#carlos madrigal angst
madricat · 1 year
Pompeii Part 4: happy birthday
Summary: Carlos goes through more pain with having to continue his life but what if doing so allows him to gain some happiness again?
Genre: Angst and fluff
Notes: Pompeii Part 4! not really proof read so may be grammar mistakes
check out Ducky's first parts pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3
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As the month dragged by, Carlos wasn't the same anymore. Every night Carlos would cry himself to sleep at the thought of getting older without his triplets. And with the rebuild of Casita, it made him feel even worse. He couldn’t bring himself to go back to the place that killed both of you. So he never helped rebuild Casita; instead, he would go back to the river every day.
Every time he visited he would bring some of your’s and Camilo’s favorite food because he knew how mad you would be at him for not taking care of himself. During his time he would enjoy the peace of the quiet and only imagine what you guys would have been up to by now, maybe you would have confessed to your crush you told him about a year ago. Or imagine how many fights would end up with a cactus in Camilo cause he pissed off Isabela. Maybe you all would have ganged up against your older sister to make fun and park her new boyfriend. Oh right…yall never say that. Damn. You guys had missed so much in life so far, Carlos can't even bring himself to think of what else you guys would as well. By the time the sun set he would trench back to the house that some villagers were letting his family stay in. 
He arrived back in time for dinner. Once again he just ate his dinner in silence while everyone else was chatting away. He was about to excuse himself when his abuela said something.
“Family, we are all grateful for the help to rebuild our lovely Casita. Tomorrow we shall finally be able to move back in, so tonight please gather up all your stuff so we are ready to move.” 
By the end of dinner Carlos dragged himself back into the room he was staying in. He didn't want to leave yet. Not that he liked this place no, he just didn't want to go back to the same place he lost his meaning to live. The place where the lives of triplets were lost. He didnt even wanna walk near there, let alone live there. But he had no choice, no matter how hard he wanted to avoid this time.
Thankfully he didn't have much to pack anyway, it only took him about an hour. He only had one last thing to pack tho. There he looked at the photo frame that was faced down on his night stand. With a shaking hand he hesitantly lifted it up to reveal a photo of you three on your thirteenth birthday. All of you laughing together while cake smeared all over y’all cause Carlos decided to start a cake fight.
He choked. He remembered all the fun birthdays shared and didn't realize that last year was gonna be the last ever time.
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“Hermano wake up, we get to go back to Casita today!” and enthusiastic Antonio squeaked. 
Carlos weakly opened his eyes that were glue shut from the tears that poured last night. 
“Calmate im getting up”
When he got up body was sore. He had slept all night in the same position clenching onto the photo of you three close to his chest.
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Everyone was standing around the path to casita while mirabel was holding a custom doorknob just for her
“I see me..all of me” she said with tears in her eyes
Once she placed the doorknob in magic spread all throughout the house and bringing it back to life, literally.
Everyone started flooding through the doors bringing back the atmosphere of their once beloved home. But Carlos didn't budge. He stood there staring at the house which he dreaded going back into. A pain started to fill every cavity of his chest just remembering that sight he saw of his siblings. When all of a sudden a hand was placed on his shoulder.
“ It hurts me as well, but we both know that they would want us to go in, no matter how much of chickens they would be acting right now,” Dolores said, causing a low chuckle from Carlos. 
She reached her hand out for him to grab. Slowly he held on to his big sister's hand as he was about to do one of the most painful things in his life, going back to that dreaded place. 
As they both walked through the door side by side he tried hard to stay strong and put on a brave face. Once he stepped in he was flooded by amazing memories he had with you two
“ Hey Stupid what would happen if we started spinning you in the hammock?” an 11 year old Carlos exclaimed to his brother.
“Only one way to find out!” a young and very stupid Camilo agreed.
Flash forward to within 5 minutes with Camilo in a hammock wearing a helmet and holding onto the sides of it for dear life, and on the other side Carlos on the end of the hammock ready to spin him. 
“What are you doing now?!” came in young y/n holding an empanada you just got from your tia.
“ About to see what happens to milo if we spin him in the hammock”
“I’ve got a helmet!” he interrupted.
“Yes he has a helmet. So you gonna help us or not”
“Fineeee” young you had said while stuffing the rest of your empanada in your mouth so you could help them.
“ ha remember that time we convinced Camilo to go into the hammock and spin him around” he said to his sister, remembering the memory
“ isn’t it the time he flung out and you guys had tia keep it a secret from mama cause you both knew you’d get in trouble”
“Haha yeah…it was fun”
Dolores had a smile escape from her seeing him laugh and remember the good times they all had together.
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It has been a month now since they’ve moved back in. Almost everyone had gotten comfy again and settled back in. All but Carlos. Ever since they came back he hasn't opened his door. He didn’t want his powers back, it would only pain him to remember his matching gift with his triplets. And not seeing your guys' doors near his anymore hurts like hell. So instead he has been sleeping in Antonio’s room since Pepa wont let him sleep on the couch downstairs all by himself. 
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At dinner tonight something seemed off. Everyone's chatter sort of seemed a bit forced like they were all trying to hold something in. You can clearly tell in Mirabel’s face that she couldn’t keep straight. All of the sudden it seemed like Pepa had gotten the courage to speak. 
“Carlos it’s your birthday tomorrow, would you like anything?” she asked with hesitation.
“ …I don't want to celebrate,” he said, holding back his tears. He had lost all track of time that he didn’t even notice it was almost his birthday. His birthday…no. It should have been an our birthday instead. He should have celebrated it alongside both of you. Now that he realizes it it was always you and Milo who made a bigger deal out of your guys birthday. All week he would have heard about it. All planning what gifts you wanted to get or who won the vote of the cake flavor this year. But none of it was gonna happen
With this he excused himself from the table and headed up to his room. While he was there he looked at the photo frame that was faced down on his night stand. With a shaking hand he hesitantly lifted it up to reveal a photo of you three on your thirteenth birthday. All of you laughing together while cake smeared all over you all cause Carlos decided to start a cake fight.
He choked. He remembered all the fun birthdays shared and didn't realize that last year was gonna be the last ever time.
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“Happy birthday!” Carlos heard while being licked in the face by Antonio’s jaguar. What an amazing wake up call. 
“Alright Alright i’m awake” he said half awake.
After he had gotten up and ready for the day he and Antonio headed down for breakfast.
When they got downstairs you could tell that the atmosphere felt a bit weird.
“Happy Birthday mijo” Felix calmly said to his son while placing a hand on his back.
“Gracias papa”
“ I miss them greatly as well, but we'll get through this together.”
“Carlos glanced over, giving him a slight smile for the kind gesture. 
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It was now a bit later in the day. Carlos was waiting for his tia to finish making some food for him to take for today. 
During his aimless walk around he ended up going up upstairs. Walking along the edge he held his arm out to let his fingers sweep by the railing. He just did many aimless laps around, only moving to not run into plants. Yet during all this he didnt think a thing. His mind was just blank. 
During lap who knows what, while he was walking he didn't pay attention and tipped over a small vase.
Doing this made him snap out of his trance. Quickly picking up the mess he made he finally realized where he was. There in front of him was his unopened door. He paused his cleaning and just stared at it.
“We both know you should open it”
A whisper voice appeared out of nowhere, scaring the hell out of him.
“Lo siento hermano”
“...maybe your right”
“ que?”
“ I mean those losers would have wanted me to open it by now right?”
“Should I…?”
“It’s your decision”
Upon hearing this Carlos closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With fear in his eyes he looked at the doorknob. He took small slow steps towards the door and once he reached it his breathing hitched. Raising his hand upwards to grip the doorknob. When his hand was hovering over it he froze. Is he really gonna do this? How will he live with himself? But it’s what they would want right? But it still wouldn’t be the same? The more questions he wondered the fear was more evident on his face then over. Looking over his shoulder to glance at his sister she gave a resuring headnod that it’s okay. With this he finally lowered his hand and gripped on the doorknob. But nothing happened. The door was still blank. Confusion started to rise
“Did it work?”
“I don't know let me give it a try”
He tried to transform into anyone…but his appearance stayed the same.
“Wh-what’s happening?” a distressed Carlos asked
“I-i don't know!” said an equally confused Dolores
Carlos held up both of his hands, they were shaking crazy. His eyes darted all around trying to unscramble the mess in his brain. He looked up to meet the eyes of his sister, his lip trembling.
“CARLOS YOUR FOOD IS READY!” yelled his tia from the kitchen
“...I have to go”
With this he ran down stairs and swiftly grabbed the basket off the counter and ran. He didn’t know where he was running, he just let his feet guide him.
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Finally when his feet stopped he looked up to see where he was. He had ran all the way to your guys’ graves. He hasn’t visited here ever since where you guys were buried, it pained him to come here again. Upon closer look he realized that the ruanas he placed on the grave stones were gone
“ No, no where did they go?!” he yeld while holding back a sob stuck in his throat. 
He collapsed to the floor gripping his ruana near his chest. A pain unimaginable was in his heart. How much more could this day pain him? He sat there balling his eyes out. All the pain that had been building up from today was being released.
“ hey loser you don't look good crying” said a familiar voice
Carlos shot his head up to see who was talking. His hair was a mess and his eyes were bloodshot from the violent sobs. When he looked up he saw a sight he missed all too well.
“Yup! I would say in the flesh but umm yeahhh”
“How are you-where’s y/n?!”
“Over here dumbass”
Carlos shot his head back to see the sight of his sibling standing there. Oh god how much he missed it
“Wait how are you guys-”
“Well, if you would have been smart, I believe you got a new gift. Oh, and we never got the chance to thank you for our ruanas, it was getting cold.” you said.
“Ha your welcome then”
" Now you have to catch us up on everything though"
That was his new gift, being able to talk to the dead. Maybe his gift was still connected to his siblings in the end after all…
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
"last Christmas"
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— your last Christmas wasn't the best after discovering your boyfriend cheated on you. But this Christmas, you see Carlos but you won't let him fool you again. This year, to save yourself from tears, you're giving your heart to someone special instead.
— angst & modern-au
— gender-neutral reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
— mild cussing/foul language
—  a fanfic idea from the lovely @try-cry-why-try! I just had to write it so here you guys go, enjoy the Christmas angst with Carlos :,)
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The cold air kissed your face, delivering goosebumps all over your body. You shivered, pulling the layers of thick clothing tighter around you as you exhaled. The evening brought a breeze and a trickle of snow falling gracefully from the sky. You frowed as you continued walking down the pavement, you really hoped you won't catch a cold or hyperthermia.
You arrive to your destination. With a sigh, you open the door and entered an enormous house. You where greeted with music blaring through the bass-boosted speakers, the smell of drinks in the air (mainly alcohol), and the sight of a tightly-packed crowd laughing and exchanging words.
At least, it was warmer inside. So, you slowly got rid of the scarf around your neck and your beanie. You could use a warm drink. You squeezed through a few people, muttering a quick apology. You managed to grab a red cup and filled it with your preferred drink, you sighed in contentment as you took your first sip. Your eyes scan the people present at the party this Christmas eve. Nothing seem to grab your interest until you caught a flash of maroon from the corner of your eye.
You froze, lowering your cup and gazed at this guy entering the crowd with an all too familiar maroon sweater. Your throat grew tight as you gulped. You recognized who he was, you hated that you knew who he was. But you regained your posture and set your distance away from this guy.
It seemed like tonight was going to be hellish, because you've been keeping your distance from him yet he still catches your eye. You bite back a groan. You thought it was a great idea to take a few cautious steps closer to him. Does he recognize you? Well, it's been a year and it doesn't surprise you.
"Merry Christmas"
You wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying "I love you", you meant it. When you come to give the present, you realized what a fool you've been. There he was, your boyfriend, making out with another person under a mistletoe on Christmas day. Your heart shattered on the spot by the scene, when you were caught witnessing the act of cheating. Your beloved boyfriend thought of kissing you on that moment after to make it up to you and you gave in. But you knew he fooled you again.
You frowned, your mood turning sour by the memory. What an inconvenience to encounter your ex-boyfriend here out of all places. As you downed your drink and turned to leave, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
Oh for christ's sake!
You whipped your head to meet face-to-face with your ex. You feigned to not recognize him but when he smiled, you failed.
"Hey! It's you"
Carlos said. You loathed how welcoming his voice sounded. He tried to give you a hug but you managed to get away before he pulled you in. A fake smile appeared on your lips, you decided to play as a civilized stranger.
"So...how are you?"
He asked. You wanted to smack him on the head for asking that, did he forget that he ruined your life when he cheated on you? Perhaps he developed amnesia that's why he's acting so merry to see you, which is less likely.
"I'm fine, I was about to go"
"Oh...I guess I'll see you around, [Name]"
Carlos watches as you hurriedly pushed through the crowd. He waited to see you walk out the door but you didn't, he furrowed his eyebrows and watched you pour a drink. Meanwhile, you stayed in the crowded room, you see him chatting with his friends that had tired eyes. You angrily took a sip on your drink, you hated his audacity to strike a conversation with you after the shit he pulled last Christmas.
"Oh come on it was harmless, [Name]!"
Carlos rolled his eyes, chasing after you on the snowy pavement. Your warm tears fell freely down your cheeks as you gritted your teeth. This was getting tiring. Why does he keep denying to be unfaithful to you when you literally saw him making out with somebody else. Carlos groaned and grabbed your hand to stop you from getting away.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Carlos?!"
He frowns at you when you shouted at him. The way he seems unaffected to the sight of you crying brought a pang of pain to your chest.
"Ugh, when will you take a joke, [Name]?"
"A joke?! Do you think this is all just a joke to you, Carlos?! Do you expect me to laugh after seeing you kiss somebody else under the mistletoe?!"
You screamed at him. Carlos shuts his mouth, he bites his lip and looks away but you can see the shame in his eyes.
"I can't do this with you anymore, Carlos"
"We're over! Here's your stupid present, Merry Christmas!"
You shoved the present you made for him bitterly and walked away. Carlos stays rooted under a lampost letting the snow get into his hair. He stares at you and at the present and scoffs. Looking back at him, you can see how he's colder than the snowy weather.
You scoffed, trying to hide the hurt. You were hiding from Carlos and his soul of ice. It's unbelievable because how can he still be so insensitive after all this time. Carlos spots your glaring on the other side of the room and it irks him. He decides to confront you about it. So, he approached you, drags you by the arm, and takes you outside. You shouted at him to stop. He stops and lets you go as you shivered at the sudden temperature change.
"What the fuck was that for?!"
"Wow, you're still bitter, you never changed, [Name]"
"I can say the same thing for you, bastard"
You said, it brought a sting to Carlos but he brushes it off with a laugh. He smirked and walked over to you.
"Saw you glaring at me, it seemed like you never found happiness after last Christmas"
"Believe me, I'm happier than ever when we broke up, jackass"
"So, why the staring, cariño?"
Carlos asked, genuinely. Not that he'll admit but he liked it, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't sneaking glances at you. This Christmas eve was not turning out well now that you're fighting off the tears and surpressing the pain of the truth. The truth is, you still loved him. Carlos was an asshole yet you still had feelings for him, your throat burned at the thought.
When he saw the glassy look in your eyes, his smug expression dropped. He remembered that look on your face last Christmas when you ended your relationship with him.
"My god, I thought you were someone to rely on, Carlos"
You started, your voice shaking. You began to sniff until it was apparent that you were upset and it was all because of Carlos. He takes everything in, slowly realizing his mistake.
"Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on"
You laughed but eventually you broke down in front of him. Carlos can feel his heart clench. He fucked up again, didn't he? He's the reason why you're crying again. Carlos hesitantly moves closer to you and gently wrapped his arms around you. God, when was the last time he hugged you?
Carlos holds you during the snowfall as you cried. What almost got Carlos on the brink of tears is when you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him away. He swallowed hard and saw you shake your head at him.
"No, not ever and never again, Carlos"
"I...I'm sorry, [Name]"
You looked at him. Carlos knew it was a horrible time to apologize but it was the only think he can think of in hopes to salvage what he has caused. You wiped your tears away.
"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart..."
"...But the very next day, I gave it away"
He finished, he looked you in the eye and you realized the tears threatening to fall. You held your head high, ready to leave this all behind you.
"This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special"
You said. A part of Carlos wished that special someone was him, but he knew better than to hope he had a chance with you so he nods in defeat.
"...But I'm not that special someone"
"No, Carlos"
You shake your head at him. As his most painful goodbye, he reaches to hold your hand. Carlos sniffs.
"I hope they don't make your Christmas shitty"
It sounded like a joke so you smiled and slowly pulled your hand away from Carlos' touch. He watch hopelessly as you walked away into the night. He stands shivering on Christmas eve, a few tears escaping from his eyes. He wipes away any stray tears and chuckled at his own misfortune. He shouldn't have given your heart away last Christmas.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-died-inside ...join here
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green-mochi-blog · 2 years
Mariana: *staring longingly at Oscar*
Mariana: this may sound silly, but have you ever loved someone so much it actually hurts?
Carlos: *staring longingly at Mariana*
Carlos: ...yes, yes I have
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flos-ficblog · 2 months
flo's masterlist of fics
• Descendants
- Descendants: Rise of Red, Rewritten
rewriting the whole movie, glassheart endgame.
- "i love you with my body, soul and heart to death."
It's really sad, tw: suicide attempt and selfharm, also includes my three oc's- Astrid, Ashar and AQ. It's CharmingHatterHearts (Chloe x Red x AQ)
- these are the words i held back (I was enchanted to meet you)
glassheart, really cute, basically pure fluff and it's a getting together fic
● Carmen Sandiego
- The Story of My Life (i take him home)
florian lafayette-meadows' backstory
- fool me once, fool me twice...
carulia/chasejules au
- Take Me Back To The Night We Met
carulia post-canon meetup, includes my "the devil wears prada" oc and slightly mlb crossover au?
- i wanna walk with you (in the low light)
florence meadowes' backstory
● Encanto
- maybe the friends are the enemies we made along the way
Isabela Madrigal x f!oc enemies to lovers, señorita perfecta vs the town sweetheart (the oc was mentioned in the Trauma Chronicles series)
- Take Me To The Lakes Where All The Musicians Went To Die (Trauma Chronicles)
post casita falling down, slightly runaway mirabel au? twin sisters mirabel and marabela (oc)
- And Those Encanto Peaks Look Like A Perfect Place To Cry (Trauma Chronicles)
the next day after mirabel disappears but no-one can find her. marabela and carlos confront abuela
- What Should Be Over Burrowed Under My Skin (Trauma Chronicles)
the family makes up, pure fluff continues.
● The Devil Wears Prada
- and everyday you surprise me more (why does it always have to be straight women I adore?)
what if Andy 'accidentally' impressed Miranda? canon divergence au, mirandy
● Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Catnoir
- The Masquerade Ball
chloenette, inspired by another fic. not gonna post this one cos of copyright 🫤
- Well, this is Miraculous
also chloenette, chloe's redemption basically
- Zoe Sings a Song
part 4 of Karaoke Confessions, might finish this... might not. we'll see. The entire series is shit since a beginners thing and rushed asf and I don't have time for rewrites
- The Story of Us (Adrien's a Swiftie?!) (Karaoke Confessions)
chloenette, chloe redemption, basically me forcing my love for taylor swift on these oblivious fools (plot holes on plot holes tho)
- The Way I Loved You (Marinette doesn't have a crush on Adrien?!) (Karaoke Confessions)
part 2 of Karole Confessions, clears someeee stuff up
- Uh oh... I'm falling in love. (Karaoke Confessions)
rushed a bit, the whole entire of KC is shit but read if you want- pretty sure chloenette kiss in this one
● Supergirl
- Lena Luthor: Boarding School Stories
basically an au if Netflix did a series on Lena's boarding school life, live action, kindddd of x fem oc? idk it was supposed to be this big ass fic but I forgot abt it
- might share a face and a last name (but we are not the same)
Luthor family angst, kara/supergirl being a good girlfriend
- I can't be your midnight love
Lena and Kara had a fight, supergirl came over and helped Lena. this one's basically finished but I forgot abt it so imma post it soon
- i didn't mean to say 'i love you' (i love you, but i don't want to)
supercorp angst, pretty shit like the rest of the fanfics cos it's one of the first ones I've ever written
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anykindofbean · 2 years
Fight for you
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Carlos Madrigal x Reader: Fight for you
Genre: Fluff/ Angst? If you squint.
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
More of my works if you’re interested: Masterlist
Carlos was angry.
Not because of Abuela yelling at him for not doing his chores, Not Camilo pulling a prank on him, Not even when he had to clean up Antonio’s animal’s mess.
No, He was mad because someone had the nerve to insult you right in front of him.
So now he had to sit through another lecture from his mother after beating up said someone. Of course he had a couple of bruises too, And his lip and nose were dripping blood, But he didn’t care, That jerk got what they deserved.
“ Are you even listening to me!?” Pepa’s thunder brought him out of his thoughts.
He sighed. “ Yes, Mami..I’m listening.” That was a lie, And they both knew it.
Pepa let out a sigh as well, Causing her cloud to fade away as she calmed herself down.
“ Carlos, All I’m trying to say is you can’t go around fighting anyone who says something you don’t like.” She got close to him, Grabbing a towel from the counter, Wiping away the blood from his nose.
Carlos pulled away, Glaring off to the side.
“ You’re mama is right, Amor.” You spoke up. Pepa and Carlos glance in your direction, You we’re standing in the doorway.
Carlos pouted, Still glaring as he looked away again. Pepa however seemed pleased that you arrived. “ Hola, (Y/n)!”
You smiled at the woman. “ Hola, Pepa! I can take over if you’d like?”
Pepa nodded. “ Yes please. This boy doesn’t listen to me, But I’m glad he trusts you.” Pepa patted Carlos’s head, Carlos of course moved away from her hand though.
Pepa let out another sigh once again, Starting to make her way to leave, Stopping when she got to you. “ Good luck.” She whispered before continuing leaving.
You smiled before looking at your beloved. He was still facing away from you, Crossing his arms over his chest. He became even more tense when he heard you approach.
“ Carlos?”
If it was even possible, He turned even farther away from you. You gave him a gentle smile, Brushing some hair behind his ear, Before cupping his cheek with a soft touch.
You could feel him relax from your touch. You tilted your head to try to look at his. He still wasn’t budging, But neither were you.
You noticed a bruise underneath his eye, You leaned forward pressing a gentle kiss on it.
That got Carlos’s attention, He turned his head toward you, Finally meeting your gentle (e/c) ones. Carlos looked down. “….Someone was talking bad about you.”
You hummed, Cupping Carlos’s cheeks, Making him look back at you. “ Amor, There’s gonna be people in this town who don’t like me. Beating someone up because of that, Isn’t the way to go, Sometimes we just have to make peace with the fact that we can’t make everyone happy.”
He groaned ever so slightly. “….Fine.” Carlos seemed to be displeased with your words, But he knew that you and his mom were right.
“ Amor?” He spoke up again.
You hummed again, Brushing the hair that was covering one of his eyes back.
“ Can you kiss the rest of my bruises better?”
His question made you laugh, Your laugh making him smirk.
Carlos knew that he would still fight anyone who ever spoke bad about you, Even though you just told him not to. And you definitely knew that too.
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Identity theft is not a joke
Luka somehow got Camilo's gift (This is just an excuse to write angst and pinning)
- This is a one shot out of many that are just sitting on my notes collecting dust so I plan to one by one post them to showcase my work and what my writing looks like. Luka Cortez is my oc and main fic is on my pinned post.
- electrocution by lightning and some swearing
- I headcanon that Pepa's lightning isn't deadly as much as a small zap, but bigger ones like her actual storms may be a bit dangerous to normal folks
It was funny, really. Unexpected but funny
Luka never thought upon waking up that he would be struck with a stray lightning bolt straight to the head the very first thing he stepped foot on the threshold of his best friend's house to have a relaxing, no-nonsense day.
Apparently, the fates said "fuck your plans" and went all Zeus on him. His 17 days without inconvenience dropped down to zero again.
He woke up again to find some of the Madrigal members surrounding him on a bed, a wrapped bandage around his head, and Pepa Madrigal babbling apologies with a darkening cloud looming over the room. He immediately tried to reassure her to quell in the growing storm cloud and the small hurricane in the room.
It was embarrassing at some point since they probably watched his unconscious body plop down to the floor and twitching from the aftershocks.
But the hours that followed were compensation, for somehow he got a gift! Camilo's gift, to be exact. Apparently, he had gotten struck too, but it still didn't explain how he got the gift, for it was just a theory. The rest of the Madrigals are in a state of confusion too, but hey. He survived a lightning bolt straight to the head and gained powers on the same day.
He paused on the way to the second floor when he saw a mirror just at the top of the stairs. With growing delight, he gets to see himself as a different person.
His abuelo.
He had fun the whole day when he showed off his own impersonation skills. He gets to feel what it's like to be dramatic as Camilo and prank as many people as possible. And generally, having fun at the same time was a bonus. But he felt something was missing.
He thought about it and realized he hadn't actually seen Carlos all day. Where could he have gone to?
Luka looked up at the mirror and immediately scared himself shitless when Carlos appeared, copying his movements. It appears he apparently shifted to Carlos subconsciously.
He studied his face closely as he brushed his bangs away. Russet brown eyes that sometimes looked like red when the light hit his eyes and a constellation of freckles sat all over his face beautifully. There are three distinct moles under his left eye. Brown curls bounce in movement every time he moves.
A bewildered expression shows on Carlos' face (Luka's face?). He steps closer and understands why half of the girls in town vy for his attention despite being an asshole (he too has fallen victim to it too, not to lie). He has the Madrigal genes that made him so unfairly attractive and somehow the I-could-care-less attitude SHOULD have been a repellant but nooooo. 
Luka had the dumbest decision to actually look at him and find that he's not so bad as they made him out to be and the rare moments of softness he had the courtesy to see made him lose all critical thinking skills, because here he is unabashedly staring at the mirror for who knows how long, like a damn weirdo.
Luka ignored that thought for now, because this might be an opportunity he wouldn't ever get again.
He raised his hands (Carlos'?) and saw hands that were rough and showed signs of someone who did not mind hard work. Flexing and unflexing, turning and unturning. He's mesmerized by such hands; long digits perfect for guitar or piano; and he sees a mole by the middle finger.
Huh. Neat.
Luka clasped his hands and was surprised to feel the warmth of his hands. So different to his original hands, which are in-between cold and barely warm.
He looks back at the mirror and freezes.
The reflection looking back had a lovestruck look in its face; brows in a relaxed manner, cheeks tinted red, rich brown eyes that held a soft longing look, and an expression set in an open vulnerability.
It was so...surreal. Seeing such a look coming from Carlos, even if he's aware that he's the one wearing his skin.
He realized that this could be the closest he could get to seeing it aimed at him.
And isn't that such a thought?
He didn't stray his eyes away as he placed his hands (Carlos'?...) to his face. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to just feel. For a brief moment, he closed his eyes tightly enough and hoped. For a brief moment, he hoped that it was Carlos' own hands. Carlos' own warmth holding Luka's face.
For one brief moment, he allowed himself to dream that if he opened his eyes, Carlos would be there looking and holding him tenderly instead.
The thought almost made him tear up.
"What are you doin-." "SANTA MARIA, MOTHER OF GRACE."
He whirls around quickly while shifting in-between people until he shifts to himself. Carlos stood a few feet away, looking at him weirdly.
Well, fuck.
He clutches his chest where his rapidly beating heart sounds like it's going to burst through with shock.
"Would you STOP doing that?"
"What the fuck were you doing?" Carlos rebuttals.
"Nothing!" he said, a little too loud for his taste judging by the other's annoyed look. "I wasn't doing anything."
"Talk to me with your own face idiota." Carlos tsked. "Cloudy's face isn't going to get you out of trouble, you tonto."
He thinks he's Camilo? Oh, right, he doesn't know Luka have his brother's gift.
Switching to Camilo, he tried to be casual. "I was, uh, acting—yeah! Acting. Doing that. Ya know? For funsies. And some play. I wasn't doing anything weird. Not at all... bro."
He internally cringes as his mind screams at him, on what the fuck is he doing. He was doing well impersonating Camilo a few hours ago. Now he's here acting so unnaturally.
Carlos looked at him with a brow raised that said, "Really?" Luka (Camilo) looks back with an awkward smile that's too forced.
A few seconds passed before Carlos relented. "Whatever. I've got actual important things to do than this conversation. Don't turn into me again. You know how much I hate that." With that, he descends the stairs.
"Suuure. Brother of mine, I'll stop whatever I'm doing. Because I very well know how much you hate that, ahahaha." he says awkwardly to the already distant Carlos. Luka transforms back into himself as he wipes the sweat off his forehead. Phew. Smooth as silk as always, Cortez.
Carlos just entered the kitchen when he realized that his brother didn't twirl dramatically when he shifted or that he never called him bro.
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ducky-died-inside · 2 years
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I posted 12,316 times in 2022
That's 12,316 more posts than 2021!
1,770 posts created (14%)
10,546 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 856 of my posts in 2022
#camilo - 30 posts
#camilo madrigal x reader - 29 posts
#encanto - 28 posts
#carlos madrigal x reader - 24 posts
#steve harrington - 24 posts
#yes i will be doing this on everyday until i meet him - 22 posts
#no you can't stop me - 22 posts
#carlos madrigal - 21 posts
#spotify - 19 posts
#camilo imagine - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket kermit jacket
I sent 3 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
do you have anymore protective camilo and carlos . like shes the 2nd golden child and is supposed to be perfect ( at least thats what abuela thinks ) and they tell abuela off after seeing her finnaly cave ( and if your not comfortable with that ) someome insults reader and they get protective ( and if your not comfortable with that ) just protective camilo and carlos . also if you do not have time to right rn this can wait and pick the part that your the most comfortable with cause i dont know if any of this is crossing bondaries . have a good day / night .
I have so many ideas for protective Camilo and Carlos
Stuck: Protective Camilo x Fem reader (platonic), Protective Carlos x Fem reader (platonic)
Summary: You accidentally get stuck as an animal that Abuela doesn't like. She doesn't like that and gets mad at you. Camilo and Carlos tell her off and comfort you.
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Notes: You have the power to Shapeshift into animals while your brothers can do people
Warnings: Angry Camilo, Angry Carlos, Angry Abuela, Sad Reader
You stood in front of your mirror, trying to decide which animals would be "safe" according to your Abuela. Safe meant it was pretty and not dangerous. If was dangerous but pretty? Nope. If it wasn't dangerous but not pretty? Nope. It had to be perfect.
You went down through your list, crossing off animals that you knew wouldn't fit the mold. When you came across an animal that you weren't sure of, you would put a question mark next to it, so that you knew to ask Abuela later.
Abuela was constantly changing what she thought and animals that used to be ok were suddenly too dangerous or not good enough, so you had to go through the list at least once a month.
It was one of your favorite times of the month and one of your least favorites because you got to see all these animals that you could be, and weren't allowed to be.
As you went down the list, you got stuck. This happened sometimes when you used your power too much, or when you were shocked or surprised. You'd get stuck as the animal form you were in. This time it was an albino tiger. One that was pretty, but dangerous.
When this happened, only two people could ever get you to turn back. Your other two thirds, Carlos and Camilo.
You used your paws to open the door, looking around to see if anyone was coming. You thought it was clear, but then you heard your Abuela's voice filled with anger.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You slowly turned your head, fear in your eyes. You tried to shift back, but your powers wouldn't respond.
"Y/N, why do you look like that?! You know I don't like that animal!"
You ducked your head, scared of what was coming next.
"How can you help the miracle when you look like this? You were supposed to be perfect, not dangerous! You were supposed to be the responsible triplet! Not this! Change back ri-"
Camilo and Carlos heard her triade, and came out of their respective rooms as fast as possible.
"You want to finish that sentence, Alma?"
Carlos was the first to talk, anger in his eyes.
"Say it one more time, I dare you."
Your Abuela stepped back a bit, startled by Camilo's behavior. She expected this from Carlos, but never Camilo.
"How dare you?! I'm the head of this household and I won't accept this disrespect!"
"Disrepect? What about the disrespect from you?! You've been putting way too much pressure on Y/N! Why do you think she's stuck?! Because you are constantly changing what you approve of and she needs to figure it out once a month! Do you even know how many times this has happened?! No! Why?! Because you don't care about Y/N unless she is the perfect version you want her to be!"
Abuela opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it, not able to come up with a way to respond to that.
Camilo lead you to his room so that he and Carlos could get you to change back.
See the full post
210 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
I feel like Ride The Cyclone was less about the contest and more about how fucking horny all of them were
213 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Someone wanted more triplet au stuff so here I am! I'm just gonna do some headcannons for now while I work on a sequel to Bad Friends!
Camilo, Carlos and Reader Triplet Headcannons: Just cute things that would happen between you and your bros!
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Angsty, Carlos has a knife(yay), Carlos and Camilo threaten someone
When Camilo and Carlos get into fights, you're the one who breaks it up
Whenever you get asked out on a date, Carlos and Camilo will threaten them when you go to grab something
"Hey Y/N! You ready for our date?"
"I sure am! I just need to grab something really fast."
"Ok I'll just wait then"
Carlos grabbed his shoulder as soon as you were upstairs.
"You do anything to her, I gut you."
Camilo grabs the other side. "You kiss her before she's ready, you better learn to sleep with one eye open. Got it?"
The poor boy nodded as you came down the stairs, your smile reminding him why he's here.
He nods quickly, glancing back at your brothers.
"Remember what we said, Fernando. Have a great night!"
You looked at all three of them, confused. "Dios mio, what did you guys say to him?"
"Nothing much, just telling to have a good night with you."
Very overprotective bros
You love them to death though
You three would come up with the best pranks to play.
You would make them apologize when they went too far
Carlos will often carry around a pocket knife, making the phrase "put the knife away, Carlos." a regular thing heard around Encanto.
You three all worked together in your own weird way
Carlos was the evil one, you were the sensible one, and Camilo was the jokester that held you two in balance
You and Camilo are often put under the most pressure as Carlos doesn't do most of his chores if he does any
Carlos is definitely Abuela's least favorite as he doesn't do very much for the town
Camilo will sometimes forget his name and what he looks like due to using his gift so much
Seeing as Carlos doesn't use his gift as much as Camilo does, it doesn't happen to him almost at all
You and Carlos help Camilo get back to being himself whenever he has a hard time remembering
See the full post
307 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Request: Camilo and carlos with twin sister reader who can hear peoples thoughts and one day at dinner she gets overwhelmed and starts hyperventilating and abuela says " yn calm down " ( like that one scene ) and she does a coping mechanism ( like rubbing her thumb over her knuckles ) while saying " your fine , your fine " and they just snap and then comfort her .
Thoughts: Camilo x Fem reader (platonic), Carlos x Fem reader (platonic)
Summary: Abuela gets mad at you when your powers are too much.
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Notes: @kailoveswom3n please keep requesting! They are so much fun to write and you give so much detail in them! This takes place a month before the movie. Thought key: (pay attention to bolds)
Camilo, Carlos, Pepa, Félix, Mirabel, Dolores, Antonio, Abuela
Warnings: Angry Abuela, Angry Camilo, You run away,
You were an outcast. Your power made it so that you could hear peoples thoughts and people didn't like that. You didn't like it either, but you were stuck with it now. This made it very hard to find friends who would stay.
You were worse than Dolores and Bruno to them because Dolores could only hear sounds and Bruno at least left before doing more damage than he already had. But you? You could hear every secret thought even if someone didn't say it aloud. You liked to keep your head empty when you were younger, so when you learned a secret, you had to tell someone.
You don't do that anymore because Abuela started to accuse you of hurting the miracle by sharing the secrets you knew. So you became the image of good enough to Abuela. You didn't become absolutely perfect like Isabela, but not rowdy or an absolute menace like your brothers, Camilo and Carlos. The sweet middle spot for the sweet middle child.
You hurriedly got ready in front of your mirror, fixing your hair and makeup. The Diaz's, another very important family in Encanto, were coming over tonight for dinner, so that they could establish friendships with each other. As they got closer, a thought that wasn't yours entered your mind.
Food time!
You decided that if Camilo was ready for dinner, you should get downstairs. You didn't want all of the food to be gone before you got there. You grabbed your worry stone on your way out (A worry stone is a stone that has an indent for you to rub your thumb over). This was going to be a long dinner.
Dinner was running smoothly, everyone talking and joking. You could hear everyone's thoughts about each other, and they all seemed to have good opinions of each other. You rubbed your stone, trying to calm the mess of thoughts. As you listen, one string of thoughts catches your attention when you hear your name.
Y/N better not ruin this night for the Encanto. We need these relationships with others. She's already brought enough shame to my family.
Your eyes widen as you hear Abuela's thoughts. You try to stop the thoughts running through your head. Your breathing starts to get faster as the words repeat in your mind. Your rubbing of the stone gets faster and faster until you think you might break it. Tears start to roll down your cheeks, and your brothers see, but so does everyone else. Including Abuela.
"Y/N, calm down! We are trying to have a nice dinner tonight! How can we do that if you are breaking down constantly?"
You apologized and excused your self from the table. On either side of you, your brothers were fuming, glaring at Abuela.
You didn't notice for a while, trying to calm yourself with your stone and whispering "calm down, you're fine, just calm down, you don’t need to make a big deal, just calm down" to your self on repeat.
Camilo stood up and excused himself and Carlos from the table. He lead Carlos to kitchen so that you could talk to them.
"What happened? What did you hear?"
"It's nothing, Camilo. I'm fine now."
"It's obviously not nothing. If something got you to cry when you cry less than I do, it's obviously something."
You looked over to Carlos. He had a point. You sighed, trying to figure out the best way to say what Abuela had thought.
"Abuela was thinking that I was going to ruin the dinner with my gift, and thought that I already brought enough shame to her family. It's like she didn't even think I was part of the family."
Camilo clenched his fists and his eye started to twitch.
See the full post
313 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Not all men" You're right. Noel Gruber, Mischa Bachinski, and Ricky Potts would never
859 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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endlesstwanted · 6 months
Five Nights At Freddy’s Bingo, Masterpost
Finished my @fnafbingo card with nine fics and over 5k words!
I got to try out some new fandoms like Encanto, 9-1-1: Lone Star, and a crossover of two of my favourite European movies. All info, ratings and pairings are below the cut and fills are linked to my Ao3.
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Ten Revolutions Around The Sun Later
☁️ ��I assure you, I am very real.”
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bruce Banner/James Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark | T | 500 words WARNINGS: Flashbacks, Temporary Amnesia, Implied past Torture and s/h Summary: Bucky’s flashbacks are triggered by the snow. Bruce and Tony are there to help him get back to his own self.
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Great Things For Kind Hearts
☁️ “The others are under my protection.”
Fandom: The Avengers Movies Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark | G | 100 words Summary: Tony reflects on how his life changed after meeting Bucky.
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I’m Not Going To Say Goodbye So I Don’t Have To Go
☁️ “Uh, that restaurant should be the safest place on earth.”
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV) Carlos Reyes/TK Strand | T | 2,039 words WARNINGS: Post-Episode: s02e12 The Big Heat, Trauma, Angst Summary: After their night gets ruined by a home in flames, Carlos and TK go to the Strand’s house.
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Broken Oath
☁️ “You knew I’d get you eventually.”
Fandom: Black Widow (2021) Yelena Belova/Natasha Romanov | Mature | 742 words WARNINGS: Red Room shit, Angst, Implied past non-con (not between the pairing and not in the fic) Summary: Yelena turns fifteen, and Natalia has to prepare her for the real world. At least, according to what the Red Room thinks a woman needs to work with for them to take over the world.
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Boyfriend’s Spider-Sense
☁️ “Don’t get distracted!”
Fandom: Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies) Hobie Brown/Miles Morales | Teen | 683 words Summary: Miles pays Hobie a visit when he feels he’s not feeling alright.
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I Can’t Like That
☁️ “There is room for one more.”
Fandom: Chicago Fire (TV) Joe Cruz & Brian "Otis" Zvonecek | Teen | 569 words WARNINGS: Hurt No Comfort, Implied Canon Character Death, Episode: s08e01 Sacred Ground Summary: Joe waits, helpless, for his best friend to leave.
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The Good Win Over The Bad
☁️ “I guess you forgot about me.”
Fandom: Captain America Movies Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers | Teen | 100 words Summary: Ten years after graduating from high-school, Bucky reunites with the one that got away from him. At least, if staring at Steve for half an hour counts as a reunion.
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Two Trains And Cold Coffee
☁️ “I’ve been looking for you… and now I will never let you go…”
Fandom: Deux Moi (2019), Verdens Verste Menneske (2021) Julie/Mélanie Brunet | Teen | 200 words Summary: A quiet morning with Mélanie and Julie.
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A Rose For A Rose
☁️ “Hello, hello? Hey you’re doing great! Most people don’t last this long!”
Fandom: Encanto (2021) Dolores Madrigal & Madrigal Family | Gen | 300 words Summary: Isabela, Camilo and Bruno help Dolores prepare for her first date.
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0 notes
froggywritesstuff · 3 years
Y/N: you can’t love someone without loving yourself
Carlos: bullshit.
Carlos: I’ve never once loved myself.
Carlos: but you?
Carlos: loving you almost makes me forget what hating myself feels like
584 notes · View notes
capybira · 2 years
First req? Carlos with someone who likes flowers and makes all sorts of stuff with flowers. etc flower crowns, bookmarks. Uh not sure if you do he/him reader but yeah. Give the boy a flower crown 😔
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your lie in april
happy april fools >:)
carlos madrigal x he/him reader
summary: reader is someone who owns a flower shop with his dad, his mom passed away some time ago. carlos madrigal always makes fun of him for selling flowers when isabela is here.
genre: angst + fluff?
WARNINGS: mentioning the death of a parent, bullying
“Thanks for coming! Looking forward to seeing you next time.”
Ever since your mom passed away, you and your dad have been in charge of your family’s flower shop. Business has been doing well for the family until Isabela Madrigal was born, but some (like less than 10) people still come and buy flowers from you guys.
“Y/N’s making flower crowns again…”
“He’s just like his mom.”
“What’s the point? No one’s buying flowers from his little shop anyway. Who needs that when you’ve got Isabela?”
You always hear your name whispered amongst town folks, they think you don’t know. You do.
To be honest, you didn’t think of being a flower enthusiast as a big deal, but apparently Isabela Madrigal was, so you and your father became her so-called rival, as townsfolk would say. Of course, Isabela was nice to you and your dad, and you were too although you secretly disliked her for making the family business crumble.
And then there came the annoying Carlos Madrigal, who was even worse than Isabela. Carlos didn’t even bother trying to be nice to you, and he’s always the first one to point and laugh at you whenever you had a flower stand up at town square, selling hand-made accessories like earrings and flower bracelets.
“Why do you even sell them anyway? My prima can make all these in a second, no one’s going to buy trash, Y/N.”
You never understood why he was so rude when you’ve done nothing to him. Perhaps you’ve wronged him in your past life in some way, now all he does is give you misery. For some reason you don’t hate him, on the contrary you were determined to find out the reason why he disliked you so much.
In a way, you were interested in him. Sure he was mean to you, called you rude names, made fun of your family business, but deep down you believed it had something to do with his own troubles which he’d never reveal to people. However, your mixed feelings about Carlos quickly faded when an incident happened at school.
In memory of your mom, you always wore a flower bracelet she made for you when you were younger.
“Peonies represent good luck, mijo. They’re my favourite flowers too, I want you to have this.”
You’ve never taken it off ever since.
Minding your own business at school like any other day, you were walking to class when you accidentally bumped into a familiar, not-so-friendly looking boy in maroon clothing.
“Watch where you’re- oh? I see Y/N has decided to grace me with his presence today.” He sneered.
His friends beside him laughed, and your eyes remained fixated on the books you were holding, merely annoyed that you couldn’t live one peaceful day without Carlos Madrigal getting on your nerves.
You brushed it off, about to ignore what just happened and go to class as per usual, when you felt something get snatched off your wrist.
Oh no that bitch did not-
Pulling off your peony bracelet off your wrist swiftly, Carlos snatched it from your lingering wrist and waved it high up in the air.
“Why do you always wear this stupid bracelet anyway? Isn’t it about time you moved on?” He jeered. Carlos smirked and looked at his friends for approval, but to his surprise they were as shocked as you were.
That being so sudden, you didn’t know how to react. You stood in front of Carlos, staring at his hand in horror as he waved your bracelet in the air, out of your reach. You knew Carlos had his wicked schemes, but that was way too far.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” Carlos continued. Now more people are gathering around you two and his friends to see what the two of you were on about. A whirlwind of emotions rushed through your mind, and flashbacks of him making fun of you selling flowers, being rude for no reason, all built up a sudden rage inside of you. Who does he think he is?
Without thinking, you whacked your arm and punched Carlos straight in the face, your bracelet dropping from his hand and you snatching it right on time. Your bold action earned a few cheers and ‘ooo’s from the crowd, and you saw teachers rushing over but you quickly rushed away.
You just punched THE Carlos Madrigal in the face. You’re in big trouble.
To your surprise, Carlos didn’t come for you after the incident. On the contrary, he even stopped bullying you for some reason. You’d be at your stall at town square, hoping someone would come and take a look at your handmade flower crowns and bracelets, and catch Carlos staring from the corner of your eye. Stalker.
A week has passed since the incident, you and Carlos haven’t interacted. You were happy that he stopped bothering you, and you hated him for what he did. One day after school, you went to your usual spot under a big oak tree near your house. It was the place your mother taught you how to make flower related items and bouquets, and you always sat there weaving threads of vines and strings together, forming beautiful flower crowns.
You were busy weaving flowers together when you heard grass rustling, and to your surprise, Carlos stood a few feet away from you, staring. You were still furious about the incident and everything he did, so you ignored him.
The Madrigal walked closer to you and plopped down next to you, as if the two of you were friends. The rage inside of you burnt up again, and you were about to give him a good slap then leave, when you heard him mumble something.
You shifted your gaze and glared at Carlos. His eyes were looking at everything but you, as if he didn’t dare to.
What? Did Carlos just apologise to you? This was too good to be true.
“Excuse me? Speak louder I couldn’t hear you over your messy ass hair.” you said, expression remaining unchanged as his eyebrows furrowed.
“…..I said I’m s-“
“Can’t hear you.”
“I said-
Carlos finally looked up, frowning and crossing his arms, then leaning against the tree the two of you were sitting under.
“Don’t give me an attitude, Madrigal. I’m never going to forgive you.” you said sternly, going back to whatever you were working on.
Carlos turned his focus onto your hands, watching you as you carefully wire each flower stem onto the base. You were too focused to notice that he was staring, filling in empty spaces on the wire with flowers.
You finally stopped what you were doing for a second, relaxing your hands and shoulders from the hunched position you were in. You leaned against the tree like Carlos, and looked up at the sky.
“Why do you hate me?” you sighed.
Carlos frowned, picking his fingers as he pondered how to answer question. Truth is, he doesn’t hate you. He never did. He was annoyed that you kept making flowers when Isabela clearly dominated the flower making industry in Encanto, he hated how you never gave up on flowers even after your mom passed away, and he hated that he liked your passion so much. The reason why he kept making fun of you was because he was trying to get over thoughts of trying to get to know you better.
Guess no one’s ever told Carlos that being mean to his crush is not the way to get noticed.
“I don’t hate you. I just- don’t understand why you keep making flowery shit when no one buys anything from your store.” Carlos rolled his eyes. “Full offence,” he added, regaining his cocky personality.
“I like making them, and so did my mom. I don’t see why that’s a big problem to you.” you stated, turning your head and looking at him.
Your eyes met his emerald ones, the two of you making direct eye contact which isn’t because of arguing for the first time. The awkward tension between you two quickly faded when the two of you looked away after a few seconds. You felt something that you shouldn’t have felt. Feelings? No way. Not for the boy who’s been bullying you for as long as you could remember.
“I know. My point is, I’m sorry. Genuinely. I’ve already apologised so whatever happens now is your problem.” Carlos said, getting up from the grass.
“Before you leave, take this.”
You handed him an aconite, holding in your laughter as he stared at the flower you were holding towards him in confusion.
“What’s this?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“It’s an aconite! It’s poisonous and it represents hatred.” you smiled innocently. Watching him quickly throwing the flower onto the ground and stomping on it, horrified.
“You fucker-“
Miraculously, that’s how the friendship between you and Carlos blossomed. Over an aconite.
You and Carlos started making small talk at school, even sitting together at lunch a couple times. You have no idea how that happened but you weren’t opposed to it. For some reason Carlos started becoming interested in flowers, asking you what flowers mean and giving you the ones that mean weird things to prank you. You’ve grown to his presence and secretly forgave him for everything.
“Since when did you become friends with flower boy, Madrigal? Thought you hated him.”
One of the boys you recognise as Peter was talking to Carlos in the hallway. You knew him because him and Carlos used to be close. To your surprise, Carlos shrugged and replied with “He’s tolerable.”, put his hands in his pockets and walked away.
Oh? You smiled to yourself. The fact that he doesn’t hate you made you happy for some reason. Maybe Carlos wasn’t such a bad person after all.
On Carlos’ birthday, he asked you to hang out, and you agreed since he was being nice for the first time. The two of you met underneath the same tree where the two of you became friends.
“Unhappy birthday, tonto.” you teased, waving at Carlos as he arrived.
“Fuck you Y/N…” Carlos rolled his eyes, unable to hide a smile curving from his lips.
The two of you sat down under the tree, talking about the most random things you could think of. Carlos asked you about flowers, and you had a mini kit that you carry with you everywhere, just so you could make something anytime.
Carlos was amazed that you knew so much about flowers and their meanings. Even Isa wouldn’t know this shit. He kept staring at you dumbfounded as you blabbered on about flowers. For some reason it was interesting to him. He liked the way you get excited whenever you went on about flower meanings and your next flower crafting ideas. Your hangouts together was basically an endless guide to flowers 101, while he sat and listened. Something about your passion made him like you. A lot.
“Oh I almost forgot, this is for you.”
Carlos was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw you reaching for your bag, fumbling around with the inside. You took out a beautiful flower crown made with lilies and roses. Each flower was wrapped around in a golden wire with detail, and connecting the two ends was a bow tied with translucent, maroon fabric that matched his usual attire.
Carlos looked down at the flower crown, not saying a single word. Fuck. He doesn’t like it. You nervously bit the insides of his cheek, waiting for a response. Carlos finally broke the silence, looking up at you. He carefully took the flower crown from your hands and grazed the petals on it. Whew. He doesn’t hate it, thank god. You mentally kicked yourself since you thought it wasn’t good enough. Given his reaction, it probably wasn’t the best birthday gift ever. Not to mention he already makes fun of you for making flower crowns.
“Um, want me to help you put it on?” you offered, anxiously tapping the tip your finger on your other hand. Carlos nodded, face flushed as he avoided eye contact with you. Carlos Madrigal blushing wasn’t something you’d expect to see, not in front of you at least. He looked adorable, the redness on his cheeks nearly blending in with his freckles.
You took the flower crown from his hand, then stretched your arms and placed it on his head. You were focused on his hair, pushing away locks that kept getting in the way as you tried to secure the flower crown onto his head. Your chin was basically touching Carlos’ face as your head was looking upwards. The two of you were closer to each other than ever.
“Carlos, your hair keeps getting in the way-” you groaned, struggling to make the flower crown fit perfectly on his head since the boy has so much hair. It was fluffy and curly, you were trying so hard to resist ruffling it.
“It fits, just stop messing with my hair.” Carlos said. His cheeks were red. Thank god you weren’t looking at him, otherwise the poor boy would be exposed.
“I know it fits, I just want it to fit perfectly yanno?”
You were about to fix another strand of his hair when you felt a pair of cold hands on your cheek, gently pulling you downwards as you let go of his flower crown due to the sudden interruption.
Carlos moved your head downwards abruptly, cupped your cheeks and pressed his chapped lips against yours. It happened so sudden that you didn’t know how to react, but you kissed back as if you’ve longed for this moment since forever. And secretly, you did.
Carlos pulled away after a few seconds, looking at your dazed expression. You darted your eyes, flustered and refusing to believe what just happened. Why did he do that? What the fuck? The amount of questions you had in your mind stopped your mouth from functioning.
It took a few seconds for Carlos to register what he just did. Staring at the ground, mouth agape, his heart was beating faster than ever.
“Shit. shit shit shit oh my GOD.” Carlos slapped his hands onto his head, running them down his face as he groaned loudly. “I didn’t- I’m sorry I don’t know why I did that.” Trying to cover his reddening face. You can’t help but laugh at the way he was panicking.
“Oh so this is funny to you? Okay Y/N.” Carlos mumbled, nervousness turning into embarrassment as you giggled.
“I take that you like your gift? And me as well?” you teased, smirking at him.
“Obviously, tonto.” He smiled sheepishly, rolling his eyes and touching the petals on his head once more. This was the best birthday he’s ever had, all because of you. Carlos leaned in and kissed you once more, and you kissed him back, smiling.
Months have passed since you and Carlos finally stopped hiding your feelings for each other. Your feelings for each other grew since then, but so did your illness.
Your mother died because of some illness which had no cure, and your family didn’t know it was an inherited disease. Death took you away when everyone least expected it.
A familiar silhouette walked up to your grave, which was now filled with different types of flowers.
“RIP Y/N, may you continue to blossom in the afterlife.”
Kneeling down, Carlos placed a flower crown in front of your grave. You taught him how to make those, and he’s never stopped trying to make you a perfect one ever since. This one was made out of roses and peonies. Two of the flowers you loved the most.
Sometimes he wondered what would happen if the two of you had more time. Maybe if he didn’t bully you in the first place, the two of you could’ve had more time. Carlos Madrigal has had many regrets in his life, and treating you the way he did was one of his biggest ones. Loving you wasn’t.
“I miss you, Y/N. I love you.”
A/N: i am so sorry for this-i loved this request so much that i had to add a painful ending, and sorry anon for taking so much time writing this🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ my search history has been ‘flower meanings’ for the past week😭 anyway i hope you enjoyed reading this!:)
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mabbbish · 3 years
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after the fall
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camilos-mivida · 2 years
You really are the jerk cousin Camilo
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Encanto angst from aestrius_ in Instagram
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your-girl-mj · 3 years
It's your all fault [carlos madrigal x f!reader]
Summary: Carlos was always the cause of your problems, that's why you can't help but blame him on this one.
Warnings: kinda angsty, swear words, a fight, blood blah blah blah.
Note: THIS IS ANGST TO FLUFF, I PROMISE- she/her for reader, he/him for carlos, third point of view. I tried making it gender neutral, but I found it hard, sorry.
Created: February 3, 2022
Published: February 9, 2022
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Carlos was nothing but a pain, a menace to Encanto. Especially to [Name]. He's the cause of all of her problems, always there to tease her, always there to make fun of her, always there to make sure she embarrass herself in public.
All of her friends left her because of him, they say they don't wanna be friends anymore because Carlos threatened them.
Why? Why is he like this? He likes to see the [hair. color] suffer.
Maybe it's because she never cry, at least not in front of him nor did he hear her. She does like being in the rain though, the boy found it weird, it's either sitting on the wall or standing in the middle of nowhere. He makes sure to make fun of her for it.
He likes it when her attention is his, just looking at him with those dazzling [eye. color] that glows beneath the ray of the sun. Her angry expression is adorable to him, how can he not make her feel range.
He's a sadist and he knows it.
[Name] were alone most of the time, he could see her drown herself into chores and work. Why does she have 5 jobs? She's always overworked herself. Not gonna lie, he panicked when he caught her fainting on him when he was messing around.
That's it, she's quitting 2 of your jobs, 3 is enough.
Why does he care? He's Carlos Madrigal, for goodness sake.
He was satisfied with his routine, make mischief to the stalls, mess with people's chores, help Julieta bring the ingredients, tease her, make fun of her, making sure that everyone knows about her stupid miserable life.
Everything is doing great for him until she got herself a boyfriend. (It's not Camilo gaiz)
The guy was sweet, and charming on the outside, how can you not fall for him. The troublemaker knew this guy, he played with girls' feelings, as if they were a toy. Luring them with affection, sweet words, little gifts. He never paid mind, it's not like it's his business.
So, why does he have a pang of pain in his chest when the two of them locked lips. He doesn't care, not a single bit.
So, why is he so angry when he saw the guy flirt with another girl that's not [name]. It's not his business, and he likes seeing her miserable, right?
It hurts more when he saw the guy assuring her that the other person is just a friend, and that's what friends do.
But when he saw the guy make out with someone. Someone that's not her, someone that's not his own girlfriend. He had enough.
The troublemaker marches over, grabbing the guy by the shoulders pulling him away from the other.
"Hey! What's your probl—" Carlos cut him off with a hard punch in the face. Causing the guy to fall to the ground with a loud groan.
"Joaquin! Why did you hit..." the stranger froze at the troublemaker's icy glare, making her shut up immediately, and run away.
"What was that for?!" Asked Joaquin, looking as confused as ever.
"For being a jerk to her, you huevón."
[Name] is walking stall to stall, picking up some fresh vegetables and fruits. The hood of her poncho, covered half of her face, not wanting to be seen.
Who knows what Carlos would do if he found it's her? Steal her goods, throw them in the river, or eat them in front of her and forced her to eat them too. They have a shortage of money right now, it's because of Carlos.
Why is he doing this?? She didn't know.
she hoped that he won't interfere with her significant other, she's been the happiest with Joaquin. [Name] sees him as a kind, gentlemanly, selfless person. A complete opposite of Carlos.
The girl was about to go back home, cheering silently for not spotting the troublemaker anywhere, but—
"Help! Help! It's Carlos, he's beating up Joaquin! Please help me!" The voice of a friend of yours: Ligia, called out.
Her sound of desperation attracts the others, quickly questioning where they might be, and why did they fight.
"I- I don't know, we were just minding our business when he suddenly came and punch him in the face!"
Hearing what happened, she dashed to the location after she heard where they were. The others were right behind her.
[Name] witness Carlos fighting with her Significant other. Not this, please not him, he can't leave her too. She lost so many people because of Carlos, not the person she loved dearly.
Rushing over to them, she tried to stop it, tugging the troublemaker's sleeves hard, pulling and screaming but the heterochromia boy is too stubborn to even listen.
"Carlos! Stop this!!" She kept her hold on his arm, even when he tried to brush her off gently. His efforts were wasted when her hold tighten, causing him to shove her harder, so he won't hit her when he trow some punches. To his dismay, he accidentally hit the [hair. color] on the nose with his elbow. "Ack-! Ugh.. ow.." she whimpered.
The sound of her in agony, snap the troublemaker out of his trace. Looking over his shoulder, seeing her with a hand over her face, covering the nose as well as the mouth.
A feeling of liquid made [name] pull her hand away, a sight of red substance smeared over her back palm cause her eyes to widen.
The townspeople as well as a few Madrigals caught up and pull the two boys apart, demanding an explanation why Carlos suddenly attacked them.
"Oh Mija, lift your head up, don't let it flow down," Julieta instructed, handing the girl a meal to heal her bruised nose. Camilo pulled her up to her feet. "You shouldn't have stopped the fight by yourself, you got hurt because of it! Be careful next time, Mija."
"He threatened me!" Joaquin lied through his teeth, accusingly pointing a finger to the heterochromia boy, who scoff at him, "I and Ligia was just talking to each other—"
"Yea, right 'talking'."
"— he then comes out of nowhere, saying I should stay away from [name]!" The mention of her name, cause the girl to glare at Carlos.
Not this again, how could he?? Is he really that desperate to see her miserable?
The guy internally smirk at the troublemaker's ranging expression, he knew everything about his relationship with the [hair. color], and he's using it against him.
"I told him 'no' but he started to punch me!" If looks could kill, Joaquin will be dead by now. Carlos is burning holes in his body, causing the guy to tremble beneath his glaze.
The boy didn't call him out, since he already knew no one will believe him. No one, except his older twin brother: Camilo, had a concerned expression. Worried about his twin.
Joaquin made eye contact with Ligia, the two silently agreeing with what's gonna happen next. The guy turned to the [hair. color], "I don't think we should see each other anymore."
The color of her eyes drains, as she witnesses him walk away, a few of the people following behind, giving him Julieta's food.
The troublemaker's knuckles turned white as he clench his fist. "You little—!" He lunched but was held back by Osvaldo. "Stop lying about you two just talking! We both know you weren't doing that! You're just using this as an excuse to break up with [na—]!"
"Carlos!" A certain voice called out, followed by a loud crash of thunder. The said boy stopped struggling immediately.
The townspeople started to walk away, and do their own thing, not wanting to be struck by the lightning made by the cloud above her, and knowing well that Pepa will handle the situation, "What is this?! I told you to not pick a fight anymore!" Heavy rain started to fall down.
Carlos only turned away from her— his wet curls bounced a bit, too stubborn to answer. Camilo swiftly rushes to his side, not wanting the situation to worsen. "Mamì I can handle this, don't worry! I'll talk to him, it's okay now." He assured her, the rain started to ease. He continued to help his mother calm down with his Tìa Julieta.
The boy's heterochromia eyes, met her [eye. color] ones. Her's is mixed with hurt, anger, as well as helplessness. He must have stared too long, too long to notice her tears. She's crying. It's almost invisible, disguised as raindrops.
No, that can't be true, [name] never cries. Not in front of him or in front of anybody. But there she is, close to letting out a sobbed as she stared back at him.
Those aren't raindrops, he noticed. They're her tears, pouring out of her beautiful eyes.
"Why are you like this...?" She whispered, so silent he almost didn't hear her. "Why do you like it when I'm suffering...? Huh, Madrigal?"
"Careverga." With an insult she sprinted to who know where, Carlos called out her name, running after her.
"Where do you think you're going?! I'm still not done with you, Carlito!!" The ginger shouted, the cloud's size became bigger by second.
"Carlos! I'll go get him, Mamì. I'll be right back— Carlos! Wait up!"
The shape-shifter scuttles to follow his brother, stopping him by his shoulders, "Hermano, stop!" He voiced out, his younger brother ignored him, pushing his hand away as he speeds walk through the pouring rain. "Will you just— listen to me for once in your life!!"
Carlos let out a sigh, before finally facing his twin. The troublemaker is taller than him due to having a good posture. "What could anymore important than [name] right now?!"
"Her personal space, Carlos!" The shape-shifter exclaimed, "can't you see she's trying to get away from you, Hermano? Just— please let her be alone for a while..."
"No, you don't understand. I need to tell her the truth about that Hijueputa!" Carlos throws his hands around, frustrated. "I need to be there for her!"
"She's been through enough, I know you two aren't on good terms, but you have to step aside on this one, okay?" Camilo strolled forward, he held his forearms trying to pull him to their home. "C'mon, let's get back to casita." But his twin breaks his hold.
"I'm not going back there without knowing if [name]'s fine."
"Ugh, why are you so stubborn about [name]?!" The shape-shifter finally snaps.
"Because she was there for me when no one else was!" Both of their eyes widen at his statement, taken aback at the unexpected outburst. "Forget what I've said, go back to the casita, Camilo."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what do mean by that."
"I mean go back to the house, you're soaked-"
"We both know what I'm talking about here. We're... twins, right?" Camilo inquired lowly, rubbing the back of his neck. "We stick together. I'm trying my best to be close to you, but if you keep shutting me out, I can't—" words got caught up to Camilo's throat, unable to form the ones he wanted to tell him.
A moment of silence fell to the two of them, the only sound is the pattering rain, the shape-shifter shut his eyes knowing that his brother won't tell a soul. turning back to walk home, a voice stops him. "it was the day we got our gifts."
The older Madrigal faces the Troublemaker once again, curiosity and warmness swim in his pupils. He's finally opening up, after years of effort.
"Everyone was there, but no one except mama and papa, congratulate me for having a unique gift. We have the same powers, yet you're the only one that gets praises." He continued, Camilo's expression softening, feeling a bit guilty of not knowing about the situation. "I went to the back outside of casita, I was bawling—" Carlos frowned at his word of choice.
"Hey! I was 5, okay?!" The troublemaker said defensively, though he had a small smile plastered on his features. It’s been a while since they have a precious moment like this, despite the weather. "that brat suddenly shows up, feeling like she's a hero or something, and started to do weird things..." he paused, as he recall the memory. "I asked her what the hell is she doing and, said that's she's trying to cheer me up. I told her to scram but didn't listen— she's super stubborn, it's frustrating!"
"Did she succeed?"
"Succeed to make me want to pull my hair out, yea."
"No, no, no! heh," Camilo chuckled, "I meant, did she succeed in cheering you up?"
"...yea, she did."
[Name] can't help but feel downcast and frustrated at the same time as she recalls what just happened. The girl is currently crying under the bridge at the farsight of Encanto. Sitting at the small hill at the side of it, avoiding the flowing water in front of her.
"I don't think we should see each other anymore."
She shouldn't be hurt by his words, it happens all the time, it's not anything new. Whenever she made a friend, or be close to someone or something, Carlos will be there to destroy it.
"I'm sorry, but I don't want to be friends with you anymore, Carlos said you don't like me..."
"Carlos made me do it, I'm really sorry [name]!"
"[Name]! Do you know what Carlos did to my house??! If he keeps messing with me, I don't wanna be friends with you!"
"Carlos said—" "Carlos did this—" "‐ that's why Carlos..."
Carlos. Why? She didn't do anything. He just shows up out of nowhere and bullies her nonstop.
More tears start to flood, as she close her eyes to stop them, whimpers forced their way out. The [hair. color] let out a frustrated groan, before harshly wiping her eyes and burying her head between her knees.
Quiet footsteps approach and stop beside her. Full knowing who it is, she finally snaps. "What do you want, Madrigal? Make fun of me?? Push me into the river?? Go ahead, I'm done with everything."
Her piercing glare didn't do any harm to him, Carlos just stood as she didn't say anything.
"If you have nothing to say, leave. I don't want to see your stupid face." A brief silence fell between the two, just then the troublemaker broke it.
"Look, [name]—"
"Can't you understand that I don't want to see you right now?! All you've been doing to me is fucked my life up! Yet, you don't even know how much you affect me!" She yelled, hands gesturing to him and herself, as her words echoed around them. Tears of frustration trailed down her face. She continued, "I've tried to figure out what I did to make you angry at me, figure out why you're doing all this." Back of her hands pressed against her eyes as she cried openly.
Carlos was speechless, yes he made others cry and he's always satisfied if he did so, though the sound of her cries made him feel nothing but guilt, and sorrow.
"You made all of my friends and now my novio turn against me... mì tìa lost 2 of her jobs when I took over her work, so she can rest for a week... People also make fun of me thinking it's normal since you did it so openly..." she confessed, sobbing at every end of her sentence. "You made my life a living hell..."
"Why...?" She whispered, "I just wanna know w-why you did this.." her lips quivered, causing her to stutter.
Casita nudges a plate of pandebono, to the 5 years-old Carlos, who just pushed it away as he choked up sobs so no one can hear him. "I'm not hungry, Casita. I don't know why he's so special— we're identical to each other... I'm his shadow."
Carlos debated inside his head, should tell her the truth. He doesn't want her more hurt than she is right now, but he still did it anyway. "... they're talking badly behind your back, they'll say your family is weird, why you dress like that, your hobby is horrible, just things like that. That's why I cut them off before things got worse." The troublemaker admitted, his eyes trailed to the leaf floating on the running river.
"Hello! What are you doing back here?" The little boy heard her voice, looking up she was smiling at him but frown when she saw his wet face. He can tell they're the same age, "Oh no, what happened? Did someone make you cry?? Do not worry, [name] is here to protect you!"
"As for that boyfriend of yours, he's been cheating on you with that Ligia brat." Carlos wince when he heard the [hair. color] gasp in disbelief as well as betrayal, he's not being careful with his words.
"[Name]? That's an awful name." The little troublemaker commented, beaming when she started to be angry at him.
The brunette crouches down beside her, observing her reaction, as well as her features. He remembered it clear as day, her innocent [eye. color] that glistening under the moonlight, are now squinting a bit to stop the flowing liquid. Approaching her, he gently wipe her tears away, caressing her face in the process, as they lock eyes.
The little girl let out a hmph, stomping her tiny foot at the ground. "I'm mad at you, but since it's your special day, I'll let it slide." Strolling forward, her small hands smeared his wet face, receiving protests from the boy, but let her continue. "You have pretty eyes— a boy with pretty eyes shouldn't be crying!" She beams.
"A girl with pretty eyes shouldn't be crying." He copied her words from the past, [name] scoff at his words.
"That's definitely a lie since it's coming from you."
Carlos ignored her comment and took a seat beside her. Pulling off his soaked maroon ruana, his wet brown hair bounce around once it got out of the clothing, completely unaware of a pair of [e.c] watching him with flush cheeks as he squeeze the water out of it.
The little troublemaker watches as she roams around her dress, trying to find something. "What are doing, idiot?" He inquired, rubbing his runny nose.
"I don't have my handkerchief, umm, here! Use this!" Grabbing a fist full of the helm of her skirt, "go on, blow on it!"
"Here, blow your nose here." Arranging his hand under the clothing, bringing it up to her nose.
"What, no! Your sweat is there, no!"
"Stop being stubborn, and just blow."
"Eww! Disgusting, that's probably dirty-" the boy commented, his expression explaining everything.
"Oh c'mon, it's not dirty! I help mi mamì wash these! Blow on it, I don't mind!"
Putting her nose in between, and obeyed. Once she finished, moving his hands to the cleaner part of his ruana he wipes her face, before he questioned, "you good?" Satisfied with himself when [name] nods in confirmation.
"Your dress is disgusting now, you should leave and wash it up." Little Carlos pointed out, too embarrassed that he's crying in front of a girl.
"Nah, I'll do it later! After I cheer you up!"
The clouds are clearing up, and the sun started to peek between them. Comfortable quietness fell beyond the two, the troublemaker is rethinking his words for a few moments before he spoke, "I want to apologize for all the things I did to you."
"Are you Camilo? Shape-shifted into Carlos?"
"Tsk, no. I'm serious here." Heterochromia eyes glare down her body.
"Okay, jeez." Her hands up, as if she's surrendering. For a brief moment of fidgeting with her fingers, she finally voice out her thoughts, "If you don't mind me asking-"
"I do mind." Carlos cut her off, a smirk plastered on his face.
"I'm not finished yet!" The girl lightly nudges his shoulders, with a playful glare as he chuckles at her reaction. She can't believe it, her bully for so many years is being friendly to her for once in her life. "I just wanna know— why you did it in the first place...?"
The troublemaker thought for a moment before answering, "maybe it's because you ignored me whenever I say hi to you when we were little."
He says what? She did what?? [Name] is speechless, she doesn't remember anything about Carlos or being friends with him. They're just no way. "...since when did I ignore you?? I haven't met you before! You just appeared out of nowhere and annoyed me!"
The brunette looked at her like she's the dumbest person in the world, well for him- she is, but that's beside the point. This girl is in the moment that is the most memorable in his life, doesn't remember a single of what happened. Doesn't she recognize him? He still has mismatched eyes like before, the hair he had from that very day, which makes her forget about him.
"Aye, you and your forgettable brain. I don't think that's something my tìa could heal."
"Hey! I have an excellent memory!"
"Says the person who yells outside their house, 'cause she forgot what ingredients she should buy."
"They're giving me a list of things that are not written on paper, it's hard to grasp all of it!" She defended, her curiosity is becoming bigger and bigger about her relationship with Carlos. "okay, okay, so when did we first meet?"
"You honestly don't know?" He rise a brow, thinking that she's just messing with him. With a shook of a head, [name] scooch closer to the boy, tilting her head a bit, expecting a story to be told. "Tsk, it was when my brother and I got our gifts, do you remember that night? Or you really need health care?"
"I remember it, there's a party and everyone was excited to see your rooms and your powers. Go on, go on!"
"Alright, do you-" he cleared his throat, "do you remember the little boy..? At the back of the house?"
The [hair. color]'s once curious eyes widen in surprise, "wait, wait, wait— so you saw that little kid, too?" It's not common for the girl to have memories issues, but Carlos can't help but mentally facepalm at her words.
The troublemaker's mouth is slightly open, brows knitted together, with a mixed expression of confusion, disbelief, and a hint of disappointment. "What?" That was all he can utter.
"After that day, I never saw him again. I've looked all over Encanto, but he's nowhere to be found," she stated, her eyes found him, but glanced away when she receives his squinting ones. “I told my Tia about him, she said that maybe I saw a ghost. I believe her, of course. I mean, he’s wearing all white!”
yea, that’s confirmed. she really is stupid. Carlos gave her a deadpan look, before voicing out, "I'm that little kid, idiot."
With that sentence, she quickly observed his features. From big to small details, like his beauty mark below his left eye. The troublemaker glared at her gaze, offended she mimic his action, this cause them to have a mini staring competition.
They say there for a few moments, unblinking. [Name] has no trouble with the challenge, while Carlos is struggling, his eyes sting and watering a bit. So he did what he needed to do. Cheat.
Blowing at her eyes, causes the girl to lose focus and blink at the sudden movement. "Hah! Weakling."
"You cheated!"
"That's what all losers say. They just can't accept they lost."
"You- ugh!!" She groans loudly, pissed that he cheated and had the nerve to be cocky. On the other hand, Carlos is having the time of his life.
"How long are we gonna wait here?" Little Antonio inquired, whispering a few words with the animals with him. Camilo clench the towel he's holding as they both eavesdrop on their brother.
"Only a little while, Tonito." The shape-shifter smiled widely when he heard Carlos laugh just below the bridge they're standing. "Just let Carlito have his moment."
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pink02 · 3 years
Oh naw. Gurl. Cmon. You can’t give us only a finger. THAT CARLOS WON’T BACK DOWN WAS SO AMAZING OMG. THE AUDACITY
We beg. Part 2. Bc reader kinda running bc they’re flustered by Carlos being a cutie and Carlos actually going after is- I LOVE IT. (Ngl, kinda wanna see them actually calling him and him GOING). Imagine: reader is avoiding him and he’s kinda frustrated bc wth? He was stopping on trying when SHE CALLS HIM bc maldito D. And he just GOES! But oh they do talk after, he’s not letting her go again and honestly, she doesn’t want to go either
Sorry, sorry. Got excited there. Obviously you don’t have to! But if you decide to, I’d love to read a part 2!!! Make them kiss kiss kiss kiss
Call out my Name
Part 2 of Won't Back Down
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Carlos Madrigal x f!reader
Genre: Angst with a happy ending.
Summary: You knew you wouldn't trust any sketchy item that easily even if it were a small note request. The note was suspicious enough to make your gut say no but your thoughts keep on pursuing you otherwise.
Trigger warning: Act of violence and bullying, curse words, mention of blood and injury.
A/n: Do you guys really want to see gang fights where Carlos saves your sorry ass....? Okie dokie 👌
I was making this into full on angst but then again.... there won't be much screen time for our dear Carlos Hshshshs
Ignore any grammatical errors.
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♡♡ Masterlist ♡♡
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"Just call my name."
With those four words, it had been a week since then yet it still haunted you every day. His voice echoes into your mind repeating the same phrase over and over like a broken record. His ever so slight smirk ghost onto your skin as he kissed the back of your hand that day. His half lidded eyes that loomed over yours as you both caught each others gaze. The menace of the town was etched into your mind.
You would usually see him roaming around town with a scowl adorned his face while his hair hid the half of it. You would always turn to get a glimpse of him but sometimes you would catch him look at you back making you fluster then look away. The slight upward twitch of his lips whenever you had the chance to pass him by. Even the wink he casts upon you whenever he would run from a getaway.
Get a grip!
You internally screamed at your waking thoughts of the Madrigal boy, cursing that he keeps invading your head. You grunt under your breath as you tried to focus on your chores more. Thinking of that silly boy would just slow you down.
"[Name]!" Someone called behind you making you turn.
You were cleaning the floor of your family's shop to which you sell construction materials and supplies. Your father would usually help around town to fix anything broken or damaged while you and your mother would tend the shop and help the customers with their purchases.
To see your friend Elena right by the door of your shop, you smiled brightly as she approached you. "I miss youuu!" You said as you embraced her with a tight hug.
"We saw each other yesterday, tonta." Your friend shook her head giggling as she release from the hug. "Even so, I still miss you." You playfully pout at her.
"Miss me later, I have something to give you." She grinned brightly as she showed you an envelope.
"What's this? Your will?" You snort raising a brow.
"No, silly! A boy told me to give it to you." Elena playfully rolled her eyes then smirked at you mischievously. "A boy? Do you know who it is?" You questioned suspiciously at her as you opened the envelope.
"He said I can't tell you that. He's probably just an admirer of yours giving you a love letter!" Your friend clapped her hands enthusiastically. "If he is, then why give it to you than to me directly?" You muttered furrowing your brows while gazing down on the letter.
"Oh stop being skeptical, he's probably shy since he can't even look at me straight." Elena waved her hand at you haughtily with a smirk. "You're just too naive to think its a love letter." You deadpanned then looked at her with a bored look as you handed her the piece of paper.
One thing that life taught you is that you could never trust anything so easily. You had always been diligent to any circumstances thus everytime you felt like something is off, you would always follow your gut to which it was always right. And right now, conjection is already written all over the said letter.
"Meet me at dusk by the outskirts of town alone..." Elena slowly read the words as she tried to ponder what it meant. "A meet up?" She quipped looking back at you warily.
"Too sketchy if they want to meet me at dusk." You deduced still furrowing your brows as you tap your lip in thought. "Want me to come with you, then?" Your friend asked making your head shot up and look at her.
"I don't know." You remarked and held her shoulders. "As I said, too sketchy. Might as well do what it says."
"Why not just not go?" The other girl asked confusingly making you shake your head. "If it's a threat then I should deal with it later than never." You huffed as you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration.
The letter is already giving you heebie jeebees and just by reading it makes your stomach churn unpleasantly. "I'll deal with this later." You said as you referred to the note then turned back at your friend. "You can come, but only by a post. If I won't be back by an hour after that then it's your call to tell the adults." You conclude as you went behind the front desk and leaned forward to rest your elbows on top.
If you were to follow what the note had written then you should plot a backup plan so that if anything wrong happens, you would already know what to do.
"So... wanna grab some egg tarts?" Elena asked suggestively while poking her pointers together as a smile grew on her lips.
You hummed with a smile. "Sure."
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This was a bad idea and you knew it.
You and Elena were at a few houses ahead before seeing the end of the road towards the end of the town. Not much people going around by this part of the town yet you didn't see anyone suspicious enough to say that your speculations are true. There wasn't even a person waiting or standing by the end to meet you.
You sighed and look down at your wrist watch then back to your friend who was rocking her heels back and forth while looking around. "Should I go?" You asked warily making her head snap back at you. "Are you sure?" She turns towards you.
You suck a hard breath then released it slowly. "Yeah, its already half pass six." The sky is getting darker into shades of deep blue and purple as streetlights slowly lit up the paths.
"It's like you're heading for a war." Elena joked grinning as she punched your shoulder lightly. "Well, don't miss me too much." You winked playfully then walked down to the end of the road.
As the last lamppost cast light upon the end of the paved road, you observed your surroundings as though scanning over anything that moves as the dark slowly envelopes you.
Everything around you slowly fell into the darkness as you felt tension suddenly arise before you. The air went chilly all of a sudden giving you goosebumps onto your skin. You heart beat eradicates feeling your breath going heavy.
You should go back. A sudden chill went up to your spine. Move.
As though your instincts commands you to take a step forward back, a hand suddenly clamped onto your mouth from behind giving a jolt of panic into your nerves. You muffled a scream trying to alert your friend as you thrashed from the person's grip but you were pulled vigorously into the woods making you pale in worry. You tried to call out Elena's name but a sudden impact hit your head making your vision blur into darkness. Mierde
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Pitch black, everything is dark. You can't see anything from the blindfold that covered over your eyes though you could sense people around you as to mumbles and incomprehensive words are to be heard. Wriggling your arms and legs a little, you could feel your wrists are tied down yet your mouth and legs were left uncovered and unbound.
They're many, you would've thought that you were actually gotten kidnapped by a secret gang or something. You mentally cursed as you thought of a stupid idea. This is already stupid to begin with anyways.
Who in the right mind would lure an innocent girl into the outskirts of town and kidnap her?! This is stupid! Can't believe I would fall for some cheap trick. How long was I even out?!
"I'll report you cowards to the Madrigals once I'll get out of this!" You hissed in vexation making the room grew silent. "What kind of joke is this? Do you really think this is funny? If it was I'm waiting for the finale." Breathed out a dry laugh while your lip twitched as though you were talking to someone in particular.
Tension rose as the silence grew thicker. You didn't even know that these people came from Encanto, more logically, you didn't even know who these are. You really opt to get to the bottom of this once you get away.
"What a sassy mouth you got there." A person spoke.
"I was born with it, caremonda. Deal with it." You spat.
Scuffles of shoes were heard just as a pair came close in front of you, the mumbles around you solidifies to whispers. Your breath ragged from nervousness thinking of many ways they would do to you, though you can't let them see through you or it would ruin your brave exterior. You have to keep your guard up till you knew who you're up against.
You flinched when a hand rummaged behind your head then yanked the blindfold off of you harshly. Refocusing your eyes to your surroundings, you could feel multiple pair of eyes staring at you.
"Miss my face, mi corazón?" The person in front of you leaned over to look at you. You immediately scowled upon seeing the cocky grin that is plastered onto their face. "Miss hitting your sorry face, Daniel." You grunt between your gritted face.
You knew this is something a stupid person would do and he's the most stupid person you knew. Daniel's grin immediately faltered into a glare. He grabbed your chin roughly making you face up. "You were lucky last time but now you have nowhere to escape now that my gang is around." The boy taunt as he squeezed your cheeks, clasping his hand onto your jaws hard.
"What are you doing here?" He scowled at the girl as he came near. His knuckles digs into his pockets as the girl by the lamppost turn to him.
"Didn't know you had yourself a merry band." You hissed against his grip. "What's this? A theater play you having? I didn't signed up for any role."
"I-I'm waiting for someone." She stuttered fidgeting her fingers knowing real well who she's facing. His scowl deepened as he stared at the girl. "Who?"
The muscled boy's face scrunched up in perplexity then shove your head away mercilessly making the chair you on toppled down sidewards.
"[Name], s-she said I should wait for her to get back less than an hour." Elena muttered nervously.
You winced in pain as your left arm was crushed between the weight of your body and the chair's frame. Blood trickled down your forehead while he kicked your stomach making you hitch a sharp intake of breath.
"How long has it been?" He questioned slowly as his knuckles turns white from gripping his pocket knife.
"You're lucky I didn't shut that pretty mouth of yours." Daniel pulled your head up by the hair, feeling the sting from your stretched scalp. "My mother said that you women should worship us men more with value and respect we need. Us men are powerful and stronger than you fragile girls would ever be." He sneered tightening his hold.
"Half an hour."
"How dare you mention your mother in the same sentence like that. You're a disgrace, a pityfull boy who thinks men had the power to all." You cursed angrily feeling the burning rage into your nerves after hearing all the words that came out of his filthy mouth.
"You're a fucking narcissist."
You spat at his face with your saliva making him stumble back in disgust. You turned to your front struggling against the chair as it keeps on making your position hard to get out of.
"Why?" The girl asked confusingly as beads of sweat drip off of her forehead.
You saw Daniel sat on the floor furiously wiping off his face too busy cringing off by the saliva. Thank the gods for these idiots to not bind your feet, it helped you to stand up. Get away now, awkward pose later.
"Leave, don't come back and don't tell anyone about this or you're dead." The boy grunts as he speed walk pass the girl.
"What the hell are you people standing for?! Get her!" Daniel yelled as he points at you commanding the others to do what he said.
"What?!" Elena shrieked.
Multiple people dashed towards you while you stood into a fighting stance fearing they would gang you up easily as your hands are tied down. "Don't you dare come close to me, tu ñero." You vexed circling around using the feet of the chair behind you as a weapon.
"Don't make me say it twice."
"Don't underestimate my vulnerability."
You swiftly moved against the chair as people neared you trying to get a hit. Your eyes flickered sharply towards a kid who was running at you with a piece of wood in hand. You swooped down dodging the swinging weapon then swiveled your way to hit them with the chair. Another boy charged towards you up front with curled up fist. Seeing it, you sat back on the chair raising your feet up then kicked his stomach forcefully making him tumble on the floor. Standing up, you didn't noticed someone crept behind you as to kicking your chair hard making you fall on the ground face first.
Mierde, mierde, mierde. You chant mentally feeling more blood ooze down from your nose. It's broken.
Slowly, you turned your body sideward once more but only to get hit by the stomach making it into a critical hit. You coughed harshly from the impact spitting out blood as you go. "What...? You want to kill me? What a big achievement you'll get if you did." You let out a humorless laugh, your lips twitched upwards weakly as you vision slowly went into a blurr.
Everything hurts, your muscles are starting to ache as your arms bruised against the tight knot. Your head numbed feeling the rising surge of pain all over your body. You need to get away but you didn't know how. You were stuck, injured and vulnerable. You shouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess in the first place. Not again...
You could faintly hear the sudden shouts and yells around you now that your senses are slowly shutting down. Your body was already too exhausted to move even an inch. You could vaguely see the moving figures in front of you as though seeing a bright red silhouette. With an inch of hope, you rasp out a word hoping the person could hear you before your eyes blacked out completely. "Carlos."
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Warm... you felt something soft and warm against you. You snug your head against the warmth trying to fill up the softness of the texture. "Don't get too cozy." A voice above you muttered making your eyes shot open wide in surprise.
Your head sprang up to look at the person only to make your breath hitch. Your eyes loomed over the dried blood on his head and nose down to his bloodied knuckles. Cuts and bruises all over his cheeks and the ever so busted lips. "H-how." Your breath ragged completely confused on what is happening.
Carlos held you up bridal style easily as though you weigh nothing while walking down the forest path. He looked down at you briefly then went back staring straight ahead continuing his journey. "Saw your friend and told me you were here. Already knowing to what would happen, I went to come and get you." The Madrigal slowly muttered.
You sighed as you closed your eyes feeling somewhat relieved and relaxed knowing that it was finally over. "Thank you."
"Don't fall asleep on me, you just woke up." He grunts lowly shaking you lightly in his hands. "I'm not... I just felt tired." You blinked vigorously trying to fight off the sleep.
"You could get some rest after we get back." He huffed feeling a little worn out as well. "You can put me down if you're tired." You suggested as you start to wriggle out from his grasp.
"No. Stop moving." The red boy pulled you closer making his grip tighten over you more but not much to actually hurt you.
"But-." You wanted to argue back but when he looked down at you, you gasped as you suddenly felt the touch of his lips onto yours.
You were taken aback from the sudden move but then slowly melted into the kiss feeling the gentleness and softness of his against yours. The slight rust flavor of the blood didn't matter to you both as you two were too absorbed into the moment. Carlos grunt against your lips lowly after you pulled him closer gripping onto his shirt. The kiss was supposed to shut you up but then again, he wouldn't complain as it was a free consent to actually kiss you.
You both parted feeling a little lightheaded whilst trying to breath normally. You slowly held his cheek feeling a smile grow on your lips as you both stared into each others eyes. "I get to kiss my hero." You grinned cheekily.
Carlos donned at you with his half lided eyes and small smirk "You did."
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Taglist: @eventides-child-in-the-tardis @sunnth @dai-tsukki-desu if you want to get added in the taglist just send an ask or reply here!
I've actually infused two ideas, or like, asks and one of them is about Carlos saving the day so I wind them up and boom tadaaaa! Did you guys know I learned self difence online?
If you wanna know how I portrayed Daniel then look up (I mean down) at Snotlout from HTTYD.
I was gonna torment you guys with a lot of cliffhangers but now I feel like I need to be kind so I gave you a full on happy ending Hshshshs hope you enjoyed!
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anykindofbean · 2 years
If you want to request a one-shot, Here are the rules and fandoms I write for: rules
Fluff: ❤️
Lime: 💚
Angst: 💙
Fnaf Security Breach/Ruin:
Moondrop x Reader: Features❤️
Moondrop x Reader: Deserving💚
Sundrop x Reader: Hand sizes❤️
Sundrop x Reader: Begging ❤️/💚
One Piece:
Bon Clay
Bon Clay x Reader: Stress ❤️
Bon Clay x Reader: I just adore you 💙
Charlotte Cracker
Charlotte Cracker x Reader: Arranged part 1 💙
Charlotte Cracker x Reader: Arranged part 2 💙/❤️
Junkrat x reader: Plushie ❤️/💚
Lucio x reader: Wonderful girl ❤️
Camilo Madrigal:
Camilo Madrigal x reader: It’s over, Isn’t it? 💙
Carlos Madrigal:
Carlos Madrigal x reader: Flustered ❤️
Carlos Madrigal x reader: Fight for you ❤️
Stardew Valley:
Avatar frontiers of Pandora:
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Hello all! I'm Goldfish, but you can call me Goldy/Fish/Gold. I go by he/they and I made this account as a promotion for my writing since I want to share my works and maybe have friends along the way
I'll be posting content about my oc's, snippets, one shots, incorrect quotes, and more because my fic is like angst galore
I'm new to writing, content creation, and making accounts and English is my 2nd language so pls bear with me
Can't make art to save my life so any art posted is made by piccrew/any art maker
My ao3 account is Imperfectperfectionist. And I made this fic "The bonds that made us" featuring our beloved emo boy: Carlos Madrigal.
Just a warning that my writing may have a foul language and some written violence
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