#car service basingstoke
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tyrekingautocentres · 2 years
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wastrelwoods · 2 years
meg’s hannibal fic recs
hurrah for accumulating enough hannibal fics to finally organize some into a sexy little numbered list (which is comprised of three subsections. tee hee i am so organized) i am leaving out some better-known and appreciated fandom classic tastemakers just because I tend to assume people have run into those on their own but of course there are some all time faves there too. this is just already so long, holy shit,
🫀 PART THE FIRST : CANONVERSE [heartwrenching character studies, missing scenes, divergences, etc]
coffee cake by bones_2_be | 82k | hannibal leaves alone after digestivo, and will stays in wolf trap. in the middle of a snowstorm, hannibal comes back to visit. a really sweet and complex slow burn that's especially satisfying to reread in inclement weather and always leaves me craving comfort food
tenderdest touch leaves the darkest of marks & the hardest of hearts by det395 | 28k | 2part divergence from season 3b | hannibal and will end up on the wrong side of the door to his BSHCI cell. THE IMAGERY is so unparalleled the twists and turns are so masterful and the integration of silence of the lambs elements in a completely unexpected way is SO fun. PERFECT
Il falò delle vanità by More_night | 17.8k | missing scenes, one per season | will and hannibal get drunk together and skirt the edges of a years-long discussion of love, destruction, and veneration. these snapshots in their increasingly tumultuous relationship and the things that change and the things that don't....ooh wee
purple hyacinth by petrodactyl352 | 3.5k | missing scene in the season 3 timeskip | scenes from will's wedding day, featuring hannibal, alana, and will. SO full of lovely pining and a fun exploration of the interplay between these characters
culinary substitution by anbarelectrum | 8.8k | mid season 3 | will's old family meets his new family. THE choice of POV for both sections lends so much to this fic and it's a great tense little vignette that explores the dynamics at play in a really clever and exciting way while being very fair and evenhanded with all characters involved. and i LOVE the conclusions drawn
trotline by colonel_bastard | 7.7k | missing scene in season 2b | will takes hannibal fishing. just a CRAZY character study. the whole of will graham writ small in a way that boils my blood to think about. (feat. extremely detailed and visceral animal death)
after the silence has returned by fahye | 2k | post-canon | domestic autocannibalism? hannibal preparing meals with will's blood for both of them to share. just very short and sweet and good
the other side of the mirror by nbcravenstag | 7.5k | mizumono | will leaves hannibal's house after their last supper torn between two impossible choices. then will turns the car around.
everyone but me by det395 | 2.7k | listen i get why more people aren't writing fic in this fandom that is wheeze-laugh-until-your-lungs-give-out funny but you know who is doing it well? @will-gayham gets a double rec for this one
the purpose of blood by basingstoke | 5k | lovely and concise post-fall getting-together fic with a very precise and adept hannibal POV. yes there are a wealth of good post-canon fics but this is my favorite! so there! 
🫀PART THE SECOND : DAMN GOOD AUs [transformative and matchless in their creativity ]
airlock by murdertrout | 9k | scifi horror romance | the spaceship's AI has been killing off the crew. will is on a mission to stop it. i love the nonlinear structure & the way that exploration of the humanity of an AI works so well with hannibal's whole thing & the exploration of bodies and codependency (&sweet robot lovin)
the back foot by spqr | 8.5k |  kind of a pretty woman vibe, a little romcom and a little crime thriller. ANYWAY i can be reticent about sex work AUs but there's such verisimilitude in this one specifically for how many part-time gigs will is working and i think its great that the full service SW is treated basically the same as the column writing and dog-walking. it's all skilled work that's a little bit of a slog and really he wants to be free to get back to the romance subplot
it never sings vain by chaparral_crown | 117k | midsommar inspired folk horror au | exquisitely painful to read from start to finish, feels like eating your own beating heart, heavily recommend (feat. extremely vivid and graphic depiction of suicide right out the gate)
long live the knife by tei | 29k | baroque musician au | STICK THE FUCK WITH ME HERE you'll  like this so much even if you don’t know much about that. you will. the depth of research that clearly went into this fic is one of the best i've ever seen and breathes so much life into this concept and will and hannibal both fit into this space in such nuanced and interesting ways! questions of bodily autonomy and god and death and art? johann sebastian bach is there?
all of history [deleted with one stroke] & coercive notions re-evolve by serindrana | 69k | sleeper agent/mind control au that leans into psychological horror | pt 1 is a season 1 vignette: hannibal tries to take advantage of will's fevered brain and finds that it is not the terra incognita he had expected. pt 2 is a plottier fic: while trying to recover his missing memories in the BHSCI, will blacks out and wakes up at hannibal's house, where he slowly pieces together the history that has been hidden from him (feat. dubious consent and torture)
🫀PART THE THIRD : EARNING THAT XXX RATING [canonverse or not but most importantly, good n horny]
rabbit hearted by bleakmidwinter | 18.5k | post-fall getting together fic | i am a sucker for this very specific mix of romantic tension and intimacy negotiation and apparently not at all immune to the allure of 'gay sex feat. this straight guy who is about to get his mind blown' 
sweet milk by lazybaker | 21.5k | post-fall good clean fun fetish fic | i am also not immune to men's tits or the notion of a LITTLE bit of tasteful lactation. sorry i meant tasty
conduit by mokuyoubi | 9k | post-fall getting together fic WITH. a fun bicurious threesome moment. like i said i'm kind of a sucker for fics that turn on the axis of will graham figuring out how to get into having gay sex
satisfied by h0neybeebear | 11.6k | WILDLY sensual and sexy t4t marathon sex that should qualify for some kind of medal or award. new nobel prize category. the incendiary capacity of el's sensory descriptions could power a rocket straight into the sun or, alternatively, keep a hitachi charged for approximately 5 aeons
let me sinful be by darlingred1 | 20k | will is an anal sex toy connoisseur and hannibal is so, so, so intrusively curious about it. i won’t say how many times this has been visited in my history. top of the ao3 wrapped type of shit
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corallapis · 1 year
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Henry ‘Chips’ Channon: The Diaries (Vol. 1), 1918-38, entry for 9th April 1923
Monday 9th April — Hackwood¹
Have been spending a few days here … a simpatico party … Lady Curzon, glittering, gracious and a supreme hostess, all the Duggans;² Lady Patricia Herbert³ (the very nicest girl in London, although Lady Mary Ashley⁴ runs her neck and neck …) … Mrs Vansittart,⁵ an affected American, Paul of Serbia⁶ …. Lord Curzon is away doing a Coué cure⁷ for the benefit of his leg or brow beating some important conference for the welfare of civilisation … I forget which. Lady Curzon told us of a conversation she had with Lord Balfour⁸ a few evenings ago. He was unusually playful and she depressed and discouraged, she is subject to unaccountable fits of Weltschmerz,⁹ which result, I think, from something unsatisfied in her.¹⁰ He tried to console her and talked to her beautifully about life and all she had to live for … her husband, the world’s most striking and brilliant man … her children charming … her friends many … her beauty unsurpassed. Next day he wrote her an inimitable note to say how much he had enjoyed being next to her. She, delighted, said to Lady Cunard¹¹ as she read it: ‘AJB is an angel — I should like to kiss him on the forehead’. Maud repeated this to him and his only comment was: ‘Why the forehead?’ Maud Cunard motored to Hackwood with Serge Obolensky¹² for what she calls ‘the day in the country’ on Sunday. They arrived at six o’clock. She pretended never to have seen plus fours before and said ‘And what has little Paul got on? And Chips¹³ too what are they?’ She made us rock with laughter for two hours with stories about herself and her hatred of the country, etc. She said that all Nancy’s troubles were due to the fact that her father ‘my dear at the age of 12 had put her … put her on a horse, a four-legged horse’. As she was leaving we loaded her car with guns, tennis racquets, golf clubs, etc. She was much flustered at this or pretended to be and shook hands with a footman and ‘bobbed’ to the butler and was amazing but delicious … all pink and white, like a sweet, and dressed in a costume de sport made by Vionnet.¹⁴ Serge was anxious to return as he is wooing Alice Astor.¹⁵ I introduced them … I shall now have this new romance on my conscience.
1. Hackwood Park, near Basingstoke in Hampshire, rented by Lord Curzon from 1906 until 1925.
2. Lady Curzon’s children by her first marriage: Alfred Duggan (1903–64), who became a minor novelist; Hubert Duggan (1904–43), Tory MP for Acton from 1931 to 1943 and anti-appeaser in the 1930s; and (Grace) Marcella Duggan (1907–95).
3. Patricia Herbert (1904–94), by courtesy Lady Patricia Herbert from 1913, daughter of the 15th Earl of Pembroke and 12th Earl of Montgomery, married in 1928 William Henry Smith, 3rd Viscount Hambleden (1903–48). She was a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth from 1937 until 1994.
4. Lady Mary Sibell Ashley-Cooper (1902–36), daughter of the 9th Earl of Shaftesbury, married in 1928 Napier George Henry Sturt (1896–1940), who in 1919 succeeded his father as 3rd Baron Alington of Crichel. He died on active service in Egypt during the Second World War, though of drink rather than in action.
5. Gladys Robinson-Duff (1892–1928), daughter of General William C. Heppenheimer of the United States, married in 1921 Robert Gilbert Vansittart (1881–1957), who would be Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office from 1930 to 1938, and who would be raised to the peerage in 1941 as 1st Baron Vansittart. Vansittart was also an accomplished novelist, playwright and poet.
6. Prince Paul of Yugoslavia (1893–1976) had known Channon at Oxford and would remain one of his closest friends, and be Prince Regent of Yugoslavia (the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) from 1934 to 1941 during the minority of Peter II. He was the nephew of King Peter I and married Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark (1903–97), sister-in-law of Channon’s other closest friend, the Duke of Kent. After treating with the Germans in 1941 Paul was forced from Yugoslavia and forbidden ever to return; the post-war communist regime stripped him of his property and proclaimed him an enemy of the state. Until 1945 the British authorities held him in Kenya under house arrest. Serbia rehabilitated him posthumously in 2011, after which he was reburied with Princess Olga and their son Nicholas.
7. A psychotherapy-based cure featuring auto-suggestion, fashionable but heavily criticised at the time, developed by Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie (1857–1926), a French psychologist.
8. A. J. Balfour, raised to an earldom in 1922.
9. World-weariness.
10. Curzon was desperate for a male heir (he had three daughters from his first marriage) to the earldom and marquessate he had obtained; various medical procedures had been followed to help Lady Curzon conceive, but no child resulted and the marriage was strained accordingly.
11. Maud Alice Burke (1872–1948), born in San Francisco, married in 1895 Sir Bache Cunard, 3rd Bt (1851–1925), grandson of the shipping line’s founder. They had lived largely apart since 1911, Cunard basing himself in Leicestershire where he enjoyed field sports. In London with their daughter Nancy Clara (1896–1965), Lady Cunard – who after her husband’s death became known as ‘Emerald’ – established one of the leading salons of the era, which thrived until the Second World War. After separating from her husband she became the mistress of Sir Thomas Beecham, the conductor, and funded many of his musical projects.
12. Prince Sergei (‘Serge’) Platonovich Obolensky Neledinsky-Meletsky (1890–1978) had been educated at Oxford and became part of the Russian diaspora after the revolution. He emigrated to America and became a successful businessman.
13. The first time in the diaries that he refers to his nickname.
14. Madeleine Vionnet (1876–1975) was one of Paris’s leading fashion designers of the interwar years.
15. Ava Alice Muriel Astor (1902–56), daughter of John Jacob Astor IV. She and Obolensky married in 1924 and divorced in 1932. She would marry four times before her death at the age of 54.
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edenslandscapes · 1 month
Expert Grounds Maintenance Services in Hampshire: Transforming Your Landscape
As a commercial property owner or manager in Hampshire, the upkeep of your external grounds is essential not just for aesthetics but also for safety and the long-term value of your property. Edens Landscapes offers expert grounds maintenance services designed to keep your outdoor spaces immaculate, secure, and welcoming. From lush lawns to well-trimmed hedges, our comprehensive services ensure that every aspect of your landscape is expertly managed.
Why Choose Edens Landscapes?
At Edens Landscapes, we pride ourselves on our proven track record of delivering quality, efficiency, and reliability in all our projects. Our approach is not one-size-fits-all; instead, we tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your site, ensuring that your landscape reflects your business’s standards. With detailed digital reporting, you can track our work, maintaining transparency and accountability at every step. We also prioritise eco-friendly practices, making us a responsible choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact.
Our Grounds Maintenance Services
We offer a full range of grounds maintenance services, including:
- Grass Cutting and Lawn Care: Keep your lawns looking lush and green with regular mowing, edging, and fertilization.
- Shrub Bed Maintenance: Ensure your shrub beds are tidy and healthy with expert pruning, mulching, and seasonal planting.
- Weed Control and Herbicide Application: Protect your landscape from invasive weeds with targeted treatments.
- Hedge Pruning and Topiary: Maintain the shape and health of your hedges with professional pruning services.
- Car Park and Pathway Maintenance: Ensure your pathways and parking areas are free from debris, potholes, and cracks.
- Litter and Snow Clearance: Keep your property clean and safe, regardless of the season.
- Tree Surgery: Preserve the health and appearance of your trees with expert care, including trimming, removal, and stump grinding.
Benefits of Our Services
Choosing Edens Landscapes for your grounds maintenance needs comes with numerous benefits:
- Enhanced Property Appearance and Value: A well-maintained landscape enhances curb appeal and can significantly increase property value.
- Improved Safety and Reduced Liability: Regular maintenance reduces hazards like overgrown branches, slippery paths, and uneven surfaces.
- Increased Tenant Satisfaction: A pristine landscape creates a welcoming environment that can improve tenant retention and satisfaction.
- Cost Savings Through Proactive Maintenance: Regular upkeep prevents costly repairs and prolongs the life of your landscape features.
- Environmental Responsibility: Our eco-friendly practices ensure that your property remains beautiful while minimizing environmental impact.
Our expert grounds maintenance services are available throughout Hampshire and extend to neighboring areas, including Dorset and Wiltshire. Whether you're located in Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch, Wimborne, Dorchester, Southampton, Portsmouth, Basingstoke, or Wareham, Edens Landscapes is here to transform and maintain your commercial property’s exterior to the highest standard.
For a personalised quote or to learn more about how our services can benefit your property, contact Edens Landscapes today for grounds maintenance hampshire
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(2023-03-18 image ©digi.com) Vodafone have switched off 3G in Plymouth and Basingstoke as a first step in switching off 3G over the whole of the UK. The plan would be that the frequencies will be refactored into 4G. Why switch off 3G prior to 2G? Well there are a number of services on 2G as well as the phone system and not too many on 3G. Anyone with a 3G phone is likely that they will be using this as a phone only and this will fallback onto 2G. The effect of switching off 3G will not need as much planning not be as critical as switching off 2G.
So Vodafone have tried it as a pilot. It was surprising what they found - or rather what the customers found. The mobile phone use was not affected - the fall back to 2G was good. Anyone who has ever used 5G for dat will know it was excruciatingly slow anyway and didn't really work with the larger Internet sites today.
What was notices was car park payment machines. Yes you could use cash but card transactions used 3G to validate the card and this didn't work after the switch off. Those who owned the parking meters had due notice but upgrades (they claim were expensive.
There are also reports that some traffic lights did not work - but this would mean that they would not adapt to schedules and used the same pattern over the day.
Not to be too critical of organisations who have 3G devices but they do need to plan and cannot stick their head in the same 4G is the future and they should be moving there years ago.
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grantleys-limited · 2 years
Best Garage in Basingstoke
We are a garage in Basingstoke offering all services for your car. We also offer MOTs, servicing and repairs on a wide range of vehicles. Our aim is to provide the best service possible for your car whilst keeping prices low. Visit our website for more information.
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autogaragenetwork · 2 years
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sprayitrobexperts · 2 years
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Just buying a car is not enough. All vehicles need proper maintenance, servicing and repairs from time to time. If we want that even years later our automobiles to run as efficiently as it did at the time of purchase and always look as beautiful as a new one then a regular servicing is essential. Book your MOT Basingstoke online today.
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grantleyslimited · 3 years
We Providing top-notch Car servicing Basingstoke and repairs to the entirety of Basingstoke. We provide general servicing and tyre replacements, brake repairs and air conditioning repairs  
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airmanisr · 3 years
RD21878/19.  450s at Monks' Bridge.
RD21878/19. 450s at Monks' Bridge. by Ron Fisher Via Flickr: RD21878/19. Slowing for the station stop at Farnborough Maim on the down slow line is the 11.42 South Western Railway service from London Waterloo to Basingstoke; it is made up of three Siemens Desiro 4-car Class 450 EMUs with 450047 leading 450071 and 450079. A telephoto shot from the Monks’ Bridge which is situated just to the east of Farnborough Main Station. This photo is a screenshot from a video that I took that day and if anyone would like to see the video, it’s here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsOTfZiI90Q&t=2s Thursday, 29th July, 2021. Copyright © Ron Fisher 2021.
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Grantleys Independent Motor Specialists As one of the leading auto repair centres in Basingstoke, Grantleys is your first point of call for a huge range of vehicle servicing options, from routine services such as Cheap MOT to emergency repairs and car servicing.
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srautoeleccouk · 3 years
SR Auto Electrical Ltd
Unit D5, Brunswick Pl, Basingstoke RG21 3NN
01256 357750
SR Auto Electrical Ltd. has been providing reliable services for vehicles of all sizes and manufacturers since 2000.Since then the we fixed, checked and repaired thousands of new and retro cars...We constantly invest in new tool and training so that we would be able to offer better services to our customers.
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