requiescatinpacerp · 5 years
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Keep going, difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.
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Caradoc Dearborn
Age: 23
Affiliation: Order
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Career: Healer
Wand:  11 inch, Hawthorn Wood, Unicorn hair core
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The whistle of air over a game cartridge, the smell of cinnamon in coffee, whipped cream melting over hot apple pie, snapping branches and splitting wood, pine needles and snow, light flashing over a comic page, blanket forts and secret passwords, fuzzy blankets, rain on a tin roof, sea salt in the air, sand falling between fingertips, kitten purrs, sunlight through clouds, mechanical whirring.
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The meeting of the Dearborn's was fateful. Caradoc's grandfather was an avid participant in protests. During the Winter of Discontent, he took his son to the largest protest in the city. It was not far from one of the many entrances to the magical world. While Devon sat away from the people with another group of children, he watched as people walked into a phone booth and disappeared. He assumed it had something to do with the government, and maybe it was some secret entrance to one of their buildings. An hour had passed, and the other children sat still as they too watched the goings of the mysterious people in the phone booth. That was when he saw her, a young girl, perhaps only two years his senior, walking alongside her mother. He stood immediately and stared quite openly at her as a feeling of certainty washed over him. He would marry that girl. Their eyes locked from across the street and she smiled, and he fell in love. As he grew older, he planned his entire schooling career around how he could work closer to that exact location in the hopes that maybe they'd meet again. And soon enough, they did. He was eighteen, she was twenty, and he asked her to dinner. Within a year, they were married. Thirteen years later, they finally had Caradoc. Cardi was sorted into Hufflepuff. It came as no surprise to his mother, considering her entire family line had been Hufflepuffs. He'd always been an outgoing and open child, always open to experiencing and trying new things. This landed him in a variety of friendships through all the houses. He was notoriously easy-going, and kind to everyone he encountered. His grades were relatively good, and what he struggled in he simply sought out tutoring from whomever offered it. He'd always been a bit skeptical of Divintation, but a study group in his fifth year changed his mind on the matter entirely. Perhaps it was the kind girl who helped him understand the meaning behind looking to the stars- or maybe it was the moment he'd looked at her and just knew they had more ahead of them than a study group at Hogwarts. Sybill had certainly taken him for a whirlwind, and when he'd told his parents about her, they gave each other a look of satisfaction. Caradoc had never been shy, but when it came to Trelwaney, he stammered over words and became increasingly nervous. It didn't help that the Carrows were involved in her life at the time- even though he had no idea what was going on between Amycus and Sybill. Never-the-less, he asked her to have tea with him in Sixth year, and it was fate from there. Upon careful consideration, Caradoc chose to be a healer when he graduated. He attended University for a few months before deciding that muggle schooling would do him no good. He took up an internship at St. Mungos and cared for the people no one wanted to visit anymore. The ones who were deemed unfit for society, those who had been tortured or otherwise. He'd often been asked by people not in the field how he handled seeing the dredges of war so openly and still be able to smile. It wasn't an easy feat, for sure, but he knew he needed to keep a cheery disposition or else he'd get pulled under as well. About a year and half into his career, Dumbledore approached him with an offer to join the war, and he couldn't find it in himself to decline. Caradoc is the field healer for the Order. It is something he takes very seriously- even leaving his position at Mungos to ensure that those injured are fixed as soon as possible.
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SYBILL TRELWANEY – Caradoc adores everything about Sybill, even though he knows she’s hiding something big from the people around her. He values her input and presence and takes a great comfort in having her around.
AMELIA BONES – Lia is like a bright burning flame that never goes out, and Cardi knows if he ever needs someone to push him forward and keep him going, it’s her.
RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE – Caradoc had never thought he could be terrified of anyone. but the eldest Lestrange makes him chilled to the bone. Something about the man had always put him on edge and he knows that he is not one to be crossed.
Caradoc Dearborn is an TAKEN character with a FC of Alberto Rosende.
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“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”
Caradoc Dearborn
Affiliation: Order
Age: Twenty
Availability: CLOSED
Faceclaim: Steven R McQueen
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+ Nurturing + Warm + Honest - Timid - Gullible - Compulsive
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The Dearborns were an unassuming family. Caradoc's father, Joseph, was a plumber for a company that operated just down the street from The Ministry. He was often outside having a cigarette when his wife, Sondra, passed by on her way to the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. He eyed her for years, and she sometimes would return his gaze with a soft smile. He couldn't figure out why in the world she was all dressed up to go into a telephone booth, and usually by the time she disappeared he'd be distracted by someone else. When he finally got the courage to talk to her, while pushing long hair out of his face, he bumbled and asked her out to coffee before saying hello. 
He didn't learn of her magical ancestry until they were well into their marriage, nearly five years into it, when she became pregnant with Caradoc. He was both on March 14th, and was immediately loved by both of his parents. Caradoc was a plump child, and he often had his cheeks pinched by his aunts and uncles. Growing up, he had a healthy divide between the magical community and the muggle one, and his father insisted that he knew just as much about one as he did the other. Sondra did not disagree. 
He was sorted into hufflepuff, naturally, as his mother came from the same house. He made fast friends with Mary Macdonald and her crew of girls, and Benjy Fenwick. Benjy has become something like a brother for him, and he decided to move in with him after they graduated Hogwarts. If asked, Caradoc can not remember a time when he wasn't friends with Benjy, it seemed as if they'd know each other their entire lives. After graduation, Caradoc chose to join the Order, because it seemed like the right thing to do. 
Through it, he made friends with James, Remus, Peter and Sirius, even though he'd known them throughout school, they hadn't been very close then. He is easily shy and quiet around people he first meets, and he doesn't have a pension for romantic relationships. He finds it very hard to explain and would rather just avoid the subject all together. Whenever someone inquires about it, he just shrugs his shoulders and finds something else to talk to about. He imagines that many people think companionship requires some level of physical intimacy, but he never felt the need to have that. 
Once he opens up to someone, and that takes some time, he is very giving and loyal. He has a baby bunny that he named Lola after his great Aunt, who helped him a great deal with his Herbology work. She passed in his seventh year and he has a portrait of her in his room. She doesn't sit in the frame very often, only to check on him every now and again. He chose to work with the Muggle Relations committee, even though he was slotted to be an Auror. The Auror job didn't appeal to his well-being, and he felt more comfortable in the mix of muggles and their magical counterparts due to his upbringing.
During the Summer Solstice festival, Caradoc was struck in the side with a rod, rushed to the capable hands of Severus and healed physically. While his body is well, his mind is not. He had never been afraid of werewolves before, simply because he hadn’t encountered werewolves before. He suffers from PTSD from this event, and during the full moon he opts to stay locked away in his room. He understands and accepts that werewolves are human 99% of the time, and he feels they deserve to live just like everyone else, but behind the scenes he is still terrified of them. 
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BENJY FENWICK: Best Friend - Caradoc and Benjy took to each other extremely quickly. Caradoc needed a helping hand to navigate the Wizarding world, and Benjy was glad to do it. Through this, they grew very close, and Caradoc can not see a day in his life where Benjy isn���t in it.
MARY MACDONALD: Friend - It was fairly hard not to become friends with Mary, as she wasn’t the type to take no for an answer when it came to friendships. He adores her though, and spends a lot of his free time driving her around and taking her to his favorite places.
REMUS LUPIN: Friend - Remus is one of Caradoc’s favorite people. He took pretty quickly to him. He imagined he saw a reflection of himself with a lot more wit involved. He is easily entertained by the man, and feels comfortable around Remus, like he doesn’t have to pretend he actually wants to be there, because he does.
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requiescatinpacerp · 6 years
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"Every next level of your life will demand a different you.”
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Name: Caradoc Dearborn
Age: Twenty Two
Affiliation: Order
Career: Healer
Wand: 11 inch, Hawthorn Wood, Unicorn hair core
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The whistle of air over a game cartridge, the smell of cinnamon in coffee, whipped cream melting over hot apple pie, snapping branches and splitting wood, pine needles and snow, light flashing over a comic page, blanket forts and secret passwords, fuzzy blankets, rain on a tin roof, sea salt in the air, sand falling between fingertips, kitten purrs, sunlight through clouds, mechanical whirring.
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The meeting of the Dearborn's was fateful. Caradoc's grandfather was an avid participant in protests. During the Winter of Discontent, he took his son to the largest protest in the city. It was not far from one of the many entrances to the magical world. While Devon sat away from the people with another group of children, he watched as people walked into a phone booth and disappeared. He assumed it had something to do with the government, and maybe it was some secret entrance to one of their buildings. An hour had passed, and the other children sat still as they too watched the goings of the mysterious people in the phone booth. That was when he saw her, a young girl, perhaps only two years his senior, walking alongside her mother. He stood immediately and stared quite openly at her as a feeling of certainty washed over him. He would marry that girl. Their eyes locked from across the street and she smiled, and he fell in love. As he grew older, he planned his entire schooling career around how he could work closer to that exact location in the hopes that maybe they'd meet again. And soon enough, they did. He was eighteen, she was twenty, and he asked her to dinner. Within a year, they were married. Thirteen years later, they finally had Caradoc. 
Cardi was sorted into Hufflepuff. It came as no surprise to his mother, considering her entire family line had been Hufflepuffs. He'd always been an outgoing and open child, always open to experiencing and trying new things. This landed him in a variety of friendships through all the houses. He was notoriously easy-going, and kind to everyone he encountered. His grades were relatively good, and what he struggled in he simply sought out tutoring from whomever offered it. He'd always been a bit skeptical of Divination, but a study group in his fifth year changed his mind on the matter entirely. Perhaps it was the kind girl who helped him understand the meaning behind looking to the stars- or maybe it was the moment he'd looked at her and just knew they had more ahead of them than a study group at Hogwarts. Sybill had certainly taken him for a whirlwind, and when he'd told his parents about her, they gave each other a look of satisfaction. Caradoc had never been shy, but when it came to Trelwaney, he stammered over words and became increasingly nervous. It didn't help that the Carrows were involved in her life at the time- even though he had no idea what was going on between Amycus and Sybill. Never-the-less, he asked her to have tea with him in Sixth year, and it was fate from there.
Upon careful consideration, Caradoc chose to be a healer when he graduated. He attended University for a few months before deciding that muggle schooling would do him no good. He took up an internship at St. Mungos and cared for the people no one wanted to visit anymore. The ones who were deemed unfit for society, those who had been tortured or otherwise. He'd often been asked by people not in the field how he handled seeing the dredges of war so openly and still be able to smile. It wasn't an easy feat, for sure, but he knew he needed to keep a cheery disposition or else he'd get pulled under as well. About a year and half into his career, Dumbledore approached him with an offer to join the war, and he couldn't find it in himself to decline.
Caradoc is the field healer for the Order. It is something he takes very seriously- even leaving his position at Mungos to ensure that those injured are fixed as soon as possible.
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SYBILL TRELWANEY -- Caradoc adores everything about Sybill, even though he knows she’s hiding something big from the people around her. He values her input and presence and takes a great comfort in having her around.
AMELIA BONES -- Lia is like a bright burning flame that never goes out, and Cardi knows if he ever needs someone to push him forward and keep him going, it’s her. 
RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE -- Caradoc had never thought he could be terrified of anyone. but the eldest Lestrange makes him chilled to the bone. Something about the man had always put him on edge and he knows that he is not one to be crossed.
Caradoc Dearborn is a CLOSED character with a FC of Alberto Rosende.
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