#caption is based on a song from the musical “Celebration” :]
fullmoondelinquent · 8 months
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I wanna celebrate!!!!!
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silent-sanctum · 5 months
If you can, you do Jotaro x reader where the reader (gender neutral) is a very famous music celebrity and how Jotaro handles the being with someone who is famous with their daughter Jolyne in their life as well. Love your work and hope everything is good with you 🩷
Thank you anon! 💖 Kinda stressing out over paperwork over here but it's all good nonetheless! 🫡 You're request is heard and I hope I did your request justice with this short fic. Hope you enjoy! ♡
My Universe - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2.2k
One of the perks of having your spouse be a famous global soloist, is having a kid with them and have said child be their number one fan if Jotaro wasn’t already.
Sure, he may not necessarily like all the discography you put out for your fans, but that’s normal for anyone. You did mostly pop with some R&B on the side, and he was more of a jazz man himself. But he did have his personal playlist of favorite tracks he’d listen to time to time on repeat.
But Jolyne was on a different level than he was- she adored you off-screen and on-screen. If you were at home or at least around her, she’d have a field trip being with her idol: She’d get her hands on every merchandise that’s yet to be released, listen to songs yet to be heard, and get special access to VIP areas only meant for artists.
How about the time spend with Jotaro?
Well, aside from musing your daughter with all the perks and love from a celebrity guardian, there were times you left Jolyne with her own bodyguard and babysitter, and used the free time to roam the city with your husband and do whatever they wanted to do.
Initially, your personal life was kept secret from the world, choosing to separate and not involve it with the life of stardom. And that was still the case back when you and Jotaro were still dating. You posted a lot on your social media, mostly pictures of your “selcas”, outfits-of-the-day, food items, behind-the-scenes special from your stages, nature shots, and pictures with fellow celebrity friends.
Once in a blue moon, your fans would blow up social media whenever you decided to be ballsy and post pictures of you with Jotaro, his face hidden thanks to his hat and mask. The content of the image was relatively tame and “neutral”, but given the context behind these pictures- the intimate proximity of the two, the matching color palette clothes, the rare posting of him in general- might as well made your fan base theorists.
“Boyfriend reveal when????”
“Bestie, please share the tea to the world”
“Hello? The couple fits?? The cute poses??? Call me delulu but-”
“All of you are being weirdos. Stop invading their privacy”
“Yeah the dude could be her cousin or brother or something”
“Girl they be dropping these lovey-dovey ass pics and still wonder why we’re this delusional”
“Uhm cousin?? Brother?? With those pictures? Weird but pop-off ig”
You’d receive many posts of similar flavor all over your timelines and you admitted to liking whenever your fans talk about the love of your life as if it’s a conspiracy theory and most of them coming from a supportive mindset. It irked Jotaro for a moment when said community managed to somehow track both his formal account used to document his research findings, and his private social media account where he posted pictures of scenery similar to yours.
But there were the rational handful who were able to veer them off his ass, dismissing their claims as false despite hitting the nail on the spot.
Eventually, once you shifted to a more flexible and lenient agency, you decided to reveal to the world that the popular music icon was engaged and to be married the next week all through a single image of your hand brandishing a ring on your ring finger with a bride emoji as its caption.
“And yall called us crazy for saying they had a boyfriend all this time”
“We boutta get Papa Star amongst us”
The fans and the general public went wild and aside from the obsessive ones, most of your community sent their support.
Despite your relationship now public to everyone, Jotaro still wanted to keep himself mostly anonymous to the news. So whatever images were taken with him in it was blurred out with the default blur effect or an emoji sticker- a “star” one to be specific-covering his face whenever it was shared among fans.
The community erupted with loud awes and cheers when you announced to the world that you were going to have a baby girl in the family in one of your interviews.
“Alright baby protectors, it’s our time to RISE”
“Much love to the little onee”
“I will defend this child with my life.”
“Shooters for baby girl where yall at?”
“Oh she bout to be the luckiest mfer with all the merch exclusives”
Years later, Jolyne grew up to be her parent’s number one fan, doing exactly what your fanbase had thought of when she’d grow older.
Going back to the present, you found yourself stuck knee-deep in your career doing a sold-out world tour, performing for thousands of cheering people in cities across the world. This wasn’t your first tour and you’ve found a decent routine to follow when doing so, but this year was a first for you.
You expressed both in social media posts and in interviews that burnout began to hit you full-time and a multitude of nagging negativity clouded your head as you kept up with all the schedules, production, and practice sessions for majority of the year. You’ve been so busy that time spent with your family this year was little to none. You constantly shared that hopefully sometime in the middle of promotions, you could return home to your family.
Jolyne felt it watching you through the screen. Jotaro felt it too.
All of them missed you and he wanted to do something about it for once.
By the time September came, your world tour came to a close with one last concert to be done in the Rose Bowl Stadium in California. Both him and Jolyne were never able to attend to any of your concerts due to work and school, but timing was in their favor for once and he made the most of the opportunity.
He got into contact with your manager, someone he became close acquaintances with, and notified of them coming over to watch your show. At first, Jotaro just wanted to be there with your daughter in tow, but the manager and a couple of the crew members in-charge of the set list had different plans.
He agreed to it.
With the VIP tickets secured and their booth ready for them, Jotaro and Jolyne flew across the States with eager anticipation and excitement, the latter mostly radiating off from the little girl.
Eventually, the day of the concert arrived and your daughter couldn’t contain herself from running about, unable to wait any longer for her to watch her other parent sing and dance live for the first time. During the day, rehearsals were done before the show proper and a handful of lucky fans were able to watch it.
Thanks to a streamer fan’s dedication and generosity, Jolyne was able to watch you walk about the stage in cozy casuals interacting with your community through a live stream in her phone. From time to time in the middle of preparing things needed for a concert, Jotaro would tune in as well, happy to see you even if it was from a live feed.
Hours later, he rented a car nearby and drove both of them to the beaming stadium, teemed with cheering crowds of fans falling in line either to enter the venue or to purchase on-site merchandise. On the lampposts and the walls were banners of you welcoming everyone to the event.
To avoid getting mobbed, both father and daughter kept themselves hidden from any passing person with a hat and mask as they walked across the area to the stadium’s entrance. To everyone else, they might as well be an ordinary dad-and-daughter duo who were also fans of their favorite artist.
Jotaro followed the instructions sent to him by your manager and headed off to a more discreet entrance where they didn’t have to worry about any lines or people complaining of why they get to enter first and not them. A guard stationed by waved them inside and led the family into their seats overlooking the brightly lit stage. Before the platform were thousands of light sticks waving in the dark, belonging to the fans singing to songs being played as they waited for you to start.
Beside him, Jolyne sang along with enthusiasm, shaking her own personalized light stick to the beat of the music. He would do the same in an alternate universe, but here it just wasn’t his thing.
After a few minutes, the music faded off into silence and the lights dimmed until the stage cast the whole venue in darkness. The crowds cheered and many miniature lights shook in the night. The speakers suddenly blared a remix of one of your title tracks and the jumbo screens flashed to show a VCR containing a mashup of you in a concept film, introducing your theme as a music artist to your audience.
Then as the dancers brought in the energy with their entrance, the stadium exploded with excited screams as you rose up from the below and walked to the front, passing by your back-up dancers until you stood in front of everyone. A second after you greeted the crowd, you switched demeanor and joined the others in choreography.
Jotaro couldn’t help but smile and clap by the time you finished your introductory performance, contrasted by his daughter’s loud screams. He watched wistfully at you speaking with the audience, sweating from all the dance and singing.
It truly was something different watching you live versus watching a live broadcast from home. You’re so near and yet so far from him.
And so far, the rest of the evening was spent like this with you; the beloved soloist performing many of their hit songs ranging from hard hitting beats with impressive dance routines to soothing ballads that had you simply sitting on a fancy stage prop all dolled-up to match the aesthetic of the songs.
Jolyne never pried her eyes away from her other parent, always focused on you and making sure she sung, danced, and responded to your every questions with the devotion of a true, hardcore fan.
By the time the concert was near its end, you were standing in front of the crowd in a cozy outfit akin to the aesthetics of a person living in a humble cabin in the woods. Supposedly, this segment was supposed to be for when you brought up a box of mixed Q&A and dares for you to do.
However, as you said that you were about to start with the bit, the screens beside you changed from showing an arcade-esque “Break Time with Y/N” to a simple “You have special guests watching you”.
Out of the blue, spotlights turned to Jotaro and Jolyne’s booth and there they were- clear as day on the jumbo screens. Everyone cheered yet again as their way of greeting their favorite artist’s family. And even as Jotaro froze on spot, tipping his hat over his eyes as he offered a small wave, his little girl beamed and waved her light stick at the camera.
“I’m here! Hello!”
Jotaro, from what he could see from under his hat, fixed his gaze on the other jumbo screen where it showed your reaction to the surprise- you were crouched on stage, one hand waving at your child, while the other covered your mouth as he saw tears well up in your eyes.
You didn’t expect them to be at your closing concert but seeing your family present was enough for you to break character and fixate on the loves of your life. “Ah really, you guys…”
In response to your happy tears, the crowd cried out a nearly-synchronized “don’t cry!” prompting you to let out a wet chuckle and sniffle.
It occurred to him that he could do something while the cameras were on them. He reached for his phone from his coat pockets and with a few taps, he showed the screen to everyone- a mobile digital message with the words scrolling across the black screen in neon yellow:
Congratulations on your successful world tour. We love you <3
“Ah! You’re gonna make me cry again!” You said, whining as you swiped your eyes free from the new batch of tears ready to fall. He chuckled back. “Everyone, that’s my husband and baby girl. I love them and the fact that they’re here makes me the happiest person right now.” The crowd cooed.
“Now that they’re here, I’m all the more charged up to perform for everyone!” You said and the stadium cheered in response. With one more long look at your family watching from their booth, you continued. “Hope you all enjoy the rest of this night as much as I am enjoying right now.”
With Jolyne’s suggestion via a whisper, Jotaro turned to his phone and changed the message one more time before the camera diverted away from them. This the message scrolled by in neon green saying:
Let’s celebrate! Let’s eat out later! Our daughter is starving.
Your fans expressed a mix of laughter and wholesome “aw’s”. In turn, you smiled and with both hands grasping your microphone, you replied back to them with a curt yet loving, “Of course. My treat.”
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tripleace-unofficial · 2 months
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Original caption (2021-09-18):
If Triple Ace was an otome dating sim with a Fiestas Patrias episode. Who would you pick 🤭? #triplenacional
Cultural Notes
This little gag is based on Chile's national holidays. Let me explain what the characters are referencing
Fiestas Patrias / 18 de Septiembre / Dieciocho
Literally translated as "Patriotic Celebration", also called September 18th or just "Dieciocho" (The 18th; no matter the time of the year, if someone talks about the 18th they're talking about September). Marks the date of the First Government Body (18th) and Day of the Glories of the Army (19th). Not our independance? Well, that's in February, which is summer over here, so it was decided it would be a waste to have a holiday on a time of year where people already rest. Having our biggest holiday during winter let's us have a break we can look forward to while we work. Remember the end of year Holidays also fall in Summer here.
The actual holidays last two days, but depending on when it falls in the week, we might also get the 17th or 20th off. On top of that, celebrations don't start on the official calendar holiday but at the very start of September and going strong until the last day (be it the 19th or 20th), after which we spend the rest of the month hung-over resting from all the celebrations. If you're thinking about visiting Chile, this is, in my opinion, the best time to soak in the culture and have fun.
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A fonda is a traditional gathering done during September as a way to celebrate our culture. They take place in the open (though they often charge an entrance fee) and have different activities to pass the time: food booths (the main attraction, very meat focused), traditional games, music and dance, and rodeos (though the younger population has been calling for them to be banned since they rely on animal cruelty for entertainment).
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An alcholic drink made with low quality white wine, grenadine and pineapple ice cream. The name literally translates to 'earthquake' because it leaves you shakey and dizzy like an earthquake (we would know ;)).
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Our national dance. Traditionally composed of pairs of men and women, though same sex pairs aren't frowned upon. It's inspired by the mating rituals of chickens.
One pie de cueca (cueca foot) is a short one minute song that follows a defined dance pattern. A complete dance is three pies de cueca.
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
Hello! just wanted to say that i really don’t mean to make you uncomfortable at all with this ask since i know you’re sex repulsed ace but i swear i don’t mean it in that way. as in in the sex way. it’s more as in the overcoming religious trauma and being proud of ones sexuality way!
picture this : nico di angelo. he’s at the Grammys. he’s just released guilty as sin? and everyone’s going absolutely bonkers bannanas. he’s walking the little carpet (added detail he is wearing the dress taylor wore at the show announcing ttpd). he sees a reporter and smiles at them and there recording and being like “omg nico is love your new song aaaa!” and nico just deadpan stares at them as he slowly walks by and lifts up the slit in his dress just a tiny bit and boom tattoo that says mine. ON HIS UPPER THIGH?!? 😨😨😨😨 he sets his dress back down winks and walks away like nothing ever happened. the reporter ( a gen z) puts it on tiktok with the caption “NICO WTF?!” CROWD GOES WILLLDDDD PEOPLE ARE GOING INSANE NICO THAT NICO HAS A TATTOO AND ITS ESPECIALLY MINE ON HIS UPPER THIGH LIKE IN THE SONG WHEN DID HE GET THIS WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? and everyone assumes it’s just so sexual when in reality it’s sexual in the way that the guilty as sin bridge is sexual. yes it’s based around sexuality but more the acceptance that he is allowed to feel those feelings towards someone especially another man. it’s a celebration of how far he’s come from that little scared christian boy who thought he was dirty and wrong to now and something that he can look down at and be happy from how far he’s come. (also nico had to train will for a few days so that his barely legible doctors handwriting at least looked nice enough to be readable) (also will made the haha so many couples break up after they get tattoos comment when nico was getting it and he was like “will if you ever even try to leave me the entire universe will be destroyed and that includes you” and he’s like “well i wouldn’t leave you anyways but remind me from time to time it’s funny.” “yeppers peppers” (also hc that nico says incredibly silly phrases cause he picked some of them up from will but some of them are his)
anyways sorry about this very specific scenario! you do not have to respond to this if you don’t want to since there isn’t much to say and i know you must be busy with a ton of asks haha. just wanted to share one of the scenes i imagine happening in tyt in the FARRR future! Might low key write a fic about it if i ever figure out how to write if that would be okay with you!
have a good day! :)
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KSDJFSD NO BC ppl's reactions to his tattoos (though, tbf, they're mostly grief-related tattoos) has been something i've been thinking about for agesss and will probably include at some point.
so many little details in this that i LOVEEJSDF nico training will's doctor handwriting😭😭 i actually plan to add a tattoo at some point of will + all of the rest of nico's found family drawing stars and then having like a collection of them on his chest, which i will definitely be including at some point, and i can just imagine nico trying to teach will how to draw a star (he draws them like taylor swift's "stars, do u like dem" drawing)
but on to the main point: i absolutely love this idea! though i'm not planning on guilty as sin actually being a song that nico releases (unfortunately ://) he will 100% be making moves with his music that displays his growth as a person and his increased comfort with himself in all forms!!
the silly phrases hc is wonderful. CANON NOW. i also especially like nico also looking up like old-timey phrases and then just using them for no reason other than to confuse his friends
AND THE CIWYW NECKLACE!!!! will already has nico's ring on his necklace, but i think nico would 100% get either a necklace with a sun on it to represent will (maybe personalized to have the same design that he has as his tattoo) or his initials, or both. the ciwyw necklace will always be peak romance though <33
i would 100% support writing the fic!! go for it!! even if it may not be compliant with the.. idk if it's called the canon of this fic, but you get what i mean, i'd just love any kind of work related to the au, so definitely let me know if you ever end up writing it!!! thank you for this!
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day 37/547 of hobi's military service - base training complete!
this selca was posted on 130907, on the day of the first live recording of N.O, with the caption:
Bangtan comeback performance fan account written before Hope falls asleep! - J-Hope's Fancafe Post Yeah~ today is a special day!!  Today was the day of our Music Core pre-recording. If you think about it, it was our first comeback performance so I was really really nervous. First of all, I was really nervous because of the stage! And also, thinking about meeting our ARMYs made my heart pit-a-pat.........a hundred times!! Our recording time kept being pushed because of the stage setting so I got worried about our ARMYs waiting outside ㅠㅠ (I really wanted to go and wait outside with you all. It was really cold outside, I hope you didn't get colds..) Finally!! Our pre-recording started!! Our ARMYs' cheers are truly the best!!!!!!!!! x7777777777 Even though the song hadn't been released yet, our ARMYs were amazing and caught on quickly wow!!! (Everybody say NO!!) I think we were able to finish well because of the loud cheering. Bangtan's vitamin! Health drink! Restorative! ARMY?  Anyways, I think today was a really fun comeback performance.  In celebration here's an ARMY best best photo!! Kya~~ Everyone hope-night @-@/ P.S I couldn't greet one person, I'm sorry. I want to say thank-you to all the ARMYs that came. Thank you!! 
(trans cr: Christie @ bts-trans)
vhope log from the next day:
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tsnation · 2 years
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Can you believe it has almost been one whole month since Taylor Swift released her 10th studio album Midnights? Neither can we! So we thought, how about we celebrate our new favorite obsession?!
We have put together a few prompts for ideas on creations to honor the album!
Prompts: — favorite song — favorite lyrics — album/songs parallels — favorite music video — tour ideas — favorite interview — create a music idea concept — free choice
Information: — This event will run from November 21st until December 21st, but any late posts will still be reblogged. — Anyone can participate, and you may post as many creations as you would like.
How To Participate: — Reblog this post to help spread the word — Create something based on the event theme — Post your creation and caption it with
@tsnation event | midnights mayhem month [ your description ]
— Make sure to tag us with #tsnation — Join our Discord Server (optional)
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be-netz · 2 years
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the show opens with a recap of the previous episode with RHEE JIAN smiling to the camera as she announces today’s mission: “we want to test how you work together in a team,” she says as the camera pans over the group of contestants hanging onto her every word. “our judges have split you into six groups based on what they feel your strongest skill is with two teams of the same skill going head to head.” one by one, each team is introduced to the audience. dance team a, the captions read, as images of hwang bada, moon jinyoung, and lee noel line up side by side, properly labeled. the screen changes after a few seconds to introduce their rivals, dance team b; yeom sarang, park steven, moon saea, and matthew luong’s images lined up side by side like the team before them. this repeats for the singing team and rapping team until all groups have been refreshed in the public’s mind.
“this evaluation will be our first elimination round,” the background music changes suddenly as jian announces the more serious part of the episode. “the winning team of each battle will be safe from elimination while the losing team will risk sending some of their members home,” the camera zooms in on the faces of some of the contestants who haven’t been fairing as well in the competition so far; noel, stevie, and wonjae in particular are singled out for being in the lowest ranks as of last episode.
“good luck to all of our contestants! remember, we’re looking at you to be the next generation of kpop. show us that you can shine!” jian’s smile lights up the screen one more time before the NEXT GEN logo and title card takes over, a triumphant arrangement of my turn growing louder in volume as if in celebration of the first battle and elimination round of the competition.
the first teams to perform are the vocal units. quick clips are shown of each team preparing for their turn on stage; the camera zooms in on haein’s hand gripping her microphone tight, an exaggerated soundbite of her sighing heard, renyi’s anxious scowl as he waits backstage, seojun fiddling with his in-ear mic with equally sweaty, nervous hands, and joomi taking a long breath as he and his team approach the stage.
earlier that week… the scene changes abruptly to the practice rooms and the contestants, now in regular training gear and none of the stage outfits briefly shown before.
SINGING TEAM A is the first focus and scenes of the team learning their song, their lines, and practicing together play out over the screen. the quartet seem to get along well and the atmosphere generally seems good among the teammates. it’s clear that CHO HANEUL has taken on a leadership role among the team. 
“how does your mind come up with the harmonies?” SATO KOU asks during rehearsal together as they review the arrangement of the song. “i honestly couldn’t even think of that. i could learn so much from you.” haneul, ever so humble, simply laughs off the compliment. 
kou isn’t the only one who acknowledges haneul’s skill and expertise. LEE SEOJUN is shown in the interview room, a fond smile on his face as he talks about his friend. “i don’t think i would have gotten better without him,” he says, “thank you, hannie,”
haneul’s own interview is shown a moment later, the man in question shooting a finger heart at the camera. “i’m really happy with how everything turned out with this team,” his voice is heard over scenes of the contestants working together, rehearsing, and practicing their song until it is perfection.
the preparations aren’t entirely without hiccups, though. JUNG JOOMI is stopped by haneul with a proposition: “i think you should take my high note,” haneul says. joomi doesn’t seem excited at first; if anything, he looks uncomfortable and unsure of the change. “i’ve been thinking about it and i think your vocal color will be better for the song than mine,” haneul continues to explain.
a scene plays of all four contestants in the practice room, each one trying the high note one by one. of course, the editors make sure to put joomi and haneul’s attempts back to back. they both hit it, joomi perhaps a little surprised by his own attempt and his voice setting a slightly different tone compared to haneul’s. it’s true; joomi sounds good. with some convincing from haneul, joomi eventually agrees to do it.
“i was really afraid of weighing them down,” joomi speaks to the cameras in the interview room, “but they kinda didn’t let me do that. they helped me a lot.”
will joomi be able to handle the high note? the captions build some suspense as the scene shifts to performance day. three judges sit behind an elevated desk in front of the stage, hands clasped in front of them as they eagerly anticipate the first performance of the day. the shot of joomi’s long breath is seen again, then a shot of kou doing the same as they find their places on stage. only haneul doesn’t look nervous, at least in comparison to the rest of his team.
it’s clear that the experience and ability among singing team a paid off. their performance goes off without a hitch, each member successfully hitting their high notes, holding their own in the harmonies, and even looking like they enjoy the stage as they sing for the judges before them. perhaps it’s a bit mesmerizing to watch four young men who so clearly were born to perform own the stage.
there’s quiet as the judges collect their thoughts and prepare to give their evaluations on the performance.
YOON JIHUN is the first to speak, picking up his microphone and starting with congratulations, “this was a fantastic performance,” he says. the man who has kept compliments rather sparse throughout this competition now openly praises the group before him. “this is exactly what we were hoping to see through these teamwork evaluations. it’s clear that you’re all capable singers but no one contestant outshown another, nor did anyone lag behind. you all complimented and balanced each other very well and for that, i applaud you.”
“joomi,” SEO RAN picks up her microphone next, smiling to the boys, “it’s only been a short time but you continue to improve with every performance. it’s been amazing to see you come into your own over these weeks and we’re excited to see how you continue to develop. kou, on the other hand,” she hesitates, choosing her words carefully. “as jihun said, everyone did well with this performance. it’s not that you did bad, kou. but in comparison to the rest of your team, your progress seems a bit… stale. i was hoping to see a new side of you this round or to be surprised somehow and i didn’t get that.”
“haneul, seojun, i want to be sure to congratulate both of you on your performance as well,” YUNA takes over, smiling kindly to the other boys. “i know from personal experience that sometimes working with your best friend can create… conflict that you never imagined would happen. i’m glad to see that not only are you two able to work together well professionally, but your personal relationship doesn’t seem to have suffered at all for it. keep ahold of that; it’s rare to find lifelong friends.”
“as soon as i got on the stage, i gave it my all,” seojun says in the interview room, “i took everything i learned within this short amount of time and made sure that i brought it out there.”
“they were good,” ran says again to her fellow judges, who nod their agreement. it’s clear that singing team b has a hard act to follow.
the scene changes to SINGING TEAM B’s practice room, the trio of singers working together to learn the song and perfect the harmonies and high notes that come with it. OH HAEIN becomes a particular target of the camera as she seems to struggle with the song. she’s working with ZHOU RENYI who can’t hide his expression when poor haein’s voice warbles in ways it probably shouldn’t for this song. “you’re flat,” he tells her in english, though subtitles are available for anyone who may not understand.
haein’s clearly flustered by this, hiding her face in her lyric sheet as she can’t help but laugh in embarrassment. is she laughing or crying? the captions question and suddenly it’s unclear just what is going on behind the paper she shields her face with.
she’s practicing again with PARK DOHYUN at a later time, still trying to hit her harmonies on-pitch when singing with the boys. again, it seems to be a struggle. dohyun is kind about it though. “i'm still having a little trouble with getting the rap part smooth,” he offers as if to help the girl feel less alone. instead, the scene changes to all the times dohyun has practiced that part, specifically how many times he hasn’t completed it successfully. things are not looking good for team b.
“i'm not gonna come out and say i'm feeling overly confident,” ren says in his interview room. a clip of haein’s flat vocals plays again as the team rehearses again and again. “it's one thing if i go home, but i wouldn't want to take anyone with me.”
haein appears in the interview room next. “ren was really fair with the line distribution and honest with feedback, and dohyun was literally always there whenever i needed help. i think us working well together during preparation was a sign that we would sound well together on stage…” the scene changes as her voice trails off, whatever thought she was about to say next left incomplete as the group stands on stage in front of the judges.
the music starts. the three contestants begin their performance.
all goes well at first; the harmonies that gave haein so much trouble seem to go off without a hitch and ren and dohyun’s voices are stable throughout. however, part way through the performance, there’s a random fluke; haein’s voice cracks. of course the production team picks up on the mistake, freezing everything and stopping all of the music to draw attention to the little error.
“her voice cracked,” ren’s voice sounds as the camera zooms in close on haein’s face, looking for her reaction to her own mistake. she keeps singing, though; powering through until they reach the end of the performance.
before the judges have a chance to give their feedback, the scene changes to haein in the interview room. a tear runs down her face which she wipes away quickly and tries to hide, forcing a smile onto her face. "i'm just really sorry to my team members, more than anything,” she says.
the judges’ faces range from disappointed, to concerned, to somewhat bored looking. it’s yuna who speaks first this time. “before we talk about anything else, i do want to say that you all did a great job preparing for this performance. we check in with the coaches working with you fairly regularly and it was great to hear that both vocal teams were so supportive of their groups and got along so well. it gives us all a lot of hope for the future trainees of our companies,”
“that said,” she continues, “it was not a perfect performance. it’s disappointing since i was enjoying everything until… well, haein, you know,” of course the mistake didn’t slip past the professionals. yuna smies sympathetically. “i do applaud you for continuing to sing despite the crack. it can be very difficult to move on when something like that rattles you.”
“i’m sure you know that we can’t only applaud your recovery, though,” jihun, as sharp as ever, cuts in next. “it was your responsibility to rehearse this song, learn it inside and out, and protect your voice from injury that would cause such a mistake to happen. every issue is preventable with enough practice. i’m sorry to say that it wasn’t the case for you today, haein.”
ran frowns at her fellow judge, apparently not happy with the harshness of his words. “i think we should take a moment to appreciate renyi and dohyun as well. you both did a fantastic job,” she looks the boys in the eyes, her words genuine, “both in your performances and in supporting your teammate. ren, i feel like we got to see a more emotional side of you than we’ve been able to see so far and i’d love to see this continue to grow.”
one more clip of haein crying in the interview room is shown, sad music playing over her single tear, before the scene once again changes. both teams now stand on the stage, jian standing between them with a cue card in her hand. “i have the results of the battle here,” she explains to both teams. “the winning team will be immune from elimination. unfortunately, one member of the losing team will be removed from the competition and sent home.”
both teams are lit up in bright white spotlights, intense music playing behind them as jian opens the card to see the judges’ verdict. “i’m happy to congratulate the winning team,” she begins to announce and the cameras zoom in on the faces of each team, one by one, as the results are delayed as long as possible.
“TEAM A,” she finally announces and the lights change, team b doused in red light and team a remaining in bright white. time is given for cheers and congratulations among the winning teammates before they’re asked to leave the stage. an elimination must be made from team b.
again, closeups of each teammate’s face are shown as judgment day is upon them. no one ever wants to be eliminated in a competition.
“i want to tell you all again that i truly enjoyed your performance,” yuna speaks to the losing team, one hand on her chest to express her sincerity. “however, team a was more technically correct and put on a stronger overall performance.”
“today’s first elimination,” jihun speaks slowly and the cameras pan across the faces of team b again, building suspense, “i’m sorry to announce… is OH HAEIN.”
“haein, i’m really sorry that your journey had to be cut short like this. you’re a very talented young woman and we so enjoyed watching your growth in the short time we had to know you,” ran speaks to the eliminated contestant, “i hope that our paths will cross again someday.”
time is given for haein to say goodbye to her teammates and friends, tears are shed, and a sad song plays in the background as she leaves the stage.
soon enough, the time for tears is over and the next battle will be between the rap groups. flashes of each team are shown waiting backstage for their turns on stage with team a approaching the stage. again, they start with RAP TEAM A. “i hope i didn’t let the judges or my teammates down,” RYU EUNKYUNG’s voice is heard over a zoomed in shot of her strained smile to nayoung.
the scene changes quickly enough to rap team a’s practice sessions. the three girls are going over their line distributions, apparently carefully combing over the line distribution that LEE NAYOUNG had written out herself. things seem to be going well from the distance that the camera initially captures them at and MIN HYEJIN is heard agreeing with nayoung’s decisions, but as it zooms in, some sort of strange expression crosses eunkyung’s face.
“nayoung… do you really think so low of me? most of my part would be censored like this. do you want me to disappear that badly?” the room seems to go silent save for tension so thick it’s nearly audible. the camera immediately flashes to nayoung’s face, trying to determine just what she might be thinking in response to eunkyung’s accusation. poor hyejin is left to mediate between the two girls as the tension escalates suddenly all at once.
“i do think you have less experience than hyejin and i,” nayoung appears to choose her words carefully, “but i don’t want you to disappear. i thought the line distribution was fair, but if you have any suggestions,” she slides a piece of paper over to the girl who has challenged her. but for as diplomatic as nayoung seems to be trying to be, eunkyung just can’t seem to accept that.
“seriously…the only way to change anything would be to take lines away from hyejin-ssi, and i’m not gonna do that,” as if the tension wasn’t already thick enough to cut with a sharp knife, eunkyung doesn’t stop there. her next challenge is direct, no longer a reflection on nayoung’s line distribution but on the other woman’s character itself. “to be honest, nayoung, there’s been something that’s been bothering me. do you think you’re better than everyone here?”
“honestly, there was a bit of trouble in the beginning,” hyejin’s interview takes over the screen. the girl lets out a long sigh. just what happened that wasn’t aired on television?
the three girls are shown standing on stage. it’s unclear if there was ever any resolution to the fight that they were having in the practice room and suddenly that tense smile that eunkyung sends nayoung, one that’s so different from the bright, reassuring expression she gives to hyejin, holds new meaning. can this team accomplish their mission? or will they fail to become a cohesive unit for the teamwork evaluation?
the music begins and there’s no time left to find out.
things seem to be going smoothly at first. the girls have a strong aura, each of them minding their expressions and playing the no fucks left to give type of character that the original song demanded of them. but trouble hits, as if nayoung had predicted it, during one of eunkyung’s parts. wardrobe and set meet in an unfortunate tangle that force her to drag her chair across the stage. it works, maybe, but it’s in the brief fumbles that it becomes clear that it was not meant to do that originally. the girl later ditches her belt entirely, but not before nearly missing her entrance a second time. of course, the judges’ sharp eyes detect everything.
but apparently the issue with the lines was settled and the rest of the performance goes off without any further problems. the three stand in their finishing poses, the camera capturing each of their faces before it comes time for the judges to give their verdict.
“i did my best," eunkyung is heard saying in her usual, easygoing tone.
“we had some trouble,” nayoung is heard in the next moment.
“congratulations,” ran speaks to the girls first, a smile that betrays none of her true thoughts on her face. “we know that there were some issues early on in your practices, but we were glad to see you were able to put aside your differences and come to a solution that everyone could agree to. and the final performance was very good. you all have amazing presence on stage and i personally couldn’t be happier that we had the chance to see this team perform together.”
“ran is right,” yuna speaks next, “problems happen. disagreements occur even in the closest knit teams. but what matters is that you were able to overcome them for the sake of the performance. that said, there’s a time and place to call out things you don’t agree with,” does she seem to be speaking directly to eunkyung? yuna keeps it unclear. “you need to ask yourself ‘is this really going to help my team?’ and if it’s not, let it go.”
jihun picks up his microphone, a laugh on his lips as he speaks, “ran and yuna are too kind. but i want to be honest with all of you,” his expression changes abruptly, suddenly very serious. “nayoung, you were the best in this performance. i could nitpick about your breath control or flow, but in comparison to the others, it’s very minor. i think i was most disappointed by hyejin. i had hoped that by focusing on a team to support we would be able to better see you shine. instead, i think you just disappeared into the background even more. i feel like we haven’t really seen min hyejin on stage yet, just someone who looks like her doing as she’s told.” he sighs, and then fixes his sights on eunkyung. “eunkyung, you know there was an issue with your wardrobe and a prop. these things can happen despite the best efforts of the staff. still, it was a shame to see it affect your performance. you’re very confident on stage but confidence can only carry you so far.”
the girls are dismissed from the stage for the time being and it is rap team b’s turn to perform.
a couple of days into their rehearsals, it’s noticed that jinae is missing. a staff member informs the remaining members of the team that she had to withdraw from the competition and they would continue as a group of three.
especially compared to the last team, the boys in RAP TEAM B seem to have much better teamwork right off the bat. the three are seen practicing together, rehearsing their lines, and supporting one another through the various sessions.
“in the past, i didn’t think of myself as particularly good at teamwork,” SEO JUNHO tells the cameras as he’s sat in the interview room, “but, being an idol means you have to work as a team, so i knew it was something i’d have to get better at,”
MOON CAMERON sits next to his teammate during a break, handing him a bottle of water as he does. “how are you feeling about it so far?” junho asks of the older contestant.
“so far so good, actually,” cameron responds optimistically.
and the team does seem to be fairing well. scenes of cameron helping GEUN WONJAE in practice, of chatting with junho, and junho laughing with wonjae play across the screen. “cam has experience with being an idol, so he sort of helped me see what was and wasn’t my responsibility, and help me feel less burdened. wonjae was great at helping me remind myself to rest,” junho’s voice is heard over the clips of the happy teammates.
but it’s not all fun and games; performance day is now upon them and the trio stands before the judges, glancing at each other and exchanging smiles as they take their places and prepare to try to impress the judges.
zoo is just as powerful as witch, but there’s something more upbeat and almost playful to this song. the three young men seem to capture the essence of it well; cam with his maturity and experience, junho with his passion and dedication, and wonjae simply enjoying the stage he stands on. the performance, however fun it is to watch, is not entirely without errors. cameron makes a mistake, putting himself in the wrong position and seemingly hiding behind wonjae when he should be able to be seen. it’s small in the grand scheme of things and is barely even caught by the cameras.
when the performance comes to a close and the ending fairies wrapped, the judges get the chance to speak to the team. this time, jihun is the first to pick up his microphone. “it was clear that you all had fantastic teamwork together,” he gives the trio a compliment first, though the ‘but’ is hanging in the air based on his tone alone. it comes soon enough. “i can’t help but feel a little disappointed, though. i feel like this performance was missing something. you all clearly got along much better than team a, but i feel like team a put on the better show.”
“i disagree,” ran pipes up at the first opportunity. “i really enjoyed your performance. it was fun, it was energetic, and i could tell that you all genuinely love to be on stage. team a has great presence, but your performance was just as memorable as theirs. there were some issues. cameron, i saw you go to the wrong position, but overall it was fun. junho, you just keep improving every time we see you. keep up the good work.”
wonjae is notably left out of ran’s praise; perhaps she’s just too nice to say something. but yuna picks up where ran left off, first congratulating the contestants on a good performance before fixing her attention on wonjae. “you completely disappeared in this performance,” she frowns, nearly scolding him as she gives her feedback. “we need to see you take a more engaged role if you’re going to continue in this competition. you can’t get by just coasting with talented teammates.”
with the second rap performance now completed, team a is called back to the stage to stand side by side with team b, jian in the center again with a folded card in her hand. this is a battle after all and the winner has to be announced. “the judges told me that rap team was the hardest to decide on so far,” she informs the two groups of contestants, “you were both very evenly matched in terms of talent and execution of your performances. let’s see who the judges decided would be the winner,” 
jian unfolds her card, brows raising in surprise as she sees the team written down there. “do i have the right card?” she questions, though it is confirmed that only one of those cards existed in the first place. “alright, in that case, the winner of the rap teamwork battle is…”
the cameras zoom into each contestant’s facial expressions one more time, watching as the young men and women become nervous on whose team will be called.
“TEAM B!” jian announces as the lights above team a turn red while team b is given the chance to celebrate their victory. all team b members are safe and after a few minutes of cheers and hugs, they’re escorted off stage. “team a, one of you will be going home today.”
the judges take over again, a sour look on jihun’s face as he addresses the girls on stage in front of him. “as jian said, both teams were very closely matched. what it came down to was the very thing we were grading all of you on this round; teamwork. and your teamwork skills are also what decided who would be eliminated.”
“RYU EUNKYUNG,” ran speaks, a frown on her face as she’s clearly unhappy with this choice, “you’re a natural performer and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing you on stage. however, instigating arguments with your teammates is not a quality we want to see in our trainees. for that reason, you’ve been eliminated.”
“we hope that with a little time and maturity, we’ll be able to see a better version of you on stage again someday,” yuna adds with a sympathetic frown.
the girls are given time to comfort and say good bye to eunkyung on stage before the entire group leaves. the cameras focus in on the judges. ran sighs heavily. “it’s too bad,” she murmurs, “i liked her. she had a lot of potential.”
“but she picked the wrong mission to start an argument in,” jihun pointed out. he seems to want to say more, but refrains.
the sad music ends and it is time to move onto the final teams; the dancers. “this was a very competitive group,” jian announces to the audience behind the cameras, “there are a lot of talented dancers in this competition and…” though she’s reading from a script, she pretends that there’s something she’s having trouble finding the words for, “contestants who can only dance. our judges had a hard time picking the members to create these teams. we should be in for a couple of amazing performances.”
previews of each team’s performance play briefly over the screen before the scene abruptly shifts to the practice rooms and DANCE TEAM A’s rehearsals. the camera focuses on LEE NOEL in particular, watching as he puts his all into learning the routine. “lee noel, do you even want to be here?” the audio clip of jihun’s critique from the last episode plays over the scene.
MOON JINYOUNG is the first to confront noel in this team. the pair meet, just the two of them, and as noel expresses his excitement to be working in a team with the other young man, jinyoung seems to be unimpressed. “"this is really serious for some of us, noel,” he’s heard saying, “it's the best chance we've got to make it,”
noel is seen in the interview room looking more serious than he had in the previous episode. “i really...really want to prove myself, that i'm worthy of being here, and that i can and have improved.” clips of him practicing alone late at night are played on the screen. he clearly worked much harder for this mission than he had previously. but would it be enough? the captions and narration are sure to remind the audience that noel hasn’t placed above the bottom two ranks so far and that the judges had been particularly hard on him. can he catch up to jinyoung and the other contestants?
some concern is shown over HWANG BADA as well. she’s shown struggling in practice, missing movements and maybe even getting frustrated with her own performance. but she doesn’t stop working hard. in face, she also goes to jinyoung for help. “do you think you could demonstrate the dance for me? but like, really slowly?” she requests of the more experienced dancer, who seems to have taken on a sort of leadership role in this group. he’s quick to agree to help and the camera shows as he and bada run through the routine slowly, step by step, until she becomes more confident with the performance.
“jinyoung is an amazing dancer, but noel and i struggled a lot with the choreography,” bada’s interview is shown next, the girl being honest with her praise and feedback, “it was a team effort through and through, always helping each other out. we had a common goal; to put on our best performance.”
all three teammates are shown in their stage attire, waiting backstage for their cue to stand before the judges. jinyoung looks nervous. he wrings his hands, he takes a deep breath. and when they’re getting ready to perform, he sends both bada and noel a smile to encourage them despite his nerves. 
“i fully believe that we can win, i've improved greatly and so have my teammates,” noel’s voice is heard over a shot of the trio bowing to the judges in greeting and preparing for their performance to start.
finesse starts playing and the three dancers all hit their opening moves with poise and confidence. bada and noel may not be the most confident or experienced dancers yet, but neither is outshown by jinyoung and his experience. he seems to be minding his movements to blend in with the others, or maybe he’s just tired from all their long practices. but he’s sure to shoot a finger heart to the judges; seo ran and yuna are seen smiling in response though jihun remains stony-faced as he observes the performance. 
the camera catches bada’s expression during the dance break. she seems focused, though it’s not a very attractive look on her face. the judges scribble a note down in front of them.
finally, the performance comes to a close, and three breathless dancers hold their ending poses for a few seconds for the cameras before relaxing and standing in a line for their evaluations.
“lee noel,” jihun speaks to the participant that he had such a problem with before. the other two judges look at him nervously, the camera zooms in on the contestant’s face for his reaction. just what is jihun going to say this time? “good job,” the man actually gives a small smile. “you might have felt that i was mean and unfair to you last time. i just wanted you to understand how serious this competition was for the people around you and to respect their efforts by improving your own. i’m happy to see you took that critique to heart. we saw a much better version of you on stage today. congratulations.”
yuna and ran smile more easily knowing that jihun is not going to give another verbal beat down to the young performers in front of them. “bada,” ran picks up her microphone next, “it’s an absolute pleasure to see you grow more and more throughout these missions. we understand that you’re not as experienced as some of your teammates, but you don’t let that stop you from doing your best. that said, it’s also my job to tell you where you can continue to improve. your expressions weren’t always very good during this performance. the choreography is bright, so we would’ve liked to see a smile on your face more. it helps to engage the audience too. good work overall,” she congratulates the young woman.
“jinyoung,” yuna gives the remaining contestant feedback directly, “i think you’ve danced better in previous performances. but actually, i don’t think that’s a bad thing. being able to work in a team sometimes means that you can’t shine the brightest and overpower the others. you did well,” she congratulates him. it appears that any mistake he made went unnoticed… for now.
“great job everyone,” ran declares as the team is dismissed from the stage to make way for the next group. 
“i keep thinking about my performance, i really did my best,” bada’s interview appears once more, then followed by noel’s. “i feel confident in this,” he says.
team a’s time has come to an end for now and DANCE TEAM B is shown instead, back to the practice rooms where the team runs through their choregraphy over and over again until they get it right. where team a’s “problem child” had been noel, team b has PARK STEVEN. “you need to take this competition more seriously,” bom had said last episode and in case the audience had forgotten, the clip of steven trying to reach his leg behind his head plays on screen again. will this round be any different?
“well, yeah...i mean. i did look...pretty silly,” steven himself admits in his interview, “i think i got what was coming. i’ve been humbled-- hardcore,” he’s seen practicing dedicatedly with MOON SAEA, the pair only taking occasional breaks on their phones before getting back to work. 
“thought i’d put in a little extra time,” he tells MATTHEW LUONG as they practice together. it’s obvious that he too took the words of the judges to heart and is putting more time and effort into this week’s performance.
it’s during this practice together that matthew makes a big mistake; as they run through the choreography, by some fluke of balance and timing, matthew loses his footing and falls, landing hard on his shoulder. the world seems to stop and the cameras focus in on the fallen man’s form, the way he’s winded and clearly in pain as he lays on the floor.
“are you okay?” stevie is by matthew’s side in a moment, “can you move?” he asks worriedly. the editing makes it seem as if matthew is unresponsive for several long seconds, though reality is always different than what is shown on television.
“i didn’t hit my head,” matthew finally speaks, and a collective sigh of relief is felt as he’s able to sit up.
“i was embarrassed honestly. and i still am. it was a pretty rookie mistake,” matthew sits in the interview room, sharing the plight of his injury during practice. “it was honestly pretty brutal trying to balance practice time and letting my shoulder fully heal,”
but the team comes together and continues to work alongside one another until the performance is nearly upon them. as their time together comes toward the end, saea brings in a treat for her teammates; pokemon bread. the four eat and chat together, spending one more long day in the practice room before their performance. saea sits next to YEOM SARANG as they indulge in their snacks. “i have every confidence that you’re going to steal the show in ‘salute’. you look amazing doing the choreography! you make me wanna work harder so i can look just as good as you do out there!” sarang gushes to his teammate, nudging her arm.
saea laughs in response and returns with a compliment of her own; “you guys look super cool too,” she insists.
“i know i still have a long way to go; i tried my best to overcome that obstacle for this performance,” sarang tells the cameras in his interview. there’s no time left to prepare; performance day is now upon them.
the lights go up, the music starts, and the four dancers begin their routine. it’s powerful, it’s sexy, and each member seems to suit the style of the choreography well. but the camera focuses on matthew in particular, watching to see how he’s holding up with his shoulder injury. it lingers on every slightest perceived wince or moment of stiffness and ran is captured sending a concerned look to the team that is performing for her to judge.
sarang is also a favorite of the camera. his expressions are exaggerated nearly to the point of being over the top, but each smirk, wink, and lip-bite seems so perfectly timed and executed that it’s impossible to dislike him for it. he’s a star in his own right and he shines brilliantly on stage.
the performance comes to an end and the quartet each have a few seconds to capture their ending fairy moments before lining themselves up for review from the judges.
“first of all,” yuna leans forward in her seat as she picks up her microphone, “how is your shoulder doing, matthew?” genuine concern is painted across her face. surely an idol with a career as long and successful as hers would know the pain of working through injury. “i know that we did not see you at your best today, so it’s difficult to give any judgment. i just hope you’re able to take it easy and let yourself heal. injuries can become more serious if they’re ignored,” she cautions him, surely speaking from personal experience.
“i want to give a shoutout to sarang,” ran speaks next, “i think this concept really suited you well. your moves lacked a bit of power, but you made up for it and then some with your expressions. you’re a natural performer, aren’t you? you have excellent stage presence. saea as well, it’s a joy to watch both of you perform and you do a great job of drawing the audience in.”
“steven,” jihun’s tone is more serious than ran’s had been, “you’ve improved, i’ll give you that. but you’re still not where we’d like you to be at this point in the competition. i’m still not convinced that you’re taking this seriously, even when you have a team relying on you to.” the man is hard to impress and will not change his mind based on the judgements he’s already made.
the interview room takes over the screen, steven sitting in the middle of it. “i tried to make an improvement. i’m not sure if it’s up to standard or expectations, but i’m trying.” he says. the scene changes back to a close-up of steven’s face after jihun gave his critique. 
with their critique given, team a is called back to the stage and both teams stand side by side as jian prepares to deliver the final winners and losers of the evening. “you all did a great job,” she assures both teams, smiling to her left and right before she starts opening the cue card with the results in her hands. “as the last performers tonight, you had a lot to live up to. i think you all did just that,”
her brow raises in what appears to be genuine surprise as she reads the team name on the card. “i think this is an upset,” she remarks, “i’m not sure anyone expected these results. but the winner for the dance battle is…”
team b is doused in red light as team a is given the chance to celebrate their victory. no one looks more surprised than jian herself, who apparently had been convinced that the underdog team would be destroyed by the more competent dancers on team b. once the celebrations die down and team a is escorted off the stage, judgment day is upon team b.
“this was a surprisingly close call,” jihun explains to the losing team, “i honestly thought that team a didn’t have a chance in comparison to your team. but their teamwork outshown yours, to be honest. their team had a wide range of skill levels and they still managed to put on a great performance with minimal flaws. your performance was also very good, but there were times where it felt like some of you were outperforming the other members of your team. that’s the reason that we decided to choose team a as the winners.”
“as for eliminations,” yuna takes over, “we’ve decided to send two members of this team home today. MATTHEW LUONG, we have decided that your health is more important than this competition. there will be other opportunities in the future but in order to take advantage of them, you need to be healthy. we’re sending you home, but it’s because we want to see you on stage again soon at your best.”
ran picks up her microphone with a sigh. “as for our other elimination…” the camera passes between saea, steven, and sarang; which of the three will it be? “PARK STEVEN. i’m sorry, but we’re not seeing the improvement from you that we were hoping to see. for that reason, you’ve been eliminated from the competition. i think with a little more time and maturity, you’ll be an amazing performer someday. i do hope we get to see you again soon.”
tears are shed and goodbyes are shared on stage as steven and matthew must take their leave of next gen going forward. “it’s never fun to say goodbye to our friends,” jian shares sympathetically as the stage is cleared. “and we’re sorry to see the eliminated contestants leave today. however, we’re excited for those who remain and to see where they will grow from here.
the updated rankings are revealed to the contestants one by one, counting down from number seventeen all the way up to number one.
“congratulations, LEE NAYOUNG,” jian smiles at the girl as her name and face appears in the number one position. “despite your team losing a member today, you’re currently the first-place contestant. how does it feel? i’m sure it’s bitter-sweet,”
“WONJAE, KOU, BADA; i want to warn you regarding your current ranks. you’ve been hovering near the bottom for a few episodes now and getting by thanks to your teammates or just lucky circumstances. i would be very concerned if i were in your position,” she warns.
“before we wrap up today, we’d like to share the next mission with you. this is our performance evaluation. the teams have been mixed up again, each assigned to one of the three companies,” the teams are revealed on the same screen that previously showed the contestants’ rankings, one group for lime entertainment, one for sr media, and the third for studio delta. “over the next several days, you each will be covering a song from a senior in that company, singing and dancing again. where our center battle evaluated your raw skills, at this point in the competition we want to see what makes you special as a performer and potential future idol. though these songs have been performed countless times by professionals, we want to see how you’re able to make it your own and make you and your teammates shine regardless.”
“each team will be receiving instruction from the same coaching staff that cultivated these groups in their respective companies. make the most of this opportunity; we’re looking forward to what you can show us!”
with that, my turn begins playing in the background and the episode comes to a close.
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musicarenagh · 6 months
Jeremy Lloyd-Styles Gives Us The Perfect Gift Welcome to today's chat with Jeremy Lloyd-Styles, a Brooklyn-based indie rocker who's just dropped a sweet new album straight out of his home studio. He made it as a gift for his wife, celebrating a decade of marriage—a real touching gesture. Jeremy's tunes have this dreamy vibe, kinda like they're speaking to your soul. He's been soaking up inspiration from all over, from his days singing in church to jam sessions with family. Growing up, Jeremy got hooked on music from watching MTV and flipping through music mags. It all felt so cool, you know? And that noise from his first concert, it blew his mind—he wanted to make that kind of noise too. Nowadays, Jeremy's not just about music. He's into VFX and writing scripts, all while being a family guy. But it hasn't all been smooth sailing. He's faced his fair share of hurdles in the music biz, dealing with stuff like racism and sexism. But despite the challenges, Jeremy's staying true to himself. He's got big plans ahead, from writing more tunes to keeping his kid alive (which is always a priority!). So, grab a seat and join us as we dive into Jeremy Lloyd-Styles' world—his music, his struggles, and his hopes for the future. It's gonna be a real chat, no fancy stuff—just two folks shooting the breeze about life, music, and everything in between. Follow Jeremy Lloyd-Styles Twitter Soundcloud Listen to 2K80410 https://soundcloud.com/jlloydstyles/sets/2k80410?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Fjlloydstyles%252Fsets%252F2k80410 What is your stage name Jeremy Lloyd-Styles Is there a story behind your stage name? Just my government name Where do you find inspiration? Anywhere, really. Mostly from sounds outside. What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I mostly heard music at church or in the car with my mom. I was encouraged to sing solos, or join choirs in school. Are you from a musical or artistic family? My mom and her sisters would sing harmonies, old church hymns, etc around the piano at family gatherings. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? Probably watching MTV got me jazzed for making music. Seeing that and all of the music magazines made everything look so cool. How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I was encouraged to play guitar. My cousin, who I thought was the coolest person played drums. He would hype up music to me and that pushed me. Then a friend of mine started getting better at guitar than me and that just wouldn't do, so I started practicing, getting better and I loved writing songs. So basically my apparent childish need to be better than others spurred me on you get better. [caption id="attachment_54506" align="alignnone" width="842"] My cousin, who I thought was the coolest person played drums.[/caption] What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? I saw the Winans (a gospel group from the 90s) play. The concert was so loud. I couldn't believe humans could make that much noise. That people were ok with how loud it was. I wanted to be that loud. How could you describe your music? I've written all kinds of music. Since I'm not trying to market myself or fit into anything particular I'm just allowing myself to make what feels good. This particular exercise I wanted to just make a straight forward 90s kind of rock thing. So the EP sounds like it does from my love of 90s rock. Describe your creative process. I hear the cacophony of noises around me and for some reason I pick up melodies. I'm really driven by rhythm and whatever particular vibrations means me feel pleased. What is your main inspiration? Not sure! Whatever music I'm listening to. What musician do you admire most and why? Maybe Daryl Palumbo and Justin Beck of the band Glassjaw. They just keep trucking. They don't care about timelines, they just want to make cool music. It was some interview with Daryl where he said just keep going.
Just keep playing and two things will happen, you'll get better and the people who started off with you and who aren't in it for that long haul will drop off. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? I've tried aping so many different styles. I think I've pretty much made peace with the fact with what I make will always be a bastardized version of what I'm trying to copy. And I'm ok with that. Who do you see as your main competitor? The only person I want to be better than now is me yesterday. What are your interests outside of music? I work in VFX. I love film, writing scripts, eating and drinking with friends and spending time with my wife and kid. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I'm doing it. I'm working in VFX and I guess would try and make some films. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? So many problems. But I'd say the racism, sexism, and age-ism. I could go on. https://soundcloud.com/jlloydstyles Why did you choose this as the title of this project? It's a gift for my wife and has a meaning to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. What are your plans for the coming months? To keep working on the musical I was commissioned to write, make a new EP, write more scripts and keep my kid alive! Do you have any artistic collaboration plans The one I am working on with my friend Jocelyn. That above mentioned musical. What message would you like to give to your fans? Be patient. Make what you like. If you like it, you are a demographic and someone out there will like it. It may be a lot of people or very few, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be out there. Someone needs it, even if it's just you.
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madchild-dennis · 2 years
KMFT. I can't sleep yet.
WHY? Carnival, marriage and sex is on my mind.
CALM DOWN. I'll break it down.
SO a video of a couple dancing to Dancehall I peeped on Twitter WEEKS ago, came to mind. When the video auto play as it would when you scroll unto it. Without audio I was looking at it sideways. Then the caption of "I can't date outside my [country/culture] because I don't want to have to explain this." Then I played the audio then I WAS LIKE YAASSS. The movements is with the song, rhythm and lyrics.
BUT LETS BE HONEST: Dancehall music, especially the dance is replicating sex. Like MANY other dances like tango and salsa is sexual based. so I am not just saying Dancehall is the ONLY one. But be honest with ourselves now.
So I know this and outside of by myself in my room. I don't whine and grind at dances. Why? Especially now I do NOT think it is right to partake in that dance or movements before Marriage. This is a rule I apply for myself. If you want to hear my recommendation for others. You DON'T. Just understand I think there are times and places for EVERYTHING. SEX IS GOOD. SEX IS MADE FROM GOD. SEX IS MADE FOR MARRIAGE though...
Anyway, for me I am waiting to get my husband and we whine and grind on the dance floor or off it 😉 😉. The thing about carnival. I never been to it. Never thought of going till I realize if I have a husband, the whining and grinding would be good in the eyes of God.
Me!!! with my hubby.
So back to the reason I can't sleep:
I'm thinking of us spending the day whining and grinding to the music till we sweat out and tired at carnival. SO TIRED, we head home and in bed too tired from celebrating sex to have it that night. So, I just lay there wrapped in his arms as he sweetly caress mi likkle body. 🥰😊
MARRIAGE...a beautiful thing. Like, it can be so GOOD.
GOD where's my husband? One who actually wants me lol.
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
JunZhe Post-Filming Timeline Space Notes
This was a followup space to one a week before, hosted by Shi’er, JF, and Ltk. This space covered late-September 2020 to the end of January 2021, with discussion based off of fan resources (especially the Vietnam team and the Rainy Night fansite). Further details about many of the events mentioned can be found under the recording.
Word of Honor filming wrapped on September 22nd, the dinner banquet was on the 23rd.
September 24th: Both left Hangzhou.
Gong Jun went to Sanya and probably went to pray at the Guanyin temple he had prayed at prior to filming, then went to Fujou on September 25th, then Yibin in Sichuan where he recorded a variety show. After the variety show recording, Gong Jun went on a vacation with his family in Dandong during the first week of October, which he posted photos from on Weibo.
Zhang Zhehan went Shanghai, then to Kunming, Yunnan province on September 25th. He stayed in Yunnan for a holiday until October 5th when he traveled back to Shenzhen. During this period, he posted photos  on October 2nd, and it’s believed he also went to Shangri-La City, bordering Sichuan.
October 8th: Zhang Zhehan played golf, where he made a hole in one.
October 9th: Zhang Zhehan flew into Beijing, presumably to prepare for his concert. Gong Jun was possibly in Beijing, his exact whereabouts on this day and those preceding it are unknown.
October 10th: Zhang Zhehan had a series of interviews. During a broadcast on Beijing Music Radio (released October 23rd), he mentioned that he had shown Gong Jun his new songs and had asked him to come to his concert. This is also likely the day that the Doraemon photo was taken. Gong Jun flew from Beijing to Shanghai to celebrate the birthday of his co-star from The Love Equations.
October 11th: Zhang Zhehan held a livestream where he said he had invited a personal guest, then blushed bright red and got shy. This was also the official release date for his Another Me single. Gong Jun attended an event for GQ, stayed in the Jing An Shangri-La hotel in Shanghai. He posted the photos from the event on the same day, as well as the douyin of him dancing to Ai de Chacha.
October 12th: Gong Jun flew from Shanghai to Beijing. 
October 13th: Zhang Zhehan had an interview where he mentioned he had a task to produce three songs per year. He also mentioned that during Word of Honor��s filming he had only had one day off where he was able to watch the movie Tenet, tripping over his words with something that sounded like “Gong” before saying he went with his staff. Based on his clothing, this is also most likely the day that he filmed the douyin where he bows in the white suit, as well as the one where he throws the flowers on the stairs; these were likely filmed at the location of his concert rehearsals.
October 14th: Zhang Zhehan did a live interview with MR Radio, where the host asked him to invite Gong Jun and he said he wasn’t sure if Gong Jun was going to come.
October 15th: Zhang Zhehan played golf, annual Sina Pro and Mature Golf Tournament. Gong Jun did a photoshoot for Area magazine at Beijing Sanduanjing studio. 
October 16th: Xiaoyu posted the Doraemon photo, someone kept changing it from private to public and vice versa.  Gong Jun posted the Dandong photos.
October 17th: Zhang Zhehan did the band rehearsal for the concert, posted three photos wearing a white jacket, caption “See you tomorrow.” 
October 18th: Zhang Zhehan’s I Met Me mini-concert at 6pm at the Beijing One Space. After the concert, his studio posted photos; in one he was sitting next to the chair 146. This was the 146th day since they met (either the martial arts training day or the script table read depending on how you count it.) Gong Jun didn’t show up to the concert, but he sent two huge bouquets with a personalized card. There’s a high possibility that Zhang Zhehan took these flowers home, as there’s a photo where something that looks like them was visible in the backseat of his car. Gong Jun filmed a douyin in his friend’s spa clinic close to the concert venue, posted October 20th. This douyin was the first time he was seen wearing the Apple watch. Rumor: He was waiting for Zhang Zhehan to finish his concert. 
October 19th: Zhang Zhehan’s ELLE Men magazine photoshoot. 
October 20th: Zhang Zhehan flew from Beijing to Dongshan Island. Posted a douyin where he was singing with Xiaoyu, most likely filmed on the 17th; there’s a voice in the background that may have been Gong Jun. 
October 21st: Zhang Zhehan had a photoshoot for Condé Nast. Candy: The shirt he was wearing was very similar to the Givenchy shirt Gong Jun wore back during his event in June. 
October 22nd: Gong Jun flew from Beijing to Nanjing, was filmed wearing a red hoodie and an Apple watch. 
October 23rd and 24th: Zhang Zhehan posted a series of photos from the photoshoot and a douyin clip of himself singing Another Me, wearing an Essentials sweater. 
October 26th: Gong Jun posted a video of himself unwrapping gifts on Xiao Hong Shu, wearing the Apple watch. One of the gifts included a set of headphones. Likely filmed on the 15th. Zhang Zhehan’s studio updated his public itinerary to include Nanjing for a pop-up shop event.
October 27th: Zhang Zhehan posted two photos of himself in a recording studio wearing an unpaired Apple watch. He also posted the douyin of him throwing flowers on the stairs. 
October 30th: Gong Jun recorded Tian Ya Ke in Nanjing, photos posted on November 2nd.
October 31st: One Night in Nanjing. Zhang Zhehan flew from Shenzhen to Nanjing for the pop-up shop event and had a photoshoot, white shirt over blue tshirt. (Not the same hotel as Gong Jun’s Fresh photoshoot in November 2021, that candy is fake.) Gong Jun drove from Nanjing to Shanghai to watch an e-sports event and filmed a vlog of this. After that, he drove back to Nanjing, identified by store signs in the background of the vlog. It’s about a four hour drive between the cities. Rumor: The two met in Nanjing.
November 1st: Zhang Zhehan flew back to Beijing to record Tian Ya Ke. He was spotted at the airport with a possible hickey, looking quite tired. Gong Jun did not work this day, he only had a dentist appointment. 
November 2nd: Zhang Zhehan flew to Chongqing to film Retro Detective.  Gong Jun was back in Nanjing to film The Flaming Heart.
November 8th: Official start of filming for both.
November 11th: Zhang Zhehan went to Shanghai for a Fendi event.
November 18th: Release of Zhang Zhehan’s song Don’t Say, posted on Douyin. 
November 29th: Gong Jun’s birthday, livestream of him unwrapping his gifts with his coworkers. One of the gifts was a big Lego set of the Roman Colosseum that he said was from a friend, rumor is that it was from Zhang Zhehan. Sang Ai Ni Wuhu. 
December 4th: Gong Jun posted a photo on Instagram of himself with a neckwarmer.  Zhang Zhehan posted “你好吗” (“are you okay?”) on Weibo. 
December 25th: Gong Jun went to Beijing to promote Unique Lady 2. He had a fanmeet afterwards where when he asked for questions about his characters, someone asked about Zhou Zishu, and he laughingly said “I’m not Zhou Zishu, are you a fan of Zhang Zhehan’s?”
January 1st: Gong Jun did an interview where he said “In the new year ... may your CP be real.”
January 14th: Gong Jun flew from Nanjing (Flaming Heart filming) to Beijing where he recorded a spring festival gala. He filmed part of a vlog of him going to eat hotpot. Rumor: Zhang Zhehan may have been with him at the restaurant, there was definitely someone with him who he kept looking at; there’s no concrete evidence either way.
January 17th: Gong Jun posted hotpot photos on Weibo.  Zhang Zhehan’s studio posted a photo of him from behind with a caption about chasing stars. 
January 23rd: Zhang Zhehan privated then unprivated some photos he had taken in Yunnan of him by a lake. In the photos he was wearing a black hoodie that Gong Jun has in red.
January 31st: Gong Jun posted the hotpot vlog. 
To be continued in a future space. ♥
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tilynation · 2 years
Hailee Steinfeld
I’m on the @whatiwillsay podcast this week to discuss all things Hailee Steinfeld - link!
Her Career
True Grit - 2010. Nominated at 14 years old for Best Supporting Actress Academy Award.
2015 - appeared in Shawn Mendes’ “Stitches” (acoustic) music video. Appeared in the Bad Blood music video. “Love Myself” single released.
Pitch Perfect 2 - 2015 / Pitch Perfect 3 - 2017
The Edge of Seventeen - 2016. Golden Globe nominee for Best Actress.
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2016 - hit single “Starving” released
Marvel Cinematic Universe - Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, voiced Gwen Stacey in Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.
2018 - “Colour” song and music video with MNEK, out gay British pop artist.
2019-2021 - played Emily Dickinson in “Dickinson” and was an executive producer on the show.
Hailee & Taylor
2011 - Taylor and Hailee were introduced by Emma Stone.
2012 - Hailee was backstage at the Red tour.
January 2013 - took trip together to Paris and posted about it. Several magazine articles. Taylor was in France to perform at an awards show in Cannes.
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May 2013 - hung out at the Met Ball. Took Memorial Day trip together to Rhode Island and were papped.
September 2013 - papped shopping in West Hollywood. The night before, Taylor went to the Fun concert with Dianna and Sarah Hyland.
October 2013 - Taylor went to Hailee’s “Romeo + Juliet” movie premiere. Articles said Taylor was like Hailee’s big sister.
December 2013 - Hailee stayed over at Taylor’s house a few nights before Christmas. Posted some Swiftmas photos doing Christmas-y things.
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January 2014 - hung out at a Golden Globes after party.
April 2014 - Glamour and Just Jared articles about Hailee and Taylor. They were papped walking around NYC going out to dinner. Hailee was 17 at the time. Taylor was 24. Hailee was on the cover of Nylon’s Young Hollywood issue. Hailee said that she and Taylor are good friends, “do everything together from baking cookies to vacationing in Rhode Island with matching outfits.”
March 2015 - iHeart Radio Awards.
May 2015 - Hailee was at Taylor’s after party for the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas. One of the first Tayvin appearances.
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Bad Blood Music Video - released in May 2015. Premiered at the Billboard Music Awards. Hailee and some of the squad attended. Hailee was “The Trinity” in the video.
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1989 Tour - Hailee walked the stage with Taylor, Lena Dunham, Gigi, and Lily Aldridge at a July 2015 tour stop in New Jersey.
2015 VMAs - August 2015. Won a moon man for Bad Blood mv.
March 3, 2016 - Taylor posted a photo with Hailee, Selena, and Camila for Camila’s birthday.
August 2016 - Hailee interview in Billboard/Seventeen. The 1989 era squad doesn’t see each other very much. “Not as close with Taylor as people think.”
October 2016 - US magazine article about group chat with the squad. Hailee seemingly left the squad as it transitioned towards the Brit girls.
January 2021 - in a radio interview, Hailee learned that “Evermore” may be partially based on Emily Dickinson.
December 2021 - Ivy plays during the closing credits of a Dickinson episode after Emily and Sue have sex.
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Public Romances
Charlie Puth - 2015 - Hailee was spotted backstage hanging out with him at the AMAs. Never officially confirmed.
Cameron Smoller - 2016/2017. Attended the Golden Globes and other events together. Posted about each other on IG. Maybe back together in 2019-2021, but probably just stayed friends. Went to a Republic Records party and a Billie Eilish concert.
Niall Horan - Dec. 2017/Dec. 2018. Friends beforehand. Attended some events together.
Possible WLW
October 4, 2015 - posted a photo of herself on stage and captioned it “G-A-Y”
June 12, 2016 - tweeted about attending LA Pride and joining the LGBTQ community at Pride. “I could have danced all night in celebration of our freedom and equality.”
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Sophie Turner
2015 - release of the Barely Lethal movie they did together. Movie was filmed in 2013.
Friends from 2013 - 2016. Photographed holding hands and wearing similar-ish outfits in 2015, including at a Barely Lethal screening in LA and a fan meet and greet in London. Sat front row next to each other at a London fashion week show. 2014 - papped holding hands and getting ice cream in Malibu.
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Reunited and took a photo together at Coachella in 2017. Hailee was there with Cameron and Sophie was there with Joe Jonas.
Hailee was rumored to have set Sophie and Joe up in 2016 when they first started dating. A rumor she denies, but she’ll “take credit for it” because they are cute together. (Jimmy Fallon)
Sophie and Joe announced their engagement in 2017. Married twice in 2019. As far as I can tell, Hailee did not attend either of Sophie’s weddings. Sophie is out as “falling for souls not genders” and admitted in an interview to previously dating men and women.
2019 - Hailee and Sophie danced together and hung out at the VMAs. The three also hung out at the Vanity Fair Oscar party that year.
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In late 2021 on the Netflix roast of the Jonas Brothers, Sophie talked about Joe’s purity ring and described who Joe had his fingers in, “co-stars, actresses, and supermodels.” No mention of Taylor.
Hailee was voted the #1 woman on the 2022 L Chat Hot 100 poll.
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networkthirteen · 3 years
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It’s been a year since we first stepped into the folklorian woods, and what better way to celebrate than a One Year of Folklore creation event? @fearlessnetwork, @networkthirteen, @tayloralisonswiftnetwork and @tscreators have teamed up to bring you 17 prompts based on the album and related events, one named for each song on folklore, to inspire your edits, gifs, fan art, and other visual creations!
This event will take place from July 8th to July 24th, folklore’s one-year anniversary. 
July 8th: the 1 - favorite song
July 9th: cardigan - favorite outfit
July 10th: the last great american dynasty - songs + personality types
July 11th: exile - favorite performance/moment from long pond studio sessions
July 12th: my tears ricochet - favorite lyric(s)
July 13th: mirrorball - cover redesign
July 14th: seven - favorite interview
July 15th: august - favorite connection between songs
July 16th: this is me trying - favorite performance
July 17th: illicit affairs - imagine a music video
July 18th: invisible string - songs + color association
July 19th: mad woman - favorite quote
July 20th: epiphany - favorite motif 
July 21st: betty - fave character from folklore
July 22nd: peace - ideal singles
July 23rd: hoax - favorite chapter ep
July 24th: the lakes - one year of folklore 
This event is open for anyone to participate! All of the nets will be tracking #oneyearoffolklore. Please don’t feel pressured to do them all - we know there’s a lot. You can do as many or as few prompts as you want, and we’ll be reblogging any late entries. For us to determine your posts are for the event, caption your posts with: 
One Year of Folklore Event 
If you have any questions or further clarification about the prompts, feel free to send an ask to any network hosting! 
Enjoy the event, please reblog to share, and thank you in advance from the admins of Fearless Network, Network Thirteen, Taylor Alison Swift Network, and TSCreators!
Thank you to @morgenthaus for the banner and @swiftrosegarden for the caption!
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lilacsandwhiskey · 3 years
I’m currently obsessed with tiktok and tom holland so I’m obsessed with imagines about both. i think it would be cute if you do a tiktok trend with the boys but like the world doesn’t know about reader and Tom so people are shipping her with one of the guys? like from the tiktok? Tom maybe gets jealous or something ? idk i’m rambling haha
Thanks for the request anon :) I hope this was okay!
Heartbreak Anniversary
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: mentions of pandemic and COVID, cussing, maybe suggestive at points???, angst, jealous Tom, uhhh sucky writing and no proofreading so bare w ya girl n kinda longer than I anticipated but here we are :)
Notes: italics = flashback
If someone asked you how you managed to get a life as crazy as your’s, you’d simply reply “just meet Harrison and become best friends.” You almost couldn’t fathom what your life looked like right now - you sat in the kitchen with your two friends, Harry and Tuwaine, who had fallen into the pits of TikTok with you, while Harrison, Sam, and your beloved, Tom, sat in the living room, screeching at the television as they watched a game. All of this, while in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.
You didn’t officially live with the boys, but you might as well have. Your apartment was only minutes away, but with how communal your living situation was, Tom simply talked it over with his brothers and best friends, who didn’t even hesitate to scream yes when he asked if you could stay there. It was “safest,” he explained when he begged you to come stay for a while. So you did.
How did we get here? It all started with a little project, Harrison Osterfield, and him playing cupid.
“Clumsy, are we?” Harrison managed to balance you as you tripped over your own two feet, walking into the studio. “What makes you think that?” You huffed back, a small laugh escaping your lips. “Just get that vibe.” He replied, shrugging with a smile.
It didn’t take long for you and Harrison to practically become the best of friends. He soon was inviting you out to drinks with his friends, who immediately accepted you. Though you and Harrison’s friendship was strictly platonic, you found him itching to find out about your relationship status. “Should I even wonder, Harri?” “I mean, no. I’m just curious.” “I thought I told you before I’m not interested in a relationship right now.” You said, glaring at him with a smile. “I didn’t ask that, I was just curious. So anyway, are you coming to the pub tonight? I’m dying for you to meet my friend, Tom.” The excitement in his voice was too much to understand, but instead of questioning, you just replied with a yes.
There you were, walking through the doors of the pub at 8pm sharp. Your eyes finally spotted familiar faces who were calling out to you. You followed suit, inching your way to the booth at the back. “Y/N!” They called, urging into hugs. “Hi everyone!” You replied, taking a seat. Tuwaine was already scooting over your favorite drink towards you. “Told you we’d always take care of you! Anyway, we’re celebrating tonight. Tom’s back home!”
Your eyes landed on the curly-haired boy who had a gentle smile playing on his lips. “No need for anything big, I’m just glad to be surrounded by my favorite people.” Tom said. “Nice to meet you finally, Y/N. Glad to finally put a face to the name.” Tom held a hand out, gripping tight to yours as he shook it. Little did you know, Tom was well-aware of what your face looked like. He hadn’t been able to stop scrolling through your social media pages after Harrison had posted a picture of you, him, and Tuwaine on his story during a night out.
“So who’s this girl you’ve been posting?” Tom said, trying to be as nonchalant as possible during this conversation with his bestfriend. “Y/N, I thought I’d mentioned her to you.” Harrison said through the phone. “I don’t believe you have, are you like…” “No, no, dude, you know I’ve been talking to Grace.” “I know, but I was just worried my best friend had moved on without telling me!” “You know I would. No, she’s just a friend, we met during a project. Grace actually loves her, and so does everyone else - including your brothers. Have they not told you about her?”
Tom tried to think back to his conversations, only briefly hearing mentions of your names when he’d ask what they’d been doing. He couldn’t help but scroll through your pictures, soaking up every aspect of your life, well, only what you displayed. You had a dog, bingo. You seemed to be funny by the way you captioned your pictures, good. You seemed to have fun, love your family, and live a life that perfectly reflected how Harrison had described to him after he had came to the realization that Tom had already began crushing on you just by what he’d started telling him and the way you portrayed yourself.
Tom begged Harrison to be his wingman. Harrison practically scolded him the first few times. “I don’t want you to mess up this friendship.” “She’s not just a fling, Tom.” “Can’t you just be friends first?” Tom would settle for the last comment. “Fine, introduce us.”
Your conversations with Tom seemed so effortless that night. With too much alcohol in your system, you found yourself completely flustered by how pretty he was with his glazed eyes, rosy cheeks, and the constant giggles escaping his lips.
Though nothing ever happened that night, you found yourself spending more and more time with Tom in the coming weeks. Harrison didn’t mind as his relationship was truly flourishing with Grace. Weeks later, Tom had finally kissed you out of the blue and it changed everything. He was leaving for a few more weeks for filming, and instead of gaining the guts to make it official that night, he waited until he came back. It was the first thing he asked you when you reunited.
But, it wasn’t as simple as that. The logistics, the orchestrating, there was so much planning involved with what felt like should just be simple. Tom had fans, and sometimes they weren’t so nice. Tom wanted to protect you in every way possible. Though it was obvious you’d been hanging with the guys, since some of them had posted you, you had just figured that if you went out in public, you’d all go together and you couldn’t spend too much time just next to Tom. Posts were limited, it was all planned to a T. But you didn’t mind, because Tom made you happy and you knew it was for the best.
For a while, you did long distance. Your relationship had been based off of late night or early morning FaceTime calls, quick calls in between breaks, and short text messages throughout the day. It was hard but worth it. But this last time didn’t last near as long as others.
When word of COVID swept through the news, the world became frantic in all aspects. When everything began going into lockdown, Tom was sent straight back home from filming.
Laughter erupted between Harry, Tuwaine, and you. Tuwaine had showed you a both a video on TikTok he came across of a girl dancing in the midst of her friends to the song Heartbreak Anniversary. Though her coordination was obviously great, it was the reactions and how aggressive she was doing the dance that made it so funny.
As if on cue, Tom, Harrison, and Sam walked into the kitchen, Harrison mentioning that they couldn’t hear their program over their laughing. That’s when they found themselves gathered around the phone, joining in the laugher.
“I think we should recreate it. I think Y/N should learn the dance and be in the middle. It’ll be too good.” Harry said. “Me?” A nervous laugh escaping your lips. “For sure, we learn dances so fast, you’ll have it down in no time.” Harry was right - over the last few months, you’d formed certain hobbies with each of the boys. You had became just as close with them as Tom was, and one thing you and Harry found yourselves doing often was learning dances in the backyard, most likely disrupting the neighbors from your obnoxious cussing and laughter.
After protesting the dance, the guys had won and you were now practicing the dance. You felt so dumb, you couldn’t help but laugh. You didn’t allow the boys to see it so that when you videod, it would be their fresh reactions. And that’s what it was -
The boys circled around you, ready to endure the dancing. Right before, Tom had pulled you aside and reiterated not focusing that much time on him, though he wanted you to. You agreed, understanding the circumstances considering the world still was unaware of your relationship. To everyone else, you were just some friend that came to hang out every now and then.
So when the music started, you kept that little rule in the back of your mind. You tried to spend enough time with each, trying to make them laugh which definitely worked. You added your own flair to the dance, leaning back towards each of them, causing them to spit out laughter. You still found a moment with Tom, because it’d be too obvious that you were not trying to be obvious if you didn’t (haha).
Afterwards, the guys laughed over your shoulder as they watched their own reactions. “You killed that!” Sam exclaimed.
Hours later, you all sat in the living room, engrossed in your own thing - television, telephone, reading, someone was doing something. That’s when Tuwaine busted out laughing. “Shit, these comments are ruthless!” “Hmm?” You said, not even thinking to go check on the video you’d posted. When you opened up the app, Tom was looking over your shoulder to look for himself.
“Yeah, Harrison and Y/N are def fucking”
“Y/N and Haz 👀👀👀”
“Look at the way Haz looks at her 😍 obvi in love”
The comments continued. You cocked your head, watching back at the video. There was nothing much different between your interactions other than he was laughing the most - but that was just Haz. You shook your head, laughing as everyone but Tom joined it.
“Dang, Y/N, didn’t know we cared so much about each other!” Harrison said, giggling. “Right, just so in love!” You jokingly fell back into the couch, but soon noticed that Tom was barely participating in the jokes. Instead, he was leaning back, barely cracking a smile, even when you tugged his arm. You tried to shake off his reaction, not expecting him to actually be upset.
“I think I’m going to shower, wanna join?” You pulled out some sweatpants from the drawer that you’d claimed. “Why don’t you go ask Harrison?” You stopped dead in your tracks. “Excuse me?” Tom stayed silent. A nervous laugh escaped your lips, in hopes that his words were only joking but the straight face he was giving, along with no eye contact, made it clear that he was not joking.
“Are you being serious right now?” You asked quietly. You felt yourself beginning to get upset, considering you had never given him a reason to believe that for one, you’d ever cheat, and for two, that you and Harrison had ever had sex. He was well aware of the friendship that you had before Tom came along, and not only was it strictly platonic, but Grace had been in the picture the whole time.
Tom finallt replied with a shrug, which elicited rolling eyes from you. “You’re unbelievable.” You slammed the door to the bedroom, slamming the bathroom door across the hall. It may have been absurd, but in that moment you honestly were shocked. You and Tom had never really argued about something like this before - it just never showed itself as a problem. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been rumored dating each one of the boys before anyway, you didn’t know what was different.
Harrison had obviously heard the slamming of the doors, including the other boys who surrounded him. Sam pushed the television, looking around at the group, who was already exchanging looks. “Nose goes.” Tuwaine said, instantly pinning his finger to his nose, the rest of the boys following. Harrison was the last to reach his nose. “Aw, come on. You know this is probably about me.” Harrison whispered. “Guess you gotta find out.” Harry replied, shrugging.
Harrison slowly made his way to Tom’s room, slowly knocking before opening the door. Tom was laying on the bed on his phone, seeming that he was not phased by the events that seemed to have just occurred. “Tom?” “Hmm?” “What’s going on?” Harrison asked, inching closer to the bed.
Tom laid his phone on his chest with a smirk. “Why don’t you go find out?” “Seriously, Tom? Are we twelve right now?” Harrison huffed back, crossing his arms. When Tom didn’t reply, Harrison felt like tugging his hair out. It wasn’t very often that the two lads argued, but Harrison honestly couldn’t believe that THIS is what the argument was about this time.
Harrison made it clear time and time again before Tom and you had started dating that you two had been platonic from the beginning. Harrison loved you like a sister, but never anything more. Tom was well aware of that - so he didn’t understand why he was lashing out?
“Look, mate. I don’t know why you’re acting like this, but I can guarantee you, that if you keep on, Y/N isn’t going to like it. You have no right to take it out on her. You know she wouldn’t do that to you in a million years, hell, you know I’d never do that to you in a million years. If you want to be mad, be mad at me, though you have no true reason to be. Fans make assumptions all the time. You can’t possibly be upset when you’re the one who continues to vow her as a secret to the world. You orchestrate every plan with her to make sure that it looks like you’re not dating, so yeah, people might get skeptical. I’m sorry that you’re feeling insecure right now, but you have no right to accuse her of anything.” Harrison had no intentions of giving a speech, but he knew that it had to be said. Tom just looked at him, and for the first time, Harrison couldn’t get a read on him.
Harrison made his way out of the room, almost colliding with you as you came out of the bathroom. Harrison gave you a sympathetic smile before going back to the living room. Confused as to what had just happened in Tom’s room, you took a deep breath before opening the door. There was no doubt that you were still upset, but you also were bothered about the fact that this came so suddenly. Or had it? Had he been so skeptical before and you’d just never caught on? How could he not trust you?
As you walked in, Tom laid on his side away from you. You let out a small sigh, placing your dirty clothes in the hamper and walking over to the bed. “Tom?” No answer. “Can we talk?” Though you couldn’t see around him, Tom squeezed his eyes shut at those words. He finally turned over. “Hey.” You said. “Hey.”
You assumed an apology would come after that, but it never did. You tried to be reasonable. “I get it.” “Hm?” “I get it. I’m sorry that you’re feeling like this. I can’t say there haven’t been times I’ve gotten a little jealous or scared or insecure when you’re miles and miles away. But I’m right here. You have nothing to worry about.” “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted that way towards you.” “It’s okay, but you have to trust me. We’ve been together over a year now and this conversation has never came up. Why now?”
Tom took a minute to gather his words. He let out a slow shaky breath. “I don’t know how to put it into words. When I’m away, I long to be back home with you. It seems so simple to know that I get to home and you’re here for me. So, now that I’m home for longer than a week, I recognize that you have developed these amazing friendships with people who can be here for you more than me, and sometimes it just feels unreal that I have you - like I don’t deserve you. I just love you so much that the thought of you being with someone else ever hurts me, and I think that’s why the comments got to me so much this time. Y/N, I think I’m ready to tell the world. I’m tired of keeping you a secret. I want to show the world you’re mine, I want to be the one they make those comments about. Ridiculous, huh?” Tom let out a small chuckle and shook his head.
You grabbed his hands, shaking your head. “Babe, if it weren’t for Harrison, we wouldn’t be here. The relationships I’ve grown with everyone is over our shared love of you. We are so grateful that we can be altogether in each other’s presence and enjoy it because we all have a shared love. You’re so important to all of us, and that’s just how it works. I’m ready to tell the world if you are. I’d love nothing more than to finally call you mine publicly… and maybe go on a date outside of our backyard when this pandemic ends.” You say with a grin. He pulls you on top of him, laying a slow kiss on your lips. “You’re so important to me. Let’s show the world how much.”
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baekhvuns · 3 years
so i always see the discourse of bollywood movies on ur blog and im kind of interested in watching them at least once in my life— do you have any that i should start with? i wanted to branch my knowledge more & look into movies that aren’t from hollywood specifically, all i know is bollywood movies are kinda of like musicals? im so sorry if i sound ignorant but please help me find some good movies i can binge! pls ignore this if you don’t want to answer ♡
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omg hello please no you’re not sounding ignorant at all! im super glad you’re interested in watching a different movie from a different culture <3 also added gifs / gifsets so you can have a vision of what kind of movie it is!!
this is also where i get my fic plots from 😭😭🔫 or my imagination of certain scenes fbwmdhsj i include a brief description and a link to the trailer !!
and yes bollywood movies tend to have 5-6 songs that are specially designed for the movie itself !! it’s used to portray feelings in a span of 3-4 minutes than just dragging the movie for hours (hope this makes sense) + here’s some movies that i recommend to anyone who’s always wanting to watch new movies esp bollywood !! *knuckle cracks*
jab we met ( when we met ) : adityah, a heartbroken tycoon on the verge of committing suicide, aimlessly boards a train. he meets geet, a high-spirited girl who plans to elope with her lover, and finds himself pulled into her crazy life.
bestie, bestie this movie is the definition of love. he’s an introvert, she’s an extrovert. it all happens on a train, she drags him when he doesn’t want to go and gets him in trouble. makes him re-experience love by asking him to burn his exe’s photo— she threatens him to take her to her home bc “you’re the reason i lost my luggage!” “did i ask you to follow me?!?” yeah. he’s so in love, so so in love. “why are you playing with your life?” “because it’s my favourite game, life!” “you need a psychiatrist!” she makes him experience childishness + the dialogues bestie ugh 😩😩 there’s a song where he hallucinates and sees her everywhere, dancing in the rain and him being a complete love struck idiot. she’s wild, talks nonsense her motto is “i’m my favourite person!” 105/10 i rec this movie so much bc it’s my favourite, ive watched this 20+ times ever since it came out in 2007. here’s the trailer (captions r included) i have the fattest crush on the main lead.
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yeh jawani hai deewani ( this youth is crazy ) : a young medical student falls in love with a man who plans to travel the world and never settle down, or get married.
so. this is everyone’s travel dreams into one masterpiece of a movie together. this movie NEVER GETS OLD ISTG,, imagine going on a trip with total strangers and ur 3 friends from high school, one loves to show her bravery, other is a complete fuck boy who has nothing but his dreams, and the last who’s places bets on sports matches. u all know the main girl from xx xander cage ik her as mommy. a trip where u runaway from gangsters on a cart + singing 90’s music + make sex jokes + indian weddings that r better than white ones + friendship deep thoughts + travel + fall in love and then follow ur dreams until it comes to a stop. & u meet at a wedding, classic nerdy girl x fuckboy prompt !!! “you have such a killer smile, if i had a heart it would’ve fell for you.” remembering everything and the drama + THE SONGS THE SONGS R >>>>> ridiculously amazing chemistry, there isn’t a movie like this and there will never be (also what my san fic is based on !!) 107/10 + here’s the trailer !! also edit is rly good heres one for bomb aesthetics of the movie this too!
here’s a gif set to celebrate 10 years of this movie
this movie us only on amazon prime or youtube but i watch it here bc free (make sure the subtitles are right!)
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chennai express : a man's (srk 😩) trip to fulfill his late grandfather's last wish turns into an unexpected adventure when he meets a unique young woman (deepika 😩🔫) from southern india.
so, he asked for this whole thing honestly. made a plan with his friends to go to a resort and ends up being in the south of india. automatically finds someone hot on the train who has a huge as secret (she was running away from her dad’s men) lies to her dad and takes him with her fbwmfbwm “my dad’s very respected in my village” “oh rly what he do?” “he’s like.. you know a peryathali” “a teacher?” “no! a don ☺️” LMFAOOOO it’s so mf funny and the songs and the colours >>>> pls imagine jung wooyoung in this tysm. “im gonna lie 3 times, just nod ur head” “ok” here it completely fucks him up bc he nods 😭😭it’s action, romcom, hilarious comedy, dancey and more. SHE FUCKING SLEEP TALKS & he goes crazy fhwkdhdj he’s kinda rude but softy for her but she puts him in his place so <3 trailer ALSO IS FAKE MARRIAGE TROPE !!!! nice lil edit
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gif set here !!! + another
zindagi na milegi dobarra ( you won’t get this life again ) : two lifelong friends take their third friend on a road trip through spain instead of throwing a traditional bachelor party.
main guy stuck in a “i-didn’t-even-propose” stage yeah. this is like everyones dream trip to spain!! if we all were old money rich, they all go on a bachelor trip, so so so much fun bc they do the tomato festival, run with bulls, face their fears, meet family they didn’t know they had. fall in love. each person gets to surprise the other two with an adventure sport on the day of, and they all have to participate — no exceptions. u rediscover friendship all over again, it’s fucked up in the best way possible sO GODAMN FUNNY OH MY GOD 😭😭🤚🏼 they literally go “r u man-telly challenged my boi?” “boiii” “boi!” + “moshi moshi yamamoto san!” cue two idiots laughing in the back. poetry in this wow, cinematography >>>>> it’s not a movie, it’s an emotion. 100% you’d wanna go europe after this movie !! trailer (not a trailer but a fan edit that’s better than the trailer itself) but og trailer here here’s a new
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om shanti om : (this is filmed like a musical) a film extra in 1970s bollywood is madly in love with a reigning superstar. however, she loves a devious producer, but his greed for power and money is greater than his need for her, and when she comes in the way of his ambitions, he decides to murder her.
simp. biggest simp for his crush ever. u want reincarnation trope? you get it, you want old bollywood glamour and 89% of the bollywood industry to have a cameo? you get it. you get some stunningly beautiful songs? you get it. some bad sex jokes that goes “bad pussy!” 😭😭😭😭 he loves her so much he jumped in a fire to save her but 😭😭😭🤚🏼 anyways time skip. every song has a actor the main guy has worked with irl + the villain is hot lol. uHHH SOMETHING THAT’ll GIVE U C H I L L S is when everything is being disclosed and my favourite is the last scene, when he sees his love for the one last time 😭😭😭🔫🔫🔫 100/10 absolutely, every song is bomb if u don’t understand it’s ok bestie we enjoy either way ok? ok. also since these two do movie’s together often, they leave easter eggs to their first movie together which is this. the easter egg is fire.
gifset !!!
bajirao mastani : the heroic peshwa bajirao, married to kashibai, falls in love with mastani, a warrior princess in distress. they struggle to make their love triumph amid opposition from his conservative family. (irl based)
aesthetics, incredible cinematography + royalty, indian royalty, ridiculously rich, general, second wife + amazing first wife. politics, his mom’s ass. you see a lot of divide here between religion, mastani is muslim while the rest are not. so there’s that, it’s such a stunning movie, this is a must for ANGST lovers. apparently it is based off a real story so yeah. if ur surprised by war, indian history is basically game of thrones but irl 😭😭 so so so prettily filmed this director is chef fucking kisses, every song, oho the sexc scene ☺️😩 super high budget movie so a lot of bling bling + songs r killer + epic love story “it’s not a crime to fall in love” pls expect a fic on it !! trailer if u like royalty + aesthetics + historical irl based stories then check this one out too !!
gifset /// the ladies
shershaah : the life of indian army captain vikran batra, awarded with the param vir chakra, india's highest award for valour for his actions during the 1999 kargil war. (everything happened, in real life, 1999).
imma be honest, tear jerker 3000. i have literal recordings of my friends BAWLING SOBBING SCREAMING CRYING over this movie. every thing in this movie is true, from the love story to the war. it’s a biopic if you couldn’t tell !! it’s based in the time of heavy tension between pakistan & india. rarely u get any good movie like this, so yeah. ur gonna see some shit it’ll effect u, ur gonna bawl that’s a 100% guarantee, for funsies i like to search ppl react to the scene where it just crashes down on u, yeah super emotional, emotional damage quite literally bc you’ll see what soldiers go through. “if you’re a soldier, then you live by chance, love by choice and fight by profession.” trailer this is the most recent movie out of all btw !! <3 main guy super hot <3 the two actors in this actually got married so bfnwbdns
tamasha ( circus ) : boy meets girl, in corsica. they decide to not reveal their real names or personalities. a spectacular drama proceeds to take place, as this temporary couple goes on an adventure like no other. time changes everything for this love story.
so this is like not mainstream & ppl consider this a flop (the director said it’ll take ppl 2 years to understand the movie) but when u watch it it’s more than just a film. it’s an amalgamation of beautiful, sad, angry, dull, lovely, frustrated and funny moments put together which literally make it a roller coaster ride, with its own highs and lows. songs r super fun + kinda boney and clyde-ish ☺️☺️ “let’s do nothing but lie about ourselves” but you’ll see the frustrations everyone feels with work and life tied together. iM NOT LYING WHEN I SAY THIS HITS U RIGHT IN THE HEART, MORE DEEPER THAN THE HEART + it’s like u meet a stranger in a different country and suddenly ur involved with them !!! “what happens in corsica, stays in corsica!” this movie will literally change ur life im so pissed it wasn’t a hit fbsndbdn (cinematography is bOMB)
3 idiots : pretty self explanatory 😭😭,,, it’s students trying extremely hard to fit in the standards of studying (focuses on the academic pressure in asia) + u will experience it, it hits u very deep in the heart. also u will cry <3 the songs r what everyone thinks in their alone time. LMFAOOOO hilarious btw so yuh. WATCH IT
gifset here!! + another one
some movies that r a 100% recommended by everyone :
my name is khan (9/11, and how it affected the muslim community, how they were treated, srk plays as a man who has autism and he wants to meet the president to tell him something <3 truly truly a masterpiece, genuinely, entry for oscars should’ve been)
padmavaat (indian royalty, palaces are all real, it’s also based off a very real story!) gifs
veer zaara (like crash landing on u, but worse in terms of angst but better in terms of it all!! he’s someone who’s on the other side of the border who’d lay his life for her,, 22 years you all, 22..) gifs
k3g (classic srk 😩😩😩) gifs
kal ho na ho (tear jerker <3) gifs
devdas (wow, just wow, no one’s ever been able to recreate this movie anymore bc the actors set the standard so high,, like romeo juliet, this one is the most popular version!) gifs
drishyam (for thriller purposes, like crazy good)
bahubali (this one went viral)
ram leela (mafia,,, romeo juliet style) gifs
wake up sid + barfi
stree (good horror comedy) gifs
haider (crazy good psycho performance, based on hamlet!) gifs
dear zindagi (slice of life) gifs
jab harry met sejal (ring gets lost, he helps her find it <3) gifs edit
hum tum (boys vs girls type,,, GOD THIS IS THE PERFECT ETL)
pk (challenges religion,, makes u think twice about where god is, he’s everywhere, the statues and photos but where is he really? the dude’s an alien btw lol) (pk is a wordplay which means = you drunk?)
special 26 (irl raid, the way they never got caught LMFAOOOO)
guzzarish (on euthanasia and the desperation of wanting to die bc u can’t move or do anything) gifs
queen (amazing, show stopping, funky)
bhaag milkha bhaag (irl racer, during the post colonial period where racism was present and since he’s a sikh, white ppl were nasty to him) gifs
taalash (means search,, this was when bollywood made good thriller movies,,, ending is truly amazing)
badhaai ho! (challenges social norms where moms can’t get pregnant in their later years,, SO FUCKING FUNNY) gifs
m.s dhoni (biopic! on a very powerful and talented cricketer,, the dude who acted in this unfortunately no more but he did an amazing job)
rocketry (on a irl scientist from south india, his biopic on how he was arrested bc he was too educated and it scared ppl,,, bro graduated from harvard in 10 months, crazy)
ta ra rum pum (he’s a car racer <3 cute romcom)
jodhaa akbar (love story of muslim mughal emperor of india, royalty!!) gifs
oh my god (an atheist sues god after his shop is destroyed in an earthquake, lol)
bhool bhuliya 1 + 2 (one is more psychological horror and two is more horror,, but both are crazy funny!!) first movie’s gifs //
gangubai (ALL HAIL THE MAFIA QUEEN 😩😩 so so so fucking bad ass, based on a irl person who was sold to a brothel,,, u will not regret watching this, the cinematography is fucking stunning) gifs
rrr (better and bigger than endgame will blow ur entire life away)
THE NIGHT MANAGER (yes but indian ver)
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sunshinexlollipops · 4 years
this is my only big and last post on Tyler Joseph from twenty one pilots and the stupid shit he pulled yesterday.
I’ve been a big fan of top for a long while. 2015 and onward. albeit now I’m reconsidering things...
my first concert was top in 2016. I have been to 2 other concerts, and about half my wardrobe are top shirts. I have blurryface, vessel, and trench on vinyl and trench is the only album I don’t have on CD. hell I was a goddamn clique artist for a couple of years and gained 2k followers before quitting 2 years ago.
my point is: I was a MASSIVE fan of top. but what happened yesterday... makes me really consider how I feel about Tyler and if I should support his work as happily as I once did.
for those who don’t know, Tyler tweeted a joke yesterday while wearing platform boots from dollskill with a caption pretty much stating: “you guys told me to use my platforms, so glad to dust these bad boys off.”
obviously this was meant as a pun over fans and others asking Tyler to use his social medias to speak up about various issues like BLM or the Yemen crisis.
and naturally, the joke didn’t land well with pretty much everybody.
Tyler’s response was to “double down” on his tweet and he even said he refused to delete it because it was “fantastic.”
then, he proceeded to post links about mental health, and stated he wasn’t capable of mentally dealing with certain things (essentially: he is too mentally strained for acitivism).
he eventually ended the whole post-a-thon hours later with an apology, some BLM links, and stated: “I wanted to speak about something I cared about, but obviously this isn’t the time for that right now.”
In short: it was a shit show.
I personally never asked Tyler or expected Tyler to speak about these issues, and this whole debacle started a debate on celebrities and if they have to speak on social / political issues esp when their fans ask them to.
personally I do think celebs should be able to discuss what they want. they are people, yes. if they are crap, don’t support them. if they chose to remain neutral, respect that. it’s not a huge deal.
the problem with what happened with Tyler is that HE CHOSE to start this by mocking people asking him to use his voice.
he saw these requests and decided to make a mocking joke about it, turned the narrative to mental health, and made it seem like no one cared about what he was trying to “bring attention to.”
listen: we all know Tyler is a mental health activist. his entire musical career is based on that. all of his songs are based on that. not a single person in the fandom lacks an ounce of respect for mental health because it’s why we’re all here.
BUT it was obvious from the start that no one was asking Tyler to be an activist on something he had already so openly and publicly supported.
seeing those requests asking him to speak up meant that Tyler also knew the issues they wanted him to address publicly.
otherwise how in the hell would he know what they wanted him to talk about???
turning the whole thing into a pun not only belittled those people, but the issues they presented.
there is always a time to discuss the importance of mental health; however, given the context of the situation, this whole thing was not conceieved on that subject.
Tyler basically turned into a war against his mental health activism to make it seem like people were in the wrong for being critical of his poor joke and refusal to acknowledge its damage.
additionally: if this was about mental health the entire time like he is trying to say, that means that his joke was directed at being an activist for mental health.
there is no way Tyler comes out in the right for it.
if you aren’t mentally capable of public activism, then don’t make a mocking joke out of people asking you to speak up public.
if you are upset no one takes your issue seriously, then don’t turn their issues into a chance to make puns.
it’s like announcing you’re allergic to bees and you’re upset about what happened to you after you kicked the nest and got stung.
or in this case: it would be seeing his thread about mental health activism and deciding to pose with some crocs.
at some point Tyler’s conscience should’ve come into play. someone should have said: maybe this isn’t a good idea.
specifically buying those shoes, posing for photos, and planning this all for that caption meant that Tyler never intended for anything other than making this joke.
the fact that he still refuses to delete that post and that he still defends it in some way is just... disheartening to say the least.
unnecessary and tragic deaths of ANY person for ANY reason are things we should care about and try and prevent. be it because of mental illness, racism, a humanitarian crisis— the right to live for any person should always be respected.
let’s leave the cameras off and leave the clown shoes at shoe carnival, okay?
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tsnation · 3 years
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Can’t you believe that it has been two years since lover was released?! In celebration, tsnation presents our August event: Two Years of Lover! For this event, you can create anything of your choosing (art, edits, gifs, etc.) that represents any of the following prompts!
favorite song
favorite lover era performance
favorite lover era outfit
lyric parallels
lover songs as colors
favorite music video
redesign the cover
free choice
About this event:
Event will run from August 1st to August 31st. And we will be reblogging all creations for the event.
Anyone can participate! You may do one, some, or all these prompts!
Our discord server is always open to new members. Everyone is welcome to join us, we would love to have you there!
How to participate:
Reblog this post to help spread the word.
Create something based on the prompts.
Caption your post with: 
@tsnation | two years of lover
[your description]
Tag #tsnation so we can see and reblog it!
We hope that you all have fun and enjoy creating for this event! We would love to see all your creations! And an early thank you for getting those creative juices flowing and showing us what you create, we cannot wait to see it!
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