#carlos mcclendon
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pookiestheoneliveson · 3 months ago
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Carlos McClendon by George Platt Lynes (1907-1955) Uncensored series (3 photos)
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 4 months ago
Carlos McClendon (12 de outubro de 1923 - 16 de julho de 2008) foi um designer e dono de loja americano. Ele é provavelmente o modelo "desconhecido" mais famoso de George Platt-Lynes, aquele que enfeita a capa do mais recente livro de mesa de centro de George Platt-Lynes. McClendon teve relacionamentos com Christopher Isherwood , George Platt Lynes e Denham Fouts . Ele teve encontros com Monroe Wheeler , Lincoln Kirstein , Paul Cadmus e Bernard Perlin .
Carlos McClendon nasceu em Bakersfield, CA em 12 de outubro de 1923 e viveu os primeiros anos de sua vida no sul da Califórnia. Ele frequentou escolas em Long Beach e mais tarde obteve um BA pela UCLA. Durante e imediatamente após seus anos de faculdade, ele trabalhou no departamento de design do MGM Studios. Durante esse período, ele também foi dançarino da trupe de dança Marie Bryant.
Christopher Isherwood conheceu McClendon por meio de Denny Fouts e John Goodwin na década de 1940, quando McClendon visitava frequentemente a praia em Santa Monica. A amizade continuou muito depois de McClendon deixar Los Angeles no início da década de 1950.
No início de 1950, McClendon mudou-se para Nova York, onde rapidamente se tornou uma força influente e pioneira no varejo boutique, antes que a palavra boutique fosse de uso geral. Sua loja, chamada Chequer, na esquina da Third Avenue com a 50th Street, era especializada em objetos, móveis e roupas exclusivos de lugares como México, Haiti e Marrocos, que ele escolheu em suas viagens. A loja foi um sucesso imediato, notável pelo "olho" especial de McClendon para o belo e o incomum, e ele contava com Greta Garbo e muitos dos criadores de tendências de Nova York entre seus clientes regulares. A loja também inspirou vários imitadores.
No final dos anos 60, ele voltou para Los Angeles e abriu a Chequer West em Hollywood e duplicou o sucesso de seus anos em Nova York. A exclusividade de seu inventário e o fino acabamento de suas roupas feitas à mão rapidamente atraíram uma clientela de estrelas como Barbra Streisand , Candace Bergen e a bailarina Nora Kaye . A boutique apresentava modas nos tecidos mais fabulosos do leste do Extremo Oriente. Designs exclusivos da Costa Oeste pelo proprietário Carlos McClendon e por JoAnn Lopez. As especialidades eram vestidos longos e sem ajuste requintados para mulheres e belos caftãs e robes para homens, todos de materiais incrivelmente lindos como tecido sari indiano, chiffon tie-dye, seda bordada persa, tecidos antigos e seda com padrões de colagem. Cada um era único. Os vestidos custavam de US$ 120 a US$ 500 e os caftãs e robes de US$ 40 a US$ 300. As camisas masculinas foram desenhadas por Ken Scott e por McClendon em estampas e cores sólidas muito coloridas, com preços entre US$ 20 e US$ 60. Para os homens, também havia gravatas de 41/2 polegadas em estampas de seda e lã pura e coletes bordados do Afeganistão. A boutique era uma delícia para dar uma olhada. No pátio dos fundos, havia peças de mobiliário incomuns pintadas à mão por Micela Livingstone. Nas áreas frontal e superior, havia uma vasta seleção de presentes importados estranhos e maravilhosos, novos suéteres, cachecóis e joias e intrigantes bugigangas de todos os lugares.
A empresa Mendes em Paris se tornou um complexo internacional de produção e marketing que fabricava roupas de nomes como Yves Saint Laurent , Rive Gauche, Givenchy , Nouvelle Boutique, Jean Muir, Christian Bailly, Roland Chakkal e a estrela em ascensão da Terra do Sol Nascente, cujas roupas foram trazidas pela primeira vez para Los Angeles por Carlos McClendon, da Chequer West.
Jobey Baker foi um ator e artista que, na década de 1970, tornou-se joalheiro. Seus pingentes e anéis em marfim gravados com prata, com preços de S190 a US$ 2.000, estavam na Chequer West. Também estava em exposição o rag chubby de Carlos McClendon, uma jaqueta incrível feita de restos de tecidos orientais e costurada com o efeito de pele fofa. Com ela veio uma longa saia jeans, aparada novamente com os restos em babados estilo calipso.
Em 1976, Pamela Dewey criou uma nova coleção chamada "Addables and Wadables" vendida na Chequer West. A designer tinge à mão saias de cambraia de algodão, túnicas e tops em cores de picolé, permitindo que a usuária usasse "a moda como um acessório, misturando-os da maneira que a mulher deseja". De acordo com Carlos McClendon: "Quando conheci a Sra. Dewey em um desfile de moda experimental, pensei que ela tinha um talento especial. Suas roupas são animadas, alegres, muito elegantes, mas relaxadas. Ela tem um feeling para o que as mulheres da Califórnia querem agora. São roupas muito liberadas". O grande sucesso de Pamela Dewey foi uma mistura que ela rotulou de "o meio-vestido", que consistia em duas metades verticais separadas que amarravam nas laterais para se tornar um vestido convencional. As metades podiam ser trocadas para criar diferentes combinações de cores. Cada metade custava US$ 25.
McClendon se aposentou em 1986 e se mudou para Pojoaque, onde continuou como um apoiador anônimo das artes. Ele se mudou para Puerto Vallarta em janeiro de 2008 para passar seus últimos meses no Oceano Pacífico que ele amava.
 Morador de Pojoaque/Nambe desde 1986, morreu de causas naturais em 16 de julho de 2008, em Puerto Vallarta, México. McClendon não deixa sobreviventes na família, mas um grupo de velhos e novos amigos. A cremação ocorreu e suas cinzas foram espalhadas no Novo México de acordo com seus desejos.
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Carlos McClendon by George Platt Lynes 
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eddy25960 · 10 months ago
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George Platt Lynes - Carlos McClendon 1947
Silver Print
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transmuscianspotlight · 4 months ago
still setting this blog up but just making a public list of artists i have in mind to feature so far! the list is a WIP, some identities are listed because i found or knew them, others just will be added later.
- against me!
- of montreal (lead singer is bisexual, and genderqueer nonbinary)
- dazey and the scouts
- ROES (formely angel haze) (two spirit) (possibly agender; need to look into further to see if that is still how she identifies)
- left at london (trans lesbian)
- jhariah clare (nonbinary)
- sparkbird
- saint josie
- maia arson crimew
- black dresses
- ava rook
- glass beach (lead singer j mcclendon is nonbinary)
- the stupendium
- rio romeo (nonbinary + butch)
- klaus nomi (gendernonconforming, queer)
- lena raine
- janelle monae
- jazmin bean (genderless, they them)
- vane lily
- rabbit (bunny bennett) of steam powered giraffe
- pigeon pit
- go! child
- the scary jokes lead singer
- tears for the dying
- wendy carlos
- shea diamond
-jackie shane
-vincint - incredible pop musician. holu shit
- big freedia
- zé taylor
- honey dijon
- kim petra
- rat queen's jeff tapia
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mr-e-gallery · 3 months ago
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George Platt Lynes, Carlos McClendon (male nude) 1947
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 4 months ago
Carlos McClendon
Carlos McClendon (12 de outubro de 1923 - 16 de julho de 2008) foi um designer e dono de loja americano. Ele é provavelmente o modelo “desconhecido” mais famoso de George Platt-Lynes, aquele que enfeita a capa do mais recente livro de mesa de centro de George Platt-Lynes. McClendon teve relacionamentos com Christopher Isherwood , George Platt Lynes e Denham Fouts . Ele teve encontros com Monroe Wheeler , Lincoln Kirstein , Paul Cadmus e Bernard Perlin .
Carlos McClendon nasceu em Bakersfield, CA em 12 de outubro de 1923 e viveu os primeiros anos de sua vida no sul da Califórnia. Ele frequentou escolas em Long Beach e mais tarde obteve um BA pela UCLA. Durante e imediatamente após seus anos de faculdade, ele trabalhou no departamento de design do MGM Studios. Durante esse período, ele também foi dançarino da trupe de dança Marie Bryant.
Christopher Isherwood conheceu McClendon por meio de Denny Fouts e John Goodwin na década de 1940, quando McClendon visitava frequentemente a praia em Santa Monica. A amizade continuou muito depois de McClendon deixar Los Angeles no início da década de 1950.
No início de 1950, McClendon mudou-se para Nova York, onde rapidamente se tornou uma força influente e pioneira no varejo boutique, antes que a palavra boutique fosse de uso geral. Sua loja, chamada Chequer, na esquina da Third Avenue com a 50th Street, era especializada em objetos, móveis e roupas exclusivos de lugares como México, Haiti e Marrocos, que ele escolheu em suas viagens. A loja foi um sucesso imediato, notável pelo “olho” especial de McClendon para o belo e o incomum, e ele contava com Greta Garbo e muitos dos criadores de tendências de Nova York entre seus clientes regulares. A loja também inspirou vários imitadores.
No final dos anos 60, ele voltou para Los Angeles e abriu a Chequer West em Hollywood e duplicou o sucesso de seus anos em Nova York. A exclusividade de seu inventário e o fino acabamento de suas roupas feitas à mão rapidamente atraíram uma clientela de estrelas como Barbra Streisand , Candace Bergen e a bailarina Nora Kaye . A boutique apresentava modas nos tecidos mais fabulosos do leste do Extremo Oriente. Designs exclusivos da Costa Oeste pelo proprietário Carlos McClendon e por JoAnn Lopez. As especialidades eram vestidos longos e sem ajuste requintados para mulheres e belos caftãs e robes para homens, todos de materiais incrivelmente lindos como tecido sari indiano, chiffon tie-dye, seda bordada persa, tecidos antigos e seda com padrões de colagem. Cada um era único. Os vestidos custavam de US$ 120 a US$ 500 e os caftãs e robes de US$ 40 a US$ 300. As camisas masculinas foram desenhadas por Ken Scott e por McClendon em estampas e cores sólidas muito coloridas, com preços entre US$ 20 e US$ 60. Para os homens, também havia gravatas de 41/2 polegadas em estampas de seda e lã pura e coletes bordados do Afeganistão. A boutique era uma delícia para dar uma olhada. No pátio dos fundos, havia peças de mobiliário incomuns pintadas à mão por Micela Livingstone. Nas áreas frontal e superior, havia uma vasta seleção de presentes importados estranhos e maravilhosos, novos suéteres, cachecóis e joias e intrigantes bugigangas de todos os lugares.
A empresa Mendes em Paris se tornou um complexo internacional de produção e marketing que fabricava roupas de nomes como Yves Saint Laurent , Rive Gauche, Givenchy , Nouvelle Boutique, Jean Muir, Christian Bailly, Roland Chakkal e a estrela em ascensão da Terra do Sol Nascente, cujas roupas foram trazidas pela primeira vez para Los Angeles por Carlos McClendon, da Chequer West.
Jobey Baker foi um ator e artista que, na década de 1970, tornou-se joalheiro. Seus pingentes e anéis em marfim gravados com prata, com preços de S190 a US$ 2.000, estavam na Chequer West. Também estava em exposição o rag chubby de Carlos McClendon, uma jaqueta incrível feita de restos de tecidos orientais e costurada com o efeito de pele fofa. Com ela veio uma longa saia jeans, aparada novamente com os restos em babados estilo calipso.
Em 1976, Pamela Dewey criou uma nova coleção chamada “Addables and Wadables” vendida na Chequer West. A designer tinge à mão saias de cambraia de algodão, túnicas e tops em cores de picolé, permitindo que a usuária usasse “a moda como um acessório, misturando-os da maneira que a mulher deseja”. De acordo com Carlos McClendon: “Quando conheci a Sra. Dewey em um desfile de moda experimental, pensei que ela tinha um talento especial. Suas roupas são animadas, alegres, muito elegantes, mas relaxadas. Ela tem um feeling para o que as mulheres da Califórnia querem agora. São roupas muito liberadas”. O grande sucesso de Pamela Dewey foi uma mistura que ela rotulou de “o meio-vestido”, que consistia em duas metades verticais separadas que amarravam nas laterais para se tornar um vestido convencional. As metades podiam ser trocadas para criar diferentes combinações de cores. Cada metade custava US$ 25.
McClendon se aposentou em 1986 e se mudou para Pojoaque, onde continuou como um apoiador anônimo das artes. Ele se mudou para Puerto Vallarta em janeiro de 2008 para passar seus últimos meses no Oceano Pacífico que ele amava.
 Morador de Pojoaque/Nambe desde 1986, morreu de causas naturais em 16 de julho de 2008, em Puerto Vallarta, México. McClendon não deixa sobreviventes na família, mas um grupo de velhos e novos amigos. A cremação ocorreu e suas cinzas foram espalhadas no Novo México de acordo com seus desejos.
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Back to window | Carlos MacClendon par/by George Platt Lynes 1947
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beattoquarters2 · 6 months ago
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Carlos McClendon by George Platt Lynes, 1947
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edsonlnoe · 2 years ago
Premios ⬤ 22
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Película AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Nope Director Charlotte Wells | AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Jordan Peele | Nope Actriz Renate Reinsve | VERDENS VERSTE MENNESKE Runner-Up: Frankie Corio | Aftersun Actor Paul Mescal | AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Ben Whishaw | Surge Actriz de Reparto Stephanie Hsu | EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE Runner-Up: Ximena Lamadrid | Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades Actor de Reparto Anders Danielsen Lie | VERDENS VERSTE MENNESKE Runner-Up: Ke Huy Quan | Everything Everywhere All At Once Guión Original Jordan Peele | NOPE Runner-Up: Charlotte Wells | Aftersun Guión Adaptado Joel Kim Booster | FIRE ISLAND Runner-Up: Peter Craig, Matt Reeves | The Batman Edición Blair McClendon | AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Nicholas Monsour | Nope Fotografía Darius Khondji | BARDO, FALSA CRÓNICA DE UNAS CUANTAS VERDADES Runner-Up: Hoyte Van Hoytema | Nope Diseño de Producción Ruth De Jong, Samantha Englender, Leandre Lagrange | NOPE Runner-Up: Eugenio Caballero, Roberto Bonelli, Carlos Y. Jacques | Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades Diseño de Vestuario Ruth E. Carter | BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER Runner-Up: Jacqueline Durran | Spencer Make-Up & Hairstyling Camille Friend, Joel Harlow | BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER Runner-Up: Adam Johansen, Matteo Silvi | Thor: Love and Thunder Efectos Visuales / Especiales Scott R. Fisher, Jeremy Robert, Guillaume Rocheron, Sreejith Venugopalan | NOPE Runner-Up: Guillaume Rocheron, Olaf Wendt | Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades Edición de Sonido Nicolas Becker, Martín Hernández | BARDO, FALSA CRÓNICA DE UNAS CUANTAS VERDADES Runner-Up: Johnnie Burn | Nope Mezcla de Sonido José Antonio García | NOPE Runner-Up: Santiago Núñez, Frank A. Montaño, Jon Taylor, Ken Yasumoto | Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades Score Jonny Greenwood | SPENCER Runner-Up: Michael Abels | Nope Soundtrack AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Canción “This Is A Life” — Son Lux, Mitski, David Byrne | EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE Runner-Up: “Con la Brisa” — Foudeqush, Ludwin Göransson | Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Diseño de Créditos Aaron Becker | NOPE Runner-Up: Duncan Elms | The Batman Trailer Marvel Enterteinment | BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER Runner-Up: Strand Releasing | Mogul Mowgli Poster LA | NOPE Runner-Up: P+A | Aftersun Poster en Cortometraje BIEN PARECIDAS Runner-Up: Cruise Actuación en Cortometraje Anna Dzieduszycka | SUKIENKA Runner-Up: Joanie Martel | Lune Realización en Cortometraje Emita Frigato, Rachele Meliadò | Diseño de Producción | LE PUPILLE Runner-Up: Nadège Feyrit | Diseño de Sonido | La Neige Incertaine Guión en Cortometraje Marion Boisrond, Ada Hernaez, Marie-Liesse Coumau, Gwendoline Legendre, Romane Tisseau | LA NEIGE INCERTAINE Runner-Up: Oscar Sarmiento Schultz | Parece que va a nevar Dirección en Cortometraje Daniel Soares | O QUE RESTA Runner-Up: Alice Rohrwacher | Le Pupille Cortometraje de Ficción O QUE RESTA Runner-Up: Ala Kachuu Cortometraje Documental ACUEDUCTOS Runner-Up: Fuego en el cielo Cortometraje Animado LA NEIGE INCERTAINE Runner-Up: Last Summer Película Animada TURNING RED Runner-Up: Flugt Off-Screen Performance Chris Evans | LIGHTYEAR Runner-Up: Rosalie Chiang | Turning Red Non-Anglo Performance Renate Reinsve | VERDENS VERSTE MENNESKE Runner-Up: Anders Danielsen Lie | Verdens Verste Menneske Performance Mexicano Daniel Giménez Cacho | BARDO, FALSA CRÓNICA DE UNAS CUANTAS VERDADES Runner-Up: Karla Souza | La Caída Featured Actor Luis Couturier | BARDO, FALSA CRÓNICA DE UNAS CUANTAS VERDADES Runner-Up: Scoot McNairy | C’mon C’mon Stunts / Choreography EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE Runner-Up: Prey Breakthrough Actriz Frankie Corio | AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Stephanie Hsu | Everything Everywhere All At Once Breakthrough Actor Brandon Perea | NOPE Runner-Up: Daryl McCormack | Good Luck to You, Leo Grande Rising Filmmaker Charlotte Wells | AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Stephen Karam | The Humans Ensamble Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea, Steven Yeun, Michael Wincott, Jacob Kim, Terry Notary, y Keith David | NOPE Runner-Up: Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan, Stephanie Hsu, Jamie Lee Curtis, James Hong, Tallie Medel, Jenny Slate, y Harry Shum Jr. | Everything Everywhere All At Once Escena This is our last dance | AFTERSUN Runner-Up: Jean Jacket | Nope Wide Release NOPE Runner-Up: The Batman Limited Release AFTERSUN Runner-Up: C’mon C’mon Non-Theatrical Release FIRE ISLAND Runner-Up: Prey Documental FLUGT Runner-Up: Ermitaños Película Iberoamericana MEMORIA Runner-Up: Los Reyes del Mundo Película Mexicana BARDO, FALSA CRÓNICA DE UNAS CUANTAS VERDADES Runner-Up: Nudo Mixteco
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fragrantblossoms · 5 years ago
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George Platt Lynes.  Carlos McClendon, 1947.  
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ioana-art-journey · 2 years ago
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Drawing inspired by the George Platt Lynes' photograph "Carlos McClendon, back to window" (1947)
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desimonewayland · 4 years ago
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George Platt Lynes
Carlos McClendon, 1947
Gelatin silver print
Rago/Wright Auctions
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gcgazette · 2 years ago
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Carlos McClendon par George Platt Lynes
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sophi-aubrey · 5 years ago
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George Platt Lynes, Carlos McClendon 1947
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nsula · 7 years ago
Spring 2018 Dean’s List
NATCHITOCHES – Northwestern State University announced the names of 1,087 students named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2018 semester.  Students on the Dean’s List maintained a 3.5-3.99 grade point average. Students, listed by hometown, are as follows.
 Abbeville -- MaKayla Lewis;
Albany -- Kaitlyn Kinchen;
Alexandria -- Chris Vincent Advincula, Evelyn Allen-Lewis, Lili Bedoya, Heather Bergeron, Tianna Bowens, Lydia Branch, Morgan Bryant, Thomas Crowe, Noel Cusick, Angela Dunn, Aubrey Farque, Claudia Gauthier, Ian Grant, Monnie Guillory, Tameka Hammonds, Tyraneisha Hayward, Roderick Henry, Martha Hopewell, Jaliyah Jasper, Whitney Joffrion, Jordan Johnson, Kelli Leone, Hunter Lewis, Jimmie Magee, Aaron Martin, Ceerah McNeal, Jennifer Miranda, Kylah Porter, Sailor Reed, Savannah Sices, Shacora Simpson, Christopher Warren, Shanequa Watkins, Amber Williams Taylor;
Anacoco -- Lindsey Alligood, Kinsley Blakeway, Kenneth Cochran, Alan Cosio, Nicole Fitzgerald, Rachel Fournier, Christopher Guy, Elizabeth Guy, Karlee Laurence, Brittany Lewis, Mahala Lewis, Caitlin McKee, Kayli O’Toole, Clarissa Owens, Katie Perkins, Bret Phillips, Amanda Shores, Cheyenne Taylor;
Anchorage, Alaska -- Sydney Bulot;
Angola -- Ursula Poarch;
Arlington, Texas -- Mariah Denson;
Arnaudville -- Zachary Leboeuf;
Ashland -- Victoria Roderick;
Atlanta -- Peyton Howell, Morgan Williams;
Atlanta, Texas -- Shannon Jones;
Aurora, Colorado -- William Mccullough;
Austin, Texas -- Ysmina Smith;
Avondale -- Brian Videau;
Baker -- Devante George;
Baldwin -- Lakesha Colar, Gerianna Lyons;
Ball -- Stephen Carpenter, Nickolas Juneau, Lauren Nugent, Vanessa Toney, Megan Wakefield, Alice Wilson;
Barksdale AFB -- Elysia Lanier, Tova Volcheck;
Barlanquillo Atlantico, Columbia -- Camilo Simancas Morelo;
Baton Rouge -- Emmanuel Dunn, Lydell Emerson, Madison Fry, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Maisyn Guillory, John Guillot, Kelly Guillot, Madison Harris, Jessica Joseph, Mckane Kinchen, Henrietta Mercer, Madalyn Mullins, Katie Pham, Colleen Reese, Reagan Smith, Jason Stampley;
Beaumont, Texas -- Dustin Burns;
Belcher -- Sierra Laing;
Belle Chasse -- Natalie Wilson;
Belmont -- Tristan Ponder;
Bentley -- Zachary Doucet;
Benton -- Kelyn Bihm, Christopher Heard, Kara Knippers, Jessica O'Neal, Jadyn Sepulvado, Torea Taylor, Kimberly Umphries;
Bernice -- Brandy Ganter;
Blanco, Texas -- Reagan Rogers;
Bogalusa -- Amanda Crawford;
Boise, Idaho -- Jessica Anderson;
Bossier City -- Alexander Bequette, Kendall Caple, Jael Ahmad, Lauryn Bakalis, Abigail Barkley, Breanna Black, Elizabeth Blair, Brittany Boothe, Steven Braddock, Katie Briggs, Jonathan Castillo, Peyton Davis, Anthonia Dogbey, Madison Edwards, Bailey Freeman, Karli Freeman, Laschae Gadson, Kelsey Gallman, Julie Golden, Mizzani Grigsby, Candace Guillory, Devonte Hall, Oai Lee Huynh, Anton Inyakov, Dejaney Jackson, Nourain Jamhour, Anqumesha Jeter, Shane Kaiser, Tina Kile, Danielle Lombardino, Alexandra Madrid, Samantha Maiette, Caroline McKee,  Amanda Mings, Stacy Moore, Katherine Parson, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Kathryn Pierce, Rachael Pierce, Tatyana Porter, Timothy Rice, Jami Rivers, Jasmine Roberson, Kassidy Robideaux, Madison Rowland, Rheagan Rowland, Jeremy Ryals, Dakota Schudalla, Ranya Shihadeh, Hope Spaw, Tabitha Stevenson, Susan Stone, James Taylor,  Jazmine Tom-Jones, Giselle Trejo, Lacey Velasquez, Madalyn Watson, Meagan Willis, Nour Zeidan, Eric Zheng;
Bourg -- Micaiah Richie, Abigail Trahan;
Boyce -- Tiffany Barnhart, Ekaterina Bordelon, Sarah Hill, Sonya Hill, Hannah Miller, Ashley Smith;
Breaux Bridge -- Ashtin Mouton, Tyler Thibodeaux;
Brentwood, Tennessee -- Joe Tappel;
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma -- Madeline Drake;
Bunkie -- Emily Arnaud;
Burleson, Texas -- Eric Neeley;
Campti -- Alisha Bedgood, Paige Cason, Trenton Parker, Ronald Reliford, Madeline Valencia, Rebekah Wiley;
Carencro -- Malik Babin, Chaney Dodge, Destiny Kennerson;
Cartagena, Bolivar -- Carlos Camargo Patron, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Angela Coneo Valdez, Carlomagno Leon Jimenez, Paula Martinez Marrugo, Nestor Mercado-Garcia, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Ronald Rodriguez Herrera, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Juan Paternina Paez, Valeria Perez Espinosa, Alonso Restrepo Cardozo;
Cedar Hill, Texas -- Timmis Bonner;
Chalmette -- Sara Mendoza;
Cheneyville -- Katelyn Baronne;
Chicago, Illinois -- Brandon Hutton;
Choudrant -- Taylor Holley, Mya Melancon;
Clayton -- Glendalyn Boothe, Ruben Smith;
Colfax -- Camren Bell, Michael Dupre, Angela McCann, Lessie Rushing, Elizabeth Slayter, Morgan Vandegevel;
Colorado Springs, Colorado -- Rossana Potempa;
Columbia, South Carolina -- Brittany Bell;
Converse -- Samantha Davis, Ashley Forgues Brock, Hannah Womack;
Costa Mesa, California -- Keith Ford;
Cottonport -- Zachary Gauthier, Justin Tigner;
Coushatta -- Jason Bell, Nick Ezernack, Erikka Johnson, Jamary Jones, Sidney Jones, Aaron Murray, Jacob Shaver, Precious Smith, John Squires, Keyairrowa Thomas, Treasure Wilson, Caroline Wren, Lauren Young, Rena Yount;
Covington -- Justin Brogdon, Rachael Coyne, Margaret Denny, Titus McCann, Andrea Mier, Cathleen Oviedo, Catherine Sadler, Kenneth Sears, Jennifer Vo;
Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico -- Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
Creole -- Brooklyn Frerks;
Crowley -- Kylan Poullard, Desiree Robinson;
Cut Off -- Zachary Breaux;
Cypress, Texas -- Alexis Gomez;
Dayton, Texas -- Jerry Maddox;
DeBerry, Texas -- Sarah Britt;
Deer Park, Texas -- Blake Stephenson;
Denham Springs – Joey Carroll, James Fillingame, Caitlin Griffin, Keisha Johnson, Halle Mahfouz, Amy Thomas, Jenson Wall, Emily Williams;
DeQuincy -- Austin Nichols;
DeRidder -- Dawanna Burgess, Maygin Chesson, Alphonse Engram, John Ham, Michael Keeper, Kayla Kowalski, Reagan Laird, Brittney March, Shayla Miller, Zachary Pursley;
Derry -- Hannah Antee;
Desoto, Texas -- Nicholas Forde;
Destrehan – Patrick Juneau;
Deville -- Hailey Bolton, Savannah Carter, Hailie Coutee, Kinley Deville, Candice Dryden, Hannah Lewis, Caleb Rhodes, Sydney Ryder;
Dike, Texas -- Brynn Offutt;
Dodson -- Courtney Booker, Kierstyn Cyrus, Haley McClendon;
Doyline -- Lucas Darbonne, Zeke Wallace;
Dry Prong -- Megan Alwell, DeAnna Bartlett, Jacob Boydstun, Ashley Martin, Judith Mixon;
Dubberly -- Alex Robles;
East Windsor, New Jersey – Andreia Martins;
Edmond, Oklahoma -- Ashley Medawattage, Amanda Stokes;
El Paso, Texas -- Christopher Barron;
Elizabeth -- Kolby Friday, Clyde Hurst;
Elmer -- Tula Newman;
Eros -- Alecia Smith;
Eunice -- Jeremy Ortego;
Ferriday -- Dalenesha Wimley;
Flatwoods -- Taylor Nichols;
Florien -- Whitney Byles, Travis Cook, Emma Herrington, Jackson Kleven, Ashton Remedies, Megan Wagley, Shari Wilson;
Flower Mound, Texas -- Cody McGee;
Folsom -- Sarah Moore;
Forest Hill -- Brett Atkinson, Anna Doherty, Rafael Sierra, Charli Stanley, Nancy Vargas, Leslie Winners;
Fort Lauderdale -- Abigail Pangallo;
Fort Polk -- Brittany Chadwick, Molly Fields, Clarrissa Lancour, Blaise Nkengafac, Lindsay Romero, Shiela May Tabonares, Jimma Tear, Nohora Valencia Camacho, Leslie Whitsett;
Fort Worth, Texas -- Angelica Valdez;
Fouke, Arkansas -- Holly Tweedy;
FPO, AP -- Amber Travis;
Franklin -- Shelley Bell, Abriana Lanceslin;
Franklinton -- Brian Geraghty, Bethany McGinnis;
Freeland, Washington -- Paul Aune;
Frierson – Mason Barnes, Shelby Callens, Treanna Howard, Shawna Longoria, Clinton Oliver, John Rachal;
Frisco, Texas -- Adam Trupp;
Garland, Texas -- Joseph Goodson, Alec Horton, Nia Randall;
Geismar -- Emilee Hawkins;
Georgetown, Texas -- Kyle Bryant;
Glenmora -- Brooks Davis, Faith Lawrence;
Gloster -- Paris Gillum;
Goldonna -- Alexander Guillory, Brandon Smith;
Gonzales, Texas -- Ivan Longoria;
Gorman, Texas -- Kourtney Seaton;
Gorum -- Josephine White;
Grand Cane -- Nathan Graham, Rachel Kinman, Jaylen Mcintyre;
Grand Isle -- Abigail Frazier,
Grand Prairie, Texas -- Stephen Garrett;
Grant -- Regina Johnson;
Gray -- Cassie Becnel;
Greenwell Springs -- Katherine Bryant, Madison Shade, Jamie Brooks;
Greenwood -- Ragan Aple, Malory Jeter, Char'Tarian Wilson;
Gretna -- Donald Wagner;
Gun Barrel City, Texas -- Dustin Huffman;
Hallandale Beach, Florida -- Ralph Boereau;
Hallsville, Texas -- Emma Hawthorne;
Hamtramck, Michigan -- Mary Cotter;
Harlingen, Texas -- Frances Knight;
Harvey -- Tajalai Evans;
Hattiesburg, Mississippi -- Mary Mitchell;
Haughton – Benny Broadway, Kayla Bull, Brittony Cole, Randi Corley, Bethanie Couch, Brandon Curry, Ashley Hamil, Tyler Holdsworth, Sydney MacFarlane, Tonya Morgan, Brooke Payton, Jamie Phillips, Makenzie Rains, Johnathan Schlicher, Logan Turner, Kaili Williams, Brigette Wilson, Chase Woltz;
Haynesville -- Eriel Fields;
Hempstead, Texas -- Joshua Roberts;
Henderson, Texas -- Andrew Blackmon, Asha Cormier;
Hermon, Maine -- Allessa Ingraham-Albert;
Hessmer -- Dana Lala, Molli Lamartiniere;
Hineston -- Richard Clark, Angela Merchant, Madison Morrison, April Nornholm;
Homer -- Madison Cain, Francene Ferguson;
Honolulu, Hawaii -- Melissa Baker;
Hornbeck -- Ronald Guess, Jerry Hughes Jr, Jaclyn Smith;
Hosston -- Alaysia Jaynes;
Houma -- Rhiannon Dean, Billy Gorr, Zoe Hebert, Corinne Paris, Sherrie Pena;
Houston, Texas -- Brittany Davis, Stephanie Hall, Natashia Jackson, Alyssa Jacobs, Kenneth Sheldon, Kendall Westfall, Madilyn Wood;
Hutchinson, Kansas -- Cassandra Childress;
Hutto -- Tommi Long;
Independence -- Sabrina Cook;
Iowa -- Nicholas Fisher, Matthew Phillips, Marvette Williams;
Jeanerette -- Selene Allain-Kovacs, Brandy Jackson;
Jefferson -- Matthew Broekman, Jaleia Parker, Codi Vernace, Amanda Wilburn;
Jena -- William Tradewell;
Jennings -- Emily Benoit, Destany Brown, Janee Charles, Rachel Edwards, Kelsey Fitzgerald, Lindsay Orgeron, Lydia Williams,
Jonesboro -- Dearo Nash;
Jonesville -- Rachel Eichmann, Shana Jefferson, Kayla Robertson, Memory Shriner;
Kaplan -- Gabriel LeMoine;
Katy, Texas -- Brittany Cecil, Clayton Holgorsen;
Keithville -- Eleanor Coleman, Erin McDonnell, Hannah Mikovich, Allie Neill, Cora Procell, Erica Sanders, Alexandra West, Deja White;
Kenner -- Christina Arrechavala, Willie Soniat, Kailyn Verdin;
Kentwood -- Iris Travis;
Kerens, Texas -- Brandon Brumbelow, Eric Guerra;
Kilgore, Texas -- Hannah Gribble;
Kinder -- Lorin All;
Kingwood, Texas -- Eric Piccione;
Klamath Fall, Oregon -- Megan Baker;
Lacey Washington -- Shana Sweeney;
Lafayette -- Samantha Donlon, Ashley Fontenot, Ashley Guidry, Bryce Hernandez, Emilee Leger, Nicole Neveu, Christina Poole, Hunter Robicheaux, Caleb Starks, Julia Towry, China Young;
Lake Providence -- Jayadra Campbell, Tamika Turner;
Lake Arthur -- Nicole Andrews, Hannah Worley;
Lake Charles -- Andrew Darbonne, Kennedy Fontenot, Marsha Heap, Karley Hebert;
LaPlace -- Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre, Doria Wilson;
Las Vegas, Nevada -- April Ficarrotta;
Lawtell -- Karoline Guidry, Olivia Guidry;
League City, Texas -- Emily Ornelas, Hunter Wamack, Christopher Zirkle;
Lecompte -- Allison Williams;
Leesville -- Junette Cutshaw, Skyler Abrams, Lyric Bacote, Marilyn Brooks, Kaylee Busby, Victoria Butler, Anthony Cantrell, Michael Carradine, Charlotte Cassin, Raven Collins, Haleigh Edinger, Brittany Edwards, Tyana Ellis, Caryllann Fermato, Ashley French, Brittany French, Jessica Gray, Gabriella Haymon, Kimberly Henley, Jessica Herring, Heather Hickman, Caitlan James, Zachary Keeton, Jessica Gray, Karl Marzahl, Kylie McAllister, Kelsea Mckinney, Emily Moore, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Montana Phillips, Charlotte Rivara, Chloe Rouleau, David Santos,  Hannah Scott, Heather Snell, Peggy Stanley, Collin Strickland, Haley Tucker, Matthew Ward, Jessica Taylor;
Lena -- Juan Gonzalez;
Lewisville, Texas -- Venus Par;
Little Elm, Texs -- Jasmine Ealy, Daniel Larin;
Little Rock, Arkansas – Tara Lane;
Livonia -- Ryann Bizette;
Logansport -- Amanda Hill, Ashley Wheless;
 Longview, Texas -- Gustavo Corrales, Hannah Dunn, Robdrick Halton, Joni Overman;
Julie Rawls;
Longville -- Johanna Braden;
Lonoke, Arkansas -- Rachel Terry;
Loranger -- Cambree Bailey, Laurie Lassalle;
Louisville, Mississippi -- Zachary Wilson;
Luling --- Nathan Roth;
Lumberton, Texas -- Joshua Terry;
Madisonville -- Alyce Lis, Jensen Volz;
Mandeville -- Evan Guillory, Guy Lecompte, Connor Loar, Carrie Maxwell, Blake Naquin, Prinice Neyland, Shannon Roussell, Sheridan Smith;
Mangham -- Rebekah Aultman;
Manito, Illinois -- Sarah Picken;
Mansfield -- Nicolette Hogan, Ashley Shelton, Brooke Smith;
Mansura -- Deaisha Johnson, Jonah Johnson, Katherin Lemoine, Distiny Thompson;
Many -- Rachel Bensinger, David Bourgeois, Toby Bruce, Jocelyn Cannon, Tyler Colston, Skyler Ezernack, Tiarra Frazier, Alison Garcia, Brittney Garcie, Savannah Garcie, Sheridan Gowen, Emmy Hinds, Emily Holcomb, Jenifer Meadows, Matthew Peace, Lincoln Pearce, Jonathan Pilcher, Bailey Walker;  
Maringouin -- Laura Scronce, Jalacia Toussant;
Marksville -- Andre Boyer, Erica Ducote, Andria Lachney, Chaterrika Lavalais, Zachary Moreau, Madeleine Morrow, Tanner Nugent;
Marrero -- Lorn Bourgeois, Jade Duthu, Luis Escobar, Addison Hinson;
Marshall, Texas -- Tiffany Cortes, Laurann Graham, Tristian Zamora;
Marthaville -- Dillon Hagan, Mallory Powell, Madeline Procell, Daniel Rachal-Claspill;
Masura -- Kate Losavio;
Maurice -- Jenna-Clair Courville, Nicole Levine;
Merryville -- Kalan Townsley;
Metairie -- Kathryn Bancroft, Cameron Duhe, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Madysen Norra;
Midland, Texas -- Savannah Cantwell;
Minden -- Kadeem Bailey, Aubry Dennis, Erin Dotson, Abby Greene, Hutton Leppert, Madison Tanner, Kayla Theus, Heather White;
Mira -- Taylor Andrews;
Missouri City, Texas -- Cayla Jones;
Monroe -- Demonta Brown, Dataya Cummings, Deshon Hayes, Ashley Jackson Franklin, Tatianna Randle;
Montgomery --Laryn Graves, Teri Ogorek, Stephanie Sanders;
Mooringsport -- Jacklyn Dublin;
Mora -- Gracy Rowell;
Morgan City -- Norris Duthu;
Morrow -- Quaniqua Joseph;
Moscow, Russia -- Polina Ivanova,
Mt. Hermon -- Warren McFarlain;
Murrieta, California -- LaQuitta Wilkins;
Natchez -- Victoria Bradford, Courtney Sarpy;
Natchitoches -- Alissa Addison, James Armstrong, Cass Arnold, Adam Barnes, Behrend Behrendsen, Lauren Bennett, Joshua Bolton, Kayla Bordelon, Megan Bouchie, Taylor Burch, Deasia Burrell, Ebone Burton, John Byone, Ana Cardaba Garcia, Valerie Chadick, Hannah Chelette, Laura Coffey, Donna Cooper, Whitney Crooks, Dalton Dark, Cieara Davis, Sean Day, Jacob Ellis, Fred Fontenot, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Ashley Fortenberry, Mark Gallien, Luis Gallo Quintero, Taylor Garland, Christopher Gistarb, Samuel Greene, Pamela Gross, Hannah Haigh, Michaela Haigh, Jorgia Hamel, Jett Hayes, Emily Heard, Marcie Jenkins, Regina Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Jeremy Jones, Brian Jordan, Daniel Killian, Michael Kingsley, Abagael Kinney, Lyndon Knueppel, Jiyoon Lee, Robert Lee, John Lindsey, Luke Lucky, Kary-Katharine McCormick, Amber Minor, Shanteria Montgomery, Destiny Moody, Sarah Moody, Brooklyn Noe, Karmen O' Connor, Joseph Parrie, Kevin Price, LaKendria Remo, Antavious Roberson, Cayla Roberts, Tyler Roberts, Aaron Rogers, William Rogers, Kayla Roquemore, Dante Samuel, Spencer Sepulvado,  Anna Sibley, Josie Stamey, Scott Stewart, Harrison Thomas, Margaret Thompson, Victoria Thompson, Kaleb Usleton, Kristan Valdez, Ricardo Ventura, Ryan Wade, Kathryn White, Sarah Kay, Nicholas Wiggins;
New Iberia -- Tara Bonvillain, Bryson Bourque, Destinee Leger, Natalie Ortega, Madison Romero, Alexis Trosclair;
New Llano -Kendra Jones, Reaz Khan, Dennis Stein;
New Orleans -- Rayna Brantley, Beau Cook, Marquise Davis, Amy Favalora, Jaime Hendrickson, Karina Santiago, Jeffrey Swift;
Newman, Georgia -- Samantha Sims;
Norcross, Georiga -- Kailee Striplin;
Norwood -- Ty'Dashia McElwee;
Oakdale – Alyssa Cole, Kirstin Richard;
Oberlin -- Jonathon Villareal;
Opelousas -- Kierra Doucet, Diamond Leblanc, Amy Levier;
Pacifica, California -- Nicholas Pierotti;
Paris, Texas -- Emily Essary, Zachary Hevron, Cody Vorwerk, Jordan Whatley;
Pattison, Texas -- Morgan Hildebrand;
Pelican -- Mary Myers;
Pereira Risaralda, Columbia -- Mariana Ospina Rivas;
Pineville -- Connor Littleton, Aimee Ashworth, Christian Boudreaux, Raegan Brocato, Samantha Browning, Kaitlyn Burns, Taylor Campbell, Erika Carter, Luke Conway, Caitlin Crawford, Glory Deaton, Cory Franklin, Hannah Gaspard, Brooke Gongre, Leia Graham, Megan Gypin, Katelyn Hebert, Kaylin Jameson, Jacqueline Johnson, Alissa Joseph, Jessica King, Landon King, Carlee Lake, Brooke Leger, Jeffery Lepage, Ashlee Mitchell, Austin Nelson, Michalene Perry, Cinnamon Player, Wendi Powell, Brittany Shackleford, Odie Trusty, Wesley Williams, Alexis Williamson, Alan Winegeart, Jewel Woods, Madeline Wright;
Pitkin -- Jessica Jones;
Plain Dealing -- Hunter Horton;
Plaquemine -- Kameron Landry, Ma Kayla Washington;
Plum City, Wisconsin -- Brittany Reiter-Theeuwen;
Pollock -- Tanner Brazil, William Hardy;
Port Barre -- Olivia Lanclos, Danielle Schexnayder;
Prairieville -- Lauren Breaux, Joanna Bunnell, Claire Credeur, Andrea Gathercole, Jakalyn Hills, Bailey Mohler, Kyle Munson, Payton Stafford, Brooke Tompkins, Kaylon Wood;
Pride -- Leann Wills;
Princeton -- Ariell Shield;
Raceland -- Emily Adams, DQuincy McGuire;
Raeford, North Carolina -- Lauren Reilly;
Raleigh, North Carolina -- Aleida Alfonso;
Rayne -- Cameron Desselle;
Rayville -- Emily Rawls, Jennifer Rogers, Mary Rogers, Leslie Sharbono;
Reserve -- Ranata Coxie;
Rhinehart -- Bethany Russell;
Richardson, Texas -- Erin Wrozek;
Richmond, Texas -- Sidney Harris;
Ridgeland, Mississippi -- Jacqueline Fairley-Taylor;
Ringgold -- Alora Bryant, Abram Cook;
River Ridge -- Taylor Young;
Robeline -- Amy Bass, Hunter Dubois, Keira Huff, Bergen Oge, Laura Olguin, Megan Palmer, Rebecca Sparish, Christopher Taylor;
Rogers, Arkansas -- Taylor Bush;
Roseland -- Erin Verberne;
Rosepine -- Emily Camacho;
Rosharon, Texas -- Whitney Washington;
Rowlett, Texas --Daniel Miner;
Ruston -- Irene Hild, Qay'Shon Thurman, Jena Warren;
Saint Francisville – Claire Leming, Kathleen Morse, Katherine Noble, Hannah Prewitt;
Saint Gabriel -- Jainakee Cross;
Saint Ignace, Michigan -- Emilee Keuten;
Saint Martinville -- Blake Blanchard;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras -- Jonathan Andino Madrid, Vilma Castro Lopez, Cesia Corrales;
Santa Fe, Texas -- Micaela Bouvier;
Saratoga, Arkansas -- Christie Sain;
Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada -- Loren MacLennan;
Scott -- Tayla Soileau;
Scottsboro, Alabama -- Jessica Provenza;
Scurry, Texas -- Rebecca Blackshear;
Shreveport -- Foster Adams, Phillip Adams, Ashlee Arkansas, Chris Bankson, Angelica Bartlett, Austin Beene, Azhani Bennett, Jessica Bollingham, Hannah Bolton, Alyssa Bonacci, JiKeeriya-Jontay Bowden, Rakeisha Brown, Amanda Charles, Brandon Cockerham, Caitlin Coker, Elizabeth Cook, Colby Cranford, Naterria Davis, Emily Dean, Courtney Dehart, Kimberly Dennis, Kristina Doyal, Jada Dudley, Shalanda Duncan, Hannah Ellis, Reagan Escude, Ronald Evans, Candice Faith, Amye Flair, Sierra Foster, Sterlin, Samantha Freeman, Jamie French, Zachary Fussell, JaSae Gatlin, Rayvin Gaudet, Michael Ghattas, Destinee Green, Lashonda Hall, Madison Harper, Brea Housley, Melinda Hunt, April Hunter, Alyecia Ivory Stills, Ronesha Johnson, Randall Johnston, Lajarious Jones, Demariae Jordan, Molly Kelly, Emalee Kennon, Kaitlyn Knighton, Lakenya Lafitte, Katie Layfield, Hannah Lee, Jay Lester, Brandon Lewis-Graham, William Mahoney, Alaina McMillian, Destiny Mitchell, Damitron Moore, Latravia Mosley, Aaron Navarre,  Maria Ogletree, Haley Peace, Allison Pearah, TreSor Pennington, Jared Perkins, Hayden Pilcher, Laura Pritchard, Lindsey Ray, Patricia Reed, Harrison Reeves, Kendall Reeves, Keyonna Roberson, Ansley Rosett, Caleb Rounsavall, Amanda Rushing, Mallori Sanders, Elizabeth Scott, Lawson Scott, Catherine Shaw, Kathryn Shrader, Mary Sibley, Jackiesha Simmons,  John Slocum, Shelby Sowers, Christa Sprawls, Angel Stewart, Rashima Stewart, Somer Stratton, Amanda Strother, Khalil Sumlin, Destini Sweet, Joyce Taylor, Breyonna Thompson, Albert Tuiel, Kayla Waller, Ilyanna Warlen, Aaliyah Watkins, Dillion Wilkerson, Donald Williams, JeVannica Williams, Suzanne Williams, Emily Wingrove, Morgan Woodall,  Randy Woodle;
Sibley -- Julianna Schober;
Sierner -- Emily George;
Sieper -- Whitney Browning;
Sikes -- Dylan Kelly, Tonya LeBaron;
Simmesport -- Kimani Batiste, Bailie Marsh, Taylor Myers;
Slaughter -- Ciara Gibbs;
Slidell -- Katie Buttner, Robert Carter, William Jensen, John Norvel, Theresa Sharp, Sophia Toranto, Maci Walgamotte, Olivia Warren;
Spring, Texas -- Victoria Harris, Elyssa Hernandez;
Starks -- Triston Bussell,
Stockbridge, Georgia -- Rachel Jeane;
Stonewall -- Hailey Compton, Madison Parker, Chassidy Sutton;
Sugarland, Texas -- Jake Gore;
Sulphur -- Kobe Ardoin, Derek Henry, Bralyn James, Rylie Mcfarlain;
Summerfield, South Carolina -- Alexandria Hughes;
Talihina, Oklahoma -- Heidi Couch;
Texarkana, Texas -- Cody Hambly, Daphne Hammett;
The Woodlands, Texas -- Robyn Beatty, Tyler Rapp;
Thibodaux -- Tierra Johnson;
Tioga -- Hannah Pusateri;
Tomball, Texas -- Kylie Spencer;
Toms River, New Jersey -- Jacqueline Manza;
Trout -- Makayla King, Kalee Mcguffee, Jacie Paul;
Turkey Creek -- Kelsie King;
Tyler, Texas -- De'Shalyn Jones;
Vacherie -- Tameeka Ross;
Vidalia -- Kayla Banks, Charles Johnson;
Vierzon -- Lena Billault;
Ville Platte -- Gabrielle Chapman, Joseph Evans, Hannah Gallow;
Vinton -- Shae Cramer;
Vinton, Texas -- Alexis Frescas;
Virginia Beach, Texas -- Danielle Hill;
Walker -- David Kolb;
Washington -- Halie Briley;
Welsh -- Jordan Durio, Lauren LeDoux;
West Monroe -- Charles Allen, Abigail Beck, Laura Lovell;
Westlake -- Baleigh Derouen,
Wills Point, Texas -- Rebekah Clark;
Winnfield -- Jermesia Anderson, Taylor Burnett, Simona Curry, Trenton Dill, Rhonda Duff, Kerry Fitzgerald, Kara Grantadams, Ieishlia Lynch, Brittany Parker, Katreiona Starks, Caitlin Womack, Caroline Womack, Katy Zimmerman;
Winnsboro -- Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle, A'Lexus Johnson;
Woodville -- Tiera Trask;
Woodworth -- Taylor Henry;
Yaroslavl, Russia -- Polina Mutel;
Youngsville -- Randall Blair, Hannah Broussard, Jessica Gilmore, Alexys Hebert, Brian Horton, Devyn Shores;
 Zachary -- Carmeka Cooper, Neil Ahldwin;
 Zwolle -- Holly Laroux, Courtney McDaniel, Konner Parrie, Holden Rivers;
Rebecca Reine.
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nigeltoby · 3 years ago
The battlements and crenellations were crowned with snow and hung with icicles.
Somehow he managed to break his tumble with his hands and turn it into a clumsy thumping cartwheel. The battlements and crenellations were crowned with snow and hung with icicles. Wood pellet fuel is also becoming a common commodity in home improvement stores as more home owners in this region purchase wood pellet stoves.. Valkovsky needed a steward whom he could trust blindly for ever, that he might never need to visit Vassilyevskoe again, and this was just what he was reckoning on. “I can provide you with horses, provisions, guides, whatever is required to get you as far as Deepwood Motte. The flight is quiet, too, as turbine engines instead of rotor ones power these planes.. Fixed calipers are generally preferred for their performance, but are more expensive bottines cloutees femme than the floating kind. Watch the sunset from the heated outdoor deck at the Raven on Flathead Lake. Also she is reading books on how to avoid prosecution for foundation fraud and mishandling intelligence documents, though these last tomes she does not read in public. “Don’t prate your words at me.” Stannis drew the blade he called Lightbringer. Can any haibike e mtb 2020 one think of this without compassion? Poor souls! willing to bear with so much for simply this slight acknowledgment of their common humanity. Or even a lawyer. LOOK AT THE CHILDREN, WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH CHILDREN SO MANY DIFFERENT PROMS WITH CHILDREN THAT COULD ghete galbene piele BE SOLVED, BUT THIS COUNTRY, WE KEEP CUTTING BACK ON THESE THINGS. Wouldn divulge what type of beer he intends to make this time around. We say again, you are responsible for this state of things; for it is you who have driven us to the alarming point where we find ourselves. Carlo Guglielmi, cabinet member for planning at TDC, reacting to the prosecution of Bel Air Chalet Estate, said: "This action is being taken in the interests of the residents' safety and to prevent such areas becoming pockets of deprivation. I kept looking at her with the greatest interest. "So the board can determine whether they want to stay with what we have, or whether they want to proceed with a two week spring break," said Sullivan. Dixie Dean is a Goodison Park legend to whom all other Everton strikers are measured up to. That something he hadn resolved to do this spring, even though the walks were obviously an issue for him. The intent of Philae is nothing less than to perform forensic tests on a comet hundred of million of miles from Earth. You'll STILL be dancing obliviously to your pied piper music . We know that family is the center of your world, and we'll help you strengthen it with our comprehensive sections on building a family, parenting, and everything else about family life. Thirty three joints make the feet flexible, and 19 muscles control movement of foot parts. I was going to be a knight, Bran remembered. Understand me, mon ami: you know whom you have to deal with, you love her, and so I hope now that you will use all your influence (and you have an influence over her) to save her from certain unpleasantness. The King-Beyond-the-Wall had no choice but to stumble after him, the rope choking off his words. Providing you send us the required documents by the date listed on your offer letter then your place at the University is guaranteed. Require a couple of laps in pool and generally, you must incorporate what ever activity that you simply get pleasure from in the health and fitness program. Now the free rat, when he opened the door, the trapped rat was liberated but only into an adjacent arena, and they were not allowed they couldn't play together. A hundred kinds of mushrooms grew down here. Call 713 477 7237.. You either got to be smaller or a lot bigger, said Lesser. More shoving broke out at another wagon. With so many bloodthirsty wildlings infesting Castle Black, Selyse kept her sworn shields about her night and day. I use everything at my disposal when I get onstage. He offers us defeat and death. I went out to sell candy and flowers for her, when I lived with her. Jon was batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon cleaning Longclaw. Rounding off the board is serial entrepreneur Devin McClendon, a Brentwood native and lifelong resident who understands the city history and future, and Arnelle Adcock of Clover Management, our business coach and mentor.. LYTRO ILLUM workflow is also compatible with existing photo editing suites like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom software and Apple Aperture software, allowing creative pioneers to use the tools they already know and love.. The Astapori left him neither root nor stem. That was his brother’s way. Everyone had to do their part. A sandisk mp3 mode d emploi piece of the old gods to feed the new. But that’s how it struck me . There is absolutely no way to leave the car seat in the car when it 30C poor babes would fekete táska női freeze to death from the car to the house (or mall or doctor office or play place). She called Thibeault mea cupla, tears. But Virat Kohli is a scarier chaser than Inspector Javert, and Australia will not rest easy on the fifth day until izraeli kézműves ékszerek they have his wicket. Jon kept that doubt to himself. Another memory was of the spring lambs we enjoyed. Despite all the queen had air jordan aj4 done, the sickness had spread, both within the city walls and without. A good man. He drank again, long and deep, to wash the taste of blood from his mouth... Though Countess Zinaida Fyodorovna’s stepdaughter has no connexions, she is very wealthy. Do Not Disturb mode is available on the iPad Air too. A humiliating duty for a knight of the Kingsguard, but perhaps all Blount was capable of these days … and wise, after the way Tommen’s brother had died.. Leahy maintains that the added efficiency from an all new aircraft, compared with re engining, isn't worth the extra cost for either plane maker.. Love and Special Sauce, Cornershop and Mike Watt. Taking antidepressants during pregnancy may increase your child risk of autism, especially if the izraeli kézműves ékszerek baby is a boy, a new study suggests. And there will always be the Nike Air Max Penny. The American Heart Association, for example, will be teaching people CPR.. Rosson, however, said it is too soon to tell if the fire was the result of an accident or Mens JORDAN Hoodie arson. I went to my one and only Melbourne Cup meeting at Flemington as a 14 month old toddler in 1972. It is not.. With $30 entry and re entry at $25. Sure, we all think guys like Duchene, Yip, Stewart, etc are all awesome prospects. Why not her pets? If we do not act, Hizdahr will hesitate for a time, to give proof of his reluctance and allow the Wise Masters the chance to rid him of the Stormcrow and the bloodrider. I KNOW there are things I like to get done before people start filling up my house over Christmas, but my mind isn what it used to be and it all seems a bit overwhelming. We used to read of that mite in our copy-books, and when that mite means a million you think there’s something wrong about it! And what does it all rest on, this common sense that’s so much praised and that I believed in so? Why do you look at me like that, father? As though you were looking at a buffoon, a fool! What does it matter my being a fool? Natasha, you should have heard what Katya said about that, ‘It’s not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them — the character, the heart, generous qualities, progressive ideas.’ But better still, Bezmygin has a saying about that that’s full of genius.
0 notes
mr-e-gallery · 4 years ago
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George Platt Lynes  Carlos McClendon
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