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kennyfabre · 3 years ago
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@IHunt4Cars #IHunt4Cars @carconcierges #carconcierges #CarConciergeOfMiami #DevinGlines #DevinEGlines ....................................................................................................................................................................................... #p_o_r_s_c_h_e #southfloridacarsociety #noteworthyexotics #keystothejungle #keystothejunglefan #flsupercars #porschecayman #porsche #cayman #southfla #southfl #fla #worldofcarlovers #southfloridaexotics #southfloridaexotic #sofloexotics #sofloexotic #acarculture #acarcommunity #thecarcommunity #carcommunity #car #c_a_y_m_a_n #legendarycars💎 #legendarycars https://www.instagram.com/p/ChAHwRHuhmh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quadrantmotors · 3 years ago
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Expectations exceeded! @quadrantmotors #driveyourdream #carconcierge #carshoppingconcierge #personalcarshopper . . . . . . . . . #dreamdrive #shoppingconcierge #boxster #porsche #convertible #luxuryvehicle #carlifestyle #sportscar #fastcars #cars #quadrantmotors (at Quadrant Motors) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeT58dDJ8hP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tsgtrianglenorthcarolina · 5 years ago
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Let @makeandmodelcars take care of getting your next car a breeze! Contact Stephen Jo [email protected]. #newcar #carconcierge #easycarshopping #curbsideservice #doorstepdelivery #makeandmodelnc https://www.instagram.com/p/CBSw3FxH-9P/?igshid=obsh3bxp4xsf
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spectroracing · 7 years ago
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The truck’s getting some love this weekend!! ... 🔃 @gouxinnovate ・・・ #GOUX @builtblacksvt getting that VIP Dyno prep before the one and only Matt Kesatie of @kesatie_motorsports dials her in to perfection. #whitegloveservice #mastermechanic #carconcierge #carsofinstagram #fordlightning #gotboost #modsonmodsonmods #datwhinedoe @carleader_global @spectroracing @linny_j (at Swanson's Auto Service)
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carleasingconcierge · 8 years ago
2017's Hottest Car Buying Trend!😲
Click the link below http://bit.ly/2u1g5Jr
#carconcierges #cars #trucks #vans #minivans #suvs #luxurycars #leasing#auto #autos #automotive #consumers #buyers #lease #credit #exoticcars#localdealer #NewYork #NewJersey #BergenCounty #NorthernNewJersey#carbuyingservice #carconcierge #carconciergeNY #carconciergeNJ
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anunturiauto · 8 years ago
Sfaturi esentiale pentru a alege un autoturism bun
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Vine un moment in viata fiecarui sofer cand este nevoit fie sa isi schimbe autoturismul fie sa treaca printr-un proces de inmatriculare al unui vehicul. Stim cu totii ca toate aceste lucruri se fac foarte greu si este nevoie, pe langa bani, si de mult timp liber disponibil pentru a sta la cozile interminabile de la ghiseele de inmatriculari si obtinere permise de conducere ale unitatilor teritoriale de care fiecare apartine.
In prima varianta, cea a achizitiei unei masini noi, trebuie sa fim atenti in primul rand daca viitoarea masina la care ne-am hotarat sa o cumparat are tot istoricul de service si daca aceasta a fost avariata de-a lungul duratei de functionare. Specialistii in achizitii de autoturisme recomanda potentialilor cumparatori sa se fereasca de acele autoturisme care nu au un istoric de service bine determinat sau care are intervaluri de service depasite. De asemenea, inainte de a cumpara o masina este indicat ca aceasta sa fie verificata temeinic in cadrul unui service de marca sau la un servici multibrand recunoscut. Doar asa ne putem asigura ca masina ce urmeaza sa fie cumparata corespunde din punct de vedere tehnic si functional. Daca si aceasta etapa am trecut-o cu bine, mai ramane partea de inmatriculare auto.
Aici lucrurile s-ar putea complica din cauza birocratiei din tara noastra si a cozilor uriase de la ghisee, cumulate cu lipsa de pregatire a personalului angajat la stat. Se poate intampla ca o simpla inmatriculare sa dureze chiar si cateva zile, asta daca veti merge pe baza unei programari initiale.
 CarConcierge - Servicii de Inmatriculare Auto
Toate acestea se pot rezolva daca veti apela la profesionisti de la http://www.carconcierge.ro. In functie de nevoile fiecaruia dintre noi, profesionistii companiei ne pot oferi consultant in cumparare de masini auto sau chiar consultanta pentru inmatriculare auto. Aceste servicii sunt binevenite pentru orice persoana care nu dispune de prea mult timp liber.
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kennyfabre · 4 years ago
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Lamborghini @Doctam3 @SupercarsPersonified @Aaltomotive @lamborghinibroward #Aaltomotive #Doctam3 #TheDoctam3 #lamborghinibroward #lamborghini_broward #SupercarsPersonifiedDoctam3 #Doctam3SupercarsPersonified #TheGreatDoctam3 #SuperCarsPersonified #LegendDoctam3 #DoctaM3Legend #TheLegendDoctaM3 #Doctam3Youtube #TheDocta #DoctaM3Cars #DoctaM3Car ........................................................................................ 📸 @ihunt4cars #ihunt4cars #carconcierges #CarConciergeOfMiami .................................................................................................... #fabre #NoteWorthyExotics #Lamborghini #floridaus #floridausa #ACarCulture #florida☀️ #southflorida #theavenger #thebull #lamborghinibroward🔥💰🏁🌴🌡☀️🔥 (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOKl8PpUqB/?igshid=v4xxwbozj00d
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kennyfabre · 4 years ago
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Lamborghini @Doctam3 @SupercarsPersonified @Aaltomotive @lamborghinibroward #Aaltomotive #Doctam3 #TheDoctam3 #lamborghinibroward #SupercarsPersonifiedDoctam3 #Doctam3SupercarsPersonified #TheGreatDoctam3 #SuperCarsPersonified #LegendDoctam3 #DoctaM3Legend #TheLegendDoctaM3 #Doctam3Youtube #TheDocta #DoctaM3Cars #DoctaM3Car ........................................................................................ 📸 @ihunt4cars #ihunt4cars #carconcierges #CarConciergeOfMiami .................................................................................................... #fabre #NoteWorthyExotics #Lamborghini #floridaus #floridausa #acarcommunity #ACarCulture #florida☀️ #southflorida #theavenger #thebull #lamborghinibroward🔥💰🏁🌴🌡☀️🔥 (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOKl8PpUqB/?igshid=1kx71htdnz6b8
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kennyfabre · 4 years ago
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Lamborghini @Doctam3 @SupercarsPersonified @Aaltomotive @lamborghinibroward #Aaltomotive #AlexAalto #Doctam3 #TheDoctam3 #lamborghinibroward #SupercarsPersonifiedDoctam3 #Doctam3SupercarsPersonified #TheGreatDoctam3 #SuperCarsPersonified #LegendDoctam3 #DoctaM3Legend #TheLegendDoctaM3 #Doctam3Youtube #TheDocta #DoctaM3Cars #DoctaM3Car ........................................................................................ 📸 @ihunt4cars #ihunt4cars #carconcierges #CarConciergeOfMiami .................................................................................................... #fabre #NoteWorthyExotics #Lamborghini #floridaus #floridausa #acarcommunity #ACarCulture #florida☀️ #southflorida #theavenger (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOKl8PpUqB/?igshid=1axjvonmfd86a
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kennyfabre · 4 years ago
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IHunt4Cars with Bonita Applesauce in the Porsche Cayman. @ihunt4cars @bonita_applesauce @carconcierges #ihunt4cars #bonita_applesauce #carconcierges #bonitaapplesauce #DevinGlines #DevinEGlines #JaniIsabel ....................................................................................................................................................................................... #noteworthyexotics #flsupercars #porschecayman #porsche #cayman #supercarsaturdaysflorida #pembrokepines #pembrokepinesfl #fl_supercars #theshopsatpembrokegardens #miamisupercars #floridasupercars #supercarsofflorida #supercarsofmiami #floridasupercars #supercarsofinstagram #southfloridaexotics #southfloridaexotic #sofloexotics #sofloexotic #supercarsdaily #supercarsdaily700 #amazingcarsdaily (at The Shops at Pembroke Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2fSPDpJvwV/?igshid=12c6j78p4d6ww
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kennyfabre · 4 years ago
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DeTomaso P72. 📸 @ihunt4cars @carconcierges #IHunt4Cars #carconcierges #CarConciergeOfMiami ................................................................................................................. @miamiconcours @miamidesigndistrict @detomaso_official @detomaso @detomasousa #miamiconcours #miamidesigndistrict #detomasoofficial #detomaso_official #detomasousa ....................................................................................................................... #detomasop72 #detomaso #p72 #babyblue #skyblue #hypercar #carshow #carshows #carshowsunday #carshowsundays #unicornspotting #instagram #theinstagram #onthegram #thegram #yahoo #wow #beautiful #gorgeous #legendarycar #superlegends #superlegend (at Miami Design District) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pZEC5J4h0/?igshid=1pzjd389ebk03
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quadrantmotors · 3 years ago
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Memorial Day Sale! All reasonable offers accepted! Ends Tue. May 31 at 11:59 pm CT You know you've always wanted it! @quadrantmotors #driveyourdream #dreamdrive #carconcierge #personalcarshopper #boxster #porsche #convertible #carswithoutlimits #carstagram #carlifestyle #quadrantmotors https://www.instagram.com/p/CeE7Qc-pcFn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quadrantmotors · 3 years ago
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Memorial Day Sale! All reasonable offers accepted! Ends Tue. May 31 at 11:59 pm CT You know you've always wanted it! @quadrantmotors #driveyourdream #dreamdrive #carconcierge #personalcarshopper #boxster #porsche #convertible #carswithoutlimits #carstagram #carlifestyle #quadrantmotors https://www.instagram.com/p/CeE7Qc-pcFn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tsgtrianglenorthcarolina · 6 years ago
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New year, new car! Let @makeandmodel do the work for you in getting a #newcar! Not only does #makeandmodelcars know all things auto, Cara and Stephen Jo will point you in the right direction on the #makeandmodel that’s best for you AND gets the best price, too! Call 919.710.2141 or visit www.makeandmodelcars.com. #carconcierge #carleasing #carshoplikeaboss (at The Durham Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtgWYupBSIF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w0genbr5x9jc
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