#caregiver akaza
babyminty · 6 months
Cg Akaza/Little Douma
Please note, in this oneshot, there is a bit of swearing, Akaza is really mean to Douma for most of this, but he is kinder towards the end, and there is also a timeout and a meltdown contained in this oneshot. Please tell me if there are any more warnings I should add.
Douma was so glad that the Upermoon meeting was over. He had been trying not to be small the whole time, but now he was free to be small and hang out with his caregiver, Akaza, or that is what Douma thought. Instead, when he approached Akaza, he got ignored. Douma tried multiple times to get Akaza's attention, only to be ignored.
Douma huffed. "Kaza!" He whined as he continuously poked Akaza in the back. "What?!" Akaza snapped, whirling around to glare at Douma. "I, uh, nothing!" Douma said quickly, not knowing how Akaza would react if he told him that he was regressed. Would he get mad at Douma for wasting his time with this? Douma didn't know, so he didn't mention it.
"If you have nothing to tell me, then don't bother me." Akaza growled at Douma before storming away to who knows where. Douma stood there for a few seconds, bottom lip wobbling. As he finally fully processed what had happened, he ran off to his room before the tears could spill, but as soon as he got to his room and closed the door, tears started to fall down his cheeks.
"Akaza's an asshole." Douma muttered to himself, wiping the tears away harshly, causing his eyes to sting slightly. Douma sat down, curling into himself, biting down on his finger harshly, making it bleed. It healed in a couple of seconds, and he did it again, repeating the process for a while, losing track of time.
He was brought back to reality when he heard his door creaking open. He moved so that now his eyes were just visible above his arms so that he could glare at whoever had entered the room. Seeing that it was Akaza, his eyes widened, and he hid again, ducking his head below his arms. "Douma?" Akaza called, uncertainly evident in his voice.
"What?!" Douma snapped, sitting up properly as he glared at Akaza. "Jeez, what's wrong with you?" Akaza said, not thinking before he spoke. "What the fuck do you think, Akaza?" Douma hissed. Akaza was taken aback. "Don't talk to me like that." Akaza warned.
"Why not?" Douma asked sarcastically. "Because I don't want you to, and I also know that you are regressed." Akaza answered. "What does me being regressed at the moment have anything to do with this?" Douma muttered, crossing his arms and looking away from Akaza, pouting. "You shouldn't be swearing whilst you are little." Akaza replied, matter of factly.
"Sure, shit head." Douma whispered under his breath, but it wasn't quiet enough as Akaza heard him. "That's it. Time out. Get in the corner, now." Akaza told Douma. Douma brought a hand up to his chin, tapping it in faux thought. "Hmm... no." He said.
Akaza stared at Douma for a few seconds before grabbing Douma and dragging him into the corner, dropping him there and turning him around so that all Douma could see was the corner of the room that he was facing. Akaza left the room, leaving Douma there.
Akaza came back after five minutes. "Are you ready to come out and apologize?" He asked. After a minute passed and Douma still hadn't replied, Akaza huffed, walking away again. He once again came back after five minutes to check on Douma, and once again, Douma didn't respond.
Akaza left again, only coming back after ten minutes this time, and Douma still did not respond to him. Akaza was now getting concerned but decided to leave Douma for ten more minutes to cool down, and then hopefully, he would talk to Akaza after being in the corner for thirty minutes in total.
When Akaza returned to the room where Douma was, he saw Douma still sitting silently in the corner. Akaza had a bad feeling, but he brushed it off for the time being. "Douma, you can come out now." Akaza said. Douma just sat there, giving no indication that he had heard Akaza.
Akaza gulped. He wasn't sure what was happening. He was sure that Douma would leave the corner the second that he was given permission, like many of the other littles that Akaza had looked after before, but then again, they also immediately apologized after the first five minutes when Akaza asked them to.
"Douma?" Akaza asked, coming to crouch behind him. Douma still did not reply. "You can come out now." Akaza repeated, taking hold of Douma's shoulder to turn him around.
Douma forcefully shrugged Akaza's hand off, pressing himself further into the corner. This annoyed Akaza, and he lost any concern he had previously had. "Fine, then. Stay in the corner if you want to so much." He snapped at Douma, missing how Douma flinched hard as Akaza had already turned away to walk out of the room and away from Douma once again.
Once Akaza had left, Douma began shaking. He glared at the wall he was facing. "Fuck Akaza." Douma muttered under his breath, over and over. Douma eventually stopped, slumping forward, forehead pressed against the wall.
Douma took a shaking breath in, trying not to let the tears that had been gathering in his eyes fall. His bottom lip wobbled as he felt the tears creating streaks down his face as he heard the door open once again, recognizing Akaza's footsteps entering the room.
This time, Akaza noticed as Douma stiffened up when he heard Akaza come back, and Akaza felt guilty. It was his fault that Douma was now wary of him.
If he had only noticed that Douma was regressed when he had first approached him, this could have all been avoided and Douma could have had a nice time in headspace instead of this, and now he didn't even know how Douma would react if he got closer to him, so instead Akaza went over to the couch that was in the room, taking a seat.
He wasn't going to approach Douma or say anything to him as he had decided to let Douma decide when he was ready to come out, but Akaza also didn't think it was a good idea to just leave Douma in the room alone any more.
Some time passed, and Douma suddenly curled into himself, starting to wail. Startled, Akaza sat bolt upright, wide eyes fixing on Douma. Akaza was quick to act after that. He couldn't just sit there and let this happen, so he got up off the couch and moved over to Douma, crouching down so that he was kind of next to Douma but not quite as Douma pushed himself further into the corner.
Hesitantly, he placed a hand on Douma's back, starting to run it up and down in an attempt to calm Douma. Surprisingly, Douma leaned into the touch, and a while later, with the repetitive soothing motion from Akaza, Douma eventually started to calm down, though he was still shaking slightly.
"Are you okay?" Akaza asked, his voice giving away his concern. "No." Douma said, turning around to face Akaza whilst wiping away his tears. "That's okay." Akaza assured. "M sorry. Was shitty." Douma apologized. "No, you did nothing wrong. I was mean for no reason, I should be the one apologizing." Akaza told Douma, ignoring the swearing.
Douma cocked his head to the side, looking at Akaza in confusion. "Why?" He asked, voice quiet. "Because," Akaza started, "you were upset because of something I had done, and I just made it worse." Akaza explained. "Mhm. Kaza was meanie." Douma agreed. Yeah, I'm sorry." Akaza apologized again. "I don't forgive you, but I can forget for now." Douma said, smiling.
Akaza just stood there for a few seconds before nodding in understanding. "Okay, that's fine. What can I do to make it up to you right now?" Akaza questioned. "Hmm..." Douma thought, tapping his chin with a finger. "Cuddles!" He decided, holding the finger up in the air.
"Okay." Akaza agreed. He led Douma over to the couch, pulling Douma into his arms as they lay down, beginning the cuddle session. "Kaza?" Douma called. "Yes?" Akaza answered. "Don't be shitty again." Douma told him. "I won't." Akaza promised, deciding that it was okay to let Douma swear, as long as he didn't overdo it, and it didn't hurt anyone.
This is the longest thing I have written so far, and it is incredibly self-indulgent. I projected onto Douma the whole time. I wrote this because I think people should become more aware that some littles do swear whilst regressed, and also for people to realize that for some littles, when they are punished, they won't immediately forgive you, and they can be mad with you and hold a grudge. (Me)
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dragon-queen21 · 3 months
I've got some Douma Fam headcanons I wanna share!!
I think that douma had some basic knowledge of age regression from books and his followers experience it themselves (also I'd like to note that in my Headcanon world for the douma fam I like to think after his parents died he made the cult into a shelter for families and people trying to get away from their abusive families/loved ones! He still runs it and acts like the leader but he isn't considered a 'god' anymore and got rid of all the culty aspects :3)
It wasn't until he took in Daki & Gyutaro did he have first hand experience with it, with daki having regressive episodes and gyutaro being her caretaker!
It took a while for the siblings to trust him enough for Gyutaro to let him anywhere near Daki while small and for her to not cry when Gyutaro was near by, but eventually he was able to be a lot more active in her regression and took on a 2nd caregiver role to her!!
Eventually after the siblings became fully comfortable around douma and his temple did Gyutaro start to regress himself, since he no longer needed to worry about taking care of daki or just basic survival, his own trauma started to rear their head and he started to involuntarily regress
He tried his best to hide it from both daki and douma but after a particular hard day and him accidentally breaking one of Douma's vases he ends up slipping and both of them finding out.
He was surprised however when both douma and daki welcomed it without any hesitation, daki was ecstatic to finally be the big sister for once and douma was just happy to be able to give him comfort and to know he felt safe enough to experience it with him ;^;
Some extra headcanons!
Douma converted one of his extra rooms into a playroom for the siblings!! He loves spoiling them and giving them things they didn't have growing up so the room is filled with toys, art supplies, stuffed animals, books and anything else the siblings could ask for!
Daki (and eventually Gyutaro) have their own favorite stuffed animal that they bring everywhere with them while little! Daki has a fluffy white cat plush with a pink skirt she stole off of one of her dolls for her kitty! And Gyutaro has a older scruffy rat plush that he absolutely fell in love with as soon as he saw it, he will infact bite anyone if they try to take it from him
Despite Douma being a demon he still needs reading glasses to read books up close, so before getting ready to read the siblings a story he will go grab his reading glasses, or Daki/Gyutaro will go run and grab them! They usually do that when they want to force him to read a book to them!
When Akaza later started to regress and douma gained his trust enough for him to meet daki and gyutaro while small, at first they were SO jealous at not having all of Douma's attention anymore, and (specifically daki) started to pick on out of jealousy, but eventually they got it all figured out and now they are all very close! And the shabana siblings and akaza are now best friends when small! (And big as well >:3)
THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO MY INSANE RAMBLINGSS I LOVE THESE WERIDOS TOO MUCHHHH (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)
~Hey I really like that headcanon world. (Takes it and adds it to my world building headcanon horde)
~Oh I love that. Daki is very little coded. I feel like Douma would have to be on eggshells taking care of her solo. She knows the power she has over him, all it takes is her threatening to call her brother and tattle on the other demon and she would get whatever she wants
~I can imagine Douma trying to take the rat plush from Gyutaro wanting to wash it, only to be met with a very angry mentally two year old and his hand getting chomped down on by very sharp teeth
~Ah I have such a soft spot for caregivers reading to their little ones. Imagining the siblings just handing over a pile of books and sneakily adding more to the pile to keep Douma reading to them
~Casually takes care of three little ones at once.
~Okay but imagine all four regressed. Maybe Muzan having to watch over them? I think the idea would be cute.
Thank you so much for sharing! I haven’t actually met Douma yet in the series so these were so much fun to read and think about. I love them all too :D
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kny-agere · 3 months
Hiiii, I'm a fellow kny agere writer and I love your content and wanna make a request. You can pick which is easier. Caregiver Akaza with a baby regressor that just wants to be held 24/7 or a Caregiver Shinobu with a baby regressor who tries to help her with helping patients
Firstly ty for the compliment and I love seeing other kny agere writers!! I’m not super active in the community bc this is a side acc but I do spy on people from time to time 🙈 I went with the first prompt ^^ It’s a little short but idk the conclusion felt good!!
Being a demon meant Akaza did not grow tired physically. He could fight or sprint or do as he pleased without need for rest. Most of the time he enjoyed this fact, though much to his displeasure you had learned to take advantage of this fact.
While Akaza technically never grew tired of holding you it could be troublesome to always have someone in his arms. He could not practice sparring or eat or do much besides entertain you.
Though you were very easy to entertain. As long as Akaza held you, you were happy to sit quietly in his arms. He could on occasion set you down as well, as long as he stayed nearby to promise his presence. But ultimately when Akaza was caring for you he did not have much freedom.
Currently that was an issue for the man. He was hungry, starving almost, but could not leave you alone. He had tried several times to set you down but each time you began to whine and move forward to grab his small vest.
Now Akaza’s strategy switched to getting you asleep. Then he would have a few hours of his own. The demon wrapped a soft and fuzzy blanket around your shoulders and tempted a pacifier into your mouth. It created a rather cute picture. Once you were set he began to rock you softly. Sometimes Akaza could be slightly too rough, forgetting just how strong he was. He focused on how fast he walked and how much he bounced you to make sure the effect was calming rather than something that would excite you.
With the man’s strong arms around you it was easy to be lured into sleep. You could rest your head on his shoulder and his fingers would rub your back softly. There was no other situation that could be so comfortable.
Though when he tried to put you down you immediately shot back to full consciousness. Akaza was only a step or two away but the distance was unbearable. It didn’t take long for you to start crying, reaching for him.
“Calm down I’m coming.” He darts back to your side and lifts you once more. “No more crying.” There’s the smallest drop of annoyance in his voice that doesn’t help your tears stop. You wiggle around in his hold unhappily.
“Hey, let’s relax a little ok?” Akaza’s tone softens and he goes back to bouncing you. It takes a few minutes but eventually you’re convinced to stop crying. A few minutes longer and you’re back to letting your eyes flutter shut. Before you’re fully asleep you manage a few words. “No go down.” You patted his cheek to emphasize.
Akaza had to stifle a smile, instead nodding very seriously. “I won’t put you down this time.” He resigned himself to spending the next hour or two holding you, the rest of his activities would wait for later. Though he didn’t find himself caring about that too much.
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Hi! First off, I’d just like to say your writing is so so good! It’s always such a pleasure seeing new posts from you. Second, I was wondering if you’d be willing to write a soft caregiver!Douma for an albino demon reader? :)
Oh. Sure! I definitely can give that a shot! I’ve been doing a lot of Hashira stuff lately so this is a real relief! Let me say, this was quite fun to write!
Warning! Big warning! This has a few spoilers on Douma, so if you’re unfamiliar with his backstory and abilities, please proceed ahead with caution!
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Douma heavily pitted you at first. You’re extra weak to sunlight due to your albinism, and since you’re basically a child, you are defenceless
After the Upper Moon 2 saved you from a Mizunoto that tried to kill you for scavenging food, he decided he’d take you to his palace and figure out what to do with you next. He could potentially give you to another Upper Moon
Douma lets go to that idea and his pity in basically no time as he watches you play in the Eternal Paradise Cult with the curtains and awe at every luxurious sight, you’re just so adorable
Why should he give you up when he can look after you himself! He has comfortability, power, servants, food and so much more. You’d be a fool to decline him so he goes for it
Douma forcibly becomes your main caregiver, and grows softer and softer all the more time he spends with you. A demon or not, he won’t let you leave the Eternal Paradise Cult unless you’re with him
It’s not like you’ll say no. His life is very appealing and he seems quite kind so you immediately run to him and cuddle his leg. His dead cold heart flutters at your cute nuzzles
You’re curious over his followers and ask him if you can meet them. Douma simply smiles and begins setting up a dinner so you can make friends with his followers
He grows closer with you each day. He spends every morning messing around with you and impressing you with his Demon Blood Art. He practices making a ice replica of you and shows it off to you
Douma lets you play with his crown, sat in his lap as he listens to his followers’ pathetic little concerns. He’d much prefer to kick them out and spend his time playing with you
You’re the only being allowed to stay in his throne room and you can freely wonder around the Eternal Paradise Cult. But if any of his followers mess up and get you hurt, he’ll hurt them badly
Suspect Douma to run up to you and scoop you into a tight hug. He misses you everytime he has to go out for a mission so when he gets back, he basically pounces on you
Yes, he brags about you to the Upper Moons all the time. He is proud of the cute little demon he cares for and he wants everybody to know that the demon he loves is the best thing this planet has;
“Oh. Akaza-dono. Don’t be so hostile because I have a cute little princess like Dokusha. You all wish you had a child like mine, because she’s better than anything you all have combined!”
Whatever you want is whatever you get. You’re basically the princess of the cult, Douma makes his loyal followers bend over backwards to bring you what you wish. Mention a gift once and Douma will have it in front of you in a snap
The food of his is yours as well. He has plenty of energy and strength to spare so he doesn’t mind sharing his kill with you or even letting you have all of it, he’d rather you eat before him anyway. He is your caregiver after all
He won’t say a single word about him killing the followers to you, since you like them and he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Though, he doesn’t realise how bad him basically feeding you the bodies of your new friends is
He loves styling your snowy white hair. He doesn’t need the practice but he just likes trying out new hairstyles. He has a bit of a habit where he dresses you in gorgeous fancy kimonos to make you the talk of the temple
He makes jokes about you being his daughter often. You two do have matching hair colour after all. All you need is blue, green, yellow, orange and red, and you’ll have his eyes too! As Douma claims
“Dokusha-chan! I got you- Huh? The kanji in my eyes? Don’t worry about them, they are… I was born with them, isn’t it nice?” Your caregiver won’t tell you the meaning behind ‘Upper Moon 2’ because he doesn’t see any reason to make you worried about his work
Douma is overprotective. He is ten— no— hundred times stronger than you so it’s his job to protect you. Though, it isn’t common for him to show this side since he never brings you to missions
There is only one time. You managed to get out of the temple, chasing a butterfly and accidentally came across a wondering Hashira. Douma came bolting in with steam blowing out his ears, he turned the Hashira into ice shards in mere seconds
Trust me. He’ll never get mad at you, he gets mad at his followers and mad being MAD. It’s their job to watch over you when Douma isn’t around so if you get into anything fishy or break something valuable, Douma targets his followers whilst apologising to you
Even though you can’t sleep, Douma has a routine for you to settle down and relax, resting you on his chest and rubbing your head as you very rapidly lighten up. He just loves seeing your little figure get calmer, you’re usually so full of energy
Douma does actively try to decrease his intense brutality when with you. You shouldn’t have to see a decapitated head in a pot just yet, yes, you’ve seen a dead body before but the pot is a different story
To catch your attention, he bites on your cheek playfully and pulls. He is a bit of a jealous type, he wants you to like him the most! But, don’t worry about him biting, it doesn’t hurt as he is careful and he lets you do the same back so it’s fair
Douma picks you up and carries you around almost all the time, you’re much smaller than him and he feels calmer having his beloved little demon at his side. He isn’t rough at all, he even tries to reframe from poking you with his claws
Since his followers like you a lot too, he’ll let you answer them occasionally. He doesn’t mind at all, he despises this part of running his own cult. You care more for those walking food reserves than he does
Douma is quite twisted and cruel, but with the things he likes, he can’t bring himself to break them. Douma can’t lay his hands on you, no matter how angry he gets. You’ve become important to him in only a few days
He always figured he’d never make a connection with anybody since he doesn’t feel emotions. But you changed that for good, he now feels a overwhelming sense of love for you. He wants to be more than your caregiver, he wants to be your father since he does view you as his daughter
“Dokusha-chan! Dokusha-chan! After this, would you like to go outside and make a iceman with me? Yes? That’s wonderful to hear! I have a special new formation I want to show you!”
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kerfufflecricket · 7 months
Akaza Q4 and Douma Q12 (Like what nicknames he’s given akaza ^^)
Yay questions! Please forgive me if I get rambley I just love talking about these two! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Question 4 - is their regression more voluntary or involuntary, do they ever regress without realizing?
Akaza's regression is mainly involuntary, he has little control on when or where he slips. He can put it off for a little bit but will almost always end up slipping in the end.
If he gets especially upset, usually by being reminded of his human life, he can end up regressing immediately without warning.
He generally has very little warning before he starts to feel small but he's usually pretty good at telling when he feels small all things considered :]
Question 12 - do they have any specific nicknames for when their regressed? What about for their caregiver(s) or friends?
Oh, Douma has SO MANY for akaza!! He calls him the usual pet names, sweetheart, sweetie, honey, ect. But his favorites to call him are "My Darling" ''My Dearest" "Sweet Boy" and "Snowflake".
He likes to add the term "My" to them. It's his way to show that he cares about him and likes taking care of him! He's not great at talking about his feelings or being open/vulnerable so he finds small ways like this to show it instead
It's also a reinsurance for Akaza, we all know that emotions are not his strong suit.
Vulnerability? Never heard of it.
So obviously his regression is a really personal thing to him and he has insecurities surrounding it, that being paired with his pre-existing insecurities he has a hard time believing someone exactly wants to look after him or wants him in general, so being referred to as "My Darling" or "My dearest" it helps to reassure that he's actually wanted and loved. Though he'd never admit that lol
They're dynamic really relies on the whole "it's the thought that counts" really ^^ (and I eat it up everytime)
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theoceantot · 1 year
𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝑺𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒓 𝒙 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓(𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆)
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This can't be happening to me' I screamed in my head as I look at the paper that was handed to me.
"𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 (𝐀𝐠𝐞 1-4)"
The other ppl that got their slips had "𝐍𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥" written on their paper. You see, littles are not that common like at all. A lot of people didn't understand littles claiming it to be "weird" or "unnatural" The majority of people were "neutrals" meaning they were just ordinary people. How I envy them now. I don't want this! I was perfectly fine living by myself. It's what I've done my whole life.
The person who handed us the papers with our identification started checking everyone. 'Shit' if they found out I was a little if be taken away to find a Caregiver! I'm not a baby I can take care of myself! I carefully slipped away from the crowd and walked the busy streets.
Hours passed and it was already night time. Most people were in their homes getting ready for bed while i was lost. Taking a small rest in an alleyway I sat down in defeat
"I lowst"
HUH?! Why I talk like that.
All of a sudden I started to feel really young. I tried resisting it but it was of no use. Heavy tears started flowing from my eyes and before I knew it I was sobbing and hugging myself.
Muzan Kibutsuji roamed the alley way looking for innocent victims to kill when he heard a loud cry.
'They make it too easy' he thought maliciously. He swiftly made his way towards the noise to see the little crying her eyes out. Muzan inspected the girl and his eyes widened to see the card next to her. She was a little. And a crying one at that. Muzan had NEVER met a little before even in his 1,000 years of life. That's how rare they are.
Y/n made eye contact with Muzan and their eyes both widened in shock. A spark was felt between the two of them. Almost like an invisible bond binding them together.
That could only mean one thing
𝐌𝐮𝐳𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫
'No no NO this cannot be happening. There's no way I'm a Caregiver to this pathetic girl' Muzan panicked on the inside going noticed by Y/n
"I-i sorry I go" Y/n stuttered and started walking away.
Muzan was about to storm off too when his heart strings tugged. Why did he feel so upset at you walking away?! Is this what being a Caregiver is? Always wanting to nurture and protect their little?
"WAIT!" Muzan yelled after her. She turned her head around to see Muzan with a troubled look on his face. 'I'm definitely gonna regret this'
"Would you like to come home with me"
Her eyes widened and she ran over to the demon king falling in the process but Muzan with his demon speed was quick to catch her. He carefully picked Y/n up wanting her to feel secure. She buried her face into his neck already being extremely attached to her caregiver.
By the time Muzan got his little one to thr infinity fortress she was too small to speak and kept making noises wanting to sleep.
"We're here little one"
Y/n looked around amazed. She's never seen anything like it before.
"Beautiful isnt it? This will be your home from now on my little lily" Muzan smiled and touched her cheek with his hand. His hand was much colder than the average person but she didn't mind and leaned into his touch.
"Dada who dat?" Y/n asked
Akaza was staring at the two trying not to be seen but in the end failing. Muzan turned around to see the uppermoon 3 staring in confusion. Why is he holding a girl? A human girl at that.
"Its rude to spy Akaza" Muzan threatened.
Before he could reply his bones and organs felt like they were being crushed. He collapsed on the floor from the pain. Y/n didn't like the sight of Akaza. It scared her.
"STOPPP NO STOP" Y/n screamed begging Muzan to stop.
Muzan complied and made the pain stop. He regreted doing that infront of her. Y/N thrashed in his arms eventually getting out and running over to Akaza.
"You okay pinky?"
'Wait a minute is she-' Akazas thought was interrupted when she started playing with his fingers and putting his hand on her head.
"Y/n dear come back to me"
She shook her head and continued playing with his fingers. Akaza had to admit it felt kind nice.
"Say sowwy"
Muzan cringed so bad at the thought but knowing you wouldn't come back to him if he didn't he sadly complied.
"My apologies Akaza. I reacted irrationally"
"All is forgiven master" it took him everything in his power not to laugh on the spot.
"Master if you don't mind me asking who is this girl?" Y/n was holding onto his arm smiling widely.
"Shes my little"
Akazas eyed widened. So his assumptions were correct. But how could a murderer like Lord Muzan be a Caregiver. I mean he was a classified Caregiver but still.
"You're classification is a caregiver correct?"
He nodded
"I will be traveling for a week so I need someone to look after her. I presume you are up to the task?" Akaza nodded.
"Yes Lord Muzan"
Akaza picked the little up and she played with his pink hair. Muzan gave the girl a kiss on the forhead.
"Goodbye darling I'll see you again before you know it"
Y/n nodded a bit of tears falling. She only just met her daddy and now he had to leave?
Muzan left for his trip leaving a crying Y/n with Akaza.
"D-addy no come back" Y/n cried.
Akaza rubbed her back and shushed her softly. "He will be back I promise you" He really tried to calm you down. Even singing a small lullaby he remembered his fiance singing. It was futile tho since he wasn't your caregiver. Muzan was all you wanted right now.
All of your crying attracted the other upper moons. Kokushibo, Doma, Daki, and Gyuataro stared with suprised faces.
"My my seems like you're having some trouble" Doma teased. Akazas forhead vein throbbed. 'I swear if he touches her I'll kill him' he thought. Akaza held you closer and glared at Doma.
Your cries came to a stop and your body relaxes as you fell asleep from crying so much. Akaza sighed in relief. Doma wanted to see how far he could push Akaza.
"Aww she's so peaceful! You wouldn't mind if I held her would you?" Doma starter reaching to you but before he could touch you Akaza punched a hole through his head.
"You won't lay a finger on her!" Akaza whisper yelled trying not to wake you up after the stressful day you've had.
"Akaza..." Kokushibo warned.
Akaza tensed up and you must've noticed it too because you started to stir in your sleep. Kokushibo held his arms out wanting to take the sleeping little from his arms. Akaza hesitantly handed over muzans baby to him praying he wouldn't harm you. But instead he walked to a spare bedroom and layed you on the bed.
The bedroom wasn't really big but it had a normal sized bed with a desk and chair.
"Nakime, will you watch over her and alert us when she wakes up?" Kokushibo asked Nakime. She nodded and teleported everyone to another room in the infinity fortress.
"Who the hell was that girl?" Daki asked already annoyed of her presence.
"That girl is Muzans little" Kokushibo announced.
Doma waved his fan in excitement.
"How cute! Do you thunk lord muzan would let me take care of her!"
"Akaza..." Kokushibo warned.
His fist was ready to go though his head again.
Doma put a hand over his mouth and gasped.
"What on earth is that for best friend?"
"I don't know what your plans are but you won't hurt our Lords little" Akaza threatened.
"Nobody will hurt her Akaza. Am I understood?" Kokushibo warned the other upper moons mostly looking at Doma.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Nakime then teleported herself to the room.
"The little one has waken up. She's wondering where Pinky is?"
Daki, Gyutaro, Doma, and Gyokko couldn't hold in their laughs.
"I CANT BREATHE" Daki laughed and held her stomach.
Akaza rolled his eyes and went to the small room where Nakime was holding Y/n.
Y/n eyes widened in excitement when she saw Akaza. He was definitely her favorite next to Muzan.
"Pinky!" Y/n shouted and made grabby hands to him. Akaza smiled and held her in his big arms.
"I luv my pinky"
His heart melted at that. He can't even remember the last time someone loved him like this.
"Akaza, you need to introduce her to everyone else" Nakime said getting her biwa ready to teleport them. The other demons watched as Akaza held the baby as she played with his hair.
All the hate Daki had for you vanished when she saw how adorable you were.
"AWWWWW SHES SO CUTE!" Daki squealed. She made her way to you two with Gyutaro following close behind.
"Hi cutie! I'm Daki and that's my older brother Gyutaro" She introduced pointing to her brother. He made a small smile and waved at her. Y/n thought they both looked really pretty . She waved at them and then hid her face in Akazas neck.
Doma then gets behind Akaza and sees your started face.
"Hello little one I'm Doma!"
He looked friendly but something about him scared you. You started to cry wanting him to get away from him.
"Step away from her Doma" Kokushibo warned.
Doma fake cried.
"I thought the little one would want to play with me"
That made you feel really bad. You reached out to Doma and he wasted no time ripping you out of Akazas arms.
"Aren't you the cutest little thing!" Doma praised you making you giggle.
Akaza watched you two carefully to make sure he didn't try anything.
"Doma what is your classification?" Akaza asked.
He stopped pinching your cheeks and answered.
"Im a Caregiver! And you?"
'Damn it!'
Kokushibo walked over to you.
"My name is Kokushibo it's very nice to meet you"
"Koko?" You said not being able to pronounce his name.
He nodded made his way out of the fortress along with everyone else except for Doma and Akaza.
"There's no need for you to watch us Akaza! Shes in good hands!" Doma sent a smirk his way pissing him off even more.
Nakime teleported in the room.
"Muzan has also requested to get Y/n some little items from town" Nakime teleported out the room to Akaza still glaring at Doma.
"I'll take her don't worry!" Doma declared.
"Yeah you wish you were going alone with her"
𝑻𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒐 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒔
•Akaza HATED having you cry. It made him sad as well
•Muzan debated on taking you with him but didn't want you hurt
•You remind Kokushibo of his old child
•Akaza secretly likes being called pinky
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knifey-shivdarks · 2 years
akaza is the kind of man that would go get you pads and tampons and a shit ton of snacks when ur menstruating
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dragon-stones · 2 years
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To answer @dawnofplumeria​​’s question, here’s the Uppermoon babysitting breakdown!  Sit down this is going to be a long one
Important: Kokushibo did not except assistance until Muichiro and Yuichiro were around 7 years old. The demon did not trust his fellow demons around the twins, for one of the Uppermoons could have easily killed them. Even though it was unlikely that the others would try to do something that foolish, Kokushibo was not going to risk it. He had raised the boys in secret.
- Kokushibo will not allow Douma to be in a room with his kids alone! So Upper Moon Two will never be seen babysitting his kids. If Douma is the only option, then Kokushibo is not going to do what he plans or follow Muzan’s orders. 
- Akaza had been the first to 'babysit’, due to Kokushibo over exerting himself in a fight during the full moon. Akaza wasn’t planning on following Upper Moon One, but the way the elder demon was acting struck the other as off. Kokushibo was sluggish and wasn’t regenerating as quickly as he does. He also appeared to be exhausted, like he hasn’t slept in days. He knew that Muichiro and Yuichiro existed, but had not meet then until that night. 
- Kokushibo was exhausted enough that he had not noticed that Akaza was following him. When he arrived home, the twins ran to greet their father. Kokushibo had barley take two steps before fainting, causing the twins and Akaza to cry out in surprise and worry. Akaza helped drag the unconscious demon and put him in bed. With the boys only caregiver unavailable, the demon stay and keep the twins safe until Kokushibo had awakened. 
- The first thing Kokushibo heard when he woke was Akaza saying “Fine, I’ll see if he’s up. You two are loud enough to wake the dead.” This had caused the demon to snort a laugh out, but startled him as well. He didn’t know how Akaza had found his and the boys home, but he wasn’t too pleased about the situation. After calming down and letting Akaza explain what happened, Kokushibo realized that he couldn’t do everything on his own. At least the twins liked the martial artist.  
- When Kokushibo had taken in Zenitsu and Kaigaku, Akaza was the first to notice the demon’s behavior change to that of when he first brought Muichiro and Yuichiro. Akaza waited until Kokushibo was comfortable enough to introduce his two new sons. Akaza is the only one that Kokushibo has personally introduced his children too, as evident in a meeting about the elder demon’s kids. 
- Akaza is the cool uncle the the four like to hang out with. 
- Kokushibo has Nakime keep an eye on the kids when they’re in the Infinity Castle. When in the Castle Nakime will only utter one of three sentences to the boys; “Your father is waiting for you.”, “It’s time to return home.”, and “I must change the layout, stay still.” 
- Hantengu does not babysit the boys, but Kokushibo allows the clones Karaku and Urogi to play with his kids if they’re in the Infinity Castle. It’s easier to have meetings when the boys are distracted, but safe. 
- Kokushibo doesn’t care if Gyokko has to babysit his children. Though, he does know that Muichiro and Yuichiro will insult the other’s pots. This has lead to many “disagreements” between Gyokko and the twins. Kaigaku will join if he feeling bored enough. Zenitsu is the only one who is outwardly kind to Gyokko, but he does find the Upper Rank a bit annoying at times. 
Gyutaro & Daki 
- The siblings don’t see the boys often enough to babysit, but the two will not hesitate to offer a hand if Kokushibo is in need. Daki will take the boys to the most expensive part of the Entertainment District and lets them buy whatever they want. Gyutaro makes sure the five do not go overboard with the spending. He’s the only “mature” one as Akaza has put it.  
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babyminty · 9 months
Cg Muzan/Little Akaza
Akaza had just defeated the Flame Hashira, but it had not been an easy fight for him. It actually resulted in Akaza regressing.  Right in front of Muzan.
Muzan knew what was happening the moment Akaza regressed, so he started to talk to Akaza more calmly and gently. "Akaza, I know you are little right now." He told him. Akaza looked at Muzan nervously.
"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you." Muzan told him. "Help me with what?" Akaza asked. "To look after you until you feel big again." Muzan explained. "Okay." Akaza hesitantly agreed.
"Can we paint? Akaza questioned. "Sure." Muzan said. He disappeared for a minute or two, but returned to Akaza with a canvas and some paint. "Here you go." He said as he gave the things to Akaza, who took them, thanking Muzan.
Akaza began to paint on the canvas. He painted lines and squiggles and little blobs, and if he was trying to paint something specific, Myzan wouldn't tell him, but he couldn't tell what it was.
When Akaza was finished painting, he proudly showed what he had made to Muzan. "Good job, bud." Muzan said, lightly ruffling Akaza's hair.
Unfortunately, Akaza wasn't very successful with keeping all the paint on the canvas, and some paint had gotten on the floor and Akaza's hands as well as somehow on Akaza's face.
"Can we clean up? Muzan asked. Akaza nodded, and with Muzan's help he was able to get the paint off the floor. After putting the paint away and putting the canvas somewhere safe to dry, Muzan led Akaza to the bathroom, helping him wash the paint off Akaza's face and hands.
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Douma/Little Akaza
It had been quite a few weeks since Akaza had last regressed, and though that mostly made sense as there wasn't much time for him to regress, but the times he could, he avoided it. He even went as far as to avoid Douma during those times as Douma was his caregiver, and Akaza knew that Douma would insist on him regressing, especially since Akaza had started to slip up and partially regress when there was no time to.
Another week went by, and the Upermoons once again had some free time, and this time, Douma did not let Akaza slip away. "Akaza!" Douma called out to the pink haird demon. Akaza let out a deep breath, knowing that he wasn't going to get away this time as he turned around to face Douma. "What is it?" Akaza snapped, lacing his words with as much venom as he could as a last attempt to make Douma go away.
However, Douma did not seem affected by Akaza's words anyway. "I know you haven't regressed at all recently, and I think it would do you well to." Douma said. "No, I'm fine, just leave me alone and go bother someone else." Akaza retorted. "Akaza, please let me help you regress." Douma pleaded, making puppy dog eyes towards Akaza. Akaza looked away, angrily muttering to himself before looking back at Douma. "Fine." He agreed and was a little surprised when Douma started to dance happily on the spot.
"Come along then." Douma said as he took Akaza's hand, leading him into one of the rooms. It already had a blanket laid out on the ground, sourpunded by lots of different toys, paper, and stationery. Akaza took it all in before turning back to Douma. "So, how long have you been planning this?" Akaza asked. Douma looked away sheepishly, but then looked back just as quickly, and lead Akaza to sit down on the blanket, completely ignoring the question, and Akaza decided it wasn't important enough to ask again.
They got settled on the blanket, and Douma encouraged Akaza to play with some of the toys, stating that even though Akaza wasn't regressed yet, playing with them would help him slip. Akaza reluctantly agreed, picking up a toy from the collection and started to play. Despite Akaza's hesitance to begin with, he quickly began having fun, and now fully regressed, he put down the toys and asked Douma to play tag with him, and of course Douma agreed.
After many rounds of tag, Akaza flipped back down on the blanket, shortly followed by Douma who brought a drink and snacks for the regressed little, and Akaza took them gratefully, before starting to eat the snacks whilst he git some paper and crayons to start drawing, and after each picture was done, he would proudly show it to Douma, and Douma would always tell him how good it was and ask to keep it, to which Akaza would happily nod, handing the drawing to Douma before going off to draw another one.
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Kokushibo/Little Akaza
Warning: There are mentions of blood and injuries
Akaza stumbled into the room that Kokushibo was in. Kokushibo turned around to see who had entered the room, only to see Akaza, blood dripping from wounds covering his body. "What happened happened?" He asked Akaza. "There was a demon slayer, and I didn't do too well in the fight against them." Akaza explained. "I see that." Kokushibo replied. "But why are your wounds not healing?"
"I dunno." Akaza shrugged. "Their weapon might have been laced with something." Kokushibo nodded in agreement. "And how did they manage to get so many hits on you?" He inquired. Akaza looked away and shrugged before turning towards the door to walk out.
"Wait." Kokushibo stopped him. Akaza turned back around to face him. "Were you small when you fought the demon slayer?" Kokushibo asked. "How did you know?" Akaza asked, surprised. "If was just one of the more likely reasons." Kokushibo informed him. "Are you still little?" Akaza gave a shy nod.
"Ok, come here, let's get you patched up, and then we can go do something fun." Kokushibo said, gesturing to Akaza to come closer. Akaza obeyed, and once his wounds were taken care of, Kokushibo led him outside. It was currently nighttime, so they didn't have to be careful of the sun.
There was a village nearby, and both of them knew that there was no chance that either of them could pass as human, so that was something they should be careful of. They didn't want to run into any more demon slayers after all. Akaza did want some ice cream, though, so when Kokushibo asked what he wanted to do, his immediate answer was to get ice cream.
Kokushibo and Akaza snuck into the village, successfully going unnoticed. They spotted an ice cream cart and went up to it, snatching up some ice cream whilst no one was looking, and quickly left the village, returning back to the woods. Kokushibo handed some ice cream to Akaza, who hummed happily as he ate it.
Once the ice cream was finished, Akaza's face was covered in it, so Kokushibo pulled out a serviette he had also taken from the ice cream place, cleaning Akaza's face with it. He put the serviette in his pocket and then ruffled Akaza's hair before starting to lead him back to the house they had come from as the sun was about to rise.
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kny-agere · 5 months
Hii!! It's me again! I absolutely love your fics and I've been re-reading your fics on Ao3 for the past few day!! And I was wondering if you could possibly do another Cg Douma and Little Akaza drabble?
Akaza is cranky and small and douma trys to figure out what's wrong, he isn't sure what it is until akaza ends up having an accident and starts absolutely sobbing! Douma of course starts to comfort him and reassures him while he gets him clean up! (And getting him changed into a diap too but I'll let you decide on that part in case you don't feel comfortable!!) and they spend the rest of the time cuddling together ;^;
These two are my comfort boys so this be would be really cute!! ^^ but as always 0 pressure! I won't mind if you don't want to write this one! <333
I focused a little more on the set up but I hope it’s still to your liking! Sorry I have been mia lately I have been doing poorly. Making Rengoku’s cake was exciting but then my siblings ate the rest without me (´;.;`)
“What’s wrong?” Akaza had been writhing and complaining all afternoon. Douma had tried asking the question a few times throughout the day but never gotten a proper answer. Instead the little resorted to more groaning. It had put a slight damper on their afternoon together but Douma was used to dealing with a grumpy Akaza.
“C’mon sweetheart you can talk to me!” He tries bouncing the boy on his lap only to get another loud groan.
With a slight frown Douma pokes Akaza’s cheek. “Is it bed time then?” Usually the weak threat gets a reaction of some sort, a giggle or pout depending on the day. Again the upper moon simply groans and sinks further into his caregivers hold.
“Does your tummy hurt? Was Muzan-sama cruel to you? Did… uh, did Gyokko-san annoy you?” Despite the myriad of questions he receives no answers. It’s true that Akaza may just be in a bad mood but to spend an hour or so with little change was a rare occasion. There’s a strange mix of anger and annoyance and a little bit of something else that Douma doesn’t quite understand.
“Why don’t we eat?” After a bit of food he might cheer up, or be tired enough to go to sleep. Akaza lets himself get picked up easily. He doesn’t wrap his arms back around the caregiver.
At the table they have a weak imitation of a meal, piles of meat piled up properly onto a plate. The young boy picks at his food, dragging his fingers through the mess. It’s another clear sign that he is not feeling well but doesn’t clue Douma as to why.
Halfway through the meal when Douma is already done and Akaza still has only taken two bites the boy switches from despondent sadness to screaming tears. He smashes the plate and kicks himself backwards, falling flat onto the floor. Hands tear lines into the tatami within his reach.
When Douma crosses the room the problem becomes immediately clear. “Oh you poor thing.” He dips to pick up the little one but the demon lashes out and directs a few strong kicks towards his caregivers head. They’re not strong enough to actually interrupt Douma so he moves forwards easily enough and captures the boy in his arms. Ignoring the squirming for now he sighs. “You could’ve told me if you needed some help,” he laments. Akaza’s pants are soaked with urine. He must’ve had to use the restroom for quite awhile if that was the cause of his bad mood.
The smell and sticky cold wetness are hard to ignore so the blonde moves quickly into one or the many grand bathrooms in his household. Of course the bath is already prepared and it only takes a moment to strip the boy. Akaza is still grunting and crying but he grasps onto Douma now and buries his grim face into golden hair.
Douma’s own clothing is much more difficult to remove and while his pants can be undone easily his tight shirt is impossible to take off while there’s another demon clinging to his chest. In the end he has to settle for getting his clothes wet, unwilling to set Akaza down when faced with more tears.
“Why didn’t you tell me you needed some help?” Douma quickly scrubs down Akaza, paying special attention to his tender inner thighs. Now he doesn’t mind the lack of words spoken. That doesn’t stop the blonde from opening his own mouth. “Honestly if you didn’t look so sad I might scold you.” He pokes his nail into the boy’s soft cheek.
Akaza grunts and whines a little more so the upper moon stops his prodding and moves back out of the bath. Douma’s wet shirt clings uncomfortably to his skin so he finally sets the boy down. To his delight the little one is willing to be set down for a few seconds now.
The blonde grabs one of his extravagent robes and ties it loosely around his waist. When he picks Akaza back up small hands pet the silky fabric. “You can match with me once we get you changed!”
Douma prepares himself for the fight that will surely occur if he attempts to diaper Akaza.
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kny-agere · 1 year
I made some agere character ai bots! Feel free to check them out :) This is my first time making bots so keep that in mind.
Caregiver Rengoku Kyojuro
Caregiver Mitsuri Kanroji
Little Tomioka Giyuu
Little Akaza
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kny-agere · 10 months
Hello! I was wondering if you could do a drabble with Cg Kokushibo & Douma looking after A little Akaza who's in babyspace? Maybe this is the first time he's regressed so young and there both trying to figure out how to best take care of him? (Idk why but I think they'd make a pretty good caregiving duo since they'd probably balance each other out lol) I also really like your work! The drabbles I've read are very cute! ^^
Thank you for the compliments!! I hope you enjoy this :>
It was hard finding someone to take care of him. Akaza wouldn’t let anyone see him as weak just because he indulged in certain comforts. At first he considered one of the lesser demons as caretakers, but the lower moons tended to rotate quickly and he didn’t get along well with Hantengu or Gyokko. Gyutaro wasn’t a horrible candidate but his sister claimed most of his attention.
Looking at the demons above himself Akaza felt cornered still. He found Douma too grotesque to be useful in such a way, and it’d be deluded to think that Muzan cared about anyone other than himself.
Kokushibo however was promising. The man was quiet, but Akaza preferred that anyways. He just wanted someone to keep him company, a stable hand against his back.
So they fell into things naturally. Kokushibo had a surprising aptitude for caring for others, which extended to Akaza. He was still quiet, but would scoop the demon up to cradle or redirect his energy when needed. There was no sense of shame either, it was an understanding that their gentle moments together were separate from their lives as upper moons. No titles were needed when exchanging words.
That wasn’t to say everything was perfect. Kokushibo was bad at explaining things to Akaza, if he didn’t understand the downsides to destroying a room or refused to end a meeting when scheduled. Akaza sometimes got overwhelmed and rejected any of the other’s advances without reason.
Right now they were both struggling however. The rare meetings between upper moons are always hard. At least one of them ends up decapitated, with others injured in some way. It’s not quite as bad as individual meetings, in which Akaza knows he’ll be hurt, but still they’re not fun.
So they leave afterwards to one of the infinity castles many rooms. Kokushibo often faces the least of Muzan’s wrath, he stands straight and tall. Akaza stumbles behind him, clinging to the man’s loose robes. He keeps tripping over his legs and stumbling into Kokushibo’s back.
“Wait until we find a room.” Kokushibo gives the instructions directly. His hand lightly pushes Akaza away from him.
A wet sounding whimper leaves his lips. “I-I’m tryin’!” His legs feel heavy. Without the support his stance wavers again.
It’s uncommon for him to cry. Technically no tears have left his eyes yet, but the high cracks in Akaza’s voice are a sign that tears are on the way.
Frowning Kokushibo turns to the upper moon. Usually Akaza can take well enough care of himself. Currently he looks distressed however.
The older demon does what he knows how to and picks up the other. Akaza immediately wraps arms so tightly around his neck that it becomes hard to breathe. A stripped face hides itself within Kokushibo’s long locks. His updo sways as he walks, bouncing against Akaza’s cheeks.
Again there’s a sort of strange feeling, a disturbance to their usual routine. Often the younger demon will sit on his lap or ride on his back, there’s no clinging, no curled fists in his clothing or soft breaths echoing against his neck. It bothers Kokushibo a bit, the annoyance of too much physical contact.
So when they finally arrive to an adequate room he tries to set Akaza down. At first arms stay wound around his neck, but slowly he pries them off. As the boy flops to the ground he lets out a loud wail and tries to hide his face. One hand reaches out to attach itself back to Kokushibo.
He hopes that if he doesn’t turn away the fist currently grabbing his pants the boy might stop crying. Usually Akaza’s tears were still filled with anger or frustration rather than plain distress.
But after only a minute or two of waiting he’s already grown tired of the sobs. They’re not dying in volume or intensity. “Stop that. You shouldn’t be so loud.”
He refuses to quiet down until hands pick him up again. It still takes a moment for his tears to stop but eventually Akaza silences himself. His thumb is stuck into his mouth, but drool still trails down his chin.
Fishing a handkerchief from his pocket Kokushibo wipes up the mess under the boy’s lips. “What’s wrong?” This meeting hadn’t gone awfully all things considered. Akaza and Douma had bickered as usual, Hantengu was the one who ended up harmed, and then everyone was sent back towards their regular regions.
As Akaza attempted to answer he could only start off with stuttered syllables that didn’t evolve into any actual words. More drool slippered down his chin as he tried several times to repeat himself.
“Stop… you can tell me later.” The only thing more annoying than his cries were whatever the noises he had been making were.
He assumed that the younger demon would be relieved at the instructions, not longer having to try something beyond his current abilities, but tears built back up in the corner of his eyes. However the boy remained quiet (other than the occasional sniffle) this time, something Kokushibo was thankful for. He could think properly without the interruption.
Akaza was acting unusual. Perhaps the stress from the earlier meeting was still too much even considering the relative gentleness compared to other ones. It was possible this was unrelated to the master’s generally callous behavior, instead inspired by events Kokushibo hadn’t witnessed. Whatever it was had been enough to send Akaza into a state even younger than he typically regressed, that much was clear.
While he could coexist relatively well with the boy when he was toddler aged, the idea of Akaza being even more dependent on him was a little off-putting. Not because of anything the boy had done, but more so the fact that Kokushibo had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.
Holding him was working well enough for now. Even his silent tears had tapered off and he was once again sitting comfortably within the elder’s arms. Kokushibo settled in a more comfortable situation and wrapped his arms tighter around Akaza.
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babyminty · 7 months
I was tagged by @dragon-queen21 to list the first opening lines from 10 of my fics, so here they are:
1. (Demon Slayer) "I have someone that I want you all to meet." Was the first thing that  Ubuyashiki said when the Hashira meeting started.
2. (Demon Slayer) Uzui had been looking after two littles for the majority of the day. He didn't mind looking after Mitsuri and Rengoku whilst they were regressed, but they could be a handful at times when they were regressed alone, and even more so when they were regressed together.
3. (Bungou Stray Dogs) Dazai had just gotten back from a mission which he had accidently gotten hurt on. Normally when one of the agency members got injured, they would go to Yosano so that she could heal them, but because of Dazai's ability, she was unable to do so, and since Dazai already had bandages in the place he was injured, there was nothing to be done.
4. (Bungou Stray Dogs) Akutagawa had been on a mission with Dazai when he regressed, and so, when the mission had been completed, mostly done by Dazai, Dazai took Akutagawa home with him so he could look after Akutagawa whilst he was regressed.
5. (Demon Slayer) Akaza had just defeated the Flame Hashira, but it had not been an easy fight for him. It actually resulted in Akaza regressing.  Right in front of Muzan.
6. (Demon Slayer) Giyuu was currently regressed. He had allowed himself to regress due to the fact that he would not be having any knew missions to do for at least a week, and that he was in the Water Estate so he was sure that no one would bother him. He had no idea that the second fact would be wrong.
7. (Bungou Stray Dogs) Fyodor had just arrived back at his apartment that he shared with Nikolai. The day had been stressful, and as soon as he saw his caregiver, he regressed. "Papa." Fyodor said, making grabby hand motions towards Nikolai.
8. (Bungou Stray Dogs) Dazai and Fyodor were playing chess. Usually, it was difficult to see who was winning until the end game when they played chess, but this time, it was clear to anyone that Fyodor was losing from the beginning.
9. (Obey Me) Mammon was on his way to Lucifer's office to bug him until he gave Mammon some more Grimm. He didn't actually need it, but he found it fun to irritate Lucifer.
10. (Demon Slayer) Muichiro had been really out of it the whole day, which wasn't unusual, but he had been more so than most days. His brain just felt way more foggy than usual, and he really just wanted to cuddle someone or something as he slept.
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