#cara polls the audience
agardenandlibrary · 1 year
Even if you don't call them that all the time. I never do but I feel like I see it in fiction a lot?
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #34: 1983
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: The Police, Michael Jackson, Irene Cara, Men at Work, Michael Jackson, Bonnie Tyler, Hall & Oates, Patti Austin and James Ingram, Michael Sembello, Eurythmics. End description]
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Today's poll includes multiple songs off the soundtrack for the movie, Flashdance. We've seen songs from soundtracks featured on these polls, with You Light Up My Life and Evergreen coming to mind (plus songs from actual musicals). But instead of just diegetic ballads and showtunes, now we're seeing more songs marketing themselves around their connection to the films they were written for. As music videos are being shot more like movies and movies are being shot more like music videos, the meeting of these two worlds makes sense. Especially when music videos start to include actual clips from the movies, MTV was the place to get a wide audience for your music.
But not everyone could see the benefits right away. While MTV kicked off with a bang, their initial video rotation infamously featured no Black acts. The network's explanation was to insist that the exclusion wasn't based on race, but rather MTV's status as a "rock station".
1983 also marks the 25th anniversary of Motown Records and a television special (Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever) was broadcasted to mark the occasion. While the night is marked by more legends than I can list off, the notable performance for this blurb was Michael Jackson. After performing with the Jackson 5 for the first time since the 70's, Michael Jackson performed his new solo hit, Billie Jean. This number marks the public debut of the moonwalk, the musician's signature dance move that arguably cemented his status as a pop culture icon.
In hindsight, it feels ludicrous that an artist like Michael Jackson was initially unable to get on MTV. Fortunately, people at the time thought it was ludicrous as well. Both Rick James and David Bowie called out the network years before (with James being especially vocal in critiquing MTV for its exclusion of Black artists). But allegedly, Michael Jackson's record company found a way to get Billie Jean on the channel. To quote Walter Yetnikoff, the president of CBS Records at the time:
“I said to MTV, ‘I’m pulling everything we have off the air, all our product. I’m not going to give you any more videos. And I’m going to go public and fucking tell them about the fact you don’t want to play music by a black guy.’” (x)
Whether in response to Yetnikoff or not, Billie Jean aired on MTV March 10th, 1983, making it the first music video by a Black artist to be featured in heavy rotation on the channel. Later this year, the cinematic possibilities of the music video would be pushed further with the 13 minute video for Thriller. Michael was already a star without the push from MTV, and with how popular his videos were, it could be argued that MTV needed Michael as much if not more than he needed them. But while MTV's problems with race and representation were far from over, this moment helped pave the way for many other Black artists who will become iconic figures on the channel.
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cw-s12 · 3 years
I knew I forgot to do something...
I joke, I joke. I had to push posting my wrap up to a little later in the week, but here it goes:
Mon 19th
Today we talked to Cara Evans of Penguin Random House about marketing. Cara took us through the different ways in-house marketers can promote a product or business.
We then split into different groups to do two tasks centering on the promotion of a book. The first task was to create engaging organic content to promote the book that had been assigned to our individual teams My team’s book was Ordinary People by Diana Evans. Our organic content ideas had to answer the questions:
Who is your audience?
What are you creating?
How do you want them to feel?
What do you want them to do?
What platforms are you putting it on?
My team came up with ideas that could be published on both Instagram and Pinterest. Among other ideas we thought that it’d be good to reach out to do a live Instagram book club with the author and Bookstagram influencers, create polls and question boxes in the stories where people can share their stories and experiences on themes that are represented in the book. For Pinterest, we thought it’d be great to create infographics based on the topics the book touches on - parenthood, grieving and relationships - and to also commission people to create art inspired by the book that we could share.
For the second task we had to create an ad campaign and think of ads that would drive customers through the Sales Funnel. Cara shared with us Facebook’s ‘3 P’s’ for creating a ads in a campaign that do this: PITCH (make it immediate to get to the many), PLAY (make it interactive for the curious) and PLUNGE (make it immersive for those who are interested and looking to dive in).
Tue 20th
In the morning, we reviewed our Cultural Tribes videos. It was really great to see what everyone had created. Then in the afternoon we had a masterclass with Tik Tok. I really enjoyed this session and because I’ve never used the app, it was great to get familiar with it. I even had a go at making my own Tik Tok which went how you might expect any first try to go, but I’ll definitely be back. After resisting downloading the app for so long, it’s now on my phone and hopefully won’t take up too much of my time 😂
Wed 21st
Today we had a masterclass with Snapchat. It was really interesting to have a look into how this app that I’ve downloaded, deleted and only recently re-downloaded works. I really enjoyed learning about the work that goes into creating AR lenses and filters, how Snapcht works with brands and creators and just generally talking with Adam and Eugene. One thing they spoke about that stuck with me was how Snapchat remains focused on the close friendships and relationships you have as opposed to amassing 100s or 1000s of followers like other social media platforms. In the afternoon, we split into groups and worked on presenting a pitch for how Levi’s could work with Snapchat to publicise their WellThread collection and inform GenZ about sustainable fashion. I was in Group 4 and have placed screenshots of our pitch below.
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Thu 22nd
Today we had a whole day session with Facebook. It was a really interesting, because we got to hear from people from different parts of the company. I really liked learning about the different sides of Facebook from how they work internally to create an inclusive space to how they recruit talent.
Fri 23rd
In the morning, we had a CV masterclass with Searchlight Recruitment. That was really helpful to go to, as it gave me some great perspective on what might be missing from my CV and how to craft a really good cover letter.
In the afternoon we talked to the people behind my favourite app - Twitter! I’m on Twitter most of the time, so hearing from the people who make it happen was so interesting. It was great to learn how the company had adapted not only for users but for their staff during the pandemic and I really enjoyed talking to Reece Brown who’s part of the Global Content Partnerships team. Hoping to get my Twitter Blackbirds hoodie one day soon 🙌🏾🤩
#Ibukun #CreativityWorks #MT_Futures #MediaTrust
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Personal Project
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For my first collage I have focused on football, specifically British football as when we researched Britishness football was something that came up alot and something that has been a big part of my life. When I did a poll on my Instagram asking if people felt football was a big part of British culture I got 88% saying yes and my audience is mostly British and between the ages of 18-25. Following on from my UN_FOLD editorial, which I linked to football, I looked further into how to show off football. I focused on Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester United and England because I want my collage to have a strong colour throughout and all these times play in red minus England who are mainly white but that little bit of red fits in and I think the world cup is one of the strongest representations of British football and everything that comes with it.
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For my second collage, I took a similar approach for the stereotypical female focusing on fashion; Where they would shop, who their inspirations were and what brands they follow. I have used myself as inspiration as I have always considered myself a fashionable British girl, and I think that that there are many girls out there like me. I included classic British brands like Topshop and Vivienne Westwood because they are very very popular and mainstream. Throughout the collage I have included images of myself and images I have taken around London, for example the image of Carnaby because that is such a sort after place and very big in the fashion scene. I threw Cara Delevingne’s topshop campaign in because she is such an iconic British model and Topshop is just a major brand.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Postmaster general testifies: Dems focus on mail voting, Republicans hone in on USPS funding
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this morning. While many GOP senators focused on USPS’ funding, CBS News campaign reporter Cara Korte says Democrats were mostly concerned about mail and ballot processing.    DeJoy stated, “There have been no changes made with election mail.” He confirmed that all ballots would be handled as first class mail, ensuring expedited delivery. But DeJoy wouldn’t promise that the 671 sorting machines that have been taken offline this summer will be replaced. When pressed by skeptical Democrats about recent changes that have lead to major mail delays, DeJoy often replied that such policy decisions were made before he became postmaster general, and he has since halted controversial changes.    Democrats didn’t touch on DeJoy’s personal finances, even though it’s been reported that he has potential stakes in Amazon. Korte says that sources inside the American Postal Workers Union were generally unhappy with DeJoy in today’s hearing and accused him of being ambiguous and untruthful. Expect DeJoy’s Monday testimony before the Democrat-led House Oversight Committee to be more eventful.   Meanwhile, over a half dozen Democratic attorneys general led by Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro filed a lawsuit against DeJoy and the U.S. Postal Service over changes they say could delay the delivery and return of mail-in ballots in the general election. CBS News campaign reporter Zak Hudak reports the lawsuit, announced Tuesday, followed another lawsuit that 13 attorneys general filed in Washington state earlier this week over USPS operational changes.    This latest suit, filed in Pennsylvania federal court, argues that policy changes such as prohibiting overtime and extra delivery trips made at USPS were unlawful because they weren’t submitted to the Postal Regulatory Commission and made public before they were implemented. Joining Shapiro were attorneys general from California, Delaware, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Maine and the District of Columbia. They say DeJoy’s policy changes violate the Constitution’s Elections Clause because they could interfere with states’ ability to regulate the “times, places and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives.”    They also argue that service changes that could disproportionately affect older voters’ ability to return  mail-in ballots in time to be counted violate the 26th Amendment, which guarantees citizens the right to vote. The lawsuit requests that the court vacate the operational changes made at USPS in July and appoint an independent monitor to ensure the agency complies.    FROM THE CANDIDATES JOE BIDEN The virtual Democratic Convention brought in real cash this week as the Biden campaign announced on Friday it raised $70 million dollars throughout the week. The campaign also says that 1.1 million people signed up with the campaign by text message. And while Joe Biden was the main focus of his nomination night on Thursday, 13-year-old Brayden Harrington garnered attention as well. In New Hampshire earlier this year, Biden met Harrington at an event and they bonded over a trait they share: stuttering. Holding up his speech, Harrington noted that the day he met Biden, he showed him how he marks his speeches for easier delivery.    In the convention room with Biden for his primetime address, CBS News campaign reporter Bo Erickson noticed what appeared to be similar markings in Biden’s TelePrompTer. You can see the pictures here. On the upcoming GOP convention, Biden’s campaign along with the Democratic National Committee promised daily counter-programming and rebuttals. DNC chairman Tom Perez also dubbed the next convention: the “chaos convention.”    PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP CBS News campaign reporter Nicole Sganga says the Trump administration and president’s re-election bid are furiously prepping for their turn, now that the Democratic convention is over. President Trump will appear every night of next week’s GOP festivities, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh confirmed Friday.    In an interview with CBSN, Murtaugh noted, “it’s going to be a fairly unusual participation level by the president,” adding the party’s nominating convention will be “very focused on real people.”    “The Democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloomiest convention in American history,” President Trump told audiences gathering at the Council for National Policy Meeting in Arlington, Virginia, Friday. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Council for National Policy is “a key venue where mainstream conservatives and extremists mix,” with fringe politics often prevailing. Tamping down  expectations for election night, the president added that he does not expect “meaningful” election results on the evening of November 3.    “I don’t think you’ll know two weeks later, I don’t think you’ll know four weeks later, and I don’t know what’s gonna happen,” the president said. In a Fox News interview Thursday night, Mr. Trump vowed to equip polling locations with law enforcement officials. “We’re going to have everything. We’re going to have sheriffs and we’re going to have law enforcement,” Mr. Trump said. “We’re going to have everybody, attorney generals. But it’s very hard.”   CBS NEWS COVID CHRONICLES TRADE SCHOOLS IN TEXAS A major benefit of trade school is students attend in order to parachute right into the workforce. That reality has turned ironically null amid COVID-19. In May, CBS News campaign reporter Cara Korte spoke to many trade school grads about the struggle to find work. This week we caught up with Thuy Carroll, a pastry chef, who was hoping to be able to wait out the virus to find work, but when vet medical bills unexpectedly mounted she had to start making money. In response, Carroll just last week started her own baking company – named after her ailing pup, and run out of her home kitchen.    “I’ve been looking for jobs at the Four Seasons and the higher-end hotels, and they’re just nonexistent right now,” she said. “It’s been a challenge. So, I was like, I’m just gonna pivot and see what happens.”   CONVENTIONAL WISDOM PAYING IT FORWARD Ahead of what was originally slated to be a full-scale Republican National Convention in Charlotte, CBS News campaign reporter LaCrai Mitchell says the 2020 Host Committee (CLT Host 2020, Inc.) announced Friday that it would donate furniture to a local non-profit organization as part of its goal to further the Queen City’s economic development.    In partnership with Beds for Kids 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, CLT Host 2020, Inc. will donate beds, dressers, tables, chairs, and bookshelves that will serve hundreds of families in the local area. According to the 2020 Host Committee website, the not for profit organization that was responsible for hosting and funding the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, also plans to donate $3.2 million to the Charlotte region through donations to a dozen local non-profits, a $500,000 grant to businesses and vendors negatively impacted by scaled-down events due to the coronavirus pandemic, and a $2 million discretionary grant that will serve as seed funding and support for creative initiatives that could jumpstart lasting economic growth in Charlotte.    “I accepted the opportunity to serve as CEO of CLT Host 2020, Inc. for just this reason,” said CLT Host 2020, Inc. CEO John Lassiter. “As important as large-scale events can be to the hospitality and tourism industries, the value-add to the community is what most interested me.”   ISSUES THAT MATTER ABSENTEE BALLOTS The United States Postal Service is confirming that workers cannot serve as absentee ballot witnesses while on duty, according to CBS News campaign reporter Adam Brewster. Ten states require absentee voters to get a witness signature or have their absentee ballot notarized for this upcoming election.  This year, some states have suggested postal workers could serve as witnesses, but earlier this week, the Anchorage Daily News reported that USPS employees refused to serve as witnesses for some absentee voters during the primary.    “Postal Employees are prohibited from serving as witnesses in their official capacity while on duty, due in part to the potential operational impacts,” USPS senior public relations representative Marti Johnson said in a statement Friday. “The guidance has not changed this year. The Postal Service does not prohibit an employee from serving as a witness in their personal capacity off-duty, if they so choose.”    In March, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) listed “mail delivery persons” as potential witnesses for absentee voters. WEC spokesperson Reid Magney told CBS that officials in Wisconsin weren’t aware of the rule. “We didn’t know. We made an assumption that they could do it. Apparently this has been a policy for quite some time,” Magney told CBS News this week.   UNEMPLOYMENT Data released by the Bureau of Labor on Friday shows that battleground states Florida and North Carolina are among a list of states with “unemployment rates significantly different” from rates reported in July 2020. CBS News campaign reporter LaCrai Mitchell reports that both states saw slight percentage increases in their state’s unemployment rates in the past month.   In July, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity announced that the state’s unemployment rate for June 2020 was 10.4 percent, a 3.3% drop from the revised May 2020 unemployment rate of 13.7%. The latest report shows that Florida’s unemployment saw a 0.9% uptick to 11.3% in July. In North Carolina, the unemployment rate increased by 1 percentage point, from 7.5% in June to 8.5% in July. Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who is also the only Democrat in statewide office in the state, said in a statement Friday that “because Trump refused to come to the table” and negotiate additional coronavirus relief with House Democrats, Floridians lost federal unemployment assistance and again facing eviction. “Donald Trump’s incompetent response to the coronavirus crisis has thrown millions of Floridians into economic insecurity and his continued effort to downplay and distract from the pandemic clearly continues to cost Floridians their lives and livelihoods,” said Fried. “Our unemployment crisis will persist until we have a leader capable of getting the job done and executing a national strategy to control the coronavirus…”    North Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Wayne Goodwin released a statement Friday blaming the president’s coronavirus response for the continued economic strain on state’s workforce. “Nearly six months into this pandemic, our workforce and small business community are still suffering because of the Trump administration’s delayed, mismanaged response to the crisis,” said Goodwin. “His backwards priorities have made it clear that he is not capable of rising to this challenge…”   ON THE $$$ CASH HAUL CBS News political unit associate producer Sarah Ewall-Wice reports presidential campaigns and political parties had a monthly filing deadline with the Federal Election Commission overnight, and new reports give more insight into the spending of the campaigns in July and their standing in the final months of the election season. The Trump campaign, RNC and its entities previously announced raising $165 million last month. Filings show the campaign also had $64.5 million in operating expenditures, while the RNC had $29.7 million in expenditures in July. Earlier this month, the campaign said the RNC and joint fundraising committees raised $1 billion across the entire cycle so far, but the new filings also show the entities combined have now spent more than $1 billion since the beginning of 2017.   Meanwhile, the Biden campaign had previously announced it along with the DNC and joint fundraising committee raised $140 million in July, but the new filings show the Biden campaign had $58.7 million in expenditures last month while the DNC had $8.9 million in direct operating expenses not including transfers to other committees. Neither campaign’s joint fundraising committees face a filing deadline with the FEC for July numbers until later this fall. After wrapping up July, the Trump campaign and GOP entities said it had $300 million cash on hand; the Biden campaign and Democrats announced earlier this month they had $294 million cash on hand.   NEWSMAKERS KANYE WEST It’s been a bad week for Yeezy in the Midwest, reports CBS News political unit broadcast associate Aaron Navarro. A day after getting kicked off Wisconsin’s ballot, the Illinois State Board of Elections voted unanimously this morning to not certify Kanye West as a candidate in November, due to a lack of valid signatures. After a challenge and examination in the Chicago office of the SBE, 1,928 out of the 3,128 signatures filed by West were found invalid, so he fell 1,300 signatures below the minimum 2,500 needed. The board sustained the objection, which means West will not be on the ballot in his home state of Illinois. Minutes after the decision, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose invalidated West’s filing that state after information or signatures on his filings didn’t match. West also fell short in West Virginia by 761 signatures. His campaign did not respond to questions about whether the decisions would be appealed. He filed in Tennessee on Thursday and in Virginia on Friday. Both states’ filings are still under review, as well as Iowa and Minnesota, though West included them in a list of states where he says he will be on the ballot.    STATE-BY-STATE CALIFORNIA Democrats in California have been dreaming about the possibility of an open U.S Senate seat and with Sen. Kamala Harris on the ticket, that might happen in January. Should Joe Biden and Harris defeat President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, California Governor Gavin Newsom will appoint a replacement for Harris to serve the remaining two years of her term.    Democratic sources in the state tell CBS News campaign reporter Musadiq Bidar that Congressman Adam Schiff, Congresswoman Katie Porter, Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Baragan, and former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, have all made calls to lobby constituencies for the job. Others, like Secretary of State Alex Padilla, Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Representatives Karen Bass and Barbara Lee, and former Labor Secretary Hilda Solis consistently come up in conversations as likely replacements. Top strategists, staffers, and state lawmakers in California explain the pressure points Newsom will face, the factors he’ll consider, and what the potential decision could mean for the state’s politics.   WISCONSIN Republican legislative leaders in Wisconsin are urging the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) to add a fourth debate and believe it should be held in the Badger State, reports CBS news campaign reporter Adam Brewster. The first presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden is scheduled for September 29 in Cleveland.    Clerks in Wisconsin must mail absentee ballots to voters who have requested them by September 17. “By the time the first presidential debate happens on September 29, 2020, voters in Wisconsin will have already started voting,” Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate President Roger Roth wrote in their letter to the CPD. “Wisconsinites who vote early deserve the same opportunity afforded to other states to hear the two competing visions for our country and make a well-informed decision when casting their vote.”    Biden’s campaign has supported holding three debates, but earlier this month President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani requested a fourth debate be held in early September. In a letter on August 6, the CPD co-chairs denied the request. “While more people will likely vote by mail in 2020, the debate schedule has been and will be highly publicized. Any voter who wishes to watch one or more debates before voting will be well aware of that opportunity,” the co-chairs for the CPD wrote.   CONGRESSIONAL COVERAGE IN THE HOUSE Massachusetts In their second debate, CBS News political unit broadcast associate Aaron Navarro reports incumbent Congressman Richie Neal and challenger Alex Morse again argued over Neal’s 30-year record, as well as how to handle the economic crisis stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Morse and progressive groups like the Justice Democrats have played up Neal’s ties to special interests, trying to portray the incumbent as out of touch with the district. In response, Neal talked about being able to get federal funding for district projects, his record on Social Security and Medicare, and specifically hit Morse on saying he wouldn’t support the CARES Act. Their Democratic primary for Massachusetts’ 1st District is on Tuesday, September 1.    QAnon House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Vice President Mike Pence were direct in their condemnation of the QAnon conspiracy extremist group, days after the president seemed to back the group by saying QAnon members like him and “love our country.”    On Thursday, in an appearance on Fox News, McCarthy said there’s “no place” for the group in the Republican party. He said of Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia GOP candidate who has supported conspiracies associated with QAnon, that she has denounced it. “But the real question will be, when you look to the Democratic party, to a Tlaib or Omar, to the anti-Semitic comments where the Democrats would not stand up,” he added.    In May of 2019, the House passed a broad censure condemning “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” after comments critical of Israel were made by Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. Greene, who once described Tlaib’s and Omar’s entry into Congress part of an “Islamic invasion,” told the Washington Examiner on Friday that QAnon doesn’t represent her campaign. “I was willing to post it and talk about it — and sometimes believe things that maybe I thought were true at the time, and then, no, no, I don’t think this is true. I’m not ashamed of that whatsoever,” she said. According to Navarro, this comes after a week of an assortment of clips of her talking about 9/11 and Seth Rich conspiracies surfaced, both theories within the QAnon network.    New Jersey Congressman Tom Malinowski, a freshman Democrat in New Jersey’s 7th District, tweeted that constituents contacted him about a poll asking if he belonged to a “child sex ring.” Malinowski wrote, “That’s right – they are using a poll to push out the main QAnon conspiracy theory in our district.” The notion of a child sex trafficking ring is one of the central theories with QAnon, and has led to one man being arrested for firing an assault rifle in a DC pizza restaurant. The National Republican Campaign Committee quote-tweeted him, and wrote, “You lobbying to protect sexual predators isn’t a conspiracy @Malinowski. It’s a fact.” This referred to a story Republicans have been pushing, about Malinowski lobbying against a sex offender registry during his time at the Human Rights Watch organization. Malinowski told Navarro he had “no role whatsoever” on that issue, and during his tenure he was in a completely different department, focused on foreign policy and national security. He said the HRC had to fill out a lobbying disclosure form with everything the D.C. office divisions had worked on, including an effort against a 2006 crime bill that had provisions related to expanding who would be on the national sex offender registry.    While he was listed, Malinowski said it had “all the people who did the advocacy on Capitol Hill, but that doesn’t mean everybody on that list worked on every issue that was on the list.”    A former HRC colleague of Malinowski’s, Jennifer Daskal, said he had no involvement on domestic issues such as the effort against the crime bill. “Those I did independently of him, and did not consult or work with him on,” Daskal said.
The post Postmaster general testifies: Dems focus on mail voting, Republicans hone in on USPS funding appeared first on Shri Times News.
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zipgrowth · 6 years
Food, Housing and Childcare: Colleges Addressing Basic Needs Are Boosting Success
Long Beach, CA—Improving students success won’t hinge on shiny new gadgets or high-tech early alert systems based on AI or big data. Increasingly, colleges are deciding to focus on addressing the root causes that can lead students to struggle in the first place.
That was a major through line at this week’s DREAM conference here. Hosted by nonprofit Achieving the Dream, the event brought together community college leaders from 48 states to share what has worked and lessons learned from failed efforts as they’ve worked to support diverse and changing student populations.
At a morning panel on Thursday, Sara Goldrick-Rab, professor of higher education Policy at Temple University, started the conversation by providing some context and statistics from the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, which she founded. A 2017 study from the lab found that nearly two thirds of community college students are food insecure. About half of community college students are housing insecure and about 14 percent are homeless.
But not everyone in higher ed buys these numbers, she said. “There are still some who doubt.” One challenge is there’s no federal data to back up these trends. “We need national representative data, and we don’t have it.”
Our students told us profoundly that their lives outside the classroom were affecting what’s happening inside the classroom.
Russell Lowery-Hart, president of Amarillo College
One college that has started to survey its students on these issues is Amarillo College, in Texas. The school worked with Goldrick-Rab and the HOPE Lab to poll its students to ask what they needed to be successful. The top 10 reasons students said they had trouble in the classroom had little to do with academics. Instead, students listed issues around finding housing, transportation, utilities, childcare and legal services.
In the past six years, Amarillo College opened a legal aid clinic, a childcare center, a counseling center and an Advocacy and Resource Center, a hub for the school’s food pantry where students can also get connected to social services provided by local nonprofits.
“I was thinking we needed more tutoring, which we do, but I was changed because our students told us profoundly that their lives outside the classroom were affecting what’s happening inside the classroom,” Amarillo College president Russell Lowery-Hart said during the panel on Thursday.
Since implementing the new services, the three-year graduation rate at Amarillo College has increased from 13 percent to 22 percent. Cara Crowley, vice president of strategic initiatives at Amarillo, told EdSurge the school has earned $16 for every $1 it invests in these programs as a result.
Some audience questions during the panel revealed that not everyone is on board with offering wrap-around supports. For instance, one attendee said: “Community colleges are not social service organizations. It is not the role of community colleges to provide non-academic supports for students who attend.”
You can’t expect people to work beyond what they are capable of if there are no resources to support that.
Cheryl Crazy Bull, president and CEO of the American Indian College Fund
Lowery-Hart said he “didn’t come to my position and my experience in higher education to be an advocate in engaging in the war zone on poverty.” Still, he added, seeing the survey results about students at Amarillo College changed his opinion about what is necessary for students to succeed. “You can’t ignore what’s happening outside your college walls if you want to change what’s happening inside your college walls,” he said.
Mei-Yen Ireland, executive director of holistic student supports at Achieving the Dream, later encouraged college leaders at the event to think about student success barriers not just in terms of poverty, but as symptoms of larger causes. “Underlying it is structural racism,” he said. “We have to be calling that out and educating on that.”
One group of colleges who have long wrestled with the impacts of structural racism are tribal colleges. “What’s unique about tribal colleges and universities is that most of them are located in rural communities as a result of U.S. policy and practice,” said Cheryl Crazy Bull (Sicangu Lakota), president and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. “In their beginning, these had to be aware that they were dealing with a community that already had insufficient housing and were in food desserts.”
As the conversation moved towards solutions and how to move forward, Ireland suggested that it’s not simply about creating new student services centers on campus. “That is a part of it,” she said, “but it’s this very deep culture change that is really important for this work to take root.”
Lowery-Hart added: “We tell students you should work harder or pull yourself up from your bootstraps, as if we didn’t have people who helped us get to this point in our lives,” he said. “Our students understand the real world. They should be teaching us. We are so often shielded from it.”
Goldrick-Rab told colleges to “think beyond financial aid.” She pointed to successful initiatives where colleges have worked to give students the supports they need directly, and to connect them with social workers and nonprofits who can help. She also urged college leaders to seek out learning opportunities to better understand the challenges faced by today’s students.
Crazy Bull, of the American Indian College Fund, stressed the importance of financial investment to historically underserved students and communities. “To overcome structural racism and give people the resources they need for food and shelter, there needs to be much greater public and private investment. You can’t expect people to work beyond what they are capable of if there are no resources to support that.”
Food, Housing and Childcare: Colleges Addressing Basic Needs Are Boosting Success published first on https://medium.com/@GetNewDLBusiness
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majalahforbes-blog · 6 years
Gaya Melancong Kaum Milenial
Forbes - Ruth, yang saat ini berusia 26 tahun adalah satu dari jutaan generasi milenial. Apa yang dikatakannya boleh jadi preferensi yang mampu mewakili cara pandang generasi milenial terkait pengalaman turisme saat ini. Dia mengaku telah merencanakan liburan ke Korea Selatan tahun ini bersama salah satu sahabatnya. “Berdua dengan teman, kita rencananya sudah lama sih sebenarnya. Kebetulan ini waktu yang pas, berangkat deh,” cerita Ruth. Awal mula tertarik untuk melancong ke Korea Selatan, lanjutnya, karena melihat tempat-tempat di drama Korea dan Instagram sangat menarik.Tak hanya itu, menurutnya bepergian di luar negeri juga dapat menambah wawasan dan pengalaman. “Menambah pengalaman juga. Apalagi kebetulan kami tidak pakai guide, soalnya rasanya kurang privat . Jadi kita bisa eksplor pengalaman lebih luas sendiri,” tambahnya. Melancong kini bisa dibilang menjadi bagian gaya hidup wajib untuk generasi milenial. Liburan ke luar negeri bahkan bukan lagi menjadi hal yang terlampau mewah, justru kian meningkat selama beberapa tahun. Hal itu tercermin dalam sebuah riset global World Travel and Tourism Council 2018 yang menyebutkan, Asia kini menjadi benua dengan pertumbuhan sektor travel dan tourism tercepat dibandingkan dengan negara lainnya. Indonesia bahkan termasuk menjadi salah satu negara dengan pertumbuhan wisatawan tercepat, sebesar 7,7%. Faktor pendukung luasnya mobilitas wisatawan ke berbagai negara adalah semakin minimnya hambatan bepergian (travel barriers), misalnya proses pembuatan paspor dan perizinan visa yang semakin mudah. Tak hanya itu, banyak pilihan penerbangan internasional dengan biaya terjangkau dan terbukanya rute-rute langsung setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan data Direktorat Jenderal (Ditjen) Imigrasi, tren wisata ke luar negeri pada 2018 diprediksi naik. Dua tahun terakhir, jumlah warga negara Indonesia yang keluar negeri mencapai 8,4 juta orang pada 2016, meningkat menjadi 9,1 juta orang pada 2017. Kenaikan jumlah wisatawan Indonesia ini juga semakin dipermudah dengan maraknya eksibisi wisata yang digelar oleh berbagai maskapai ataupun perusahaan travel di Indonesia. Pengamat bisnis dan marketing Managing Partner Inventure Yuswohady mengatakan, saat ini memang terjadi pergeseran konsumsi masyarakat dari kebutuhan barang (goods) menjadi pengalaman (experience). “Artinya, tanpa disadari mereka telah merasakan bahwa leisure dan experience menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan pokok mereka sehari-hari. Tak beda jauh dengan kebutuhan akan internet,” ujar Yuswohady. Berdasarkan survei dunia Everbrite-Haris Poll (2014) membuktikan bahwa milenial lebih memilih menghabiskan uang mereka untuk mencari pengalaman ketimbang material barang. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, Yuswohady menyimpulkan generasi milenial sebagai e-generation atau experience generation. “Ada pergeseran kebahagiaan antara generasi milenial dengan generasi sebelum-sebelumnya. Bagi milenial, kebahagiaan bukan ditentukan oleh kepemilikan barang yang mentereng, tapi mendapatkan pengalaman dan memamerkannya ke orang lain melalui media sosial,” jelasnya. Menurutnya, milenial hidup di “dua alam”, realitas dan hiperrealitas atau dunia daring. Melalui media sosial seperti instagram dan sejenisnya, milenial menunjukan sosok ideal yang mereka inginkan. Misalnya ditunjukan dengan cara memperlihatkan di mana mereka berlibur, dengan siapa bergaul, atau di mana mereka nongkrong. Tak heran jika mencermati foto-foto mereka di Instagram, sering kali menemukan sosok-sosok yang selalu bahagia, penuh senyum, inspiratif, positif, sarat prestasi, seolah dunia ini tak punya masalah. “ Itulah dunia hiper-realitas,” katanya. Dia mengatakan di tengah kerumunan audience online itulah mereka eksis dan menemukan kebahagiaan palsu. Tak heran jika di era leisure economy salah satu komoditi yang paling bernilai adalah “Like”, “Comment” atau “Share”. Melihat fenomena tersebut, PT Dwidaya World Wide (Dwidaya Tour), salah satu pelaku industri wisata Indonesia, optimistis sektor pariwisata terus menggeliat. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan Dwidayatour pada awal tahun 2018 terhadap lebih dari 1.700 netizen rentang usia 18-35 tahun menunjukkan Instagram menjadi wadah untuk mencari informasi promo liburan serta referensi liburan favorit. “Bagi mereka, Instagram adalah aplikasi terpenting selama berlibur selain aplikasi penunjuk arah dan transportasi umum,” ujar Hendriyapto, VP Commercial Dwidayatour. Masih dalam survei yang sama, lanjutnya, Jepang menjadi destinasi internasional incaran utama anak muda Indonesia, karena menawarkan budaya yang unik. Sedangkan untuk destinasi lokal, Raja Ampat paling diminati, diikuti Labuan Bajo dan Sumba dengan pesona alamnya yang menarik. Selain itu, Dwidayatour telah mengumumkan salah satu fasilitas terbaru yang dapat membuat wisatawan Indonesia semakin nyaman dan mudah dalam menikmati liburan di berbagai belahan dunia, yaitu melalui Instant Confirmation. Melalui fasilitas tersebut, wisatawan tak perlu antre panjang dalam pembelian tiket di lokasi atraksi. Saat ini, lanjutnya, Dwidayatour dapat melayani pemesanan tiket untuk 70.000 atraksi di seluruh dunia dengan fasilitas Instant Confirmation.“Setiap bulan Dwidaya Tour menambahkan ratusan atraksi dari berbagai destinasi liburan kelas dunia dalam fasilitas Instant Confirmation. Jadi, wisatawan tidak khawatir lagi dalam pengaturan pengeluaran selama liburan di lokasi,”katanya. Setelah Jepang, Korea Selatan juga menjadi destinasi favorit untuk dikunjungi. Hal ini dibenarkan Direktur Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) Jakarta Office Andrew Jonghoon Kim. Dia mengatakan Korea telah menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata favorit wisatawan Indonesia. Hal ini terlihat dari tren wisatawan Indonesia ke Korea yang selalu naik. Sampai kuartal kedua tahun ini sudah ada lebih dari 121 ribu wisatawan Indonesia yang berkunjung ke Korea.“Naik 15,5% dibandingkan tahun lalu pada periode yang sama,” katanya. Belum lama ini,  KTO Jakarta Office menyelenggarakan Korea Travel Fair, melalui acara tersebut. diharapkan akan menarik lebih banyak wisatawan Indonesia ke Korea. Read the full article
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
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harianpublik-blog · 7 years
Menkeu: Mau Utang Atau Gaji PNS Dipotong?; Rizal Ramli: Itu Ngelantur, Hopeless
Menkeu: Mau Utang Atau Gaji PNS Dipotong?; Rizal Ramli: Itu Ngelantur, Hopeless
Harianpublik.com ~ Pakar Ekonomi Rizal Ramli menyesalkan pernyataan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati (SMI) yang menurutnya sangat tidak pantas.
“Ekonomi kita memang lagi sakit, bagaimana tidak, kalau menko perekonomian Darmin dan Menkeu SMI aja ngomongnya sudah ngelantur, hopeless, gak karuan,” sesal Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian era Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) itu kepada redaksi, Jumat (28/7).
Rizal pun berharap seharusnya, sebagai menteri, SMI bisa mengurangi utang pemerintah dengan cara yang lebih kreatif. Rizal juga berharap menteri keuangan di kabinet kerja Jokowi-Jk bisa menyelamatkan anggaran dengan cara inovatif, bukan dari penambahan jumlah utang.
“Can we reduce debt by innovative means? Is there other financing options beyond increasing govt debt? Kreatif dong, Innovatif lah,” tegas Rizal.
Pernyataan Menteri Koordinator bidang Maritim dan Sumber Daya itu menanggapi pernyataan SMI yang mencoba menerangkan mengenai perlunya utang. Dia mencontohkan postur (APBN-Perubahan) 2017 yang mana ditargetkan penerimaan perpajakan sebesarRp 1.732,9 triliun dan belanja Negara sebesar Rp2.133,3 triliun yang artinya ada selisih Rp 397,2 triliun. Selisih tersebut tentu yang dibiayai oleh utang.
“Jadi kalau ingin APBN tanpa utang, maka belanja Negara harus saya potong sebanyak Rp397,2 triliun, itu kan berarti balance?,” kata SMI dalam diskusi “Utang Untuk Apa dan Siapa” di Kantor Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo), Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (27/7).
Mantan Direktur Pelaksana Bank Dunia ini kemudian menanyakan jika anggaran yang hampir mendekati Rp 400 triliun tersebut dipotong, maka pos belanja apa dulu yang kiranya akan dipotong pada pertama kalinya.
Dia pun membuat polling dan menanyakan pada audience yang datang di acara diskusi. SMI memberikan pilihan pemerintah akan memotong anggaran gaji pegawai negeri sipil (PNS), alokasi anggaran untuk pendidikan, alokasi anggaran untuk kesehatan, alokasi anggaran bantuan sosial atau pemerintah akan melakukan utang.
“Gaji kan enggak mungkin saya potong, kalau yang enggak bisa dipotong seperti gaji TNI, Polri, guru, menurut Anda perlu saya potong enggak?,” tanya SMI.
Kemudian SMI pun memberikan pilihan selanjutnya untuk memangkas anggaran infrastruktur yang saat ini memang sedang jadi fokus pemerintah.
“Infrastruktur saya potong MRT, LRT kita berhentikan ya? Mangkrak, Anda macet terus kan enggak apa-apa ya? Pokoknya kan enggak utang yang penting,” tanya SMI.
Untuk diketahui, utang pemerintah kini tengah menjadi sorotan masyarakat. Sebab, Posisi utang pemerintah melonjak Rp 34,19 triliun dari Rp 3.672,33 triliun pada Mei menjadi Rp 3.706,52 triliun di bulan Juni. Jumlah utang yang terus bertambah menimbulkan kekhawatiran publik.
Sumber Berita : rmol.co
Sumber : Source link
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agardenandlibrary · 3 months
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
When you said “drive a car barefoot” I was thinking like Fred flinstone
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
*results not binding
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