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FINALLY! Everything is up! Whew! Let the fun begin!! Running a Show special, come see me under the grandstand!! #carlife #carlisleimport #carlisleimportnationals #carlisleimportandperformance @carlisleevents #carartlife #carartist
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Thanks to everyone who came out to #SpringCarlisle, braved the weather and made it a great show! Happy after my first show of post back surgery 2018. Eager to get back and crank out some #newartwork for #ImportCarlisle! See you next month!! #livingthedream #carartlife #carartist #motorsport #carshowlife #readytopaint
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So what do you do the day before you leave for Carlisle? Well... make more work for yourself of course!! #imoutofmymind #carlisle #springcarlisle #carlisleevents #carlisleevents2018 #findmeatcarlisle #artatcarlisle #newworkunveiled #comeondown #carartlife #carartistlife #livingthedteam #dowhatdrivesyou #vw #ford #checy #corvette #triumph #otorcycle #motorcycleart #driventodraw #nissan #datsun #classiccars #carshowlife #carlislepa
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The show gods are smiling on me... finally! Got to upgrade the space... looks wasaay better with some elbow room. #carshowlife #vendorfriends #thegodsaresmilingonme #carlislefairgrounds #fallcarlisle #carartlife #carartist (at Carlisle Events)
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And another happy winner winner chicken dinner!! #carlislepa #carlisleimport #importnationals #carlisleimportandperformance2018 #winnerwinnerchickendinner #carartlife #livingthedream #carshowlife
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