#captain augustus crow
“Damn fools,” Crow muttered, casting his eye about the floating wreckage. They’d sailed close enough to see it without the use of a spyglass - what little there was to be seen, at any rate. He reckoned most of the ship went down right away, leaving behind only a scattered mess of splintered wood and tattered sails.
And bloated bodies.
“There’s another,” Sarah hummed from her spot beside him, nodding towards a point just ahead. Crow turned to look, and found himself biting back an oath directed at all the powers that be. That weren’t no grown sailor’s corpse lying sprawled across a bit of flotsam - that was a child. Enough cruelties existed in the world already; did the Fates truly need to add another to the pile?
“We’ll find the beast what did this, Cap’n,” his first mate said, shifting just enough that her narrow shoulder pressed against his broader one. “And we’ll have justice for all those lives it’s taken.”
“Aye. We will, at that.” No use lingering by the wreckage; their prey like as not moved on to find the next ship sailing too close to its territory. Still- Crow took one last look down, before he’d need to call out fresh orders and start the hunt anew.
A little head of salt-stiff hair lifted.
“Oh, bloody hell,” he heard Sarah start to say, but Crow found himself already dashing towards the nearest rowboat, calling for hands to launch the craft. One enterprising soul grabbed a free line to toss, aimed perfectly for the small square of flotsam and the living child draped across it. Some spark yet remained, for the little one tried to grab hold, both shaking hands grasping weakly at the rope.
By that point Crow and two of his crew released the boat, pulleys letting it to down to meet the waves. “Quickly now,” he ordered, though it proved unneeded - the Inevitable had gone still and silent when they found the wreckage and began counting half-eaten corpses, but a survivor stirred everyone up as much as when they did battle with a sea beast.
Swift arms upon the oars brought them around to the battered square of planks, where the child watched them with glazed eyes. Lad managed to get the end of the rope twisted around one hand before it pulled taut, wind still pushing the ship along past his position. Crow seized the back of a torn and waterlogged shirt, easily hefting the boy up into their rowboat, before he passed the line off to be secured elsewhere.
He didn’t hesitate to strip out of his black overcoat, and wrap it securely around the shivering boy. “Easy now, lad, we’ve got ya. Gonna be alright now.”
Kid didn’t say a word. But he did shudder, head to toe, and pressed himself against Crow’s chest.
“He alright, Captain?” One of the hands asked. Young lass, still with a fresh hunter’s tattoo on one arm and even fresher scar from her first monster fight on the other.
“Aye, Miss Merino,” Crow murmured, cupping the lad’s head with one hand. “I reckon he’ll be just fine, once we get him aboard and warmed up.”
When the crew hauled them back against the Inevitable, it didn’t feel odd at all to scoop the boy into his arms and climb aboard, nor to head straight for the surgeon’s station without hardly pausing to let anyone else get a look at the lad. Quite a few murmurs followed him down the steps; no cheers, yet, not until they knew whether or not they’d only retrieved a corpse what hadn’t quite stopped breathing.
But Crow knew better. There’d been some bit of fire left in the lad, for him to try grabbing hold of the rope, the chance at survival it represented. Even bundled up and shivering, he’d managed to wiggle one little hand free to grasp at the neck of Crow’s shirt, with a tight grip that spoke all too well of just how long he’d been alone in the water.
“Set him down here,” the surgeon snapped, her assistant scurrying to fetch clean blankets and stoke up the fire in their small brazier. “Anything bleeding?”
“Not that I could see. You hurt at all, lad?” Crow started to set the boy down upon the indicated cot, but- a truly terrified keen erupted from the kid’s throat, and he clung to the captain harder than a barnacle to the ship’s hull. All of them froze - Crow, surgeon and assistant, even Sarah as she stumped in past the private section’s curtains. “...right,” Crow muttered after a moment.
He turned and sat on the cot himself, kid situated in his lap.
Unwrapping the overcoat went a little easier, at least, and a cursory inspection turned up a few patches of scraped-raw skin and fading bruises, but nothing in danger of becoming infected, which could be a death sentence even for the hardiest sailor. Water with a pinch of salt, the surgeon prescribed, to help the lad’s body balance itself back out, followed by simple broth before they tried any solid food. His shirt and trousers were torn beyond saving and quickly cut free, so as to dry him off and bundle him back up before a chill could set in. By that point the brazier in the corner was doing a brilliant job of heating the curtained off space, but the boy kept shivering every so often.
He also kept holding on to Crow.
“Apologies, Captain,” the surgeon huffed, as she handed off the scraps of clothing to her apprentice. “But I’d rather not stress him further by trying to get the wee tyke t’ let go. If you don’t mind staying, at least ‘til he falls asleep-”
“It’s no trouble,” Crow assured her. And- it wasn’t, truly, no matter the disbelieving stare Sarah leveled at him from her spot in the corner. Somewhere in-between the rowboat and the surgeon’s cot, he’d adjusted his arms to find the best position to hold the lad, and it felt natural as hefting a lance or striding along the Inevitable’s yardarms.
...he’d consider the more concerning aspects of that realization later.
In the meantime, Crow sent his first mate back out to inform the crew of their rescue being a success, and settled in with a child rapidly dropping off to sleep, safely tucked against him.
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polarisnocturnal · 1 year
Chapter 7, the last Chapter of the Dead Men Tell no Tales Sequel. There is another one in the works, but this is the end of the movie tie ins.
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harlowarts2022 · 2 years
Archive of Our Own
anyways enjoy.
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elveswithoutears · 2 years
I made a tiktok
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It has been.... so long.
Here's Crow as a Rogue garbage pirate man after losing the inevitable
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Girl (gn), you'll never know who i spotted at the Pride parade
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Say hello to the prettiest boys ever.
Drawing John's fit was so fun! 10/10 I would steal his look.
Confessions and Headcanon under the cut
My beloved John. I would like to award you the highest honor i can bestow. "Queer and gender-non conforming man" be upon ye. Also he sewed both Augustus and his outfits
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So I watched The Sea Beast
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boogiewoogieweeb · 5 months
if i had a cent for every time jared harris played a veteran, harried sea captain who ordered his loyal first to have a female poc with ties to a powerful folkloric creature thrown off his ship bc of his own internalized self-loathing, i would have two cents. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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thekenobee · 2 years
I've known it since the day I pulled you from the sea. You'd been out there for days. Then I held you and I knew. The fates had brought me a son.
I thought of you as a son but I don't know you.
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(@i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch, as promised!)
Crow couldn’t say how long he stood atop those broken stones, sword lying dropped at his feet. Plenty enough time for the crowds to move on, whether homeward or into the castle itself, still demanding answers raised by one little girl’s speech.
Maisie Brumble.
He’d liked her inner fire better when it weren’t aimed at him. At his livelihood- his father and grandfather’s livelihoods, the life her own parents gave themselves too. All three of them.
No denying it, by this point. Not after the way Jacob knelt and swept that girl into his arms once she finished her words aimed at crown and country. The way they sailed off together, standing proud atop that red monster’s head, nary a single look back from either one.
Crow stared at the gate long after they’d disappeared through it.
Eventually, a familiar tread approached. The scent of salt and gunpowder and something undeniably sharp settled beside him, and Crow let himself sigh. “Well.”
“Well,” Sarah agreed, a wealth of commiseration in that single word. “Beggin’ your pardon, Cap’n, but I seem to have pulled a bit of a mutiny on ya.”
Eyebrows furrowing, Crow shifted just enough to glance at her.
“Girl’s knife weren’t big enough to cut through the main rope holding that beast in place. I took my own blade to it, just before ya struck yer final blow.”
“Reckon it don’t matter now,” he muttered, looking forward again, “Should’a listened to ya long before we reached this point.”
“Aye. Ya should have. But what’s done is done, an’ now the crew’s wonderin’ what’s next.”
“Surprised any of ‘em stuck around.”
Sarah snorted. “We’ve all just had our world turned upside down, Crow - what they do on the morrow’s another matter, but right now, not a single one a’those sailors is willing to walk away what little we got left. Especially not our cap’n.”
With another deep sigh, Crow bent, and picked his sheathed sword back up from the rubble. “Right, then. Let’s see if there’s anythin’ we can salvage.”
They held steady until Castle Whiterock’s walls passed out of sight, and then both Jacob and Maisie both needed to take a seat against Red’s crest.
The man carefully lowered himself down, settling with a deep, slow exhale. The girl dropped onto his lap with a lot less care, sighing as she slumped against Jacob’s chest. “I’m tired,” Maisie mumbled, cheek squished against the damp fabric of his shirt.
“Aye,” Jacob agreed. “Me too.”
Not about to be left out, Blue promptly wiggled into their midst, body supported on one of Jacob’s thighs but head tucked into Maisie’s hold. She giggled softly. “Good boy, Blue. You are the best pet.”
“Pest, more like,” Jacob couldn’t help but grumble, despite his own wry grin. “Surprised he swam all that way on his own.”
“I reckon he must ha- have-” Maisie broke off to yawn, leaning back from the strength of it and almost tumbling off Jacob’s lap entirely. He braced an arm against his knee to support her instead. “-ugh. Must‘ve hidden with Red.”
The girl pulled her legs up to rest entirely in Jacob’s lap, arms curled around Blue as her eyes started to drift shut. “‘M tired.”
“Said that already.”
“Shut. It.”
Jacob snorted, closing his own eyes and tipping his head back to rest against Red’s crest. “There’s that fire of yours, causing more trouble.”
Maisie mumbled something, but didn’t manage to say any more words before her breathing evened out, little body going boneless as sleep claimed her. Jacob wouldn’t have minded following suit, but he needed to stay awake; needed to keep watch for any incoming trouble, any sign they might be attacked while slowly cruising downriver-
Red rumbled. Not a growl, not a roar. Nothing threatening, or dangerous: that was the deep croon she’d made at Maisie several times along their voyage to Rum Pepper Island. Jacob let out another slow breath, and made himself relax. “Alright, girl. You’ve got the watch. Wake me if anything happens, yeah?”
Another reassuring rumble, and Jacob let himself drift away.
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polarisnocturnal · 1 year
A whole new au, takes place in the wild west
"Captain" Crow is a bounty hunter, going after Red Bluster, a powerhouse of a woman outlaw
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harlowarts2022 · 2 years
Our Voyage! a sea beasts fanfic
Chapter 2
The feeling of the ship being hit by something startles me awake, I look up at the small window in my room and see it’s still dark out, “Harlow, what's going on?” I hear my brother ask I look at him “I don't know, stay here and I'll go check it out ok” I say hoping it's nothing bad I get up and make my way out of my room only to be consumed in chaos, a beast was attacking our ship the sails caught fire,
 I look left and right trying to find my father in all the mayhem when I finally spot him I'm thrown off my feet by another hit from the beast. Barely managing to get back my balance I ran to my father “Dad what's happening?” I ask frantically, another hit of the ship but this time I kept my balance “we're under attack, you need to get you and your brother to the safety raft if I'm not there shortly leave without me” I hear him say I nod my head and turn around to go get my brother but my father grabs me and pulls me into a hug “I love you and your brother I'm sorry for all the stuff I put you through” I hear him say as I pull away, “I know dad” I say and once again turn to run to mine and my brother's room, but when I open the door he's nowhere to be seen. 
I turn around and run looking for my brother, noticing that the ship isn't going to hold on much longer the fire engulfing it, and besides the crackling of the fire and splash of the waves its quiet, “JACOB” I yell looking around the ship I yell again “JACOB, WHERE ARE YOU “ The ship gets hit once again, splitting it in half, and sinking rapidly, knowing I can't be on the ship much longer. I ran to find the safety raft and found it was no longer there, cursing to myself I decided to do what all I have left to do and that was to jump. 
As I'm about to jump the ship is hit so hard that I was thrown into the air and for a few seconds, I wonder if I'll make it out of this alive, hitting the ice-cold water sure as hell was a surprise, I wasn't able to get a breath before hitting the water, leaving me to gasp in the salty water, as it enters my lungs there's this burning sensation it hurt so bad, I swim up the best I can, popping my head out of the water and cough whatever water I can up, unable to breathe and losing consciousness fast I slip into darkness only hoping my brother and father made it out alive.
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young Augustus (29) spots something red on the dark horizon, approaching the ship fast.
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The yoga Episode Part 2
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You see John's ear wiggle Augustus? You upsetted him. Shame on you. Shame-est of shames above your head for making feel bad the babygirl
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hello! I think Captain Augustus Crow III is quite doomed by the narrative. He has seen better days.
(May i request this image to be used?
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Thank you have a good day!)
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Captain Augustus Crow III from The Sea Beast is doomed by the narrative and trying to escape.
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yourfaveslgbt · 10 months
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Captain Crow from The Sea Beast is Pan!
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