careerist-learning · 2 years
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Sales Engineers usually work for companies that make products that require some technical expertise, such as computers, software, or medical devices. As a Sales Engineer, you can break into tech without coding and earn $100K a year on average!
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The data is taken from the Glassdoor platform, so it is in the public domain — you can always see it yourself.
☝🏼 You can say that «I'm too old to get into tech. No way I would ever get a job there» or «only experienced Sales Engineers have such salaries.»
‼️ One of the most common misconceptions about tech industry jobs is that getting into this industry seems like an uphill battle for professionals over 30
✅ The thing is, with Careerist's comprehensive training programs that seamlessly blend theory with practice, and, most importantly, provide you with hands-on experience and consultations with industry experts on preparing for an interview, landing a job in tech will become a total no-brainer. And however, after our program, you will have enough experience.
Not convinced yet? Go read our graduates' success stories: #careerist_success_stories ✨
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careerist-learning · 2 years
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His story is a real-life examples of the fact that anyone can give this field a try, regardless of education or previous work experience
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careerist-learning · 2 years
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Leo has already been working as a QA for seven months. He hesitated before joining the course because it sounded too good to be true. Today he lives this new American dream and proudly says he works in tech 💻
✨ To see more inspiring stories from our graduates, search #careerist_success_stories
Intrigued and ready to land your dream job in tech? Then go on and enroll in one of our training programs by following the link!
❓ Where are you from?
🗣️ I am originally from New York, where I was born and raised. Technically my background is in accounting, and that's what I have a degree in. When I joined Careerist, I didn't have any specific skills in terms of QA. I dabbled in software development boot camps to learn a little bit about certain things
❓ When did you study at these coding boot camps?
🗣️ I did a little coding studying here and there — a few months before joining Careerist and also about a year before that — but I never got super serious about it
❓ You were trying to become a developer, and what was it like at the coding boot camp?
🗣️ It was just too complicated for me, and it just didn't really work out. Well, I wouldn't say it was too complicated; it was just the pace of the boot camps. The way I learned was too slow. It took me too long, and that was the issue
❓ Any final message to your peers?
🗣️ I just wanted to tell everyone to stay motivated. Even if you're having a bad day or whatever the case may be, just be as nice and friendly as possible. If there's something that you really don't know, or if you are asked a complex question or something you simply don't know, please be honest. Try to create something, but it's something you can learn once you get a job. Get creative with your answers, and try to be as confident as possible
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careerist-learning · 1 year
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Petri learned about a QA career by chance. After losing a well-paid job back in 2014, she wondered if she would ever have another chance to get decent pay in the future. She pulled through the course and got a job without attending a single interview for it — a truly awesome job-search journey that helped her enter the tech world
✨ To see more inspiring stories from our graduates, search #careerist_success_stories. Intrigued and ready to land your dream job in tech? Then go on and enroll in one of our training programs by following the link
❓ So, let’s start. What did you do before stepping into the tech world? 🗣️ I'm a licensed insurance agent who worked for a call center. It was a work-from-home position. The job that I used to work at was very stressful. I dealt with people who are on Medicare
Some elderly people are pretty much set in their ways, and sometimes they can be very obnoxious. They could be mean and rude, but then, on the other hand, they could be as sweet as they wanted to be. And you're constantly getting those hang-ups, constantly getting those people using profanity because they're tired of you calling
To make money, I needed to enroll in a plan to make my bonus. At some point, I felt I needed a job that would be less stressful for me. I wanted to be behind the scenes and not out in front. I didn't want to deal with customers anymore
❓ What was the most crucial part for you in choosing the Manual QA course by Careerist? 🗣️ I liked that it allowed me to become a QA without having a college degree. The chance just to go to a boot camp and learn what I need to know and gain the experience and the knowledge to start a QA career
Another one is having a mentor. It's awesome to have someone who can guide and coach you through the process. I could always reach out to my mentor for any questions I had. My mentor kept me going. She lifted my spirits when I felt overwhelmed because I hadn't achieved what I wanted
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careerist-learning · 1 year
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In this inspiring story, we explore the journey of a New York City resident Bruce who, with no technical background or degree, managed to land a job paying over $100,000 per year
✅ Through dedication, hard work, and the right mentorship, he was able to transition from a paid internship to a full-time role as a QA professional, mastering skills like SQL and test case development along the way
✨ To see more inspiring stories from our graduates, search #careerist_success_stories. Intrigued and ready to land your dream job in tech? Then go on and enroll in one of our training programs by following the link
❓ Hello, Bruce! Where are you located now?
🗣️ Hi! I’m in New York City
❓ How did you discover the Careerist training, and what motivated you to join it?
🗣️ I found the training through an online ad. It caught my attention because it mentioned that people with no technical background could get into the tech industry. I've always been interested in technology, but I didn't have the formal education to back it up. I decided to give the program a try, hoping it could be the bridge I needed to start a career in tech
❓ Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently in your journey?
🗣️ Honestly, I think everything happened the way it was supposed to. I might have started exploring the tech industry earlier if I had known about training like Careerist sooner. However, I believe that the challenges and experiences I've had along the way have made me stronger and more determined to succeed in my new career
Read more in our blog!
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careerist-learning · 1 year
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✨ To see more inspiring stories from our graduates, search #careerist_success_stories. Intrigued and ready to land your dream job in tech? Then go on and enroll in one of our training programs by following the link
Are you feeling discouraged about your job search? Have you been wondering what kind of questions employers are asking in interviews, or what it's like to start your first day at a new workplace? We recently sat down with some of our successful graduates and asked them about their experiences in the job market. They shared their stories, insights, and advice on everything from job interviews to navigating office culture
✨ To see more inspiring stories from our graduates, search #careerist_success_stories. Intrigued and ready to land your dream job in tech? Then go on and enroll in one of our training programs by following the link in our bio @careerist.learning
❓ Hello, Bradley and thank you for coming. Tell me about your background — do you have any technical background? 🗣️ I don’t have a computer science degree. I obtained my health science degree in 2017
❓ What did you do before tech? 🗣️ I started as a clinical administrator right out of college. Then I went on and did work with insurance right before the pandemic hit
❓ What made you change your mind and try tech? 🗣️ During the pandemic, I realized I didn’t want to go back to doing insurance. It wasn’t really for me—a lot of work and hours, and I just didn’t want to do it. At some point, I stumbled across the course, and I just leaped at it. Yeah, that’s it
❓ So when did you kick-start your journey into tech? 🗣️ So I started the training on April 11, 2021. After the training, I did two short internships: the first one May 10–14 and the second one May 17–21
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careerist-learning · 2 years
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✨ To see more inspiring stories from our graduates, search #careerist_success_stories. Intrigued and ready to land your dream job in tech? Then go on and enroll in one of our training programs by following the link!
❓ Hello, Malav and thank you for joining us today! Tell us a little bit about yourself and the start of your QA path 🗣️ Before I started QA, I worked at Amazon. I basically did regular warehouse work for them. After the Careerist training, I got a better job and a bigger salary, and my work now is much easier compared to what I was doing
❓ What is the work that you're doing now? Are you doing manual testing of websites, mobile applications, or both? 🗣️ I'm doing website and mobile.
❓ Do you have a final message for your fellow graduates? 🗣️ My final message is to not let a lack of experience hold you back — you can still get a great job. For example, we just hired an Automation QA Engineer at my company who has zero automation experience. So even if the job qualifications seem difficult or out of reach, apply and see what happens
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