#captain hook x neutral reader
hurts2think · 2 months
saw you wanted hook x reader requests so i thought i'd send smth in!! can you do hook x gn light fairy? like from the tinkerbell movies! love your stories <33
🏴‍☠️Young!James Hook x Reader🏴‍☠️
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Reader pronouns: They/them
Pairing: Young!James Hook x GN!Reader
Plot: You are a light fairy from Pixie Hollow who started attending Merlin Academy! Due to your fairy like magic, you were set to help decorate for Castlecoming. But you became a little distracted with it and your hooked boyfriend had to come convince you to prepare yourself for the dance.
Word count: 1.6k
Extra: I was going to do this one sooner but I struggled so hard to think of a plot for it. Super cute idea though! Thank you so much as always🫶
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Castlecoming only happened once a year, and it was also your first Castlecoming. For most of highschool you lived in Pixie Hollow with all of the other fairies and so naturally you had the typical fairy schooling. Which didn't consist of much traditional education and more like being trained in your special skill. And yours was light.
It always sounds kind of lame at first when you say it, but it's actually pretty nice to have. Being able to move light beams, rainbows, and have glowing hands whenever you wanted made for some fun party tricks and even got you a spot in helping out with the theatre department pretty often. Helping with lights and making the set look just a little more colorful.
And now, for Castlecoming, you were helping decorate for it. You helped with some of the planning but you were also going to come in after the basic preparations were done and put your own finishing touches just a couple hours before the dance.
You started inside where the food and most of the dancing would be, moving the moonlight in the window to twist and turn in unnatural ways that would reflect off of the colorful glass decorations and filling the entire room with colors.
Then you moved on to the garden that a few of the couples would be hanging out after dancing or just to get away from the crowd.
You opened the palm of your hand and little speckles of light started to appear in it, you then tossed them into the air and little star shaped lights hung in the trees, making the garden glow softly.
You decided another batch of those might be better since it was still quite hard to see. So you open your palm and speck by speck a little light appeared in your hand but before they could all finish even forming, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
The sudden touch made you jump and let out a yelp. You quickly turned on your heel, throwing your hand up in defense
The source of the hand yelped in pain. It was your boyfriend! James Hook. Your boyfriend that you accidentally just casted a dozen lights in his eyes.
"Oh my gosh! James! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" You quickly ask, covering your mouth in shock as you clearly did not mean to do that.
He held one hand over his eyes as he stumbled back, "It's fine, I'm fine." He grunted, obvious his eyes stung and were in fact not fine.
Once he was able to stand up straight his eyes fluttered open and closed until he could somewhat see again. Then when you could conclude that he was okay, you gently hit his shoulder, "Why would you sneak up on me? Were you trying to scare me and get your eyes burned off?" You scold, your eyes narrowing.
"No!" He quickly defended, "Well, yes actually. I was trying to scare you. But I didn't think you'd be armed!" He huffed before waving his hand to dismiss it, "Nevermind. What are you even doing?" He asked, raising a brow.
It was pretty usual for Hook to sneak up on you. 50% of the time it would end with him laughing at you and teasing you about it for the next hour, and the other 50% would end with him somehow getting hurt and then immediately trying to dismiss it out of embarrassment.
"What do you mean? I told you I was helping decorate. And there's not really a point in me doing all of the lights before it's night, then I'd just have to reset everything." You sigh, restarting with the specks of light in your hand and tossing the second batch into the trees again.
You turn back to Hook, now being able to properly see him in the light
He tilted his head slightly and raised a brow, "Castlecoming is in an hour. You should be getting ready, yeah?" He asked, taking a couple steps closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close to him.
You could feel heat rising to your face as he pressed himself against you, forcing you to break eye contact, "Yeah but I'm not done. It needs to be perfect."
You try to pull away but he didn't let you escape to easily.
He spun you around, catching you in his arms again with a grin, "But if you're late, who will I dance with?"
A smile couldn't help but find its way on your face, "You're not ready either! We'd both be late." You chuckle, taking Hook by his hook for a hand and tugging on it slightly in a playful manner.
"I s'pose you're right. But we both know you take forever to get ready."
"Not true!" You rebut, letting go of him and pulling away, "I'll just be a minute longer, I swear. Just a couple more things!"
But just as you turned away, you felt that hand snake up onto your waist again from behind as your boyfriend rested his chin on your shoulder, "You've been stressed about this for months, darling. No need to be stressed up til the last minute. Part of the fun is getting ready. Bring your camera and we'll take pictures before the dance." He suggests. You're not looking at his face but you can tell he brought out those eyes that were impossible to resist. You turn your head to look at him and you were right.
Only it was worse, the light glowing from the trees shined on his eyes, making them twinkle.
You finally let out a defeated sigh, "Fine."
"Another win for me." He grinned, obviously proud of himself for convincing you, "I'll see you in an hour, bug."
You roll your eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not a bug! I'm a fairy." You insist but he's already walking away from you to go get ready himself. He was lucky his accent was so attractive. He could say anything and you'd swoon.
Only an hour had past and you were ready. You got ready as quickly as you could, styling your hair and putting on your outfit for the dance. As a final last decision, you place teeny tiny specks of light into the seams of your clothes to make them shimmer and glow.
You also decide to let your wings out, sprinkling some pixie dust on them incase you needed to fly, and just to make them look a little prettier. You smile at yourself in the mirror before checking the time and realizing you're about to be late.
You rush out of your dorm and to the party.
Once you're there you see a couple friends, saying hi to them and complimenting how nice they look. But you were in a rush to find one person and one person only.
You had to push yourself through all the people who's dresses and suits glowed under your stary lights you put up. Even the pond in the garden shined like never before.
There he was, sitting on a bench and fidgeting with his Hook as if he was nervous.
The way the lights shined on his skin and against his hair was beautiful, his pirate inspired suit made you swoon, and the nervous look on his face made your heart race.
Once he saw you in the corner of his eye, his head suddenly perked up and he took no time to stand up and approach you, "Wow, you look..." He slowly looked you up and down, taking his time to really look at all of you, "Ravishing." He grinned, admiring how you looked. Sparkling in the dark, making everyone and everything around you a little brighter.
You laughed and brought him into a hug, "As do you," you smile, "You weren't nervous while waiting for me, were you?" You ask with a teasing smirk.
His hand fell down to your hip and he scoffed, "Me? Nervous? I'm a pirate of the Neverland Seas. We don't get nervous." He said though he really did sound like maybe he was just a little nervous. It was your first dance together afterall.
"Yeah, whatever. Don't be so worried." You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and looking into his eyes, causing his face to flush a slight red.
"I think you're the one worried. Worried that I might be the better looking one tonight," He gave a teasing wink and leaned in to kiss you.
But before he could, you teasingly push his face away, "Hey! You don't get to say that and think you're allowed to kiss me afterwards," You raise a brow with a smirk.
"Alright, alright. You're the better looking one." He admitted, "But I do have better charisma." He smirked, gripping your waist firmly and pulling you into a dip, kissing you on the lips.
It caught you a little off guard but you kissed back, smiling into the kiss. As you kissed, Hook teasingly and carefully dragged his hook across your wings. The action made you shiver and instinct I've push him away, "Stop that." You demand, though you didn't actually mind. It just tickled.
"Fine, I'm sorry." He smirked, pushing his face into the crook of your neck and kissing it.
That only tickled too, making you laugh, "You're lucky I love you so much. Or I'd seriously knock some sense into you." You threaten playfully.
"Awe, the little fairy's gonna knock some sense into me? I believe it." Hook sarcastically remarks.
The playful banter is what you lived for. It's what made this all so fun. Highschool here was always better than at Pixie Hollow. You had friends, real classes that you were actually interested in, fun dances, and an amazing boyfriend. Your life really felt perfect for once.
Your slow dance by the glittering pond with your favorite person made you know that you made the right decision being here rather than anywhere else in the universe.
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wpdarlingpan · 4 months
Could we get something with Yandere ouat Peter? Preferably gender-neutral or nb reader.
An idea I had is maybe Hook has a kid, so the character would have grown up in Neverland. I think maybe a platonic Yandere Peter would be v interesting, where he maybe tries to interact with reader as a ‘cool older brother’ sort of figure, despite the fact that reader very much knows exactly who he is and that he’s dangerous. Romantic would be fine too though!
Thank you so much for the request! I apologize it took so long and I have not written in a while so I hope it's okay!
I loved this idea so I had to see how it'll play out. I did the platonic version and although I did use Y/N and made them gender-neutral, I wrote they were 17 for the story's sake. I often have Peter refer to them as a child because in his mind he feels the need to take care of and protect them.
I am considering a part two if people like this idea enough, maybe taking place when the Storybrooke residents arrive.
Warning: Yandere Behavior
Word Count: 2886
The Love Of A Brother
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The day Killian Jones, otherwise known by his more colorful moniker Hook, came to Neverland was a day he would never forget.
He had many men aboard, each desiring to never grow old until they wished. They all had been warned about the dangers that lurk within the water and upon the soil of Neverland but the idea of dying from old age was a more terrifying feat to them.
However, one person had little choice in the matter, as they were still somewhat forced to come to Neverland.
Captain Hook's kid, Y/N.
After the day Mila died it was up to him to become a single parent. Overall he was rather good at it. Always telling stories so that they would be able to sleep at night or sitting by their bedside when they had gotten a cold. But, no matter how much love they held for each other, Killian could not stop going after the man who killed his wife and the mother of his child.
Y/N was 17 the day they had arrived in Neverland and would remain so until the day they left.
This was not a decision Hook made lightly. Bringing the person he cared for more than anyone into the hellish landscape wasn't something he'd wish on his worst enemy (other than Rumpelstiltskin) but the idea of leaving them with no idea when he would return hurt even more.
So he created the rules.
Do not leave the boat without permission.
Do not ever interact with Peter Pan or his shadow.
Avoid the Lost Boys.
"Who is Peter Pan?" They asked their father as the Jolly Roger settled after coming through the portal to Neverland.
"A bloody demon." He responded looking at the dark island as it neared.
Hook began telling the stories that he knew. Even sharing how he had met Peter Pan in the first place. Albeit leaving out what happened to his brother as he blamed himself as well as Pan for the tragedy.
Pan knew he was arriving on the island. Hook riskily contacted him through his shadow to come to a truce before being allowed to arrive on the island.
But there was a little thing Hook had forgotten to mention.
His child.
He had hoped that if none of the inhabitants of the island knew their relation, with Peter assuming they were deckhands or something, they wouldn't be targeted if Peter got bored or wanted to play a game.
But the resemblance was noticeable from the first meeting.
As the boat docked onto shore to make an initial supply run, Hook kept Y/N close. Half of the crew, including the two of them, walked carefully through the jungle, avoiding every thorn they came across.
But the real danger was just up ahead. After all, Peter Pan wouldn't be a polite host if he didn't welcome his guests.
The second the pirates entered a clearing they were surrounded by the sound of rustles as the leaves moved around the edge of the clearing and a figure appeared about 20 feet ahead on the other end.
Hook froze, he knew he should have expected him to show himself this early, but a part of him had hoped he wouldn't, not yet at least.
Y/N held onto their bow and arrows tightly as they observed the boy up ahead who looked just a little older than them. Judging by the way he held the spotlight, they had to assume this was Peter Pan.
"Look what we have here, I didn't expect to see you on the island this quickly. I mean after what had happened last time you were here, the idea of returning so willingly was unexpected, Captain." Peter spoke as he neared the group, the Lost Boys forming a circle around them to prevent anyone from running.
Peter inspected the group as they each held some form of weapon. Be it a dagger, sword, or even one with a bow and arrow.
He neared the one with the bow and arrow, the idea of figuring out what else made them so different lingered in his mind. Peter stood closely in front of them, studying their appearance and the subtle yet noticeable looks towards the direction of Hook.
This is when something had clicked.
His brain was no longer assessing the group as a whole or messing with the Captain. His thoughts were reserved for only them. The way they were trying to hide their shaking hands and the way they held onto the bow tighter the closer he got. The shine of their eyes as they looked at him almost like a frightened deer.
He could recognize a scared child anywhere and this time he didn't want it to be his fault. It was like an instinct of protection filled his black heart. Their fearful yet innocent gaze was embedded into his soul. Someone like this simply couldn't live with harsh pirates.
He reached a hand out towards them but Hook stepped in the way. His gaze was harsh yet Peter could easily detect the fear hidden in them. For himself or the child, he wasn't sure.
Peter smirked at Captain Hook as he realized why they had looked so familiar now seeing the similarities in their features and hair color. He had been to distracted by the odd feeling of protection and familiarity to even acknowledge the finding.
"You have a child? My you got busy after leaving last time." He teased as he glanced around the man to see them standing there, their gaze locked onto the ground.
"Stay away from them or so help me you will have wished-" Hook began to say before Peter cut him off.
"You'll do what? Let me remind you, you're here because I allow it. You eat the island's food only because I allow it. You only live because I have use for you yet." He threatened motioning his hand for the Lost Boys to run away.
Y/N took a sigh of relief as the group dispersed but their worry would still remain until Peter was out of their sight. The ideas of the horrors they were told, all of which could happen to them just by being in his presence, filled their anxious mind.
Peter stared at Hook seriously before sending a look and a playful wink toward Y/N, hoping to make them less afraid.
"I'll see you soon." He commented staring directly into their eyes before disappearing.
Apparently soon meant a few days.
It first began when Y/N was laying on deck, watching the stars when someone appeared next to them and laid down on the spare part of the blanket.
“The stars are beautiful aren’t they?” He spoke as if lying on the ground next to them wasn’t an unusual occurrence.
Y/N was silent, trying to hide the fact they were afraid. The unknowing was terrible, the idea that their father was fast asleep, probably passed out from exhaustion at that, was nerve-wracking as they could not call for help.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me.” Pan said genuinely, staring at the side of their face as he admired their courage to hide their fear.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You have a reputation you know. I’m sure you could get rid of me in a heartbeat.” Y/N was nervous now, it audibly showed through the small stutter that sounded in their sentence.
“That doesn’t mean I want to… Do you know why I’ve brought all these boys to the island?”
“Because they’re lost?”
“Because no one deserves to feel alone.”
Peter Pan believed that because Y/N was an only child who spent their whole life traveling the seas, that they had to be lonely. They are constantly moving and never staying in one place, let alone with people their age.
Then their father, he’s a pirate with a drinking problem who is so obsessed with revenge that even though he is protective and loves his child, Peter couldn’t tell you which the man valued more.
Revenge or love?
If Peter were to take her right now, he could be their older brother. Someone who takes care of their little sibling in the face of everything like heartbreak, anxiety, everything that would make them feel anything other than happiness.
Y/N would be his sibling. He’d be their only brother.
Being an older brother to Y/N sounded perfect to him.
Their next encounter was when they had been sitting on the edge of the beach as the Jolly Roger was anchored nearby.
Y/N's father had allowed them to hang out along the shore alone.
The captain and crewmates were planning on staying on the edge of the jungle that was Neverland. He had figured they would be okay for a couple hours and that he could hear if they needed anything.
He knew the dangers that posed leaving them there alone but he thought they would be cornered again the second they entered the tree line so there really wasn’t anywhere ‘safe’ at the moment.
That’s how he rationalized it at least.
But when Peter saw them sitting alone on the shore, the mermaids moving closer by the second, he saw Hook as irresponsible and unfit to care for Y/N.
He quickly approached them, the sight of him causing the mermaids to swim away quickly, realizing that was not someone they wanted to lure in.
“Y/N.” Peter said as he approached, sitting in the sand next to them.
“What are you doing?” They spoke questioningly “I thought you would be bothering my father and his crew.”
“Is that what he counted on. Me leaving you alone as they frolicked or whatever they are doing in the jungle? Is that why he left you here defenseless?” He replied getting more confident that Killian wasn’t fit to take care of Y/N.
“I don’t like what you’re accusing him of.” Y/N replied, glaring at Pan in front of them but if anything it was adorable.
He raised his hands jokingly as if he actually felt threatened by them.
“I’m just saying, he knows the dangers of this island. If it’s not me, it’s the lost boys, then the Dreamshade, and as you almost realized, the mermaids.” Peter counted off making Y/N realize what the subtle splashing noise they heard was. “He shouldn’t have left you alone.”
“I’m 17. I can take care of myself for a few hours.” They argued, much like if they were telling their older sibling they didn’t need to be babysat.
“Sure you can. But you don’t need to when I’m here.”
From then on he would appear randomly whenever he knew Y/N was alone.
When they weren’t, he was silently protecting them from the shadows.
If we’re sketching in their room? He’d sit next to them silently, allowing them to focus. Meanwhile he was busy admiring their skills even if it was a simple picture of the sky.
They volunteered to go look for some more supplies on the island?
They mysteriously got separated from the group for a few hours.
He took them saying ‘I can take care of myself for a few hours’ rather literally. In those few hours, they got an entire tour of the main points of the island.
Even the camp.
Peter had them sit on his designated chair, introducing Y/N as their little sibling. Each of the boys came up to them and introducing themselves enthusiastically as the proposed all the fun games they could play if they were to stay.
Even when Y/N emphasized greatly that they couldn’t.
Each and every time.
When their birthday came around Peter gifted them a necklace, his initials were on the inside, to protect them from anyone who finds their way to the island.
Although he made sure to use his magic to conceal the necklace from the eyes of Hook.
Not that he cared about what the man thought, after all nothing would keep him from his little sibling.
The day Peter had been preparing for came sooner than expected.
Hook had discovered a way to kill the dark one and his need for the island was gone. Meaning it was time to return back to the enchanted forest.
The crew had begun preparing to return back to the forest. Packing up their supplies and strapping down anything they had on deck to prepare for traveling through the portal.
Y/N was packing up anything loose in their room. They had mostly finished other than having to pack the rest of their art supplies.
“So you were just going to leave and not tell your older brother? I'm offended” Peter spoke appearing in their room and sitting on their bed.
In their deal, he had allowed Hook to leave once he had found a way to accomplish his goal.
That was before he had met Y/N.
“I was never going to say in Neverland. I was always going to leave. I don’t know what you were expecting.” Y/N spoke harshly trying to push him away.
They had to admit, after all this time spent with Peter, that it was hard to view him as some irredeemable demon. He comforted them when they had nightmares of their mother’s death, protected them from the mermaids, did their favorite activities with them (even if he was not really invited), and seemed to love them.
Peter knew they were just trying to protect themself from the pain of leaving so they lashed out. He could tell they were saddened at the thought of leaving him. This made him feel warm inside.
Y/N assumed they’d be fine once leaving Neverland, they would have to forget about Peter Pan and their life would go back to normal, well as normal as it gets.
Suddenly they heard approaching footsteps.
“Y/N? Are you ready to go? We are about to enter the portal now.” Killian called through the closed door, his eagerness to leave the island covering the fact that there was a muffled sound as he spoke. Hook was ecstatic, his time for revenge had come. His head was in the clouds as he ran over his plan over and over again. Causing him to not even think to just poke his head in to check on his child, just of the idea that the portal was closing any minute
The muffled noise was Peter whispering that he would not let Hook leave if they said anything other than that they were ready.
Y/N knew if they weren’t allowed to leave, their father would be devastated.
“Yes father, I’m ready!” They called back and the two listened as the man’s footsteps grew farther and farther away.
“You can’t leave Y/N. You’re my little sibling, I have to take care of you.” He spoke manipulatively the second Hook was out of distance.
“I have to. If it’s up to me, I’ll never leave my father. He raised me, he loves me! He will take care of me better than you ever can.” Y/N retorted, frustrated at the situation. Why wouldn't Peter just go away? They knew they cared for him, even just a little bit. But their father was very important to them. Even if he had been a little distracted while searching for revenge, they didn't feel his love any less.
A loving father or a over protective, self-proclaimed brother.
They knew which had meant more. They had made their choice, one they couldn't vocalize as Peter softly blew poppy dust into their face, causing them to pass out instantly.
“Then it isn’t up to you.” as he spoke “This is for your own good. I love you Y/N and I know you love me. You are better off at my side.”
He picked them up bridal style as he and Y/N disappeared off the boat and reappeared in the camp. All of their stuff appears on the ground off to the side of them.
"Welcome to your new home, Y/N"
Hook had gone to Y/N’s cabin to check on them, the portal closing behind him as they could see the Enchanted Forest off in the distance.
He was eager to see his child, wanting to celebrate the idea of finally being able to avenge his wife and their mother. Hook knocked and didn’t hear an answer assuming they had been disoriented or hurt by the portal, he opened the door quickly.
But, he was met with an empty room and no Y/N.
He looked around for any signs frantically before he spotted a letter on the bed.
You were always too focused on the idea of revenge that you neglected what was in front of you. You never deserved Y/N and you never will. Each time you left them alone, I was there. I comforted them, I protected them, and I loved them. Each thing is something you couldn't do while you searched for something you did not even know existed. Y/N will be better off without you.
I always wondered if you'd choose revenge over love.
I guess I have my answer.
Their brother,
Peter Pan
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Hi. I have something interesting. Do you do other Disney characters not mentioned on the list for nsfw cannons from requests? If yes, then I would like to ask for an nsfw head cannon for my favorite Disney villain, Captain Hook please? I just have a serious crush on him.
Smut Headcanons | Captain Hook (18+)
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thank you for requesting!
reader is assumed as gender neutral
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
this man is a strict dominant with no compromise — the best you can get out of him is to have him as a power bottom, but even that is a rare treat
is into knife play as a way of punishing and/or marking you — though you’ll likely get cut up whether or not you’re engaging in that type of play because, well, he can get a bit ahead of himself and he has a weapon for a prosthetic hand
he has an extremely sensitive chest and shoulder area, so any biting/marking/scratching/kissing of that area will get extremely vocal responses (grunts and groans, mainly)
will happily bend you over the desk in his cabin and take out his frustration on you (which usually translates to loud, angry, rough sex that will fluster most of your crew)
if you want to get him to snap and take you immediately, the best way to do this is to wear one of his shirts or his coat and hat — with nothing else, of course
you will end up getting scruff burn on your face, chest and between your legs due to how excited he can get
isn’t above choking you if you get too loud when you’re not supposed to
will shamelessly whisper in your ear about all the things he’s going to do to you once you’re back on the ship before moving away and pretending nothing happened
may not be the best at achieving his own goals, but he’s very competent in the bedroom and startlingly good at getting under your skin in the best way
doesn’t mark you in places that will be visible when you’re clothed and prefers you do the same — though this is mostly a carryover from his life before neverland and the values he grew up with
is quick to jealousy and will take it out on you in the bedroom (possessive would be a better term but he denies it either way)
pulling his hair will make him moan like a bitch
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crowpickingss · 1 month
I LOVE CHARMING X HOOK, could you do Hook x reader x Charming where the VK' found out that Hook is daiting two royals so they start ignoring him, which made Hook really sad but reader and Charming tell him to come with their Friends (Ella, Bridget,...) and at the end Hook realize how good friendships could work.
At the end of the day the three of them stay in reader's room consoling Hook because he still sad about all that happend and Charming and reader reasure him that they love him and will never leave him alone. THANKS
Forget ‘Em’
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hook x charming x reader
summary: you and charming comfort hook after his friends dumped him
warnings: none
a/n: thank you for the request! I’m slowly running out of hooks photos and idk what to do
You cared deeply about both of your boyfriends, if someone did anything to them you were the first to console them. As much as you wanted to fight them being a royal meant you had strict rules to follow outside or inside your castle.
You were glad you found another royal to dump your feelings onto because he understood and while hook didn’t fully understand his suggestions helped.
Hook had been looking more sad recently. He wouldn’t go on dates, barely hung out with you and strangely his friends. After a week of his not showing up you and charming started to get worried.
You two decided to meet up in your dorm to discuss a plan “What are we going to do, he can’t just ignore us for the rest of the year” You nodded “It’s also not just us he’s been ignoring, I haven’t seen whim with his friends at all…wait” Charming titled his head “What?”
You sat down on the bed “Ugh I am so stupid” Charming sat down next to you “Woah okay you are not stupid” You sighed “Hooks been avoiding us because his friends found out” Charming froze, he had caused one of the people he loved the most to be in so much pain and still hadn’t tried to help.
He stood up grabbed your hand and took you outside of the dorm. He pulled you to hooks and knocked on the door. Hook opened the door looking slightly different than usual “oh uh hi” You pushed past him into his dorm which was messier than usual “Okay hook you’re going to tell us what happened now” He sighed and took a seat on the floor “My friends don’t want to be my friends anymore, apparently I’m too good for them now”
You sat down beside him and hugged him tight “I’m so sorry, but why didn’t you tell us” Hook swallowed hard “The reason they said I was too good was because I was dating two royals” He rested his head in his knees.
You kissed him on the cheek getting his attention “Be friends with our friends, if they don’t want you then don’t crawl back to them” He raised his head “Do you think they would forgive me?” This time charming spoke up “Bridget yes she’s too nice for this world but Ella you’re going to have or give it some time” He nodded “Now let’s get this mess cleaned up and go on an ocean date or something” Hook laughed “An ocean date what does that entail” You roll you eyes “The ocean”
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notyourhetloki · 1 year
Can I get a NSFW Captain Hook x trans reader? Preferably an imagine like, right after they confess to each other?
Quiet Night (NSFW)
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Reader: gender neutral
/NSFW Captain James Hook x Reader/
A/N: oooh very nice, anon! You said "trans" but I was in doubt if you meant transmasc or transfem so I made it gender neutral... but the trans topic is there! Hope you like it xoxo
Warnings: reader is trans, trans related topics, oral sex (character receiving).
After the most current revelations, you and James Hook just couldn’t get enough of each other.
You both had exchanged words of love, confessing your deepest feelings and secrets, drawing you even closer than before.
Tonight the ship was quiet, the crew already asleep. But you were not.
You had sneaked into the Captain’s quarters, chatting with your loved one until you reached a delicate topic.
“James… what do you think about… me being trans? Do you, would you still want my body even if it’s different?”
Hook seemed surprised at the question, eyes widened but gentle. With a soft tone of voice, he decided to answer.
“My hearty, I’ve wanted your body since the first time I saw you. It doesn’t matter if it’s different, as long as it is you. I… I love you, (y/n).”
Your heart ached with that, so full of emotion you could barely talk. “I love you too, James.”
He kissed you passionately then, lips and tongue working in unison as to pleasure one another.
You made out for a long time, kissing and touching until you couldn’t contain the heat between you. You just had to undress.
Slowly, you took off your clothes one piece at a time, teasing as James devoured you with his eyes. When you were completely naked, you stood up so he could have a better look.
“Oh my…” Hook whispered, mostly to himself. Looking up and down your body as he took the sight in.
Calmly, you walked so you could slot yourself between his legs, gracefully kneeling while maintaining eye contact.
James breathed heavily as you pulled down his pants, accessing his now hardening member. You gently touched him, stroking ever so slowly while pressing kisses at the tip.
He moaned at the simplest of touches, overwhelmed by this erotic sight of you. "Shhh, you're going to wake the crew, Captain..." You teased.
"Oh..." He tried to suppress his moans, then, but not successfully.
James was fully hard now, so you started licking from the base of his penis to the very tip, covering him in your saliva. The messier it got, the hornier you two became.
Eventually you started sucking him off, hollowing your cheeks around him and bobbing your head as you picked up a pace. Drool dripped down your lips onto his cock as you tried your best to get his full length inside your mouth.
"Ah... my dearest... ooh..." James couldn't stop moaning, not caring at all about the crew at that point. He was so close now, so close to his orgasm he couldn't bring himself to give a shit.
You continued to blow him, his tip reaching the back of your throat as you moaned around his shaft, sending vibrations all through his body. You hollowed your cheeks once more while looking into his eyes, and then he came with a loud groan. You swallowed all of his cum, trying to not leave more of a mess.
He looked gorgeous... head held back exposing his neck, lips agape and plump from the make-out session, hair all messy... His eyes slowly opened, revealing the beautiful blue you so adored.
"My... my love... that was... that was incredible." He confessed through breaths, looking at you with fond eyes. He caressed your cheeks with his hand and hook, drawing you to a deep kiss.
As you parted, you couldn't help but tease. "You taste so good, James... and I hope you didn't wake too many people."
"Ha! I don't mind about that, dear. Now... I'm interested in knowing about your taste..."
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inaffablejam · 2 years
The last month of Captain Hook
A James Hook x reader story
(gender not specified, used they as pronoun, once in the beginning)
Summary : being new on board, you had it rough. Running away from Pan and your never ending nightmares, lost in your thoughts. But will you finally find piece, together with a special captain, who can show much more emotions than you think.
TW: heavy Angst, graphic description of violence, short mention of suicide, some fluff in the middle
Words: about 7400 more or less
You were sitting on the railing, looking out at the sea. No wind, no waves today, everything was quiet. You knew something was coming, but for once, it was nice enjoying the upcoming sun in your face. Just you, the salty smell of the sea, and the birds above you, singing their song.
You know why you were here, you were on that bloody ship because you wanted to. Pan has been treating the Lost boys like shit. You weren't up for it. The others might look up to him. But only because he made them do. They weren't real, nothing was. Maybe you are, but can you be sure of that?
Hook, took you in, he accepted your request. You still don't know why, but he wasn't bad, he was genuine.
Maybe he just favored you, but was that bad. You liked your life in here. It was a real adventure, and other than Pan, no danger. Well besides the kraken, alligators, and most other sea creatures. But you would focus on the good things for once. It just felt right.
You heard the heavy footsteps, coming up. You didn't have to look. You just knew, and with him standing near you, you didn't feel scared, more like safe.
It was still early, your shift was up, and you are in need for some sleep. The night-shifts are getting to you. But it was your turn, and you're not going to complain. You're the Newby, the crew still didn't trust you. You would need to earn your respect.
Were they even real?
"You should go to sleep, I'm up now" Hook said while staring at the waters beneath you.
It was wierd nothing moved no waves, nothing.
"There's something going on" you turned around to get a good look at the sky " nothing is moving, something is just off. You know? "
" yes" he took a small break, and a step away from the railing
"I know, something is wrong... I don't think we'll be moving any time soon. But you" he pointed his hook on you standing near, so the metal would touch your chest. " You, will go to sleep, NoW, heaven knows you need it. If there's nothing going on, we'll have to row by ourselves. So restore your energy" it sounded rough, a bit like a thread, but you know he means well.
There was no room for complaints, it was an order.
"Yes sir, thank you" you said, walking away slowly. Smiling to yourself, sleep that sounds nice, and without the waves, you could hopefully catch a couple of hours.
You heard the ship go busy, everyone going on with their tasks. Hook was giving orders to the other sailors. He has a rough voice, but he just wanted everyone to survive.
You still hadn't figured out, if they were real or not. Is Hook real, or just another creation of Pan. Your mind began to drift off, trying to sort your thoughts.
You woke up, from someone shaking your body, screaming at you to wake up. How long have you been asleep?
Your eyes needed a bit to focus, your body begins to figure out where you are.
"Samuel, what" you began rubbing your eyes, yawning, stretching your body. But there was no time. Samuel started taking again, and you only understood parts of it.
"Pan, ship, Hook, invasion, rescue" there wasn't much more, but you had enough already.
As fast as you can, still wobbly, you got in your clothes. Trying to go without tumbling over the stairs. Which worked out well enough. Now your senses finally all woken up, you can be your best again, somehow.
The sun blended your eyes, the moment you stepped outside.
There were people running around everywhere, not just the crew, but Lost boys. All the familiar faces screaming at another, swords in the hands, and angry faces.
"there you are" Hook and Pan said almost at the same time. They looked at you, then looked at each other furiously.
"hello to you two" you said, still rubbing your eyes tiredly.
How didn't you hear the mess on board?
You didn't dare to look at them, they were still very intensely looking at each other. You could feel the tension coming from them, both.
Pan was the first to speak, much to Hooks disliking
"are you OK? We searched for you everywhere" you couldn't handle that, first they treat you like that, now he cares, there was no way.
"no you didn't. You never cared so why would you do now. Because I'm with him" you pointed at Hook, it was a gambling, speaking that way. You never know how he would react. Pan was always easily motivated by his moods. " I like being here, you know. I finally feel free, not captured by you." you went too far, you knew, but you can't let him get away with it. Not today.
"you think you're better than me? You wouldn't be here without me, you'd still be back there, if you would be alive." Pan growled at you, his face showed no signs of mercy. The other lost boys looked at him in shock. You knew it was true, you most likely would have killed yourself, if you were still back home." Go fuck yourself Pan, I'm staying... this feels as close to home as it gets" you mumbled the last part, but it was still loud enough. Hook looked at you, maby his face was showing surprise, you hoped you could figure it out someday. At least he smiled a bit.
" you heard that Pan, if they want to stay, they can. What will you do now. You and your little boys" Hook said teasingly, his grin showed his teeth. That was it. Pan lost it, he was always like that. You were fast to draw your sword, from your waist. Now standing in the middle, between them. You would try anything to prevent a bloodbath. The sound of swords clinging together echoed through the ship. He was fast, you tried your best to prevent his sword from hitting you. Hook was on the other side of the ship now, fighting with who knows who. You were busy staying alive. There was screaming, but you could still hear Hooks voice in between. Screaming for you. The sword went through, not yours, but you gave Pan a hard fight. With one more thrust you were laying on the hard floor. You could hear Hook screaming again, what was he saying, it was only in the background.
Pan lower himself over you" you could have chosen life, this is all your fault, I tried to save you" he smiled at you, but at least the fighting stopped. Pan was gone and so were the other lost boys.
Your body felt hot, everything is burning up. But your mind, felt free. Like for once, you felt calm, not scared of anything, no bad thoughts hunting you. Nothing.
Muffeld voices, you couldn't make up. You didn't want to, what was the point, anyway.
Someone was hitting your face, screaming at you. But honestly, you hadn't had any energy left, to open your eyes. The darkness was comforting.
You had to open your eyes somehow. How long were you out? Are you alive? You do remember Pan and why did you feel guilty about it?
Your throat hurts, it's sore. Just couching came out when raising your voice.
Then pain, everything hurts, you rather close your eyes again, and let yourself go into the sweet darkness.
" No, no, keep your eyes open, ok, can you do that."
There was a figure sitting in the dark shadows of the cabin. You knew that voice, but your mind couldn't focus on that.
At least you weren't dead yet.
"here drink up" the shadow revealed itself. Hook was standing there, with an apologizing look in his eyes. You tried sitting up, but almost blacked out again from the pain. You growled, biting your lip. "go easy, on yourself, you terrified the shit out of us, you know that" Hook, tried to joke, but you knew he meant every word. He helped you drink, the water felt good going down your throat. It was refreshing.
"Captain..." again just coughing, you let yourself fall down on the hard mattress.
"didn't I say go easy. Just relax for now, everything else will be taken care of."
He put down the glass beside you. You felt sick, ready to throw up, you hoped you could restrain yourself.
"Captain, sir.." you tried to speak up, and Hook let you
" thank you" you smiled, looking up at his figure.
You took a good look at him, his shoulder bloody, his red coat ripped up. He looked tired. Your eyes began to focus on the room, you could see much better now, once they got used to the dark.
It was his room, that means you were in his bed. Laying there, probably ruining the sheets. You tried lifting your body up, growing in pain. As you finally sat down.
"what do you think you are doing?" Hook looked at you with worry. "I... I am trying to" you stuttered.
"I see that. Now lay down again, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Rest yourself" he helped guide you back again slowly. Felling the metal of his hook, on your torso. It was a good feeling, cooling, for you and your burning body.
You didn't need long after Hook left the room.
There was it again, the darkness. But it wasn't comforting. Why did you want to fight, what changed?
Was it Hook, and the fact that he cared about you. If he did care... maybe he wanted to get rid of you, abandon you on the next island.
You did probably disappoint him.
Pan was there because of you, and now he is hurt, you wouldn't blame him.
But the hope, was nice. So, you didn't give in into the darkness, you focused on the little light.
Your eyes opened much easier this time, no one was in the room. Maybe you hoped for it, that he would be there waiting for you to wake up.
Your body still in pain, your muscles sore. Still so little energy in your body.
You tried to stretch, straightening your body, telling it to move. As your legs, hit the ground, pain shot through your nerves. It was telling you to give up, lay back again. You wouldn't have that. Slowly moving forward, your hand holding your stinging abdomen. Step for step, taking as long and slowly as you need. You were already sweating, when you reached the door of the cabin.
It opened easily. At least something worked. Slowly closing the door behind you, now it was just the stairs up the deck. Just, yeah, like that was something easy to do. You growled in pain, biting your lip, until you could taste the iron on your tongue. The sun hit you, so it was day again.
Your eyes were too long in the darkness. You had to stand there for a second. Still no one seems to notice you, the final steps were the worst.
But you did manage it, somehow.
You smiled to yourself, you were happy. You accomplished something.
Samuel was the first to notice, he didn't say anything, just looked at you in worry. Samuel, waved his head in your sight. Hook noticed, and now drew his attention to you, away from the open ocean in front.
He looked disappointed.
You took a few more steps to the side of the ship. So, you could finally lay your body against the railing for support. Heavy breathing, your mind empty with no thoughts.
Hook came near, now standing in front of you, so you couldn't avert your gaze. You just looked down on the floor.
"what did I tell you" his voice was rough, but not with anger.
"I just..." you didn't know how to explain yourself, why did you even go out of bed anyway? "I know" your gaze found his "sorry" now you looked down again, trying to avoid the worried look in his eyes.
"OK.. OK, just sit down and move as little as possible. Now you're up, and I'm not letting you out of my sight again. You have to be careful with those stitches, not that they open up. An infection is the last thing we need" there was no room for complaints, you were slowly sliding down. The pain got less already, and you breathed out, not realizing you held it.
"thank you, I would rather not be alone right now" whispering the last part, but Hook looked at you in pity like he understood.
You spent the rest of the day, just looking at the crew, listening to the noises of the sea. It was peaceful, not like the last time. There was no sign of the fight, everything was clean. They even got the blood out of the wooden floor, like it was polished.
Good as new.
Samuel was looking after you, you two always got along together. You knew Hook ordered him, but that mostly made it better.
That's what family is supposed to do, look after each other.
You tried not to think too much about Pan, don't want to get your mood killed. You were struggling enough, with your own thoughts, already. No need for his words.
You should talk about it, maby that would make it easier. But there wasn't anyone, not that you wanted someone to find out. Or burden them with your thoughts.
You enjoyed the last sun ray, of the day. Looking up at the sky, the changing of colors until the stars will come up. It's like watching the colors fight for dominance. With the dark blue always winning the war. The red, yellowish colors always loosing with the last piece of the sunset. Giving in to the darkness.
It got colder, you already had the blanket around you. Samuel brought it to you a couple of hours ago. Still your body tensed up again, your muscles began shaking. You knew it was time to go inside. Although you would rather not move, out of the comfortable position.
You began to move slowly, biting your teeth together as the pain went through your body.
"I'll help you" you didn't even realize he came near you. But you gladly accept a helping hand. It wasn't less hurtful, but much easier to move. You could rest yourself on Hook's side, his arm around you. With his hand stabilizing your waist, trying not to touch your aching wound.
You felt his look on you, as he lead the way.
You realized soon enough where you two were heading.
" you don't have to, I can sleep with the rest"
" you need to rest, and I need to prevent you from doing anything stupid again. And it's better for you, the hammock isn't any good, with that thing always moving around." he spoke much more soft now, the day got to him.
"but where will you..."he interrupted your sentence, " dont worry, about me. "he laughed" focus on yourself for now, aye?"
" Aye, sir, thank you"
Your body hit the mattress, you let yourself down slowly. Looking around the cabin.
Hook lit a lantern, fiddling around with the matches. A dim light, brightening the room. His coat now hanging over a whittled chair. He looked exhausted, like there was a mask he has been keeping up the deck. You should ask him about his shoulder, he changed his fancy shirt, but there was still a trail of fresh blood.
Your eyes grew heavy, just like your body that was sinking deeper into the mattress.
Darkness again, the light got brighter. Little points of grell light coming from everywhere, just like the stars. A new day will come, you will hope for it.
And it did come. You were doing better every day. The stitches and the wound looked good, at least that's what Hook told you. You believed him, he was honest with you. You liked to think that he grew fond of you. The nights you spent together in the captain's cabin. He still let you sleep in his bed. He said he prefers the padded armchair in the corner of the room.
His shoulder still looked rough, he couldn't move around so easily anymore. He tried to train with Samuel, but he had to give up the sword fighting for now. Hook never showed his weakness to anyone, but you could see his mask slowly cracking, with every new day.
The crew hadn't had it easy, either. The ship wasn't moving, there was still no wind in sight. Portions are getting smaller, water was running low.
You would have to be rowing your way back to the island soon.
That was the worst place to be. You'd rather be staying here, in the middle of the never-ending ocean.
You were once again trapped in your own thoughts.
You had skipped breakfast, there wasn't much to eat anyway. So, you went up on deck, trying to make yourself useful.
You weren't the only one, but you tried to avoid the crew. The rationing has everyone, getting moody. You as well, you did notice getting in a bad temper. Like everyone has been going on your nerves, without a reason.
You looked up, it was a nice, warm day. No clouds are showing in the sky. Not a single bird in sight.
You got yourself a broom, that has been laying down next to the anchor. While slowly beginning to sweep up the dust, your mind falls into that sweet nothingness. No thoughts trouble your mind, and the monotonous work seems to calm everything down.
From time to time, you could feel the pain from the wound, but you could just work a bit slower and catch a delightful long breath to make it fade away.
Heavy footsteps signal you to take a break.
Hook cleared his throat behind you
" still working, I see" he looked at you in worry. You knew he wanted you to go easy on yourself. He doesn't want another one of his crew buried beneath the waters of the sea.
"don't worry, I'm doing it slowly. It actually calms me down, and I have time to sort out my mind." you told him, deciding to take a break. You leaned on the mast. Hook still stared at you, his glance not leaving your face.
"I know we have to leave soon, portions are getting smaller, the crew has been going weaker. But I'd like to stay here forever" you told him, it was easy to talk to him. It's like he understood what you meant. But still, you tried to avoid to look him in the eyes.
"we have to, we won't survive another week. We had luck getting this far." his hook went under your chin, forcing your eyes to find his. Maybe you should be scared, but the cold metal, felt just right on your skin. It was like the world was standing still, the crew was freezing at the moment, just for the two of you.
"I know what you mean, I'd like to stay here forever, if we would have enough food and water, maybe a bit rum, I'd command that we stay like that. I know Pan will be a pain in the ass back at Neverland. Especially with you here." His eyes soften up, like it was becoming a habit.
"I'm sorry" you said, your voice breaking, you knew he was right. He wanted you, and he wouldn't give up. He always got what he wanted, in the end.
"don't be, I want you here. And we will just stock up and, go back to the sea. I hope we will have luck with a bit of a wind, or even a storm. I don't care, just something that will get us as far away from there as fast as possible." he caught his breath, " we will be OK, the crew will be OK, we just have to be careful. " he smiled, but a sad glimpse was in his eyes. Like he tried to persuade himself.
"....OK.... " you gave him a weak smile, you both knew, it would be far more difficult. You tried to pick up the broom from the floor. But his hand stopped you, taking the broom himself.
"your work is done here, restore your energy. Will row ourselves out of here, in the covers of the nightfall."
His voice was rough again, like everything, every thought you shared before was long forgotten. You could still feel the spot, where his hook was, burning up. Your whole body felt hot. You should better obey his orders, you knew better than that.
You would need your energy, you just hoped you wouldn't meet Pan or any other of his companions. But that was a wish too high out of reach, of course he would be there. It's his island, everything would be perfect for Pan. No one was safe, from his little games.
Hook was real, the thought was flashing your mind. He must be, let him be real.
The afternoon was rather uneventful, Samuel was trying to have a little chat with you. But you couldn't be bothered. Your thoughts came flowing in, overwhelming your feelings and your mind.
The night begins to dawn, the sky fighting once again for dominance.
The dark blue sky slowly won, against the bright beautiful colors of the sunset.
The mood around the crew got worse, with the sighting of the moon.
With Hooks, rough voice commanding everyone on deck. It's going to be a long night.
The rudder laying hard in your hands, sweat already forming on your forehead, slowly dripping down.
The muscles were already tense, no-one dared to say a word. Just everyone moaning in effort.
You could feel your abdomen trying to rip open again. It wasn't fully heald, there was a risk, but you would have to take it.
Samuel looked at you from time to time, his face grew with worry, with each hour.
Maybe a chat would lighten the mood, but no one even dared to say something.
You didn't know how long you've been working constantly, it felt like day's.
No land in sight, no birds in the sky above.
Just the stars showing the way, back to Neverland. The land you tried to forget with every cell in your body.
A pool of sweat was forming beneath you, on the old planks of the deck.
Your wound... You tried not to think about it. The stitches were slowly ripping you could feel blood, dripping down your body soaking in the shirt.
"take a break, I'll take it" Samuel's voice grew with worry. His gaze looking at the sky, but he could feel your body tense up with every new row.
"it's OK, I can take it" you tried to laugh it off, with a small chuckle.
" that wasn't a suggestion, you go take a break, I'm sure the captain would like some company as well" his lips formed a smirk, your cheeks grew hot, you rolled your eyes at him.
Trying to stand up, letting Samuel on his own, you could feel the pain coming in. You bit down on your tongue, while walking upstairs. Tasting the iron in your mouth with disgust.
Looking down at you, you did see a small trail of blood spreading on your shirt. It didn't look too bad, nothing that couldn't be stitched again.
Hook saw you coming up the wooden staircase. Looking at you in anticipation and worry forming in his eyes. You liked to think that his eyes show his real emotion, not the mask he's trying to keep up.
"hi captain, Samuel, send me up. Ordered me for a break, but I would rather not disturb you, just.." you couldn't focus on your words, they were just stumbling out of your mouth.
Hook waved his hand and interrupted your sentences. " I know, I asked him to keep an eye on you. At least he did his job." he checked you up, his gaze stopping at your stomach
" you're bleeding? " It wasn't really a question, still you shacked your head, not trusting your words.
" I'll stitch you up, sit down" his voice was rough, with anger, but not directly at you.
You gladly obeyed his order, feeling your body going down against the railing. Hook came back, but you haven't realized he left in the first place.
" lift your shirt up" you did, and it looked better than it felt. " that's going to hurt, try not to move so much" his voice softened up again, while he fiddled with the needle.
His hook holding you tight against the wood, trying to stop you from moving.
" deep breath now darling"
Your mind went blank, not just with the ongoing pain.
What did he just call you?
Deep breaths, at least you tried, but the stinging from the needle, shook your body through with pain. It wasn't long, Hook was trying to work fast and steady. It was done, your body still trembling. Hook was gone once again, probably downstairs washing his hands, with the cold salty water from the sea.
You let your head fell back, staring up to the stars, like it has been becoming a habit.
You could hear his footsteps coming back up, your eyes found his.
"you did good" you laughed, and you could see a smirk forming his lips. Your body slowly ending the shivering.
" I think it was easier, last time while I was unconscious" you said.
He nodded, "indeed, but I'm not the best man for first aid either." He shook his hook in the air, waving around. You laughed again, holding your abdomen. His smile grew wider.
" thank you, honestly, for everything" you whispered loud enough for him to understand, but avoiding his look once more.
He sat down next to you, his hurt shoulder colliding with the hard railing. " it's OK to be scared, we don't know what we'll be facing" why did he always know what you've been thinking about " and I can't say for sure that we'll be OK. But I'll do my best that everyone survives, and I know you'll do the same." he nudged you with his shoulder, he hurt himself, but made you smile in return.
You didn't even realize you let your head rest on his shoulder. There was just this comfortable silence between the two of you.
You should go back to work, but you just wanted to stay like that forever. That was selfish, you knew that. But wasn't that OK, being selfish once in a while. Hook didn't seem to mind, his mind was drifting away, you would give everything to look behind his mask.
His head was resting on top of yours now, and he began to humm a soft melody.
You felt free, your mind wasn't wandering around. Everything was perfectly calm.
You looked back in the sky, counting the stars, and birds. Birds, you shook up, disrupting Hook's thoughts.
"Birds" you said loudly.
"birds" he replied, while looking up, following their movements in the sky. You both knew that moment you shared was over. You looked down, of course you would be disappointed. And scared for what might come.
Hook, gave you his hand, and you took it, to stand up. You both growled in pain, but shared a small laugh once you were standing up. You looked around, there it was, it wasn't near, but you could see Neverland, on the horizon in front of you.
"I'll better head back" you waved your hand, earning a nod from him. Hook was back, whatever you shared was over. But you would relive that memorie over and over in your head.
Sitting back next to Samuel, giving him a sorry look. Rowing again, the last miles in front of you. You couldn't tell how long the crew has been going, but the sky was already forming colors again. The light would be winning against the darkness, of the night.
And a new day will come.
The sun was rising above the ship, as you came nearer and nearer to Neverland. You could taste the salty breeze of the ocean, while you rowed.
You were beneath the Jolly Ranger now, on one of the few rowing boats. The whole crew was leaving the ship, you wanted nothing more than to stay on board. But you weren't safer there anyway. So, you shared a boat with Hook and Samuel and a few other crew members.
You just wanted to be away, be non-existent in this bloody world of Pans. The fear took over you, your body began to tens up once more.
Hook laid his hand, comforting, down your thigh. You looked up at him, but his dejected look was leaning his way, to the island in front of you. You tried to focus on your breathing, calming your body and mind down.
There you were, standing on the ground again. After months out on the sea. Your legs wanted to shake with the rhythm of the water. You wanted to lay down. What would you give for a day at the beach, with no worries? Just you and Hook. You smiled at the thought, that would be nice. But too good to be true.
Now you were on that bloody island, you reached your destination. Just get the job done, and get back to the ship as fast as possible.
You had to wait for the rest, Hook wanted everyone together before splitting up the tasks, under the crew.
It would be faster that way, maybe a bit more dangerous. But on that island everything is, it wouldn't be a huge difference.
You were in a group of five, including Hook and you. You would feel even better with Samuel on your side, but he had a lot of practical experience, so he went with another group hunting.
You were in for fruit and vegetables if you were lucky. Something fresh to eat, would definitely be a good change.
You would have to go deeper into the forest, near the crocodile creek. You knew the island, you lived here for years. Not only that, but you buried all the long forgotten Lost Boys, in the woods. All the little boys Pan created to play, only ending up injured or worse. So much lives got lost, the pain and the screams you would never forget.
Slowly you went through the undiscovered paths. Away from the beach, leading you to the heart of the island. You crossed every one of your fingers, not to cross the road of a Lost Boy.
No one dared to say a thing, trying to walk as quietly as possible without blowing your cover. You went first, much to your disliking, but you knew it best. You signaled to stop, listening to the sounds of the forest.
There was nothing, not even a bird that was daring to make a sound.
You were walking straight into the trap, the Lost Boys are hunting, and you are the prey. You closed your eyes, focusing on your thoughts. Everyone has weapons, but the two of you were already injured. It wasn't looking good. But you had to get going.
So, you proceed to went on, without much hesitation. You would not go without a fight, neither would the others. Especially Hook and his big ego. We would show them a fair fight if they wanted to. But then Pan could bury even more of his playthings beneath the grounds of the forests.
That wouldn't stop him of course, he would just get more, create them under the favor of the island. As bad as it might be, it was worse under Pans dictatorship. You knew that now, you were smarter than years ago. You lost track of the time, pan stole you away from your life. "saved" you from yourself, as he'd like to say.
It was mercy in his eyes, you should be honored.
That pathetic little boy.
Hook tapped your shoulder with his blade. Getting you out of your thoughts. You were thankful of that.
You looked back at him.
His head coming near you, so he could whisper you in your ear.
" they are near, I can feel it." you nodded your head in agreement. "whatever will happen, don't wander off, you will stay by my side" another nod from you. Your cheeks growing hot, you looked down in embarrassment, avoiding his gaze, that was still staring at you. He went in front of you, leading the way.
You were thankfull for that, but your thoughts keep over flooding your mind.
The first fruits were in sight, you felt relieved. The crew trying to get as many as possible, from the tall trees above. You could already taste the fresh sweetness of fruits in your mouth. You were waiting beneath them, not trusting your abdomen to climb that high up. But you've been catching the fruits, trying to load as many as possible. Before heading to the next tree and the next.
You were getting watched, you could practically feel all the eyes staring at your back. Just because you couldn't see anyone, doesn't mean there aren't any. Maybe you were lucky and just the fairies would spy on you.
You had enough, a breath escaped your nose, that you didn't know you held. It was done, you would just have to head back to the boats. Not like that was easy, but you got what you needed.
You looked at Hook, showing him a genuine smile. He smirked back at you, once again leading the way back, to your destination. You were standing by the trees a second longer than anticipated, looking around for any signs of Pan. You could feel him looking at you in disgust and laughing with that ugly voice.
You caught up on Hook, with fast steps forward. You felt safer by his side, and much more calm.
So, there you were, the two of you leading the way through the maze of the jungle.
You leand onto his side
" something should happen, everything went too smoothly" you whispered in his ear. His long thick curls tickling your nose. He shortly peeked his eyes to you, before focusing on the patch once again. Nodding in agreement, not wanting to make much more sounds than necessary.
You could feel the sun on your skin, the trees are getting thinner. The end is near. You could feel the mood lightening, the stress falling from the minds and body's of the crew.
Samuel was waiting for you at the beach. Hook went to him for his report. You just tried to relax your body, sitting down at the beach, while the others got the fruits in the boats. You let your hands explore the sand, letting it go between your fingers. How long were you away? Time was something here that you would never understand, it was a whole mystery on its own. But then again, the entire island was.
Hook was looking at you, waiting for your consent. You nodded, smiling at him, while he was trying to make himself comfortable beside you.
" we will just wait for the others, a group is still missing" he waited for your reply, but you were lost in your thoughts, just nodding at him again.
" what are you thinking about, you haven't been yourself, until we left the ship" he taped at your arm, expecting an answer. His eyes felt heavy on you.
" are you real?" nothing more no explanation, that were the words that left your body
" you know?" he stopped, and you nodded again, not trusting your voice. " I think I am, but I can't be certain. I have memories from before, not many but a few. And I think that is something to hold on to" you let your back fell down in the sand, now laying there, looking up at the sky.
" are they?" you waved your hand along the crew
" I don't think so, most likely Pan created them, to have something to fight against, in his bloody game" he stopped, looking down in sadness
" I wish they were, I wish we could get out of that mess, but every time my path will lead me to that island, again and again. There is no escape... heaven knows I tried." He was exhausted, his mask fell, he was himself, and he showed his real emotions. He was hugging his legs, trying not to be overwhelmed by everything, that has happened.
"what can we do?" you were pushing your luck with all the questions, but you wanted answers. Hook grabbed your hand in his, bringing it near his head. And kissing them. Grabbing onto it, like his life depends on it.
“Die eventually” that was his answer, he didn't try to lighten your mood, he was honest with you, as depressing as it might be. You grabbed his hand even tighter, trying not to cry. You wouldn't lose your hope, even though Hook has long given up. He was just trying to survive for his non-existent crew.
The last group arrived, and gave Hook their report. You would just have to get back to the ship now.
The ride back was quiet, everyone was exhausted from the last days. Like they just wanted to stock up the storeroom, and finally lay down to have their earned rest.
The energy was running low, but there was still a lot to come.
Much to your disliking, Hook took it up to himself, to row the boat. That wasn't helping his shoulder, and from the looks of it, he felt the stinging coming from his wound.
At least, it wasn't far. You could see the ship from the beach, and the wooden ladder came into reach which every new row. You weren't the first to arrive, but not the last either, somewhere in the middle.
Others already got their supplies in the storage when you finally reached your destination.
You helped, getting fruits and the corpses of the dead animals, on board of the Jolly Ranger, before heading up on deck.
You reached for the end of the ladder, but your foot, slipped away from the wet wood.
Hook reached your arm, so you could be standing firm again, on the last rung of the ladder. You were breathing heavily, your chest felt like it would explode, while no air seemed to reach your lung.
Hook wrapped his hooked arm around your shoulder, while you were standing save on deck. His hook touching your chest, going up and down with the rhythm of your breathing.
"you OK ? " you shook your head in approval. " than don't do that again" his eyes felt heavy on you, but his smile showed a grin, like he thought it was funny.
There was still no wind in sight, the whole trip, not even one tree moved his foliage. Something is happening within the island.
The crew wouldn't have the energy left to, row yourselves out of here, not today. You would have to wait, until everyone could catch at least a few hours of sleep.
"the two of us, will be covering the night-shift, we had the most rest." you nod, of course. That would be the most logical thing, but you wouldn't say no to a nap either.
On the other side, some alone time with Hook was something to look forward to.
" sure thing, captain" you said mockingly, while freeing yourself out of his arm. Hook laughing from your comment, while you were walking to the others and spreading the news.
Samuel looked exhausted just like the others, and you could be sure you didn't look exactly pleasant as well.
Samuel raised his eyebrows knowingly"so it will be just the two of you? " he smirked, you hit his arm. He smiled at you " don't do something I wouldn't do" you rolled your eyes, throwing your hands in the air, and turning around.
It got dark again, and the crew got less and less on board. Slowly heading under deck, to enjoy a nice deserved sleep.
The nightfall began, the last colors fading away into the darkness. You sat yourself down, on an old empty water barrel. Looking up to the sky, counting the constellation of the stars.
" what are you looking at" you didn't hear him approaching this time, lost in your thoughts. He changed his clothes, in much less fancy ones, but still in his bright beautiful red. It's his color, you must admit. You took a few seconds staring at him, while he was looking at you, impatient.
" just the stars, nothing special" you said, excepting a mocking comment.
" they are special though, everyone is a sun full of planets around them" he looked up " they guide us, show us the way, in the shadows of the night." he sat himself down on the opposite of you. His head still looking up, like you did seconds before.
" not here, they will not lead us back where we belong" you ruined the moment, killed the mood with your comment. That you already regret while it was leaving your mouth.
" there you are right. But you don't want to go home, do you? It wasn't better, I heard what Pan said. Don't think I can forget that so easily." you looked down in shame, he was right. But you still wanted to get away, away from this nightmare. " and don't think I can't relate" you looked up again, curiosity shown in your face.
" I was his first, you know. I know what it feels like. I admired him, at some point, looked up to his work.
Pan made me the villain in his stories, the moment I had enough. Enough of burying all the little boys, that he grew tired of." Hook looked down in shame, just like you had seconds before him. So, he really knew what it feels like, he got you. The pain you went through, you threw your arms around his torso, holding him tight. You could feel his body tense up, before relaxing again. You laid your head comforting on top of his, trying to breathe in his rhythm.
He took your head between his hook and his hand. Slowly standing up, you looked him in the eyes, leaning your head in his hand. He bent down until he reached your high. And kissed you soft and slowly. You could feel the tears running down his cheeks.
It felt like the universe was exploding around you.
He broke it, catching his breath. You guided your hands to his eyes, whipping his tears away with your thumb. You smiled, taking his body in your arms, hugging him tight. Like you were scared, he would just fade away any second.
" I hope I didn't misinterpret anything" he laughed nervously, his voice cracking in the middle.
" no it was perfect thank you, Hook" you muffled in his shirt.
"call me James" his arms reached behind him. Like he was fiddling to get something.
" James... James." you tried it out, and you quite liked the sound of it. The name suits him perfectly. It sounds elegant just like him.
"I like you James, you are one mystery on your own," you admitted looking him in the eyes, smiling wide.
" I like you too, much more than I could ever admit" he got his hand free, showing a pistol.
Two shots, that's all it took. You couldn't reach out, react fast enough. You were lying on your back, your chest felt warm. You were bleeding out on deck of the Jolly Ranger. You could hear another shot, a body hitting the floor, before everything went quiet. Your body didn't hurt, it was his mercy you knew that, the thought shot in your mind the moment you saw the gun in his hand.
Your thoughts went blank and everything grew quiet.
You were finally free.
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justblades · 1 year
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⟢ CHARACTERS : dan heng, gepard, sampo, blade, jing yuan, luocha x gender neutral! reader
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— 's mind breaks whenever your face levels with him, straddling his lap as you lap his erection by rocking your hips. his lust imbued eyes struggle to choose where he should look at, but it always ends up locking a gaze with you, adoring your facial features.
"f-faster . ." his voice shakes as he catches his breath meanwhile your arms hooked around his neck struggle to keep themselves in place, fatigue gnawing at the both of your bones. "dan heng . . help me." you mumble and try to bounce on his dick faster and higher, earning you mewls of exhaustion and ecstasy at the same time from the male. dan heng's fingers then sink into your hips' skin, providing support for your body in order to catch the feeling of climaxing.
dan heng's face tells it all for you when he's nearing his orgasm, it's when his eyes squint into two crescent moons and lips parting open— lastly, his moans become a string of unending noises, letting it all out while he plants all of his seed into your walls. not to mention this position makes great use of little space, perfect for quickies or marathon sex sessions.
— isn't one to be dominant as he usually gets flustered in the midst of sexual sessions like this, eyes unable to focus so he tries to shift his gaze, feeling embarrassed of being bare naked in front of you. this is where you learned that he adores it when you're on top of him, riding his dick starting at a slow pace, eventually picking it up and building momentum.
for a captain, sure he has lots of stamina but how come he's panting so much whenever you're in control? one thing's for sure: he goes weak whenever you're dominating him. as you observe every single detail of his body language that signifies he's about to cum soon, you'll edge him and tease him more, delaying his climax which lead him becoming more sensitive than ever. that way, he'll cum loads more, satisfying your yearning when you lap him all in.
"do you like it this way?" you ask as you trace the depths of his naked chest, muscles flexing everytime he tries to thrust in you faster. naturally, his dick fills you to the brim that you couldn't help but let out a gasp of pleasure. "oh geppie . . eager to cum that badly?" he grits his teeth, blonde locks all disheveled from how much he's been shifting with his back laid on the bed's mattress. gepard nods in depravity, "well then." you affirm him, finally giving him what he wants as you intertwine your fingers with his.
— gave off the impression that he's vanilla in bed at first given how you're always in a missionary position whenever you two do it. but then, the sessions only leveled higher— he's making you lock your legs around his snatched waist as he gives you impactful thrusts, eventually leading to him hooking your legs on his shoulders, delving deeper in your walls.
the general smirks, golden eyes gleaming from how he can see so much of your face and body underneath him. concurrently, you were losing your mind's sanity, baffled from how such a basic position like this can feel immensely gratifying. not just that, but he adds pressure on your lower abdomen with his hands and placed a pillow on your lower back; making you feel more of him than before, and after that, he grinds on your hole while he's inside, stirring your insides. his techniques, his ways: even though a basic position to be in, it felt pleasuring.
"wait, please!" you protest but he heeds no attention to your pleading. he continues to ram in your entrance making such sloppy noises while his cock is already climaxing. as he pushes in and pulls out, his foreskin is already coated with his own cum— "shh. quiet down, you'll take all of it in obediently, right?" he coos as he presses a peck on your ear, making your body tingle from his feathering touches.
— is always clingy for the person he loves, therefore, he loves it when he's physically intimate with the person. he's always the big spoon and you're the small one; not for long until you realized the reason why. he goes berserk when he pounds into your hole in this position, spooning you with his muscular strength and pistoning into your hole simultaneously.
you could feel ticklish from the way his hot breath brushes past your nape, huffing every minute as he ravages your entrance. the bed creaks along with sampo's rhythmic movements, making loud noises to which you were certain the neighbors could hear already.
"i told you, we should've gotten a new bed frame first before this . ." you complain to the male, but his hand only travels to your chin and makes you face him. his lips eagerly come in contact with yours, salivas mixing that in due course, trickle all the way down to your bodies. sex with him felt lazy but hot at the same time, it required minimum efforts but it also drains all of your energy inside your body— gradually becoming shockwaves of pleasure as sampo's breathy moans chime into your ears. "let's do that after this."
— takes pleasure in any position as long as you're bending yourself over for him: usually doggystyle that becomes a prone bone when he's feeling greedy. the complete control he has on your body strokes his ego in a passionate way, so that he can do whatever he wants, like what you always tell him to. he'd lean down on your naked back and nibble on your shoulders, painting your skin with his bruises of ownership like it was a canvas of his own.
he usually grabs ahold of your wrist, forearms or hands, just so he can make you match his animalistic pace when it comes to his thrusts. although several minutes later your knees already start to go weak and give in, that's when he pushes you flat on the bed and forces your legs close, he was just getting started after all.
both his hands caressing the cheeks of your ass, he swiftly prods through your hole, now tight given the position that you're in. "ah— blade . . slow . . down, you're being so rough." you beseech, but your pleas are nothing but additional factor of pleasure for the male. his sneering smile grows wider as he pushes in further, letting out a guttural moan bubbling from his throat. "fuck . . you're so tight, when was i not?" he cusses and immediately incorporates immense force as he withdraws and rams back in, not letting your slutty hole rest at all. "blade . ." you sounded stupid calling his name repetitively, but he only chooses to leave hickeys on the nape of your neck as a response.
— has a penchant for sex whenever you do it while the both of you are standing up, towering over your stature. he starts it off with his gloved fingers on your chin, lolling you for a deep french kiss while he removes his erect cock from the confinements of his clothing. the blonde male swiftly strips you off your undergarment swiftly everytime and proceeds to rub his tip at your very entrance.
with your hefty leg draped around luocha's dominant arm and the other standing still for support, he slowly bucks his hips, slipping the tip in a teasing way. as he does this, he forces you to look up at him and show the face of perversion you've been making - deprived of feeling him all in. "what is it that you want?" he asks, honeyed voice resounding like a sweet alarm for your approaching mornings.
"i want you, i want all of it." you reply, eyes twinkling with even more lust than before and that's what he absolutely loves when you're in this position. it's your body getting weak from having to stand still despite his tease play and also to show him what your true nature is, being lewd when presented the opportunity. luocha watches carefully as he inserts all of his remaining length in, reveling at how your eyes roll far back once he fills you to the brim. "good, that's more like it."
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my masterlist !
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sant-riley · 11 months
Yeah but like what if one day Gaz walked into a room and saw Y/N FNAF lore dumping to Ghost
[Infodumping the boys]
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(Mostly Platonic tf141 x gen neutral! reader, hints at Ghost bc it’s me and I’m biased.)
Summary: Teddy aka You, decide to gather the gang and tell them about five nights at Freddy’s before the movie comes out.
Word count: 800 ish
Warnings: Possibly of for the boys (idrc tho lmao), Teddy is this readers callsign, reader is implied to be at least early 20’s, I can’t think of anything else tbh but lmk if this does need something tagged!
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It wasn't uncommon for you to infodump your teammates, they're all older than you and have significantly less screen time than you (it ties into being older). Most of the information you give them is something they take as fact, this is no different.
Gaz of all people knows your interests best, you two being the closest in age means you both realistically grew up with the internet and its most popular series.
The last thing he expected walking into one of the many meeting rooms on base, was you at the front of the room, your laptop hooked up to the projector and Price and Soap sitting down, dutifully listening with varying degrees of attention.
Price is to your left, staring down at mission documents that no doubt need to be turned in by tomorrow. A glass of some liquor next to his stack, a cigar box that's propped open right by it as well.
To anyone else, it would seem like Price isn't listening and he's just here to keep you from bothering him to come but Gaz can see the Captain's eye flick up every so often, his eyes softening when his gaze falls on yours, listening for a few beats, a miniscule upturn of his lips until he's looking back down again, grabbing a pen to make a correction.
Soap on the other hand is sitting next to Cap, a hand resting under his chin, the other flipping around a pen in his hands. He's nodding and asking questions as you flick through. Below him is a notebook that seems to have scribbled in it, if Gaz walked in further he could see little drawings of Monty Gator and Soap himself, a Venn diagram with a large red writing saying "Mohawk!!"
Ghost being there probably should be a shock but it isn't. The man is known to follow you around like a shadow, he humors you arguably the most out of the four men, letting you drag him to and from places with minimal complaint. He bets Ghost is gonna be the one to take you to the five nights at Freddys movie premiere.
Simon's dressed down to just his hoodie and his balaclava mask, attentively watching you as you speak passionately about each character and their role in the series. his dark eyes flicking around to stare at the drawings you inserted so everyone could see what the animatronics and others looked like.
You would've thought this was a mission debrief with how focused he was on your words.
Gaz lets out a fake cough, announcing himself to the room and he watches as your eyes immediately latch onto him, he ignores how his heart skips a beat when he sees the crinkles of your eyes, seeing you shoot a glowing smile his way.
You always look at him like that but he never tires of it.
"Gaz! Finally, you're here!"
Rushing over to him, you grab at his hand, quickly intertwining fingers, and start dragging him to the seat next to Ghost. He sits down with a huff, amusement swimming around his eyes. You move to go back to the front of the room, gleefully rocking on the balls of your feet as you look at them.
"What's all this about?" He questions, after getting nods in acknowledgment from the other 3 men in the room.
"Teddy here is tellin' us about five nights at…Frankies?"
"It's Freddy's, Johnny." You roll your eyes playfully.
"No shot you're making Ghost and Cap listen to this."
"I'm not making them do anything, they're here of their own free will, thank you very much." Sticking out your tongue, moving to click to the next slide.
"Is that true Cap?"
"It's background noise," John murmurs with a shrug, taking a swig out of his glass. He leans back in his seat, seemingly taking a momentary break as he looks around at the table.
"Got nothin' better else to do," Simon answers easily, looking at Gaz from the corner of his eye.
"You ain't gonna ask me, Garrick?"
"Nah, you of all people would enjoy it."
"What's tha-"
"Boys! Shut it! We're getting to the good part!" You clap your hands together and Soap immediately cuts himself off, looking back at you.
With all the boys' eyes on you, you clear your throat and push a button, there, from when Gaz remembers, is Michael Afton in all his purple nasty body glory.
"Fucks wrong with him? Why does he look like that?" Simon remarks, an eyebrow shooting up.
"I'm so glad you asked, you know actually the more I think about it, You and Michael actually have a lot in common.”
"How so?"
"Asshole dad, the oldest brother, daddy issues, I can keep going if you want."
Ghost just grunts in acknowledgment, raising a hand to his head and rubbing at his temples.
Price chokes on his liquor, coughing as it goes down the wrong pipe.
Soap audibly drops an "oh."
And Gaz just stares, truth be told, yeah. Yeah, he can see the resemblance.
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hoshiina · 3 months
pairing: hoshina soushirou x gn!reader (no prns)
request: Hii im the anon who ask for the wips and i saw the blurbs you have. IM VERY MUCH HOOKED with the third ones where hoshina loves reader's smile🥹 relating to that maybe i would like to add(if you want, but feel free to do seperate if you want) soft moments with hoshina x reader who felt like she being the most pessimistic person regarding love(not anti but just felt like she doesn't deserve it) so she is on denial when hoshina make a move on her
notes: reader is usually rather energetic, talkative reader, hoshina thinks you are "beautiful" at some point, TYSM FOR THE REQ!! sorry it took so long omg
wc: 1300
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Something was wrong— terribly wrong. There was no way someone would want you, let alone your vice-captain who could have anyone in the world. Not your vice-captain who did everything with such care and looked after everyone so preciously. And definitely never your vice-captain you were terribly in love with.
There must be some mistake. Or else he wouldn’t have just said what you thought he said.
“Pardon me?” you asked.
He looked a little flustered and you had never seen such an expression on him, confusing you further. “I love you,” he said again, softly. “I’d love to know if you’re in a relationship.”
The way he spoke so carefully added to how nervous it made you feel— it was so different from how he usually talked to you. Now, you were lost to say the least, because you couldn’t think of one reason why he would like you, let alone romantically. Under normal circumstances, you’d assume you were being played with or that this was a silly prank or dare, but you knew that Hoshina wasn’t one to do something so horrible. So what was happening?
“I am not…” you said, still confused, but the visible relief in his eyes made your heart tighten. Oh gosh, is he serious?
“I’m… thrilled,” he said, and he wished you goodnight and left. While you were terribly flustered to know he liked you back, there was a voice in your head that wouldn’t stop making you feel anxious. Something felt so odd to you— to be loved back. To be loved back by him. You enjoyed talking to people so you talked to him often, but never had you thought he'd think of you like that. Having a naturally talkative personality, it was true that both of you had fun talking to each other, but you had accepted that your love was unrequited ages ago. When would he have possibly fallen in love with you? The more you thought about it the more impossible it sounded. As thoughts of him circled your head, it’d be morning before you knew it.
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It'd be hard for him to point out exactly when he fell in love with you, because he was in love before he knew it. Before he knew it, he'd catch himself following you with his eyes. He adored watching you work, because you made everything look exciting. Of course, he saw how you groaned at the paperwork you had to do, but he'd see how the little things would put a smile on your face.
He liked the work he did, he liked all of it quite frankly. From neutralizing kaiju all the way down to the research he had to do— rarely did he think something was a chore to do, but if you were around to laugh at something silly he found or mutter about the binders and binders of files that the 3rd division just doesn't have space for anymore, he'd start looking forward to these moments.
While he knew you were like this with everyone, he hoped that you were happiest with him. It would mean everything to him if you looked forward to doing seemingly mundane work with him too.
However, while he loved so much about you, there was one moment specifically that made him realize he wasn't moving on. His heart would be yours forever at this rate. You'd look so horribly tired after all this work, and yet, if someone needed help with anything at all, you'd still smile and ask them what's wrong. You'd find the energy and speak to them so kindly. You might not have the energy you usually had, but you'd be so happy to help. Even if they couldn't tell how exhausted you were, he could. He knew how much you did for everyone in the division, and he thought you were stunning when you did so. You were the most beautiful when you had that lovely smile on your face that seemed to light up his world.
He loved you so dearly.
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You loved talking to people, so there always seemed to be something for you to talk about. A new finding you wanted to share or a terribly random thought that popped up in your head. While you naturally talked to most of the people in the division, you looked forward to talking to Hoshina the most. The way he'd always listen so intrigued at your dumbest thoughts and laugh at the smallest things you said meant more to you than one would probably think.
And if you shared your daily happenings with him, he'd share his with you too. To say you loved these moments would truly be an understatement. Nothing could possibly make you happier.
However, you knew he was like this with everyone. His laugh would always manage to keep the morale of the division up and he'd never miss potential problems in the condition of any of his officers. You knew he was a sweet person, but also the best one could ask for in a vice-captain. You weren't special— he was like this to everyone. You knew better than anyone else.
You couldn't imagine anyone falling for you, let alone the kindest person you'd ever meet in your life. Let alone the person you'd probably love for the rest of your life.
Yet, here you were, alone with him this afternoon working away through paperwork and it was quiet. Eerily quiet. He was the first to break the silence.
“I rather dislike the rain,” he said, looking out the window. “It’s been raining all day.”
You paused to look outside as well. “No, you’re right. I don’t mind the rain, but I hate how dark everything is.”
“Yeah,” he said. More silence.
“Sorry, I’m awkwardly nervous now,” he said, eyes fixed on his work. “I didn’t mean to make things… weird.”
You could tell he probably didn’t want you to, but you couldn’t help but look his way. Your eyes widened and your heart filled. You weren’t afraid to say much, but you were afraid to talk about this. However, you thought you’d be able to if you were talking to him.
“I just… can’t imagine that you’re… in love… with me,” you said, looking down at your paperwork. “Sounds too good to be true. I know... sounds unlike me, right?”
Immediately he looked up at you, shocked to say the least. You could tell he probably wanted to ask why, but he thought for a moment more.
“What… would I be able to do to show that I am?” he asked. “You’re the one I love… you always will be.”
Your eyes widened. “I just… don’t know why,” you said honestly. “Why me?”
“Because I love you,” he said. “I love a whole lot about you, but I love being with you. I enjoy spending time with you and watching you enjoy the life around you. Is that too simple?”
It took you a second to reply, but you felt a lot better. “No, not at all,” you said. “Because I feel exactly the same way.”
“You’re kidding”
“Absolutely not”
“I’m going to kill you if you’re lying,” he said.
That made you laugh. “You know I wouldn’t,” you said, and yes, he knew you wouldn’t.
“Hey, Hoshina,” you said, avoiding eye-contact. “If I get worried… will you tell me again?”
“I’d tell you until you get sick of my voice,” he said while getting up to kiss your forehead. “I love you so much.”
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
The Private (not) Thoughts of a Moray Chapter 4: This thing called love, I just can’t handle it
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Gender Neutral Reader x Jade Leech
Chapter 4 preview:
Jade! I’m so happy to see you! You look wonderful today. I mean you always look wonderful, so handsome! Oh, you look so cool as a human, not that you don’t look cool as an eelmer, but you’re always so cool and handsome and I just love you so much! I love, love, lovelovelovelove— Oh…  Jade (unfortunately) was looking back at you, thoughts of affection ramming through his head.  Darling! You’re so cute! You look so ethereal under the lights of Octavinelle, the blue reflects wonderfully in your eyes. You always look so angelic, though, but especially now that the color of the sea can act as a scenic environment for your presence. Oh, I love you~ I love you, I love you, I love you— Between the two’s thoughts fighting for space in your cramped mind, and you’re pretty sure you could feel a migraine coming on. 
[wc} - 8,150
[notes] - *crab raves* finally, struggled with it but it's out. i got done kinda setting up the characters and their dynamics so chapters should have an easier time getting out
back to chapter list
Chapter 4: This thing called love? I just can’t handle it
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The liquid in your cat shaped mug (courtesy of Cater) slowly turned from a light purple back to a soft creamy brown as a few drops from your small vial of mauve liquid dripped into your drink.
One, two, and that’s three drops for me and for Grim…
Placing the vial back in your pocket, you set Grim’s own morning drink, a small cup of hot cocoa with the tiniest of marshmallows, to the side. The barely rising sun indicated it was just before 6 in the morning, so Grim, and most of the dorm was still asleep. 
You settled in on the nook of the windowsill facing the entrance of the dorm. From here, you could see the Hall of Mirrors, Sam’s shop, and the alchemy building. 
A loud yawn startled you as James entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and blinking at you owlishly. 
“Good morning James.” You said softly, waving. James mumbled what you assume was a ‘good morn’ back as he opened 
Frustrated grunts and growls emanated from James as he wrestled the, evidently well sealed, package of cereal. You think it was this world’s version of Captain Crunch, the image of a well-dressed pirate in red with a gleaming hook and mischievous grin staring back at you across the kitchen table. 
“Damn this—why do they make these things so hard to open!?” James hissed, throwing the colorful cardboard box across the room, nearly hitting a sleepy Tony in the face.
“Ack! Ayo?” Tony rapidly looked back and forth between the offending material and James, who was now yanking at the plastic bag of cereal with his teeth. Growling, he used his canines to rip the bag apart so that he could finally have a core part of a valuable, healthy breakfast. 
He was failing miserably. 
“Can you watch it? I’m walkin’ here—are you fightin’ a bag of cereal?” Tony asked incredulously. 
Taking a pause, James looked up, bag still in mouth, and gave a muffled “Yesh.”
“…and losin’?”
“…” Flushing, James let go of the bag and responded, “It’s my favorite.”
He yelped as one of the other freshmen walked past him and flicked his forehead. 
“Hey, what gives Yakub?”
Yabuk, one of the Scarabia students in your care, shoved James aside with his broad shoulders and tall frame, as he began to take out items from the small pantry in the corner. You weren’t sure what Yabuk was, you think either a beastman or fae based on the slight point in his ears and the way his bright red hair was ever so slightly feathery. 
In fact, you're pretty sure that it was actually feathers, the plumy hairline starting from the peak between his eyebrows and turning into a prominent widow’s peak. His hair, which was undercut and slicked up like a parrot, was quite striking against his dark brown skin and sharp yellow eyes. 
Framing his narrow face were a pair of red macaw feather earrings, which you think might’ve been plucked from his own head, as the blue and green ombre matched that on the tips of his hair/feathers. 
Yabuk sighed, deciding to turn and address James, who was back to gnawing at the bag. 
“How about this, how about you fight the rest of the cereal by yourself, and I’ll courageously make pancakes for those of us who want a little warmth in our mornings.”
James sneered at him, deciding that the best course of action was to vigorously shake his head in order to tear the bag open. He succeeded, after the bag split down the middle and spilled half of the yellow, red, and blue contents on the floors, where it would no doubt be vacuumed by the never-ending ravenous Grim. 
You lifted a hand to cover your mouth in an effort to hide the fact that you were seconds away from laughing your head off. 
James dejectedly poured himself a bowl of cereal, careful to not spill the rest of it. Deciding to be helpful, you walked over from your nook in the corner, surprised no one had yet noticed you. 
“Here, I’ll get the broom—”
“GWAH!” James shrieked at your “sudden” appearance. You wonder if it was just early morning fatigue that made him forget you were there, or if he genuinely didn’t process you sitting at the windowsill. 
“H-housewarden—I mean Prefect—I mean (Name)—” The poor man yelped as he knocked his bowl off the counter with his elbow. 
Yabuk, also squawking in surprise, managed to catch the bowl before it fell on the ground, wincing at the cold milk dripping down the slides onto his hand. 
“Hah—got it.” Clearing his throat, Yabuk gave you a nod. “Good morning, Housewarden (Name), would you like a pancake?”
You too had been reaching for the bowl, bent over in an awkward position between Yabuk and James (who was internally screeching at the proximity between you two). 
“Ah, it’s fine, thank you, Yabuk.” You stood back, slightly puffing your chest out as you stretched your back, sighing in relief at your upper spine popping. 
“I have to go in here soon anyways, I’ll be out of the dorm for most of today.” 
Tony, who had poured himself a cup of coffee from the still warm pot you’d brewed earlier, piped up, “Oh yeah, ain’t we ‘upposed ta be going over to Octavinelle in halfa-hour?”
You winced and nodded. “Yep…that’s right.” 
Going over to the dragon’s lair. Or would it be the eel’s lair? Octopus’s lair technically…
“Ah yes! I’ve been ready to head back to our actual dorm for sometime now!” You jumped, noticing that Aspen had been watching your interaction from the doorway for who knows how long. 
Aspen gave a closed mouth smile, tilting his head. Can’t even be bothered to wake up early in the morning? Pathetic.
You raised your brow at that, deciding to return his smile with a polite one of your own as you greeted him, “Good morning Aspen, yes I’m aware—”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t keep us waiting, Prefect.” You didn’t miss the way he nearly hissed your nickname as he walked over to Tony and swiped his cup. 
“Hey! That was mine—”
“Ah, well, I’m sure you didn’t mean to do so on purpose.” Ignoring Tony’s grabby hands, he continued, “After all, being a magicless human for so long, and just becoming a housewarden so recently, I’m sure you’re still trying to manage everything.”
He made a face as he sipped from the cup, disgusted, most likely from the quality of your 2 thaumark grounds from Sam’s. Aspen decided to hand back the coffee to a pouting Tony, who was giving his friend the side-eye. 
“I have to wait on you anyways,” He sighed, turning around to head to the common area. “I’ll be in the living room, once you’re ready!”
He ended his sentence in a sing-songy tone, waving over his shoulder. You sighed, the 9 hours of sleep slipping away into exhaustion rather than rest, as you finished your now cooled coffee in just a few gulps. 
Myah! What’s this guy’s problem? Did someone steal his tuna? I bet it was Wynfred. Definitely Wynfred.  
Grim trotted on all fours to you, using the island barstool as leverage to jump onto your shoulder and affectionately smash his cheek into yours. 
“Mornin’ Henchman! Why did you leave the bed so early?” Grim pouted, hanging off of your shoulder as he winced at the sight of the hot cocoa you’d prepared. 
Mrrah, I don’t like the lavender taste! Grim grumbled in his head, taking the small mug with his paws and downing the now lukewarm drink like a child with a cup of bitter cough syrup. Next time, I get to choose the taste, sashimi-flavored, hehe!
You sighed, grimacing at the thought of a tuna flavored coffee syrup, “We gotta go to meet with Azul, remember?”
“Nooo!” Grim whined, fiddling with his mug. You tsked as cocoa spilled over. “I still don’t trust that shifty octopus, I still have nightmares of waking up with an anemone on my head again.”
Grim was still whining as he finished off the cocoa at your insistence. You yourself also finished your drink, placing both cups in the sink. A Heartslabyul student rushed over to clean them for you, muttering something about Riddle warning them to be helpful. 
Please tell him I’m good, I don’t want to get collared my first week like that freshman last year.
You withheld a snort, biting the inside of your cheek instead. You leaned down to whisper, “Thanks, I’ll tell Riddle that you’re doing a good job.” to the student, smiling at his beaming face. 
“Grim, let’s surprise everyone with our dorm uniforms today!” Grim whooped and jumped back down from your shoulder to climb up the stairs. He’d been so excited that you two had gotten proper uniforms, as he claimed that it was time everyone started taking him seriously as a mage. 
Once again, the ghosts had taken liberty to create your dorm uniform. Eliza had given them some of her old dresses from when she was alive as an apology for taking over your dorm. They’d decided to take those, as well as some of their own clothes to get you all dressed up. Your dorm uniform was relatively simple, compared to the other’s, but was comfortable. 
They’d given you two versions, noticing your affinity for both skirts and pants. Your top was made with a striped cream button-up blouse adorned with a silver collar chain sporting two mauve crystal ball pins. The top was accompanied by a dark blue cloak, reminiscent of the ghosts’ own capes. Of the two outfit variants, they had managed to find a dark gray and blue, front corset dress from Eliza’s collection. She had suggested to Bernard that you wear it over the blouse along with dark tights and her old, brown chunky-sole loafer shoes with the dress. 
The other outfit was recommended by Albert, who claimed he was rather fashionable while alive (Earnest gawked at that, so you’re not sure how true that claim was). This one had a vest, the same color as the cloak, with dark gray, high-waisted pants decorated with silver buttons along the waistband and pockets. You wore the same shoes as with the previous outfit, as they were in surprisingly good condition despite their age. 
Eliza must have taken really good care of her stuff before and after she passed. I hope she and Puffy are happily married in the afterlife. Maybe they’ll visit again…without the whole suitor stuff, though. 
You hummed as you decided to put on the dress version of the outfit. It was obvious that the clothes were older, time and dust took a toll on them, but you had to admit it was nice having a dorm uniform. Plus, the age of your clothes matched the appearance of a now fixed, but still full of character Ramshackle. Like an old Victorian ghost still trapped in their home. 
“Henchhuman! Help me with this cloak thing!” Grim was grumbling as he had trouble tying the bow of his own mini-cloak. He really looked like a mini-version of the ghosts, he just needed a hat! 
“Coming, coming!” You crouched down to help him, humming. “There we go. You look great, Grim!”
Hmph! Of course, I do! You don’t look bad yourself, henchhuman. 
Grim grinned as he jumped up to your shoulder, watching as you grabbed the hair pin with the Ramshackle crest and clipped your hair back. 
“We look like the real deal! Finally, gonna get some respect here, mehehe!” 
You and Grim shared a soft laugh as you pressed your foreheads together. The two of you rushed down the stairs, Grim gripping your shoulder so as to not fall off. Aspen and Tony were dressed in their school uniforms. Though, you noticed, Tony’s uniform was more hastily put together, vest and jacket unbuttoned and the tie messily put together. 
Aspen, who was prim and properly dressed, fussed over Tony’s appearance before noticing you and slamming his hands back to his sides. 
“Hello Prefect, took your time to look nice I see” Trying to impress? I still don’t see the appeal. “May we leave now? I’d like to actually be on time.”
Tony shoved an elbow into Aspen’s stomach, the latter smacking the former’s arm in retaliation as they shared a look. 
“Um, yeah. Follow me.” You gestured as you passed by Wynfred by the front door, who was currently trying to yank something out of Silas’s hands. 
“Give that to me—Oh! Prefect!” Wynfred happily greeted you as he managed to take the item from Silas’s hands and shove it in his pocket. “Off to Octavinelle? Will you be coming back for us Pomefiore students?” 
You nodded and replied, “Yes, but probably in the evening since I’ll have to do Scarabia and Heartslabyul first. Grim and I will both be out all day…”
Humming, you narrowed your eyes at Wynfred and listened to his thoughts. 
How nice, my club meeting was canceled today, so I’m bored. Maybe I’ll just watch everyone and see what they get up to.
“Hmm, hey Wynfred?” The redhead perked at the mention of his name. 
“Can you do me a favor? Watch over Ramshackle and make sure no one gets into any trouble or anything like that. I have a chore board for tasks that Grim and I normally do around the dorm and school, but…”
You gestured to Aspen and Tony, the former looking and thinking about the inconvenience of stopping. 
“Well, we’re pretty busy now, so it would be a great help if—oh!”
Wynfred grabbed onto your hands, eyes dazzling and shimmering with glee. He yanked you close to him until your noses were nearly pressing together as he started yammering. 
“Of course I’ll be in charge! Oh, I’m so flattered that you’d ask me of that. You know I’m an exceptional leader of my coven, and I was back home as well, so you can depend on me! I’ll make sure everything is in tip-top shape, don't worry bout a thing! Off you go now!”
Wynfred gently pushed you out the front door, Aspen and Tony following, as he turned to start calling out to the remaining freshmen. 
“Alright! Housewarden (Name) put me in charge, so listen up!”
Geez, I hope this isn’t going to bite me in the butt later.  
The walk to the mirrors was short and quiet, on your end at least. A few steps behind you, Aspen and Tony trailed along, softly conversing between themselves. Based on their thoughts, you think they were arguing about something, or someone.
Gah! You’re more jealous than the nereids!
Tony’s voice rang through your head as you turned your head to look back at the duo, who was now muttering angrily at Aspen. The latter looked almost pouty, looking at the ground as he hissed back something to his friend. The image was actually pretty funny, with the near 1-foot difference between them, Aspen had to lean down fairly drastically to whisper with Tony. 
Gods, you’re so annoying, like a suckerfish, just take my side!
Tony, on the other hand, craned his neck up to reach Aspen’s ear, and kept darting his head into his friend’s eyesight every time Aspen looked away to pout further. 
Blah, blah, blah, jealous my ass, maybe I just don’t like them!
“It’s too early for them to be this loud, henchhuman! Make them stop!” Grim whined from his place in your arms, glaring at the pair over your shoulders. You cradled him as he sleepily rested his little chin on the crook of your neck.
“Let them be, they’re not that loud, be honest.” as you said that, you decided to turn your head to look back at the freshmen. 
Aspen locked eyes with you as he looked up at the same time you did, narrowing them as you turned back forward. You could still feel his stare burn into your back as the four of you turned the corner to the Hall of Mirrors. 
YOU! You’re nothing special, just a stupid human. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you, IhateyouIhateyouIhateyouIhatehatehatehatehatehate—
You abruptly turned around as you arrived in front of the Octavinelle mirror, disrupting Aspen’s little chant of loathing, to address the pair. 
“Before we enter, a few things!” You smiled at the pair, listing out your tasks with your free hand as you spoke. 
“First, I need to meet with Azul myself to work out the schedule for you and your two other dormmates. I believe you’ll get fitted into your dorm uniforms with your vice while I do. Second, you’ll get trained for the working lounge while I go meet with Heartslaybul’s housewarden-”
Grim jumped from your arms to place his paws on his hips and continue your sentence confidently. 
“The Great Grim will come get you after your training since my henchhuman will have to move on immediately to the other dorms, so you better do what I say-” 
“Wait, is the cat actually our vice housewarden?” Tony asked with a deadpan expression. “I thought that was a joke.”
“Hey! How dare you mock the greatest mage of all time? Bow down and beg for forgiveness—mmpphh!”
You quickly snatched Grim up and covered his mouth as you gave a tight smile. 
“Third, once you're back at the dorm, please make sure the Heartslabyul students all leave with Grim, and let the Scarabia students know that they’ll be next. Afterward, you can do what you want as long as you're back to the Ramshackle lounge by 5:30! Any questions?”
You could see the metaphorical roll of Aspen’s eyes as he thought, No-
“Yeah!” Tony raised his hand up, akin to an eager kindergartener in his favorite class, as he asked, “Is Jade gonna be meetin’ us at the Mostro Lounge or somethin’? He’s usually off hikin’ in the mornin’.” 
Yep, just as I intended. Thank god he’s consistent at least, same as last year.
You let out a sigh of relief at that, making Aspen and Tony share a look. Though, they seemed to think your sigh was for a different reason. 
Hmpf. “Disappointed, are we?” Aspen grumbled, hissing as Tony jabbed an elbow in his ribs in response. 
Tony chuckled, “Aw, don’t worry Prefect, don’t be sad, I’m sure he’ll be back soon! You can say hi to him then!” Ain’t that cute, Jade sure knows how to pick ‘em. 
“W-what?” You furrowed your brows in confusion, noting that both of their faces matched your expression. Your grasp on Grim’s squirming body had weakened enough for him to slip out and climb up your arm to sit on your shoulder. 
“Why would they be disappointed?” Grim questioned, “Jade’s too scary for my henchhuman to be hanging around!”
“Grim! Be nice! No, it’s not that, I just hardly know him.” you hurriedly clarified as Aspen’s face turned to one of elation and Tony’s of disbelief.
Thank. The. Fucking. Sea Witch.
No fucking way?!
“Whaddya mean ya hardly know him? All summer, he’s been-ow!” Tony yelped as Aspen pinched his side, glaring at him as he instead turned to give you a smile. 
“What he means to say is: you’ve been a hot topic all summer, Jade speaks…highly,” Aspen’s face soured as he said that. “Of you, so we assumed you were rather close, is that not the case?”
Grim snorted as his thoughts spoke to you. Yeah, I bet he wished he was reeeeal close to ya, huh (Name)?
You let out a nervous laugh as you stammered out, “No, uh, we’re not close at all. Now come on.”
Gesturing to the pair to follow you into the mirror, your vision was blinded by the light of the mirror. Its lavender shimmering morphed into the underwater dorm, a bubble developing around your small group once you’d made it far enough in. The tranquil ocean that Octavinelle resided in never ceased to enchant you, with the soft bluish gray seabed and the light purple reefs, not to mention the clear glass walls of the actual dorm building itself, built right into the lavender reefs. 
Despite it being so early in the morning, you could see a numerous number of students running through the halls of the dormitory from the aquarium walls. Peeking behind you, you smiled at Aspen and Tony’s faces of delight, the latter pressing against the bubble until his face was smooshed against it, grinning like a madman.
“Yooooo, this looks sick! Aspy, look at all the reefs!” 
“Aspy?” Grim asked while you hid your smile behind your hand. Aspen’s cheeks turned a light purple as he kicked the back of Tony’s knee. 
I thought I told him not to call me that here!
“It’s a childhood nickname…” Aspen trailed off, his eyes lighting up as the Mostro Lounge entrance came into view. “Woah…it really is in the skeleton of an ancient whale.”
You tilted your head at the two as you asked, “Is this your first time in your dorm? You guys didn’t get to see it after orientation?”
Tony shook his head. “Nah, when we found that we’re crowded, we’re sent over to ya right awayyyYYYEEH-”
The bubble, once past the magical barrier separating the water from the café entrance, popped, causing you, Grim, and Aspen to land on your feet just fine, if a bit unbalanced. Tony, who’d been leaning down farther and farther against the bubble, fell face-first into the ground. 
Aspen chuckled in response, looking back at you with pursed lips. So if you hardly know him…then why…
“So back to what I was saying earlier…what’s the nature of your relationship to Azul and the twins then? They, Jade especially, spoke of you quite often.”
The thought of a love struck Jade talking off Floyd and Azul’s ears all summer with the same level of intensity that his thoughts betrayed made a strange feeling pit in your stomach. 
Ugh, maybe I’m getting sick. I think…
“Like what Grim was saying, I don’t really know Jade outside of class or even Floyd. Actually, I’m closer to Azul though…we’ve been through…a lot together last year. Plus, we hung out over the summer!” 
Aspen nodded, grunting as Tony used his arm to yank himself back up.
“Right…you and the other overblot students had to meet with Crowley, right?” 
You perked up in surprise, as did Grim, who whipped his head around to Aspen and growled.
“Some random freshman ain’t supposed to know that. Have you been snoopin’ around? I’ll cast a whole spell of hurt at cha if ya have!”
“Grim!” You growled, gaze strict, at your familiar as the fire in his ears grew in his growing ire. “Behave yourself. He's right, though, Aspen? Please explain.”
Aspen tensed while Tony abruptly explained, “Our families are…tight-knit! They all do business—”
“Heh, you mean ‘business’?” Grim air-quoted as he scoffed. 
“We do business together. When the headmaster told his parents, they told ours, so we learned pretty soon after it happened.”
Aspen, quick to agree, nodded along. “Yes! We all…grew up together?” 
You squint your eyes at the pair, hoping that your, admittedly halfhearted, glare would provoke one of them to either blurt out a further explanation, or their thoughts would betray something. 
Instead, a synchronized screech was echoing through both of their heads. You took a long, deep breath, and sighed heavily. 
“I’ll ask your housewarden about it later instead, how about that?” With a cheeky smile, you turned back around briskly walking to the host stand of the Mostro Lounge as Aspen and Tony  quickly followed after, resuming their earlier bickering.
Looking over your shoulder, you smiled again, softer this time, at the two. The way they bantered, brushed and shoved each other with their shoulders, reminded you of your own favorite duo.
I’ll have to make sure I say hi to my boys before I see Riddle.
Aspen eyes met yours, widening slightly as a soft lilac blush formed on his cheeks. He looked to the side instead, huffing in his head.
What are you smiling at, stupid human. Turn back around and…huh?
Still smiling, you turned to see what had taken Aspen’s attention, before running face-first into someone’s chest. You and the very tall stranger tumbled a bit before they grabbed your shoulders to help steady you, grasping you gently like you were a precious stone. 
“Oof! Sorry, I—”
“It’s quite alright, Prefect.” My pearl~ “Perhaps you should pay more attention, you might bump into someone less savory, fuhuhu!”
“EEK!” You rapidly jumped back, Grim falling off your shoulder with an ‘oomph’ as your back smacked into Aspen and Tony. “Jade! I thought you were hiking! You usually do on Saturdays.”
Jade, his tall frame now in full view, smiled as he leaned down to tower over you. “Oh? I hadn’t realized that you’ve memorized my schedule.” 
Aaaah! Did you want to make sure we’d bump into each other, too? My sweet, you can ask for my time any day of the week!
“NO!” The volume of your yelp made everyone jump as you turned a deep pink. You laughed nervously, waving your hands rapidly. 
“Ahaha! No, I just remember from last year that you’d be out by the woods near Ramshackle! I figured you’d keep up the same routine.”
Oh, of course. Still, I’m so happy they remember, my darling pearl! I love you~
“I see,” Jade closed his eyes as he continued smiling, chuckling, “I usually would, but today I decided to make an exception.”
You heard Tony mumble under his breath, “Gee, wonder why.” Aspen shoved an elbow into Tony’s ribs, shushing at his friend before smiling shyly at Jade, a small lilac blush on his cheeks. 
“Hi Jade,” Aspen waved, voice soft and almost meek. 
Jade! I’m so happy to see you! You look wonderful today. I mean you always look wonderful, so handsome! Oh, you look so cool as a human, not that you don’t look cool as an eelmer, but you’re always so cool and handsome and I just love you so much! I love, love, lovelovelovelove—
“Hello Aspen. Tony. It’s wonderful to see you again so soon,” Jade’s attention shifted to the two momentarily. “It’s like we never left home.”
He (unfortunately) was looking back at you, thoughts of affection ramming through his head. 
Darling! You’re so cute! You look so ethereal under the lights of Octavinelle, the blue reflects wonderfully in your eyes. You always look so angelic, though, but especially now that the color of the sea can act as a scenic environment for your presence. Oh, I love you~ I love you, I love you, I love you—
Between the two’s thoughts fighting for space in your cramped mind, and you’re pretty sure you could feel a migraine coming on. 
“Ugh, my head.” You rubbed your temples as Grim climbed back up on your shoulders, hanging himself off you. 
“Ya good, Prefect?” Tony asked. His voice sounded concerned. 
“Yeah, um, are you going to be training the two while I meet with Azul?” 
Jade’s smile grew as he leaned down, just slightly, to meet your eyes. 
“Floyd will be training them, and you’ll be meeting with me instead.”
What! Nooooo! Not Floyd, he still pinches my cheeks…
Aspen seemed upset, both internally and visibly, as his face soured. Tony, on the other hand, brightened and pumped his fist. 
“Yes! Floyd, my boy!” 
Jade chuckled and reached over to ruffle Tony’s head. “Do try and stay out of trouble, for poor Aspen’s sake. I’ll be too busy with our dear Prefect to keep an eye on the three of you.”
“Oh, yes.” Aspen drawled, “Our ‘dear Prefect’ will need all the assistance they can get. Did you know, they didn’t even realize that they had to sign off on their students’ club registrations? Our paperwork was barely submitted to the guidance mage yesterday!”
Hmph, I still don’t see the appeal in them. They’re such a clumsy human. Barely a housewarden. You can do so much better, Jade!
Ooooooh. That makes more sense now…wait, NO.
“Are you sure that I’m not meeting with Azul?” You laughed nervously, the panic setting in. “I double-checked with him yesterday, he said that we were still set!”
“Something came up.” Jade explained. The image of Azul’s bedroom door with a broken lock, door shaking as Azul’s muffled voice shouted through the wooden door, entered your brain. 
You raised a brow and slowly replied, “Oh. Should we go check, or?”
“Nope. If you’ll please follow me, I will drop off our newest employees with Floyd.” Jade turned, looking over his shoulder. “You and I will have our meeting in the VIP Room.”
You cringed, a shiver going up your spine as you gave Jade a tight smile, gritting out, “Greeeeat. Cool. That’s fine. Yep.”
Jade is either oblivious or maliciously ignorant to your distress as he guides the small group to the dining room. As you approached, you could hear the bickering of familiar voices, one angrier than the others. 
Near the bar was an irate Azul, arguing with a bored looking Floyd. Based on what you could hear, Azul was asking Floyd about why his bedroom lock was jerry-rigged to lock him instead. 
“IDK Azul, I didn’t do it, wasn’t feeling up to anything like that today.” Floyd whined, flopping his head around before looking over to your group’s direction. He perked up as he noticed you, more specifically, noticed Tony. 
Tony ran up to the taller man, dodging his attempts to grab him and ruffle his hair. The two played a small game of chase as Azul came up to you with a pleasant smile. 
“(Name)! Welcome back, I see you’ve taken on the role of housewarden quite well.” Azul nodded his head at you in greeting, directing his gaze to a stiff Aspen as he continued, “None of my students are giving you any trouble, I hope?”
You had the theory that his question wasn’t really for you, as he eyed Aspen up and down. His thoughts confirmed it, though. 
Aspy, you better have not been a pain, I know how you can be. 
Said individual was pointedly staring at one of the aquarium walls, pretending to be enthralled with the reefs and fish. 
Why do you even care, it’s not like they’re an actual mage. Just, stop staring… Please…
“Yeah, they’ve all been great, don’t worry about it.” You answered, smiling as you noticed the freshman relax. 
Yeah, I’ve been great! Hmph! Take that Zully!
Zully? Huh.
Azul smiled back, shifting his weight on his cane. “Good, I’m glad to hear. I apologize for not coming to greet you myself, it seems that someone—”
He directed a glare to Jade, who was still standing next to you with a small smile.
“—tried to lock me in my room, you wouldn’t happen to know who that was, would you Jade?”
“No, I can’t imagine who would do such a thing.” Damn, I should’ve added a spell too. I was in a rush to get to them first. “Would you like me to investigate?” 
“WoULd yOu LiKE mE TO INvesTIgATe” Oh shut up Jade, I bet it was you. 
“Yes please, that would be quite helpful, thank you, Jade.” Azul gestured for you to follow him. “Shall we?”
“Oh, we’re meeting, right cool, yes!” You sighed in relief as you rushed away from Jade to Azul’s side. “Just us right?”
“Us and Jade.” You screamed internally. “He’s in charge of the schedules, training, and position placements, so he’ll have to be involved.”
Aaah, at least we’ll be together in the same room again. I wonder if you’ll get flustered if I sit too close? Maybe I can get Azul to step out so we can be on our own…
Jade tapped you against Azul’s desk, hands reaching down to caress your thighs, before trailing down and making you wrap your legs around his waist. Your dress was unlaced and shirt unbuttoned to reveal your chest and neck, covered in hickies and bite marks.  Your hands were running through Jade’s hair tenderly, holding him close as you shared a deep kiss.  “Mmm~ Jade! Hurry, we’re gonna get caught if we—AH!” You yelped as Jade reached under your dress to tear a hole into your tights for easier access. Jade shushed you with another kiss, swallowing a loud moan as his hand worked you.  “We’ll get caught if you don’t stay quiet, unless you want to get caught~ Is that what you want? For everyone to know that you’re mine? For everyone to know that the one making you cry out in pleasure is me?”
Your face was rapidly turning red as you tripped over your feet, stumbling as Azul and Jade both reached out to catch you. Instead, you straightened and rushed out of their grasp, looking at Grim with a strained smile. 
It’s just for a bit. You can deal with Jade for a bit. 
“Okay! Grim, please go take care of the Scarabia students, and tell Kalim and Jamil I said hi. I’ll see you later!” 
Hmm? Oh yeah. “Got it! Hehe, I got a whole group of henchhumans to be in charge of now!”
Grim ran off, happy and in blissful ignorance, as you turned to address Azul, “I just remembered, I will have to go to Diasomnia today as well, so I can’t stay for long.”
Azul raised a brow, humming, “Is that so? I thought you didn’t have any Diasomnia students on your roster.”
“They don’t.” Jade answered, fond thoughts bouncing around his brain as he watched you walk. 
“I believe they should only have ours, Heartslabyul, and Pomefiore’s freshmen. I’m surprised that you also have Scarabia students, Prefect.”
Are you stressed? Are all the students too much? I can help! Ask me for help and I’ll make sure you’re never bothered by your freshmen again! 
You huffed at the suggestion, replying, “Jamil let them take residence with me to have a bit of extra space, since they were getting close to being overcrowded. Silver didn’t want to burden me with more. That’s all.”
“How kind of him, though I have to wonder if it was really a decision all his own, or if a certain prince asked~” Azul let out a musical laugh, smirking at your glare. 
“Tsk, please.” You opened your mouth to refute Azul, pausing as you felt a dark, angry presence from behind you. 
Hmph, as if they’d need assistance from him! He’s off in Briar Valley while I’m the one here with you, he’s hardly reliable. I don’t like what you’re implying Azul, did something happen between them over the summer that you’re not telling me?! Do I have to ask your mother for your baby pictures?
Slow blinking, you kept your gaze straight ahead, Azul’s words becoming gibberish as Jade continued ranting in his head. He was becoming increasingly more annoyed at the thought of you interacting with Malleus over the summer. 
I’m willing to bet that you would’ve enjoyed visiting the Coral Sea instead, hm?
Huh? Seriously?
I hear it’s dreary in Briar Valley, I think the warm waters of the Rosarian reefs would’ve suited your disposition much better! 
It’s not dreary, only a bit… you’re one to talk, don’t you live in the cold deep sea? That’s probably drearier than anything else, you can’t even see anything!
I would’ve shown you the perfect sightseeing location at Atlantia! I’m willing to bet my terrariums that he would’ve taken you to see gargoyles.
So? I find them quite delightful, you know?
“Prefect? Is your head in the clouds?” Azul lightly tapped your forehead as he stopped in front of his office. “You seem a bit out of it. Tired?”
“Uh.” You shook your head and stuttered, “No, just lost in thought, let’s get started.”
Azul opened the door to his office, gesturing for you to enter first, as he and Jade quickly followed after. Surprisingly, the whole ordeal was rather smooth sailing, if Jade’s constant barrage of what you could only describe as internal love bombing.
Azul had brought out 5 student files, one for each student in your care and gave you the copies of their information. Class and club schedules, student ID numbers, and lots of information about their school before NRC. Interestingly enough, Aspen and Tony’s files were... sparse, with only their student information on the file. But no mention of their life, hobbies, or family before NRC.
I like that dress on you, it makes you look quite posh. 
Aw, are you nervous? You always tap your leg when you are, is it Azul? Is it me? HOW CUTE! There’s no need to be nervous around me, darling~ I only wish to make you and every other being in this school know that you belong to me~
You tapped your leg faster before pausing and shifting in your seat instead. 
Geez, just how much are you watching me to notice stuff like that?
“Based on their schedules, they should all be able to work their 15 hours throughout five week days.” Azul handed you a few files to look at the class and club schedules of your Octavinelle students. Each did have about 3 hours per day that they were free for a shift. 
“That leaves their weekend open for any duties they may have for Ramshackle and club activities. Are there any issues that could occur on your dorm’s end?”
Shaking your head, you looked through the student’s schedules with mild curiosity. 
“No, probably not. The Heartslabyul students have taken up most of the chores at the dorm.” 
Oh, Tony’s one of the ones in Spelldrive? Heh, ironic. 
“I’m pretty sure Riddle instilled the fear of the Seven in them, before sending them off to me.”
Oh, looks like Aspen’s in Pop Music Club? Huh, doesn’t seem like the type. Man, I really didn’t pay attention to their club paperwork…
“My my, that does seem like the Riddle we know.” Azul chuckled, nodding as Jade refilled his cup of tea. “Not surprising knowing how fond he is of you, isn’t that right, Jade?”
“ISn’T thAT riGHt JAde?” Yes, I’m aware, quit mocking me you're not too skinny to make a meal of.  
“Oh yes, I’m quite aware. I’m sure you enjoy having such a protective friend, Prefect.” I can be protective! He’s nothing compared to me! “You do quite need it, with all the trouble you’ve gotten into.”
“Really?” You nervously laughed, half-hearted and soft. “I guess? He’s just being a good friend, that's all, I’m sure.”
Azul scoffed, “For being a friend, he does underestimate you. I still remember how you almost took Jade’s head off when we first met. Remember, when you charge in here demanding I free everyone?”
You blinked rapidly in confusion. “What? I never did that, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, you don’t remember? Hah! Jade, they don’t remember nearly smacking your face with a server’s plate!” Azul laughed as you continued to look on in confusion. 
Jade smiled, chuckling along. “Oh? I do. Quite vividly, really.”
An image, or you guess a memory, passed through your mind of you, very clearly, brandishing a large silver platter like a weapon. The memory's vision shifted, dodging your hits as you tried slamming the plate into Jade’s face. 
“You were quite angry that we took your 3 friends as anemones. A rare sight, seeing as you’re tended hearted, hm?”
Aaaaah! I look at that memory so fondly, you looked so beautiful, angry! Fighting is always the first step to a moray’s heart~ 
You choked on the cookie in your mouth, frantically reaching and gulping your own cup of tea. Choosing to ignore Azul’s snickering, and Jade’s internal fretting, you nervously gasp-laughed. 
“Oh, I guess? Probably why I don’t remember, aha.”
“Perhaps. Back to the topic at hand,” Azul gestured to the schedules and continued, “do you foresee any issues with the shift schedules Jade assigned?”
You looked again, noticing the blocks drawn in a few of the spare spots in blue pen. 
“Ah, no, it all looks good.” You looked at the clock, peeking at the time. “Did we cover everything? I’m supposed to be meeting Riddle in about 15.”
Azul and Jade turned to look at it as well, the former clicking his tongue in disappointment. 
“Oh my, yes, this has gone far longer than needed.” Azul squinted at Jade. “Jade, I thought you were keeping the time?”
I know you’re lovesick, but please! Your brain isn’t made of sea foam, you know?
“Apologies. I have been quite focused on the schedules, I do have to ensure that they are able to fill in a position at work.” Jade replied, humming as he cleared the table of your empty plates and cups. 
I was just so enthralled by my pearl’s loveliness. They’re breathtaking…my love. 
You’re not sure what’s worse: the raunchy daydreams, or these. Sentences so full of yearning and devotion that it almost made you feel flattered. 
I want to hear what they sound like out of breath, can you even moan with no air in your lungs? How could you when I’m eating them up with my tongue~
Nope. Actually, the raunchy ones are worse. 
“Well!” You got up, dusting the imaginary dirt off your outfit. “If that’s all, then I’ll be heading to Heartslabyul. Grim will be bringing the remaining Octavinelle later for training, they all had clubs this morning.”
Azul nodded, holding the VIP Room door open. “That works perfectly. I’ll have Jade escort you over.”
“What? No, no, no!” You laughed, waving your hands and shaking your head. “I’m perfectly find walking myself-”
“Nonsense, we are a dorm of gentlemen after all, Jade?”
Say something this time, I beg. I don’t want to hear you whining about clamming up again. 
“Of course, if you will, Prefect?” Thank you, Azul, perhaps I won’t eat you after all.
You stiffened, eyeing the arm Jade held out. With a resounding sigh, you nodded and ever so lightly wrapped a hand around his bicep. You chose to ignore the cheers in Jade’s head. 
“Okay, fine. Bye Azul, I’ll see you at the next housewarden meeting.” You waved as you and Jade made your way through the hall into the lounge’s main dining hall. It was fairly full, the Mostro Lounge was always busy over the weekends, and you could see Tony running around with Floyd. He was carrying two trays in each of his hands with ease, balancing drinks with little concern. 
What are you doing! Let go of Jade’s arm, you whore! Die die die diediediediediediedie—
You quickly swiped your hand back from Jade’s arm, noticing the small pout he gave at that. From the corner of your eye, you could see Aspen (and the rage that was practically emanating like an aura) seething at you. He was muttering to himself as he angrily cleaned the inside of a glass tumbler. It seemed that he was put at the bar to “train” though based on Floyd following around Tony, who was gossiping with him, Aspen wasn’t actually getting much training in. 
That’s right, you better take your filthy hands off of him, you’re a sorry excuse of a mage and an even worse excuse of a human! You’re not even that pretty, you gross little—oh crap you’re staring, look away look away!
Aspen turned a deep lavender, looking down at the glass in his hand like it was the most interesting thing since sliced bread. You gestured at Aspen and suggested to Jade, “It looks like Floyd kinda left Aspen to fend for himself, maybe you should help him out? I can make it to Heartslabyul just fine.”
“Hmm? Oh dear, I suppose you are correct.” Jade sighed, eyeing Floyd as he and Tony leaned against a wall, chatting away. 
“Though, I’m sure I can escort you and be back in a reasonable amount of time. It would be rude of me to abandon you so, especially when Azul asked me to do so.”
“It’s not that big of a deal…”
“Nonsense, let’s be off now.” Jade shushed any further concerns of you as he gently pushed you to the exit. He nodded to Aspen as you two walked by, mouthing ‘I’ll be back’ to the young man. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see Aspen physically deflate at Jade leaving. Floyd noticed and gave his brother a wink, while Tony briefly frowned, looking between you, Jade, and Aspen. 
Just let me be around you a bit longer, my pearl.
You sighed, relaxing as Jade’s hand remained comfortably on your upper back. Though the thought of Jade cornering you in a spare empty room as you headed to the mirror made you warm up, Jade seemed remarkably relaxed around you, for once. 
It was weird, him just humming along without any screams or daydreams of fucking you. 
Weird…wait no! This is ideal, don’t jinx it! Knock on wood, or he’s gonna think of something! Wood, wood, wood?? AH! It’s all glass and metal here!
“After you, Prefect.” you’d been so distracted that you didn’t notice that Jade and you made it to the lounge doors. He was holding the handle of the exit, motioning for you to enter the bubble forming at the door. 
You made a small sound of surprise, rushing forward to push your body through the bubble. You weren’t quite used to the bubble, so It took a bit of effort, which caused you to fall forward. Jade’s arm wrapped around your waist, catching your fall. A small gasp left your mouth as he pulled you flush against his torso, your cheeks warming. 
Ah, you’re so soft. And clumsy. You need me to care for you, don’t you?
“Careful,” Jade purred into your ear. “I would hate to see you hurt, though I’d be happy to tend to you if that happened.”
You felt your stomach flip and heat settle as Jade’s hand tightened its grip. If it wasn’t for the warm breath tingling your ear and the rumble of Jade’s chest against your back while he spoke, you’d think this was another one of his fantasies. 
I can feel your heart pounding, are you nervous? Do I make you nervous?
Jade leaned farther down, his body nearly covering your own. Ironically, he was nervous himself, if his quick breaths were anything to go by.
You feel so warm against me, I wonder if you’ll feel just as warm when I’m inside…
Oh Sevens, seriously? Now!?
I would make you feel good, give you the most incredible pleasure ever known…
Please, bubble, move faster! Eek! Jade, where are you putting that hand!
Jade’s hand trailed upward, resting just below your chest. 
Ah, is this really real? It is!! I can feel your heart. 
“Just ask, and I’ll serve. I’m sure you could use the help now and then.”
Just say something, please! I want to hear your voice. 
What am I supposed to… god, why am I so flustered?!
Despite your thoughts, you couldn’t find yourself trying to get out of his grasp. Maybe it was due to the nerves, or the way the warmth in your belly almost felt pleasant, but you weren’t sure how to respond to Jade. 
“Uh, n-no that’s fine.” You mumbled, shifting as Jade continued to hold you, though it seemed his hand was loosening. “I’m good…by myself.”
But you’re never by yourself, are you? You have many friends, ready to come at your beck and call. Why won’t you add me to your little roster? 
“If you say so. Just know I’m always ready to be of assistance.” Jade finally let you go as the bubble finally floated up to Octavinelle’s mirror. It pressed against the now glowing mirror, allowing you to push into the flickering glass of the mirror. 
The familiar Hall of Mirrors was comforting, the air filling your lungs as you took a deep breath to  calm your racing heart and nerves. Jade followed, though he stayed close to the Octavinelle entrance. 
“Ah, I should be heading to Heartslabyul before I run late.” You nodded at Jade as you walked away. “Take care of Aspen, I think he’s nervous.” 
You omitted ‘around you’ for Aspen’s sake. 
Oh, that’s sweet. Is that so? How can you tell?
Jade smiled as he walked away, “How kind, I’ll be sure to keep an extra eye on him.”
The teal-haired man gave a small wave as he disappeared into a soft light through the mirror. 
See you soon, my love. 
You briefly watched him leave, before sighing and turning back around. 
Geez, that was intense… I’m surprised a that you didn’t freak out more—
You brought up a hand to cover the snort leaving your mouth. 
Ah, there it is. Okay, I guess you’re a bit funny sometimes…
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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perfect-revenge · 28 days
彡 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 . . . .ᐟ ⭑
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♡ — constantly tired means constant naps .ᐟ ♯. ft the fearful five ⌇
♡ — content : gender neutral reader, based on the fact I’m a very sleepy person lol, fluff, pre-established relationships, separate villains x reader !
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⭑ ♯┆ULIANA .ᐟ
Uliana walked down the academy halls, she was a woman on a mission. Students moved out of her way, either you moved or Uliana would move you. No one wanted to piss off the Sea Witch, especially since she already looked annoyed.
The Sea Witch starts opening doors and moving curtains, like she was looking for something. Opening the door of one of the classrooms, she finally found what she was looking for, or more like who.
At your desk, you were sitting. Your arms were crossed on the desk, your head resting on them as you slept. Ulianas posture relaxed as she let out a sigh of relief at finally finding you. Of course you had fallen asleep at your last class, you were constantly sleepy all the time.
She walks over to your sleeping figure. You looked so peaceful that Uliana would’ve left you sleeping if it weren’t for the fact that your current napping spot was an empty classroom.
Gently shaking your shoulder, Uliana smiled softly as you woke up. You always looked so pretty to her when you did anything. Kissing your forehead, she spoke with a gentle tone “C’mon. You can sleep in my dorm.”
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James walked through the deck of his ship, yelling orders to his crew. Uliana might’ve been the group's leader at school, but in his ship? That’s where he ruled. No one taught twice before doing as he said. If he said jump, the crew would only ask how high.
Looking around the working crew, James furrowed his brows as he didn’t spot the familiar look of his partner. He grabbed the shoulder of a random crew member, stopping them in their tracks.
“Where’s Y/N?” He was still looking around, not even paying attention to the crew member he had stopped.
“I, uh, I don’t know captain.” The crew member replied nervously. The Captain sometimes got cranky if his partner wasn’t with him for long, so the fact he didn’t know where they were only made them scared over how the Captain would act the whole day.
Letting out a huff of annoyance, James let the member go with a wave of his hook. If you weren’t on deck with him that means you were below. Walking down the kitchen he skimmed it over before going back up, down to the crew's cabins he did the same before going back up. No luck. Only one place left.
Going to his quarters, James opened the door slowly and peaked in. He opened it fully and walked in when he didn’t immediately see you. Seeing a lump on his bed, he chuckled as he walked up to your sleeping form.
Sitting on the side of the bed, James pulled the blanket down from your face. He gently patted your head with a smile. Leaning down, he kissed your temple and whispered in your ear.
“Time to get up, love.” He heard you mumbling something before you moved your head, seemingly trying to dig your head deeper into the pillows.
“Five more minutes.” You muttered, making him let out a laugh. “Alright, alright. Five more minutes.”
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You were sitting on your bed, back against the bed's headboard. Morgie laid his head on your lap, enjoying how you scratched his scalp as you played with his hair. It wasn’t uncommon for you two to lay like this on days where you either had no plans nor were following Uliana around terrorizing classmates.
Today was one of those days with no plans. The day had felt even longer than it should have for some reason and you were so glad it had ended, and that you could finally have some quality time with your boyfriend.
A minute passed before Morgie raised his head from your lap to look at you. Your hand had slowed down and halted on its motion. Looking at your face, he could see your eyes were closed now and your body relaxed. You had fallen asleep while sitting up and scratching at his head.
Chuckling, Morgie moved your body down to lay on the bed instead. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close as he closed his eyes to join you on your nap.
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⭑ ♯┆HADES .ᐟ
Ulianas rambling had stopped making sense to you a while ago. There’s a vague memory about it being about Bridget and how “pathetic” she was for “bribing” people into liking her with the sweet treats. You already had some theories on where the Sea Witches hatred had come from, raging from crush in denial to severe mommy issues. Regardless, her rants had been rather boring and repetitive.
Hades sat by your side, one hand playing with his flames and the other on your thigh. He was also bored out of his mind of the constant ranting so he had stopped paying attention as well. The hand he had on your thigh was slowly massaging it. It reminded you of how cats would make biscuits on their owners, which made you chuckle.
His focus on his flame broke at the sound of you chuckling, making him turn his head to look at you with an eyebrow raised. You simply gave him a tired smile, resting your head on his shoulder. Grabbing his hand, you laced your fingers together and played with it. Hades smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, going back to playing with his flames.
Finally, after a lot of talking (seriously, how strong is someone’s hatred that they can talk badly about them for so long?) Uliana decided the other villains could do whatever they’d like. Hades waited for you to move before he did, but you stayed still. Looking down at you, he could see that you’d fallen asleep on him.
Chuckling, Hades rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb. His unoccupied hand went to your shoulder and gently shaked it as he whispered in your ear.
“C’mon baby, time to go.” He watched with a smile as you let out a groan and rubbed at your eye. He stood up and grabbed your hand, pulling you up to lead you to rest on your dorm together.
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Maleficent walked around a store that was run by three witch sisters. If anyone saw her, they’d say she looked like a child during Christmas. She wanted to search the thing from top to bottom, no shelf or case being left unseen by the fae.
You had found the store randomly in one of your walks. It had been somewhat tucked away down an alleyway. Your first thought had been to bring the fae to the store as it had many things that you thought would interest her.
Now you sat on a cushioned bench watching her explore the store. You could feel your eyes desperately trying to close while you forced them open. You really wanted to stay awake and look at your girlfriend's rare moment of expressing her excitement and joy, but the tiredness was really getting to you. Closing your eyes for a moment wouldn’t hurt, right?
Maleficent took the bag from the blonde witch and turned to you, only to find your head slumped down and your arms crossed. She rolled her eyes— of course you fell asleep, you always did. Walking to you, she looked at your peaceful face for a minute, a smile on her face. But she quickly forced her face to look stern, to not be seen as soft, as she poked your shoulder till you woke up. Her eyes had a glimpse of mischief,“C’mon, I’m done here. Let’s use these.”
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hurts2think · 1 month
Suggestive Young Hook headcanons??😝(Pretty please)
🏴‍☠️Young!James Hook x Reader Suggestive Headcanons🏴‍☠️
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Reader pronouns: Unspecified
Pairing: Young!James Hook x GN!Reader
Plot: You and your boyfriend tease each other to DEATH
Extra: Warning, this is obviously suggestive. Nothing too explicit since I'm 17 and his character isn't canonically 18. This was kinda nerve-racking to write since I've never written or posted anything like this so please like 🫶 also I've been visiting family so no oneshot tonight sorry
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- This is suggestive and not explicitly sexual, but you two are Seniors and 18 years old.
- This man is CLINGY. You thought your hands belonged to you? Nope. They're his. Always holding them.
- Lots of kissing too. Kisses you every chance he gets. Sometimes you deny his kisses just to tease him
- If you're (playfully) pulling away from his kissing he grabs you by the waist and holds you still so he can actually kiss you without you moving away
- He's obviously very respectful of your boundaries. He won't push you into anything you don't want or anything you're unsure of.
- You often convince him to go study with you in the library but those study dates always turn into him pulling you into a hidden corner to makeout
- Trying to keep quiet while in the library feels impossible. You've never been caught but it's like he tries to get noises out of you when you're there
- His hand immediately up your shirt once the makeout sessions start
- Usually holds you against walls, or bookshelves, or just any surface near by. Maybe even a deskz
- He's an amputee to his hook IS real but he takes it off because he doesn't want to hurt you accidentally
- He always whispers in your ear, feeling up your torso.
- "You taste so sweet"
- He kisses you all over. Your lips, forehead, cheek, neck, chest, legs, literally anywhere skin is showing
- He can get a little aggressive and carried away but he always checks to make sure you're comfortable
- If you're a little sensitive he tries to be as soft and gentle as he can, still very touch but softer touches compared to rough ones
- Now, if you like it a little more rough, he will happily grab and pull and kiss until both of you have bruised lips
- Likes to tease you. Gets you worked up before immediately pulling away just to watch you get flustered and frustrated
- He's not really into being sensual when other people are around, but occasionally he might whisper something in your ear
- Pulls at your hair if you're into it
- Jealousy is his middle name
- He's not the kind of person to get jealous when you have friends or talk to other people, but if he senses any kind of tension he is visibly not happy
- Grabs your waist and kisses you to show that you're his and he's your's
- If he's especially jealous/possessive he might pull you around the corner and hold you still and kiss you just to remind you that no one else is worth your time
- He mocks you very very often.
- "Aw, is someone frustrated?" "Don't tell me you're getting worked up over a touch," "Oh look at that scary expression. Did you want more?" While he laughs at you.
Now, if you're more into being the dominant one—I have great news for you. He LOVES when you take the lead
- Tell him what to do and he'll obey like a lost puppy
- He gets real quiet when you take control of any situation, mostly frustrated grunts. But he loves it.
- Also enjoys having his hair pulled
- Sometimes when you're at the library on your study dates, you're occasionally the one who starts to get touchy with him
- Once you start rubbing up and down his thigh, slipping to his inner thigh, he gets a mess
- Frustrated type flustered
- He talks real sweet to you if he's the one in control but aside from him being pretty quiet, he might glare at you or mutter curses at you
- ^ he loves it all though, communication is key. He says he loves it, the glares and curses are actually a big sign he's loving it
- Don't mention how he acts when you're in control or he might die of embarrassment
- He loves praise. A couple compliments and he's basically at your feet
- He might whine a little bit sometimes if you tease him too much
- If he gets jealous, you just have to tease him. Tell him he's being dramatic while you kiss down his chest and his face goes red
- You can get pretty jealous occasionally too. Not as bad as him but you might get a little more rough when you are
- Sometimes he purposely makes you jealous if he wants you to get a little more rough
- If he teases the shit out of you and frustrates you enough, you gotta flip it all around. Literally flip positions.
- After makeout session you just lay there with him and just talk.
- You guys never go further than touching or makeouts, clothes are usually always on. You both don't feel necessarily ready for anything else
- Plus you guys are happy with how this dynamic is and don't feel it needs to change right now.
- As sensual as both of you can be, most of your relationship is actually more wholesome than not. Lots of cute dates, hand holding, cheesy couple everyone hates.
- He looks at you like you're the only person in the world, the person that saved him
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I think this is where we ask for requests? but if it is shanks x reader fanfic ( fluffy pls! and SFW! ) if ur not uncomfortable with it!🤍
Hiii @iloveyoushanks Thank you so much for your ask (and for all your support on my stories! ❤️ I appreciate it very much!)
This was my first time writting for Shanks (excluding his appearance in the meet-cute series, but he's just a dad there, not a daddy 😏) so I hopeeeeee you like this! Totally SFW! Also, you didn't specify gender, so I kept it gender neutral, hope it's okay! Let me know if you liked it! 🙏 Thank you!
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Source for pic
Chasing Constellations
Word Count: 2490
Tags: SFW; gn! x Shanks; Fluff; Comfort; Camaraderie; Acting on crushes;
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: You are done dating boys, you want men. Your Captain claims to be man enough for you. But is he? And are you about to find out?
Notes: Be sure to check out my 100 followers event, as I will close requests on Sunday! Full disclosure, answers to requests may take a while! Thank you for reading this! I do hope you enjoyed it!❤️
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn
“Want to come home with me?”
“Sorry, not today.” You answered with a warm, apologetic smile. 
The man who had been leaning at the counter next to you, all smiles and smooth words, cursed loudly as he turned away, slamming his glass on the wooden counter along with a few coins.
The barmaid sighed as she collected them. “Shame, he was sweet and easy on the eyes. Why didn’t you say yes?”
“I don’t know why, really. I guess I am done with boys. They don’t have the emotional maturity of a man.” You said with a scoff.
“Honey, when you’re dating pirates you can’t help but deal with boys. The only maturity they achieve is in size, not in behaviour.” The barmaid let out a hearty laugh while she poured another drink into your empty glass. “If you ask me, you’re much better off just hooking up randomly. Take ‘em, leave ‘em and be done with it!”
You laughed alongside her, her contagious laugh infecting you and your tipsy state allowing you to behave more freely than you normally would.
“That’s some sound advice there.” Shanks, your captain, clinked his glass with yours before downing it in one gulp. “Or just follow mine: date a real man!” He grinned, his smile creasing the corners of his eyes and forming a charming dimple on the right side of his cheek. 
The barmaid left you two alone as she tended to other patrons and you eyed your captain from top to bottom, humming in what seemed like an appreciative manner, leaving him to puff his chest at you like a bird attempting to mate. “A real man, you say?” He nodded and winked. “Well, when you find one, send him my way, please.”
Beckman, who was next to Shanks, snorted his drink through his nose as he banged his fists against the wooden counter in pure mirth. Shanks’s grin turned into a pout, his hand against his chest in mock hurt. “Ouch.”
“Yeah, you’ll get over it, aren’t you a real man?” And with that, you let a few coins drop onto the counter and turned to return to the ship. Your captain was funny, handsome, strong, intimidating and he could be very protective of you, even if you rarely needed him to help you. You got along great and had both been spending more and more time together, lately, but, even if you harboured the hardest of crushes on him, you would never consider dating him.
He was too much of a flirt, too much of a manwhore, too much of a player…
He was too much. 
Besides, he would never really be interested in you, right? 
Tossing and turning in bed, sleep kept eluding you. The cabin was too damn stuffy and your crewmates’ snoring - though normally nothing that bothered you - were driving you insane. If only they could all snore at the same rhythm instead of this dissonant cacophony! 
Huffing, you threw the sheets back and slid on some slippers on your bare feet, grabbing a light blanket to drape over your shoulders because the night and the sea breeze could be unforgiving. 
You found a cosy - secluded - spot by the deck, and sat down, leaning against the balustrade to gaze at the stars. They looked especially bright tonight and the sky was clear of clouds, leaving you with a beautiful painting-like picture to admire. 
Just as you were starting to relax, a deep sigh escaping your lips, you heard a roguish voice near you. “Couldn’t sleep? Or are you searching for your perfect man among the stars?”
You immediately smiled at his words as your eyes met his. A mischievous smirk painted his lips as he pointed up. “How about Orion? A legendary hunter, strong, skilled, muscular?”
You scoffed, your fingers entwining as you hugged your knees and Shanks sat beside you, still looking up. “Orion? The stalker?”
Shanks chuckled, making himself comfortable near you and you didn’t miss the way his leg brushed against yours. “You know your myths?”
“Please! I know myths and constellations! Orion pursued the Pleiades sisters who, in exasperation and desire to escape his endless pursuit, sought the help of Zeus, who placed them in the sky as stars so they could be free.” Shaking your head, you huffed in annoyance. “I don’t know what’s worse, running from someone who can’t take ‘no’ for an answer, or having it be written into a love story by someone who clearly doesn’t understand the concept of boundaries and personal space.”
“Message received!” Shanks chuckled as he scooted his leg away from you and you bit your lip. That’s not what you meant, his touch was quite welcome. If you ignored the fact that this was how he flirted with everyone!
Sensing the slight change in atmosphere, you decided to lighten the mood. 
“Besides, Orion is clearly fictional. If I'm trying to find a man, I need him to be real. Let's see, he was a giant, handsome, with great strength and hunting skills.” You cheekily stared at Shanks, your legs falling to the side in an effort to close the distance he had created when you spoke about personal space. 
Visibly relaxing with the return of your touch, Shanks winked, raising his hand and counting on his fingers. “Giant?” His laugh was cocky and filled with innuendo. “Check! Handsome and strong? Check and check again! Hunting skills? Baby, I'll hunt you down blindfolded in a forest. Try me.”
The huskiness of his voice caught you by surprise, holding your breath prisoner in your throat for a split-second before you both burst into laughter. 
“Well, he was also arrogant, boastful and prideful so that's another three checks for you, Captain.” You nudged him playfully with your leg and he laughed, holding his hand in the air. 
“Aye, aye, guilty as charged.” A moment passed as he scratched his chin, eyes fixed on the sky. “How about that one?” He pointed at another constellation, clearly challenging your previous claim of knowing your way around the stars. 
“Hercules?” He nodded. “Another strong handsome man?”
“I think you might have a type.” He laughed, letting his arm fall on the balustrade behind your head. The heat from his body made you aware of his proximity. “He was brave-...”
“He held a strong sense of justice and duty.” 
“Impulsive, short-tempered with anger issues…”
“A hero!” He finished proudly. 
“An idiot.” You replied with a smirk. “They might have been branded as heroes, but they were still boys, flawed, full of themselves, with almost no regard for others, let alone for a loved one.” Sighing you fixed your eyes back on the sky. “Not even heroes and myths are perfect men, Captain. This is an impossible task.”
This all started out as a joke. A simple answer to a question a barmaid - you'd most likely never see again - asked you. And now it has turned into a real dilemma. You were sick and tired of being toyed with. You did want a real relationship, but none of the men - boys! - you'd dated had been ready to commit. 
Shanks was older than you, supposedly wiser and more mature. But he was not boyfriend material, even if he was the perfect man. So he needed to stop this useless flirting if he wasn't going to follow through because your heart wouldn't take it. 
“Well, you've left out a perfect specimen.” He pointed up and you followed, a frown on your features, already regretting having indulged your captain in this banter. 
“Yes.” He answered, pride evident in his features for your correct answer. At least you managed to impress him with your knowledge of the stars. “He had no faults. Come on, I dare you to say something bad about him.”
You pondered, your chest rising and falling with a deep inhale, but Shanks didn’t let you speak. 
“He was brave, loyal, honourable, ingenious and resourceful! Plus, he saved his beloved from being eaten alive by a sea beast!” Shanks looked you straight in the eyes and moved his stump, trying to make you laugh again. “Luffy was not my beloved in that sense, but he was still a loved one. I'd say I check all the boxes!”
That did make you laugh, and the two of you shared a fit of giggles, lightening the mood. You could always count on your captain to make you laugh. As you both regained your composure, Shanks let the arm that was on the balustrade fall and land onto your shoulders, pulling you closer to his body, muttering that the night was quite cold and he didn’t want you to catch a chill.  
You didn't object, your head fell against his chest as you tried to blame the unexpected gesture on your slight tipsiness - though by now you were more than sober. 
“There's one fault I can think of about Perseus.” You whispered as a sigh escaped your lips when you realised how well your head fit against him. 
“Really?” Shanks sounded doubtful. His fingers dug into your arm, pulling you even closer, as if there couldn't be any gap between your bodies. 
“Perseus was described as youthful. Some legends say he was around fifteen when he slew Medusa. Others say that he was in his early twenties. A boy. Not a man.” Lifting your face slightly, you let your eyes meet his, a slight sadness pressed into them. “Forget it, Cap. I’m fine on my own. Even if they were perfect,” you pointed your finger at the sky, “they would still be out of reach.”
Shanks’ goofy grin, one he had been sporting since he began speaking to you, fell off his lips as his gaze locked onto yours, his pupils darkening and something else hidden, glimmering and pulling you in like a magnet. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m right here, then.” The hand on your shoulders travelled to your nape, fingers slipping under your hair, heat permeating your entire being. “And an even better one, I’m definitely not a boy.”
His eyes never left yours as he slowly leaned down. Your heart pounded incessantly against your chest and every fibre of your being told you to pull away, to flee, to run. This was Shanks! Your Captain! The eternal flirt!
“You’re not a boy, you’re right here… but you’re also a manwhore, Captain.” The soft chuckle that left his lips ghosted over yours, leaving a promise of what could be, if only you let it happen. 
“You know, some things are just myths… I bet Orion wasn't even a giant at all! Perseus courageously defeating a sea beast? I guarantee he was scared shitless! Me being a manwhore - as you so eloquently put it.” His lips brushed yours ever so slightly, an invitation, the opening of a door, leaving you to decide if you wanted to enter or not. “Most definitely a myth.”
“But you are as unattainable as one.” All you had to do was lean in. Just a little adjustment of your mouth. He was right there. 
“Not for you.” Somehow, his words rang true. You hadn't seen him bring anyone to his cabin in ages. Granted, he could still be seeing someone outside of the ship and then returning, but if you thought hard enough, he had barely been flirting with anyone. 
Except you. 
Breathing was hard. He was right there. Thinking was harder. His scent was intoxicating. Hearing was impossible. Your heartbeat pounded so loudly that there was nothing else to hear. 
“You’ll just break my heart.” You couldn’t find the strength to pull away, even though your words might say otherwise. 
“Try me.” It almost sounded like a plea, but it couldn’t be, because Captain Shanks didn’t beg. His fingers pressed into your hair, as if grounding himself and staving off the urge to pull you against his lips. “Please.”
Apparently he did beg after all. 
Shoving all doubts, insecurities and fears down to the pit of your stomach, you pressed your lips against his. Just a taste. A small peck. You were going to pull back, you really were, but Shanks’ hand spread across your nape as he pulled you against him with the hunger of a starving man. 
He tasted slightly of sake, the alcohol lingering on his tongue, making it slightly bitter. But mostly… he mostly tasted of excitement and adventure, of a blissful future and sweet moments. 
Suddenly, the stars were no longer in the sky, they were shining within your closed eyelids, supernovas exploding inside your chest, your head swirling at the speed of light. 
It was… 
“Perfect…” You muttered against his lips as he pulled back a little to let you breathe. Your foreheads pressed together, his hand moving to caress and cup your cheek. Why had you doubted this? 
Why had you doubted him? 
“Gods, I've been craving that kiss forever.” There was still hunger in his voice, but something else, something far sweeter. 
“What do you mean?” Your hands reached in as you pressed your fingers tentatively against his chest, pondering whether you should pull him closer, considering the implications of a second kiss. 
“I thought you were the unattainable myth. Not the other way around. You never gave two shits about me.” He made that familiar whine that told you he was playfully hurt. 
Your chuckle caught you by surprise, so much so that you let your head fall forward, nuzzling the crook of his neck and breathing in the tanginess of his skin, sea salt and sweat mingling into a dizzying aroma. 
“Maybe you should've asked sooner.” You spoke into his skin, holding back the urge to press your lips against it and test how soft it was. 
“Asked what?”
“What that guy asked me at the bar.”
“Oh…” You felt as he took a deep inhale against your head, his hand now placing soft circles against your back. “About wanting to come home with me?”
You hum softly. 
“Aye, aye.” He chuckled as his fingers travelled up to your chin to tilt it, allowing him to stare into your eyes. “So, do you?”
You weren’t about to make this easy on him. “Do I what?”
“Want to come home with me?” He kissed you between words, his lips pressing against your flushing cheekbones, then your closed eyelids, and finally your nose. A softness to his touch you didn't know he possessed. 
The warmth filling your cheeks could have answered for you, but you still nodded, arms circling around his neck, pulling him down toward you, lips merely a breath away. 
“Is that a yes?” He didn’t hide the giddiness in his voice, the slight joviality that your wordless agreement brought. The boyish grin on his face. 
And you didn’t reprimand him for that. Because for all the youthful attitudes your captain had, he truly was a real man.
And one you wanted to date.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
i could be your puppet
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Kinktober prompt: Objectifying/Using Tags: Oral / semi-public / Cums easily, poor boy !!!
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          Zoro wasn’t aware of it when it started, only flustered and thinking he was imagining things whenever you did something, his face burnt hot as he looked away. When it clicked, things started taking a different turn, however. All the touches that he presumed to be innocent actually carried more behind them, and he didn’t really know how to act. It took over Zoro’s thoughts at night, taking away his sleep, as he bit on the collar of his shirt and tried his best to keep quiet while fisting his cock.
The two of you had hooked up a few times before, shared a bed during drunk party nights or when the crew had to stay at inns on the islands, so there was a closeness, but he thought that closeness was resumed to closed rooms and special occasions.
Zoro swallowed audibly, throat dry as you sat next to him at the dining table. Everyone was playing cards—he’d been invited to join, bribed by the sake, so he didn’t make the minimal effort against being the first one to lose just so that he could sit there enjoying the sake. That’d been until you sat there, of course. He didn’t think he could even sip the sake now.
“Usopp, you do not have an ace of cups, you fat ass liar!” You said to Usopp, making him gasp from across the table.
“How dare you doubt the great Captain Go D. Usopp?” And he started rambling immediately, saying he was the master at playing cards, with over 20 years of experience in each game. Yeah, the usual bullshit.
The table started to get more agitated once you placed your cards over the table. Zoro didn’t know what the cards were, aside from the fact the ace of cups was in fact with you. Honestly, he couldn’t think about anything while your hand held onto his thigh under the table like that. You gave it a squeeze while your voice grew a little louder at the attempt to talk over Luffy and Usopp altogether.
All that talk was just nonsense in the back of his mind, given the way your hand rested so close to his crotch like that. Your fingers soothed over the area, rubbing it and sometimes slipping towards his inner thigh. Meanwhile, you talked with everyone else as if nothing was happening. He wished he could curse you, standing up and leave, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted that to stop.
Zoro wouldn’t admit it openly—at least not so easily—, but he enjoyed that. He liked being yours to use whenever you felt like it, barely putting affection in your affections because you just wanted his body, eyeing him as if he were a large hunk of meat. It was pathetic, to be true, but maybe that’s what made it all even better.
“Guys!” Nami said as she walked back into the kitchen. “I fixed everything already. I even got someone to watch the ship, so no one needs to stay back. So, here are your lists and your share of money…” She handed off strips of paper along with some berries bills; yours just had some utility stuff for the ship, and peeking over, you could see that Zoro had some things in the same genre. “We are staying for the night, and the port is near the city, so we don’t have to worry about inns or anything.”
“What about me?” Luffy asked with a grin, eyeing from the list and money to Nami in an encouraging manner.
She narrowed her eyes. “You go with Usopp. Also, who’s—”
“I’ll babysit Zoro,” you said immediately. “We can’t afford to lose another day looking all over the island for him again.”
Zoro clicked his tongue immediately as the others muttered in agreement—he just cursed under his breath as he pretended to pay attention to the last orientations between the crew before you guys got ready to leave.
          Zoro was carrying all the stuff, of course. You just had a bag in hand, but it contained some different food you’d seen in a bakery earlier, so it didn’t count for anything other than making up the excuse you were helping Zoro. He just walked behind you, guaranteeing he was following you—he didn’t want to get lost and be away from you, not in one of the few alone moments he had with you.
“You know what we could use?” You cut through his thoughts, looking over your shoulder, making his gaze immediately shift from your ass to your face. “I mean, what I could use. I saw some clothing stores around here, and since we finished everything early, we should go there. I’m not leaving you alone nor going back just to leave you at the ship.”
“No, it’s okay,” Zoro said, trying not to sound too interested, looking away for a second.
You looked at Zoro for a moment, then smiled a little bit. Something about it made Zoro imagine you calling him a good boy; he quickly averted his gaze again, just following you to a clothing store.
The store was practically empty; a few workers were helping some other customers, but it wasn’t anything that crowded the place, leaving many areas monotonous and boring. A sales clerk had offered to help you around, only to be quickly dismissed.
You were gone for a while, leaving Zoro to sit near the changing rooms area with the bags by his feet and arms crossed over his chest. He knew you’d tried on a lot of clothes, but you’d only asked his opinion on a couple of ones—he tried not to stare when the clothes hugged your frame a little too perfectly, stretching the fabric across it in ways that left little room for imagination. On the other hand, he also saw you slip some pieces of clothing in the bags you guys already had. Did Nami give you some tips or something? Damn it.
After disappearing for a while, you came back with some shirts and pants. Zoro raised an eyebrow when you stood beside him instead of disappearing inside the changing room again.
“Try these on,” you said, and it didn’t sound like you were asking or suggesting something. “You basically only have a change of clothes, aside from the few others we got at Kaya’s. You need something new.”
Zoro wanted to argue, but you were his weak spot, shamefully. He sighed as he looked at the clothes. “Do we have money for that?”
“That’s between Nami and I,” you said simply, shoving the clothes into his arms. “Oh, and don’t forget to let me see how you look in those. I have a feeling you don’t even know how to shop for clothes.”
With a nod, Zoro finally brought himself up to his feet and walked into the changing room. He wasn’t used to it, so it felt very off. He made a face when seeing himself in the mirror and turned away from it while undressing and putting on the clothes you’d handed him, trying on the shirt and pants that’d attracted his attention the most.
When he tried adjusting the clothes on himself, his breath hitched in his throat. Was this on purpose? Were you doing that with him again? He couldn’t believe it… but he wasn’t all against it either. He had to take a couple of deep breaths before he finally left the dressing you.
You sat there, arm folded on the back of the seat, while your temple rested against your hand. Little interest was in your eyes when you looked him up and down—he gulped, not knowing whether he should look right back at you or avoid your gaze.
Zoro knew exactly where your eyes lingered. The shirt and the pants were probably a size down, so it made the buttons hold on for their dear life while the shirt hugged around his pecs, giving out their shape perfectly. The pants, on the other hand, made Zoro put some extra effort into not getting too excited.
“Try on the light jeans,” you told him, waving a hand in dismissal, and of course, he did as told.
The new pair of pants had you making a hand motion for Zoro to turn around. He did so slowly, letting you gaze at his ass as much as you wanted until he turned to the front again. Your eyes were on the bulge on his crotch and then on his thighs, taking in how thick they looked in those pants. The pants' waistline was also low, showing his happy trail and the v lines. Soon, you were eyeing his chest again. He kept taking mental notes of your favorite spots, though he already knew many of them.
You kept eyeing Zoro as if he were some eye candy, some juicy hunk of meat, and you were starving; you kept making him try on different clothes, none of which he’d take home, just for your own pleasure. He wished it’d bother him, but it was too good to argue with.
“Black shirt,” you’d suggested next.
Once Zoro slipped it in, however, he found a problem. He cleared his throat as he opened the changing room’s door just enough to peek outside. “...It won’t close.”
“Won’t close?” You raised an eyebrow. “It’s the same size as the others, it does close!”
“You see—” He cut himself off with a sigh once he saw you stand up and step closer. You got in the tight changing room with him, closing the door behind the two of you. The shirt was buttoned until halfway up his abdomen, and the buttons were already strained. “You see…” Zoro’s body was hot just from that, but he tried to keep himself calm.
You raised your eyebrows, eyes right on his chest. His pecs were a little pressed by the shirt in a way they stood out a little, and he wished the tension wouldn’t make his nipples hard like that. “That sucks,” you said, trying to tug the shirt closed, unsuccessfully. It made his pecs jiggle a little, at least. “This was one of my favorites.”
Maybe it still was. Your breath was hot on Zoro’s skin as you pressed a kiss right between his pecs. He gasped, stepping back until he met the wall as he felt you squeeze his pecs around your face and then give one of them a bite. If the pants were uncomfortable, they were turning insufferable by now.
“I woke up today looking forward to this, y’know?” You whispered, eyes meeting his. “It’s been a while since I last had some fun with you, and I thought being on an island like this would be the perfect opportunity.” You didn’t even want an answer, just mouthing at his chest again while pulling him closer by hooking your fingers around the belt loops of the pants.
Zoro gasped, whimpering as he kept his upper back pressed to the wall.
“I think I’ll actually get you one pair of pants like this,” you whispered, breath hot over his skin. You lowered yourself to your knees, unbuttoning the pants. “Just so you can wear them for me, y’know? Let me see how pathetic you struggle to fit in them. It’d also be nice to see you cum in those…” Your words trailed off while you lowered the pants a bit with some struggle, having them just enough down his thighs.
You mouthed Zoro through his boxers at first, helping him grow completely hard so that you could finally lower his piece of clothing—the way you let the waistband run against his cock agonizingly slow had him hissing, pressing back against the wall again. His knees became weak for you shamefully easily.
There weren’t any words while you wrapped your hand around his thick and hot cock, giving it a few pumps, but he didn’t think that you needed to talk with a toy, anyway. A gasp came from Zoro when he finally felt your tongue against his cock. It gave his tip kitten licks, wiping away the pre-cum before you were finally taking him in your mouth.
You had no mercy, of course, hollowing your cheeks around Zoro right after moving your head a couple of times. The pause you took from it was for yourself, to prevent your cheeks and jaw from hurting, and not because it was bringing Zoro close way too fast. Whenever you touched a sensitive spot of his, it was by coincidence due to the motion you did, not because you wanted to exploit his weak spots. You were cruel, fuck.
He had to bite his fist to prevent any sound from escaping his lips. His cock was being held up by your hand as the free one gripped on his thigh; you licked along the underside of his cock, from the balls to the head, tracing the veins. It felt heavenly. His breath was all uneven, all broken and permeated by whimpers, with the way he had to keep his sounds to himself. Why did you have to do it to him right there?
Your hands fondled Zoro’s balls, also giving him attention as you sucked on his fat, flushed tip. He couldn’t handle it, no, no, no. His cock was back in your mouth, your cheeks hollowed around it, and Zoro could barely think before he was cumming already. He was fucking ashamed—such a big, tough guy cumming so easily to a sloppy in a changing room, but at this point, he was just your toy, right? He couldn’t argue against that.
You kept sucking even though he’d already come, not changing the intensity in the smallest bit, just milking him until you were satisfied.
“Yeah,” you breathed, licking your lips as you pulled away. “I’m taking those pants and also the shirt.”
There weren’t a lot of words shared before you were up on your feet again, eyeing Zoro up and down, and you left the changing room.
You’d been the one to pay for everything, for your clothes and also his—surprisingly, you’d gotten some clothes that actually fit him. Zoro felt all flustered, unable to talk for a long while after he left the changing room in the clothes he’d been wearing in the first place. His legs felt so weak as he trailed after you.
“What do you want to eat, hm? Want to go to any bar?” You looked at Zoro as the two of you walked. “I’m paying you something for being such a good boy for me.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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Hi! I was just wondering if I could request a fic for hook where he like sees like a crocodile and has like a panic attack and reader comforts him?
Of course baby, I’m going with a gender neutral reader since you didn’t specify, I hope that’s okay
I also did my absolute best not to romanticize panic attacks but if it comes off that way please let me know. I have another request for one and I want to improve on being as respectful as possible with things like this. As a writer and a human person.
Eyes on Me
James Hook x Animal-Talent Fairy! Reader
Pronouns used: they/them/theirs
Summary: The day had started so cozy, how were they to know that he’d react to one of their interests like that?
Warnings: panic attack, mentions of animal attacks, they're in swimsuits (Hook is shirtless, mentions the reader’s skin being exposed on their waist), Reader isn't fully thinking with their head pre-panic attack and that's okay because Hook likes it, use of pet names (it’s me writing so you expect that though)
Word count: 2.4K
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        It was extremely rare for the Jolly Roger to be away from its dock without a full crew. Mainly due to the fact that it was dangerous, a ship needed a crew the same way it needed deep waters. Captain Hook was no fool, he would never put his ship or himself in direct danger like that. Which is what made the day so special. It was so rare in fact, that it had never happened before. Not before the Captain became extremely smitten with a Neverland fairy anyway.  And perhaps, the way they looked at him made it seem less like he was putting his ship in danger. After all, he was staying close to home, they’d be back by nightfall, how bad could it get? Standing there watching the fae across the deck sunbathe in a swimsuit leaving little to his imagination as they cut him small, adoring looks, he knew he’d made the right choice. He might, despite his better judgment, make this choice again if it means getting to be in this position. 
    “You enjoying yourself, Love?” He chuckles, feeling the way that his partner’s eyes were drinking him in. With the way they stared, you’d think Hook was the one who should have been more cautious when they met. Like he was in danger, a hunk of meat being eaten by hungry eyes. Of course, that was his intent and purpose when he’d offered up going swimming, knowing a great little island just off the coast of Neverland that would let them be on a beach all alone. He fed off the attention, off of being genuinely wanted. Of course, he knew he was attractive, he gained most things he wanted by using that to his advantage. But for the hungry look to come from a dove instead of a vulture? He hadn’t been quite used to that before, he still wasn’t. It was a welcome feeling though, something safe pooling in the risk of it all. 
    They give him a soft hum, eyes raking over his exposed chest before locking on his amused smirk. Sliding their sunglasses to rest on the top of their head so he would be left with no question as to where they were looking. “Oh yeah, the best time.” He recognizes the tone and his lip finds its way between his teeth as a gentle heat rises to his cheeks. Shaking his head as he tears his eyes from the fairy on his ship to the sea before them. “Are you blushing, Captain?” A scoff, one which comes out much faker than he’d intended, leaves his lips, “It’s just the sun. Getting a touch burned.” Delicate hands dip into a beach bag beside them before (Y/n) idles up beside their lover, a bottle of sunscreen in their grasp. “Well that simply won’t do. Mind if I help you?” James shakes his head with a chuckle, “Go ahead, Love.” 
    (Y/n)’s fingers work in gentle, smooth circles as they put a new coat of sunscreen on James’ face. Moving down to reapply the cream to his shoulders and back. Using soft and ghost like touches, you’d barely know they were even applying something to him. Humming a song he couldn’t quite recognize as they work him over with the lotion. And he was eating it up. Was affection always supposed to feel this good? Was he meant to be loved gentle? He hoped so, if it meant this would never end then he hoped so. “Can you get your own chest, James?” He hums, tossing them a smirk over his shoulder, “I could, surely. But where’s the fun in that?” It catches him a weak and playful smack to the back before he hears the bottle hit the ground. Hands wrapping around him with their body painfully close to his, he could feel as their chest moved with the air that entered their lungs. Rubbing sunscreen on the front of his torso in an innocent way that still had his breath catching in his throat. “Your touch is magic.” 
   It earns him a playful giggle, the sound was almost a soft jingle, more like bells than vocal chords. “Most things about me are magic, Captain.” He lets go of the wheel for a moment, turning around to face them. A smirk plays on his lips as his hands plant themselves on the exposed skin of their waist. “Ah yes, my little fae,” he leans into them, lips brushing the shell of their ear as he whispers in it, “Though you seem to be more entertained by acting as a siren today. Very hard to concentrate when you act like that.”  (Y/n) pulls back, placing a quick kiss to their lover’s lips  with a giggle. “You ought to get better at concentrating then, Captain. Imagine how dangerous it would be for you out here if a real siren came along.” His eyes roll, waving them off as he turns back to his steering wheel. “You need to go somewhere.” “I am, you’re taking me somewhere, remember?” The teasing tone makes not turning back to his partner a fight, the boy’s eyes narrowing as he forces them to stay focused on the sea. “(Y/n), I beg of you, go entertain yourself so I can get us where we’re trying to go. You’re making me understand why pirates never go out without their crews.” 
    It doesn’t take a genius to know that he’s playing with them. James Hook was one of the clingiest men to ever exist- if he wasn’t already the clingiest one to exist. He didn’t genuinely take issue with their watchful eyes and needy touches, he was however, extremely flustered. Something that was written across the face that he was weakly attempting to hold a smug look on. If you asked (Y/n), this was the most attractive the boy had ever looked, with his flushed cheeks and twinkling eyes. Still, out of the kindness of their heart, they decide to give him his touch of space, heading over to the side of the boat so they could examine the water. It wasn’t something they’d taken the time to do since joining him on the ship, and they loved the water; more so the creatures that lived in it. They never got the chance to go out this far to see what it had to offer, not until James had made it possible.
    In all their time in Neverland, (Y/n) had never had the chance to see a saltwater crocodile. It was a personal goal of theirs, and of course they had heard the stories of the noisy one by the docks. Everyone had heard the stories of the noisy animal the island had affectionately nicknamed “Tick Tock”, but it hid when they came around. Much to their dismay, they lived for the rush of seeing more dangerous animals, chased the high of adrenaline that came with it. To see an animal that would purposely prey on humans if hungry was the biggest high the animal-talent could think of. They’d never gotten to deal with an animal that genuinely saw them as prey and the idea of it was exhilarating. Once Hook had joked that’s what his appeal had been to them, something they playfully refused to confirm or deny. Now, with their closeness to the shore of the island he was dragging them to, they shouldn’t have been shocked to see the creature. Still it didn’t stop the excited squeal that escaped their lips as they called for James. Has he ever seen one? It could be an experience for the both of them! This day just kept getting better for the fairy. 
     For Hook though, as his eyes circled in on the scales and sharp calculated eyes he felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. How big was that thing? Twenty three feet? They had mentioned that’s how big the animal could get while gushing about it once. Of course, he probably just thought that because the thing was huge. He could only hope that it was as big as it could get. God, what if it was just a baby? His arm suddenly felt numb, pins and needles filling where his hand used to be while his good hand was trembling. Was another bigger one waiting behind this thing? It was all he could see, this thing was going to kill him. Kill them. No way he got out easily this time. He lucked up to only lose a hand the last time it came near him. This was the end. No way this wasn’t the end. His breath was caught in his throat, good hand grasping at his neck as if it could help him draw air in. Hook timidly took a few steps back, his mouth fell open to speak but it closed right back. No words could get through if air barely could. But he wanted his lover away from that thing. He wanted them safe, that thing was in no ways safe. 
    “James?” They look at him with soft, scared eyes, a frown written tightly across their lips. “James, what is it?” He shakes his head so fast it makes him dizzy, (Y/n) rushing forward to help stabilize him and bring him to sit down on the deck of the ship before he could fall to it. Wild, worried eyes work the boy over, falling onto his hook. They trace his arm back up to his eyes, watching the way his eyes jump between the golden metal and the edge of the ship. They suddenly felt like an idiot. Of course James has seen one before, he was attacked by one before. How could they ever forget something that important? Their heart fell into their stomach as they stood up, softly whispering to him that they would be right back before they make it back to the side of the boat. 
   A soft wave of their left hand brings a golden glow to surround their fingers. “You sir, need to leave,” their hand points out to the creature in the water below them. “You are greatly upsetting the Captain,” they turn their hand and the animal goes with it, “Don’t you want to go sunbathe? It’s so warm today.” They watch as the creature slinks off, slow and steady movements dragging it up onto the sand of the beach. Leaving an indented path in the sand it left behind. With him gone, they’re right back to their boyfriend. Falling to their bare knees with a loud knocking sound as they softly grab his face. “Hey, let’s get those eyes on me, yeah? He’s gone, I got rid of him, I promise. You’re safe, Honey. You’re so so safe.” Thumbs rub his cheeks as his wild and terrified eyes jump back and forth between looking into each of his lover’s gentle ones. “It’s gone, Honey. Nothing is going to hurt you. I’ve got you, I won’t let any animal hurt you again. It’s okay. Get those eyes on me.” 
    His hand is still clawing his neck as his eyes settle on theirs and the fairy reaches down to grab it. “That’s enough of that. You’re hurting yourself. You can breathe, I know you can. You wanna try with me?” He gives them a weak, measly nod, eyes finally locking in on the ones he’d learned to call home. “Okay good. Breath in. One, two, three, four.” He follows the command, though the way his chest expands with it is nearly a searing pain, muscles rigid and tight with fear. “Out now. One, two, three, four.” James isn’t positive about how many times they repeat the two commands. (Y/n) talking him through every slow and steady breath he takes until his shoulders relax and he feels like the air is entering his lungs all on its own. Not letting up on him until his breathing is clear and his eyes are less watery. “Hey,” they smile, letting go of his hand to wipe the few tears that made their escape from his eyes. “There you are, there’s my boy.”
     He slumps forward onto their shoulder, nearly exhausted from the ordeal and they hold him. One hand wrapping around his shoulders as the other softly cards through his hair. “Hey,” they coo, pressing a few kisses to his bare shoulder as they tug him ever so slightly closer. “I’m,” he finally finds his voice, letting out a sigh as he nuzzles against them, “I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I know seeing one of those was a big deal to you. I didn’t mean to ruin it.” (Y/n) all but scoffs, pulling him up to look at their face. “James Hook, you have nothing to apologize to me for.” “But I-” “Nothing.” They set to peppering his cheeks with soft kisses, playing with his hair as they do. “I should have kept it to myself. I wasn’t thinking about you when I saw it, I just got excited. I never should have called you over there to look at that thing. I’m sorry.” They shake their head, kissing his nose, “I’m so sorry.” James hums, pulling himself up to his feet before helping them to theirs. “It’s okay. It’s okay, I’m okay.” He hopes it’s convincing, but the way his eyes flicker around deceives him. The boy was clearly terrified, and it made them feel awful. 
    “I sent it to the beach, so maybe we should turn around, head back home.” He frowns, wrapping his arms back around their waist and leaning into the warmth of their shoulder. “But, I promised you we’d go swimming, you were so excited. We just got here, that will ruin the whole day for you.” Gentle and loving arms wrap around him, pulling him as close as they can get him. “If we go swimming I’m not going to be able to fly in my fairy form for days from all the water. I was excited about the idea of swimming, but not for the water.” He pulls away to look at them, brows furrowed. What else could they have been excited for if not the water? What else was there to get excited about when it came to swimming? Eyes ghost back over his exposed torso and it clicks, the boy laughing as he tilts their head to look at him. “You are a siren, I hope you know that.” And they laugh, pecking his lips while their hands rest on his chest, “Maybe, but you love it. Plus you’re going to be all gold skinned from the sun for a week after this and it just makes you look so pretty.” His cheeks flush and this time the boy doesn’t try to hide it. “You need to go home and cool down, don’t you? Wanna come learn to steer?” Their eyes light up as they stare at him, “You mean it?”
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
Dating Hort of Bloodbrook
summary : general headcanons of dating Hort while being the princess of Camelot.
word count : 0.7k
type : headcanons
pairing/s involved : Hort x Reader, Sibling! Tedros x Reader
warning/s : discrimination against Nevers and Evers.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I know this is late but this has been on my unfinished works since the movie came out. I fell in love with Hort, he is so cute and loyal to Sophie 🥹. I haven't read the books but I might soon when I need to escape reality again.
You will likely be a year younger than Tedros.
Because of the heir and the spare™.
I know it sounds bad but some rulers actually do those.
Tedros is extremely overprotective over you, especially when Queen Guinevere ran away with Lancelot and King Arthur died.
He's like the typical older brother you see in movies; handsome, buff, (kind off) a meathead, and annoys you to know end.
Will also be the first one to come to your defense.
When you got to the School of Good, you were determined to destroy the image of being Tedros' little sister.
Which results to you preferring to be a hero in your own story than being a queen in someone else's.
As expected, you quickly became friends with Agatha.
Not afraid to stand up to those who think girls are inferior to boys.
While the other Evers found the Nevers horrible for being future villains, you have a neutral perspective towards them.
After all, the School of Good has many stuck up and vain students.
Meeting Hort was definitely a memory to remember. It was when Professor Dovey took the first years to the Wish Fish (Let's pretend Agatha didn't free them).
When you put your hand on the water and begin to think of a wish, you didn't feel the water swirling like Agatha told you she experienced,
Instead, it was hand that intertwines its finger with yours.
And it harshly pulled you down the water.
The girls' screams and the professor calling out your name in panic caught the boys and Tedros' attention, running to the 'rescue'.
Under the water, you see someone smiling at you, or at least that's what you hopes he's doing.
A Never named Hort, son of Captain Hook.
Tedros immediately pulled you out of the water, with Hort in tow.
The angry professor commands the nearby guards to bring him back to the School of Evil and how Lady Lesso will surely punish him.
"It seems like I'm your wish, my lady."
He expects you to be disgusted like the other Evers. To his surprise, you give him the sweetest smile he has ever seen in his life.
"That you are, Hort of Bloodbrook."
To say Hort is surprised was an understatement.
You didn't only smile at him but also knew his name.
Cupid's arrow struck him at that moment. His villainous smirk drops, staring at you with wide eyes as much as he could before they were out of sight.
Tedros, who saw the whole thing, was not pleased and gave you a warning on how Nevers can't be trusted.
After your encounter, Hort seeks you out more.
You didn't mind, he is an odd yet funny companion.
He also doesn't care for one's physical appearance like the girls do or how you're nothing but a pretty face with a royal title like most guys think.
He encourages you to be yourself, like Agatha does.
You two would get judgmental looks from both sides.
Sophie was pissed, not only because Hort was losing interest in her but being the princess of Camelot is everything she wants to be.
So is Tedros. And everyone else who sees you together.
Agatha is just worried and would remind you to keep your guard up.
But you enjoy each other's company, that's what matters.
Hort was in love with you the moment you met but it took you a longer time to realize your feelings for him.
You only told Agatha about it but Tedros overheard.
Believe me when I say that Tedros will demand you to be examined.
"She's not under any spells, my prince."
"Are you certain?"
"Oh my God, I love Hort and there's nothing you can do about it!"
Everyone in the hall heard you.
Silence before a giddy howl ensues.
Hort runs to you and gives the biggest hug you could ever receive.
Despite being initially embarrassed, you returned it.
Before he could kiss you like he always dreamed of, Tedros stops him.
He pulls out Excalibur and points its tip on Hort's neck. Your brother will mercilessly give the poor boy threats if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way. Agatha joined in without words, just sending a warning glare on his way.
Hort would be lowkey terrified but so happy at the same time.
I mean you love him back. He could take a fucking army if you command him to.
Lady Lesso and Professor Dovey would only look at each other in disbelief, worried for what happens next.
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