anything. I knew a man with a skull face mask would be here and he goes by Ghost." You look back at him and look him up and down. "I also trusted my skills enough to handle you if it came to it." Ghost scoffed at that and you stood up straight. "Look." You passed the binoculars to Ghost and he grabbed them, he looked at you wearily but looked. 
"Bloody hell." Ghost zoomed in on the open container to see an array of controls. 
"They're covering it up with drugs and money." Ghost handed you the binoculars back and clicked his radio. 
"This is Bravo-7 to Watcher-1." 
"Go for Watcher-1."
"There's a container here with what looks like missile controls in it."
"Damn." Ghost looked back at you and you raised an eyebrow. 
"I also ran into your, friend." He hesitated at that before hearing Laswell sigh. 
"Yeah sorry about that Ghost, but she was very insistent on not to tell you but I trust her. She is a good person." He trusted Laswell with his life, so if she trusts you, so can he(maybe). “But come on back, we need to find what those controls are connected to.”
“Copy.” Ghost responds and starts to walk away. You throw your arms up in shock.
“Um hello?” You scoff and walk after him. “What are you going to do?”
“Nothing a civilian needs to know about.” 
“I'm not a civilian.” Ghost stops and sighs before turning around.
“You’re friends with Laswell and an assassin. Nothing there tells me you are part of the military. This isn’t your warzone.” You shook your head and pinched your nose. 
“Dangerous people are everywhere, and that means the battleground changes but the mission remains the same.” He could agree with that. 
“Why are you here?” He asks lowly and you press your lips together. 
“That's for you to figure out.” You say with a sly smirk and walk past him. You brushed your shoulder against his gently. Your perfume hit his nostrils through the mask and he felt his body willingly want to follow you. “See you around, partner.” You said it very teasingly as you stepped on the ledge of the building, hood being brought back up to your head, and leaned forward until you were falling. 
This was the second time you’ve scared Ghost. He ran to the ledge to see where you went but there was nothing. No blood on the sidewalk and you weren’t on the fire escape.
When Ghost got back to base and gave his full report(leaving you out). After that, he opened the dusty laptop that he never used and started researching the Hidden Ones. But the whole time, you flooded his head. Your beautiful smile, the ridiculous get-up, and your adorable accent. 
Ghost ripped his mask off his face and tossed it on his desk. He didn’t like the way you were making him feel but it wasn’t at all an unwelcome feeling.
A/n- I'm not very proud of this, it's not at all how I wanted it to go but if anybody is interested in a second part I'll work on that:) hope you guys somewhat enjoyed
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notspazztrapavacado · 4 years
Got the inspiration for this from scpdoctor-incorrectquotes so thanks again for being cool with me writing this :)
'Frozen frustration'
Dr. Iceberg x reader (fluff?)
“Fucking GREAT.” Iceberg groaned loudly his protest to the sky, as if that would make the clouds disperse under the wrath of his less than intimidating stature. 
Ice coated every concrete surface it could cing to. The hand railings, the sidewalk, most of the street, the stairs. The people responsible for pouring salt and removing the frozen layer of winter wouldn't be here for another three hours. He frowned, not wanting to sleep in the breakroom again and wanting to fall down the stairs even less. 
“Mornin’ Iceman.” A familiar voice sounded from behind him and he felt his hair get ruffled, messing it up even more than it already was from his long day at work.
“(Y/n)? You’re still here?” He tilted his head and the friend in question had to stop themselves short of commenting on how cute he could be when he was tired. 
“Yeah, I was helping Bright out with his filing. Guy’s the least organized bastard in this place.” (He/She) made a move to go past them, not even minding the ice as their shoe was able to successfully make an imprint in the ice. Iceberg huffed, irritated.
“You comin’?” (Y/n) asked, raising a brow as (he/she) was puzzled by his stillness. 
“Can't. Shoes don’t get traction and i’m not quite heavy enough to change that.” He crossed his arms, getting a little pink in the face at the sound of a laugh.
“Need help?” (He/She) pulled (his/her) hand from (his/her) pocket and held it out, fingers splayed and wiggling to motion the offer forward.
“We’ll both eat shit on the stairs if I go down.” Iceberg made sure that part was clear as he placed his hand in (his/hers). (He/She) only laughed again. 
“Alright, 50/50 chance we don’t is still good odds.” (He/She) shot him a smile and he had to return it. It might not be the best situation to find yourself holding hands with someone in, but it was better than nothing and Iceberg was a sucker for anything warmer than him. Especially hugs and hand holding. . . he shook the further thoughts of (Him/Her) away with a blush and some self scolding under his breath that was inaudible to his more optimistic co-worker.
He took a hesitant step down, feeling the lack of friction under his shoe making his weight slide towards (Y/n) a little more, his free hand reaching fast to cling onto (his/her) arm. 
“Don’t go falling for me too hard, there.” (He/she) joked, making his face catch a blush again. 
“Take your time.” (He/She) reassured him carefully, taking their next step down. He joined with a tentative step to the iced cement, putting yet more weight on the arm. 
“You weren’t kidding about that comment on being underweight.” (He/She) made another jab at him, and he grumbled at the teasing. 
“I’m stunted, okay? Now shut up so I can concentrate.” He was the one to reach the next step first, and (Y/n) watched closely as (he/she) joined him on that step. 
From somewhere behind them, the current form of Dr. Clef made its way down the steps without so much as a second’s hesitation, before looking up to them with a sharp smile. 
“Morning, Alto. Where ya headin?” (Y/n) was not the least bit phased, though Iceberg was bordering on upset at the casual pace the reality bender was able to descend at. 
“Just here. You two’ve been out here a while and I’m just waiting for someone to bite it.” He pulled out his phone and started to record them.
“Well fuck you, too, asshole!” Iceberg raised his voice, back to being embarrassed he not only needed help with this, but that he was now being filmed about to potentially fuck up his nose on the stairs in front of two of his co workers, one of them a crush he’d been nursing like a wound for the past few months.
“Do you trust me?” (Y/n) nudged him. “Like, really trust me?” (He/She) asked. 
“What are you planning?” He peered up at them. He was just a bit shorter than (him/her) due to the stunting he got from the severe anxiety of gaining too much weight in his younger teen years, and was still growing used to the fact (Y/n) was one of the only friends he had that did not instinctively hunch over a bit to look at him directly. 
“If I tell you, you’ll send us down on video, you either gotta trust me or continue the pace we’re at.” He had choices. Neither of them ones he liked, but conceded to anyway. 
“I trust you.” He sighed, his grip loosening on (his/her) arm.
“Up we go!” (Y/n) jutted (his/her) hands forward to be under his arms, pulling him up to his torso. 
Iceberg yelped and grappled with the back of (Y/n)’s shirt, legs wrapping around (his/her) waist and stringing together several unintelligible objections to being scooped up so suddenly without warning, only growing worse as (Y/n) took off down the stairs in a run. He squeezed his eyes shut, whole body absolutely rigid with fear, waiting for impact with the ground at some point…
“Alright, we’re down.” (He/She) patted his back.
“I didn’t get what I wanted but that shit was hilarious. Imma go bother Konny.” Clef snickered and waved, earning only a glare from Iceberg as he started back up the steps. 
“You want down or is it warm up here?” (Y/n) offered. 
“Don’t know if that was a cold joke or a short joke.” He replied saltily… He was right though, it was very warm up here, and now that the initial shock was gone, it really wasn’t so bad. 
“I think it’ll be faster if I just carry you.” (Y/n) started at a much more reasonable pace down the frozen sidewalk, not minding the extra weight one bit. 
“Aren’t you cold?” He piped up, not having thought about it before. 
“Not really.” (Y/n) shrugged. It was half true, (he/she) wasn’t exactly cold, though (he/she) was colder than before by just a small margin. 
“My apartment is number 12.” He decided to tell him ahead of time. Most of the researchers with anomalous properties lived on site to avoid potential trackers that could tie them to the facility or raise suspicion in the local communities. 
“I’m the one across from you, we’ve been neighbors a year as of last week.” (He/She) gave a small laugh at the information. Iceberg buried his face in (his/her) coat both for the added warmth and to hide the further embarrassment at how much he’d fucked up today. 
“Keys?” (Y/n) asked, freeing a hand from it’s place helping the other hold him. 
“Left pocket.” He instructed, not willing to let go. 
“Wow, just gonna let me put my hand in your pants like this?” (Y/n) teased before locating the left pocket in question and dipping (his/her) hand in, pulling the keyring out by the loop.
“You try anything and I pull us both backwards.” He threatened. 
“Not only do you think you’re heavy enough for that, but you just said you’d let me top right here in public?” (He/She) laughed, earning mildly angry silence. 
(Y/n) selected the key that resembled (his/her) own and pushed it into the lock, turning it and hearing the telltale click of the old lock before pushing the door open. (He/she) set him carefully past the step and onto the warm linoleum of his well-heated house. 
“Alright, you can fuck off now.” Iceberg crossed his arms. 
“Awe, don’t I get a kiss on the cheek like those christmas romcoms?” (Y/n) leaned forward a bit and pointed at (his/her) cheek. He only pouted and opened his mouth to tell him off. 
“You can go shove it if you think I’d thank you for scaring me half to death and being a pr-” He was cut off as (Y/n) leaned away without taking the weight shift into consideration and slipping, feet sliding around trying to get a grip in vein as they ultimately fell forward and smacked their face into the concrete slab that was his doorstep. 
“Oh shit, are you alright?!” Iceberg kneeled down in near-panic for his friend. (He/She) sat up in a daze before shaking (his/her) head of the fuzziness and starting to laugh loudly. 
At the sight that, other than a nasty bruise across (his/her) nose and blood gushing from said orifice, (he/she) was just fine. Iceberg, half out of relief, joined the laughing fit. 
Maybe today wasn’t so bad.
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airadam · 6 years
Episode 115 : Our Streets
"Watch the roads before crossing."
- Tyler
Beating the deadline, coming in a few hours before the New Year, giving you time to play this on the way out - or if you're staying in! This month's mix has some of my favourite tracks of 2018, as well as some choice selections from deeper in the crates. Enjoy the listen, and spread the word!
Twitter : @airadam13
The Mouse Outfit : Late Night Doors
One of Manchester's finest crews blessed us with the acclaimed "Jagged Tooth Crook" album this year and they continue to bring the quality every time out. New collaborator Berry Blacc takes his place on the mic alongside old hands Dubbul O and Ellis Meade for some quality low-tempo flavour, with the beat being an absolute gem. The drums, bass, and piano are all played without flash and to absolutely perfect combined effect - the mark of musicians who know exactly what they're doing!
Maes & Fybre : This One
Pure Manchester again, with these two dub producers almost outlawing everything that isn't bass on this one! One of the many (seriously, many) great tracks on the "From Manchester With Love" compilation.
Curren$y : Drone Footage
I pretty much planned this segment in reverse, and this was the last tune to fall into place. 70-ish BPM is a tricky speed for Hip-Hop, unless it's got trap-type production like this - which ironically was so slow I had to boost it up a bit! Not much to say about this succinct track - a bite-sized portion of Curren$y's signature lifestyle rap over an 808-heavy beat. Pick it up on this year's "Parking Lot Music" EP.
Andy Mineo & Wordsplayed as Magic & Bird : Kidz
I think I found this album on a random Spotify search and was drawn in by the "Magic & Bird" theme - as it turns out, it gave me a great tune for my gym playlist! Andy Mineo isn't someone I've heard before but he's a Christian Hip-Hop artist (well, that would explain the sudden prayer right before the last hook!) out of NYC who's been recording for the last five years or so. Apparently the lyrical theme for this one came from the producer Beam, who, when Mineo complained on hearing the beat that he wanted to get away from the trap sound, told him "just do one for the kids!" Mineo and Wordsplayed ride the beat ably and prove him dead right :)
Z-Ro : Like A Rocket
With the recent release of the "Sadism" album, and last year's "Codeine", it looks like the retirement is off! I'm always here for Ro's half-sung, half-rapped delivery style, and it fits perfectly over Risko Funk's 80s ballad-sampled track. The original flavour isn't overwhelmed by the drums or extra bass, but there are lots of nice touches along the way - heavy filters sweeping in, extreme pitch shifting on the drums towards the end, and a general tendency to make you want to replay the tune :) I don't know if the track title is taken from K-Rino's quote from a Houston Chronicle article a couple of years back, but if so then it's a great connection! Oh yes - didn't realise I bought the clean version of this until I put it in the mix :)
Zero 7 ft. Hidden : Mono
After a long hiatus, Zero 7 are back and I'm always interested to hear what they're bringing. This single starts off with pure spacey vibes before the solid drum line comes in, followed by the vocals of Hidden - soulful, and also restrained. 
Kaytranada : Nevalie
A very old one from the man out of Montreal, first posted on his Soundcloud about six years ago. Took a while to find a good track to follow the Zero 7, but EQing this one down to just the snare and trappy hi-hats initially opened up a really good opportunity for a mix!
Children of Zeus x Black Milk : Won't End Well
Manchester and Detroit combination! When this was released at the start of December I thought it was a one-off single, only to be completely surprised on Xmas Eve with the release of "The Winter Tape", an essential and completely free album! This track featured appropriately bleak and sparse production from Black Milk while Konny and Tyler describe the lack of happy endings in the street game - as your parents certainly did if they're anything like mine. 2018 has absolutely been the year of Zeus and they're carrying big momentum into 2019.
1982 ft. Lil' Fame and Haile Supreme : It's On You
The union of Termanology and Statik Selektah has finally returned for their second full LP "Still 1982" - and not before time. The hi-hat-less drums and occasional chimes in this beat made it mix smoothly with "Won't End Well" and got it the nod over another cut that we'll definitely play here in the future. Haile Supreme is new to me but the soul he puts into the hook certainly grabs your attention, and M.O.P's Lil' Fame steals the show on the rhyme side, though Termanology is absolutely solid as always.
Marco Polo ft. Invincible : Drunken Sleuth
It's always good to hear Invincible, who is always one to come with high-quality bars. In the guise of an overlooked drunk, she takes on corruption, homelessness, and the lack of democracy in her home city of Detroit on this ambitious and well-executed track. This is one where it's well worth reading her own annotated lyrics to get more background on the specifics. Beat-wise, Marco Polo is one of the finest in recent years and his work here and on the rest of the "PA2 : The Director's Cut" album is a great example of modern production that is inspired by a classic sensibility.
Cormega ft. Chantelle Nandi : More
The Queensbridge veteran brings a positive, uplifting message on this selection from the 2014 "Mega Philosophy" album, with the vocalist Chantelle Nandi making her debut appearance. As the album title suggests, the 30-minute collection is centred around this kind of theme, so it's definitely worth taking a short while to hear the whole thing!
Doo Wop : Castle To Castle (Instrumental)
I was torn in planning over whether to play the vocal version or just this beat, but the direction the mix went in meant that we'll save the Raekwon bars for another episode. This is the A-side to a vinyl that features the Rahzel-voiced "Ten Tape Commandments" on the flip, with both of course produced by one of the undisputed legends of the mixtape game.
Pusha T : Numbers On The Boards
Stomping, aggressive tune from Pusha's first solo album "My Name Is My Name" with Don Cannon, Kanye, and 88 Keys all combining to provide the production. No matter how good the beat though, you come to Pusha T for lyrical ability and he brings it as per usual - double-meanings aplenty as he dresses down any and all challengers. Michael Kors also catches a stray on the second verse!
The Step Brothers : Step Masters
I hadn't played this album for a while and am not sure how the illness of this cut slid managed to be forgotten by me for so long! Evidence and Alchemist are both underrated on the mic, and Alchemist must get the biggest "WTF?" laugh for "flippin'... like things that flip" :) The energy in this track is much more than you'd think possible given that it's only about 91 BPM, which is a credit to the production from these two heavyweights. Oh yes - do have a genuine laugh at the video!
Alchemist & Prodigy : We Got This
I was sure that one of the samples from the previous track had been used by Alchemist before, and I was right! This version is from the "Chemistry Files" mixtape, but for the full version you'll need to find the bootleg 12" single that includes it.
Camp Lo : Love Is Love
Just the right tech-sounding track to fit this space in the mix! This wasn't even my favourite track on 2017's "The Get Down Brothers" but it's a great example of how Sonny and Geechi aren't afraid to jump on different kinds of beats and lace them with their trademark slang waterfall.
K-Murdock : New Religion
A friend of the show who is an endlessly creative beatsmith, and his "Soundscapes Vol.2" is a mix of video game-inspired beats and instrumentals from his work with MCs. I had this one playing in the house and found a good home for it here :)
9th Wonder ft. Skyzoo and Ness : Let It Bang
Closing with pure slick-talking battle rap here from the "The Dream Merchant 2" compilation, all produced by 9th Wonder, then only about five years into his career. The drums and bass definitely have the classic flavour of early 9th, as well as the great chop/re-purposing of a nice soul sample. It's all east on the mic, with Brooklyn's Skyzoo and Ness from Philadelphia (you may know him from Da Band) trading bars and telling us to play this until you break the tape - which I suppose gives away the age of the track...
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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glorioustragedykid · 7 months
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I mixed together two of my interests together
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