#car accident doctor in charlotte
tebbyclinic05 · 2 years
Car Accidents can cause some major injuries, headaches and emotional stress. Tebby Clinic provides car accident chiropractic treatment in Charlotte NC. If you have been in an accident recently, its important to seek treatment quickly so that proper healing can begin. For more details, visit www.tebbyclinic.com
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coolemmasulivan2 · 2 months
Rewinding Us | 3
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Summary: You and Mason built a love story over five years, but after an accident, your memories are wiped away, including any feelings for your constant bickering "rival". Can you remember your love story with Mason, or will you have to start all over?
Word count: 3826
You can read part 1 here, part 2 here and part 4 here
I slip and wonder who I'd be If I never found you and you never found me Well, I don't wanna see
The hospital waiting room was a clean expanse of white, the walls gleaming as if freshly painted. Mason sat on the edge of a blue chair, his leg bouncing nervously. A heavy silence pressed down on him, broken only by the soft voices of nurses and a few others just like him, waiting for their loved ones.
He was alone. The others were already on the plane, on their way home. Charlotte had promised to catch the next flight out as soon as she landed in London, but until then, he was alone and in fear.
His mind raced back to the villa. He ran after you, but you'd always been surprisingly fast, a burst of unexpected energy that often caught him off guard. He remembered the times when you would run away from him, with laughter echoing through the house, often triggered by a harmless joke or the sudden appearance of an unwelcome spider.
The car had appeared out of nowhere. It was as if the world had slowed down. He remembered the shock that froze him in place, the desperate shout that tore from his throat.
Now, alone in the white room, the weight of everything pressed down on him. He should have been faster. He should have protected you.
A voice cut through the room, bringing him back to the present. “Family of Miss Y/l/n?” The doctor, a man with tired eyes, stood in the doorway.
Mason jumped to his feet, his voice hoarse. “How is she? Is she okay?”
The doctor adjusted his glasses. “Miss Y/l/n has sustained multiple injuries, primarily to her leg and arm. She’s currently in surgery to stabilize her condition.”
Relief washed over Mason. “Will she be okay?” His voice trembled slightly.
The doctor nodded. “We’re optimistic about her recovery. The injuries are serious, but she’s young and strong.”
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "Ahm-- Not long ago, she was involved in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her car and she lost her memory. Can this…?"
"We’ve conducted tests, and thankfully, this accident hasn’t caused any further brain damage.” Mason's heart pounded in his chest. A wave of gratitude washed over Mason. The doctor continued: “We’ll keep you updated on her condition. Someone will inform you as soon as she’s out of surgery.”
Mason nodded and managed a weak smile. “Thank you!”
It was a sunny afternoon, and the air was thick with the sweet scent of jasmine. You and Mason were attending a friend's wedding, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air.
You never used to care about catching the bridal bouquet, but your friends teased you and something sparked inside you. With a burst of unexpected agility, you managed to catch the delicate bouquet of flowers. Cheers erupted from the crowd, but your eyes locked onto Mason's, his expression a mix of amusement as his friends made fun of him.
"Well, well, well!" His friend Toby teased him. "Looks like someone's future is looking bright."
Mason grinned, taking a sip of his champagne. You walked through him, the bouquet clutched triumphantly in your hands, a smirk playing on your lips.
"I think I need a ring on my finger, Mount!" You teased, leaning in to kiss his lips.
A mischievous glint appeared in his eyes. "About that…" he began, his voice trailing off as he reached into his pocket. Your heart pounded in anticipation. "I haven't picked out the perfect one yet." He pulled his hand and it was… empty. "But I promise, it's coming."
Relief washed over you, mixed with a touch of disappointment. You hit his chest playfully. "Don't tease me like that, you idiot!"
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist. "I couldn't resist." He said, his voice soft. "But seriously, I can't wait to make you my wife." He pecked. A blush crept up your cheeks. You'd talked about marriage before, but hearing him say it so openly, with such conviction, made your heart flutter. You leaned into his embrace, feeling safe and loved.
"Don't say that to our moms," you teased, burying your face in his neck to hide your blush. "They'll probably start organizing the wedding the next day."
He chuckled, tightening his arm around you. "Who do you think is helping me find the ring?" He murmured, his breath warm against your skin.
You pulled back to look at him, a playful glare in your eyes. "Stop it. You're trying to embarrass me."
"I'm always trying to embarrass you," he replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You playfully punched his arm, but couldn't hide the smile that spread across your face. "I can't wait to marry you."
Your eyes felt heavy, refusing to open against the bright light. Your body was a battlefield of pain, and every muscle hurt. A desperate need to call out, to reach for someone, filled you, but your throat was parched.
With a huge effort, you forced your eyelids open. The room was a blur of white, the silence broken only by the steady beep of a machine. Fear and cold ran through your consciousness. You wanted to sleep, to escape the pain and confusion, but a primal instinct to survive kept you tethered to the waking world.
Your eyelids grew heavy once more. With a resigned sigh, you surrendered to sleep, hoping to find peace in the silent depths of your unconsciousness.
"The guy wasn't being friendly with you. He wanted to get in your pants." Mason said, standing before you and Declan.
You were shaking, not from the cold but from anger. Declan sensed it and placed a comforting hand on your back.
"Mase, come on!" Declan said, giving him a warning look.
Mason ran a hand through his hair. "It's true. The guy had his hands practically inside her dress."
That was it. You stood up, your voice trembling. "And what does that matter to you? You're not my boyfriend, we're not even friends, so stop pretending and don't interfere in my life."
Declan gently pulled you away from his best friend. "We're just worried about you! The guy didn't look friendly and the bruise on your wrist confirms that."
You rolled your eyes. "I had everything under control until Mount decided to step in and ruin everything."
Mason let out a frustrated sigh. "I saved you!"
"I don't need you to save me." You retorted.
"Good!" Mason shouted, with his hands in the air. "I don't intend to do it again."
You slowly opened your eyes, and as your vision adjusted, you gazed through the window on your left, realizing it was dark outside. You could hear the soft murmur of voices from the hallway, however, what truly caught you off guard was the fact that you were no longer alone.
Mason was sound asleep in the cosy armchair beside your bed. His hand was propped against his head, holding it up, while his unkempt hair suggested that he had been running his hands through it too many times.
You took another sweeping glance around the room and spotted a plastic cup filled with water. Carefully, you reached out, stretching your arm to grasp it. As your fingers nearly touched the cup, it slipped and tumbled to the ground.
The noise woke Mason up from his nap, and his heart instantly started beating faster, afraid that something had happened. But when he saw that you were awake, he let out a sigh of relief. He stood up and approached your bed.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" You tried to speak, but your throat was too dry for the words to come out. Mason realised and picked up the cup from the floor, throwing it in the trash. "I'll get you another cup. I'll be right back."
He quickly exited the room, only to return a few minutes later with a cup of water in his hand and a doctor right behind him.
"Miss Y/l/n, good to see you awake." The doctor began, his voice laced with professional concern. "How are you feeling? Any pain?” With your throat dry, still no words seemed to want to escape.
Mason stepped in to help when he saw your silent plea. “Here!” He said softly, pressing the cup into your hands. With weak hands, you brought it to your lips and took small sips of the cool water.
After a brief but intense check-up by the doctor, you were left alone with Mason.
Being alone with Mason felt weird. A depth of unspoken words and unanswered questions hung heavy in the air. If only you hadn't run from him, from that kiss, you wouldn't be in the hospital. But it had all been too much.
Mason pulled the armchair closer and sat down. His hand found yours, and a gentle squeeze was all the comfort you needed. "The others landed in London, but Charlotte's already on her way back!" He said, his voice low. You nodded, taking another sip of water. His eyes held worry. "Are you really okay? Do you need anything?"
You shook your head. “I’m fine." You whispered. The moment your gazes met, the weight of his worry seemed to lift. Your eyes drifted to your intertwined hands, his long fingers tracing gentle patterns on your palm. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
His eyes held yours. No more words were needed. “How could I?” He began. "You had no memory of us! Saw me as nothing more than the guy you despised." His gaze fell to the floor. “I thought maybe you’d be better off without me, without the chaos of my life. You never complained, but I could see the stress it had on you. Dealing with the media, the fans—it’s a heavy burden. I wanted to give you a chance at a normal life.”
You looked up at the ceiling, your voice rising slightly. “That was not your choice to make!”
"I know." He whispered, his voice barely audible. "I just wanted to protect you."
A heavy silence settled between you. You squeezed his hand back. "I appreciate it. Believe me, I do." You said softly. "But If I didn't like the life we had I would have told you."
Mason emerged from the kitchen, a saviour with a pizza box in one hand and a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "Pizza break?" He offered, his voice filled with amusement.
"What about your diet?"
Mason shrugged. "I will put in more effort during the next training session." You collapsed onto the sofa, relief washing over you. As you devoured your slice, the cheesy goodness melting in your mouth, Mason leaned in, brushing a stray piece of cheese from your lip with his thumb.
"I can't believe we're actually doing this!" He said, his voice soft.. You looked up at him, your heart full. The house, once empty, was slowly transforming into a home.
"Me neither." You replied, your voice filled with happiness. "It feels surreal."
Mason smiled. "Surreal in a good way, right?"
You nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely!" You took another bite of pizza, savouring the moment. As you finished the last slice, Mason stretched out beside you, his arm draped casually over your shoulder. "I can't wait to make more memories here." You said, your voice filled with joy.
Mason turned his head and looked at you, his eyes soft with affection. Slowly, he leaned in, his breath warm against your lips. You closed your eyes as his lips met yours, a gentle and sweet kiss.
Charlotte entered the room, her eyes red and swollen. Mason followed close behind. You were lost in a drugged sleep, oblivious to the storm of emotions in your best friend.
She sank into the chair beside your bed, her hand immediately reaching out to caress your hair. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "Oh my God, why does this always happen to her?" She leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "First the drunk driver, and now this!"
Mason leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "It's been a rough year, that's for sure!" He muttered, his voice barely audible.
Charlotte's gaze snapped to him. Her eyes, filled with concern, held him captive. "Are you okay?"
He offered a weak smile. "I'm fine. Just worried about her."
She knew him too well. "Don't lie to me, Mason." She said softly. "I can see right through you."
He sighed, his shoulders slumping. "It's been a hell of…" He admitted, his voice raw. "What time is it, anyway?"
Charlotte stepped closer, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She's going to be okay, Mason. We'll wrap her in bubble wrap and keep her safe." A small smile tugged at her lips as she tried to lighten the mood.
Mason chuckled. He pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head. "I guess we have no choice!"
You finally returned to London after spending four days in the hospital. You flew back with Mason and Charlotte, and because your parents were worried about you, you spent the weekend with them.
"Are you going to fly back, or will you catch a ride with Mason?" Your Mom asked you.
Thinking it through, everything was clear now. Living in Manchester, having a big house you couldn't afford with your salary, the lifestyle, the constant attention from people on the street - it was all Mason's.
"Um, Mason said I could go with him." You replied your voice barely a whisper.
Your mom's face lit up with a delighted and conspiratorial grin. Since you told her what happened at the villa, she'd been on an overdrive of matchmaking, talking about how happy she was and about what a good couple you used to be.
"That means you're re-" She began, her voice dripping with excitement.
You cut her off, burying your face in your Dad's shoulder. "That doesn't mean anything!" You protested. Your Dad slyly winked at your Mom across the sofa. "It's just easier and cheaper to go with him. so stop organising our wedding in that little head of yours."
Your Mom's lips curved into a knowing smile. "That's already planned!" She muttered under her breath.
You raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "Did you say something?"
She shook her head, a playful glint in her eye. "Me? No, not at all. Just focus on the show."
Monday morning had the sky in soft hues of pink and gold as Mason pulled up to your parents' house. The familiar sight of the old brick house brought him a wave of nostalgia. He stepped out of the car, a gentle breeze carrying the sweet scent of the morning.
Your mom was waiting for him at the door, her face lightened with a warm smile. "It's so good to see you, Mason!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a hug.
"It's great to see you too." He replied, returning the embrace. Their relationship had always been easy, even during the wild times of your on-and-off hating relationship. "It's good to be back."
Your mom led him inside, the house filled with the comforting aroma of coffee. In the kitchen, your dad was holding his special mug, the one you had made him when you were a kid. "I see some things never change." Mason commented, a smile playing on his lips.
Your dad looked up, his face breaking into a wide grin. "Mason!" He exclaimed, standing up to offer a hearty handshake. "Welcome back, boy."
"Did you have breakfast, Mason?" Your mom asked him.
"Yes, thanks!" He replied, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of you. It wasn't surprising when your mom told him that you were still in bed. You'd always been a non-moring person.
"Why don't you go wake her up?" Your mom suggested.
Mason's heart skipped a beat. "Me?" He stuttered, blushing. "I-I don't think that's a good idea."
Your mom chuckled. "Oh, come on! You've got to win her back, don't you?" She teased. With a gentle push, she directed him towards your room. "Go on, then. Start by waking her up."
"But that's a terrible first step!" He muttered.
Mason hesitated, his mind and heart racing. He knew the best way to wake you up was with soft kisses, but that seemed like a recipe for disaster at this early hour and he would surely get slapped.
The door was slightly open and the sunlight streamed through it. Mason's hand hovered over the handle, his heart pounding in his chest. Before he could knock, the door swung open, revealing you, already dressed and with the luggage in hand.
Surprise flickered across your face. "Mason? What are you doing here?"
He took a moment to drink in your appearance. He didn't know how, but every day you became more breathtaking. "Uh, your mom asked me to wake you up." He stammered, his voice catching in his throat. "But I see you're already awake."
You quickly shut the bedroom door, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, I had… a nightmare." You explained, clearing your throat. The way you averted your eyes told him the nightmare was about him, but he chose to stay silent, afraid it would cause an argument.
"Let me help you with your suitcase." He offered, trying to change the subject.
"I don't ne--" You hesitated, torn between your pride and being grateful for his help. Finally, you gave in. "Thanks!" You mumbled, handing him the suitcase.
After having breakfast, you and Mason left for a four-hour drive back to Manchester. With the open road stretching before you, the quiet was overwhelming. Your heart was racing. What were you supposed to do for four hours trapped in a car with Mason, alone?
The radio was on and its soft hum filled the car. Traffic was surprisingly light for a Monday. Your eyes wandered around the spacious interior of the car. It was very clean but there were two Starbucks cups, that he had brought. One for you and one for him. A business card from a car dealership, house keys, and a pair of earrings.
Mason must have noticed your curious gaze. "You left those here last time you drove it." He explained.
"I drove this?" You asked him, astonishment filling your tone. The image of yourself behind the wheel of the gigantic car was absurd.
Mason chuckled. "A few times, actually." You stared at him, disbelief written all over my face. "Why so surprised?"
You tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. "I don't imagine myself driving a car like this." You confessed.
"Well, you weren't exactly a natural." He teased. "But hey, we all start somewhere."
Your mouth opened, pretending you were offended. "I'm an amazing driver, Mount!" Mason laughed and you couldn't help but smile. "I just… I like my mini Cooper."
"I know, I know."
An unexpected calm settled over the car. It was a surprisingly comfortable silence. Lost in the calm of the road and the melody of the radio, you found yourself enjoying the ride.
But the desire to break the silence surprised you. Five years was a long time, and curiosity was killing you. I wanted to know what his life had been like, to understand what kind of relationship we had.
"How's Manchester United treating you?" You asked, breaking the silence.
Mason glanced at you, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. He'd clearly been lost in his own thoughts, and your question seemed to jolt him back to reality.
"Oh, yeah, it's been amazing." He replied, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "They've welcomed me with open arms. It feels like a family." His eyes held a warmth that was unfamiliar yet comforting. "It was a big change, but everything fell into place. I'm very happy."
You nodded, your heart pounding. It was now or never. "And… I went with you?"
He placed his hand on his leg, resisting the urge to place it on yours, a habit of his. "Yeah." He said, his voice low. "You asked for a transfer and moved with me. Didn't even hesitate."
"So the house where I've been living is ours?" You asked. Mason nodded, his expression serious. "And where have you been living?" A wave of questions formed in your mind, each one more pressing than the last.
"I rented a place." Mason replied. "Luke and Anouska have two houses for rent, and one was empty."
"Oh." You murmured, still processing the information. "Sorry about that."
"Don't apologize." he said quickly. "I chose not to tell you the truth, so it's my fault." A comfortable silence settled between you as Mason seemed to be waiting for you to continue. "We have a long drive ahead. Ask me whatever you want."
"Good, because I have a lot of questions." You admitted.
He chuckled. "Bring it on."
"How long have we been together?"
"Five years."
"Who made the first move?"
"You did!" His answer was quick.
You raised an eyebrow. "Don't lie to me, Mount! I remember the first kiss. The prank. I confronted you about it."
Mason burst out laughing, his laughter infectious. "Oh, shit, yeah!" He admitted between chuckles. "I forgot about that."
This felt right, natural. "Okay, so… how did you know you didn't hate me anymore?"
"I never hated you--" He began.
"You know what I mean."
Mason hesitated, his eyes darting away from you. "I think… I think I always had a crush on you." He finally managed to say. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to process his words. "When we first met, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. But you were with that guy, and… I didn't know how to approach you, so I acted like a jerk." You swallowed hard, trying to comprehend the man sitting beside you. "The prank… when they made me kiss you, something clicked. It wasn't just a crush anymore." You hadn't realised, but he had pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. His hand found yours, and his gentle touch sent shivers down your spine. "After that, I knew I had to make you fall for me. I couldn't let you slip away. I couldn't waste any more time when I had the love of my life right in front of me."
His eyes held a vulnerability you'd never seen before. Your heart was pounding so hard you thought it might burst. His gaze locked onto yours. Slowly, he leaned in, his breath warm against your lips.
For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. Then, his lips met yours in a soft, tender kiss. As your lips moved together, a wave of emotions washed over you. Love, hope, and a sense of coming home all at once.
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I’m Gonna Love You Through It || JJ Maybank
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Warnings: mentions of miscarriage, mentions of car accidents, sad JJ which is a crim punishable with death or at least it should be. Implied married JJ x reader. This is the alternate version of twenty six letters
I am currently in the process of moving my writing from my main blog to this one. Please be patient with me.
It was an unseasonably cool October morning, but yet here you were, sat in the wet sand wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and JJ’s t shirt. Your arms were wrapped around your knees and you were fighting back tears. The storm from the night before had the waves worked up, so you were surprised when a blanket wraps around your shoulders and there’s a soft thud in the sand beside as someone sits next to you.
“I thought I’d find you here. Figured I’d better come find you before you turned into an ice cube.” he said. You looked over to see JJ sitting beside you, legs crossed and definitely dressed for the weather in his hoodie and sweatpants. You didn’t say anything, turning to continue to stare at the water in front of you.
It was quiet for a while after that. Neither of you spoke. You didn’t have to because you both knew what was going through your head. Today would have been your due date with your first child. Not planned, but wanted and ripped from you by a drunk driver. Four months later, you were still blaming yourself even though you knew deep down that it wasn’t your fault. Slowly, JJ moved to clasp your hand in his, running his thumb over your knuckles.
“It wasn’t your fault.” He said. “I want to make sure you know that.”
“I do know that.” You whispered. “Doesn’t make today suck any less though.” He sighed, bringing your hand up to his mouth.
“We should go see her today.” he said. “I think it’ll help me. I think it’ll help you.” You hadn’t been to the cemetery since the day you guys buried your daughter's ashes, since the law said a miscarriage after twenty weeks had to be dealt with through a funeral home. You’d decided to bury her, so that you’d have a place to visit her, but you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to go back since the funeral. JJ had gone a couple times, like the day they had placed her headstone. He’d taken pictures of it for you, the tiny stone bordered with tiny flowers and her name Charlotte Rose Maybank with just the year on it. You’d named her after your grandmother. You had grown up in the tiny baptist church in the middle of town, and while neither of you were particularly religious, you held a firm belief that your grandma was on the other side taking care of your daughter.
“Okay.” you mumbled. “It’s time.”
“I just keep imagining what she would look like.” he said. “I bet she would have been gorgeous.” You let out a watery laugh.
“I know she would have been.” you told him. “Your eyes on any kid would be adorable. She’d probably have your ADHD too.”
“Maybe.” He said. “I want to try again, when you’re ready.” He’d been patient, a saint really. He’d made sure you’d eaten the first couple of weeks when all you wanted to do was stay in bed. He’d sat in the bathroom and washed your hair when it hadn’t been washed in over two weeks. He was always there to hold you when the emotions got to be too much and you just needed to be held. You were sure that he’d grieved too, but he never showed it to you. He’d switch off with Kie and Sarah, going over to the chateau for a couple hours and coming home smelling of coors light and weed. You knew he’d grieved during those trips where he could talk about his emotions with John B for a couple hours, because if anyone knew grief it was his best friend, even if it wasn’t the same type of grief.
In fact, the only time you’d seen him show his grief was the day of the accident. JJ had been at work, you had gone to the doctor for your 25 week appointment, but it was late in the evening, as you had other errands to run, when you got done and were driving home when you were hit head on by a man driving drunk. JJ remembers it from closing up the mechanics shop he worked at, Shoupe coming in looking for him and saying he needed to get in the car because you had been in an accident and were in bad shape. You remember it as the car being hit, then barely coming around in the hospital with him holding your hand praying for the first time you can remember because he couldn’t lose you both. As soon as he muttered the words you knew you’d lost your daughter, but were out again before he could even realize you were awake. You didn’t even have confirmation that you lost her until you really came around two days later.
“I want to try again, someday.” You said. “I’m just not ready yet.”
“I know. I’ll be here when you are, though. Until then though, I’m just gonna love you through it.” He said.
Truth be told, you didn’t feel ready when nearly two years later the test came back positive again. JJ kept his promise, he loved you through it. There were panic attacks and the fear that your body was permanently damaged from the trauma of the accident, but JJ was there to hold you, and assure you that everything was okay. He didn’t miss an appointment, talked you down from panic attacks, and you knew it was worth it when on yet another cold October morning you sat in another hospital room, holding your beautiful, healthy son in your arms.
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spiralling-thoughts · 21 days
Some modern tbosas headcanons from my survivor class au some of them are slightly OC but hey I pretty much turned the lesser known tributes into my ocs at this point and some of these are taken from other people's headcanons
Panlo works at a bakery and he absolutely would knock it out of the park during the baking contest think pinkie pie level of profession
- circ works as a tutor and gives private lessons in coding to earn some money to help his father
- brandy is into mascot horror
- Otto and ginnee and Sol created their own band and otto and Sol have piercings , Otto plays the drums while ginnee the guitar and Sol sings
- Lucy gray is still performing with the covey and her family in this au died from a car accident because of this Lucy gray have a fear from speeding cars and always warn velvreene from driving too fast ( velvreene is a absolute s*** driver and failed her driving test 3 times in a row but bless her heart she doesn't give up)
- velvreene and Sol are the wealthiest of the friend group velvreene s parents are famous fashion designers and Sol's grandma is a CEO of a Big company and her aunt is a well known doctor but their friends don't care and don't treat them differently due to their economic status think Tiana and Charlotte friendship
- velvreene and facet spend lots of their quality time playing video games together even if they are not that good at it and if they are playing against circ and teslee they get so wrecked
- lamina works as a library assistant and is a complete book girlie although if anyone tried to bully her they would pay for it as lamina also take karate classes
- wovey and ginnee have their own little business where they sell handmade accessories they'd be an absolute unit during contests that involves crafts
- sheaf and treech both skateboards in empty pools so they are quite the experts at skating
- Sol needs glasses in this au and is into astronomy
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nicolemcrtin · 2 months
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Nicknames: Nic, Nikki, Nico (close family and friends)
Gender & Pronouns: cisfemale (she/her)
Age: 38
Birthday: September 2, 1986
Occupation: Plastic surgeon – has stepped back from surgeries, works mainly in the e.r. and consulting
Neighborhood: Carriage Falls
Does your character have a secret? Yes
Hometown: Wilmington, NC
Years of Residence: She lived in Wilmington her entire life except during medical school and residency (roughly 10years)
Pinterest & Character Inspiration: celeste wright/madeline mackenzie (big little lies), meredith grey (greys anatomy), charlotte york (sex and the city), monica gellar/rachel green (friends), rachel zane (suits), bree van de kamp (desperate housewives).
tl;dr: nicole is sweet, charming, and very loyal, always there to help anyone in need. she was born and raised in wilmington, moved away during her medical degree, residency and brief marriage, but she would visit. she grew up in a family emphasizing education and perfection. her father, a respected doctor, inspired her career in medicine, while her mother's high expectations shaped her need for perfection. nicole became a plastic surgeon and married a doctor she met during her residency. it all took a devastating turn when an accident caused her life to go completely opposite of planned resulting in marital strain and a near-career-ending crisis that her dad covered up. guilt-ridden and grieving she tried therapy but ultimately filed for divorce and moved back to wilmington (has been back for 3 years). she now focuses on non-surgical roles at mercy hospital. you’ll find her always busying herself with something. more on the schedule = less time to think. 
tw: car accident, infertility, miscarriage, perfectionism 
On a warm September evening in 1986, Nicole was the second of three children born to Ricardo and Marissa Martin in the coastal town of Wilmington, NC. A family known to be close knit, supportive and loving. The Martin children were raised to be well-rounded; a toolbox full of knowledge, multiple languages, the ability to adapt to any vernacular thrown at them and most importantly, a tenacious appetite for perfection in all they did.
Her father, Dr. Ricardo Martin, was Nicole's biggest inspiration—a dedicated emergency and trauma medicine specialist at Mercy Hospital, who spent years volunteering for Doctors Without Borders eventually became a clinical lecturer in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of NCW. From a young age, Nicole admired her father. After school afternoons were spent at his office doing homework, surrounded by the hum of medical knowledge and patient care–it was clear from an early age she was destined to follow in his footsteps.
In contrast, Nicole's relationship with her mother, a successful interior designer, was more challenging. Perfection in appearance, behavior, and achievements were what Marissa Martin aimed for–instilling in Nicole an early obsession with unrealistic standards. Though she learned to adapt to this facade early on, it became a trait that shaped her adult life. In her final few years of high school it became her own obsession that everything was to be perfect or at least appear to be. After all, mom knows best, doesn’t she?
As the middle child, Nicole’s determination to succeed instilled competitiveness in her nature from a young age, in her sports and her studies. Despite her dips into partying, she managed to consistently rank top of her class. 
Wilmington is home, but post-graduation led to earning an MD from Brown University in Providence. There, she completed her residency, ultimately specializing in plastic surgery–a field where her attention to detail and pursuit of perfection found a healthy professional outlet.
In the second last year of her residency Nicole discovered love at first sight could be real. A fellow doctor, everything she had ever wanted and he never expected more from her than what she was. Three years later, Nicole was married to the love of her life. Blissful news followed within six months of their marriage–they were expecting their first child.
Tragedy struck after a devastating car accident, a head on collision. While both survived, Nicole suffered irreparable damage to one location of her body–her reproductive system. At that moment, she lost her unborn baby and all ability to ever have a biological child.
Overwhelmed by grief and feeling betrayed by her own body, Nicole struggled to cope. Detaching from her marriage–the life that was envisioned for herself came crashing down right in front of her. 
While everything felt numb, her career was the one thing she could still control. Nicole threw herself into work. A facade of healing and recovery was crafted that garnered the support of hospital therapists and board members in order for her to return to the operating room early. Until January 1st, 2021, when a surgery went awry under her hands—one wrong cut that could have cost a patient's life and her career–if not for Dr. Ricardo Martin stepping in.
After two years of counseling and attempting to salvage her marriage, Nicole–ridden with guilt and grief–was ultimately the one who chose to walk away. Filing for divorce and moving back to Wilmington in an attempt to rebuild herself. It was a town where no one knew what happened and any record of negligence under the hands of Dr Nicole Martin was covered up by the esteemed Dr Ricardo Martin. Now, she has stepped back from surgeries–preferring to consult, volunteer, administer aesthetic and medical injectables, as well as provide emergency care at Mercy Hospital. Surrounded by her family, and friends, and their kids–that she could help with taking care of or mostly spoiling. It was the closest she had to her own little family.
Personality wise she's very sweet, kind, caring, and loyal. Always there to help anyone in need. Charming, witty and adaptable (except when it’s her own emotions).
She played several sports growing up: soccer, tennis, golf, surfing, track and field, and horse riding. She still tries to find time to play.
Extremely competitive..never play sports or games with her. She will cancel any plans she has to rematch all day.
She’s still in therapy (sometimes), working on not being so much of a perfectionist and shutting down her emotions..though it’s not working. 
Fluent in Spanish, French, Italian, German, and learning Russian!
She can’t have her own kids so her friends’ children and her nieces/nephews will always be treated like her own–she’s the aunt that always brings 600 toys and treats. 
Friends: Nicole spent most of her life in Wilmington so anything from childhood friends, family friends, high school/college best friends–party buddies, maybe sports teammates, besties–anything works!
Co-workers: anyone working in the field of medicine or first responders – the emergency room, hospital, etc.
Past relationships/flings: a high school or college relationship–maybe they thought they would be together forever or they're from two different worlds and one of their families wouldn't have approved, so so many options!
Current relationships/flings: anything!!
Neighbors: Nicole lives in Carriage Falls so anyone there or that frequents the country club.
Family: her siblings i'll eventually put up a wc for, but cousins maybe?
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carlossainzwho · 1 year
Chapter: 3/?
Warnings: again, just spag mistakes - also perhaps jumpscare, but you'll see why. enjoy it! with love from ritzi xx

It was the Spanish Grand Prix! The sun was shining and I was so glad to be here, supporting my boyfriend along with his parents and two sisters. Qualifying was great, with Carlos narrowly missing out on P1, but p2 was good enough for him. He just needed to make sure that he didn't do anything wrong during the race.
I could hear David Croft's voice as all 20 cars went speeding along to the first corner and the adrenaline was building up again. Lap after lap, you could see Carlos' Orange Mclaren fighting with Max Verstappen. I prayed for a home GP victory.
Lap 35. Turn 3. I could see a car going off the track. I gasped as I went closer to the screen and realised that it was Carlos. I fell to my knees and the rest of the family watched in horror. Carlos' mum was close to tears, but she told me not to worry. Immediately, an ambulance came, and took him away. My heart fell to the floor and everyone was horrified and scared for Carlos.
A few hours later, I was in the hospital waiting room with Carlos' family when a doctor came and told us that we were allowed to see him. I jumped from my seat and rushed through the door. He looked so weak in his hospital bed. I grasped his hands tightly and Ana held the other.
'I'm fine, girls, i'm fine!' he said to me, ana, blanca and his mother.
'I was so scared, babe. please never do that again.' i cried
'i won't mi amor, don't worry.'
Carlos had escaped with only a sore neck and back and severe bruising, thankfully, and was cleared to race in Monaco the following week.
At home, I slept in Carlos' arms and held him tightly as we were talking. Lando, Charles and Max had called Carlos to make sure he was fine and Pierre sent a text message double checking that he was ok. Even kika, charlotte and kelly contacted me to make sure carlos was ok.
'I love you Carlos, please, no more accidents babe' i said
he kissed me and stroked my hair. 'no baby, i promise i won't. i love you my darling.' He kissed me again, his warm lips against mine. i put my fingers through his hair as i kissed him over and over again, till we fell asleep in each other's arms. nothing could separate me from my carlos. right?

ahhhh another chapter done! A new one is coming soon! xx
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Charlie's Basic Info
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Name: Charlotte Luisa Joy Sanka-Mays
For the most part, Charlie's faceclaims were really easy to pick which, in a way, made it harder for me to pick Erica's later on. Anyway, for the 60s, we have Diahann Carroll (Paris Blues), the 80s, Lisa Bonet (Angel Heart), the 90s, Angela Bassett (What's Love Got To Do With It), and now Tessa Thompson (Thor: Ragnarok)
Nicknames: Charlie, Lottie (she especially loves it because of The Princess and the Frog), and Char (Vivien is the usual culprit, but sometimes others will call her that as well)
Age: 38 
Date of Birth: September 16
Zodiac: Virgo
Birthstone: Sapphire 
Nationality: Jamaican and Columbian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthplace: Princess Anne, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Current Residence: Laconia, New Hampshire
Occupation: Author
Talents/Skills: Tying cherry stems into knots with her tongue, embroidery, violin playing, origami, and procrastination.
Birth order: Only child
Parents: Kenan Arlo Sanka and Camila Maria Martinez
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Height: 5’4”
Race: African American
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black with colored braids
Glasses or contact lenses: Contacts for reading and colored contacts for fun
Distinguishing features: A tattoo behind her ear of a crown, faded scars on her thighs from self-harm in her teenage and young-adult years, and stretch marks on her abdomen that she’s grown to love.
Mannerisms: Constantly tucking her hands into either her pockets or sleeves, reapplies lip gloss or chapstick when it starts to feel too dry, and will stare into space while thinking and not realize it until someone points it out.
Health: Used to suffer from a combination of anorexia and bulimia, but has since recovered and is at a healthy weight.
Hobbies: Collecting crystals, making candles, creating elaborate costumes for conventions, doing far too much research for her books, and watching bootlegged Broadway shows online.
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): Perfectionism, 100%. Throughout her formative years, she was pressured by her parents to be the perfect child - perfect grades, perfect appearance, perfect everything. The slightest misstep resulted in shouting matches, venom-filled, snarky comments, and silent treatments. By the time she had graduated, she was top of her class and one of the best dancers at her company. College was supposed to be her way to a perfect future, but then she met Hayley and everything changed. However, even now, her parents forced perfectionism is still engraved in her bones - a reminder to be on top of her game, no matter the cost. She struggles a lot with letting things happen as they may and allowing herself to be anything but perfect.
Best quality (in their opinion): Her imagination. Getting lost in make-believe worlds and creating sprawling cities in her mind had always been a source of entertainment in Charlie’s rigid childhood, but now that she allows her creativity to flow into her novels and children’s books, she takes pride in her imagination.
Biggest fear: For the longest time, she would have said falling in love as she saw what it did to her parents, but now that she has Hayley and knows what real love is like, she would say either centipedes, snakes, or becoming paralyzed. She had broken her leg in a car accident as a teenager and was kept in a wheelchair for the most part. The feeling of only moving from her bed to the wheelchair and back again was like torture for the typically active girl and, now, the idea of going back to that terrifies her.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite ice cream: M&M, but only with vanilla ice cream and peanut butter drizzle
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite number: 19, how old she was when she met Hayley
Favorite songs: Don’t Cha by The Pussycat Dolls, Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield, and Shark In The Water by V V Brown
Favorite movies: Uptown Girls, Pitch Perfect, Burlesque, Howl’s Moving Castle, Hidden Figures
Favorite TV shows: Orange Is the New Black, Doctor Who, Arcane, The Queen’s Gambit, and Demon Slayer
Favorite books: The Giver by Lois Lowry, Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne, Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver, Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid, and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab
Favorite video games: Minecraft, Candy Crush, and Fallout
A musical they like: Heathers
A place they want to visit: Venice, Italy
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charlottejanne · 2 years
Hello my dears. When we are faced with the experiences that frighten us, we often cannot explain them. Does this mean that we do not have enough knowledge or the real world is not what it seems? Let's get to know him better.
I think you are all familiar with the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch. At first glance, it becomes somehow creepy. Let's take a closer look at her story.
•🖌️"Scream" (Norwegian Skrik) - created between 1893 and 1910. they depict a human figure screaming in despair against the background of a blood-red sky and an extremely generalized landscape background. In 1895, Munch created a lithograph on the same subject.
In the background landscape of "The Scream" the view of the Oslo Fjord from the Ekeberg hill in Christiania can be guessed.
•🖌️The original title in German, given by Munch to the painting, was "Der Schrei der Natur" ("Cry of Nature"). On the pages of his diary, in the entry "Nice 22.01.1892", Munch describes the source of his inspiration as follows:
"I was walking along the path with two friends - the sun was setting - suddenly the sky became blood-red, I stopped, feeling exhausted, and leaned against the fence - I looked at the blood and tongues of flame above the bluish-black fjord and the city - my friends went on, and I stood, trembling with excitement, feelingan endless cry that pierces nature."
What is its mystique?
•🖌️They say that the painting takes cruel revenge on everyone who "offends" it in one way or another. It all started with the fact that one of the employees of the museum, where the painting was exhibited, accidentally dropped the canvas, after which he began to have terrible headaches. doctors could not make a diagnosis, and no medicines could save the unfortunate man from suffering, he could not stand them and committed suicide. the second servant dropped the "Scream" when he was carrying it from one place to another, and soon got into a terrible car accident - he survived, but was left crippled. A visitor who just touched the painting was burned alive in a fire a few days later...
Such vindictiveness of the picture is explained by the difficult fate of the painter himself, who lost all his loved ones in his childhood and suffered from schizophrenia.
This is how an ordinary picture lost the lives of several ordinary people. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but that's up to you.
•🖌️At first, this painting was called "Nature's Cry", many believe that the artist depicted the end of the world on it.
•🖌️Munk wrote four versions of "The Scream", two of which can be seen in the Munch Museum and the National Museum of Norway, both of which are in Oslo.
-Keep yourselves
With love, Charlotte 💌
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Crying For Magnum: The Story of Nikita Koloff’s Face Turn In The Time Of Tragedy
TW: Mentions of a car accident, paralysis, and death
Hey Everyone! I hope you all are doing well! Professional Wrestling has a lot of amazing storylines and gimmicks. I consider it to be emotional on a few occasions. With this article , I’m going to explain what I mean by that statement. This is the story of how a Heel turned into a Babyface after a tragedy.
In the Spring of 1986, Magnum TA, the most popular star in Jim Crockett Promotions , had a storyline with Ivan Koloff. During the feud , Koloff would say his nephew, Nikita Koloff , would challenge Magnum for the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship and go on to take it from him. Magnum recently won the championship back from Tully Blanchard after winning their legendary , ‘ I Quit ! ’ match at Starrcade ‘ 85. The promoter of NWA and Jim Crockett Promotions , Jim Crockett Jr., would have a contract signing in May for the United States Championship match. Nikita was accompanied by Ivan as Magnum was accompanied by his mother. A fight between the two wrestlers happened after Koloff ridiculed Magnum’s mother. He would soon be stripped of the championship and have to fight for it in a ‘ Best of Seven ’ series of matches . These took place on the Great American Bash Tour for 1986. The series ended in the Summer on August 17,1986 with Koloff becoming the new NWA United States Heavyweight Champion.
Magnum TA was in talks to become the new NWA World Championship after the storyline with Koloff. However , this would never happen . On October 14, 1986 , Magnum TA was in a near fatal car accident in Charlotte , North Carolina. He lost control of his Porsche while it was raining and crashed into a telephone pole. It was claimed that he was speeding , however, he was actually doing the speed limit. He would be trapped in the car for two hours until someone who came upon the wreck called for help. Magnum was transported to Carolinas Medical Center with a broken C-4 and a C-5 vertebrae. Thus, the doctors had doubts that he would never be able to walk for the rest of his life. Magnum TA’s in ring career would end due to months of paralysis on the right side of his body due to the injuries sustained in the accident .
Therefore, after losing Magnum as a top wrestler and Babyface , NWA booker , ‘ The American Dream ’ Dusty Rhodes , made the decision to make his rival before the crash, Nikita Koloff , into a Babyface. Koloff claimed that he gained respect for his colleague and wanted to substitute for him , going by their storyline . Thus, this led to Koloff being on the cover of the Spring 1987 edition of ‘ Wrestling’ 87 ’ Magazine . Nikita would be seen on the magazine crying with the words , “ I cry for Magnum TA ”.
Koloff would state on the show , ‘ Dark Side Of The Ring ’ that he got the news about Magnum when he came back from Japan. It took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Magnum would make his TV return in 1987 would be an interview with commentator and backstage interviewer, Tony Schiavone. He would return in front of a live crowd with the help of two referees and a cane to help him walk to wish Nikita and Dusty good luck before they faced Tully Blanchard and Lex Luger. He would also manage Rhodes and Koloff.
In March of 2024, Koloff and Magnum would be seen in the crowd at AEW Revolution to witness Sting’s retirement match.
Nikita Koloff is now a Motivational Speaker and a Preacher.
My Final Thoughts:
Just hearing this story always breaks my heart. Knowing that Nikita would rise up and do something like that for his rival , that amazes me. Seeing that magazine cover with him on it really shows me that it does not matter if someone is a Face or A Heel, if something happens to a wrestler , it’s okay to show emotion and that if affects everyone in a locker room and a promotion. I also hope to meet Magnum and Nikita this year at WRESTLECADE.
( Fun fact: My Dad got to change a tire on Nikita’s car and talk to him. I’m jealous . )
Love You All,
- Kay
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emmroose-draws · 2 months
The City of Enochia
Evan has been followed by a symbol all his life. When his uncle’s mysterious disappearance pulls him and his cousin into a new adventure to find the origin of this symbol, he meets Daniel, a young teacher at Oxford University. Together, they begin a quest that they might be more involved in than they realize. 
As I'm writing down the stories, I thought I might add some things about the different characters in the story.
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Evan Rigas, birthday March 13th, 1987. He was born on the island of Kos, Greece, where he grew up. He’s a recently graduated archaeologist who has been raised by his aunt and uncle after the mysterious death of his parents. When his uncle goes missing in search of a mysterious symbol, he enlists his cousin’s help to find the answers that have plagued him all of his life. He recently separated from his fiancée Donna, and has a big love for musicals.
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Daniel Matis, birthday March 13th, 1987. He’s the youngest teacher at Oxford university, having a doctorate in theology and ancient languages. He has an older brother called James, and a twin sister Anaïs, who has disappeared in the search for a mysterious symbol. When his student Keith Rigas and Keith's cousin Evan come knocking at his door to find out more about this symbol, Dan takes this opportunity to find out where his twin might have gone to. Dan owns an appartment in London, where he also keeps his office. Dan identifies as non-binary, but has yet to come out about it. Despite that, he doesn't particularly care about what pronouns are used.
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Keith Rigas, born December 4th, 1988. He was born on Kos, Greece, and he’s the cousin of Evan. Keith is currently enrolled in the university of Oxford for archaeology. He’s a student of Dan’s and the boyfriend of Devangi. Despite his current relationship, he’s been a bit of a heartbreaker in the past. Because of his exceptional looks, he’s often described as the ‘Greek God’ by his peers. He’s smart, but short-tempered.
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Elín Amonssottìr, birthday May 12th, 1986. She’s the adoptive daughter of the world famous treasure hunter Amon Martenson. She’s a childhood friend of Dan’s, but disappeared after a misunderstanding between the two of them. She’s a plant biologist and has been trained to survive in the wilderness by her strict father. She's from Iceland, but usually resides in England.
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Anaïs Matis, born March 13th, 1987, is the twin sister of Dan. After coming out as trans, Anaïs has taken a step away from her strict family and probably hasn’t seen them in years. She studied history and is well-trained in multiple languages thanks to her twin, Dan. She disappears during a search, without leaving any clue as to where she’s gone to. 
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Devangi Baral, born January 23rd, 1988, is a theology student of Dan’s and Keith’s girlfriend and classmate. She’s a transfer student from India and is really excited to have adventures of her own. 
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Thomas Rigas, born May 5th, 1961, is Evan’s uncle and Keith’s father. He took his brother’s loss hard and when he stumbles µ onto their journal from their last expedition, he intends on carrying it through and find out what they were looking for. He eventually disappears without another word, leading to Evan and Keith having to look for him across the world with only the journal to lead them. 
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Carla Da Silva, born December 8th, 1962, is the aunt of Evan and mother of Keith. While she and Thomas divorced and she’s not related to Evan by blood, she still took care of him like a son. She remarried years later and now owns a resort close to a beach in Kos, Greece.
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Charlotte ‘Lotte’ Rigas, born August 18th, 1985, is the cousin of Evan and sister of Keith. While she used to go on adventures with them, a car accident has left her paralyzed from the waist down and unable to join them on expeditions. She returned to her home in Kos, Greece, and teaches history. She’s married to Ryan Hastings. 
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Amon Martenson, date of birth unknown, is Elìn’s father and a ruthless treasure hunter with no fear of getting his hands dirty - in the wrong way. It is thought that Amon was the one who got Evan’s parents killed for getting in his way, but so far he has never admitted to it. 
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Benedict Rigas, born April 16th, 1956, was Evan’s father and starting treasure hunter. He met Ellie on a short expedition and the two fell in love almost immediately. He died when Evan was very young, possibly killed by Amon. 
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Ellie Vermeer, born January 16th, 1956, was Evan’s mother and a former student of Amon Martenson. After realizing that his methods were too cruel, she quickly moved away from his side, eventually leading to her demise when Evan was only about four years old. 
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The archangel Daniel and her unnamed lover. They are recurring characters in this search for the symbol. According to the legends, Daniel rescued many people after the eruption of Vesuvius. In modern day, she's often referred to as Daphne.
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The mysterious symbol that they are investigating.
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This was critically acclaimed when it premiered, but I think it’s meh.
It’s a typical Southern gothic tale, a genre I’m not really fond of.  It starts off in the 1920s.  A young woman, Charlotte, is having an affair with a married man, John Mayhew.  Charlotte’s dad confronts John and tells him that, at the upcoming party, he is going to call it off.  John agrees.  At the party, John follows through with his agreement, breaking up with Charlotte in the “summerhouse,” and whilst he hangs out there afterwards, he is hacked to death!  Charlottes comes into the party covered in blood and everyone is aghast.
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We jump to 1964, where Charlotte (Bette Davis), who never married, lives in the house, attended by a lone caregiver, Velma, and her doctor, Drew.  (She was always suspected of killing John, but the state couldn’t prove it.  Now she’s just spoiled and immature.)  The state has appropriated the house in order to build necessary infrastructure, but Charlotte is cantankerous.  Her cousin, Miriam (Olivia de Haviland), arrives.  At first Charlotte thinks that Miriam will help with her eviction trouble, but we eventually learn that Miriam and Drew are conspiring to drive Charlotte crazy, so they can steal her money!  Miriam fabricates various spooks, including severed hands and heads.  Velma is suspicious, so Miriam shoves her down the stairs and breaks her neck.  The spooks culminate in an accident, where Drew pretends to be the dead John Mayhew, but Charlotte shoots him in the face!  Miriam and Charlotte dump the body in the river, and on the way back to the house Miriam pulls the car to the side of the road and slaps the shit out of Charlotte, which totally made this movie worthwhile.
Anywho, back at the house Charlotte has a vision of the dead Drew, but it’s not a vision!  He’s actually still alive because the “accidental shooting” was fabricated to push Charlotte over the edge of madness.  While they think that Charlotte is asleep in her room, Miriam and Drew gloat over the culmination of their evil plan, but Charlotte is actually listening to them from the balcony.  She shoves a huge planter on top of them, killing them.  The following day Charlotte is taken away, because she killed some people, but she finally learns (through means) that John’s killer was actually his own wife.  Local people watch as she’s driven away.
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This was middling.  The plot is predictable.  Davis’s acting is overwrought, and de Haviland doesn’t really convey any menace.  I can appreciate that there’s some “campiness” to this, and some of the shots are beautifully done, such as a scene at the end where Charlotte is dancing with the memory of John and everyone around them is wearing freaky white masks.  Also, as I mentioned above, I enjoyed the scene where Miriam repeatedly slaps Charlotte.  I’m sure it was a catharsis not only for Miriam, the character, but also for the audience, who had to deal with Charlotte’s shit.
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tebbyclinic05 · 2 years
Car Accidents can cause some major injuries, headaches and emotional stress. Tebby Clinic provides car accident chiropractic treatment in Charlotte NC. If you have been in an accident recently, its important to seek treatment quickly so that proper healing can begin. For more details, visit www.tebbyclinic.com
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ahopkins1965 · 5 months
Home Come a Person Have Problems That They Can’t Solve?
        This is an essay that ask a very important question.  How come a person have problems that they are not able to solve?  The reason why I ask this question is because I have a mental illness for going on 22 years now.  My primary diagnosis is Schizoid Affective Disorder Bipolar Type.  I will admit that earlier in my life, I did not have a mental illness.
        Next, I want to inform everyone that mental illness does not run in my family.  How come people have problems that they cannot solve is because of pride. 
        Further, I will also admit that I have always wanted to solve my own problems; at least try.  I know that God is the ultimate problem solver.  It is God that is doing for me more than I am doing for myself.
 I also will say that I have to allow God to solve my problems for me.  I will say that I am not perfect.  How come I am hearing voices that normal people do not hear?  The answer is I really do not know.  According to 2nd Corinthians 12: 8-10 says: (8.) for this thing I besought the Lord thrice; meaning 3 times: that it may depart from me.  (9.) And He said unto me.  My Grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  (10.) Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I say that to say this, what makes me weak physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically makes me strong.
In Addition, I will have to admit that I have experience a great deal of physical and mental trauma throughout my life.  When it comes to these voices that I hear every single day of the week, I have to admit that I was involved in a car accident on April 18, 1984.  I was riding inside of a car with someone that I did not know, and we crashed the car into a trussle.

I also experienced whiplash during the accident.  The next thing that happened to me is that I had a stroke on November 8, 2008.  I was not able to use my right side of my body for 3 days.  This occurred during the time that I was living in Charlotte, NC.
Moreover, I also suffered from grandmal seizures from July 25, 1982, April 5, 1985, October 8, 2009, January 24, 2010, and on February 6, 2010.  My very first seizure occurred during the time I was playing an arcade game at my grandmother’s house.  My life was completely messed up.  I also endured sports injuries as well as concussions.  I would like for everyone to please keep me in your prayers.
James 5:16 says confess your faults to one another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  I also admitted to telling the doctor to prescribe me Risperdal for 4 years.  I was not hearing voices during that time.  I had visual hallucinations from contracting the scabies.  I suffered from the scabies for a total of 49 days.  If I did not receive Quell Shampoo treatments, I would have died from dementia.
        Currently, I am hearing voices from the same people who scammed me out of $16,977 dollars in western union funds.  Obviously, these individuals did something bad to hurt me.  I have been hearing voices since November 5, 2009.  I have asked God to remove these voices over and over again, but nothing has not happened yet.  Therefore, this is not a laughing matter this kind of things exist online.  I have not erred from the truth because this really happened to me. 
        Also, I recently had a total of 5 consecutive abnormal EEGs.  During the past 10 years, I have had an abnormal EEG and it is simply because there is something wrong with my left frontotemporal lobe of my brain.  I have problems with my left side of my brain.  I have been trying to request for a MRI of the brain to find out what is really going on.  My neurologist called it a dysfunction of my left frontotemporal lobe of my brain.  I am trying to resolve this before I die.
        According to 1st Peter 4:16 says: Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.  How come people have problems that they cannot solve?  There are times that current sins tend to get in the way.  I might be suffering physically and mentally as well as emotionally, but spiritually I am intact.  I am trying to find out where these voices are coming from.
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queencityx · 10 months
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He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.
Charlotte, meet Samuel David Grey, a 32 resident. Hailing from Nashville, TN, he’s been living in the Piper Glen for a year. He’s been told he looks like the twin of Travis Kelce, but he disagrees.
x He’s the head CEO of the tech company Grey Enterprises. x Samuel never wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, that was supposed to be his older brother. But when Chris died it fell into Sam's lap.  x Samuel never knew he had a daughter til he was twenty. When Vanessa told him the truth. He had been away at basic training during her pregnancy, and once he came back she ran away.  x he can be found on all social media accounts by the handle @JustSammy x People often describe him as caring, loving, intelligent but also broken, quiet, and judgmental.  x When she’s not at work or with friends, he likes to spend time with his daughter and watch cheese horror movies. x His favorite person is his/her daughter, Alyssa. 
Unknown to anyone outside of his doctor, Samuel still suffers from PTSD from both the war and the car accident. He was the driver the day his brother died. He had been drinking, and when he came to he moved his brother to the driver's seat to not get time in prison for it. 
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theduckofindeed · 2 years
Lately, I've been playing a lot of Death Road to Canada, with the main purpose being to earn Zombo Points so that I can unlock various upgrades, including new traits and perks.  In the process, I managed to reach Canada in Familiar Characters Mode two more times (for a total of three successful runs), along with many failed attempts.  While I didn't record these particular playthroughs, I did take notes so that I could share some of the highlights from my adventures:
During my second successful attempt, Swaine, Crispin, Dr. Loboto, and Charlotte survived all the way to Canada.
After arriving in Canada, Swaine apparently became a moose after going to moose school, because that's a thing.
Also, Crispin once again became a bat-themed vigilante.  Loboto had an uneventful life because he had no useful skills.  And Charlotte tried to get her dog elected as prime minister.
On my third successful attempt, Crispin was the only survivor.  Apparently he had become too used to the junk food he ate along the way that he couldn't get used to the food in Canada.
At one point, Jenny betrayed Loboto and joined the bandits.
Crispin is philosophical about how we all have skeletons inside us, which simultaneously uplifted and depressed people.
We found a military bunker, but I quickly learned that I needed to be a lot more careful with the weapons contained within after I accidentally killed Fred and Jenny with my pilfered grenade launcher and bazooka.
We replaced one of Loboto's arms with a chainsaw…as if this crazy dentist wasn't intimidating enough.
Crispin lit zombies on fire with a blowtorch...and by accident, Loboto, as well.
We deciphered a mysterious message that merely reads, "Drink more ovaltums"...
After Jenny causes trouble by telling people to Cool It three times, it finally proves useful when she's able to put a group of bandits in their place.
Someone farts in the car, and apparently the Duck is the farter…
We find a basement filled with treasure.  There is a goblin gift basket, the dingusomicon, long lost weapons, and a pirate cutlass.
I chose the dingusomicon, a creepy book that bites and apparently imparts forbidden knowledge, increasing some of our stats.
We recruited a bard from a Renaissance Faire, who comes equipped with a lute and plays music or sings (I can't tell which) all the time.
A doctor replaced my head with a heroic one, big butt chin and all…
We got a kid's meal toy, a pukeyball.  It looked like a pokeball, but it contained a green chicken that aided us in our battle against the undead. 
We opened a prize machine in an arcade and got splashed with mutagenic ooze, which turned me green and made me stronger.
We found a vehicle that looked like a giant fish, but unfortunately, we couldn't find the keys….
If all goes as planned, I should be returning to Four Jerks Mode in the near future, seeing as I was unable to complete it back in October.  And to make things more interesting, I've created a few new characters using some of the new traits and perks I unlocked!  Plus, we should have a higher chance for rare locations and events!
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