#carcel calm yourself XD
funniest part is carcel’s fanboy XD
I love how Ines was definitly offended on Carcel’s behalf when she heard some dudes talking smack about his skills and integrity that she chose to not humiliate them infront of veryone(even though she was tempted) and went even more exstreme to accuse them a bit of treason and for it to get back to their bosses.
but the funniest thing is seeing sweet Second Lieutenant Jose show up with his crush on Ines which had a parallel to her second husband....how there can be some difference in how guys approach those types of crushes...but I also love her still not making too many excuses since it doesn’t change that its a crush on a married woman who’s husband is at the party AND on the higher end of being their boss. Jose might be sweeter than most but its still some trash behavior to approach someone with a crush like that when you say you respect their husband(or wife).
but we end up seeing Jose actually DOES respect the hell out of Carcel to the point Ines wondered what was the point of approaching her with Jose’s crush and she wondered for a second if Jose had a crush on Carcel.
Carcel is so on edge knowng she keeps trying to set him up with other people(and probably understandably on edge with another man alone with his wife... who has a crush on her when Carcel keeps getting people blantantly saying they want a shot at his wife in letter and in person). Carcel could seem unreasonable but we know Jose’s crush on her so it feels a bit like some karma that Jose earned...
The hilarity of petty Carcel just throwing Jose’s jacket off the balcony and telling him to fetch it like a dog(the jacket Jose lent to Ines) and annoyed as hell Jose might have widened Ines’s weird ideas about Carcel while we know Jose is just praising Carcel is hilarious...I hope Jose shows up again XD
plus all is forgiven with Jose talking Carcel up to his wife and more with the opening where Ines said she could understand a man falling for Carcel because he is so Handsome and flawless. like DAMN Ines...how is Carcel suppoused to not fall for you calling his physique perfect and that everything about him is breathtaking!?
I’d melt into a puddle in his place XD
but damn, petty feral Carcel caling poor Jose scumbag and apologizing while calling him that again x’D
lets hope Jose can spread no one can come between Carcel and Ines and try to save any other poor chaps who fell for Ines at the wedding...save Carcel some trouble with having at least some back out XD
and we end it on a mystery about how Carcel’s glove is torn and bloody for some unknown reason.
also some extra thoughts are about how it makes me think of the difference in how Carcel fell for Ines and how Emilio fell for Ines as she compares how Emilio reacted to Jose. It felt a bit quick with Emilio and while soft, it did feel very love at first sight type of thing...now of course that IS a valid feeling as whats important is if the feelings are returned and how they grow...but its kind of interesting to think about since Emilio and Ines were so in love that Emilio kind of let some stuff pass like her not being the best with money.
But its kind of interesting because Carcel while he does love her and will indulge her also seeing aware and willing to get on her nerves and has stuff that can frustrate him about her. He was a bit flustered when they were younger about her being near and washing his hands and fell a bit in her trap...but there was some awareness of Carcel’s end of things....which is kind of interesting because even though lots of use see Emilio as Ine’s great love compared to Carcel(so far) as Ines isn’t in love with Carcel......people kind of forget that Emilio was ALSO part of her trap. Yes, Ines wanted true love and someone who genuinely cares to make up for her first and worst husband ever the prince...but she ALSO used Emilio to run away from her family and avoid marrying the prince since the timeframe to marry the prince was small enough she couldn’t just call it off(or at least they wouldn’t let her call it off).
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