#carbonation can fuck your stomache up if you aren't used to it
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capriciouscaprine · 3 months ago
caring for your intestines is not fun; knew I had too many fiber-based treats yesterday, so I had some fruits and veggies today plus some dried prunes and, for the first time, kombucha
turns out kombucha carbonation is next level compared to soda carbonation, and intestinal distress is a known side effect of having kombucha for the first time, on top of everything else happening in my guts at the time
and then I went over to my parents for chili and cornbread for dinner
finally the evil is being expelled, and since this is the oversharing about your body community, I'm venting here about it
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volixia669 · 2 years ago
lol some trivia for folks that have never had alcohol:
-GOOD whiskey tastes like the wood barrel it fermented in. Shit whiskey tastes like burning. Good whiskey can be found for like, $20 from a local brewary btw.
-yknow what, good does NOT equal expensive. Just get that bs out of your head. My favorite wines are $8 mostly fruit juice ones. Good whiskey can be had for $20. Decent vodka will also be $20.
-the "burning" is different from what you get with spicy food. It's more...duller than stinging sensations but with a certain sharpness to it.
-If you can taste the alcohol in a mixed drink its likely either a long island iced tea (aka 5 different hard alcohols with fruit juice) type drink, intended to be light on the flavoring, or poorly mixed. Margaritas, pina coladas anything with fruit syrup/juice, or a lot of sugar is SUPPOSED to hide the burn of alcohol. This makes them more dangerous but also tastier.
-MEDS WILL AFFECT HOW ALCOHOL EFFECTS A PERSON. Differs depending on meds, but the more meds, the more likely they are to be heavily affected by a few sips of wine let alone anything harder. As in will be very drowsy then will sleep harder than a rock then wake up feeling like they aren't even real.
-hops are what make beer bitter. Most beers in the US have hops but not all. IPAs tend to be heavy on hops. Heineken and other light beers are, well, light on hops.
-budweiser and bud light are cheap, shit, beers that are primarily for college frat houses, sporting events, and/or broke characters who are drinking multiple to get drunk & don't care about taste.
-wine is literally just grape juice but with alcohol. Most wines will be this. It is possible to find wine mixed with fruit juice or wine made from other fruits, but its less common.
-CARBONATION. A lot of drinks, like an annoying percentage if you're like me and dislike carbonation, are carbonated. Wine, beer, those cheap smirnoff ices (which despite the brand are 5% alcohol at most), hard ciders, are all carbonated. Most (if not all) hard liquors are NOT carbonated. I'm sure there's a reason, I just have no idea what it is aside from an attack on me personally.
-jury is still out on why hangovers happen, but someone who paces themselves and drinks water as well as alcohol is less likely to get one than someone who doesn't. Also age is a factor. A 22 year old can go out for a night of drinking then go to their 10am class with no issue. A 40 year old can have a couple mixed drinks and will be in agony the next day.
-drinking on an empty stomach, especially for older characters/people, is a BAD idea. On top of becoming drunker faster, it can cause issues with stomach acid which is a burning that fucking sucks. (And long term can cause stomach ulcers) Oh and you can FEEL the alcohol hitting the empty stomach like an unsettling splash of light acid.
Hope all this is helpful though I still agree, its entertaining to see the signs the author is doing their best!
i love when fic writers who have clearly never tried any kind of alcohol in their lives try to write someone drinking bc they're always like
"he ordered a tall glass of hard liquor. after three large glasses he was feeling tipsy" like babygirl i can't be sure but i think u just sent this man to the hospital
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years ago
Miss Likesnow, I am still obsessed with Oskar and would love a soft domestic piece with he and Arvid (if you're up for if ofc!)
CW: Pet whump, complicated whumpee/whumper relationship, whumper who mostly doesn't whump, dehumanized whumpee
Oskar's eyes open all at once, like the shades pulled in a dark room to reveal a sky burning a terrible orange beyond the trees. His breath is caught in his throat, and he opens his mouth only to find air is... stopped, somehow. His throat feels like it's closed, the barest whistle of oxygen winding through.
It takes him three trees to inhale, and then it's in a hoarse wheeze, swallowing repeatedly, wheezing again.
His pulse beats in his forehead and his ears, blood rushing in the quiet room, his hands are bunched into fists in the blanket and he whimpers, tipping his head back. He's drowning in carbon dioxide his lungs can't expel.
Then, all at once, his throat opens and he gulps in a breath, and another, and another and another and another.
Only when his head is spinning from too much instead of not enough does he realize his face is wet, he's crying, and his gulping breaths have become quiet sobs. He rolls onto his side, jamming the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to force them back.
"Oskar?" Arvid's voice is slurred with sleep, and his hand is lukewarm against Oskar's bare back. "Th' fuck's going on w'you?"
"I'm s-sorry-" Oskar shudders in self-disgust as the apology becomes an animal whine, breaks apart into yet more tears. His knees pull up to his chest, and he feels tears burn hot and chill to ice just as fast as they leave his eyes. His head throbs, pressure and weight behind his eyes and above them. "I'm so sorry, sir, I'm sorry-"
"Hey..." Arvid's voice trails off, and his hand pulls back. "It's Arvid, man. You know that. None of that 'sir' shit."
Oskar's mouth opens in a soundless scream at the loss of touch.
When no one wants to touch you at all, you are worse than nothing. His body starts to tremble, hands sliding down to press his collar into the skin of his neck until it hurts, until it reminds him that it can't be too bad, because it's still buckled on.
Arvid's hand returns, running down his side and then slowly curving an arm over him, gripping him around the stomach and pulling him backwards until his back meets Arvid's narrow chest. He can feel the heat of Arvid's breath on the back of his neck, above and below the collar. Shaggy hair brushes against his skin, and he isn't sure if it's Arvid's hair or his own.
"Talk to me," Arvid says. His lips move at Oskar's nape, making him shiver.
"I'm sorry," He croaks again, and feels Arvid shaking his head without even needing to see him. "I'm sorry I woke y-you up-"
"Don't worry about that. It's like four a.m., I was gonna get up with my alarm at four-thirty anyway. It's all right. Tell me what's wrong. I'm your owner, right? It's my whole... deal to make it better for you, isn't it?"
"Is it?" Oskar's voice is a whisper. His throat still feels too small, he still has to work for air but at least it's coming at all. "I-I had a nightmare, that's a-all, Arvid, a nightmare."
"What about? Sometimes talking helps."
Oskar has never once been asked about his dreams. He hesitates, then says softly, "It was me you hit, because you didn't want me anymore. With the-... the van. You ran me over again and again and I kept t-trying to ask you to stop but you hit me every time I tried to breathe and I woke up ch-ch... choking-"
"Oh, shit. That's dark." Arvid inhales, and squeezes his arm a little more tightly around Oskar's side and belly. "You've been thinking about that a lot since it happened."
Oskar sniffs. "Yeah. I-I've never-... seen-"
"Yeah. In my line of work, you kind of get used to gross dead people. You forget other people aren't so used to it. It's okay, Oskar. I've got you right here, in my room, and in half an hour I'm gonna get up and make us coffee and you can start on Skyrim while I get breakfast going. No harm done. I wouldn't hurt you."
Oskar breathes - in and out - the tightness of his throat slowly relaxing. "Do you-... do you promise?"
"Abso-fuckin-lutely," Arvid says, and he shifts, pulling on Oskar so he rolls over and they're face to face, eye to eye. Arvid's eyes seem like clear glass in darkness. "Cross my heart and hope to die, shoot me right in my fucking eyes if I lie."
"I-I don't think that's how that goes," Oskar says, but he can't help himself - he huffs a soundless laugh.
"There you go. Now you feel better. C'mon, get close until my alarm goes off." Arvid's other arm in around him now, and he rolls onto his back while pulling Oskar with him. He ends up with his head on Arvid's chest, hearing his steady heartbeat through his left ear. "There. Good boy, Oskar." Oskar makes a soft sound of genuine, open, innocent pleasure at the praise. "Yeah. Damn straight. You're a good-ass boy and I wouldn't do any shit worse to you than, like, take the Xbox away."
Oskar laughs again, this time with the barest hint of sound, and Arvid smiles in the darkness and holds him until it's time for them to rise. Gradually, the rapid rise and fall of Oskar's back from his breathing settles, and slows.
When his alarm goes off, he catches it before Oskar can wake back up.
Arvid Olsen slips out of bed, leaving his pet tucked in and warm, to go start in on the coffee.
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