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forestlion · 3 months ago
A. Schorle, das A steht für Arteria
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Schorlen wurden nicht in der Reihenfolge getestet, wie sie hier aufgelistet sind
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frosan43 · 2 days ago
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actually guys I do drawings but there is one big issue about it :). ofc i can pretend that this arteria carotis interna from kyle broflovski's little head but it even sounds a little bit weirddd...
and if I want to be 100 p cent honest I think i ll do more drawings after my exams.. i mean there no time for creek n kymany sketches when i should study vessels and nerves .🧍😘
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ley-med · 8 months ago
Spending the better half of nightshift with a severely injured patient, not sitting down even for a moment, no time to drink, no time to pee, whatever it's fine. Only to reach my breaking point at around hour 5 when inserting a jugular central vein line and accidentally cannulating the carotis...
It was okay in the end, I threw a minor fit, then put on my big boy panties and inserted a subclavian central vein line without effort, then got to eat my cold leftover pasta two hours later when surgery finally ended. But not gonna lie, it hit me a bit harder than it should have
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Meine/ my Carotis. Ultraschall von meinem Herzfreund
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jacopocioni · 2 years ago
Il peposo dell'Impruneta, gusto per duri!
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Peposo Gli operai che lavoravano ai forni (fornacini) nella produzione del cotto non erano certo persone abbienti, anzi, al lavoro duro non corrispondeva certo un salario alto. Approvvigionarsi di proteine era quindi difficile dato il costo della carne. Spesso il denaro non bastava neanche per le carni meno pregiate, come il muscolo o lo zampetto, quindi ci si accontentava si di questi tagli, ma di quelli avanzati che avevano molti giorni ed erano andati oltre la normale frollatura sfociando in un inizio di putrescenza. Mangiare questa carne non doveva essere gustoso, l'olezzo era sicuramente disappetente e quindi solo la spezia poteva rendere questa carne accettabile. Nacque quindi il peposo per questa ragione, eliminare il tanfo di vecchio; e cosa meglio del pepe, dell'aglio del rosmarino e della salvia il tutto in abbondanza. In pratica i fornacini tagliavano a grossi tocchi la carne, la mettevano in un coccio di terracotta aggiungevano abbondante pepe, aglio in camicia, rosmarino e salvia, poi ricoprivano il tutto con del vino rosso. Il coccio veniva poi, alla mattina presto, all'inizio del turno di lavoro, posizionato alla bocca dei forni dove si cuocevano i mattoni e alla mezza il pranzo era pronto. Oppure veniva posizionato nei forni alla sera, come mi suggerisce Filippo Caroti riportandomi voci di ricordi di vecchi imprunetani. Tutte le ore di cottura avevano asciugato il vino concentrandolo e reso la carne del muscolo tenera e succosa. Uno stracotto altamente speziato. Ecco nato il peposo dell'Impruneta, un piatto che oggi sarebbe immangiabile da chiunque se utilizzata la carne passata di allora.
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Preparazione del peposo. Oggi la carne che viene usata è sempre il muscolo, più fresco ovviamente, ma il procedimento non cambia, tanti spicchi d'aglio in camicia, rosmarino, salvia e pomodoro (spesso usato il concentrato o dei pelati). Devo far notare che il pomodoro è aggiunta moderna, all'epoca non si conosceva ed è entrato in cucina nell'800. Anche il pepe non viene più aggiunto in abbondanza come allora, anzi spesso il pepe macinato viene sostituito da pepe in grani che lascia il suo splendido aroma ma può essere allontanato per aggredire meno le papille gustative moderne. Anche qui un appunto, il pepe oggi macinato, all'epoca era quasi certamente usato in grani probabilmente perchè riutilizzato più volte. Ricordiamoci che era caro, addirittura usato come merce di scambio non deperibile. La leggenda vuole che questo piatto sia arrivato anche in piazza del Duomo a Firenze durante la costruzione del cupolone assieme ai mattoni necessari al Brunelleschi. Lo stesso Brunelleschi sembra abbia utilizzato questo piatto per nutrire i manovali. In pratica si racconta che all'ora del desinare fra far scendere gli operai e poi farli risalire dopo mangiato la perdita di tempo era notevole. Il Brunelleschi si inventò la prima mensa aziendale facendo salire insieme ai mattoni anche il peposo, il pane e il vino in modo da far mangiare gli operai direttamente sulle impalcature. Oggi possiamo gustarci il peposo in qualche ristorante oppure lo possiamo fare in casa con i pochi ingredienti ma con tanto tempo di cottura. Utilizzate un tegame di coccio, il forno a 120-150 °C, copritelo avendo l'accortezza di lasciare da un lato leggermente sollevato il coperchio in maniera che il vino possa lentamente evaporare. La cottura è lunga, almeno 3-4 ore, ricordate di mescolare periodicamente. Una variante interessante può essere aggiungere un paio di bacche di ginepro schiacciate e un paio di chiodi di garofano, gusto personale. Insomma la ricetta è già scritta su, non vi rimane che scegliere se essere aggressivi con il pepe macinato oppure più aggraziati con il pepe in grani. Servitelo su fette di pane toscano abbrustolito.
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Jacopo Cioni   Read the full article
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pdj-france · 1 year ago
Bologne, 4 août 2023 – Après le grand réussite des éditions précédentes, WomenX Impact est sur le point de revenir au FICO Eataly World à Bologne du 23 au 25 novembre avec son prestigieux sommet international. Aujourd'hui, plus de 500 billets ont déjà été achetés pour cette édition prometteuse qui promet d'être un événement hors du commun et plein de surprises. Cette année, l'événement aura un format unique grâce à la combinaison de deux jours en mode physique et d'un jour en mode en ligne, pour élargir au maximum l'implication de ceux qui se soucient de ces questions. Se reconfirmant parmi les événements les plus attendus de 2023 – plus de 2 500 personnes du monde entier ont contribué à l'édition 2022 – WomenX Impact renouvelle cette année encore son engagement à promouvoir le leadership et l'autonomisation des femmes aux côtés des grandes sociétés du calibre d'Eni (sponsor principal), Mediobanca, Olympus, Indeed, Google Cloud, Cisco, Airbnb, Alibaba, Pinterest, Unicredit, Plénitude et Amazon Web Services, pour n'en énoncer que quelques-uns. La première partie du programme est déjà disponible ici. Les autres surprises seront annoncées en septembre, un peu moins de trois mois après l'ouverture de l'événement. Des conférenciers du monde entier se relaient sur scène, de Paris, Londres, Bruxelles, Dubaï, à Boston et San Francisco, pour partager connaissances et expériences sur un vaste éventail de sujets. Les discours de motivation iront du leadership à l'intelligence émotionnelle, du numérique dans le futur du travail et bien plus encore. Les participants auront l'opportunité de s'immerger dans une atmosphère d'innovation et de progrès, acquérant des outils précieux pour leur développement personnel et professionnel. Le sommet 2023 comprend bien plus : 4 salles simultanées, 2 salles dédiées aux discours, tables rondes, entretiens en tête-à-tête avec des personnalités éminentes et 2 autres pour des ateliers pratiques qui offriront aux participants la possibilité de s'impliquer à 360° pour révéler de nouvelles compétences, assurant un apprentissage actif et engageant. De plus, le WomenX Impact Summit 2023 offrira des expériences de réseautage uniques, entre déjeuners et dîner de gala : des occasions qui favoriseront des connexions et des comparaisons stimulantes qui mèneront à des synergies et des opportunités de collaboration. Dans la longue liste des conférenciers, nous trouvons : Alessandra Fidanzi d'Eni, Chiara Caroti de Google Cloud, Stefania Ricci de Barclays, Giulia Gasparini d'Amazon Web Services, Francesca Del Moretto d'Olympus, Weronika Jankowska de PwC, Claudia Lucarelli et Adele Trombetta de Cisco , Caccamo d'Ilaria Indeed, Viola Zucchero de Mondadori Media et Arianna Timeto d'Acer ne sont que quelques-uns des professionnels qui se relaieront sur scène pendant le sommet. La liste complète des intervenants est disponible au lien suivant : https://womenximpact.com/speaker-2023/ Parmi les nouveautés de cette année, l'Open Space Forum, une table à plusieurs voix, une expérience dynamique et engageante qui encourage la participation active et un échange ouvert entre tous les participants, y compris les conférenciers et le public. Cette méthodologie innovante est basée sur l'idée que chaque personne présente dans la salle a quelque chose d'important à dire et à enseigner et que chacun peut bénéficier de l'échange mutuel d'expériences et de connaissances. Pendant l'Open Space Forum, les espaces traditionnels et hiérarchiques sont dépassés et tous les participants sont considérés comme égaux, quel que soit leur rôle ou leur titre. Eleonora Rocca, fondatrice et directrice générale de WomenX Impact a affirmé : « Il est d'une importance capitale que nous continuions à parler d'égalité des sexes et que nous travaillions activement à sa réalisation. Le WomenX Impact Summit 2023 représente une réalité unique où les femmes peuvent partager des expériences, acquérir des connaissances et se connecter avec d'autres esprits brillants sur la scène internationale.
Nous croyons fermement que l'égalité des sexes est essentielle pour assurer le bien-être de la société dans son ensemble. J'invite tout le monde à nous rejoindre dans cet objectif commun pour assurer un avenir meilleur aux hommes et aux femmes". La force de WomenX Impact se manifeste non seulement à travers le Sommet, mais aussi grâce aux Digital Talks et au podcast « Women Changemakers ». Digital Talks est des événements successifs mensuels intégralement numériques et gratuits qui permettent au public de dialoguer avec des invités influents sur un grand choix de sujets de pointe tels que la transformation numérique, les technologies émergentes, la durabilité, les ressources humaines et les opportunités de carrière. Le podcast "Women Changemakers", intégralement géré par la communauté WomenX Impact, raconte les histoires de personnes courageuses qui ont adopté le changement et ouvert de nouvelles voies dans leur vie et leur carrière. C'est un projet qui donne la parole à des professionnels de haut niveau, leur permettant de partager leurs réussites et de lancer des messages de croissance et d'inspiration au profit de tous les auditeurs. Mais ce n'est pas tout! WomenX Impact soutient le talent et l'ingéniosité des femmes entrepreneures à travers le Startup Competition qui, cette année encore, sera riche en surprises. C'est un concours qui offre aux startups dirigées par des femmes ou avec au moins une femme au conseil d'administration l'opportunité de présenter des projets innovants, gagnant en visibilité et en soutien indispensable à la concrétisation de leurs idées d'affaires. Les candidatures pour devenir sponsor de l'événement, collaborer en qualité de partenaires ou partager des expériences et des compétences en qualité de conférenciers sont toujours ouvertes. La contribution des sponsors et partenaires est essentielle pour renforcer l'engagement de WomenX Impact à fonder un avenir plus équitable et inclusif. Eleonora Rocca, fondatrice et directrice générale de l'événement, a affirmé : « WomenX Impact est bien plus qu'un grand événement et chaque jour je suis de plus en plus fière de ce que nous avons construit au fil des ans. Aujourd'hui, WXI est une communauté de personnes déterminées à promouvoir un changement durable, valorisant l'autonomisation des femmes et l'égalité des sexes. Nous sommes toujours à la recherche de personnes et d'sociétés qui croient en nous et en notre projet pour tracer un chemin vers un monde dans lequel chaque individu peut contribuer au changement et à la création d'une société meilleure pour tous. Des sociétés du calibre d'Eni, Mediobanca, Amazon Web Services, Olympus et Cisco ont embrassé notre cause pour la deuxième année consécutive et nous ne pouvons qu'en être fiers et fiers ». Grâce à notre code de réduction spécial THECRYPTONOMIST15, vous pouvez acheter des billets pour l'événement à un prix incroyable ! Ne le manquez pas! DEVENEZ PARRAIN : https://growencegroup.typeform.com/to/HYHosnPf?typeform-source=womenximpac t.com DEVENEZ INTERVENANT : https://growencegroup.typeform.com/to/f6t5nY9r?typeform-source=waitinglist2020.t ypeform.com DEVENIR UN PARTENAIRE: https://growencegroup.typeform.com/to/uD1dfgxT?typeform-source=womenximpact.com
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years ago
Johns-Hopkins-Forscher entdecken ein mögliches Ziel zur Behandlung von Schlafapnoe In einer neuen Studie mit fettleibigen Mäusen sagen Forscher der Johns Hopkins Medicine, dass sie Beweise hinzugefügt haben, dass spezialisierte Kanalproteine ​​mögliche therapeutische Ziele für Schlafapnoe und ähnliche ungewöhnlich langsame Atmungsstörungen bei fettleibigen Menschen sind. Das Protein, ein als TRPM7 bekannter Kationenkanal, findet sich in Glomus carotis, winzigen Sinnesorganen im Nacken, die Sauerstoff- und Kohlendioxidveränderungen und bestimmte Hormone wie ... #Atmung #BLUT #Blutdruck #Diabetes #Ermüdung #Fettleibigkeit #Forschung #Gen #Genetisch #Gewichtsverlust #Herz #Herzkrankheit #Hoher_Blutdruck #Hormon #Kation #Leptin #Lunge #Lungenerkrankung #Medizin #Nacken #pH_Wert #Physiologie #Protein #RNS #Sauerstoff #Schlafapnoe #schlafen
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glorioustidalwavedefendor · 11 months ago
Only tiny little nitpick
Loki hurt him. And he meant it. (...) Loki stabbed Thor with the intent to hurt in Avengers. It drew blood.
If Loki ment to really hurt Thor he would have cone for the caroties.
Like the neck was right there unprotected and accessable.
But Loki didn't
He stuck a glorified toothpick between Thors ribs.
I assume becasue he wasn't to sure how open the line to the other was and thor would not take no for an answer, so he gave him a slapp on the wrist.
Maybe becasue he was scared the other might yank his chain and take over and actually really injure Thor. Who left all his defences wide open, becasue "this is Loki who would never hurt me"
Nope this is Loki and the other and that is a volatile combination you have never encountered
Loki in the avengers wanted thor to hate him. So why is he shock in the dark world when thor hates him like he wanted
okay, I'm really glad you asked this because I have wanted to talk about this for a while, and I think it's a massive misconception inside of the Thor fandom and the Loki fandom.
Loki wanting Thor to acknowledge they're not bio family ≠ loki wants thor to hate him.
I can't think of any lines in canon where Loki specifically tells Thor "I hate you" or says to anyone that Thor should hate him. Or tells anyone in canon that he does hate Thor.
The most Loki seems to believe is that Thor should acknowledge that they're not related by blood.
Canon lines Loki says regarding this:
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Loki does not want his family to hate him. That's not his goal. If it was his goal, he'd go about it in a much, much different way.
Loki does want them to acknowledge that he was lied to for his entire life and that not only is he not even their son/brother, he's not even the same species. It's very different things.
But because Thor and Odin will not address this with him, and Frigga is making him choose accepting Odin as his father or not accepting their family, Loki feels like they aren't seeing him. Again. This lack of acknowledgement about his person, about something that is in the very essence of his being, is something he finds deeply hurtful. It's why his argument with Frigga happens in the first place.
It's not that he doesn't consider her his mother. It's that Frigga makes him choose. There is no gray area for them. No "yes, i'm not your mother by birth, but you are my son by choice" or any sort of reassurance. Just "either you accept that he's your dad or you don't"
Thor, at least, doesn't make Loki choose. He and Loki just...don't talk about it, when they clearly should. I think it would have vastly improved their relationship if they HAD discussed it.
Loki and Thor skirt AROUND the topic in Ragnarok, but they never actually discuss it in any of their time together:
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i feel like a lot of Loki's problems with Thor don't stem out of a lack of love. they stem from a lack of communication. this line in ragnarok, i actually found to be a really good summary of their relationship from loki's pov post-avengers:
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Thor, on the other hand, seems to view Loki's desire to make them acknowledge his adoption post Thor 1 as Loki's desire to separate himself from the family and that he hates them now, because, well...why wouldn't he in Thor's mind?
Thor participated in the lie, even if unwillingly. His mother and father lied to Loki their entire lives, so of COURSE it makes sense Loki would hate him, so Thor tries to numb down to avoid thinking about it, hence the massive depression arc in TDW.
Loki has also, you know, tried to commit genocide and conquer a planet, which is VASTLY out of character for him pre thor 1, so Thor must wonder if he actually knew Loki at all or if their relationship was a facade the entire time. He feels like he never Knew Loki. Jotunheim Thor can understand, maybe. Maybe he can get where Loki was coming from, the understanding of how badly he was spiraling, the political moves Loki was trying to make, he can make sense of that.
But Earth?
Earth has done nothing to Loki.
Thor doesn't understand why Loki wants to hurt innocents. The brother that he knew defended them. Loki is the only reason the Warriors made it off of Jotunheim. Thor trusts Loki to keep people safe, and for the first time in their lives, Loki wasn't.
Hence this line in TDW:
"I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you"
That glimmer of hope was destroyed when Loki turned down Thor's offer in Avengers 1 to stop the attack. Thor tried to reach out to Loki in the Avengers, but after Loki stabbed him, something in Thor broke.
You can see it in his expression.
It's part of the reason that the "oh, Loki stabs Thor all the time lol!" joke doesn't land with me and I kind of ignore it as canon.
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LIke just LOOK at them okay? Thor drops Mjolnir in shock. He grabs Loki's arm for support. Loki has to shove him away before Thor lets go. You can SEE the shock in his face as he looks down.
Loki hurt him.
And he meant it.
So yeah, I do 100% get why Thor would threaten to kill Loki in TDW, because he feels he has to do it in self defense. Not that I think Thor could go through with it. They're empty words and Thor and Loki know that. The idea probably sounded a lot better in Thor's head before he saw Loki again and realized oh crap I have missed you and I love you and I'm sorry too.
Loki's adoption being withheld hurt Thor too. Their parents lied to Thor too. Thor tries desperately to separate the idea that his Loki (pre-thor 1) and THIS Loki in the TDW are the same person, but by the end of the movie, he knows.
TDW Loki is more battered, grown-up, hurt, darker, a mess. But it's still his Loki. That is why Thor doesn't feel the need to bring anything up in Ragnarok. He has made his peace with Loki's choices.
Loki...hasn't yet.
In the TDW world though, Thor has clearly been putting distance between himself and Loki, he didn't visit Loki at all in TDW, but he knew where Loki's cell was immediately, which makes me think that Thor has visited Loki, just not when Loki was awake. And you know what, unlike a majority of the Loki fandom, I'm not mad at him for that. I get it. Loki stabbed Thor with the intent to hurt in Avengers. It drew blood. Thor does have a right to be frustrated with Loki, just like Loki does with Thor. Their frustrations are not equal or the same, but they are valid.
But I do want to point this out:
Loki doesn't want Thor to hate him. And Thor doesn't hate him. Thor is severely depressed in the Dark World. Apathy is practically bleeding from his every movement in the movie. Having to face Loki would have meant having to face the family issues he didnt' want to face, but he never didn't love Loki, he just couldn't trust him.
Not being able to trust someone ≠ not loving them.
(which I also find ironic that Thor says that, and then immediately trusts Loki with the most important thing to him at that moment: Jane's life. Thor trusts Loki. Loki trusts Thor. They just won't admit that because they're both stubborn.)
Thor and Loki do love each other.
And I think that Loki is aware that Thor didn't lie to him, because the person he most consistently calls family is Thor from that point out. He doesn't reclaim Odin as family until IW, and he doesn't reclaim Frigga until IW either by association (not that i think he ever really unclaimed her, he was just trying to make a point), but Thor:
Thor, Loki never unclaims, and neither does Thor
For all their frustrations with each other, they still view each other as family. the hurt wasn't deep enough to undo that:
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does not deny this
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the FIRST thing Loki says to him after ALL that happened with Thanos and the invasion and the Void is thAT
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^ you do not mourn someone you don't love.
Thor calls Loki brother twice in that conversation and Loki doesn't say "i'm not your brother" the only person he corrects Thor on is Odin.
Because the ONLY person in canon Loki has EVER corrected about Thor not being his sibling was in Thor 1 to Thor and there were extenuating circumstances.
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^ defending his sibling even though LOKI IS NOT IN THE ROOM. Loki will not SEE or HEAR this.
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loki still does not deny this
Loki: now you see me, brother
loki is calling Thor is brother again. He didn't deny it in the Avengers, but in the TDW he is actively acknowledging that they are family
Loki: This is so unlike you, brother. So clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?
Loki: Still, we could be less conspicuous. [Loki turns back into himself but turns Thor into Sif] Hm, brother. You look ravishing
Loki: They're on the ship! [as they approach the ship Volstagg starts attacking them; back in the ship] Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster.
Loki: You still don't trust me, brother?
Loki is practically falling over himself to claim Thor as his sibling. Part of this, I imagine, is due to the fact that he never got to call Frigga mother again, but I also do, sincerely, believe that Loki never cast Thor out of his heart.
By Ragnarok, both of them are referring to the other as their sibling, an indication that they have moved past their frustrations:
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Strange: ... Your adopted brother Loki is one of these beings.
THOR: He's a worthy inclusion.
^ does not deny they are siblings
THOR: I suppose I'll need my brother back.
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Grandmaster: YOUR brother. Whatever the story is. Adopted, or complicated. I'm sure there's a big history.
^ loki does not deny they are siblings
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even Hela gets thrown into the "getting claimed as family" thing and they barely know her for the span of a few hours:
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anyway, tl;dr
loki and thor love each other and want each other as family, they're just too emotionally constipated to actually talk about that. They have never, and will never, actually hate each other because that was never actually in canon and it won't be. And for all my problems with ragnarok, I do like that they made Loki and Thor acknowledge that they care about each other in the subtext.
Thor and Loki only use each other's names when they're being serious. Brother is a term of endearment and they are both aware of that. Loki knows that in the TDW. That's why he's using it. That's why Thor doesn't. Because Thor is still processing and trying to figure out who Loki is to him. I could talk for hours about Thor's arc with his relationship with Loki.
Loki and Thor's love for each other is what made their estrangement so painful. but they were able to repair things in Ragnarok (to some extent). Loki sacrificed himself for Thor. Thor killed Thanos for Loki.
If Loki never loved Thor, Thanos never would have purposefully picked Thor out of the crowd of Asgardians to torture him for the Tesseract. Even Thanos knew how much these two idiots love each other.
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theleafcuter · 4 years ago
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Was gonna do all of the carroty variants but the ref I got from the fandom wiki for gingerly is SO BAD I gave up gbnzxcbadf
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gatescdeplictiseala · 3 years ago
Cartofi Taranesti | Reteta Delicioasa de Cartofi Taranesti cu Bacon si Ceapa la Tigaie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gqWLBb3nPA #cartofitaranesti #cartoficuceapa #cartoficubacon #gatescdeplictiseala
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sailortim · 3 years ago
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Рис. 47.8. Ветви средней мозговой артерии, питающие опухоль. Объяснение к рис. 47.8: 1 - a. carotis interna; 2 - a. cerebri media; 3 - a. cerebri anterior dext; 4 - мешотчатая аневризма на a. communicans anterior sin; 5 - a. cerebri anterior sin.
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vetadventure · 5 years ago
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Anatomy all day everyday
This weeks topic has been A. Carotis communis & V. Jugularis and all their 58917 branches 😂, that continues from the neck to the head and the face. It feels like one of the easier topics but on the other hand it can be really hard as many of the vessels aren’t really visible ....this can be really interesting
Also, the samples on the picture are amazing, I don’t know who made them but they are really cool!
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alfaruqiahmad · 5 years ago
Aku Suka Haltenya
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Gerimis dan rintik hujan masih turun di langit kota, walau awan mendung sudah mulai menghilang. Matahari tampak ingin pamit di ufuk barat, memberikan kesan dan warna kemerahan di seluruh sudut jalan dan bangunan. Senja kota ini selalu sama, tak peduli musim silih berganti, kesibukan penduduk kota, kemacetan di jalanan, anak sekolah yang pulang ke rumah. Senja kota sama sekali tak berubah. Selalu indah.
Jalanan masih basah, tentu saja. Gerimis kecil sore ini membuat air-air jatuh dan membasahi bangunan, rerumputan, persimpangan jalan, dan lampu taman kota. memberikan suasana yang menyejukkan dan menenangkan. Aku sedang berjalan di tepi jalanan besar yang di lewati kendaraan dan mobil-mobil yang melintas. Terlihat di seberang jalan, gerai fotokopian yang mulai sibuk membereskan barang-barangnya. Bersiap untuk tutup sepertinya. Mereka masih menyelesaikan beberapa hal, menggunting ini, menulis itu, mengetik sesuatu di layar komputer. Masih ada beberapa remaja disana, mahasiswa yang masih sibuk dengan kertas dan buku-bukunya. Mungkin mereka sedang berburu dengan deadline tugas, atau ada juga yang hanya numpang berteduh. Sesekali tertawa dan bercanda. Ah ramai sekali.
Aku baru berjalan keluar beberapa meter dari gerbang tempat kerjaku, rumah sakit utama kota. Badanku terasa remuk, sekujur tubuhku lelah sekali, sesekali aku masih mengusap peluh di kening. Memperbaiki ujung jilbab, membersihkan embun yang mengaburkan kacamata. ntahlah, apakah itu embun, atau air mata. Yang pasti, aku letih. Hanya tinggal beberapa langkah lagi menuju tujuan, halte bus dengan tempat duduk, dan atap yang cukup meneduhkan. Sudah ada beberapa orang disana. sepertinya lagi-lagi mahasiswa, adik kelasku lebih tepatnya. Memang tempat kerjaku, dan halte ini tidak jauh dari kampus dengan bangunan tinggi menjulang tepat di perempatan jalan. Aku suka haltenya, dan masih menjadi tempat favoritku sejak dulu. dekat, bersih, nyaman dan karena, ini juga tempat favoritnya. dulu.
Tiga buku di tangan kiri, botol minuman dan kotak makanan di tangan kanan, satu tas sandang, dan tas kain yang kugendong di depan badanku, rempong sekali. Kuliah hari ini sudah selesai. dokter jam terakhir menyuruh kami memeriksa beberapa cadaver dan anatomi, mudah saja. Aku bergegas pulang menyebrang jalan sebelum awan mendung di langit menurunkan hujan. Berlari kecil menuju halte bus di seberang jalan. Tiba-tiba seseorang dari belakang mengambil langsung buku-buku dan kertas di tangan kiriku. Sesaat aku terkejut, “hei!” dan menyadari, ternyata itu dia. “Biar aku bantu membawanya, kamu akan keberatan.” Sama sekali merasa tak perlu melihatku, dia tetap saja jalan dengan langkahnya yang seolah tak peduli, menyebrang jalan. Terkejutku berubah menjadi senyum, melihat punggungnya dan masih berdiri terdiam di tepi jalan. Sesaat kemudian, panggilannya memutus lamunanku, “kamu mau tetap berdiri disitu saja sampai malam dan tidak akan pulang?” Aku langsung bergegas mengikuti langkahnya, sambil sedikit memperbaiki kacamata “ah iya, tunggu akuu!” kami menunggu di halte sore itu, dan aku tertawa cekikikan. dalam hati.
Aku tersenyum disini saat ini, Persis di tempat yang sama, mencoba berdamai dengan masa lalu. kenangan itu telah lama pergi, jauh tertinggal. Sejak wisuda dan yudisium sarjana, dia menghilang begitu saja. Tanpa pamit. Tidak ada bilang apa-apa. Menghilang ditelan bumi. Sampai sekarang, sama sekali tidak ada sedikitpun kabar angin yang berhembus tentangnya. Sedangkan aku? Masih tetap begini saja. menyelesaikan tahun terakhirku di jenjang pendidikan klinik―seperti magang, di sebuah rumah sakit daerah utama kota. Hari-hariku selalu sibuk dengan penyakit, keluhan, dan apapun yang menguras tenaga. Bisa-bisanya kenangan masa lalu itu muncul sekarang, di saat seperti ini?
Kalau boleh jujur, dan tidak bermaksud apa-apa, aku telah tumbuh menjadi gadis yang kuat dan bisa diandalkan dua tahun belakangan. Tubuhku tinggi semampai, pakaianku lebih rapi, penampilanku bisa dibilang lumayan, dan tidak buruk, setidaknya aku lebih memperhatikan gaya jilbab dan makeup seperti orang lain. Tanganku cekatan, mataku cermat dan cara berbicaraku, jauh lebih perhatian dan lembut. Aku hanya sedang kesal dan pusing dari kejadian siang tadi di rumah sakit. pikiranku rumit.  semuanya membuat tak habis pikir. Bagaimanapun juga, aku tetaplah seorang perempuan. Rumitnya masalah membuatku harus lebih berekspresi dan berbagi. Aku tidak lemah, hanya saja kelopak mataku tak bisa lagi membendung airmata untuk jatuh dan terisak.  
Seorang pasien diatas ranjang dibawa dengan cepat keluar dari ambulan. Tiga orang petugas berlari menggiringnya membawa masuk kedalam IGD. aku yang berdiri dan melihat, langsung cepat membaca situasi. Bertanya kepada petugas tentang tanda vital pasien “Laporkan!” dalam satu hembusan nafas, petugas itu menjelaskan semuanya. Otakku berpikir cepat, memperhitungkan kemungkinan. sepersekian detik, seakan ada rangsangan cepat mengirim sinyal ke otak. mencerna informasi. oke. aku paham. pasien di pindahkan ke ranjang gawat darurat dengan peralatan lengkap. Tiga orang perawat sudah siap siaga. Aku mencuci tangan,memakai handscoon, mengecek segala hal, kesadaran, kornea mata, denyut nadi radialis―pergelangan tangan, pindah carotis―bagian leher. Tolonglah ini lemah sekali. Sesaat kemudian. Aku terkejut. Hilang! Sebelum menyadari apa yang terjadi, aku membuka jas putihku, melemparnya sembarang. Menyingsing lengan baju, langsung bergegas melakukan CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) ada yang lebih penting, jantung yang harus diselamatkan.
Aku belum pernah teriak sekencang itu. urat syarafku menegang dibalik jilbab berantakanku. Suaraku serak dan bergetar. Lebih dari cukup untuk membuat satu ruangan terkejut dan khawatir. Dua perawat menanggapi serentak “Akan kami siapkan!” satu lagi perawat berdiri di sampingku, “Cepat panggil professor!!” tanpa banyak tanya perawat itu langsung bergegas lari keluar ruangan. Tanganku terus melakukan hentakkan, sesekali sambil melihat keatas, langit-langit ruangan, menahan air mata agar tidak tumpah. Setiap detik adalah berharga. Satu menit terlambat, akan sangat fatal akibatnya. Aku sudah di tahun terakhir dari masa pendidikan dokterku, setidaknya sudah belasan hingga puluhan kali prosedur kompresi dada, dengan menghentakkan dua tangan pada tubuh pasien sudah pernah kulakukan. Soal kompeten, tanganku lebih dari telaten. Tapi tetap saja, ini tentang hidup dan nyawa manusia.
Seorang pria paruh baya dengan baju rapinya masuk ke dalam ruangan. Pandangannya cerdas, langkah kakinya cepat, gerak tangannya gesit, terlihat sangat cekatan dan berpengalaman. Professor. Dia langsung mengambil alat―defiblirator pacu jantung elektronik dan memulai prosedur.
memasukkan 150 joule. Meminta perawat menyuntik epinefrin, satu. dua. tiga. Clear! Aku kembali mengkompresi dada. mengecek denyut nadi. Melihat monitor. nihil.
memasukkan 200 joule. Menyuntikkan amiodaron. Meningkatkan dosis, intensitas. satu. dua. tiga. Clear! Aku kembali mengkompresi dada pasien. mengecek denyut nadi. melihat monitor. masih sama. Mataku mulai basah.
Terakhir. kembali 200 joule. satu. dua. tiga. Clear! Dengan cekatan kembali dua tanganku melakukan prosedur itu. kompresi dada. mengecek denyut nadi di leher. melihat monitor. jangan. Asistol. Tidak berdetak. tolong. Jantungku yang berdegup sangat kencang. Bukan pasien ini. Kakiku kebas. Tanganku tak terasa apa-apa. bunyi denging mesin monitor selalu sama. Panjang dan memilukan. Tubuhku mulai lemas. Tak ada keajaiban disini. Badanku mengginggil. Aku tidak kuat.
Seorang anak kecil setinggi pinggang, wajah polos, dan kebingungan, berlari menghampiriku ketika aku keluar dari ruangan. Oh lihatlah anak kecil ini, dia masih saja bisa tersenyum dan lucu. ada apa gerangan yang membawanya kemari? Perlahan ternyata dia memanggilku.
“buk dokter, bagaimana kondisi ayahku? Apakah dia baik-baik saja?”
Oh tuhan. Aku kehabisan kata-kata.
Langit senja kota masih selalu sama. Tidak berubah. Selalu indah. Gerimis dan rintik hujan perlahan mulai mereda. Gerai fotokopian seberang jalan, sudah tutup. Sudah sekian menit aku menunggu di halte ini. Menenangkan diri dengan perasaan. Meluapkan emosi dengan kenangan. Ini mengapa aku selalu lebih memilih untuk pulang dengan bus, karena aku suka haltenya. Selalu menyenangkan ketika mengingat masa-masa itu. dan dia. setelah begitu banyak masalah yang kulalui, setidaknya aku punya tempat dimana merasa aman dan nyaman. Sebenarnya aku tidak terlalu memahami apa yang kurasakan. Rindu? Ntahlah. Aku juga tidak mengerti apa yang aku harapkan. Disisi lain, terkadang diri selalu menyalahkan hati, mengapa masih saja membiarkan ingatan dan memori itu untuk kembali. Absurd memang. Dalam banyak hal, aku sangat bisa diandalkan. Kecuali soal, perasaan.
Suara pintu bus berbunyi, dua tiga orang turun dan keluar. Petugas bus kembali sibuk dengan tiket dan bayaran. Aku bergegas membawa barang, bersiap naik, dan melangkah. Sesaat sebelum kaki masuk ke dalam bus, Tiba-tiba sebuah suara dari belakang memanggilku. Aku langsung membalikkan badan, menoleh, terkejut. Seorang pria yang lebih tinggi sedikit dariku, dengan tampilan sederhana, cukup berwibawa. Perawakannya masih sama. tidak banyak yang berubah, masih berdiri tersenyum. bukankah itu dia?
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thedeku · 8 years ago
Some day I am gonna eat a shit ton of carrots and then just fall over dead I swear
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primedemarketplaceblr · 4 years ago
Are you buying an ultrasound for the first time? This decision involves two components – choosing the right ultrasound according to your needs and the perfect transducer or probe (s)  for your ultrasound.
Choosing the right transducer also called probe for your ultrasound is a critical but not-so-easy decision to make because the type of the probe differs according to the body part you have to scan with it. Second, the image quality of an ultrasound scan comes from the ultrasound probes.
Superficially, a transducer is of two kinds: an external transducer which goes over different parts of the body and internal transducer that goes inside the body orifices like rectum and vagina.  
Other than, this obvious divide, the selection of transducer relies on other factors too. The more important ones are footprint and frequency. If these words sound alien to you, you should continue reading to know more.
However, first, we need to understand how does a transducer work?
A transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. The function of a transducer also called probe in an ultrasound machine is to produce sound waves into the body and receive echoes which form an image on the computer screen of the ultrasound machine known as a sonogram. Selecting the right transducer is critical for clinical confidence. The image quality of an ultrasound depends on a transducer.
What factors do you need to consider while determining the nature of the probe?
The selection of a probe is made on the basis of frequency and footprint. The probe is an important accessory in an ultrasound. The shape of the probe determines its field of view. The right probe is essential to get good images. Therefore, while choosing the type of probe in an ultrasound, you have to keep in mind frequency and footprint.
The footprint of the transducer refers to the area of the skin that comes into contact with a probe to create an image. Frequency of a transducer refers to the frequency of the sound waves produced by that particular probe. Transducers with higher frequency images produce clearer but shallow images.
What are the common types of transducers in an ultrasound?
There are four basic types of probes used:
Linear ultrasound probes such as GE L12 have a high frequency and a small footprint. They are a good choice for scanning the bodyparts where the surface area is small, like breast , thyroid,  Arteria carotis of vascular application and the nerves and are not deep inside the tissue. Others liner probe are Philips L 12-3 .
Curvilinear ultrasound probes also know as convex probe are low-frequency transducers. They have a wide footprint. Because of low resolution, they offer good penetration. However, the density of the scan lines reduces as the image depth increases, which means you might have to compromise on the image quality. Second, the transducer must be compressed against the skin to ensure complete contact. This may create complications by occluding small blood vessels.  Some of the examples of convex transducers are GE 4C – RS Convex Probe , Sonosite C60 E.
Phase array or sector ultrasound probes produces a fan-like image. It is ideal for scanning small windows such as the cranial window in the temple or for cardiac imaging. These transducers have good depth penetration. Preowned cardiac transducer for Philips HD 15, Cardiac probe of DC7 Ultrasound machine , GE 3Sc – RS – Adult Cardiac Probe
Endocavitary ultrasound probes have a high-frequency range and better imaging as transvaginal & transrectal probes. GE E8C Micro Convex Endocavity Ultrasound Probe. GE RIC5-9W RS 3D/4D Endocavitary TVS Probe , GE RIC5-9A RS 3D/4D
Most transducers are broadband, which means they can operate at a range of frequencies. A good rule of thumb is to scan at the highest frequency possible. It will help you get a clearer image.
By increasing the frequency you increase the depth of the image and by reducing the frequency you can access deeper structures.
Buy and repair new, used or refurbished ultrasound transducers for different brands and model ultrasound scanners like GE Voluson P8, GE LogiQ P5, GE Vivid i, GE Voluson S6 S8 , Philips HD 11, Philips HD 15 and many more.
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euroooluxuryfurniture · 5 years ago
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