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anubiasnana · 5 years ago
Sorry to burst in like this, but I've read some of your crozier & Blanky stuff and I'm... endeared and full of love. Blanky ready to follow him to the end of the world, stitched tight to this complicated bundle of a Irish officer through it all? I'm murdered in the best of ways. I don't have any real prompt, but I'd love something with young Francis and Thomas being awkward best buddies under Parry?
their relationship is so incredibly important and underrated!!!!!!!! thank you for appreciating it
i’ll get around to writing just frank & tom in 1827 eventually, but have this snippet from my ross/croz/blanky fic that takes place during the same time :)
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bookofmirth · 3 years ago
Hello, I'm an old Tumblr user, coffeesugarcream or captainlattes. I'm no longer on Tumblr, but for personal reasons I would like to know if I was part of the bookclub chat on Discord and if I was active in it. I know the request is kind of strange, but it would be very important to me. Thanks in advance!
Hi, you were in bookclub! It's been a couple of years so I can't remember how active you were for sure, I think you read a few of the books with us? If you wanted to come back let me know.
I hope you are doing okay! Sometimes I think about your post about how acotar could have been really fae and magical and it was a great post. 💕
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zehstern · 5 years ago
Terrorized Development @captainlattes
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annecoulmanross · 5 years ago
Tagged by @blasted-heath (I’m responding from this account, rather than from @tulliolaciceronis since this is where I keep my terrorposting, mainly – despite the ao3 name! ah, my life choices...) Thank you!!
Rules: post the last line you wrote, then tag as many people as there are words in that line. 
Francis nodded. “I did,” he said, simply to have spoken it aloud. “I still do.”
Tagged also by @sidleyparkhermit – giving you a more explicitly classical “last line��� I wrote for a different fic! 
11/12) Translation of Latin Ode 1.3 by Horace (65 BCE – 8 BCE) in Peglar’s writing, dated 21 April 1848, and with the Latin phrase “animae dimidium meae” written in a different hand, above the English translation: “The other half of my soul.”
I assume most writers I know have already been tagged but I’m tagging 3 + 6 people anyway – @sailingsouthernseas @handfuloftime @heyktula @empirics @reserve @nedlittle @indifferent-century @owlboxes @captainlattes – no obligation, just appreciation! And anyone else who wants to, consider yourself tagged!
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evening-rose-309 · 5 years ago
@captainlattes @grimalkinmessor @willofhounds @hotforcaptaincold @warriorswitings
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Motivation Monday 
Fans: tag your favourite fandom creators and let them know what an awesome job they’re doing. Add a comment to an unfinished fic. Reblog fanworks with enthusiastic tags. Send them an ask to let them know what an awesome job they’re doing.
Creators: tag your favourite fandom participants and let them know how they motivate you to do what you do. Send them asks of appreciation or dedicate some of your work to them.
Feel free to repost this header!
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evening-rose-309 · 5 years ago
@mischiefs-hawk @hotforcaptaincold @silverynight @grimalkinmessor @willofhounds @captainlattes (even though I'm not sure you're in the FB fandom anymore? But you still wrote my first favorite beloved fic ever so...)
After a long journey, you finally reach the dark lord’s lair. Then your companion, who you met shortly after starting your quest, opens the door and says: “It’s nice to be at home again, come in I’ll make some tea.”
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kristorey · 5 years ago
#the pose the height difference the loving way james cradles francis's head #it looks like... like they're giving each other such boundless needed comfort #such solace #in james's warm hands on his hair francis's breath on his neck #james's heart beating under his cheek; beating still for now for now #and francis is allowing himself to be scared: to be exactly how tired and terrified as he feels now all the time #so tired he could cry with it #James knows this#takes it in - it is francis's pain and nothing that comes from this man will ever be too much to bear #but still #he raises his eyes #he pleads to the heavens and silna's gods and his own and maybe no one at all #the land - the sky - humanity #he begs of it to give him the strength to hold francis up #to never let him feel he's unbearable (via @captainlattes)
wow you completely analyzed my every intention im crying i couldnt have said it better tho this is why i draw and dont write lmao
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evening-rose-309 · 5 years ago
As tagged by the ever glorious @aethelar (freaked out when I saw that notification)
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I think that's accurate enough to my preferences? Some things might get switched around in the future because, em, circumstances? But otherwise, you know.....
Also, why is it almost always the painful, gut wrenching fics that are written so beautifully? Like, I know I can't stand to write happy shit for some reason, whatever that is, but other people? Makin' rose gardens and puff pastry and renesaince paintings out of the tears and skin and blood of my favorite characters? I'm not the only one with the condition to make shit sad all the time (it's chronic at this point)?
Anyway, tagging @willofhounds @grimalkinmessor @hotforcaptaincold @reina1505 and @captainlattes
[whenever you want, this was fun to make though]
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Tagged by @asmuchasidliketo - fanfic trope rankings (link here)! I judged mine by “how good does the writing have to be to convince me to try it” because let’s be honest, most tropes boil down to a well it depends kind of vibe.
Also some tropes squarely straddle the line of “done the way I like it I love it but done the way I don’t like it it’s the fastest I’ve ever closed a tab” and I didn’t really know how to rank those. So. Nyeh?
Tagging! @paintingraves @theabsolutemagicpotato @evening-rose-309 aaaaaand @vindsie
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