#care of is very touching. I was introduced to them thru an excerpt of tomboys survival guide in one of my courses which also was cool
thepikachusorcerer · 1 year
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— Care Of, Ivan Coyote
[ Image ID: An excerpt from an e-book. The first paragraph is highlighted in yellow. The text reads, "Remember that morning I tried telling you in my mom’s truck up on Grey Mountain that the big-city trans community might not be the welcoming, accepting, blissful soft landing that I would like it to be for you? You sipped your oat milk latte and nodded, but I could tell that in your head you were patting me on the shoulder and saying ok Uncle Ivan, ok old fella, I’m listening, but I know it will be different for me.
I so wish it had been different for you. I wish trans people could come together better, that our own pain and trauma didn’t get in the way so much. I wish we could trust one another more, forgive each other easier, welcome and hold and teach each other, without punishing those of us who are newer, or older, or younger, or who arrive on our doorsteps without the right words, or clothes, or politics. I wish we didn’t turn so much of the hate aimed at us inward, and flip and bite our brothers and sisters and siblings simply because of their proximity, because they are available, and because they are so much easier to sink our teeth into than our real enemies are. They call it lateral violence, which is a useful term to a point, but one that does not fully describe how we can also harm those above us, and especially under us, and who arrive after us, and who we were meant to follow as well, not just those directly next to, or around us. I wish we had the same patience and compassion for each other that we muster up on the regular and extend to our families, our co-workers, to some confused stranger in a public bathroom at the mall." End ID ]
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