#captain boomrang x reader
sserpente · 7 years
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A/N: Request from @harknesskitty. Writing this Imagine was some kind of déjà-vu and I just don’t know why… :o well, enjoy reading, everyone! ♥
Words: 1870 Warnings: vampire!Reader, theft, implied smut
It was ridiculous, really. A blood-sucking vampire freezing to death out in the cold, curled up behind a dirty trash can to hide from the merciless snow. Without nutrition—be it a squirrel or even a rat—you were sure you would be dying tonight.
There were crueler ways to snuff it, though. A wooden stick through your heart, a raging fire licking at your skin or a sharp blade separating your head from your neck… if this was the peaceful alternative, you would be grateful.
Ironically, it was Christmas Eve too. The trash cans you were hiding behind belonged to an old church and if you listened closely, you could hear a choir singing Christmas carols. Surely inside, it was warmer. Inside, they’d have hot tea and warmed each other. You hadn’t stepped foot in a church for decades.
Obviously, you didn’t fear to go up in smoke if you did but somehow, it didn’t feel right to pray and ask for forgiveness and a blessing. You killed people to ensure your own survival, if this wasn’t selfish, you didn’t know what was.
So, you had isolated yourself from society, living as a poor and homeless nomad and never staying in one place for too long. It was a bad idea to get attached to humans—people you’d either suck dry in a rage or a fit sooner or later or that you’d watch die from old age while you remained the same.
Grief and loneliness were among the most awful feelings as an immortal being, knowing it would never truly stop and still, centuries ago, you had chosen this fate over certain death. It had to be worth something and maybe tonight was the night to finally say goodbye to the planet.
The sound of metal clattering to the frozen ground had you flinch, your senses wide awake with a start. If it was moving, it was food.
Gathering the last of your strength, you used your supernatural speed to rush to the place the sound had come from. A back alley abutting to the local bank stretched before you, causing you to roll your eyes. Another clumsy and ruthless burglar. Those were your favourite. Well, at least you’d do the world some good on this merry day.
“Bloody shit,” he hissed quietly, cowering in the snow to collect the coins he had dropped. You shivered, crossing your arms and stepping forward. It was a man. Broad shoulders, dressed oddly, a battered coat covering most of his form. Hm… he was quite handsome for a criminal.
“Robbing the bank, are we?”
“Who are yah? A cop?” Alarmed, the stranger reached for a knife, pointing it at you… no, not a knife… a… a boomerang? You almost giggled upon seeing the strange weapon, causing him to fling the metal piece right at you. You instantly docked down to prevent the blade from slicing off your head and then, when you sensed it returning to him, you used your powers to do a backflip and dodge once more.
“That wasn’t very nice.” You loved playing with your prey. Letting them believe they had power, only to mercilessly strip it from them in the end, crushing their hope like sand under your soles. “And no. I’m not a cop. Still, I’ll be the last thing you’ll see tonight. Or… ever.”
You didn’t hide your malicious giggle this time, however, stopped dead in your tracks when the stranger took another step forward and dived into the dim light of the back alley. He really was handsome. Dark hair, a dark beard, blue eyes and full lips… the urge to bite them and draw a little blood was tingling in your frozen limbs, persistent even.
“I’m not in the mood fah games, Sheila. An’ I don’t share me prey. So fuck off unless yuh’re here tah offer me a free blowjob.”
“Pretty rude, are we? Neither am I. See, I am what humans refer to as a vampire. A blood-sucking monster… killing you slowly and painfully.” you paused, adding a dramatic effect. They usually didn’t believe you until your eyes turned red and your sharp fangs pushed against your lower lip demandingly, uncontrollable hunger taking over. “You seem like the perfect victim, wouldn’t you agree with me?”
The stranger silenced, pursing his lips. “Me? Why, cos’ I robbed a bloody bank?”
“On Christmas Eve,” you added dryly. “Boo, that’s evil.”
“I’m evil? Yah just told me yah were gonnah drink me up like some cheap beer.”
You tilted your head once more. He was good. HeHe was good. “Yeah okay, I give you that.”
“C’mon, luv, there’s worse people out there.”
It was then you realised. “Wait, you actually believe me?” The question had left your lips before you could properly think it through. You were supposed to be intimidating, not curious and sweet like a little school girl. Damn it.
“I’ve seen a lottah supernatural stuff in the last couple o’ months, luv, a vampire ain’t as scary as yah might think.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m hungry.” You threatened with a low voice, sensing how your eyes changed their colour.
“Let’s… not do anythin’ we’ll regret. We could help each other out.” He offered, smiling cheekily as he did.
Curious, you raised an eyebrow. Help each other? If it didn’t involve his blood, you doubted it and yet, something inside you had you halt and consider him. An instinct, perhaps?
“Me apartment fah the night ain’t that far away. It’s warm, it’s cosy… yah’ll like it. Come with me an’ spend the night. We could warm each othah.” He winked.
A warm apartment… a bed… maybe he even stored some raw meat in the fridge. Could you trust him? Granted, he didn’t want to be eaten—you had heard people say the strangest things before they died in your arms from savage blood loss.
Still, you decided to play it cool. “Wow, what’s that, some touching Christmas charity?”
“I bloody hate Christmas.”
You smiled. “Me too,”
Well, maybe his offer wasn’t so bad.
“See?” His grin widened.
He was… different from the other criminals you had sucked dry. This man, he was… charming and mischievous, almost playful. You hated to admit it but you liked his cheeky attitude… and especially his Australian accent.
“Okay, so, I come home with you and in return, what? I don’t eat you?”
“I’d be happy if yah didn’t, luv.” He replied.
“Fine. We have a deal.”
“Yuh’re gonnah tell me yah name?”
Another smile, this time a little more sincere. “Call me (Y/N).”
“Nice tah meet yah, (Y/N). The name’s Captain Boomerang.”
“Wait, so you really are the Captain Boomerang who fought alongside Harley Quinn and those other freaks in Gotham?”
Boomer hadn’t promised you too much. His apartment was heated and comfortable, the fridge full of barbecue meat and beer. He was a stereotypical Aussie and it only intrigued you all the more. After a couple of cans, you’d both stripped yourselves from any restraint. You had told him about your former life, the people you had killed and the life you lived now. And he listened. Unlike any other man you had ever met, he actually listened to what you had to say—it’s been so long since you had someone to talk and someone to confide in. It was obvious to you he knew what it felt like to be alone, too… most likely the reason for his openness and the longer he told you stories about his own adventures, the more you forced yourself to hold back and not get attached.
You would leave him again tomorrow. There was no need to develop feelings for this man, no friendly and definitely no romantic ones.
“The one an’ only, luv. Took me quite a while tah get away from Waller but here I am.”
“Here you are, saving Christmas Eve.” Giggling, you cuddled into him, almost lying on top of him on the dusty mattress on the ground. It was a provisory shelter, the people who had lived here had moved out only weeks ago and left the mattress back. Now, it came in handy.
Sighing, your buried your face in his neck and enjoyed the sensation of his warm skin against your cheek, for once not to kill but to revel in the oddly snug feeling spreading in your whole body and warming you from the inside out. You hadn’t been this content in years. You had… almost forgotten what it felt like to share comfort, especially when he had wrapped his muscly arms around you to touch your bare arms. He was like a heater himself, listening to his even heartbeat relaxing and calming.
“Reckon we did each othah a favour, huh?” Boomerang chuckled darkly. His chest vibrated under your palm when he did, sending a pleasant shiver up and down your spine. It was short moments like this in which the urge to bite returned. Not to kill or simply still your hunger but to share an intimate gesture, create something that would connect you both forever.
“Where’re yah gonnah go then? Tomorrow, I mean.”
Breathing out audibly, you shrugged. You hadn’t thought about that yet. “I don’t know. I’ve always wanted to see California. Besides, it’s warm there.”
“Yah take the money with yah when yah leave, alright?”
Tilting his head to the rucksack full of coins and banknotes in the corner opposite the dimly lit room, his expression turned thoughtful.
Your heart skipped a beat. Lifting your head slowly to look him in the eye, you opened your mouth in an almost shocked manner. This wasn’t what criminals normally acted at all. This man… “Why would I do that?”
“’Cos yah need it more than me, apparently. I’ll rob anothah bank tomorrow an’ I’ll be rich. Go have it. Say it’s a Christmas present.”
“And all of that so I don’t bite you?” You teased, pressing yourself even closer to his body. Don’t get attached, don’t get attached… your mantra was useless. You already were getting attached.
Boomer grinned. “I’m startin’ tah think that wouldn’t be so bad, after all.” Something inside you stirred when you straddled him, your eyes changing their colour in joyful anticipation. “As long as yah don’t kill me,” He winked when you bit your lower lip, running your fingers all over his body.
Why leave tomorrow? Why not stay with him for a while? The chemistry between you was tangible, buzzing like electrical energy.
“So I reckon what I’m sayin’ is, if yah take yah clothes off, feel free tah taste.” The glistening in his blue eyes resembled raw lust and desire, adding to your own arousal and fuelling your own hunger.
You grinned to yourself when you pulled your shirt off, revealing your breasts to him.
“I can live with that.” And then, you gently pressed your lips against his, kissing him in joyful anticipation of what was to come.
“I’ve never shagged a vampire.” He growled hoarsely, burying his hands in your dirty jeans.
You would definitely stay for a while longer.
“You’ll never forget the experience.” You promised.
Maybe getting attached wasn’t so bad after all. At least for this very moment.
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sserpente · 8 years
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A/N: Boomer clearly won that survey the other day. So… here we go. Sex in a pile of leaves... ENJOY! ;-)
Words: 1427 Warnings: smut
“I cahn’t believe yah convinced me tah do this.”
���Boomer, we’re just taking a walk, I didn’t ask you to dress up like a fairy princess and do a rain dance.”
“An’ what is that fah? Nothin’.”
Having George Digger Harkness as your boyfriend wasn’t particularly easy at times. Instead of being an honest lover and earning his money in an honourable way, he kept spoiling you with expensive jewellery from fashion stores he burglarised, paying your bills with money he robbed from banks.
Not that you minded too much–you loved him no matter how he handled his life and despite the path he had chosen so long ago, for he cared about you although you were against his ideals. Sometimes you wondered why fate had put the two of you together.
Why you had ended up withdrawing money the exact same day Boomerang had decided to rob your local bank. You didn’t know why you met again the next night, with him hiding in an old shack you normally used as your escape room whenever life took its cruel toll on you, neither did you know why you had begun talking to him and eventually cried in his arms, complaining about how unfair life actually was. And certainly, you did not understand how the two of you had landed in bed after that.
Either way, you had become a couple and you wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Captain Boomerang made your life exciting, for he made it possible to escape from your everyday problems and on top of that erased all of your financial problems by literally throwing bundles of bank notes at you. You had come to find out that Digger usually didn’t really play well with others and it thus amazed you even more he was willing to share his prey with you.
“It’s to stay healthy. To enjoy nature. And because it’s romantic. Look at the pretty colours.”
Boomer rolled his eyes in an annoyed manner but pulled you close nonetheless. Smiling shyly to yourself, you buried your hand in one of the pockets of his grey leather coat, your left arm playfully placed on his chest while his arm snaked around your waist in a possessive manner.
You sighed. You felt protected whenever you were with him, blithe even.
“It’s just leaves, luv.”
“Colourful leaves. Look! I used to play in those as a kid.” Dwelling on childhood memories, you pointed at a pile of leaves at the side of the path you were walking on, neatly swept together.
“I love autumn so much.” You continued, your eyes darting around so delighted Boomerang had to pull you even closer so you wouldn’t trip.
“Yuh’re way too enthusiastic about this bloody season, darlin’.” Shaking his head, his gaze fixated the pile of leaves as you passed it.
“I can’t help it, it’s one of the few things that make me happy in this stupid world.” You shrugged.
“Are there usually othah people ‘round here?”
“No. Normally not.”
“Yah think we’re alone right now?”
“I think so. Why?” This time, Boomerang was the one who shrugged before he suddenly grabbed your waist and pushed you right into the pile of leaves, collapsing on top of you only seconds after. Several leaves swirled up around you, destroying the neat mound with loud rustling filling the air.
A laugh escaped your lips when your whole body disappeared in the dead foliage and you gasped for air as you wiped them from your face, shifting a bit so you were in a comfortable position.
“What are you doing?”
“Playin’ in a pile a’ leaves, luv.” His lips came crashing down on yours before you could reply anything. Boomerang’s mouth began devouring yours, his tongue sneaking into your mouth to tease yours. It didn’t take long for you to kiss him back passionately, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer and running your fingers through his curly hair.
Now this was… different. You’d never been kissed in foliage before but there was certainly something particularly romantic about it. You grinned into the kiss, the leaves rustling beneath the two of you as you moved. However, your eyes widened in shock when you felt his growing erection pressing against your thighs.
“Boomer… Boomer, we’re in public. What if somebody comes by…”
“So? Let ‘em see us, darlin’. Have fun an’ live a little.” The Aussie grinned as he tore down your pants and underwear so quickly there was no time to protest. You flinched and gasped for air when the cold and still moist leaves connected to the bare skin of your backside, sending a shiver down your spine because of the sudden cold.
Moving properly was impossible, for your pants functioned as shackles and Boomerang’s weight on you pressed you to the ground, deeper into the pile of leaves.
“Oh God…” You mumbled, covering your face with your hands as the Aussie grinned down at you, fumbling at his belt to free his erection and raising one eyebrow in the process.
“Relax, luv. No-one’s gonnah see us. Yah told me nobody usually comes here.”
“Yeah but what if, what if… oh God…” You bit your lower lip when Boomerang’s fingers began exploring your womanhood, gently grazing over your folds and circling your clit in a slow rhythm.
You felt your arousal rising immediately. The Aussie knew exactly what to do to get you off quickly. You tensed, your toes curling in your warm boots as you arched your back a bit to increase the pleasuring friction between your legs.
A familiar heat was pooling in your lower stomach, a knot forming deep inside of you, ready to make you explode into a million little pieces.
Right when you were about to cum, however, Boomerang pulled away, a wolfish grin playing on his lips.
“Noo, don’t stop…” You complained, almost whimpering in the process. He only chuckled in response when suddenly, you felt the tip of his hard cock pressing against your entrance, sliding up and down your now wet folds.
Your back arched once more, ready for him to bury himself deep inside of you. Leaves were stuck on your backside, the moist sensation sending shivers down your spine when he finally slipped into you, a loud moan escaping your lips when your hot walls embraced his length, clenching at it in joyful anticipation.
Boomerang moved slowly at first, each thrust having the moist leaves you were laying on rustling anew. He shifted a bit to adjust his angle, hitting your sweet spot with every stroke. Neither of you were gonna last for too long that way but it didn’t matter, for the thought of him taking you right here and there, outside in nature, in public in a fucking pile of leaves alone was almost enough to make you cum on the spot.
Moaning uncontrollably, you wrapped your arms around him, your nails scratching over the smooth fabric of his leather coat and causing the Aussie to speed up his pace, rocking into you almost relentlessly.
“Fuck…” He whispered. He buried his face in your neck, licking over the sensitive skin and leaving hickeys as he began sucking on it, bringing you closer and closer to your climax.
“C’mon, luv, cum fah me.” His command, his voice deep, dark and hoarse, was all you needed. An ear-piercing scream escaped your lips as your orgasm hit you, tearing you into a vortex of pleasure and having you see stars instead of golden leaves.
Boomerang’s hips circled to let you ride out your intense climax before he began slamming into you once more, his furious strokes pushing him over the edge only mere seconds later. He growled into your ear as he came, his hot breath brushing against your cheek.
You felt him tense above you when he spilled his load inside of you, dripping onto the moist leaves when he pulled out.
Exhausted, you allowed him to help you pull up your pants again, then watched him do the same before he got up, reaching for your hands to heave you on your feet.
A devilish smile played on his lips as he pulled you in a gentle kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you close.
“Let’s go home.” He suggested hoarsely, watching you nod almost enthusiastically.
You blushed when his grin widened, looking at what had once been a neat pile of leaves. You really had to convince Digger to go for a walk with you more often.
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