nyluxloft-blog · 8 years
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✨Oct 15- #CardDuJour #SevenofPentacles ✨There is s much pleasure to be found in the acquisition of earthly possessions, but if it becomes your primary concern, your basic humanity is at risk. This maiden be decking yourself and jewels looks with arrogant to staying at the viewer and seem to resent the interruption. She's not interested in what anyone else we need or ask of her. She is interested in sharing her prosperity are caring for anyone other than yourself. If you get this card reading ask yourself if you've been cultivating a me first attitude. Consider you may be overly focused on material goods and less on interpersonal need. It's fine to enjoy your toys and trinkets, but they should not become your main reason for living.✨
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nyluxloft-blog · 8 years
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#LuxLoft #CardDuJour ✨🙏🏽✨ #CLEARTHEPAST✌🏽️ to flow in spontaneity and synchronicity, your guides advise you to forgive those who have hurt you and for your attention and energy from the past. It restores your vitality and awareness of higher vibration. Nothing positive comes from holding onto the ones in the past – they're just preventing you from experiencing a blessing think that as of today. Notice when resentments and old anchors are burning your heart. One by one, abolish the psychic chains by forgiving those involved, including yourself. Big knowledge the gift each path injuries are prettier. This will allow you to forgive more quickly. And if you're stuck, or not in the mood to forgive, fake it. Even pretending to forgive that feeling in a higher vibration emotion. It doesn't mean you condone anything for anyone to enter you, but that would mean that you're ready to move happy birthday and he can hire and more loving vibration. You can't reach for your heart as long as you remain attached to the past. If you seek justice, ask your angels to render it and let it go. You will immediately experience a lightning of heart, and a deeper connection to your Higher Self and your guides. In this lighter state, your guides can direct you for more easily to what will bring you peace and calm.
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nyluxloft-blog · 8 years
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#LuxLoft #CardDuJour ✨🃏✨ #SixOfWands 🌱 Danger can sometimes lurk behind false appearances. The maiden shown is an ideal of beauty and grace, and she seems to offer only good will. But all is not as it seems; there is an ulterior motive underneath. In a reading, this card does not necessarily mean a specific person is being false with you. It can be a situation that requires more investigation, an offer that seems too good to be true, or an opportunity that will feed your ego more than your soul. Watch out for exaggerated praise or flattery.
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nyluxloft-blog · 8 years
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✨#LuxLoft #CardDuJour ✨ #HATHOR #RECEPTIVITY you have a maternal side to you that and actually cares for those in need, yet this must be balanced with receptivity or the flow is blocked. Receiving is the essence of feminine energy, and it means allowing yourself to receive grace and gratitude. If you feel guilty when asking others for help, or if you feel bad about receiving gifts, then you block your feminine energy. You receptivity is just as natural as your nurturing, giving energy. Receptivity allows you to better hear the voices of the Angels. When you receive, you have more resources to give to others. Begin by noticing the hundreds of gifts you received each day, whether it's seeing Beauty in nature, witnessing a touching you and moment, or being hugged by love one. Simply say thank you for each gift, and know that they're filling up your store house, keeping the divine flow going strong. MEANINGS: be still and listen – release guilt about receiving – ask for help – increased think awareness Dash know that you're not learning cycle – healing is occurring – be more in your feminine energy – child conception pregnancy or birth including adoption or favorable custody arrangements
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nyluxloft-blog · 8 years
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✨#LUXLoft #CardDuJour ✨ Your Wish Is Granted! 👌🏽What you've asked for is coming true👌🏽 very is no how to magically manifest all their material needs and desires, and they also assist people – like yourself – and making your dreams come true. This card represents that the fairies are very happy to grant your wish! They work in concert with all the universal forces in energies, you can also help your prayers rapidly manifest by telling with the flow in your own life. Stay centered and peaceful as possible because negativity could block you desire. Go outside in nature often to keep your spirit soaring with the magical energies of joy and gratitude. ✨ I love mine is planning a surprise for you – your thoughts are manifesting inform very quickly, so be sure that your silently spoken words are aligned with your desires and that your fears – talk to me universe – keep a sense of wonder and awe✨
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nyluxloft-blog · 8 years
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✨#LuxLoft #CardDuJour ✨ #Dana #High-Priestess 👸🏼 ✨Your #wisdom extends back into the far reaches of ancient times. You brought this knowledge forward into your present and cremation, to be away shower so that others may benefit from your experiences. Don't delay and expressing this wisdom. I will assist you in manifesting platforms for your spiritual teaching, whether it's through teaching by example, or through writing or speaking. All forms of teaching are equally valuable, no matter how many lives you touch. Meaning: lead workshops – write books or articles – look for opportunities to teach – be a role model of peace – honor your Divinity – know that you are a leader
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