#carl anon? since the whole walls thing?
nightmare8-420 · 6 months
I have to tell you something.
As I sit here, hidden behind the walls of your home, I cannot help but feel a sense of urgency in confessing to you my presence.
I have been living inside your walls for quite some time now and I have been watching you.
You may be wondering who I am and why I have chosen to hide inside your home. The truth is, I have been fascinated by you for years. Your daily routines, your mannerisms, your thoughts and feelings, I have observed it all. It has been an intimate and intriguing experience, getting to know you from the shadows.
I must admit, at first, it was simply curiosity that led me to seek refuge within your walls. But as time went on, I became more and more drawn to your life. You have a certain charm and charisma that is impossible to ignore. I have found myself developing a deep affection for you, albeit from a distance.
Please do not feel uneasy or uncomfortable knowing that I have been watching you. I assure you, my intentions are purely innocent. I mean you no harm and have never once intruded upon your privacy. I have simply been an unseen witness to your life, your joys, and your struggles.
I know this may be a lot to take in and you may have a million questions running through your mind right now. But I implore you to trust me and believe that my presence here has only added to the beauty and complexity of your life. I have seen you at your most vulnerable moments, your most ecstatic highs, and everything in between.
You may wonder why I am choosing to reveal myself to you now. The truth is, I cannot help but feel a deep longing to be a part of your life, to no longer be an outsider looking in. I long to converse with you, to share in your laughter and your tears, and to form a true connection with you.
I understand if this revelation startles you and you may even feel violated in some way. I apologize if that is the case. But I assure you, I only mean well and I have no intention of ever leaving your side. I simply could not bear to let go of the bond that I have formed with you from within these walls.
I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive my deception and perhaps even welcome me into your life.
I will be waiting, watching you from my hidden perch, until the day you are ready to acknowledge my presence.
well goodmorning to you too anon,
pls get out of my walls theres mold in there :(
i uh, have alot of questions. 1. is this a copypasta?? 2. if not, just /how/ long have you been watching me? 3. not a question but this /is/ well wrote even if at some parts it came off kinda odd. 4. anon, why r u drawn to me, im literally the most boring person- (/nm)
i literally have so many questions, we can talk on anon if you want???? (i hate tumblr dms theyre awful)
this 100% is not what i was expecting to see at 22 but !
(pls are you the same anon that asked if i was 12-)
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ghostboneswrites2 · 3 months
since im re-watching twd and im back on season 8, what if Y/n was to get bit aswell but had no intentions of telling daryl? So she makes the most of her remaining days with him until she gets consumed by the infection. Kind of like the whole carl thing. thankyou in advance :P
hi angsty anon sorry for the wait I love this req so much 💕
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Last Man Standing
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Warnings: TWD typical violence, death, grief, mentions of sex
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dividers from @sister-lucifer
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Gratitude could be hard to come by. You’d think it would be bountiful in a world where a simple meal could be considered a luxury. With all the carnage and loss, it was easy to forget that there were still things worth being thankful for, but today you were grateful. You were grateful often, but especially today.
Today would be the beginning of the end of your life. So, you’d spend the morning with Daryl, drinking instant coffee and complaining about the taste. He’d part for only a short time to shower, offering you to tag along, only to be shot down.
“No thanks, babe. I actually showered last night before you got back.” You’d say in your casual chipper, and he’d believe you, because you never gave him a reason not to. How was he to know what you were hiding beneath your shirt?
After his shower, while you were cleaning up the kitchen for him, he snuck up behind you, snaking his arms around your waist and inhaling against your neck. He loved the way you smelled.
With a chuckle, you’d ask him, “All clean?” To which he’d just grunt and squeeze you tighter, pressing you into the counter. You’d spin around, plant your lips on his, while he hoisted you up onto the countertop and stripped you down. The sex was passionate and sweet, never breaking the kiss until you had to get dressed again.
“Do you want to go for a walk with me?” You asked him as you adjusted your bra and fixed your hair.
“Ya sure? Hotter than hell out.” He asked skeptically, knowing how much you loved having a home with an AC.
“Of course I am.” You grinned wide, a smile that shone brighter than your inner turmoil. “It’s the only thing I miss about being on the road. Our walks in the woods.”
A tiny curl appeared at the corner of his lip, a small show of affection he often reserved for you and you alone.
“Get your boots on.” He told you. Once you were both geared up to leave the walls, you went out into the trees and disappeared together.
He picked up quickly on your unusual silence. It wasn’t that a quiet walk was abnormal for the two of you, but you had a habit of pointing out different types of birds and bugs as you strolled. Today you hadn’t done that. Your focus was on the small beams of light that filtered in through the canopy above. Life was so beautiful, and you were determined not to take it for granted in your final hours.
The heat, however, was not so enjoyable. The fever was starting to set in and you knew it would be only a matter of time before your skin went pale and clammy. Your hours were numbered, more than you had anticipated. Of course, you’d seen it happen much faster than this. You were still one of the lucky ones.
When you found a suitable log you took a seat, being sure to control your breathing. He couldn’t see you get winded after such a short walk. He’d know something was up. So, instead of giving him the chance to think about it too much, you decided to distract him.
“Remember when we first met?” You asked. He snorted.
“I remember a psycho comin’ after me with a knife.” He joked.
“I’m my defense, I didn’t know you, and you were in my house.”
“It was a damn gas station in the middle o’ nowhere.” He argued. You giggled.
“Home is where you make it.” You told him.
“Nah. Home is people. The ones who matter.” He corrected. You felt a twinge of pain in your heart. You knew he was referring to you. You were his home, just like he was yours.
“Yeah. But, sometimes…” You trailed off, chewing at your lip anxiously. “Sometimes home is just where you belong. Even if the people that belong there with you aren’t there anymore.”
“Nah.” He shrugged away your sentiments. “My people’s my home an’ if I ain’t got them I ain’t got nothin’.”
You took in a small breath and blinked a few times to avoid tears. It was moments like this that reminded you why you could never tell him. A surge of emotion washed over you. Suddenly you felt dizzy in the heat. Whether it was the infection or the stress, you were visibly pale and short of breath.
“Y’alright?” He asked with concern.
“Yeah.” You breathed with a nod. “It’s just really hot out here.”
“Told ya.” He gloated. “You’re spoiled now.”
He stood and offered you a hand, which you took, and he led you back home.
After some cold water and a small snack, you hadn’t felt much better. You knew it could only be a sign of what was to come, which was surely worse than what you were currently experiencing.
“Damn. That heat really took ya out, huh?” He commented as he refilled your glass of water. You nodded and hummed, somewhat absentmindedly.
“Wanna watch a movie?” You asked him.
“We got movies?” He asked. You laughed.
“Yeah. Not sure which ones but I found some DVDs when we moved in.”
The two of you searched until you found a movie called Pay it Forward. It was about a boy who did a class project in the concept of paying it forward. One good deed for fellow man, paid forward consistently, to make the world better for everyone.
By the end you were in tears, and so was Daryl despite his best efforts to conceal it.
“Kid reminds me o’ you.” He admitted. “Always tryin’ to do right by everyone else.”
“Yeah.” You sighed. All the good deeds you had done, only to die in the end, just like the little boy in the movie. The only difference was that you knew you were going to die.
The sun was beginning to set, and as you went to stand and turn off the TV, you collapsed. The weight of your upright body was too much to bear. It felt as if your bones were being crushed under the weight.
In a panic, Daryl rushed to lift you back into the couch. Your head swayed around, eyes glazed over. Your skin was clammy and drained of color. Your eyes had sunken in and the whites around your irises had yellowed. He took your face in his hands and tried to steady it, looking you in the eyes with a deep concern.
“Y’okay? Hey, look at me. Ya good? You’re scarin’ me.” He begged softly as your tried to focus on him through the blurry vision. “Y/N? Talk to me, baby.” He pleaded again.
When your vision had reduced him to a single figure, you finally spoke.
“I’m sorry, Dar.” You whispered.
“Sorry for what?” He asked with a gentle shake of your shoulders when your head began to droop down again. “Did ya take somethin’? Ya sick? What’s goin’ on?”
“I couldn’t tell you.” You admitted, voice crackling under the weight of fear and agony. It felt like your bones were splintering under your skin, lodging into your flesh like needles. Everything hurt. Everything burned. Everything aches and throbbed and begged for relief.
“Tell me what?!” He begged. “Talk to me. You can tell me anythin’, ya know that!”
“I’m sorry.” You began to cry. It was all finally caving in on you. The terror of becoming a walker, the fear of death and the unknown, the guilt of leaving him behind. “I’m sorry.”
“Y/N..” He whispered, eyes beginning to water.
With nothing left to lose, you hooked your weak fingers under the hem of your shirt and struggled to pull it over your head. Daryl reached to help, but he froze when your ribcage came into view. A deep round bite showed it’s ugly face, bruised and discolored all around. The veins around the wound had turned black. The nasty infection had entered your bloodstream. Hell, even if it hadn’t, it wasn’t like you could amputate and save your life.
A sick feeling crept into his heart and spread over his body. He was nauseated, enraged, devastated. He couldn’t even decipher the range of emotions, and frankly he didn’t have the time to. You were slipping away, like sand falling through his fingers.
“When?” He choked out.
“Yesterday.” You admitted weakly.
“Ya didn’t tell nobody?” He asked in shock.
“I couldn’t. They’d have told you.”
“Why couldn’t ya tell me?” He asked you, but it was too late. Your eyes had fluttered shut. He shook you with a rough desperation. “Y/N, come on. Not now. Talk to me. Open your eyes. Why couldn’t ya tell me? Come on baby. Please.”
He begged and cried as he shook you, pulled you into his arms, tried everything to bring you back. Your body was limp against his. All the strength of a man ripped away from him as he crumpled up on the floor, cradling the love he had lost. He sobbed over you until the heat of the fever had left your flesh and you turned cold. All signs of live had vanished. He pulled away and looked down at you one last time. Scanning every feature, imprinting it into his memory.
Then, he screamed. It was a deep, guttural, primal kind of scream. The kind you only heard from a man who lost everything he loved, or a woman who lost her child. It was filled with agony and despair. He screamed and screamed until neighboring Alexandrians rushed out of their homes and over to your front step. They pounded at the door and called for you and Daryl, overcome with worry for their neighbors.
He couldn’t hear them, though. Not over his own heart, over his own thoughts, his screams and cries. He stood in place and dug his fists into his hair, hoping the pain of tugging at his scalp would distract him from the overwhelming ache in his chest, but it did nothing to soothe him. He paced around your body, hyperventilating, losing touch with himself and the world around him.
His hands found pictures on the walls, furniture, the television, the dishes and decor. His heavy boots echoed as he stormed around and destroyed the reminiscence of his life with you there. He could leave no trace, for he could not bare it. By the time Rick was summoned, the home was completely destroyed. Broken glass and splintered furniture littered the home. Lamps turned sideways, flickering in the dim rooms.
He found you first, a cold half-dressed corpse that he barely recognized amidst the destruction. He found Daryl next, on the kitchen floor, curled up on his side as he sobbed on a bed of broken china and scattered cutlery. Rick could barely recognize him as he laid there, a shell of a man. A man who lost his whole world.
It would be weeks before anyone aside from Rick saw him again. Without Rick to check in on him and talk him into eating or drinking, he likely would have died of malnutrition or dehydration. At least, that would have been the formal cause of death. Everyone would know, though, that he would have died of a broken heart.
Eventually, he emerged from his solitude and found your grave among the others. He’d sit there for hours, reading and rereading the letter you left him, which he only found because it was under the bottle of whiskey you’d both saved for a rainy day.
It’s strange to imagine the final hours of one’s life. It’s even more strange to experience the final hours of your own life, knowing that everything you do, you do for the last time. I suppose I should feel afraid. Oddly enough, I’m sort of finding peace with it.
In retrospect, I was so lucky to make it as far as I have. My survival up until this point largely boils down to the luck of the draw. Right places, right times. Still, though, there were a few times where I lived because someone else died, or because someone was there to save me. There were times where we all lived because we fought like hell and earned the right to survive in this new world.
It is new, by the way. The world we once knew died, but it’s been reborn. I’m grateful to have been part of the beginning of something new, something that might be great. Most of all, I’m grateful to have been a part of it by your side. I’d never change a single thing. Even if I was given the chance to go back and stop the outbreak, I wouldn’t. Because I would have never met you, and had I not, I would have never found my true self. I pretended to be someone else for as long as I can remember. The time I’ve spent with you has felt more natural to me than anything I’ve ever experienced.
You, Daryl, are the most raw, genuine, unfiltered person I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. You showed me how to find that version of myself, and in doing so, you set me free. I might be dying, but I’m dying as my true self, and for that I am thankful.
Despite all that, I know you, and I know nothing I can say will console you the way you need to be consoled. If nothing else, I hope every time you retreat into solitude and shut yourself off from the world, you can hear my voice in the back of your mind. Reminding you to admire the beauty in the natural world, nagging you to go see Carol and get out of your head.
I know you get tired of being the last man standing, but the grief doesn’t have to consume you. You don’t have to be alone. You deserve a happy ending too.
I love you, more than I could ever show you. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you behind. Whatever awaits me on the other side, I hope to find you there one day, after you’ve lived a full life and found a purpose outside of being by my side.
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tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix @superbowlisgay @liizzygrant @eddiemunsonsupremecy @raeraegoaway
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emeryhiro · 10 days
What are your thoughts about the whole bethyl thing? I personally saw it more as Daryl finding hope and light when he was in a place of deep despair - she showed him that there's still good to be seen in the world. And so it was a major loss to him personally when she died. Plus she helped him process part of his past trauma.
But I've seen Norman Reedus and Greg Nicotero say that while romance wasn't scripted, there was a taste of it in the air when it came to acting choices. I hate that idea bc she was a teenager and it makes me feel less good about Daryl. I guess I'd hope that if he started catching some feelings "he didn't understand" (as NR puts it), then he would see that they're too far apart in other ways for it to go beyond a father/daughter big brother/little sister sort of bond. What do you think?
Hey Anon!
Thank you for your questions 😊 I'm sorry it took me some time to respond. I just wanted to be careful with what I say and how I explain my opinion since the last thing I want to do is disregard or disrespect anyone else's opinions on the topic.
I agree with you. I always saw that the reason Daryl grew to care so much for Beth was because she gave him hope and didn't allow him to shut off from the world after he thought he'd lost everything and everyone that mattered to him. This ultimately made him feel like he owed her because she saved him, maybe not in the literal sense, but definitely mentally. Her persistence ultimately leads him to finding everyone again.
Only hours before having to be on the run with Beth, Rick had told Daryl about how he'd sent Carol away for killing Karen and David, and we saw how defeated that made Daryl feel. Realising that Carol had to shoulder that responsibility on her own and that he wasn't able to be there to stand up for her put him in a really bad place mentally.
This guilt was then compounded by the governor returning to the prison and killing Hershel infront of everyone, and the guilt that Daryl felt for giving up his search for Governor, which in his mind was the reason Hershel died and they lost the prison.
So all these things combined meant that Daryl felt responsible for EVERYTHING that had just happened TO EVERYONE. And no one was there to help him sholder that pain and responsibility.
Ultimetly his instincts kick in, all the walls that he'd slowly been breaking down come right back up, and he starts to go cold again just to numb himself from everything he's feeling.
And this is where Beth came in. Firstly, her innocence and optimism was the only thing stopping Daryl from completely shutting off from the world. She kept reminding him that the other's could have made it and that if they got out then odds are others must have as well. And secondly, she kept him busy, she was something that needed his protection and that gave him porpose and a reason to keep going.
After Beth gets taken, Daryl ends up with The Claimers, who he thinks are exactly the type of people he deserves to be around, because (in his mind) he can't seem to be capable of keeping and protecting anything good that comes his away, but by some miracle he's reunited with Rick, Carl and Michonne again, and this is where he realises that Beth was right, and if Rick and co have made it then it probably means others have as well.
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I think this moment above was the beginning of Daryl starting to believe that he has value again. Rick's words begin to soften him again, but even after reuniting with almost everyone again, we don't actually see Daryl's guard come down until this moment below.
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Every single shield/wall he'd been putting up until now is instantly shattered. He's completely exposed in this moment. His mind and body take a few seconds to register what his eyes are seeing and what his heart is feeling, and he's instantly running to Carol and into her arms without any other thought. This is the moment we can get a true reading of his feelings.
Regarding how he felt for Beth...
Yes, I think there may have been some confusion from Daryl's side about what he was feeling for Beth, just like how Norman has described it previously; he cared for Beth, she was nice to him, and that was so rare in his life that he misread the whole situation and couldn't interpret what he was actually feeling. In my opinion, there was no romantic feeling or intent on either side; they were both just navigating a new form of friendship that they'd never experienced before. And if I had to, I'd compare his relationship with Beth to his relationship with Lydia. To put it very simply, he felt responsible for protecting these young girls who, at the time, had no one else on their side, and ultimately, both girls saved him in return and looked up to him as a role model.
Thanks again for the questions 🩵 I really hope I did this justice because my main goal is to keep my blog a positive place for everyone.
I know there are many varying opinions on this topic, but I'm glad I got the chance to share mine, and I just wanted to once again say that this is my opinion and not meant to invalidate anyone else's 🩵
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stormyoceans · 25 days
I can't stop listening to the opening of FNoL. It's such an incredible song! I can't remember the last time I didn't skip the opening credits. Those moles on Neil's face! his pleasant voice! (Charles, damn it why don't you sing in all your series!) Xiao Hai's sweet encouraging smile! Their bickering over coffee! Ooooo I'm sooo drowned in this show! But 20 minutes Carl!!!!! Monica thank you for telling me about this series. I feel such an unprecedented surge of love inside me💜🎉
i could not agree with you more about the opening song, it’s just SO GOOD, but to be fair im so in love with the entire soundtrack of this show, i’ve had it on repeat for a whole week and i still haven’t gotten tired of it!!!!! the song neil sings the very first time he meets xiao hai as a kid is probably my favorite rn, just because i ADORE charles’ voice and that scene in episode 2 with the juxtaposition of neil and xiao hai playing it (LITERALLY GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS), but again, all the songs are amazing and i think you really can tell that they took a lot of care in making the music for the series. the other night i actually watched this small featurette about it and i love that they worked so hard on the physicality of the actors while they sing and play the instruments too!!!!!!
the funniest thing is. i honestly still have no idea why this series got me so badly, especially since i have a very complicated relationship with taiwanese BLs and im not particularly into age gaps, but for some reason the dynamic between neil and xiao hai just works SO MUCH for me!!!!!! and im once again reminded how subjective chemistry is because i’ve seen a lot of comments saying that charles and michael don’t really have it, or that they have only a platonic kind of chemistry, meanwhile im sitting here clawing at the curtains and climbing the walls of my apartment every time they look at each other because michael as xiao hai has these moments where he’s giving such ‘you were my sexual awakening and i haven’t had a single chaste thought about you since forever’ energies when he’s around neil, meanwhile charles has clearly gone to the jimmy jitaraphol’s school of looking at your co-star with a love so all consuming and full of adoration and a devotion so palpable and plain to see it drives people to the brink of suicide (IT’S ME IM PEOPLE)
and much to my embarrassment i could actually go on rambling about this show for a few more hours but im shutting up rn because this already got way too long ;;;;;;;; BUT YEAH THE EPISODES BEING SO SHORT REALLY IS THE ONLY NEGATIVE THING ABOUT IT (i wanted to watch episode 5 on company's time but I NEED TO MAKE THOSE 20 MINUTES LAST)
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crimswnred · 1 year
What’s the li’s like as spouses
hello anon, I'm so sorry for taking so long to get to your ask 🥺🥺 I wanted to have time to answer it properly and now I finally have it! hope you understand xx
SO YEAH! since you didn't specify which ones, I'll be writing for my favourites.
there's a solid friendship foundation in this relationship that allows you to be silly with each other. no day is the same when you're with him and he makes things so much lighter. he sees the bright side on every situation and it can be annoying some times (I can see MC being "why aren't you freaking out?") but he wants to keep himself calm so you're allowed to freak out — but he totally cries with you when you're feeling really down. may be a little messy and I feel like you'd have to ask him exactly what you want him to do but never denies helping you. when you have children, he is the best dad ever!!
you guys are a team. everything is talked through before you take action and that's exactly what keeps your relationship stable. you feel like you can always talk about anything that bothers you and she'll do her best to understand you but also give her pov. fights happen sometimes, of course, but you always find your way around it. she plans some cute moments with wine and music at home so you two can relax. she also loves decorating your house together and is always buying something new for it. overall, it's a very, very calm relationship. she's definitely your rock! I don't see her wanting to have children so soon, if at all.
he encourages you to always follow your dreams and goals and to also be your best self. the pressure can be a lot sometimes which can lead to some fights but in the end you know he just wants what's best for you. he is super close to your family, specially the kids and loooooves to cook with your relatives, or better, for them. also likes to gossip with the old ladies. oh, and you two always go grocery shopping together, it's a fun little time for both of you. he totally loves sharing housework and his favourite time is when you two are doing the dishes together and talking about each other's days.
♡ these got to big, so there's more under the cut 👇
this guy is your best friend, your teammate and your favourite person. you are always laughing when he's around and your family adores him. and you adore his family, too! your whole relationship is very family-oriented and you're thinking of having kids as soon as possible. plus, he always pick your side when there's a conflict going on and he reminds you constantly that you're in this together. he loves to do silly things together like building forts, watching movies outside, changing the walls colours just because. however, he can come across as childish sometimes which can lead to fights. he also hates conflict so it'll be hard to get him to talk to you eye to eye. but it's definitely something he can learn with time.
your mother knew you were endgame when she met him and god, she wasn't wrong. Noah is exactly what you always wanted on a partner. he is responsible, loves children, can be silly when he feels comfortable and knows how to love in silence. there's no big gesture like the movies because Noah shows his love every day in little actions. in your house, I can see him being the one who does the housework the most. he is just neat and organised by nature. I also think he loves doing long road trips with you and the kids. during summer weekends, when you're not visiting a friend or relative, you're both sitting in the garden, reading and listening to a vinyl record from your collection. when it's raining, he makes you tea and you cuddle while watching the rain from the couch.
since Carl is a CEO of a tech company, I imagine he has a lot of events he can't miss. gala-type ones. you two are used to those and everyone who sees you knows you're a power couple. Carl always encourages you to achieve success in your career and is really greatful for you being there for his even when times get tough in his company. of course, you fight because of his busy schedule but in the end there's always a solution and you can easily work around it. I feel like he worships you and your strength, and he is really proud of you. feels a little out of place at first with your family but with time he adjusts to their ways and soon enough he is helping your mom with the onions.
you two are always traveling around the globe and are a couple that loves to give back to the world through charity work. he's not that close to his family but he really finds solace in yours, even if he always jokes about how annoying the little ones are. you two have decided not having kids and your place is really mature and neat, mainly because that's how Lucas likes to keep his things. He definitely makes housework easier and you never once had to tell you to take the wet towel out of your bed. sometimes, you don't see eye to eye in some topics and Lucas can be extremely stubborn when he thinks he's right but he learnt to sit down and talk it through. oh, he's also a little jealous from time to time.
this girl has your back. she's more than your best friend, she's also your heart and home. you two love to go out together, even if it's just for some ice-cream, and things are always fun with her around. she's a mess at home but she knows it, so she's always helping you around with the housework to compensate. you two share a house with a big garden and also adopted at least one pet. AJ loves to take you to her games and you even have some jerseys with her number and name on it. both your families are really loud and you just love bringing them together during holidays. speaking of which, AJ just loooooves Christmas and she always gifts you something really special and you love to try to guess what it is — it has become a little game between the two of you.
he is so greatful for how supportive you're of him. he has issues, he knows that, but knowing you believe in him and loves him despite it all makes him feel deserving of good things. that's why he is the most supportive partner you ever had. no, really. he is so proud of you and he is so loud about it, always gushing about you with your friends and relatives. your house is filled with pictures of you two together and you're so close it has become rare to see one without the other. there's bumps on the road, every relationship has its ups and downs, yet it's easy to talk to him, specially because his used to talk about his feelings. you have much fun with his family and he loves being part of yours as well.
days of indie records and singing in the shower awaits you when you marry Seb. you learn to have fun even with mundane tasks such as cleaning and doing the dishes. you two find the company of one another comforting, even when it's just silence. when you're working on your stuff alone on the study, you feel relieved when you hear his deep voice singing the catchy chorus that's stuck in his head at the moment — and there's always a song stuck in his head, by the way. you're not that close to his family since Seb himself is not that close, but that's fine, you two are forming your own family now. your favourite moment of every day is when you two lie awake, staring at each other.
her schedule is crazy and her work demands a lot of her but somehow Angie always finds a way to be there for you when you need her. she's the definition of "if they wanted, they would." she has set the bar so high you're afraid of never loving again if she breaks up — but don't worry, Angie would never even dream about a life without you. the day you married was the best day of your life and you never looked back. you two do the corniest shit together and then laugh and promise each other you'll never tell her sisters about it. talking bout the sisters, they love you. you're like one of them and it's always so fun when they are around (although they can get annoying sometimes). you two also have matching everything — clothes, bracelets, keychains, necklaces, and so on...
you rehearsed that joke a thousand times but there's nothing quite like watching your husband telling it to a crowd. Bruno loves to parade you on his comedy clubs, introducing you to friends and acquaintances. you can see the pride in his eyes when he tells them you're his wife and all the things you have accomplished. sometimes, you have to stop him mid sentence so he won't brag forever. his Instagram looks like a fanclub dedicated to you and honestly you kinda love it. he's not afraid of showing the world you're in love and that's refreshing for you. housework is always fun because Bruno has a way of making everything enjoyable. once, he invented a game to get you two into cleaning the living room and the loser had to be the big spoon for a week — he was so happy after winning it.
you didn't really believe it at first, when Finn said he was ready to fully commit but boy has he proved you wrong. he loves you fully and so loud. and he is sooo cheesy to. but you adore him. he's got your back and you know this. it's you two against the world but it's ok because he's the best teammate ever. some problems come and go, specially because of his past but he believes in you so you believe in him too. he can be a pain in the ass when it comes to housework though and you might have to ask him to do the lawn at least thrice before he gets moving.
he's definitely making it up for the hard times he put you through. this man works hard and somehow still finds a way of doing most in your home. he is the one cooking, he is also the one doing the laundry and he's also the one taking care of the kids during the weekends. yeah, the relationship dynamics have changed a little when the first child was born, but once in a while you two have date nights that bring that wild side back to surface. however, this time around, your relationship has a really solid foundation based on much love, trust, honesty and companionship.
P.S: sorry for the length! <3 you got me rambling about my favs and that's what happens. I love this type of ask!
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I Need You
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A/N: This was found on Pinterest, so if you're the owner, let me know so I can give you the credits.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader
Word count: 2 K
Requested by anons: 1- I'm like super in love with a certain Daryl Dixon and I was wondering if you could write about them getting into a big argument and they like avoid eachother for a while (super angsty if you care lol) and then Carol and Rick just kinda make yall talk and it ends fluffy? 2 - Can i request a daryl x reader where the reader’s been with the group since atlanta, maybe set during when they’re at the prison?? daryl realizes he has a crush on the reader and just p a n i c s ? and just really sweet fluff????
Summary: After you almost get bit, Daryl loses his mind and lashes out on you. Tired of the constant arguments, the group finds a way to out you two together to try and fix things up.
{The Walking Dead Masterlist}
“Yer almost got bit!” Daryl shouts, voice echoing through the prison. “Yer too damn stubborn, yer not goin’ on runs anymore.” He has his back at you as you follow him, struggling to keep his pace.
“I had everything under control.” You complain, ignoring Carol's questioning stare.
You, Daryl, and Maggie went on a run earlier today. Not too far, just to get some more formula for Judith. A walker fell from the roof, and it happened to be on a specific place Daryl told you not to go. The thing's teeth got a little too close to your arm, and Daryl shot an arrow through its head.
“Ya sure did!” He stops, turning around and pointing a finger at you. “If I weren't near ya, I'd be carryin’ ya back here with a freakin’ bite.” His voice gets louder, and you never saw Daryl so... Angry. So pissed. He's scaring you. “Or would ya have me cut her damn arm off? How does that sound?”
“Stop yelling at me!” You burst out, giving his chest a push.
“I'll stop yellin’ when ya understand how stupid and dangerous that was!” He steps forward, towering over you and you never felt so small.
“We needed those antibiotics!”
“Well, I freakin’ need ya. I need ya alive! Alive and well and breathin’.” Daryl shouts, right at your face. But the moment the words come out, he stops, stepping back. He seems confused, taken aback by something. “Screw that, I need a break from savin’ yer ass.” And then, he leaves, walking fast.
Huffing, you turn around, going to your cell.
You take the longest shower you can, washing the sweat and all the disgusting things the dead left on your skin. But most of the time, you were already done, dressed, and dried. You just wanted to be away from everyone. But eventually, you have to walk out. And of course, Carol finds you on your way back to your cell.
“(Y/N), I–”
“Daryl is such an asshole.” You say cutting her off and dropping on bed. “Did you see that? Did you see how he yelled at me? As if he has the right to do so.” Getting back up you pace around.
“I just think–”
“You know what? He can go to hell.” Throwing both hands in the air, you complain. “He and his crossbow, and-and his super hot stare and the stupid angel wings vest. And the bike too. All it. Straight to hell!”
“Aren't you just–”
“Uhg! Damn it.” Crossing your arms, you sigh. “Did you hear him forbidding me to go on runs?” With your hands now on your hips, you stare at Carol. “As if! Who the hell does he think he is? My boyfriend? To hell with him.”
“Will you let me talk?”
“Sure, go ahead.” Shrugging your shoulders, you nod.
But she doesn't say anything, she just takes a deep breath and shakes her head lightly. “Look, why don't you calm down first, and then we talk.” Carol gestured at the bed and you sit down, sighing. “Good... Try to relax and deal with it after a good night's sleep.”
“I could sleep a thousand years and I'd still be mad at Daryl.” You mutter as she leaves, lying on your back with your eyes closed.
You don't know where all this anger comes from, but it's always there, waiting to flow out. You do care about him, maybe too much, but it doesn't mean he gets to yell and boss you around like that. “Asshole!” You shout one last time, arms crossing as you drown in anger.
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“I saw it,” Daryl exclaims, pacing around the guard tower, breathing and talking fast. “I saw her dyin’. I saw that thing bitin’ her, tearin’ her flesh.”
“She's fine, Daryl. You don't have to keep thinking about it.” Rick tries to calm him down, both hands raised at the archer.
“No, ya don't understand.” It's useless though. Daryl is a mess. He got into the shower as soon as (Y/N) got out, rubbing the walker's blood out of his skin. But after that, he went straight to Rick because he needs to vent. He needs to yell and understand why he feels so damn scared.
Why he feels like a switch was turned on, lighting up something that was there all along, but only now was brought to light.
Losing anyone from his group, from his family would hurt bad.
But he just found out that losing her would be far worse.
“I her dyin’, man.” He slows down, both hands on his head. “I saw her dyin’ and–”
“You love her.”
“What the hell, Rick?” He snaps, a hand violently gesturing at his friend.
“You might not want to admit it, but it's true. You know it.” Rick nods, a hand casually resenting on his holster. “We all know it since Atlanta. She loves you too.”
Daryl grunts, turning his back at Rick. “Yer crazy. And so is she.”
“You should sit and talk like civilized people.”
“I ain't gonna talk to her. Crazy chick.” He mutters, grabbing his crossbow a bit tighter. “She ain't goin’ on runs anymore. At least not without me.”
“Gotta go.” The archer cuts him off, leaving the guard tower at a fast pace.
He didn't like the ideas Rick put in his head.
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“Rick wants to make a room for Carl and Judith on the second floor,” Carol says as you climb the stairs next to her. “So we're cleaning up the cells.”
“Alright.” You don't really want to help. Not today at least. The nap you took didn't help much with the last issue, and you're considering going out tomorrow, just to clear your head a bit. “What do you need me to do?”
“We're just setting things up.”
“Mmm.” You mutter, running a hand through your hair as you follow her pace. Carol takes you to the very back of the corridor, to a pretty isolated cell. “You gonna put the kids here? This cell sucks. It's too–” You stop talking when you see Daryl inside, eyes-rolling. “Look, I won't help if he helps.” It sounds childish, but you don't care. You're far too pissed at the man to be near him.
“Look, I don't care if you guys argued.” Rick walks over you, friendly touching your arm. “You two just have to get your shkt together.” And you're suddenly pushed, almost stumbling inside the cell.
“What the hell?” You shout, but the moment you move, Rick pulls the bars close locking you inside. “Rick, drop it. I'm not joking.” Holding the bars, you shoot him and Carol an angry stare. “Open up.”
“There are blankets and dinner will be brought to you,” Carol says, arms crossed. “We did that because it's the only way to force you guys to talk.”
“Yeah. You'll have the whole night to figure out whatever has you both always at each other's throat.” Rick adds, sliding the key into his pocket. “Have a nice time.”
And like that, both jerks leave, talking something you can't hear. Sighing, you lay your forehead on the cold metal bars, not wanting to look at your company for the night.
“Yer can take the bed.” He says after a while.
“Obviously.” You're quick to snap. “It's your fault we're here in the first place.”
“How's that?”
“If you didn't come back from the run making a hell of a show about something that didn't even happen, we wouldn't be locked up in here.” Turning around, with both hands on your hips, you stare at him.
“If ya had listened to me, ya wouldn't have–”
“And why in the hell do I have to listen to you, Dixon? I know my way out there as well as you do.”
“ ‘Cause I jus’ wanna keep ya safe.” He's yelling again, stepping forward.
“Stop acting like I mean anything to you!” With a finger on his face, you move closer to him. You wish you could look intimidating, but being so small, that's very difficult.
“Maybe ya do mean somethin’ ta’ me! How could ya know that if ya never ask!”
“Well, I–” The answer is cut short when your furious brain processes what he just said. Furrowing your eyebrows together, you shrug your shoulders. “What do you mean?”
“Daryl, what do you mean?” Raising your voice again, you follow him as he moves further into the cell. “What would you answer if I ask?”
“I ain't gonna answer.”
“I ain't gonna answer!” He shouts again, turning around to look at you.
Taking a deep breath, you sit on the edge of the bed, folding a leg under you. “Do you hate me?”
“Do you hate me, Daryl?” Your voice is lower now because you do want to know.
He remains silent for a while, those blue eyes locked on yours. “No.”
“Then why–”
“I can't lose ya.” He bursts out, eyes now looking at the floor. “At that moment back there, I... I saw it happenin’. I saw ya dyin’, and I... I can't lose ya. I can't see ya gettin’ hurt.”
His voice is so low you can barely hear it. You've never seen Daryl so... Scared. Vulnerable. “You can't protect me all the time, Daryl. Accidents happen.”
“I can. I can keep ya safe if ya listen to me.” You're about to protest when Daryl comes to sit next to you, eyes on the wall across the cell. “I know ya can survive out there. But my mind works in a thousand different ways ta’ get stuff done without anyone gettin’ hurt. I need ya ta’ trust me. Ta’ believe I can keep ya safe.”
“But I need you to believe me too. To believe I can do this.” Turning your body towards him, you friendly touches his arm. “Daryl, I... I like you... A lot. And I admire you, I trust you. You taught me so much and I need you to trust me. I promise I'll be more careful, but I need you to–”
“Don't go out there without me.” He suddenly says, voice heavy. “I trust ya. Yer brave and strong. But if ya go out there and I can't keep my eyes on ya... I'll lose my damn mind.”
“Alright.” Nodding, you sigh, smiling a little. “Just don't yell at me again, Daryl Dixon.”
“Yer almost died and I... Damn it, (Y/N), –”
“I like you too, Dixon.” Standing up to your feet, you smile, looking down at him. “You don't have to say if you don't want to, just... Let's get this over with. The world is a freaking mess and if you like me and I like you we should be together.” You can't believe you're saying this, after so long. But it feels good. You feel good, secure. “Just let me know what you want.”
“Yeah.” He nods, blue eyes locked on yours.
“Alright.” Mirroring his head movement, you clear your throat, cheeks burning. After a few seconds of silence, you walk to the bars. “RICK! CAROL! Daryl and I are dating now, can we go?” You yell, and the low chattering downstairs goes silent.
“Would it be so bad ta' stay locked in here with me for a night?” Daryl asks, and you turn around, biting your lip to hold back a smile.
“Absolutely not.” Shrugging your shoulders, you slowly move to the bed, climbing on and lying down. “I'm actually sleepy and it's cold so it'll be nice to have someone to warm me up at night.”
“Don't push it.”
“I'm not.” Giggling, you feel as he lies down, close enough so his shoulder is touching your back. “Night, D. It was good to sort things out with you.”
“Good night, pretty girl.” He mutters and you smile, eyes closing and sleep easily overcoming you, thanks to the amazing feeling of having Daryl lying next to you.
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Anon said: I hope I'm not too late to slip in a request! I was actually hoping for a more platonic request with Miche? Just how he would help out a new cadet on his squad or something... Maybe there having a hard time fitting in now that there on a section commander squad or even worried about an upcoming expedition. Miche is one of my biggest comfort Characters and I'm such a shy person lol...I love you blog by the way, it's such a comforting place...🥺
Miche reassuring you that you're enough.
{Miche & reader | tw:none | platonic, comfort | canonverse}
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{ "The Interior of the Palm House on the Pfaueninsel Near Potsdam" 1834 by Carl Blechen 1798 - 1840 }
No one can deny that the survey corps had a...certain reputation between the people, for being ruthless, unhinged and not a place for someone hoping for a future.
Their leader is known for gambling with human lives, their strongest has a criminal history record and their most intelligent, does experiments that would put medical student dropout Frankenstein himself to shame.
In short, you'd be crazy for walking there with your own two feet and expecting a crumb of compassion.
You don't go looking for fish in the desert.
You've heard it all, those sayings people keep reciting like a broken record whenever you'd bring up joining the survey corps.
"You'll just end up titan food"
"Why do you want to throw away your life?"
"God your poor family…"
And despite all of that, you still marched on, despite everyone who told you to quit.
Not only did you join and stayed alive for so long, you've even managed to climb the ranks in record time.
So fast in fact that you were assigned to join a section commander's squad after a very successful titan capture mission that earned you a pat on the back from Erwin.
Being pulled from your friends and moved to a new place where you were surrounded by veterans who've been in their positions for 10 years or more, was quite sudden and shocking.
One thing that should've eased your nerves, was the fact it was squad Miche you're being put into.
Anyone in the survey corps can tell you that in comparison to other squads, this was the most...friendly per say, since they prioritised teamwork and coming back alive over everything else, knowing together they're much stronger and willing to protect each other no matter what.
While yes they did have their quirks, it was almost nothing in comparison to Levi's strict hygiene rules and Hange's workaholic routine or Erwin's unreadable intentions.
And yet, you felt unease at the whole situation.
You were clearly "that new cadet" in this old group of close-knit people, almost standing out even.
You wanted to prove yourself, you've done it before to all those people so why is it any different now.
Maybe...because they are actually experienced soldiers this time, and not strangers living in blissful ignorance inside the walls.
Maybe because you feel the growing burden of expectations set on you for being the newest person in the squad, and being put there by none other than the commander himself which would raise some eyebrows if you couldn't deliver.
Uncertainty and doubt began pooling up inside your mind, making you second guess decisions and overthink actions.
And it's not like the squad members were leaving you out, no in fact they were doing their best to include you.
….maybe even too much actually, it didn't help that all of them were outgoing people, it was overwhelming.
Nanaba was an unofficial stand in caption when Miche wasn't around. Having a confident yet compassionate personality made her protective of her teammates, almost like a big sister, earning her a lot of respect.
So much in fact that it would unintentionally intimidate people out of approaching her
Gelgar was a strong believer in Miche, loyal to a fault almost. Yet he wouldn't say no for a chance to relax and grab a couple drinks, being friends with so many people came naturally to him with his mellow personality and overall friendliness.
Maybe a bit much too friendly? That personal boundaries were often crossed without him realising it. 
Lynne was a good balance between the two, she was considerate of others feelings...even so much in fact that she tended to sugar-coat almost everything.
Thomas and Henning were close with each other, both serious and determined. But maybe because they were so used to each other that dealing with new people became...strange, for conversations with them resembled an awkward dad attempting to check on you but not actually putting much effort to understand.
Meanwhile, you were a reserved and shy person.
It was a miracle that you managed to get a group of friends in cadet training that stayed with you throughout the years, but now after being transferred it was all turned to dust.
You have to start again, meet people again and talk to them while wondering if they actually like you or are pretending to be nice because they don't wanna come off as rude-
On top of that, Erwin seemed to keep an eye on you after your last mission, silently conveying the trust and expectations he's putting your way, to not fail him and show you're worthy of this special treatment.
It was too much, too overwhelming and draining.
Dread and uncertainty loomed in the corners of your mind, only metastating in size as the date for the new expedition was announced.
To add fuel to the fire, apparently everyone seemed almost...excited or nonchalant for going out there again, like this is a mere walk in the park as they began making preparations and training.
Were you the only one that felt nervous? Oh god.
Your legs felt like they were weighted down by stones as you stared at the large board in front of you, a white sheet signed by the commander announcing next week to be the date of the expedition, several names listed below for who'd be required for service.
Your name was at the top, even with a line underneath it. The fact it was in cursive didn't make it any less gut-wrenching.
The chatter of people around you, discussing the plans and joking with each other, began blurring out at the back of your mind.
The weather seemed colder as shivers ran down your neck. A rolling feeling in your stomach making your throat tighten, your own voice inside your head was the only noise you could hear.
All those thoughts and worries creeping from underneath the dark corners that you've been pushing them into all this time, like a swarm drowning you in their "what if" and skepticism, full of doubt and illogical pessimism for worst case scenarios.
Thoughts that aren't even your own joined them, ones you never had and knew weren't true and yet amidst the storm it was hard to tell the real from the ones passing through.
You know you're capable, so why…
Are you capable?
but are you really?
And how are you even sure?
Before it could pull you deeper into that hole of despair, something snapped your attention back to reality, a hand nudging your shoulder. 
"You really didn't hear me huh." The voice came from behind you, a tall figure stepping closer till you were in his shadow.
Miche looked at you with a tilted head, his lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes bore into you like he's attempting to guess what's going inside your brain.
You've been too lost inside your mind you didn't notice that you were the only one left standing in front of the board.
From the way Miche's shoulders fell after reading your expression, eyes softening after glancing at your name on the sheet, he was quick to catch on.
Before you could say something to save your face after being caught in this state by none other than your new captain, Miche just told you to come with him, making sure to walk beside you، protectively staying close that no one on your way would interrupt.
Passing the corridor leading to his office, you gave him an uncertain glance as he simply gestured for you to continue walking for whatever unknown place you're headed to.
Soon enough the buildings and stone streets faded the further you went on, grass and dirt roads taking its place.
It wasn't a long walk per say, but more of a secluded area that took both of you some turns in seemingly shady alleyways to reach.
You couldn't hear the horses or soldiers walking anymore, only the soft flowing of the nearby river.
The tall grass barely reaching below your knees, some ladybugs crawling on top of the scattered daffodils in-between, the closer to the river cliff you got the taller it became.
The first thing Miche did, wasn't explaining to you why you're here, or what exactly he was after.
No, he barely said a word even, only taking in a deep breath as the wind had the courtesy of pushing his bangs back, eyes finally in clear view now.
Gaze meeting yours, he gave you a nod, a gesture to do the same thing.
You reluctantly took a deep breath.
He smiled.
Both of you sat by the river, he gave you his jacket to sit on.
As the silence grew between you, even while it wasn't the uncomfortable kind, it was clear he was struggling to phrase something, the right words just not coming to mind.
Turning his body towards you, he finally said, "how about i just..listen, let it out.".
It wasn't easy, you can't just pour out your heart to your superior.
Not to mention the military wasn't a place for weakness, could you really openly admit to your worries?
Well, yes you could, because it isn't weak, it takes great strength to face something scary and admit to it.
It's strength that got you this far.
How could you ever mistake vulnerability for weakness?
Keeping true to his words, Miche didn't interrupt you as you slowly opened up about what's been troubling you.
He patiently listened, occasionally humming for you to go on whenever you'd lose track.
And by the end of it, after you poured out all your frustration, sadness and worries, it felt...like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
Miche looked at you with understanding in his eyes, as if he himself has been in this exact same position years ago.
...and maybe he was, considering his behaviour wasn't what's socially common, he would've definitely stood out back before he had the respect of being a captain.
He isn't a man of words, for actions spoke much louder.
That's why he became more attentive from that day on, offering to help you train, giving you a smile whenever you passed by and sitting near you whenever his squad were gathered so he'd ask for your opinion on plans or simply share looks whenever they began joking with each other.
He didn't attempt to make you change, instead he made changes to accommodate you.
You're part of the team and he made it clear.
And while he couldn't give reassuring words, he certainly gave his time and energy, paying attention to you, reading your moods and listening whenever life becomes too much.
Maybe he saw his past self in you, and wanted to give you all the comfort, attention and care he wished for back then.
Even if it was mere hugs and shoulder pats that he could offer, he knew small things can make changes overtime.
For him, it's not getting rid of your stress that he was attempting to achieve, no, for life is full of stress.
Instead, he wanted to offer you ways to deal with the stress, to acknowledge it as it is and be heard, to be understood.
Because while stress will pass either way, it didn't mean it had to pass painfully.
You weren't alone, he made sure of that.
Maybe he got too attached, maybe someone might say he's giving you special treatment, maybe Erwin would give him a backhanded comment every now and then.
But since when did Miche pay attention to these things? 
Well...he can't deny he might be giving you more break days than the other Cadets, larger food portions and even most of his time.
But he won't justify himself to anyone either, he doesn't have to.
Because after all, there really isn't any ulterior motives behind his actions, they were as simple as they came.
It was pure genuine care, the type that makes someone want to protect a person and watch them grow healthy.
The type that made him offer you a thumbs up after each training session, a proud smile on his face for how much you're learning.
Maybe some slight teasing about how if you keep this up, you might even replace him as the second strongest one day.
And while he said it with a joking tone, the hopeful pride-filled look on his face told a whole nother story.
you're not sure if it was a joke or a promise.
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omg hey I was wondering if you could write something about gallavich being walked in on by someone but they’re like cuddling or doing something really soft and intimate? Can be set any season <3
anon i LOVE this prompt <3 i decided to merge it with another prompt that i just got:
Ian waking up before Mickey, and watching him sleep, and Mickey teasing him when he realizes what Ian is doing.
also, i’m using this as an excuse to once again write the bath scene that we all want but never received (inspired by the intro to 11x05😔), and this takes place just before season 11- i hope u enjoy!!<3
It was an early, silent Saturday morning—which was incredibly rare for the Gallagher house, but Ian wasn’t going to complain. The sunlight streamed down in ribbons through the broken blinds, casting a slanted glow onto the bed where he and Mickey were laying. Ian had woken up before Mickey, like he pretty much always did, but today he didn’t get up and put the coffee on or pull on a hat to go on his brisk morning jog like he usually would; today, he curled even deeper under the warm cocoon of his blankets that were staving off the winter chill and wriggled closer to Mickey, leaning into the heat that was radiating off of his body.
Someone had definitely paid the heating bill—thank fucking god—but it was still the dead of winter in Chicago, and the rickety walls of the Gallagher house weren’t known the be the most heat retentive, which meant that most mornings everyone sleeping on the second floor woke up to a drafty chill that sunk into the floorboards until someone decided to crank up the heat when they woke in the morning. But this morning, Ian couldn’t hear the familiar crackling of the radiator in the hall, or anyone bustling in the kitchen like usual- Lip and Tami had some doctor’s appointment for Fred, Debbie had a handywoman job and had left early, Carl was staying over some girl’s house and Liam had slept over at a friend’s. He and Mickey had taken advantage of having a mostly-empty house last night; last night was all skin and sweat and scathing touches, the heat of Mickey’s skin pressing against his. And now there was this- the frigid, fragile silence of the next morning, with Mickey laying there asleep next to Ian, with his mouth half open and an innocence in his sleeping face that was so bare and genuine that it almost hurt to look at.
They’d been so caught up in the flurry of shit going on for the both of them- the pandemic, Ian’s new job, just trying to make ends meet and keep the house running- that Ian realized he hadn’t really sat and looked, actually looked, at Mickey’s face for such a long time. He’d seen Mickey’s face plenty considering they were trapped around each other 24/7, sure, but it was the same catch-22 as when they’d shared a prison cell; being around each other all the time kept them from wanting, kept them from missing, kept them from realizing what was right in front of them. He and Mickey were constantly bumping elbows and getting in each other’s space and pressing against each other to blow off steam, but they hadn’t really sat in silence since this whole thing started- it was pretty impossible to, in the Gallagher house. Ian suddenly realized he couldn’t remember how long it had been since he’d woken up curled around Mickey- usually these days they spread onto their separate sides of the bed, slept on their own separate islands across the mattress. Ian wasn’t really sure when that had started- he remembered that night on the docks, years ago when Mickey had busted out of prison, and how the entire night as they’d slept in the van he had clung to Mickey like the shirt on his skin, like he wanted to soak him up and absorb him into the soft place in his chest that had always been reserved for Mickey, that everyone else just fit into wrong. But at some point after the wedding, between the lockdown and the bills piling up and Lip moving out, they’d just… drifted.
And now, staring at Mickey in the glow of the morning light, all Ian wanted was that innocent closeness again, that swirl of warmth in the pit of his stomach that made him feel completely and totally safe. He inched even closer to Mickey under the covers, draping a heavy arm over Mickey’s waist. He nuzzled his chilly nose to the base of Mickey’s neck, breathing in the scent of Mickey’s warm skin, all cheap shampoo and earthy cigarette smoke. Ian felt a raw ache unfurling in his chest at Mickey’s solid, comforting presence beside him- Mickey had been here all along, but Ian had missed this.
Suddenly, Mickey shifted and rustled the sheets, and Ian lifted his face from the crook of his neck, keeping his arm resting across Mickey’s torso. Mickey let out the gentlest of exhales as he woke, and Ian’s heart ached. Mickey rubbed the heel of his palm to his eyes, disoriented and probably more than a little confused about how close Ian was leaning to him as he watched Mickey intently with wide eyes.
“The fuck are you looking at?” Mickey asked, his voice gravelly and sleep-soft.
Ian gave him a lopsided smile. “Nothing. Just admiring my husband.”
Mickey’s eyes finally fully opened, wide enough for him to roll them as he pushed Ian away, pressing a solid hand to the center of his chest.
“You’re fucking soft, Gallagher.”
Ian just kept smiling a dopey smile, then reached with double the force in to encircle Mickey with his arms, feeling Mickey stiffen and squirm underneath him at first, and then unconsciously exhale into the bear hug of an embrace. There.
“Yeah, but you love me.”
That was the thing about Mickey; sometimes (hell, most of the time) he rejected intimacy like a cat that didn’t want to be pet, like someone that wasn’t used to soft touches or slow advances and only knew hard and fast and now. It had been an uphill battle to get here, so many years of being apart and together and then apart again, but now they were at the point where whenever Ian made advances to caress Mickey, Mickey would roll his eyes and feign resistance just before preening and melting into Ian’s touch.
Ian listened to Mickey’s steady breaths, and felt the vibration of his heartbeat against his chest. Mickey’s eyes were closed again, his lips pressed in a slight, contented smile as he soaked up Ian’s touch. Ian hummed in satisfaction, then pressed his face against the side of Mickey’s neck, breathing him in. The clouds of sleep hadn’t yet cleared, and for a timeless moment Ian let himself inhale the sweet skin at the crook of Mickey’s collarbone as the morning light pooled on their skin.
After a few minutes Ian softly cleared his throat, which was dry and slightly scratchy from the chill of the room. “What d’you wanna do today?”
Mickey rotated onto his side so he was facing Ian, his eyes still half-closed and his expression soft and dreamlike.
“A whole lot of nothing, Gallagher,” Mickey murmured sleepily.
Mickey’s face was millimeters from Ian’s, and Ian tasted his words more than he heard them. And then Ian couldn’t really do anything except slyly smile and bridge the gap between them, pressing a series of chaste kisses between their chapped lips. Mickey quickly escalated the embrace, pressing his mouth hotly against Ian’s and bringing his blazing palms up to the side of Ian’s neck to pull him closer, pressing his hips against the side of Ian’s torso and making Ian feel a rush of heat that zipped all the way down to his toes. And he would have kept kissing Mickey, if it wasn’t for the blitz of heat that drew such a stark contrast to just how cold the bedroom still was, the sharp chill still numbing Ian’s nose and ears and cheeks. Ian pulled away, leaving inches between his face and the face of an eager Mickey that was still clinging to the back of Ian’s neck.
“It’s fucking freezing. No one turned the heat on this morning.”
“So? Who cares? Bet I can warm you up, hot stuff.”
Ian rolled his eyes in what was supposed to be annoyance, but he knew the gesture ended up looking overly fond. “Mick, the blankets barely cover the bottom half of my legs. It’s not my fault you’re a four-foot-tall blanket hog.”
Mickey shoved Ian away again, then playfully rolled onto his chest. “First of all, fuck you. And second of all, it’s not my fault that I’m married to the fucking Jolly Green Giant. Use your new job money to invest in a bigger blanket and quit your whining, bitch.”
Ian grinned, then gently rolled Mickey off of his chest. “Seriously, Mick, give me two seconds, I just wanna turn up the heater and take a warm shower or some shit.”
Mickey sighed defeatedly but accepted the loss, curling himself up in the blankets as Ian rose from the bed. “Whatever. I’m going back to bed.”
Ian rolled his eyes. “Of course you are.”
Ian slowly stretched, then grabbed a discarded towel that was crumpled in the corner beside the dresser. He slid open the flimsy bedroom door and adjusted the thermostat on the wall in the hallway, cranking the heat so at least Mickey could peacefully sleep for another few hours without freezing to death. Then he ambled into the bathroom and turned the shower faucet as high as it could go, the scalding spray immediately raining down.
Ian reached over to the bathroom shelf to grab his shampoo bottle, and his eye landed on the small pink bottle of Franny’s bubble bath. Suddenly, he had the perfect idea. He shut off the shower and immediately turned the tap for the bathtub on, starting to let the base of the tub pool with steaming water.
He turned back down the hallway and peeked his head around the corner into the bedroom. Mickey was probably not asleep again yet, but he was convincingly curled in a cocoon of blankets in the middle of the bed, his face pressed into the pillow and the duvet wrapped half around his head.
“Hey. Mick. You wanna take a bath?” Ian half-whispered.
Mickey groggily poked his head up from under the covers, his hair sticking up in all directions. “A fucking bath?” he asked sleepily, squinting at where Ian stood in the doorframe. “Isn’t that kind of… gay?”
Ian sighed. “We’re gay, Mickey. Calm the fuck down. Do you want to take a bath with me or not? Everyone’s gone, we’ve got the whole day to ourselves.”
Mickey raised his eyebrows, like he was still unconvinced but mulling it over. Then he started to lazily attempt unwrap himself from the layers of blankets around him. “Fuck it. Got too cold when you left the bed anyways.”
Ian smirked. “Water’s running. I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
Ian turned back into the bathroom once more, and squirted a few healthy doses of Franny’s bubble bath into the tub that was starting to fill with foamy suds. He undressed and slid into the bath, instantly feeling his tense muscles thaw as they hit the warm water. He leaned his head back onto the rim of the tub, letting himself lay there with his eyes closed until he felt the water inching up his torso, the air thick with the sweet floral smell of the bubble bath.
“Mick, c’mere!” Ian called, praying that Mickey had extracted himself from the blankets and not fallen asleep again. A few moments later a very sleepy and rumpled Mickey was standing in the doorway rubbing his eyes, and then zeroing in on Ian laying in the tub.
“Yeah, this might be the gayest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Ian flipped him off, then scooted so he was sitting upright in the bath. “You coming in?”
Mickey seemed hesitant, but started to fumble with the tie of his flannel pajama pants. “Guess so.”
Ian smiled contentedly. “Come on.”
Mickey dubiously climbed into the tub, one leg after the other, and then slid to settle against Ian’s chest. Ian felt Mickey’s muscles relaxing against him, all of his usual tightness succumbing to the ripples of pleasant water enveloping them. Mickey leaned his head back onto Ian’s chest, exhaling.
“Yeah, okay. This is pretty fucking nice.”
Ian smirked. “Told you. Not too gay?”
Mickey scoffed. “Fuck you.”
Mickey closed his eyes, and Ian couldn’t resist lifting a hand to Mickey’s head and starting to run slow circles through his hair, tracing gentle patterns that he knew always made Mickey doze off. The bathroom was full of steam rolling off of the scalding water, the bubbles foaming and fizzing around them. Ian felt so perfectly content, sitting here with the sturdy weight of his husband pressing him down, breathing in the sugary scent of the bubbles sticking to Mickey’s skin and letting his own eyelids droop…
And then suddenly, Lip came barging through the door.
Immediately Mickey’s eyes flew open, his body tensing up. Lip just stood in the doorframe, his posture casual but frozen on the spot, staring at a very frilly smelling (and a very naked) Mickey and Ian laying in a bubble bath together.
Lip pursed his lips, like he was choking back a laugh.
“Uh. Hey guys. Didn’t think anyone was in here, considering the…silence.”
“Well, clearly we are, so get the fuck outta here!” Mickey was no longer drowsily collapsed onto Ian’s chest, sitting up straight and pointing at the door for emphasis. Ian just put his hand to his forehand and grimaced. So much for having the place to ourselves.
Lip snorted, still undoubtedly trying to hold back an avalanche of laughter, but he turned and started the close the door. As he was shutting it, Ian called after him.
“Lip, I thought you and Tami had some doctor’s appointment with Fred?”
Lip was in the hallway behind the closed bathroom door now, but he cracked it to let his voice in. He cleared his throat, clearly trying to compose himself. “Uh, yeah. Those usually only last an hour, though.”
Jesus. Maybe Ian had just been swept up in all the sappy emotions for the morning, but he could have sworn Lip and Tami were usually gone for hours whenever they had weekend errands to run. Oh well, it wasn’t really a big deal- half of the Gallaghers had seen each other in compromising positions, since privacy was definitely a somewhat foreign concept within these four walls. But underneath Mickey’s bravado when he was kicking Lip out, Ian noticed that Mickey’s cheeks were glowing red. And Ian totally got it; the two of them had been walked in on fucking plenty of times- hell, that was the whole theme of their hookups in the back of the Kash and Grab when they were in high school- but there was something about this, being interrupted in a truly vulnerable moment, that felt more excruciatingly embarrassing somehow.
Ian looked down at Mickey, who was still staring off into space at the closed door. Finally, he spoke.
“We’ve gotta get our own fucking place.”
Ian breathed out a laugh, and kissed the side of Mickey’s temple. “Yeah, we really do.”
128 notes · View notes
blackroseguzzi · 4 years
A Lil’ Sunshine
 ANON REQUEST “Anything w Daryl. him giving you his vest when he goes on especially long runs. Him coming back and just smothering you with love etc”
It had been a long day. You had taken out a group from Alexandria to learn about growing larger crops. It was nice to get out and enjoy some of the things that you did in life before all of this.. It felt like so many years ago you were in college learning about botany and so many years ago when you and your brother, Rick, had family dinners at an actual dining room table. You got a shiver down your spin as your mind wondered to Carl for a moment before turning the door handle of your home you shared with your husband, Daryl.
It still felt weird to call him that even after so many years. He was the one that found you all those years ago. You had lost your boyfriend, your brother was shot and in a coma and then just gone. Your sister in law and nephew were probably gone too...and above all else you had found out you were pregnant just days before everything went to shit. 
Daryl had helped you when Merle pulled a gun to your head after you had been found roaming around a K-Mart looking for supplies after about a week alone. Daryl had helped you survive in the woods by giving you all the extra food laying around, yet never saying a word. He helped you find Lori and Carl. He helped you find your brother. He had become your friend as unspoken as it seemed.
 He was the friend who helped you give birth to a baby who didn't survive the world long enough to take his first breath. He had helped you grow strong. He had helped you come back from the rape you had endured while you were alone in the woods once again after the prison fell. He loved you, he didn't have to say it out loud. He did however whisper it to you when the two of you were finally was reunited, but you were too broken to say it back until you had found Alexandria. You had both slipped into hushed relationship after that. Then he had asked you to be his wife months after he had escaped the sanctuary. You didn't have a wedding, or any ceremony. You two just went out into the woods where he had given you a ring he had gotten made from a welder in Hilltop. You had never felt more complete, because you had always known deep in your heart that Daryl was your hero and soulmate in a world full of pain and agony. 
It had been years since your brother’s death. Rick’s remains had never been found, but a part of you just wanted him dead and at rest. The pain of the unknown tug at your heartstrings, especially at night when you lay awake worried and anxious as Daryl deserted your home to stay out in the trenches of the wastelands beyond the walls to search for him...he had looked so long that it just felt right to be out in the woods instead of feeling the guilt inside his domestic home again sleeping next to you... but for you, the last remaining family needed you home and you needed to keep them safe. 
Years later, and one honest trip to his woodland abode and the fight over the fact you had stopped wearing your ring- he had promised to stop looking for your brother and to start making amends to your deteriorating relationship. 
Daryl still went on long runs to the different communities much to your dismay. You always had a lot on your plate. You took in Lydia, you had taken up the duty of Negan’s watch dog, and you were helping Alexandria grow large quantities of crops for trade. 
 There were always going to be threats out there, but today felt different. Sometimes it was as if you just knew that Daryl’s run was going to be ending and he would be returning soon. Today there was an oddly calm feeling around Alexandria, and as you tore off your boots at the front door, you decided to shower and sit on the porch until dark. Every night that he was gone you brought a book out to the steps to wait for the gate to open and Daryl to appear. 
You climbed the stares and stopped short just at the top to hear Lydia reading allowed. You peaked you head just right to look through the open slit inside the door where you could see Lydia sitting on the bed reading. She had been working so hard at school, but reading had been her main struggle. Thats when you could hear Judith’s voice ring out encouraging Lydia to continue as she struggled with a word. 
Your lips curled into a smile as you tried your hardest not to interrupt the kids by traveling towards your room. Opening your closet you sighed at the sight of Daryl’s leather vest hanging in your nearly empty closet. You reached your hand out to gently touch the last part of Daryl you had at the moment. He had started leaving it for you when you had decided not to join him on runs as often as you had in the past. It wasn't like you didn't want to, or that you were not capable of long runs.... it was just that you were settling down and you had found that protecting the kids and the people of Alexandria gave you a purpose that you didn't feel you had before this whole world had decided to end. 
You pulled it off the hanger, looking it over before placing it on the bed. You ran your hands over the frilled edges and the dried blood stains you mentally reminded yourself to clean off later. You peaked down at the very bottom where you had sewn in a tiny ‘I Love You’ note in black so it was barely noticeable. It was worn, it had been destroyed and put back together, and through it all it had survived some of the worst conditions- just like the love you and Daryl shared. 
A piece of him is always with you...with or without the vest. 
You let the days events wash over you as you cleaned yourself up in the cold shower. The dirt and the fears and the anxiety left your body for just a few moments before you threw back on some raggedy clothes and headed back towards your room. You noticed the door was shut and a light was on and you wondered if Lydia had taken a book to your bed like she sometimes did when the thought of nightmares kept her from sleep but you then remembered Judith was still there. 
You walked quietly over to your bedroom and twisted the door handle and as the door pushed open it revealed Daryl. He looked sweaty and worn out. He took above your bed and his fingers traced along the edges of his vest. His head turned quickly at the sound of the door and a small sigh escaped his lips. You smiled sweetly, knowing he had been waiting to see you. It was like he was always holding his breath when you two were not together. It seemed to have been like that since the very first day they met. 
“You look exhausted. Handsome as ever, just really exhausted,” you teased as you walked quickly over to him and engulfed him in a large and comforting hug. 
“Yeah, been on the bike all day. Everyone’s gonna gather at Oceanside for trainin in a few days. It’s been good bringin people together.” His blue eyes searched yours as you nodded your head. You alway knew there would be fights, but it didn't stop you from sometimes wishing you didn’t have to always prepare for it. 
“You at least have good travel weather?” You asked curiously. You knew it had been raining pretty hard during the first day he left, but every day since it had been hot and the sun was shining.
 “There was a lil’ sunshine. Reminded me that where ever I go your always with me.”
85 notes · View notes
Mobile masterlist (updated)
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Updated list for you lovelies.
Daryl imagines;
Little black dress.
Summary: It’s the welcome party for you at Alexandria and a little black dress makes your dreams come true. Warnings: Swearing, a little bit of sexiness, and of course that hot crossbow-wielding redneck that we all love.
Truth or dare.
Summary: After a hard day, you and your best friend Daryl get drunk leading to some fun. Warnings: Swearing, smut, alcohol.
Summary: Feeling ugly after being disfigured, Daryl helps you see your beauty. Warning: Swearing, a little angst, and lots of fluff.
Panic attacks and pregnancy.
Summary: You get the shock of your life. Warning: Panic attack, fluff and pregnancy.
Making up.
Summary: You and your fiancé Daryl have a huge fight, but then make up in the best way. Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut.
A twin thing.
Summary: An unexpected person comforts you after a loss. Warnings: Death, swearing, fluff.
Shower time.
Summary: You’re new to Alexandria and you get a special welcome from someone. Warnings: Swearing, smut.
Summary: You meet Daryl in the line up with Negan and get more than you bargained for. Warnings: Swearing, angst, mention of child’s death, a bit of violence and smut.
Damaged part 2.
Summary: Part 2. Daryl starts to be extra protective of you, causing some tension. Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut.
Summary: After leaving with Merle, Daryl comes back and blames himself for you getting shot, which leads to him confessing his feeling. Warning: Swearing, fluff, Daryl tears.
Summary: Daryl wants kids and you’re scared to tell him you can’t have them. Warning: Swearing, mentions of infertility, and fluff. Lots of fluff!
Trip to Alexandria.
Summary: You’re Jesus’s sister and go with him to Alexandria for the first time. Warning: Swearing.
The necklace.
Summary: You were looking for Merle unaware he was dead. You ended up finding Daryl and he helps you with your grief. Warnings: Swearing, fluff.
Birthday present.
Summary: Daryl gets jealous of you spending time with Rick and fucks things up. Warning: Swearing, angst.
Summary: You’re in the line up, Negan takes a liking to you and Daryl tries to protect you. Warnings: Swearing, angst, violence.
Summary: Daryl likes you but finds you kissing a woman and gets jealous, leading to feelings being revealed. Warnings: Swearing, smut.
Date with Mr Dixon.
Summary: Daryl asks you to have dinner with him. Warnings: Swearing, fluff.
Date with Mr Dixon. Part 2.
Your little pet.
Summary: Negan lets you pick someone to help satisfy you sexually. Warnings: Smut, swearing.
Reunited part 1.
Summary: You’re Ricks eldest daughter and haven’t seen him since before the turn, you’re finally reunited with him in Alexandria when you’re picked up by Aaron. You start to develop feelings for Daryl as you get to know each other. Warnings: Swearing, fluff, angst, drama, smut eventually.
Reunited part 2.
Dirty Dixons.
Summary: You have a threesome with Daryl and Merle. Warnings: Swearing, smut.
Summary : You get separated from Glenn during a run and he loses you. When Daryl finds out, he isn’t happy. He goes to find you and he admits his feelings. Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut, fluff.
Anger management.
Summary: You and Daryl have an argument and up scares you. Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: You and Daryl hate each other but get forced to go on a run together. Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut.
Princess part 2.
Summary: You and Daryl have fun in the watch tower after the run earlier that day. Warnings: Swearing, smut, daddy kink.
Angel baby.
Summary: You’re pregnant with Daryls baby but suffer a miscarriage. Warnings: Swearing, angst, miscarriage.
Sophia part 1.
Summary: You find Sophia when she’s missing and help her back to the group. Warnings: Swearing, angst.
Sophia. Part 2.
Kings and Queens.
Summary: You get injured on a run but Daryl saved you and admits his feelings. Warnings: Swearing, violence, fluff.
Summary: You and Daryl were together pre apocalypse, but he left you when you thought you might be pregnant. Now in Alexandria you and your daughter come face to face with the man who abandoned you. Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Daryl left you for Merle, he comes back when he realises he made a mistake and tries to fix it. Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff.
Bipolar beauty.
Summary: You’re Jesus’s sister and suffer with bipolar. You move to Alexandria so Denise can help you but you find what you need from someone unexpected. Warnings: Swearing, fluff, smut, mentions of bipolar, self harm and mental health.
Summary: You catch Daryl masturbating and decide to help. Warnings: Swearing, smut.
Daryl x Lucy.
Request: Can you do one where a girl name Lucy and Daryl are married and they’re in Alexandria but they have an argument. So Deanna is having her welcome party but then Lucy is worried about Daryl so she goes to go look for him and when they meet in the street, they admit that they were sorry to each other and they have make up, passionate, rough sex? Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut.
Summary: Daryl gets jealous and makes his feelings known . Warnings: Swearing, smut.
Summary: A guy at the prison is bothering you and Daryl finds out and gets mad. Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff.
Summary: You and Daryl like each other but you’re too shy and end up avoiding him. He gets the wrong idea and confronts you. Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Daryl and Rick save you from your own group. Warning: Swearing, fluff, angst.
Let’s talk about sex.
Summary: You and Daryl are in a relationship and are both virgin’s. Pre apocalypse. Warnings: Swearing, smut, fluff.
Jane doe. Part 1
Summary: You lose your memory and Daryl finds you in the woods. Warnings: Swearing, angst, smut, fluff.
Summary: You and Daryl are friends and you get separated at the fall of the prison. You meet back in Alexandria and confess your feelings.
Don’t give up.
Summary: Daryl stops you from killing yourself and admits his feelings. Warnings: Mentions suicide, sadness, fluff and smut.
Request: Anon.
Can I get an imagine where ur at Alexandria and in ur own house with daryl and u get bad nightmares one night and u wake him up thanks Hun xx
Request: @caylynn1122
Hey could you do an imagine where the reader is daryls daughter and carl finds her outside the walls while he’s on a run. He ask her what’s her name and she says (y/n) Dixon and carl brought her to the Hiltop so she can see daryl.
Request: Anon.
Can I get a daryl imagine where youre arguing and say you find out about his backscars(I dunno his shirt rips or sum)and he suddenly becomes this sad wounded puppy and there’s a lot of crying and hugging and feelings are admitted? Warnings: Mentions of past abuse, fighting, swearing
Goodbye (Daryl request)
Can I request an imagine where Daryl dies at the end? And the whole imagine is basically fluff and angst
Nobody (Daryl request)
Can you do one where you are talking about the past and you talk about your successful career and he gets embarrassed because he was a no one? All fluffy and sentimental
Daryl request;
Could I get a really sweet imagine with Daryl? Like the reader and him are friends, and he sees that she’s having a very bad day. Like she’s stressed and depressed and so done with everything. Maybe it ends with them cuddling and maybe a relationship. It’s up to you really! : )
Sugar. Honey. Ice. and Tea (Daryl Drabble.)
Dark Ages
Summary;Can you do a Daryl x reader where the reader gets a small cold and daryl becomes extremely over protective which annoys the reader and ends in fluff??
Summary; 47 - “Hold my hand until it’s over?” The reader is in labor with hers and Murphy’s or Daryl’s first child and is really scared. They asked #47 and he does. The have a healthy baby G/B.
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater
Summary; Can you do a Daryl x Reader Imagine where the reader has been with Rick for awhile and catches him cheating on her with Jessie and falls out of love w her. And then the reader confides in Daryl about it who makes her feel better, Daryl x Reader smut if possible… Love your stories! <3
Eat like a damn horse
Summary;#12 with Daryl? Thank you! I don’t mean to spam you all the time, sorry. 💖🧡💖🧡💖🧡💖🧡💖“You’re a genius with facts, but you’re really stupid with people.”
That’s What You Get
Summary; Can I request an imagine where Daryl is secretly in love with you and only Rick and Carol know but he’s been avoiding you cuz he thinks you like Glenn and he blows up one day cuz Rick and Carol is pushing him to tell you and you overhear everything
Summary; The reader and Daryl were together before the apocalypse, and the reader turns up at the Atlanta group after Merle and Daryl had joined, Daryl and the reader get a cute reunion but it’s ruined because Merle has always hated the reader for no reason
Eye Spy
Summary; The reader and daryl have a thing going on and you have to share a tent at the farm and one night daryl can’t sleep at all and he sees it really cold one and he keeps u warm it’s all cute and fluffy thank you xx
Summary; Could you do a Daryl x female reader fic. Kinda like Beth and Daryl in season 4 but now it’s with reader. Somehow Daryl and reader get separated from the rest and he’s being a dick because he has feelings for reader. With some fluffy smut at the end?
Multi chap Daryl fics;
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Let The Flames Begin 
Charlene gets stuck with the Dixons at the end of the world. She has to deal with the new world whilst dealing with Merle being his usual self, and Daryl having his intense need to protect her. Read author note.
(Chapter 1)     
(Chapter 2)    
(Chapter 3)     
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)     
(Chapter 6)    
(Chapter 7)    
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)    
(Chapter 10)     
(Chapter 11)    
(Chapter 12)
(Chapter 13)    
(Chapter 14)    
(Chapter 15)    
(Chapter 16)
(Chapter 17)    
(Chapter 18)    
(Chapter 19)    
(Chapter 20)
(Chapter 21)
(Chapter 22)
(Chapter 23)
(Chapter 24)
(Chapter 25)
(Chapter 26)
(Chapter 27)
(Chapter 28)
(Chapter 29)
(Chapter 30)
(Chapter 31)
(Chapter 32)
(Chapter 33)
(Chapter 34)
Cat Scratch Fever (Companion piece to Let The Flames Begin)
Into My Web (temporary hiatus)
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Arabella has been part of the family since the farm. Despite the time passed and the fact they were now settled in the prison, a certain gruff hunter still hates her. Some say there's a fine line between love and hate, and they might just be right. Daryl/OC Read author note.
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Lunacy Fringe
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Zoey gets saved by Rick and Daryl from the hands of her captors. She needs to learn to deal with her trauma, all while finding herself depending on one of the men that saved her a little too much. Daryl/OC. Read author note.
Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3 
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Murphy MacManus imagines;
Whiskey and Church. Part 1.
Whiskey and church. Part 2.
“10. One finds the others blog. Hilarity ensues.” (Drabble.)
Rocco. (Not Murphyxreader. Short drabble told from Murphy’s POV.)
Request; Fic of Smutty Murph in Cinema maybe? ;-)
BDS Murphy X reader- she's really innocent and sweet and he really likes her (they're dating) but Connor doesn't approve saying she's negatively affecting his efficiency and Murphy says he'll do anything for Connor to at least meet her. After they meet Connor changes his views and approves of their relationship
Murphy request;
Hello! Just found this blog and really like it. Totally enjoying Whiskey and Church. Really like how you write the Irish accent/Gaelic. May I request a Murphy/reader were the OC has a thing for his accent and loves to hear him talk/whisper in her ear? Please and thank you. P.s. hope you feel'n better
Connor Imagines;
3. They get stuck in an elevator. With Connor, Smutty please.
Protector. (Not ConnorxReader. Short drabble told from Connors POV.)
7. One’s forced to show them around the school on the first day.
A lesson.
Sickness and soup.
Request: Connor taking care of Murphy when he’s sick. Warnings: Fluff, conphy cuteness.
3. Stuck in an elevator with Connor and Murphy.
Birthday girl ; For @risingphoenix761  because it’s her birthday!!!Happy day of birth, thank you for being born you amazing human. :)Continue on for some MacManus goodness.
Multi Chapter Fics;
Summary; Murphy/OC/Connor, told in Murphy’s POV.
Home Chapter 1.
Home Chapter 2.
Home Chapter 3
Anam Cara (Complete)
Summary; Summary;  Luna has some unique gifts that connect her to The Saints. They end up helping her after she is attacked and they realise their souls are connected. Murphy/OC/Connor.
Anam Cara Chapter 1
Anam Cara Chapter 2
Anam Cara Chapter 3
Anam Cara Chapter 4
Anam Cara Chapter 5
Anam Cara Chapter 6
Anam Cara Chapter 7
Anam Cara Chapter 8
Anam Cara Chapter 9
Anam Cara Chapter 10
Anam Cara Chapter 11
Anam Cara Chapter 12
Anam Cara Chapter 13    
Anam Cara Chapter 14
Anam Cara Chapter 15
Anam Cara Chapter 16
Anam Cara Chapter 17
Choíche Is go deo
Summary; Summary;  Follow Niamh Flannagan as she grows up with the twins in Ireland and watches them turn from boys into men. How will they both deal with having feelings for her? Will jealousy get in the way? Murphy/OC/Connor.
Choíche Is go deo. (Chapter 1)
Choíche Is go deo (Chapter 2)
Choíche Is go deo. (Chapter 3)
Crazy in Love
Summary; This story is Murphy/OC/Connor but will center on Murphy at first. The whole story centers on suicide, self-harm, mental illness so if that’s a trigger for you please read with caution. This story is darker than the others I have written, I’m testing the waters by posting the prologue here to see if people like it before I post it on Archive and Fanfic, any feedback is appreciated. You don’t meet my OC in the prologue, she is introduced in the first chapter, but I felt the prologue was important for Murphy’s situation.
Crazy in love (Prologue)
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Such a Softer Sin (Complete)
Summary; Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets two handsome Irish twins. MurphyxOCxConnor. Pre BDS.
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter one)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter two)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter three)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter four)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter five)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter six)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter seven)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter eight)
Such a softer Sin (Chapter nine)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter ten)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter eleven)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twelve)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirteen)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter fourteen)    
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter fifteen)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter sixteen)   
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter seventeen)    
Such a Softer Sin  (Chapter eighteen)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter nineteen)    
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty)    
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty one)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty two)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty three)    
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty four)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty five)    
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty six)    
Such a Softer Sin  (Chapter twenty seven)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty eight)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter twenty nine)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty one)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty two)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty three)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty four)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty five)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty six)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty seven)     
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty eight)
Such a Softer Sin (Chapter thirty nine)
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Blood in the Water (sequel to Such a Softer Sin) [COMPLETE]
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)
(Chapter 10)
(Chapter 11)
(Chapter 12)
(Chapter 13)
(Chapter 14)
(Chapter 15)     
(Chapter 16)     
(Chapter 17)     
(Chapter 18)
(Chapter 19)    
(Chapter 20)
(Chapter 21)
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Poetic Tragedy (COMPLETE)
Summary; Madeleine Ryan hasn't had a good life. Now a homeless recovering addict, the MacManus boys take it upon themselves to try and help her. Murphy/OC/Connor. Read author note.
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)
(Chapter 10)
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All or Nothing (COMPLETE)
Summary; Savannah gets talked into signing up to a dating app by her best friend, it leads her into the lives of the MacManus brothers. Starts off Murphy/OC. Eventual Murphy/OC/Connor. Read author note.
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 4)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)
(Chapter 10)
(Chapter 11)
(Chapter 12)
Chemicals (COMPLETE)
Summary; Katie gets stalked on the way home from work and it leads her into the arms of an Irish man with smoldering looks. Murphy/OC.
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
Having a kid with Murphy and Connor would include;
Being in a poly relationship with Connor and Murphy would include;
Being in a relationship with Mac and him finding you using toys when he's not around would include;
Having a teenage daughter with Murphy would include;
Being in a relationship with Daryl would include;
My huge ass fic recommendation list
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brokenbarnes · 7 years
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Title: Worthless Pairing: Carl Grimes x reader Request: I need a story where Negan come to Alexandria and then the reader isn't listen to Negan and he really wants to talk to her. Just like he did with Carl in the 'sing ma a song' episode. He can tell her that she's not worhing anything and that she should die. Negan can tell her that and should die right back with her brother(Abe?) bc shes weak and she' just another mouth to feed. He can tell her really disgousting things, and then Carl can be really over protecting his gf. He can ran over her and hug her so tight also cover her ear so she wouldn't listening to him. He can screm at Negan that he need to stop and that he can do this to him but not the reader. Carl can kiss her forehead and make her feel better by telling her that she's amazing, brave, beautiful and lovely after this. I just really need a overprotective Carl Grimes imagine. (sorry for my english, it's not my first language, I love your works) Warnings: Language, death(Abraham's which we should know), ugh I think that's it A/N: Hello, yes I'm still alive. It is my summer right now so I want to start writing again. I don't have the greatest ideas so if you have one just send it in! I'm so close to 200 fallowers! Hopefully y'all like this, because I wrote it pretty quickly and enjoyed it. Thanks for the anon that sent it in! Please request! It had been a week since your brother Abraham had died. You had been kneeling next to him when Negan hit him, you could show any emotion. Your whole side had been covered in his blood, you could hear the sickening crack of the bat breaking his skull. Negan's words were numb to your ears, you couldn't hear his final words. You don't remember him dragging Rick into the RV and driving away. You don't recall him killing Glenn, or Maggie's screaming. You remember watching in horror, as your boyfriend Carl lay spread on the gravel, Rick raised above him with a hatchet. Carl sat down next to you in silence after the saviors had pulled away. Sasha and Rosita were crying silently over your brother's dead body. You couldn't bring yourself to move. "Y/N," Carl finally spoke. "Are you okay?" You shook your head, wiping the tears falling from your eyes. "No," you shook it again. He put his arm around you, you turned and sobbed into his shirt front. You could hear Maggie silently sobbing over Glenn's body. * * * *
Your heart froze in your chest when you saw Negan inside the walls. When he saw you, he smiled. "Look who it is, Red's sister," he said with a wicked smile. You stood frozen in your spot, you hadn't really spoken to anyone since the incident that night. His stupid face haunted your nightmares, screaming when you woke up. Now, you woke up to find your nightmares come to life. "Haven't seen you since that night," he laughed. He smiled when he saw your terrified face, "oh sorry. Sore subject?" "P-please," you wet your lips. "P-please," Negan mocked. "Pathetic, isn't she?" He turned to his saviors who laughed in agreement. You felt your body wilting away, wrapping your arms around yourself and looking down at your shoes. "Are you listening to me?" He grabbed your arm roughly, forcing you to look up at him. You didn't answer, just feeling tears come to your eyes. God, you were so pathetic. "You're so worthless," Negan spat. "Just another mouth to feed. I should put you out of your misery right now. Then you can see your brother again. Would you like that?" "What is your fucking problem? Are you a fucking mute?" Negan yanked your arm, causing you to stumble forward. "Answer me when I'm fucking talking to you!" "I-I-" "Stop fucking stuttering!" Negan pushed you to the ground. You contemplated on just not getting up, you could feel blood seeping into your jeans. "So fucking pathetic," Negan spat. "Weak little girl. I should just end your life right now. I'd be doing you a favor." "Y/N!" Everybody spun around, Carl was running toward you. He stood infront of you, planting himself between you and Negan. "Please Negan, do this to me. Please leave her alone. She's suffered enough already." "Carl," you whispered. "Please Y/N," he turned to you then back to Negan. "Please just take what you need and go." * * * * You were sobbing by the time Carl got you back to the house. He sat you down on the couch and squated infront of you. "Are you alright?" He asked, touching a sore bloody spot on your knee. "What hurts?" You showed him your bloody palms from where the gravel cut. He left to go grab the first aid kit, you picked gravel out of your knees. He handed you a kleenex box while he cleaned up your knees and palms. He worked in silence, you blew your nose and wiped your eyes. "You're not worthless," he said softly. "Negan doesn't know what he's talking about." "Carl..." You whispered. "You're perfect to me. Just everyone in this world is experiencing loss and it's perfectly okay to grieve. Expecially when the man who killed your only family is taunting you," Carl said while he wrapped your knees. "You're so strong, so beautiful," he whispered. He hugged you tightly, bringing you close to his chest. Your hands knotted in his shirt as you cried. "I miss him, I just miss him so much," you cried. "He was always there for me." Abraham had always been there for you because of the age difference he always treated you more of a daughter once your parents died. Now, you had no one. "It's okay to miss someone," Carl whispered. "Especially in the way he went out, he deserved better." He kissed your forehead, rubbing your back softly. "Everybody in this damned world deserve better."
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myscalesofjustice · 7 years
I really like your Helsa You're not a monster story, but are you ever gonna write the whole thing it goes with? Can you write the part where Elsa stops whatshisname from hitting Hans or sumthin?
First, I am so sorry it took me a month to answer, Anon! Second, that one-shot is one of thousands in my jigsaw puzzle of what I hope to see in Frozen 2. Trust me, the movie will be released by the time I figure out what to keep and what to toss. Third, if you really are taking about when Elsa was thinking about one of Hans’ brothers whipping him, thanks for the request!
This chapter is less Helsa and more of the Arendellers getting a look into what I think Hans’ family is like, so this might make some people sad, but please enjoy this readable storyboard! New readers, the sequel can be found here.
The next morning, Elsa first felt as if some nocturnal phantom had cut into every muscle in her body and filled them with sand. Next, a monstrous rumbling like thunder upset her brain until it was pounding against her skull, trying to charge on its assailant. Finally, sunlight from the window climbed onto her face and threatened to cook her eyeballs like campfire eggs.
Go away, she moaned inwardly.
Elsa twitched the hand not stuffed under a pillow to life, and patted the bed in search of her comforter and pillow. Her fingers found a blanket, and pulled it over her eyes. Much better. Her hand continued to wander, and this time poked something soft, but when she tugged its cloth, it wouldn’t move. Why was this pillow so heavy?
Squirming her head out of the blanket, Elsa forced her aching, heavy body up and opened her eyes. Once they adjusted to the light, she discovered the source of the thunder, or better said, snoring: Her sister’s large, blond, male friend, wearing only a green nightshirt.
“EEEEEAAAAAAHH!” the Queen shrieked, and a reflexive blast of frost forced a screaming Kristoff off the bed.
Yowls of, “OW! Augh, what? Who?” followed by a higher pitched, “AAH, cold! Why?” erupted from the floor. Elsa was in shock of finding a man next to her, but then she was reminded of the splitting headache she had woken up with when another throb of pain pulsed in every nerve from the jaw up. “Wait…” she heard Kristoff mutter. One of the ice master’s hands gripped the bed sheet and pulled him up. With his top half back in her sight, Elsa could see the other hand was holding his head.
“Elsa?!” he exclaimed, incredulous. “What’re you doing in my bed?”
“This is my bed, Kristoff!” Elsa squeaked as she covered her white nightgown with a blanket. “What are you doing here?”
Kristoff rubbed his eyes then squinted around, and realized this was indeed not his assigned suite. “Um, I was sleeping,” he said through a yawn. Apparently, he was too tired to care that he had shared a bed with his monarch and girlfriend’s sister. Suddenly, he whimpered and placed both hands on his head. “Now, ow, my head is trying to kill me.”
“Mine too,” groaned Elsa. Forgetting modesty, she lowered the blanket and massaged her eyes. The Queen heard the pounding inside her brain speeding up, prompting a fresh groan. She didn’t notice the throbbing was frantic footsteps before the doors burst open.
“Elsa, are you okay! I heard a scre-!” a beloved female voice yelled, sending a new pulse to rattle Elsa’s teeth. She turned to the doorway and saw Anna standing there, wearing a pink housecoat with strawberry vines decorating the fringe over her nightie and slippers, with Olaf in a blue nightcap at her side.
“Uh, Kristoff?” Anna said, awkward as her frozen face. “What are you doing in Elsa’s room?”
“As soon as I figure that out, you’ll be the first one I tell,” he answered, rubbing his temples.
Olaf made a dramatic gasp. “Did you guys have a sleepover without us? Are there any cookies left? Oh no! Did you already take apart the pillow fort?” The snowman started waddling around the bedroom in search of the party he had missed.
Kristoff moaned as he forced himself on his feet, and almost fell back down before grabbing the bedpost. “Seriously, what do they put in that rich people food?” he asked the room. “I haven’t woken up like this since New Year’s.” That memory gave him an idea, and he patted his stomach. “Well, I don’t feel like I’m gonna be sick this time.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Anna said, her usual cheer renewed. “I slept like a baby.”
“Me too!” Olaf chirped while closing a drawer he had thought midnight snacks might be hiding in. “I wonder what the Southern Isles stuffs their beds with. D’ya think it’s water, ‘cause mine had a wet spot when I got up this morning.”
“What about you, Elsa?” Kristoff asked. “If you don’t mind me saying, you’re not looking too good.”
“I have the worst headache in history, but just that,” said Elsa.
Anna aw-ed, and walked over to pat her sister’s head. The gentle touch soothed her aching cranium ever so slightly. Enough to let her use it again, and she remembered the night before. “No, I had a strange dream last night too.”
Kristoff chuckled in spite of his throbbing head. “Betcha it wasn’t stranger than mine,” he said. “There was creepy music, and Hans and his brothers were dressed up for the ball, but they were half asleep, so they looked like this.” To demonstrate, Kristoff lifted his arms and moved the joints in spasmodic throws like a toy marionette.
“What?” whispered Elsa, too quietly for her company to hear. She and Kristoff couldn’t have had the same dream. Yet she remembered it all exactly as he said: The music that called her from her bed, the eleven princes all dressed in silk and jewels in the middle of the night, and Hans waltzing with thin air instead of locked in his tower room.
“Hey!” exclaimed Olaf. The snowman was crawling out from under the bed. “If you two are feeling funny, maybe Hans’ brothers did too, and that’s what they’re meeting about!”
“What about a meeting?” asked Kristoff.
Anna’s eyes went wide as pinwheels with the realization that she’d forgotten something. “Oh! Right, right, right!” she declared, waving her hands. “One of the princes, the smiley one with freckles and crazy hair. What’s his nammmme? Oh yeah, Jakob! Anyway, he was lost, and came into my room looking for the King because everyone is having a meeting in the throne room.” Her excitement deflated when she added, “Something about…Hans.”
“Hans?” asked Elsa.
The picture of the former prince dancing like he was tied to puppet strings faded to the way she knew she had seen him yesterday. His thin face, paper-white skin, dark circles under his eyes, stringy hair, filthy clothes, and his dark room in the top of the palace from which there was no escape. The dark room which had children’s drawings upon the walls, and children’s toys on the floor. And now his brothers were going to talk about him first thing in the morning? Elsa didn’t know what it was, but something inside was prompted by the memory to get out of bed and step into her slippers.
“Elsa?” Anna tried to ask, but her sister was already sprinting out the door and down the corridor. “Elsa, where are you going?” called the princess, and she hurried after the Queen.
The confused ice master and snowman still in the room exchanged a glance. “I guess where ever we’re going,” Kristoff said with a shrug, and the two ran to catch up with the girls.
By the time Elsa had found the staircase, climbed down, and reached the throne room, the Westergaards were already there. Only King Klaus was immaculate as he had been yesterday; Perfectly coiffed head of raven hair on which sat his crown, perfectly trimmed beard, and perfectly clean raiment. Everyone else was exhausted and in various states of undress. Radulf, who was holding his pen and notebook, had one arm in the sleeve of a fancy coat and the other in a casual jacket’s. Noah was wearing only one boot and a waistcoat over his nightshirt. Either Teddy or Tommy (Elsa couldn’t begin to guess which) was shirtless and had a blanket draped over his shoulder, which his twin was falling asleep on. Isak had the same spiky bird’s nest of hair and dirty white coat from yesterday’s dinner. Even Philomène was standing next to Magnus in her sleepwear, and her once spectacular undo was hanging loose like a butter-yellow shower, all the way down to her knees.
Strange, the back of the Queen’s mind considered, that Duke Carl the Weasel was not lurking in the corner. Prying on this meeting must not be worth showing himself without proper apparel or business-like wig, but whatever purpose the Westergaard sons (and one daughter by marriage) had gathered for clearly could not wait for them to get dressed. It made Elsa worry all the more.
“Geez, am I the only one who got any sleep last night?” said Anna. Having caught up to Elsa, she was surveying the crowd of disheveled royals.
Kristoff, appearing beside her with Olaf behind him, bemusedly answered, “Looks that way, doesn’t it?”
“Hey,” a voice called calmly, but the bass in it caused the Arendellers to jump. Gunnar, dressed modestly in a wine red shirt that exposed his chest, brown trousers and slippers, with only half his black hair combed and a sandwich in hand, marched up to Elsa. His reddish-brown irises looked nigh demonic in eyes turned bloodshot from fatigue, and the scowl on his face made the mighty Snow Queen of Arendelle feel like a mouse staring down a tiger.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” growled the seventh prince. “We are here to discuss a matter within the family. And are you family? No.”
Anna stepped in between him and Elsa. “Hey, don’t be like that,” she retorted. “We were just curious.”
“You would do well to remember you are not the authority here,” added Vilhelm emotionlessly.
“It’s certainly no excuse for them to come barging in here, dressed like that!” declared Noah with a theatric toss of his (still probably fake) blond bangs. “Scandalous!”
“It hardly matters,” Klaus announced from his throne. Like a fine sword’s blade, his tone was even but carried a threat. “They are staying in our house, and would be made privy to our business sooner or later.” The King looked to Radulf at his side. “This stalling is a bother, Radulf,” he said. “We may as well have it over with, given the state all of you are in.”
“Respectfully, my King,” Radulf said in his nasally voice, trying to shake off his coat sleeve. “Jakob has not returned, and therefore we are not all of us.”
Olaf raised his twig arm. “Ooo! Ooo! We saw him! He was looking for the King right over there!” The snowman pointed to Klaus, proud of his deduction.
Radulf rolled his bespectacled eyes. “Well, he’ll be doing that for hours,” the third prince muttered under his breath. He scribbled something down in his book, then turned back to Klaus. “As you said, Majesty, we will begin.”
“Perfect.” The King snapped his fingers and pointed to the adjoining corridor. “Gunnar, fetch the accused.”
A hideous grin like a reopening wound formed on Gunnar’s face. Elsa half expected to see fangs dripping with blood. “I’d be happy to,” he hissed. He shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth, and sprinted to the direction of Klaus’s finger.
With only dawn lighting the room, it was too dark to see what was happing in the corridor. A cold clinking Elsa wasn’t prepared for came from the shadows, and Gunnar’s voice echoing, “Go on! Move it!” The seventh prince stepped back into room with a fistful of chains dragging behind him. At the end of the iron links was Hans, worse than before. He had shackles on his ankles, his wrists, and one around his neck barely loose enough to let him breathe. Chains from all these shackles interwove into the line Gunnar was holding, like a depraved dog leash. Elsa stared in horror as Hans was dragged before Klaus. The youngest brother looked upon his monarch with a flickering flame behind his eyes, but the eldest’s cloudy right eye staring back held the risk of deep mists which could smother that tiny spark. Now everyone would see whose force was greater.
“Present the record, Radulf,” ordered the King.
With one last vigorous shake, the coat fell off Radulf’s arm. He flipped to a page in his notebook and cleared his throat.
“Let the record show,” he proclaimed to the room. “That we all retired last night within the hour of ten, the Princess of Arendelle and her valet the latest at quarter to eleven.” (Elsa, Anna and Kristoff’s jaws all dropped at this.) “Followed by myself seven minutes later once I had gathered my reconnaissance on our whereabouts for that night. At approximately half past five this morning, yours truly Prince Radulf, Prince Magnus, Prince Vilhelm, Prince Bernhard, Prince Gunnar, Prince Isak, Prince Theodor, Prince Thomas, the absent Prince Jakob, and Prince Noah awoke on the floor of the palace ballroom, wearing attire other than nightclothes and with no recollection of how we got there. Amongst us was the accused, Hans Westergaard, likewise sleeping in the ballroom and not in the garret of the north tower he has been committed to following last month’s fire…”
Radulf’s voice faded to a distant echo in Elsa’s ears while inside she was screaming, It wasn’t a dream! She truly had woken up at midnight to find Hans and the Princes flushing downstairs to dance in their sleep! They must have eventually collapsed before they still had the strength to return to their beds. Admittedly, it still sounded absurd. Sleepwalking was one thing, but sleep…dancing? With twelve people at once? Yet here was Hans, on trial for it. But if the midnight ball was real, the haunting music coming from nowhere which had accompanied the scene must be real too. Elsa couldn’t help but think this strange song is what bid her and Kristoff to wake and the Westergaards to dance.
“Ce salaud a empoisonné mon mari!” interrupted Philomène, before bursting into wet sobs. Magnus pulled his wife into his arms and let her bury her head into his neck, but the look on his face implied he would rather be doing anything else.
Bernhard, whose crimson hair was oddly in perfect curls, held up a dancing shoe for all to see. “Look at this!” the sixth prince yelled. He put a finger into the shoe and poked through a hole in the sole. “My favourite Italian shoes, trash!”
Not prepared to be upstaged, Noah cut in with, “Well, do you any of you know what broken sleep does to the faculties of an artist? I couldn’t possibly tell a D sharp from a B flat right now!”
“Silence!” commanded Klaus. The word was hard and cold as stone, just like every other sound that came out of his mouth, but the echoing order stole the voices of his audience. It also startled Teddy/Tommy awake, who almost lost his balance when Tommy/Teddy caught him by the shoulders.
Klaus interlocked his fingers, and rested his chin on them. “Now, Hans,” he said, vaguely attempting at gentleness. “It is in your best interest to not be difficult. All we want to know is how you conducted this little practical joke.”
Hans’ eye and lips were twitching. It was plain to see that rage was bubbling inside him, ready to explode like a volcano. Nevertheless, he took a deep inhale and exhale. Then he said, “For the tenth time, and I have been counting, I! Do not! Know!”
A swift knee in the side from Gunnar forced Hans on his knees. He bit his lip before a cry of pain could escape just in time for his seventh-eldest brother to grab him by the iron collar and crouch to his level.
“That’s your King you’re talking to,” Gunnar hissed in Hans’ ear before he released him.
An unpredicted smirk appeared on Hans’ face. “Isn’t this just typical, Klaus?” he asked brazenly. “I finally have your attention, and it’s for something I didn’t do.”
The grip on his patience coming loose, Klaus’ hands moved from his chin to his throne’s armrests. “What is typical, Hans,” he said through gritted teeth. “Is you making a cockroach of yourself and being found where you are not suppose to. Your escape is not the mystery. It is the question of how you transported ten bodies without leaving signs of strain or resistance.”
Hans shook his head and made a noise that was half a sigh and half a groan. “Look, I fell asleep in my bed upstairs, and when I woke up, I was in the ballroom and Isak was chewing on my hair. That’s all I know, and all you’re going to get from asking me.”
Klaus glared and straightened his posture. Suddenly, Gunnar broke the silence. “Living up to your name even now, aren’t ya, Handful?” he snorted.
Faster than Gunnar could laugh at his own quip, Hans leapt to his feet and faced his brother until they were practically touching noses.
“Quit calling me that!” he snarled, earning Gunnar seizing his hair and shoving him back on his knees.
“Without willing compliance,” said Klaus. “And your inability to present an alibi or any proof to your innocence, I hereby pronounce you guilty, and invoke… Sticks and Stones.”
In a millisecond, Hans’ eyes became wide with terror. The flame behind them went out like a candle in a hurricane. Elsa heard snickering, and saw Teddy and Tommy, smiling maliciously and repeating “Sticks and Stones,” to themselves with joy.
Gunnar’s mouth again made the savage, teeth-baring grin. “Sticks and Stones, Handful,” he practically sang in triumph. The seventh prince stood and ran to the corridor. Hans did not seem to notice his keeper’s leave of his side, much less care enough to try to move away.
“Stiiiiiiicks aaaaaand Stooooonesss…” Isak’s haunting voice drawled.
Those three words spread to every tongue in the room like an airborne disease. Whispers of surprise, of satisfaction, steadily rising in volume and giving Elsa gooseflesh. She caught a glance at Kristoff as he swallowed hard, sharing her sentiment.
“What’s Sticks and Stones?” asked Anna, oblivious to the sinister haze making the air heavy. Elsa and Kristoff turned to look at the girl between them in confusion. With more excitement, she answered herself. “Oh, do you think the’ll put him in the stocks?”
Elsa felt a tiny crack in her heart. Oh, Anna. Sweet Anna, so full of light that she could not see the shadows. Whatever heinous finale of this trial Elsa knew was coming would be, Anna could not be allowed to see it. The Queen took hold of her sister’s arm and tried to pull her outside.
“Anna, we should go,” she said, halfway to panic and her hands growing cold as proof.
“What? Why?” asked Anna. Elsa desperately wanted to simply to pick up the Princess and run far away from this room, but Anna pulled away from her sister’s chilly hold.
“Because I…” How could she say this? “Because I think Sticks and Stones is a very bad thing, and Hans isn’t going to get off so easily.”
Much to Elsa’s shock, Anna made a little giggle. “Of course he will,” she said reassuringly. “This is his family, Elsa. You heard them: He set a fire and they just put him in a room with a nice bed and everything.”
While Elsa was trying to decide between telling Anna that being locked inside was a very real torment or that nothing she had seen inside the tower could be called nice, and think of a way to explain either one gently, Kristoff also laid his hand on Anna’s wrist and tugged. “Anna, maybe we’d better listen to her.”
Piercing through the chanting, the rattling of chains called the Arendellers’ attention back to Hans. He was no longer facing Klaus, but being forced by Teddy and Tommy to crouch in the centre of the room. The twins together pulled on their little brother’s shirt until it ripped right down the middle. When they saw what was underneath, Kristoff’s jaw and arms dropped limp, Anna gasped with horror, and Elsa followed her sister’s example before clamping her palm over her mouth. Scars shaped like winding rivers, at least four still healing, crisscrossed on Hans’ back, sharing territory with bruises, ranging in sizes bigger than a boot’s sole to small as fingerprints, and the patch of red waiting to turn black and blue where Gunnar had gotten him.
Speaking of Gunnar, he had returned, walking in a self-satisfied swagger. Under his arm was a rectangular wooden box, about a foot in length, and behind him were two muscle-bound men wearing uniforms and deadpan faces. The men walked to Hans, and took the place of the twins as they held him down. Gunnar strutted up to Radulf and thrust the box into the bespectacled prince’s chest. Finding the carved wood somehow offensive, Radulf grimaced, tucked his notebook under his arm, and took the box, but kept it as far as his arms could stretch.
Gunnar lifted the box’s lid, and the sight of its contents widened his smile. He pulled out a black rod, and the leather tail attached to it slunk to the ground like a viper.
Please no, thought Elsa. Her eyes darted back and forth from Gunnar, shivering with pleasure from the whip in his hand, to Hans, already so broken that one lick would shatter him into a million pieces. For something she knew he had nothing to do with. Gunnar flourished the whip and cracked it deafeningly against the floor twice, making his audience, except Klaus, jump.
Elsa couldn’t stand it any longer. She charged past Bernhard and Vilhelm, and as Gunnar prepared a lash for Hans’ back, the Queen screamed, “Stop!” and willed an icy rush from her hand. The wintery magic struck the edge of the handle, and the wicked length of leather turned bluish-white, hard and ten times colder than death. Gunnar howled in pain like a wounded animal. The weapon dropped to the ground and splintered into frozen blocks as he similarly fell, grasping his frostbitten hand. Elsa sprinted behind Hans, and spread her arms and legs wide as his shield.
The crowd gasped loudly, then held its breath while Gunnar continued to writhe and make beastly roars. Only Klaus had the mind to stand up from his throne, and approach the woman who had put the penalty he passed to a halt.
“What is the meaning of this, Queen Elsa?” demanded the King.
Her heart and mind still rushing, Elsa didn’t know what the answer was. What was the meaning of this? How had running back to her suite with Anna turned into running to rescue the man who had tried to decapitate her and steal her family’s crown just a little over a year ago. Then she heard a strangled noise behind her, and turned her head to Hans. “Go away!” he had whispered.
If Elsa had been listening, she would have elected to ignore the man’s order on principle. But Elsa was not listening because she was distracted by the vile pattern of Hans’ scars, scratches, bumps and bruises, and she understood why she had saved him. This could not happen again. Never, ever again.
“You said Hans has no proof of his innocence, but he does!” the Queen declared. “I am a witness to the events of last night. I saw…”  Perhaps the truth was a bit too outlandish for a jury such as this. “I saw that Hans is the victim of another of another’s crime, just like the rest of his brothers.”
The eyebrow above Klaus’ clear brown eye raised above the other. “Would you care to elaborate?” he asked.
“With your, um, consent,” said Elsa, trying to sound more regal and less shaken than she felt. “I would prefer to do so in private, your Majesty. Until then, as you initially imprisoned Hans for crimes against me, I request that he will not subjected to harm.”
The King inched closer Elsa’s face, studying her. Then his eyes ever so slightly widened. “You care about what happens to him,” he said, bemused.
Elsa tried to keep her expression firm, but the curiosity in his voice caused a terrible feeling to appear in the pit of her stomach. As if she had just given up her one loaded pistol to this King who wouldn’t hesitate to use it.
Klaus regained his regal posture, and glanced at Gunnar, who was still curled up on the floor, though his cries had lowered to whimpers.
“Gunnar, go to the sickroom and get medical attention for that hand,” he ordered.
“Wha? But sh-!” he sputtered, but a warning look from the corner of his King’s eye silenced him. The seventh prince picked himself up, and once on his feet, he pointed to Elsa. A silent promise that the Queen would pay dearly for challenging him. He walked out of the room, mumbling angry nothings to himself.
Without paying mind to Gunnar’s exit, Klaus nodded to the men still holding Hans. “And you two,” Klaus continued. “Pick him up, for Heaven sakes.”
In perfect sync, the men lifted Hans by his biceps and planted him on his feet. He turned to Elsa slowly with apprehension, and shared a gaze with his saviour. Elsa felt overwhelmed, and she imagined her face made it apparent. However, Hans’ face was an unreadable muddle. His head was shaking in disbelief, his mouth was twitching as if to form words but without any sound, and his eyes, squinting in focus, were seemingly examining her every feature. Why, he was looking for the catch! Waiting for her to make a deal or tell him, “You owe me.” Did he really believe she was heartless enough to let a human being, even him, be tortured?
Elsa snorted and whipped her head away from Hans’ insulting look. His chains jangled, and between the clinking, Elsa could swear she heard Hans sigh, “Thank you.” She turned back around to be sure, but he was already being led away. Hans’ gratitude was a strange comfort, mostly because of who it was coming from, but Elsa felt a warmth glowing inside her and she smiled without intending to.
“Do you have any more conditions regarding Hans?” asked Klaus, bringing Elsa back to the present where there was no mysterious warm feeling.
“Treat his wounds, and get him some real food to eat, please,” she answered before considering that Klaus might have been sarcastic.
“It shall be done,” he said, fortunately. He looked to Radulf, who was still trying to understand what had happened to the trial. “Radulf, make a note of Queen Elsa’s requests, find someone to clean up this mess.” The King motioned to the remains of Gunnar’s whip. “Get dressed, then check on preparations for breakfast.” 
“Certainly, my King!” said the third prince. In trying to take his notebook out of his side, he dropped the whip case with an Ulp! and tried to pick it up without losing his precious book or glasses, resulting in a humorous squatting dance. “T-today, the menu calls for pancakes prepared in the Arendellian style in honour of our guests and-”
“Radulf, don’t talk about it, just do it,” Klaus commanded.
With a bow and forced smile, Radulf scooped up the box and his fancy coat, and sprinted out the door.
“The rest of you,” the King addressed the crowd. “Go to your rooms and make yourselves presentable, now.”
The Westergaards did as they were told, and poured into the hall at the speed of molasses. The four Arendellers had yet to move, for Elsa had been staring at the frozen fragments of leather laying in a light dusting of snow since Klaus had called attention to it. Now she was dismayed at the idea of looking up, for the Queen felt weary eyes on her that she couldn’t tell were real or only her imagination.
No, she told herself as she began taking deep breaths. I’m not the Snow Queen here. I am Queen Elsa of Arendelle. No one has reason to fear me, so I have no reason to be afraid.
She was grateful to feel her flesh return to temperatures associated with warmblooded creatures, but when she was prepared to leave, she saw the state of her sister. From her feet to bulging eyes, Anna was shaking like a leaf. Her breathing was shallow, and she was frantically running her fingers through her hair. Elsa ran to her side.
“He was…but they…he could’ve…” Anna gasped. Her voice cracked from the tears she was going to shed.
Elsa wanted to hold her little sister. To steal what she had just witness from her mind and make the world look the way it should be again. What she did instead was cross her arms to hide her hands, and start making strides for the stairs. Thankfully, Kristoff’s arms enveloped Anna and rubbed her shoulders gently in Elsa’s place.
“Anna, breathe. Let’s just go,” the ice master said as her tears began to fall.
“No!” the Princess sobbed. She broke out of his embrace and took hold of his nightshirt. “No, no, no, no, no. They are the big brothers. They’re supposed to take care of him, an-and-and protect him. Not…this.”
“I get the feeling they do a lot of things they’re not supposed to around here, Anna,” Kristoff said as he took Anna’s hand and led her into the hall.
When Elsa took her first step on the staircase, Olaf called her name. She looked down at the snowman climbing next to her with surprise, as she had almost forgotten his presence. It was truly amazing how his coal eyes managed to look so much like a flesh and blood child and twice as innocent. But now, those eyes were wide with worry in a very un-Olaf-like manner that broke Elsa’s heart.
“Is Hans gonna be okay?” he asked.
“I…I don’t know, Olaf,” the Queen said. She wanted to tell him something more hopeful, but was too drained to be any less than honest. “But I’m going to try and make sure he is.” That seemed to be enough for Olaf, and he smiled as he held Elsa’s hand. The wooden touch made Elsa return the smile.
Back in the throne room, Klaus was about to leave for his study, when Jakob, out of breath and with cobwebs from parts unknown in his titian-coloured hair, burst through the corridor.
“Hey, I found him!” the eleventh prince exclaimed with joy. He skipped over to the King, and to his wrist to wave it up in the air. “I found him! Here’s Klaus!”
Klaus snatched his arm back and glared at his younger brother. Jakob, confused as always, looked around to see they were the only ones left in the room.
“Did I miss something?”
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clementineviolet · 7 years
pls mother give me all of ur fluffy Javi/jesus hc
IM SO BAD AT WRITING ROMANCE THOOOOO (I don’t think I’ve ever written anything with romance, except for a brief attempt at Walter/Matthew in s2 lol) but I’ll just throw out this suggestion:
JAVI MEETING JESUS’S FRIENDS OVER AT THE KINGDOM/ASZ/HILLTOP. I’m surprised not many people have brought this up yet??? But can y’all imagine this for a second? A few weeks after the end of the game, Javi is probably still recuperating and trying to become the leader that Jesus suggested he be. He has the help of Kate (who Javi respectfully friend-zoned, sorry Javi/Kate shippers) at his side, but the people of Richmond still don’t trust either of them completely after all the drama with Joan and the explosion that destroyed part of their wall and killed many people. But Javi decides that since Richmond cannot follow down the path of the New Frontier (raiding other settlements and destroying the lives of other communities), he and Kate both realize that Richmond will need allies. And that’s where Jesus comes in. 
Jesus occasionally comes in to check on the Richmond settlement for a few reasons. One is obviously that Richmond is still a bit of a wildcard and that if anything bad happens there, the aftershocks could reach the Kingdom/ASZ/Hilltop colonies. But he obviously also has a more personal reason: he wants to help Javi in any way that he can because he thinks Javi is a genuinely good man who also happens to be very handsome and maybe even also into him in return. So Jesus is really happy when Javi takes the initiative and asks him if he can come back with him to visit the D.C. area settlements, because not only is Javi stepping as a leader, it’s also a perfect opportunity to get to know Javi better. 
This is getting long (I’m starting to think that I’m going to have to fucking write this... THIS IS NOT WHAT I INTENDED), but I can imagine Javi meeting Maggie, Rick, Carl, the whole squad (except Michonne cuz she’s on a boat at this time in the comics/game lol goddammit)... Rick is his usual distrustful self at first, but I think Jesus would help assure him that Javi has been through a lot of shit just like them and that he’s a good man just trying to help his community survive. 
And obviously Maggie is one of the first to notice how flirty Javi and Jesus are and to try and get them together. DUH. 
OH GOD AND AARON. In the comics, Aaron and Jesus start having a bit of a thing after the 2 year timeskip, but how would Javi feel about that?? How would Aaron react???? I’m shook, Imma need to write this, anon what have you done to me?
SIDE NOTE: OH MY GOD MAYBE JAVI COULD BRING GABE ALONG (CUZ FUCK OFF GABE IS ALIVE IN THIS AU TOO) AND GABE COULD MEET CARL. That would be hilarious because I think at this point in the comics, Carl is actually a year YOUNGER than Gabe and yet Carl is this damn terrifying-looking badass with a heart of gold who totally would talk to Gabe about girls (though Gabe is still harboring a mondo crush on Clem) and guns and shit. 
I would also want Kate to come along, but who would watch out for Richmond? BUT I WANT KATE TO MEET MAGGIE AUGHHH
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twdfanfics · 7 years
Request: Yes, anon
Negan takes Carl as insurance policy till Rick brings him more stuff. There one of the saviors tries to rape Carl but Negan stops him, later Carl feeling so depressed and getting flashbacks from previous attack cuts his wrist but Negan finds him in time and takes him to Carlson
Words: 1147
“No!” Rick yells, tears swelling in his eyes. “You can’t take my boy! Please, I’ll get you whatever you want just please don’t take him!”
“I gave your a chance,” Negan says, a huge smile on his lips as he sees how much this is hurting Rick. “I don’t want to take him, but I can’t show you that I’m suddenly going soft. I’m taking him for insurance that you do give me what I want. He’ll be taken good care of.”
Carl sits on the edge of a freshly made bed and stares down at the ground. The last time he was here it was because he had wanted to be here and he had a mission; to kill Negan. Now he’s here because Rick couldn’t deliver what Negan wanted. He was insurance.
There’s nothing to keep him busy or anything for him to do, so he just sits on the bed day after day until someone comes to collect him or Negan swings buy to come and talk to him. He promised that he would because he likes to talk to him or something like that. Carl hadn’t been paying much attention. There was too much anger, sadness, and one hundred other emotions coursing through his veins to pay attention to anything he had to say.
There’s the sound of footsteps outside. Carl looks up, thinking it’s Negan here or one of the wives coming to check on him--they do that often. However, the person who opens the door is not familiar except maybe he’s seen him when walking around the base. Carl gives them a questioning look as he closes and locks, the door.
“What are you doing?” he asks, but doesn’t get an answer. The man advances on him and he tries his best to get away. When that doesn’t work, he starts to scream and hope that someone, anyone, can hear. He’s thrown around and flashbacks of last time on the road with Michonne and Rick begin to resurface quickly.
“Hey!” Negan yells what seems like an eternity later. “Get the fuck away from him right now!” Carl is thrown down and stays there. Wrapping his arms around his body and rubbing spots where he was grabbed to the point of her knows he’s going to have deep bruises there. “Kid.” Negan reaches down, but Carl scoots away from him. He stares down at the cowering boy below him. It’s something that Negan never thought he would see from how confident he always seems.
More people show up, but Negan shoos them away except for a few who he tells to go get certain wives to help. He imagines that they could help Carl better than him. Or at least just keep him company while he deals with the man who is currently knocked out in the corner.
They come quickly and crowd around Carl, letting him cry on their shoulder. It’s easier to be emotionally in front of people who, the past few days, have been like mothers to him. They all offer to stay with him through the night, just to keep an eye on him and make sure that he’s okay. Carl refuses and yells at them until they get out of his room.
Carl’s mind takes him many places. To times before the attack and before Negan or when they were in the prison during the small bit of happiness. His mind even traveled back before everything. He missed school and coming back home to see him mom and helping her out with things around the house. Even getting in trouble back then isn’t nearly is bad as now. He’d take that over this any day.
Everything becomes too much for him and in a fit of anger he stands up  and punches a wall. He hisses and holds his hand, watching as a small bit of blood begin to appear in little droplets along the knuckles. He sits back down on the bed and lays back.
I can’t take this anymore, Carl thinks. I can’t stand this world or this place or anything like that. I can’t take it! I hate this feeling of his hands all over me, I want it to stop! Carls shoots up off the bed and anxiously paces around the room, looking for anything. He pulls open cabinets and drawers. Suddenly he finds what he’s looking for.
The blade is sharp and, when he applies pressure, it cuts deep into his arm. The blood is thick and warm. The pain is horrible at first, but then it dies as the whole earth begins to spin and grow.
“Carl!” a far away voice sounds. Someone grabs him and picks him up, carrying somewhere he doesn’t know. It doesn’t matter, though, because he’s out before he ever gets there.
Carl groans as he begins to stir. He’s sitting on a bed in the infirmary. His arm hurts more than he could ever describe. After a few moments he gets the courage to look over at his arm. It’s wrapped up with white bandages with small bits of red popping up here and there.
“Ah, I was starting to think you might not wake up,” says a voice. He looks over and see Carlson. He walks over to him and checks out his arm, replacing the bandages and putting on fresh ones. “Negan’s been coming to check on you since you....--”
“Since I cut up my arm?” Carl finishes for him. Carlson nods.
“Yes. I’ll tell him you’re awake.” Carl wants to tell him not to, but there’s no stopping him. “And it’s been two days or so. Maybe three. In case you wanted to know.” Carl nods and lays back down on the bed, not wanting to look at his arm anymore than he has to . What had he been thinking? Soon he’ll  be back with Judith, Rick, and Michonne. Back with everyone. And he almost ruined it. What would Rick say? There’s no way of not noticing.
His thoughts are disrupted when he hears the sound of heavy boots slamming down in the hallway outside. Carl already knows who it is; Negan. He comes bursting in the room, his face laced with anger, hiding any other emotions.
“You’re not allowed to die or hurt yourself like that ever again, you hear me?” Negan says while staring at Carl, his eyes wide and showing that he means what he says. “I said, did you hear me?” Carl nods.
“I hear you.”
“Good.” Carl doesn’t understand why Negan would care so much. He’d threatened to kill him the first time that they saw each other. What’s with this caring thing now? If you could even call it caring. Carl doesn’t think much about it. He stares up at the ceiling and begins to think again, letting it go wherever it wants.
He doesn’t care anymore.
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such-a-common-girl · 8 years
“After She Ran” Part 3 of Series
Words: 1,829
Warnings: Swearing, death, angst
Links to Part One and Part Two
Summary: The story of how everyone felt after your death.
A/N: I know it seems like I posted this story in a really odd way. But personally, I feel like it reads better this way. If I had posted it in chronological order I don’t think the story would have been as good, or as exciting. BUT, S/O to the anon who requested this! :)
Your name: submit What is this?
Rick had a hard time doing it.
They had been walking in the woods, him, Daryl, and Glenn, when they saw her. She was still wearing the same clothes as she had been the day of her birthday, but it wasn’t her anymore. She was dead, she was a walker. Daryl started crying immediately, and he couldn’t do it. He was so choked up on his tears, hyperventilating, that he couldn’t even look at her. He couldn’t bring himself to kill his daughter. Sure, it wasn’t her anymore, but that didn’t stop Daryl from feeling any differently.
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Glenn couldn’t do it, either. He just kept uttering “oh my god” over and over again, unable to look at Y/N in the face. He didn’t talk to her often when she was alive, mostly just about patrol or small talk if they were having a conversation, but it still hurt him to see her like this. They had already lost so many people, and they had finally thought that things would be good now that they were in Alexandria.
Glenn looked at Rick, who was just standing there. He was staring at her right in the face, but not moving to grab his weapons. He was transfixed, unable to move, unable to believe what he was seeing. Rick didn’t like Y/N, and that was no secret to anyone. He thought she was irresponsible and a troublemaker. But this? He never wanted this. He wouldn’t ever wish this on anybody. Y/N was just a kid, she didn’t deserve this, no matter how much trouble she caused.
“Get Daryl outta here.” Rick had said to Glenn. Glenn tried to pull Daryl away, who was screaming and trying to get out of his grasp, and the weakness of Daryl’s body at that moment was enough for Glenn to get him away.
Daryl could barely walk, blinded from his tears and his ears filled with screams he didn’t recognize were his own. But, Glenn handled it. Glenn knew that Daryl’s pain was more than his would ever be for her, and he needed to pull it together. He needed to be there for Daryl.
“She was pregnant,” Daryl managed to get out once they were almost back to the gates of Alexandria. Glenn didn’t know how to react, except for just hugging the man. He could feel his own tears building up, but he pushed them away, reminding himself that he needed to be strong.
Rick didn’t want to shoot her. His hand was shaking as he pulled out his gun, mind racing. All he could think about was Daryl and Carl. He knew that the worst reaction this would get was from Daryl, since she was his daughter, but he could handle seeing him like that. But Carl? Rick didn’t want to have to see Carl’s reaction. He knew that he had lost so many people already, that Rick didn’t think that he himself could handle Carl losing another one. Especially someone that he was in love with, no matter how much Rick had tried to keep them apart. Carl was in love with her.
He shut his eyes, and pulled the trigger.
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Rick was walking through the gate when Michonne came up to him, wondering what was wrong. She had seen Daryl and Glenn come through earlier, Daryl acting like a maniac, but nobody told her anything.
“What’s going on?” She questioned Rick.
“Y/N didn’t make it.” Is all that Rick managed to get out. Michonne just nodded, but was quite upset on the inside. Just like Rick, she hurt for Carl, knowing what this would do him.
The look on Carl’s face when Rick came home that day, with his blood stained shirt and a hurt look on his eyes, was the most heartbreaking thing in the world.
“Dad?” He had ran up to him, setting Judith down on the floor. “Is she… Was she… Why is there blood on your shirt?”
“She’s gone.” Rick said.
Carl could feel his heart physically breaking. He dropped to the floor, tears falling down his face as he mourned the loss of Y/N. The loss of his child. Carl had felt heartbreak before, with his mother and Sophia, but this? This seemed ten times worse than any pain he had felt in his life. He loved you so much, and that baby that you were carrying in your stomach.
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“I’m sorry, son. I’m so, so sorry.”
“You hated her! You don’t get to say sorry!” Carl yelled at his dad, making Judith start to cry.
“I didn’t hate her.” Rick said softly, feeling immense sadness at seeing his son’s loss.
“I could’ve done something, I could’ve kept her from running, if you didn’t set that stupid ass rule that we couldn’t see each other. Did you know she was pregnant? Huh?” Carl shot. Rick’s face fell, and he took a seat on a chair to keep from passing out. “Yeah, you didn’t. Well, she was. I was going to be a dad. You were gonna be a grandpa. Fucking congrats.”
Rick wanted to cry, knowing that Carl had not only lost one person, but two. His face seemed frozen in shock, unable to find anything to say back.
“This is all your fault, you know. It’s your fault that she’s dead! Yours and Daryl’s!” He yelled, getting up and stomping out to the door. He knew he was being unreasonable, but he didn’t care. At the moment, he didn’t care about anything. “I’m going on a walk. I’ll see you later.”
Carl ran outside, kicking the grass, yelling. He paced up and down the street, spotting Glenn and Maggie talking in front of Daryl’s house.
Maggie looked at Carl, sadness growing in her heart for him. She knew of Y/N’s relationship with Carl, and knew that it was pretty serious. When Glenn had come to find her when he got back with tears in his eyes, she knew immediately what happened. Glenn didn’t even need to tell her.
Like Glenn, she and Y/N didn’t talk often, but she considered her to be like her little sister. Y/N had grown up around her ever since the farm, and was Beth’s best friend.
Maggie didn’t think that learning of her death would affect her, but it did. Especially when Glenn mentioned to her that she was pregnant.
“Did anyone know?” Maggie asked, not quite crying but tears forming in her eyes.
Glenn shook his head. “Not anyone besides Carl and Daryl, no. I don’t even think Rick knew.”
“Rick was so unnecessarily mean to her, I don’t blame her or Carl for not telling him.” Maggie let a tear fall. Glenn brought her in for a hug, comforting his wife. “She was just a kid, Glenn.”
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“I know, Maggie. I know.” He rested his chin on her head.
“What’s going on?” Carol walked up to them. She had noticed some of the group, particularly Daryl, being quite upset and he refused to talk to her. Carol had an idea of what happened, but refused to believe it until someone confirmed it.
“Y/N, she um…” Glenn started. “She was a walker when we found her.”
“Oh my god,” Carol gasped, flashbacks of Sophia running through her brain. “Is Daryl ok?”
“He’s taking it pretty bad.”
“Oh god…” Carol put her hand to her forehead.
“Rick put her down. Made me take Daryl back. He’s in his house right now, wanted to be left alone. He might be open to seeing you, though.”
Carol nodded, and went inside the house. She could hear glass breaking upstairs and what sounded like his fist hitting the wall repeatedly.
Carol ran upstairs, seeing Daryl in the doorway of Y/N’s room, with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. There was broken glass inside of Daryl’s room, and a hole though the wall in the hallway, presumably where he had punched it.
“Daryl…” She went up to him.
“I threw her necklace out the window. Guess she won’t need it anymore, huh?” He was drunk. “Leave me alone.”
“No,” She said softly, walking closer to him.
“She’s dead, Carol. She’s dead.” He started crying again, and Carol wrapped her arms around him. He cried onto her shoulder.
“I’m here for you, Daryl. I’m here.”
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It had been a few weeks since Y/N’s death. Most of the group were moving on, but Carl and Daryl were still having a hard time processing it. Daryl had been pretending to be ok on the outside, but on the inside, he was destroyed. He cried himself to sleep every night.
Carl wouldn’t talk to anyone. Not even Rick. He stayed quiet, hurting. Rick was worried about him, but tried to give him his space as well.
“We need to do something. He’s not taking this well at all.” Carol had gone up to Rick one day as he was patrolling.
“Just let him grieve. It’s normal.”
“I think we should do something for him, to show him we’re all here for him. Him and Carl.”
“What do you propose we do?”
Daryl got back to his house later than usual that night. He’d been out killing walkers all day; his favorite past time lately. It was a way to get his anger out.
He was exhausted as he walked onto his front porch, setting his crossbow on by the door before he walked in.
“What the hell?” He mumbled as he walked in and everyone was sitting in his living area.
“We have food! And dessert.” Maggie was the first one to say something.
“What’re you guys doin’ here?” He huffed, taking off his shoes.
“Daryl,” Rick started. “We just wanted to all let you know that we are here with you. We’re here. You’re not doing this alone. We’ll all miss her.”
“You didn’t have to do this.” Daryl said quietly.
The night was good- everyone tried to forget the recent events and just tried to be happy. Daryl managed to crack a smile at one point in the night. Carl did, too.
“You’re my brother.” Rick had come up to Daryl at some point again during the night, this time away from the crowd. “You’re my family. Everyone here, this whole group- we’re family. And we love you.”
And in that moment, Daryl knew that he would overcome this, that he would be ok eventually.
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a/n: this was the last of the series! hope you liked it :)
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twdfanfics · 8 years
How Does It Feel?
Request: Yes, anon
Hey could you do one where you are in Alexandria and your ricks daughter / carls younger sister (a year or two or so younger?) and someone tries to assault you and rick or carl or daryl (or all of them) comes before he actually does something to you ?
You walk down the street, searching for Enid. She asked if you would want to hang out later. You assume she meant if you’d want to go on one of her trips over the wall. You’ve been itching to go back out there ever since you got in here so you told her yes. Rick, your dad, would never let you go out on a run even though you’re only roughly a year younger than Carl.
“Hey, y/n,” says an overly cheerful voice of one of your neighbors. You groan internally as you turn around to face Cameron. He’s one of those “played varsity when he was in high school and got all the girls” type of person. He looks maybe college age right now? Could be older though. It’s hard to tell with nobody else to really compare him to.
“Hey,” you say, hoping that whatever he wants you can help him with quickly and he’s out of your sight. Cameron has always given you a really creepy feeling. His whole person just gives off that vibe. You’ve brought it up with Carl before, asking if he felt the same thing, but he just shook his head. Usually adding something about you being paranoid. “Did you need anything?”
“Yeah, actually I was wondering if you could help me move a few things from in my garage. It’s some of my dad’s old stuff that… that I don’t really need anymore. Michonne was going to help me get rid of it and make this into some sort of another armory or training thing.” He laughs. “I don’t know what they’re doing with it, but I can’t move all of these myself. If you’re not too busy…?” You really, really want to say no, but he has this pained look on his face. Like moving this stuff out is hard for him to do seeing as it was his dad’s and his dad died earlier in the apocalypse. No walkers, not murdered, but cancer. Cancer got him.
You nod, walking back over to him. He smiles and shows you into the garage. Your gut tells you this isn’t really the best idea. There aren’t many boxes that really need to be moved out and he’s leading you to a corner where there is almost nothing.
“You know, I told Enid I would meet up with her,” you say, making an excuse to leave. Although, it’s not a lie. You did tell Enid you’d meet up with her. “She’ll get worried if I don’t arrive on time, so I should get going. Maybe later Rick or Carl can come help you.” You turn to walk away when you feel a hand grab your waist and pull you close to him.
“Not so fast,” he whispers. He spins you around so that you’re front is pressed against the wall and he’s pressed against your back. “Why don’t you stay a little longer? Enid can wait.” You try and push yourself off of the wall, but he’s got both of your hands.
“Hey!” booms a familiar voice. You sigh in relief. Daryl. Daryl is practically a second father to you. Or maybe an overprotective uncle. Either way, he’s family. “Get the hell away from her!” Cameron jumps back, but not fast enough for Daryl. He bounds forward and grabs Cameron by the front of his shirt and slams him into the wall you were just up against. “How does it feel?” Daryl lets you get a safer distance away before twirling him back around and colliding his fist into Cameron’s jaw. A part of you feels bad for Cameron, but another part screams at you for being such an idiot in the first place.
You turn away, not wanting to see if Daryl does anything else to Cameron. You’re thinking he’ll do something. Maybe give him a black eye so he “learns his lesson.” All you know is that it’s not long before Carl comes running up to you with Rick, wondering what is happening or why Daryl is beating up our, to them, seemingly non-creepy neighbor.
Rick stops Daryl first before asking what was going on. Daryl explains how he was walking, about to go on a run, when he saw Cameron pushed up against me. Everything went downhill for Cameron from there. Rick wraps an arm around your shoulder protectively and sends an unconscious Cameron the stink eye.
Rick and Daryl hauls Cameron away, leaving just you and Carl.
“You okay?” Carl asks.
“I’m fine. Not like anything happened.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t make it any less…scary? I guess, that’s what I’m trying to say.” You shake your head, wanting to get them off your back. Carl steps forward and surrounds with a bear hug. He used to do this all the time when you two were kids whenever he thought you weren’t feeling well.
“Thank you, Carl.”
“Anytime, little sis.”
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