#carlo berarducci
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moodboardmix · 2 years ago
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San Gemini Residence, province of Terni, Umbria, Italy,
Carlo Berarducci Architecture
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architectnews · 4 years ago
Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment, Prague
Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment, Prague Family Home, Czech Republic Real Estate Architecture, Building Photos
Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment in Prague
21 Apr 2021
Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment
Design: Barbora Léblová Interiors & Architecture
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
The site, formerly zoned as football stadium, is located next to Parukářka, a city park popular with Prague residents and visitors. The Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment complex is the work of an internationally recognised local studio, A69.
The residential complex is composed as a ring of sloping terrace townhouses, hidden behind a green wall, referencing a landscaped bowl with contrasting taller apartment blocks rising above as metaphorical football terraces. The masterplan visually extends the existing city park and introduces an exceptional panorama capturing the Žižkov TV Tower with views across the city to Prague Castle. This careful composition allows the apartment owners to enjoy uninterrupted views of the iconic skyline from all rooms within the apartment, including the master bathroom.
The 200m2 apartment is arranged around a central lift core on the 11th floor of one of the tower buildings, occupying half of the available floorplate. Internal organisation relies on all rooms being accessed from a single hallway, which acts as an additional acoustic barrier. Most internal spaces are trapezoidal in plan with expressed structural columns and panoramic glazing to all three sides. The new layout seeks to integrate the existing structure by playfully adapting a series of bespoke furniture components around it to create a minimalist yet tactile domestic environment.
At the outset of the project, the Client brief requested the creation of a sizable living area for entertaining, which was capable of accommodating a dining table for up to ten guests. The solution required some careful structural modifications. These have resulted in single open plan living area, encapsulating a fully specified kitchen dining & living room activities, within a single flowing space.
The floor finish throughout all the living areas and bedrooms is a lightly bleached, structured oak, providing a warm and tactile surface. It is complimented with oak veneer wall panelling, of Italian origin.
The hallway is lined with panelised oak wall cladding, accommodating built-in wardrobes with minimal visual interruption. This cladding is continued as a contrasting material in the living, dining and kitchen areas. Kitchen services have been carried over from the earlier layout, with only an extension to pickup the new island unit. All horizontal counter-tops have been finished in large format ceramic slabs. The ceramic cladding has also been applied as a relief material in the living area. Oak panelised wall cladding has been continued in the Master bedroom, with full height, wall cupboards as has been extensively applied in the built-in dressing area.
Two children’s bedrooms have been left with white finished walls and bespoke built-in furniture also finished in white. All custom furniture utilise a 28mm baseboard, on the basis that it is more resilient to hard knocks. Furniture for the younger children includes a bunk bed, large desk and bookcase. The room for the elder also serves a guest room, where the single beds can be combined into a larger double unit for guests. Both rooms feature, graphic decorations using bespoke wallpaper, designed by PUNX23 Studio. The designers used the children’s favourite hobbies, as inspiration.
Both bathrooms have undergone a complete transformation; the main bathroom, features an elevated podium containing a sunken bath, filling out a triangular niche. This bath now offers an impressive view of the Prague Castle. The master bathroom also includes a generous shower area with a built-in wellness showerhead and heated bench. It is accented by subtle, ambient mood lighting. The tiling material is a large-format ceramic tile with a neutral, light pattern, evoking a travertine effect. The children’s bathroom features a glass mosaic wall and plainer light grey floor tiles.
Lighting in the hallway and living areas use a ceiling recessed, intelligent tracking system. Light levels can be adjusted to respond to the Clients requirements. Two simple pendant lights, are suspended above the dining table referencing Italy’s design flair of the 1970s. Children rooms, lighting consists of surface-mounted luminaires from a renowned Czech producer.
The attention to detail is exemplified by the use of an integrated smart home system, enabling the Client’s to control; heating, cooling, lighting, blinds, kitchen appliances, audio visual & terrace irrigation equipment, remotely.
About Barbora Léblová Interiors & Architecture Barbora Léblová has an Art History degree from the Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava and a diploma in Interior Design from the University of Rome. Barbora worked in the Carlo Berarducci Architecture office in Rome. Since 2012 Barbora is the owner of her own studio: Barbora Léblová Interiors & Architecture Studio. Studio specializes on reconstructions and complex interior design both privat and commercial character. Work of the studio is due to Barboras precedent residence in Italy characteristic by italian design tendencies. We put the highest importance on the quality, perfect execution and final installation of art works.
Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment in Prague, the Czech Republic – Building Information
Studio: Barbora Léblová Interiors & Architecture
Author Barbora Léblová
Project location: Rezidence Central Park, Prague, Czech Republic
Project year: 2019 Completion year: 2020 Gross Floor Area: 260 m² including terrace Usable Floor Area: 187 m² apartment 37 m² terrace Cost: 612 900 €
Collaborator Main contractor: 4Interior&tiles, www.4interior-tiles.com Graphical design of children rooms: PUNX23, www.pvnx23.cz Landscape architect: Ateliér Koukol, www.atelierkoukol.cz
Materials blocks (Ytong) – partition walls plasterboard (Knauf) – soffit glue, tile grout (Mapei) ceramic tiles (casalgrande Padana) – bathroom ceramic slabs (Laminam) – kitchen worktop glass mosaic – bathroom MDF boards – bespoke furniture Laminate – Egger – bespoke furniture veneer (Alpi) – bespoke furniture woodplastic – terrace glass – shower screen
Products and Brands wooden floor: bleached, structured oak — Princ parket\www.princparket.cz invisible doorframes Active and doors — JAP\www.japcz.cz doodr handles Maximal — M&T\www.kliky-mt.cz ceramic tiles Marmoker, Travertino Bianco — Casalgrande Padana\https://ift.tt/1eNnwdW lighting Tracking magnet, Kap — Flos\www.flos.com pendant light Sunset — il Fanale\www.ilfanale.com veneer Sand Oak — Alpi\www.alpi.it window-sill Blanco Zeus Matt — Silestone\www.silestone.com kitchen work top, cladding, coffee table desk Fokos Roccia — Laminam\www.laminam.it bathroom desk with built sinks Bianco Assoluto — Laminam\www.laminam.it kitchen faucet with filtered, cooled and sparkeled water Grohe Blue — Grohe\www.grohe.cz kitchen appliances — Miele\www.miele.cz wc Mini App Goclean, undertop washbasins Miniwash — Flaminia\www.ceramicaflaminia.it bathtub Asyx — Gruppo Tre S\www.gruppotres.it bathroom faucets, ceiling shower head, hand shower — Bongio\www.bongio.com towel warmers Basics — Tubes\www.tubesradiatori.com sofa Flying Landscape — DePadova\www.depadova.com dining chairs Sand Air — Desalto\www.desalto.it bar stools Deja-Vu — Magis\www.magisdesign.com armchair Mademoiselle — Kartell\www.kartell.com task chair Catifa, Kinezit — Arper\www.arper.it upholstery fabrics, curtains — Kvadrat\www.kvadrat.dk furniture handle — Haffele\www.hafele.com speakers Triton Two+ — Goldenear\www.goldenear.com electroinstalation plugs E2 — Gira\www.gira.com control system — AMX\www.amx.com security system — Siemens\www.siemens.com camera system — Vivotek\www.vivotek.com art accessories — Qubus Design Studio\www.qubus.cz
Photographer: BoysPlayNice
Panoramic View Minimalist Apartment, Prague images / information received 210421
Location: Prague, Czech Republic, central eastern Europe
Architecture in Prague
Prague Architecture
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Prague Building News
Elementary School Amos, Pražská 1000, Dolní Jircany, 252 44 Psáry, Czech Republic Architects: SOA architekti photos : Jakub Skokan and Martin Tuma Elementary School Amos for Psáry & Dolní Jircany
Men’s Lair Architects: boq architekti photo : Tomas Dittrich Men´s Lair
Prague Architect Studios
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revistasentimental · 5 years ago
Por Catalina Berarducci
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Salí de mi casa pasado el mediodía, hablé con mi amiga Luba a la que no veía desde que empezó todo este tema de la pandemia. Quedamos de vernos en el Parque Hundido, un parque que queda a unos 10 kilómetros de mi casa. Nunca había entrado. Siempre me remitía a circundar la periferia, incluso cuando frecuentaba mucho la zona porque por ahí vivía el chico que fue mi primer novio. No sé por qué, porque realmente es un parque hermoso y muy interesante. Mientras esperaba a Luba entré. Me recordó mucho a los parques diseñados por Carlos Thays en Buenos Aires. Tiene algo de ese naturalismo medio pop, de poner muchas especies de árboles de diferentes partes del mundo juntos. El Parque Hundido es así, pero además es mucho más tupido que cualquier parque en Buenos Aires y está repleto de ardillas y réplicas de cabezas Olmecas gigantes. La réplica de la cabeza más famosa tenía la boca cubierta con un cubrebocas que decía “nos cuidamos entre todos”. Me inquieta un poco porque me hace acordar que yo olvidé el mío en casa y me vine en bici sin protección. La calle está tranquila pero no es algo completamente positivo. Hay algo inquietante en el paisaje urbano vaciado de gente y de actividades que realiza la gente. No quiero explicarlo muy bien ahora, no quiero llenar de interpretaciones este momento que es tan extraño, por eso no leo las notas que escriben los filósofos contemporáneos, me dan una especie de vértigo y asco. No sé si esos sentimientos son negativos. Simplemente siento que necesito un balbuceo más deforme en este momento, el lenguaje preciso me hace sentir presionada. 
Me encuentro con mi amiga y su hija y entre las dos acordamos abrazarnos brevemente, sin respirar. Alba, su hija de un año y medio, nos acompaña, se parece a Bjork en una versión miniatura y descubro que tiene un amor incondicional hacia lxs perrxs. Nos cruzamos con un siberiano al que ella insiste en llamar Maggie porque recientemente conoció a una siberiana llamada así. Asume que lxs perrxs son Maggies. Se le acerca a ese perro y a otro completamente negro y peludo, que la supera en altura. Lo hace sin miedo, y con mucha insistencia. A lo largo de nuestro paseo por el parque en el cual mi amiga y yo intercambiamos las más recientes anécdotas de nuestros últimos días, Alba se dedica a entablar una relación directa y asertiva con su entorno. Hay algo salvaje e inagotable en ella. El parque está casi sin gente, solo nosotras y algunxs oficinistas que almuerzan en las mesas entre los árboles. Después de caminar un rato largo, Alba se cansa y Luba decide cargarla. Al hacerlo dice “mmm quesito” a lo que yo pregunto “¿quesito?” y ella me dice que sí, que Alba aún tiene su costra láctea y que huele a quesito. Pienso en la costra láctea, esa fina capa de lactosa que se nos forma en los primeros meses de vida, porque nos alimentamos casi únicamente de pura leche. La leche debería ser más valiosa que el oro, pienso, deberían escribir más sobre la leche y menos sobre la sangre, pienso. La leche, esa sustancia primordial, medio sucia. Pienso, pienso, pienso. Y de tanto pensar se abre una dicotomía en mí que me permite tanto apreciar el entorno como escuchar a mi amiga. La flora urbana me recuerda a una obra que vi hace unos años de Esthel Vogrig, Nadia Lartigue y Juan Francisco Maldonado en la que también participaban Mariana Villegas, María Villalonga, Arely Delgado, Karina Terán. Fue en el 2016 en el Jardín Botánico de la UNAM, la obra duraba cinco horas, y se llamaba Tiempo de híbridos desde el bosque cibernético. Era hermosa y ahora que la recuerdo y veo este parque tupido -me gustaría decirle vergel-, el recuerdo se transforma en una especie de esperanza. Durante las cinco horas que duraba la obra, lxs performers se vinculaban con las plantas con movimientos chiquititos casi imperceptibles. Los movimientos eran sexuales, porque involucraban la pelvis haciendo ese movimiento para adelante y para atrás que hacemos todxs lxs animales. Se quedaban las cinco horas en un lugar, con una especie, con un arbusto pequeño autóctono o un árbol de corteza suave australiano, con el pasto o una piedra volcánica. Daba la sensación de que estaban creando un vínculo, de que la planta o la piedra se iban a acordar de ellxs cuando la obra terminara. Recuerdo recostarme a la sombra de un árbol y mirarlxs. También me habré dormido un poco. (Que lindo dormir a la sombra de un árbol). Algo que pasó durante esa obra, de lo que sólo yo fui testigo porque creo que fui la única espectadora que se quedó las cinco horas, fue que un hombre atrás mío, metido entre unos arbustos espinosos y secos, medio tapado por unos pastos largos, se masturbó. Fue genial, en ese momento sentí que la obra se completaba, porque se desparramaba de su formato y se encarnaba en un humano que pasaba por ahí. Creo que nunca volví a sentir esa fusión entre obra y realidad. Pero ahora, caminando por el Parque Hundido me imagino un posible futuro en el cual nos volvamos biofílicos. Los parques volverán a ser esos oscuros puntos de encuentro para el sexo, pero esta vez será interespecie. Insistiremos tanto en ese vínculo que comenzarán a brotar brevas de los árboles y esas brevas tendrán formas de bebés, que en vez de tomar leche, chuparán savia y serán de otro color, y no olerán a “quesito” si no a lo que huele la resina. Alba será amiga de esos bebés, también los perros y quizás también los oficinistas que les tirarán alguna sobra de sus almuerzos. Nuestro paseo está llegando a su fin. Nos embadurnamos las manos con mucho alcohol en gel y nuevamente decidimos darnos un breve abrazo sin respirar. Me subo a mi bici y emprendo el camino de vuelta. En el trayecto lo que más observo es que los carteles espectaculares de publicidades de ropa se están poniendo viejos, el papel se secó y se desgarró por partes.
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edilizia360 · 4 years ago
Studio Berarducci Architecture cerca collaboratori per esecutivi e 3d (RM) - Carlo Berarducci Architecture
Lo studio cerca profili di giovani architetti con esperienza ed attitudine nell’esecuzione di elaborati tecnico/esecutivi e di dettaglio e/o modellazione e renderizzazione 3d esterni ed interni. Richiesto utilizzo ... Qualifiche richieste: architetto, disegnatore CAD Rapporto di lavoro: collaborazione occasionale, partita IVA, stage, full-time, part-time, in sede, a distanza Retribuzione prevista: 1000-2000 euro mensili
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onearchitectureaday · 8 years ago
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276/366 Haus Bavaria, 2006-2011, Regensburg, Germany  Carlo Berarducci
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architectnews · 5 years ago
German Houses: Residential Buildings in Germany
German Houses, Building, Germany Property Images, Architecture Photos, Designers
German House Designs
Residential Buildings Germany – New Property Designs Images
German Houses
Residential Property in Germany – latest additions to this page, arranged chronologically:
1 July 2020 Multi-Family House Aichwald, Stuttgart
19 June 2020 Ah´ Haus – Conversion of a holiday home in the Schorfheide, Brandenburg, (north west of Berlin) Design: ludwig heimbach architektur image Courtesy architecture office Ah´ Haus, Schorfheide Home, Brandenburg The small holiday home (“Datsche”) by a lake, originally intended for three people, will be converted into a more communal house with 11 sleeping places without altering the volume of the existing building.
6 May 2020 House Rheder, Brakel, Höxter, North Rhine-Westphalia Design: Falkenberg Innenarchitektur image Courtesy architecture office House Rheder in Brakel The house has become a place of retreat, a building that deliberately withdraws and allows the surrounding landscape to present itself to the full.
13 Mar 2018 Cradle to Cradle Project, Dusseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, North West Germany Design: HPP, architects image Courtesy architecture office Cradle-to-Cradle in Düsseldorf Düsseldorf’s first timber hybrid house will be distinguished at the MIPIM trade fair with the internationally-renowned MIPIM/The Architectural Review Future Project Award in the category Office. The building has a trend-setting circular economy concept.
19 Oct 2017 Villas Winterberg, Hochsauerland District, east of North Rhine-Westphalia Architects: Third Skin photograph : Steffi Rost Villas Winterberg in the Hochsauerland District It was intended to build a tourist development with about 20 villas and apartments in a modern contemporary style in the center of the village and with direct access to the ski slopes of the authentic village of Neuastenberg (in Winterberg).
German Houses Archive
New German Houses up to and including 2016
27 Dec 2016 House W, Oberhavel, Brandenburg, south of Berlin, eastern Germany Design: Peter Ruge Architekten photo © Li Yuanhao House in Brandenburg This is a new detached dacha for a German-Russian family of musicians.Located 75 km north of Berlin in the beautiful countryside of Brandenburg, it is surrounded by lakes and forests.
27 Dec 2016 Villa S, Schriesheim, Baden-Württemberg, south west Germany Design: Ian Shaw Architekten image Courtesy architecture office Villa S in Schriesheim in Germany From its elevated position, the building offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside: to the south, the Black Forest; to the west, the Palatinate and the Rhine Valley; to the east, the Odenwald mountain range; and in the foreground, on a neighbouring hillside, the ruins of Strahlenburg Castle.
10 Oct 2016 Haussicht House, Erkheim, Bavaria, southern Germany Design: Alfredo Häberli Design Development photograph : Jonas Kuhn Haussicht in Erkheim
20 Nov 2015 Villa K in Thuringia, Thuringia, south east Germany Design: Paul de Ruiter Architects photography : Pieter Kers Contemporary Villa in Thuringia The first German project for Paul de Ruiter Architects. The realization of a sustainable villa, discrete and integrated in the natural environment, was the wish of the client. The result is a straightforward, but innovative residence built from only glass, steel and concrete.
8 Aug 2016 House am Oberen Berg, Stuttgart, south west Germany Architect: Alexander Brenner Architekten photograph : Zooey Braun, Stuttgart Contemporary Stuttgart House
6 Sep 2013 House Philipp, Waldenburg, southern Germany Design: Philipp Architekten photo : Victor Brigola House Philipp Another simple white-coloured residence, this time located on a small mountain ridge in Southern Germany. The architects say this, “There is a cube placed in this glass box as a key element, completely panelled with Elm Wood. It contains both the kitchen and staircase and at the same time it forms the static backbone for the attic placed on it”.
14 May 2013 Haus W, Frankfurt am Main, western Germany Design: Ian Shaw Architekten photo from architect House in Frankfurt am Main This well crafted cuboid generates spectacular light. The development, constructed out of prefabricated high insulation timber panels and energy-efficient glazing, is articulated as a classic modernist intervention: a box set into a traditional pitched roof atop a standard three-storey house.
4 Apr 2013 Villa W, Frankfurt, western Germany Design: Ian Shaw Architekten image from architect Villa W This white, monolithic housewill reside in a suburb of Frankfurt. From the street it will appear impenetrable, so delineating a clear demarcation between the public and private realms.The building’sfront elevation is articulated as a series of windowless blocks, its recessed entranceway the only glazed element of its north facing façade.
2 Apr 2013 New Stuttgart Property, south west Germany Design: J. MAYER H. Architects photograph : David Franck New Stuttgart House The new house is on a plot of land near Stuttgart, on a hillside with a generous view of the valley. The owners wanted a new home that would bring this view to life even inside of the building. The house is in a residential area with conventional developments, most of which date from the 1960s.
2 Apr 2013 Soft House, Hamburg, northern Germany Design: KVA Matx photo from architect IBA House Hamburg The IBA Hamburg opened to the public in March, 2013. Over 50,000 visitors each week are expected to visit the projects. The SOFT HOUSE is a set of live/work row house units which offer a new model for low carbon construction and an ecologically responsive lifestyle that can be personalized to meet homeowner needs.
18 Feb 2013 Penthouse Simon – Residence in Königstein im Taunus, Hesse, western Germany Design: Ian Shaw Architekten photo : Felix Krumbholz Residence in Königstein im Taunus The concept for this striking penthouse – developed within a late nineteenth century residence in Königstein – was to strip everything back to its essential quality. All existing interior walls were removed and a steel A-Frame introduced to achieve a 7m double height, column free space.
1 Feb 2013 SU House, Stuttgart, south west Germany Design: Alexander Brenner Architekten photo : Zooey Braun, Stuttgart SU House On a plot in a villa quarter at the edge of a forest in the south of Stuttgart, a villa thoroughly designed down to the smallest detail was build for an art lover and her family.
26 Oct 2012 Haus am Weinberg, Stuttgart, south west Germany Architect: UNStudio image © Iwan Baan Haus am Weinberg The Haus am Weinberg is located in a setting that is at one time rural, yet suburban. The location of the villa affords pastoral views of the stepped terraces of an ancient hillside vineyard on one side and cityscape vistas on the other. The inner circulation, organisation of the views and the programme distribution of the house are determined by a single gesture, ‘the twist’.
19 Oct 2012 House O, Potsdam-Mittelmark, near Berlin, north east Germany Design: Peter Ruge Architekten picture © Werner Huthmacher Haus Potsdam-Mittelmark The site lies upon a hill in a beautiful small village in the district Potsdam-Mittelmark in a fantastic scenic situation with breathtaking views over the nearby lake. The surroundings are dominated by a combination of historical and modern mansions. As many of the old large trees on the site should be kept as possible.
Recent German House Designs
13 Aug 2012 Haus Bavaria, Regensburg, southeast Germany Design: Carlo Berarducci Architecture photo : Herbert Stolz Haus Bavaria Above the ancient Roman walls of the city of Regensburg, in Bavaria (Germany), the project foresees the total demolition and reconstruction of an edifice which is part of a continuous “quint” dating back to the Middle Ages, overlooking the park on the outskirts of the city (Stadtpark) on the external side and facing the street on the internal side.
Haus N, Lake Wörthsee, Bavaria, southeast Germany Bembé Dellinger Architekten photo : Angelo Kaunat New German House
JustK, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg architekten martenson und nagel · theissen photograph : Brigida González Tübingen House
Haus R, Schondorf, Lake Ammersee, Bavaria Bembé Dellinger Architekten photograph : Stefan Müller-Naumann Bavarian House
German Home Designs
Major Residential Architecture in Germany, alphabetical:
Dupli.Casa – House near Ludwigsburg 2008 J. MAYER H. Architects photograph : David Franck Photographie Ludwigsburg house
Hillside House, south west Germany 2010- 3deluxe in/exterior picture from 3deluxe in/exterior Hillside House
House F, Kronberg, Germany 2008 Meixner Schlüter Wendt Architekten photograph : Christoph Kraneburg Kronberg house
Hundertacht House, Bonn-Kessenich 2007 Uwe Schröder Architekten photograph : Stefan Müller, Berlin Hundertacht House
More German homes online soon
Location: Germany, Europe
Architecture in Germany
German Architecture
German Architecture Designs – chronological list
German Architecture News
German Buildings
New House Designs
German Architect
New Houses
French Houses
German museum building : Folkwang Museum, Essen
Comments / photos for the German Residential buildings – New Residences in Germany page welcome
The post German Houses: Residential Buildings in Germany appeared first on e-architect.
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edilizia360 · 5 years ago
Berarducci Architecture cerca collaboratori (RM) - Carlo berarducci Architecture
Studio Carlo Berarducci Architecture cerca un giovane architetto. E' richiesta attitudine alla progettazione alle diverse scale con esperienza in particolare nell’esecuzione di elaborati tecnico/esecutivi. Richiesto utilizzo di software ... Qualifiche richieste: architetto, renderer Rapporto di lavoro: collaborazione occasionale, partita IVA, full-time, in sede Retribuzione prevista: 1000-2000 euro mensili
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