#cardan is a lil bby and you can't tell me any different
tothestarsinvelaris · 4 months
My unhinged reactions to the chaotic ride that is The Folk of the Air series ((first two books only bc I'm only 30% through The Queen of Nothing soooo ---- no spoilers plsss))
The Cruel Prince Worst Betrayals:
TARYN - MA'AM!!?????!??? You knewww?? you knew Locke was playing both of y'all??? and you weren't even ensorcelled or whatever?!?!? GIRL?! "if you let me seduce your sister in front of you and keep your mouth shut it proves that I love you" I'M sorry?!?!!??? I absolutely cannot. Someone will need to give me some serious break down of why tf I shouldn't jump in there and smack the bitch myself for being so stupid and betraying her sister like that smh ((more on this bs later bc i've made it far enough through TQON to know things))
JUDE!!!!!!!! - Girl why tf are you gonna do my boy Cardan dirty like that???? He finally TRUSTED YOUR ASS okay?! he is clearly a lil bby who has never had a hug and never felt loved and is v much into you so maybe you should be NICE TO HIM (or mean bc hes into that obvs) but like -- you put the damn crown on his head when he SPECIFICALLY ASKED YOU NOT TO?!??????? oof
The Wicked King:
I sat there really trying to figure out who tf betrayed Jude already when Nicasia's jealous ass said that and like I knew it was not my boy Cardan bc he has never done anything wrong in his entire life and he has a plan and reasons and you can't tell me any different okay!? someone ((JUDE)) just hug the damn boy and pat his lil head and tell him everything is gonna be okay pls?? and I knew that boy Locke and stupid idiot Traitor Taryn were sus. Obvs Madoc is a dumb murder bitch so like?? DUH he was gonna do something stupid since you know, he already fucking committed treason. I just sat there from page one waiting for those three to pull some stupid shit to betray Jude and OBVS I WAS RIGHT ! those stupid idiot dumb dumbs can't help themselves but betray Jude! hate them allllllll hate hate hate
but the scream i screamed when the Ghost of all damn people - (me picturing him as some kinda cute lil spy cutie) - called for Jude in that tower and was like "naaaahhh I worked for Dain bitch, not your ass" I'm???? sorrryyy??? betray ME?! the READER OF THIS BOOK?!??! excuse you!
but also the way Cardan was like "tell me you hate me" and "i want to tell you so many lies" and "i'm a sad lil bby and nobody has ever cared about me" and "i trusted you" and "marry me" and "crawl to me" crawl to meee????? sir. and he sent her ass to the mortal world but did not deny her and did not revoke their marriage so likeeee??? jude girly use your damn brain okay babes i know its in there somewhere so pls just get back to your 4D chess game you had in book 1 and realize this man loves you and is trying to PROTECT YOU OKAY ugh!!!!!
Currently reading The Queen of Nothing so like.... doing my damn best to fly through this book so I can finally look at fanart and fandom shit okay? gh
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tothestarsinvelaris · 4 months
convincing your friend to read TFOTA series and they are STRUGGLING to get through the cruel prince and you realize that yall are not the same kind of reader bc you have been trying to figure out every twist and turn the whole time and she's like "this book is boring" likeee??? she's almost at the coronation and she's asking when it gets good???? like 1. it already is?? and 2. pls keep reading girly omfg????????
but also i'm like my girl?? did you not notice that Cardan was obvs not ever actually hurting Jude himself? did you not notice that in the water, he stepped forward when she almost drowned? did you not notice that when Nicasia slaps Jude, Cardan is NOT having it?? did you not notice that when Valerian was trying to kill her with the apple that he not only stopped him, but tried to get salt in Jude in like 3 different ways - then DID and sent her home bc they took it too far??? did you not notice that when Valerian got stabbed in the tower, Cardan was just like "hmm... bye. you should leave"?? i cannot!!!!!!!
trying to convince her to keep reading the series is gonna be a challenge fr.
i told her we should have read these before ACOTAR... she's not used to getting sucked into fandoms... she didn't know we would never leave Prythian... i tried to tell her...
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