#capsule corp princess (bulma)
muses-of-the-memory · 5 months
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Happy Mother's Day from the World of Dragon Ball
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
You know, it's funny. Vegeta likes to boast about being Prince of Saiyans but there are only four Saiyans left in existence and they're scattered to different planets. It's kind of like Leia being Princess of Alderaan. It's an important title to him personally but it doesn't really mean anything anymore on a political level.
Bulma, meanwhile, is heir to the largest billion-dollar megacorporation on the planet. Having invented shrinking tech, Capsule Corp now makes everything. The world is filled with Capsule cars and Capsule homes and Capsule guns and Capsule submarines. They've completely reinvented the very nature of what products are.
They have enough money to effortlessly burn resources on private space ventures and build gravity machines into their palatial estate. Even as a child, Bulma was important enough that when a small boy showed up asking to see her, he was given a police escort to her home just to make sure she really did know this kid and everything was on the up and up.
(And when Bulma tells the cop that she cut school, he just meekly responds with, "Oh, you shouldn't but okay." He has no authority here.)
Now they live together in Bulma's giant house surrounded by Bulma's immeasurable wealth and luxury, with their family supported by the family's servant robots.
Basically, the funny thing about Bulma and Vegeta's marriage is that Vegeta is the one who married into royalty.
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gripefroot · 11 months
Crooked Ways [12/22]
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“It’s a full moon, isn’t it?”
Bulma’s snap, reverberated beyond her usual volume of temper to ring through the training pod, didn’t stop Vegeta from tapping his foot. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“You’re so impatient and aggressive sometimes,” she explained. Only her bottom half was visible, the top slid inside the central panel where she was implementing - or attempting to implement - the gravity sensors in the training pod. For two days of work it hadn’t gotten very far. She’d explained something about conduits and wires that Vegeta hadn’t understood or wanted to understand. He wanted his training room back. “I think it’s a pattern,” Bulma continued. “Every few weeks you get more angry, then you cool off again.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Vegeta repeated, but this time he crossed his arms stiffly across his chest. He knew exactly what she was talking about, and she was right. She was more observant than he’d care to admit. “I just want you to hurry up and get this stupid pod fixed!”
A wrench cinched inside the panel, then a frozen moment where he could hear Bulma inhaling a huge breath to half-shout, “If you tell me to hurry up one more time - ”
“Get it done and I won’t have to tell you hurry up anymore!” 
“Yeah, sure!” Bulma rolled into view, throwing a wrench aside and grabbing some other tool from the messy pile she’d accumulated outside the central station. “Then you’ll be yapping at me to do something else!” Her eyes lingered on him for a split-second, narrowing in on his bandaged arms, otherwise bare in his new Capsule Corp tank top. 
“I’m fine!” Vegeta barked, because he knew what was coming next. “The scabs fell off this morning.”
“So why the bandages?”
“I…I don’t want the new skin to get damaged again.”
“Huh. I guess you do heal fast, then.” She rolled back out of sight, feet tapping on the ground as she resumed her work. The view of her lower half wasn’t helping his composure, he knew, but he also savored the view without worrying she’d notice and bite his head off. 
“I told you I did,” he said. The cuffs of her jumpsuit were rolled up, revealing slender, white ankles that disappeared into red socks and tennis shoes. 
“Blah, blah.” A slight grunt and hiss of air. “Listen, this is going to take a while, so you may as well go use the gym inside - ”
“No! I will supervise so as to ensure you don’t slack off.” 
“Who do you think you are, my boss?”
“I think…I think you don’t realize the urgency of my needs!” Vegeta stated, shifting his weight slightly. 
“Go use a bathroom.”
“Not that kind of need, you wench!” 
But Bulma laughed, the noise filling the pod and his ears and overflowing until he found himself rubbing the goosebumps on his arms unconsciously. 
“If you’re going to stick around, amuse me, then,” she said. Rolled out again, plucked a new tool, rolled back out of sight. Not too quickly so that Vegeta saw the precarious hold the zipper of her jumpsuit had over her breasts. “Did Planet Vegeta have princesses?”
Out of all the questions she could have asked, he wouldn’t have placed a bet on that one. Not that he’d reveal how taken aback he was. “If I had had a sister, it would have,” Vegeta intoned. “But no.” 
“So who would you have married, if not a princess?”
He nearly choked, eyes bugging out as he stared at her legs. “I would have likely wed a high class warrior to strengthen my line and my throne.” The answer was simple enough to give, and he felt certain he’d given it quickly enough that she wouldn’t suspect how uncomfortable he was treading over this ground. He’d left the planet too young for much more than suggestions of an early betrothal from over-ambitious councilors of his father’s, and once the planet was gone there had been no one left to push for an alliance. 
“I see.” Bulma’s voice was quiet. He didn’t hear her tinkling around inside the panel, so gruffly he took the offense to bark, 
“And who would you marry? You seem to think yourself a princess of Earth. Which prince's life will you ruin?” 
“Earth doesn’t have any royalty like that,” she said, still quiet. “And I’m not a real princess.”
“Your father is one of the most powerful men Earth has, politically speaking,” Vegeta said, feeling pragmatic as he wandered around the console, pretending to scrutinize the buttons and keys. “Not physically, of course. I understand that in some worlds, when it comes to royalty there are other qualities that a race may value more highly than brawn. I don’t understand the appeal, myself.” 
“Of course you don’t.” Her muttered comment likely wasn’t meant for his ears, but his hearing was exceptional compared to a human’s. He ignored the comment, anyway, closing in his offense with,
“For the closest this rock has to a princess, I’m surprised you don’t have more suitors.”
Silence. Vegeta waited for her screaming and screeching, a smile already upturning the corners of his mouth, but with a sudden sense of horror in his gut he heard the interest in her voice as she asked, “Oh? You’ve thought about it?”
“No!” he roared so quickly that he could have cursed himself for giving himself away. 
“Where should I send my Earth ambassadors to negotiate such an alliance?” Bulma teased. Vegeta grunted under his breath, glad that she couldn’t see him hunched over a keyboard with his fists holding his weight on the frame. “Goku? Will he stand in as your advisor?”
“I’d sooner take counsel with a frog!” 
“I’ll send the ambassadors to the pond, then.”
He could have screamed. His entire offense had backfired. 
“Oh, lighten up!” Bulma’s teal head appeared around the console, standing up with a wince as she twisted from side to side. Her zipper had lost its battle with her breasts, the red tank top underneath too vivid for Vegeta’s wellbeing. “I’m done for today. It’s late and I’m tired and hungry. I’ll run the tests first thing tomorrow so as long as I did everything right today, you can be training in heavy gravity by lunch.” 
“Fine,” Vegeta said, turning away. 
“Not going to boss me around to keep working until it’s done?”
“What’s the point? You’re not going to listen.”
This time her laugh crawled over his skin like soft fingertips to tickle around his ears. He almost itched them, just to be sure she hadn’t crept up on him. Not that she could; his reflexes were fantastic. 
“True,” Bulma agreed. “Want to order a few pizzas and watch a movie?” 
He hesitated. Thought of the zipper on her jumpsuit, the smudges of grease on her cheeks and neck and hands, the braids over her shoulder that could barely be called braids at this point of disarray. “What movie?” he asked. He didn’t want her to suss out how badly he wanted to say yes. 
“Oh, whatever’s on.” No surprise - she didn’t bother cleaning up her tools, simply kicking a few aside to make a better path to the door. “And don’t get any ideas,” Bulma added, pointing a finger at his face. “I want to watch something with a good plot. That’s not an invitation to kiss me through the whole thing.”
Vegeta was left, open-mouthed and gaping as she left through the door with a wink. He hurried to catch up with her, fuming. As if his anger would disguise the blush creeping up his neck. “I didn’t offer!” he hissed. The compound lawns, golden in the sunset, made his words muted and weak. And Bulma laughed again. 
“I’m offering,” she said, nudging him in the side with an elbow. He jerked away, though that area had no recent injuries, her touch still electrified him. 
“But you just said - ”
“Oh, Vegeta.” Bulma shook her head, hair clinging to her face and the wide beam of her smile. “You don’t understand women.” 
He scoffed. “What’s the point in trying?” 
“The point is, a few hours of making out on the couch. Interested?”
Vegeta couldn’t say yes too quickly or she’d know how much he’d liked kissing her. And how much he wanted to repeat the occasion as often as possible. 
“My gosh,” Bulma said when he remained silent. Her brows were pinched now, sending him a veritable glare as they made it to the sidewalk leading to the main entrance of the dome. “This front you put up is exhausting. Why do you live in a constant state of self denial?”
“Why do you live in a constant state of self indulgence?” he sniped back. “Some things matter more than pleasure.”
Her brows rose, lips compressing together in a thin line before relaxing into a smile. The doors whooshed open ahead of them, the lobby already emptied of the usual secretaries. 
“Life is hard,” Bulma said with a feminine shrug that sent her zipper south a few more teeth. “And the difficulties simply aren’t worth it if you can’t wring out a few minutes of pleasure here and there, I think. What do you think?”
Vegeta thought that maybe she had a point, but all he gave was a grunt. 
Incidentally, an hour or so later when the living room was littered with empty pizza boxes and a movie was playing in the background and Bulma’s tongue was in his mouth, he decided it was worth giving up his side of the argument. Even just in his head, and he hadn’t admitted it out loud. 
Something about the kissing being planned and bargained into their evening had left him feeling more in control than their first kiss, when he’d given into impulse and lost himself in how delicious her reactions had been. Now that he knew how soft she felt with his hands all over her, he could steel himself. When he suckled on her throat to brand her sweet, tangy taste on his tongue and she moaned her approval with little breathy giggles he could pretend not to hear. If this was going to happen again, he didn’t need to remember every little detail. He could simply enjoy himself. 
And that was why he became more and more sure that she was right about pleasure. 
“Ouch!” Vegeta jerked back with a scowl, Bulma’s eyes already wide with remorse as she took her hands off of his shoulders, holding them to her chest. 
“I thought you said you were better,” she whispered. High-pink suffused her cheeks in the flickering television light, her lashes fluttering as her chest rose and fell with each of her panted breaths. The zipper of her jumpsuit was now nearly to her navel. Her undershirt, as it turned out, didn’t go so far. Vegeta dragged his eyes back up to her face with a thick swallow. 
“Some of the deeper wounds remain tender,” he admitted. “Just…touch me here.” He tapped the front of his chest. 
“Fair game where you didn’t get hurt?” she asked, tentatively reaching out to place her palms on his chest. Ten fingertips dug into his shirt and his skin, jolting his blood to rush faster than it already was. 
“Fair game,” Vegeta said. Bulma beamed up at him, wriggling further down on the couch so that her head could lay more comfortably on a pillow. 
“I’m ready. Actually, no. I’m too warm.” She removed her hands from his chest to tug the sleeves down her shoulders, baring the skin there until the jumpsuit was no more than a pair of trousers with the shirtsleeves slung around her waist. 
His groin ached so badly at the sight of her breasts spilling out of her top and her hair strewn over the pillow and the feeling of her hands traveling back up his chest that his hips bucked forward without thinking, nestling between her thighs as he groaned aloud. 
“The movie isn’t over yet,” Bulma reminded him, giving his tank top a tug. “We have more time to kiss. Come on.” 
“Is this what movies are for?” Vegeta asked dubiously, but lowered himself so that his elbows held his weight on either side of her arms, swallowed in the couch. 
“Some might say so.”
“Perhaps I discredited human entertainment too soon.”
Her laugh, this close to his body, may as well have been an energy blast. He had to stop it before his feeble control slipped any further. Vegeta leaned down and smashed his mouth against hers, eating up her tiny gasp like ambrosia. 
“You weren’t,” Bulma panted some time later, when his feet had completely left the ground and they were tangled on the couch in simulation of true coupling. “You weren’t this good at kissing when you - when we - the first time - ”
Around and around her mouth his tongue made its possessive path, tasting every inch of her skin that he dared. Much that he wanted to lick was obscured by her clothes. Vegeta gave a grunt, gripping her chin in his hand to tilt it to the side, allowing him better access to her throat. “Saiyans learn best under pressure,” he muttered into her collarbone. 
“Am I pressuring you too much?”
He thought of the pain in his groin and the heat in hers, joined in a mockery of what he desired. “No,” he decided to say. 
“Then why do you feel pressure?”
“If I wanted to talk, I wouldn’t be kissing you!” Vegeta snapped, teeth sinking into her earlobe for effect. She squirmed, but her whimper wasn’t one of pain. “Be quiet.”
It was a lesson he’d learned long ago: to shield himself with his own aggression, his own pride. It had worked enough to keep him alive. 
Were he not so distracted by coaxing more of those moans from between Bulma’s lips with the fast-growing skill of his mouth and tongue, Vegeta might have wondered why he couldn’t have borne it if he tried to bring Bulma pleasure and failed. The answer would have been pride, of course. He sought to win his every battle, and every encounter with this woman felt like a new one. 
If pleasure had a loser, he hadn’t learned it yet. 
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball Super 004
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tfw it’s still not time for episode 97.
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Okay, this episode roughly correspond to the part of Battle of Gods where Emperor Pilaf sneaks into Capsule Corp to rob the joint.   But Toei set this version of the story on a cruise liner, so they had to explain how and Pilaf would know where to go and why he would even bother.  I mean, if Bulma’s not home, that seems like a great time to rob her house. 
And it’s possible that this episode is exactly why Toei set the whole thing at sea, because it demands a whole new story to get Pilaf and his crew into position.  But this is all boring as fuck. 
So here’s the deal.  Trunks takes Goten on a tour through the ship, culminating in the secret room where the Bingo prizes are being kept.  He even shows him the secret grand prize, which is all seven Dragon Balls.  In other words, this is just like the movie, except Bulma has some ridiculous security system in place.  And part of the system conceals the Dragon Balls from detection, so when Trunks opens it up...
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... Pilaf briefly detects the Dragon Balls on a nearby cruise ship as it passes by.  See, they’re in the area, because Pilaf has a silly treasure map, and he has his gang digging holes on this tiny island.  There’s no treasure, their boat is full of holes, and they’re starving, but Pilaf rallies his troops to row out and intercept the Princess Bulma, since the Dragon Balls will solve all their problems.
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As they approach, their boat sinks, and they get chased by a shark, until they all leap out of the water and cling to the hull like Spider-Man.  Uh... this doesn’t make a lot of sense.  I mean, it’s a cartoon, and these three are basically gag characters at this point, but if they can do stuff like this then why was the shark a problem at all?  Also, they’re really anxious about their position, even though they shouldn’t be able to hang onto this sheer surface in the first place.  I mean, Goten and Trunks notice them and toss down a ladder, but why should they need one?  Just human fly your way up to the deck, folks.
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Meanwhile, Bulma calls home and orders Vegeta to get out of the Gravity Room and attend her party.  I should point out that I’m watching the dub for this, since this is the first time I’ve been able to experience the dub of Super.  In this scene, Vegeta addresses this random lady as “woman”, and that almost feels like cheating.  You call Bulma “woman”, Dub Vegeta!  Well, now that I think about it, he kind of quit doing that after the Androids Saga, but the Vegebul side of the fandom has conditioned me to think that “woman” is this romantically charged term of endearment. 
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Meanwhile, Beerus is finally heading for King Kai’s planet, and King Kai shits a brick.  He tries to convince Goku to leave, but he doesn’t realize that Goku is the one Beerus wants to meet.  Episodes 3 and 4 have a lot of hand-wringing with the Kais about how dangerous it would be if Goku and Beerus met, except that’s all pointless because Beerus already knows about Goku and where to find him.  So there’s nothing they can do about this, but Toei made sure to put plenty of scenes in this anime where they talk about the problem anyway. 
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One other thing.  This show really, really makes me hate Beerus, at least in the early going.  He’s actually a really cool character... in Battle of Gods.  Here, his obsession with the Super Saiyan God is all he’s given to work with, so he gets a ton of screen time where he just gripes, eats, and prattles on about the Super Saiyan God.  You come out of this wishing Goku would just fucking murder the guy, not in a cool way like with the past villains, but just to make Beerus shut up.  And that’s not going to happen, so it’s all really unsatisfying.
Meanwhile... oh, wait, that’s all I’ve got.  Well, I’ll say this for 1st quarter Dragon Ball Super, it’s a breeze to recap. 
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choobi-doodles · 6 years
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Le Petit Prince x Dragon Ball crossover. I’ve got Bulma, Trunks, and Bura in there too as flowers lol
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fusiioneternal-a · 3 years
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character tag dump
vegito // ✸ of hope & light ✸
goku // ✸ kindness is a strength ✸
vegeta // ✸ always keep your pride ✸
gogeta // ✸ inferior me ✸
kefla // ✸ decent competition ✸
chi chi // ✸ ox princess ✸
bulma // ✸ capsule corp's heart & soul ✸
son & brief children // ✸ i have love for both families ✸
dragon team // ✸ earth's best ✸
goku black // ✸ goku wack ✸
zamasu // ✸ a bona fide demon posing as a kai ✸
frieza // ✸ how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man ✸
cell // ✸ a perfect waste of potential ✸
super buu // ✸ a pink punching bag ✸
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iamtheempress · 4 years
Cold Blooded
A Dragon Ball Horror Fic {Part 12}
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Not even a whole day is all it took, and goddamn was it a long day for Vegeta. Time was of the essence and gods knew how much longer they had until Frieza did anything to the Earth, and Vegeta be damned if another planet be killed under his watch by the likes of Frieza… The biggest waste of carbon life in the known universe.
Vegeta had a vendetta, for the sake of his race, and his woman, his eyes not leaving his lovers face, his fiance, his mate.. Bulma coulda sworn he watched him shed a tear. All the Z fighters were in attendance to help scout for the Dragon Balls. Words were left unspoken between the group. They haven't experienced a death so immediate in their lives as of recently. The most recent being several years and several fights ago.
Bulma came in and looked at the sullen princes back, he's cradling her like a baby.. Looking constantly at the woman that took his breath away. “Vegeta..? Vegeta, Goku is coming back now he has the last two. Everyones outside and ill walk with you.. shes my friend too.. been one for a long long time...” She muttered pushing the blonde locks from Carlies face, still teary eyed from finding her friend dead on the ground of her laboratory.
 “He took her ring… He took it from her lifeless hand. Frieza is a monster.. And if he continues to breathe the same air of this universe ill make sure everyone he encounters, know hes a monster… the…” He turned to her and  started walking back down the hallway, Bulma in tow and holding the 7 star ball in her hand. “You saw the camera footage did you…” Bulma asked, Vegeta remained silent.. He saw everything. To say he didnt feel pride in her to see her fight to her last breath would be a lie. Why did it have to be her.. Why didnt he stay with her… He blamed himself every step of the way. “She fought to her last breath… and she took her last breath into that god damned monsters mouth…” He growled adjusting his woman's corpse in his arms, she's shrouded in a blanket. Her head supported on his bicep so it wouldn't flop about seeing as though Frieza crushed it entirely flat. He didn't speak to anyone. The balcony was uncharacteristically quiet for the amount of people standing around. Bulma added the 5th dragon ball to the group and as she heard it clack, Goku instant transmissioned to Vegetas side, pat his shoulder and looked at Carlie, “I couldn't fly any longer, you needed these now.”  The moment Goku returned with the final two he spoke up. Goku added Dragon Ball 6 and 7 to the pile and looked Vegeta in the eye in that same look Goku always gives.. But this time.. Much somber and understanding. “If it was ChiChi id be the same way…” The two Saiyans looked to the small dead human… “It's all you Vegeta. Floors all yours.” Goku pat his back and backed up abit, his excitable demeanor literally pissed Vegeta off to no end, there's a reason Vegeta even considered Kakarot a friend and this was that one reason. It’s now or never.
The balcony of Capsule Corp has now seen everything and summoning SHenron here was certainly not a first. A dead woman in the arms of the prince is a first for many. “Come forth mighty Shenron.” He asked watching the sky turn black and the Dragon snakes across the sky and looks down upon Vegeta. A glorious and frightening sight to behold.
“You have 3 Wishes… What is your first wish?” It bellows, its voice booming, Godlike. “I wish for Carlie to be alive again.. And without wounds of what happened.” He asked plainly looking down at her face. “Your wish has been granted… she will return to the land of the living shortly…” Vegeta sighs in relief, that wave of ease falls upon the group as Bulma wipes sweat from her brow. “You have 2 more wishes.”
Vegeta completely was besides himself.. 2 more wishes. He gulped hard. He considered his words carefully, “If it wasnt for me she would be alive… I wish for her nothing but happiness, even if im not there.” He sounded defeated. Like hes considering leaving her.. He hated thinking on it but he wanted to give the wish a shot. The dragon blinked and spoke, “Her wish was granted many years ago. She wished for a prince, success and happiness, all in one wish.” Vegeta was dumbstruck, her one wish to him was all 3 at once.. And she got that. Even if she was dead. “Now. What are your two wishes?”
The prince grinned. “Dragon, I wish Frieza lives the rest of his days knowing what he did to her.. And i hope it hurts him like hell.. Every waking moment of his miserable life.” He snarls. Shenrons head lowers closer to Vegeta’s  view and speaks. “Your wish has been granted for the rest of his days; he will live with the scars she has given him. What is your final wish?” The mighty eternal dragon asked Vegeta, the dark sky swirling as the dragon prepared himself to return back to the center of the earth.
Vegeta grinned widely, “Make that tyrant unable to destroy the Earth. I wont let him destroy this planet.” HE growls viciously Carlies hand twitching slightly, Vegeta noticed this and looked down. “Your wishes have been granted, farewell.” The dragon announced and returned to his place in the center of the Earth releasing the sky of its complete darkness and returning the mid afternoon suns rays to bestow themself upon the sorrowful prince and the rest of the z fighters. Carlie squinted her eyes and grimaced only to open them and feel her neck and stomach, shocked and face once again filled with color. “Vegeta…! What..? WHere? I was just…-” She stammered holding onto Vegeta, Bulma ran over to her partner and kissed her forehead “No more questions alright? Your back and thats all that matters. Dont worry about your lab ill take care of that, Car.” She winked and made the blonde scientist smile and blush.
Goku rubbed the back of his neck and pat Vegetas back. “Oh yea i shoulda told you about her wish to have all that back there should I hehe!” Vegeta rolled his eyes and scoffed “Quit your babbling idiot.. Its not like she wouldnt have had all three of those wishes WITHOUT the Dragon Balls.. We were destined to meet, end of discussion.” The prince smiled and met foreheads with her feeling the warmth of her face against his made him feel alright one again.
Two spiteful wishes for the price of her coming back was worth it. Worth bringing his princess back. The Emperor on the other hand; was suffering on the outreaches of the solar system upon his ship, his once pristine white membrane tainted by deep scars in the form of golden long scratches raking in every which way. Making it look like he lost a long arduous fight with a barbed wired fence. He looked like hell and he was raising it substantially upon his ship screaming and cursing the woman who brought such a disgusting parting gift to him. The emperor fell to his knees and looked up at a wall that was completely monochromatic. His reflection was telling. The broken tooth, the long scratch on his chin down his sternum. The ones that caked his whole chest. Tainted in golden veins. He would be perfect if they werent there, but alas. Here we have the Emperor. Shedding his first tear. For a brilliant young Earthling he fell hopelessly inlove with, one who's betrothed to the one race he swore to exterminate but failed miserably. To the Warrior Prince nonetheless. This is a reminder of Frieza’s biggest failure… and that ring in his hand felt like molten hot metal, but he cant take himself to part with it at all, its too much for him.. Like he misses her with all of his being.
He in a frustrated fury looked over this ring to inspect why it burnt him so harshly.. Surely there has to be a logical reason. He read the inscription. “Strengths in our Blood.”
Authors note: I really gotta thank everyone who supported me every step of the way with this fic it was REALLY fun and unique to write! I loved everyone who said that it was great and im more than happy to create more with time. I love you all expect more !!!!!
@dragonblobz @lilfriezatyrant @gallickingun @kamehamethot @gonuclear @memevember @msgreenverse @lizardhipsdontlie @thotful-writing @supremeleadershitlord​ @memevember​ @dragonball-hcs-or-sum-shit
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invaderdoom78 · 4 years
I was watching the abridged Broly movie and then started playing Xenoverse 2 and then this happened.
Trunks knew this was bound to happen eventually. The moment he heard that there was a small group of three time patrollers going around Conton City borderline harassing other patrollers simply because they decided to have a villain as their mentors, he knew a physical fight was bond to break out. He was just praying that he could make it from the Time Nest to the Mushroom Desert before things got too out of hand. He didn’t because once he was close enough to get a good look at the area it was obvious that a considerable amount of damage had been done.
“Shit!” Trunks exclaimed when he saw that it was one of Perfect Cells students who was involved in the fight and that Cell had decided to join in with at least three Cell Jr.s in the fay as well “shit, shit, shit!” He just kept chanting that until he landed “all of you need to stop this right now!”
Despite the fact that everyone obviously heard him and knew he was there the fighting continued with only Cells students looking relieved to see him, appearing to have not been involved with the fight as they were standing off to the side holding one of the Cell Jrs. This wasn’t really much of a surprise to Trunks since Cell was well Cell and he knew that the group of patrollers that were probably responsible for this harbored animosity towards him for being married to a monster.
“Really now?” Cell chuckled, kicking the shortest member of the group into the side mountain “is that all you got?”
“You bastard” the only female of the group growled, firing several ki blasts at Cell that he was very easily able to deflect them as well as throw the patroller when she charged him
Whether it was intentional or not all of these attacks were headed in Trunks direction and though he was able to dodge almost all of the blasts, one managed to hit him in his side and it distracted him just enough for the patroller to be thrown into him almost immediately after, taking him down to the ground with the patroller laying on top of him. Suddenly they all felt an un-Godly surge of power that was powerful enough to radiate throughout the entire city. All who were involved in the fight knew what the source of this power was and they felt ice shoot through their veins, the Cell Jr’s running to hide behind their father as Cell moved to guard his student, which Trunks had to give him some credit for since he seemed to care for his student to a certain degree. Everyone knew what was going to happen next but it still didn’t give them enough time to move out of the way of the enormous green ki blast that was heading their way. Once the dust settled and everyone was able to regain their bearings they all looked up to see the massive figure of Broly looming over them, looking ready to murder every single one of them.
“Broly stop!” Trunks said, quickly moving between his husband and the others
Trunks' sudden presence seemed to be enough to snap Broly out of his murderess rage just enough for him to be able to regain some control over his rage, but it was obvious he still wanted to rip everyone around them to shreds. Just by glancing at Cell Trunks could tell that he wanted to say something snarky, he wanted to mock Trunks about being a damsel in distress, about how the poor princess needed his husband to swoop in and save him, but he knew that that would only agitate the legendary more and he was one of the few people Cell knew for sure he couldn’t win against.
“Just calm down, honey” Trunks said gently, resting his hands on his husbands forearms “everything’s ok”
This was enough to get Broly to visibly relax, and at least slip out of his legendary from down to his super saiyan, as the two floated down to the ground but it didn’t last long as the leader of the agressing patrollers mumbled something that the Legendary was obviously able to hear, his attention immediately being pulled away from his wife; his murderous glare returning and focused on the group.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” Trunks gently cupped his husband's face in his hands making him look back at him softly saiyang “it’s ok. I’m ok”
By this time a considerable sized group had gathered around them, consisting mainly of other time patrollers along with the Supreme Kai of Time and Elder Kai; hell they’d even managed to draw out Turles and Lord Slug.
“What is going on here?” Elder Kai asked
“Kaleaf, what happened here?” Chronoa asked Cells student
“Well” Kaleaf started, setting down the Cell Jr they’d been holding “I came here to train with Cell and these guys started harassing us and it just devolved from there”
“And Broly is here because?” Chronoa asked looking a bit afraid of what the answer might be
“I got caught in the middle of the fight” Trunks said feeling his husband start to tens up again
Wrapping both his arms around one of Brolys, gently rubbed his bicep in an attempt to help calm him down again “and he must’ve seen what happened”
“Alright” Chronoa said looking at the group of patrollers that had started this “I’ll handle this from here. You take Broly home and calm him down”
“Right” Trunks said lowering his hold so he was holding his husbands hand “come on”
Reluctantly Broly did as his wife had asked of him and they flew off for the Capsule Corp Transfer bot, Broly sticking as close to Trunks as he possibly could without being in the way, his sheer presence alone forcing anyone who happened to be flying near them scattering out of their path, hell there were even some people on the ground who didn’t want to be beneath them, but it didn’t stop Vegeta or Piccolo from watching them closely as the two flew past them. Activating the transfer bot, Trunks typed a code into its keypad so the bot would send them to a section of Capsule Corps that was inaccessible to the other time patrollers. Getting Broly home worked so much quicker than Trunks could’ve anticipated, the waves of pure rage that had been radiating off his husband having stopped though he was still holding his super saiyan form; as he scanned the room for any signs of potential danger. Once he was certain that their home was safe Broly scooped up Trunks and threw the half-saiyan over his shoulder.
“Hey!” Trunks laughed, hitting his husband in the shoulder blade “put me down”
Broly's response was an amused grunt as he stared walking down the hall towards their room.
“Hi, honey” Bulma said stepping out of the lab to greet them, having been drawn out by the larger saiyans footsteps, not thinking much about how Broly was carrying her child “how were your days”
“Well you know” Trunks said, Broly having moved so that mother and son could more easily speak to each other “a fight broke out and I got caught in the middle of it and I had to get Broly home otherwise he would’ve killed somebody”
“But you’ve gotten caught in the middle of fights before haven’t you?”
“Yeah, but Cell wasn’t involved in those” Trunks said getting a soft ‘ah’ from his mother
“Well” Bulma said walking past the two “I’ll come and get you when dinners ready then”
“Thanks mom” Trunks said as Broly started for their room again
Once they got there Broly tossed Trunks onto the bed and would’ve jumped on after him, but the last time he did that he broke the bed frame and they had to move the mattress to the floor until it was fixed.
So as carefully as he could Broly crawled onto the bed getting settled in, his back resting against the headboard legs criss-crossed in-front of him, before pulling Trunks into his lap, wrapping his arms around the others waist and burying his nose into the lavender hair before him. Chuckling a bit Trunks relaxed back into his husband's embrace.
“You wanna watch a movie?” Trunks asked, grabbing the remote to his T.V.
“Sure” Broly murmured lowly into Trunks hair
“Any preferences?” Trunks asked turning on the TV
“No” Broly said finally changing back into his base form
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Bulma and Nappa were two very important people in Vegeta’s life - presently and in the past, respectively. Yet neither of them had ever met in person until now. Bulma had seen the bald brute via the news broadcast and Fortuneteller Baba’s crystal ball that fateful day the Saiyans arrived on Earth for the dragon balls. But that was at least more than a decade ago.
Coincidentally, Nappa has also has seen Bulma before through the giant crystal ball Hell had for some reason. He only knew bits and pieces about her, and her relationship with Vegeta. Nothing substantial, and yet on his good days in Hell, he felt grateful she was there for the prince in his stead. On his bad days, he felt angry that his stupid mistakes, and Vegeta’s cruel decision made it so they could never meet. 
Yet here they were staring at each other in awkward silence. Vegeta was nowhere to be found at the moment, so unless he told her about his presence, Nappa might have looked like an uninvited ghost from the unpleasant part of the past. Didn’t help that he had the halo over his head that indicated that he was still a spirit, even though he had a physical form.
Did she even know who he was?
She’s one of Kakarrot’s friends, so...she must have heard something, maybe?
There’s no way Vegeta ever told her about him. Ever explained who he was, how long he had been involved in the prince’s life. That would mean that he was more than a tool to him. He knew that wasn’t true.
He needed to say something, anything at this point to break the silence. 
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Clearing his throat, he mumbled, “Vegeta invited me in...”  The statement was delivered with a strange amount of timidness for a man of his stature and build. Especially considering his despicable actions when he was alive.
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kirbymongerr · 5 years
I picture like, teen Bulla having all the pride of Vegeta AND Bulma combined. Someone tries to hit on her she's immediately yelling about how they're unfit to even look at her, the princess of Saiyans and Heiress of Capsule Corp. She huffs in annoyance before knocking them away with a tiny blast. In contrast, Pan is way nicer but also liable to forget her strength when excited and has inhereted her parents perspective on what's cool. Pan also finds the fact Bulla has a tail incredibly interesting.
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muses-of-the-memory · 3 years
Bulma puts baby Bulla in her playpen " Their you be good playing while mommy works " Bulma said as she puts some educational tv on for bulla she knows Vegeta loves to spoil his daughter she is Daddy's little princess as she giggled
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Now that he is a father of two children in the Briefs family, Vegeta, the Prince of Saiyans was taking care of Bulla, by doing some of his fair share. "If Kakarot sees me like this, I'll never be able to live this spoiling my daughter down." He grumbled.
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ao3feed-vegebul · 5 years
by ieatboyss
Bardock, King Vegeta's top advisor and closest friend is sent on a diplomatic mission. His pod malfunctions forcing him to crash land on the nearest planet, Earth. After seeing the crash, Dr. Briefs finds and helps him return home. Witnessing how intelligent and technologically advanced the Briefs are, Bardock suggests a partnership between Capsule Corp and Vegetasei.
In exchange for their capsule technology, the Briefs are treated as royalty while on Vegetasei. Bardock's young sons and a young Prince Vegeta are responsible for protecting the new princess, Princess Bulma. There's an obvious connection between the Prince and Princess right from the beginning, even if it's an unpleasant one. As they grow up, their feelings towards one another go from tolerance to something more. If the Prince does not chose a mate by the time he turns 20, the Queen and King will be first to choose one for him. Vegeta must swallow his pride and admit his feelings for Bulma or risk losing her forever.
Things get complicated when Frieza learns of Bulma's intelligence and what she's capable of. What will that mean for the young Saiyans and the Princess from Earth?
Words: 6442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs, Son Goku (Dragon Ball), Raditz (Dragon Ball), King Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Dr. Briefs (Dragon Ball), Panchy Briefs, Brolly (Dragon Ball), Piccolo (Dragon Ball), Frieza (Dragon Ball), Zarbon (Dragon Ball), Dodoria (Dragon Ball), Kakarot (Dragon Ball), Yamcha (Dragon Ball), Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Original Female Saiyan Character(s), Original Male Saiyan Character(s), Dende (Dragon Ball), Bardock (Dragon Ball), Nappa (Dragon Ball), Caulifla (Dragon Ball), Kale (Dragon Ball), Cheelai (Dragon Ball), Krillin (Dragon Ball), Turles (Dragon Ball), Captain Ginyu (Dragon Ball), Jeice (Dragon Ball), Burter (Dragon Ball), Recoome (Dragon Ball), Guldo (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: Bulma Briefs/Vegeta
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe: Planet Vegeta Exists, Vegeta (Dragon Ball) vs Feelings, Awesome Bulma Briefs, Bulma is the Queen they deserve, Frieza hasn't ruined everyones lives yet, Saiyans are good guys and don't purge planets or work for Frieza, Out of Character, None of our favorite Saiyans are dead . . yet, Teen Angst, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Happy Ending, King Vegeta isn't a dick and Vegeta has a mom, Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Smut, Humor, My first time writing smut so be nice to me I'm sensitive
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Kakavege week - Sunset/Sunrise - 1298 words
Most wouldn't think it, but baring world ending catastrophes Capsule Corp was a generally peaceful place. Sure there was the occasional explosion, but they were contained to the labs (if it was Bulma's doing) or the Gravity Room (if it was Vegeta's doing). It took Vegeta many years to grow to appreciate the constant peace Capsule Corp had and very recently he even started secretly reveling in it. After long days he'd take solace in the sunset. It was the only time the sky reminded him of his home planet. Angry reds and oranges painted across the sky, not a hint of anything else, anything human.
Vegeta had long since memorized the night sky over Capsule Corp. After most sunsets he'd find a high rooftop and gaze at the stars, far above anyone else who could interrupt his serenity. He watched the months turn constellations around and back again, some he learned the names and shapes of from the inhabitants of Earth and others he made up on his own. He'd found the dark spot where planet Vegeta's twin stars should have been and decided the ring of stars around it was a crown in honor of his race and his family.
On these quiet nights he'd muse on how his life could have been different. The first fantasy he'd usually visit was deciding how his life would have gone without Freeza. He'd of course be crowned king of the Saiyan race, ruling over his people like he was born to. He'd find himself a wife or have one given to him based on merit and status. They'd have two sons, the first one of course being named after himself and all his paternal ancestors since they first came to their planet. He'd spend his days holding court and war council (one measly planet for the might and pride of the Saiyan race? No, there would be many campaigns in the name of expansion and power). He'd never make it out to Earth, likely never even hear of it or of it's Dragon Balls or Cell or Majin Buu. He likely wouldn't have even heard of Kakarot unless he did something outrageous (a bitter voice in the back of his mind suggested he'd still become the first Super Saiyan). He visits this thought a lot, tweaking it from time to time. After Bulla was born he wondered about having a princess in that life. That never changed anything, as a king his children had little to no affect on his life except training his son to be the next king. Thinking about having neither his children nor his rival left a bitter taste in his mouth and he quickly moved on.
From there it would vary what he thought about. If he had beaten Kakarot the first time they fought everyone on Earth would be dead, there'd be no Dragon Balls, Earth would fade as a distant memory and he'd still be a slave to Freeza. Any time Vegeta found a scenario Freeza lived his scowl would deepen and he'd drop that train of  thought quickly.
The moon rose high in the sky. A full moon, not that it had much sway on the prince anymore.
When all other musings left him he thought of Kakarot. Ever unreachable, unattainable Kakarot. A walking, talking, fighting, living contradiction. He had no memories of being a Saiyan but all the instincts. All of the strength but none of the pride. Vegeta had hated him for a long time, but anymore he grudgingly respected him. He even… maybe, maybe not. His feeling about Kakarot were complicated, he refused to put anything to words before he was certain.
The moon bathed him in its cool gentle light.
"I love him."
It didn't quiet taste right but he couldn't say it tasted wrong either.
It was always quiet when Goku woke up. The only sound he could hear was the soft breathing of Chichi sleeping beside him. He gently got out of bed and put on his usual gi in total darkness. He loved getting up before the sunrise to watch the world gain its vibrant colors and listen to it wake up.
Once he was outside he started moving through simple stances working his way toward more complex routines. He liked the pattern of it all, something he could lose his body in while he took the quiet time to think.
In his head he fought previous battles, wondering if there could have been a way for a better outcome. He still hasn't forgiven himself for a single time he lost a friend and tries to find a way that he could have saved them all from ever dying. He wonders if there could have been a way to talk Raditz down, if they could have found peace long enough for him to know his brother. Maybe having one more person at his side might have stopped any of the death he'd brought with him to his adopted home. He wondered what roles Grandpa Gohan would have played in his life. If Gohan, his son, would have liked the man his was named after.
Goku's movements quickened as he warmed up.
What if he hadn't trained Gohan to take on Cell? He and Vegeta could have probably trained together to get strong enough and with Trunks there too? No question. Hell, he could probably still have trained with Gohan, just taken things seriously with Cell from the beginning. He would have fought more strategically, conserved his energy, maybe even ascended to Super Saiyan 2. (He could have taken advantage of the tournament set up, sending his friends to wear Cell down until he could finish him off (or honestly anyone who could take him out, just doing it right from the beginning.)) He could have at least tried harder, or not given Cell a damn senzu bean.
The crack of a tree being snapped brought him back to the world around him. The sun was finally peeking out from the horizon. Birds squawked and fled the area. He shook his head and moved back to the center of his little clearing. Maybe thinking about things he regretted wasn't the best way to start the day, for himself or his surroundings.
How would things be different if he didn't lose his memories? The planet would be devastated but what then? Would his pod still work or would it have been broken by a raging Oozaru? If it did work would it take him back to the rubble of planet Vegeta? What would happen then? Would there still be patrols looking for survivors to kill or take back to Freeza. Would he have met Vegeta? How would things have changed if he was what Vegeta wanted him to be? They wouldn't be friends like they were now, probably just king and peasant like Vegeta always says he wants.
Without a thought Goku flared up to Super Saiyan. He opened his eyes and looked around. It was full light now,  maybe 6 or 7 in the morning. Chichi would probably being finishing up breakfast soon and tapping her foot waiting for him. He let go of Super Saiyan, not really sure why the thought of Vegeta and him not being close made him ascend.
A small voice in the back of his mind knew. It whispered to him during fights and talked like Vegeta did. It preened itself in his power and scoffed at his softer moments. It knew what he wanted and had no problem reminding him. Just for a second he let it loose.
"I love him." Goku admitted to the empty morning.
He wasn't sure if it was himself or the voice that spoke out loud but either way he couldn't disagree.
only thing i finished for this week but I loved all the prompts and I’m so happy to see all the participation!!
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boyshortbeauty · 5 years
full name.  Trunks Vegeta Briefs (because even if she’s still a girl, she’s gotta bear the Vegeta name) pronunciation. truhngks nicknames. Trunkie, Briefs, purple haired brat, rich bitch, raging spitfire, titles.  Princess of all Saiyans, Heiress of Capsule Corp height. 5′7
age. depends on verse, but 8 (kid verse), 18 (eoz verse), 23 (gt verse) and around her 40s (family verse)
zodiac. Scorpio
languages. universal standard
hair colour.  Lavender eye colour. Blue skin tone.  A peachy tan  body type.  athletic and lean  accent.  slightly nasal dominant hand.  Ambidextrous, but uses her left hand more often posture. Upright, although she leans on her right hip with an hand to her hip. scars.  Slight, faint stretches here and there from spars, but has a noticeable one on her left side from fighting Buu as kid, that Goten also has it reflected on his right. Fusion scars are weird.
Tattoos. None.
most noticeable features. Hair and eyes...that shade of purple and blue makes her extremely recognizable in any form. 
place of birth.  Earth hometown.   West City birth weight / height.  unknown  manner of birth.  ��natural first words.  Mama or the word “Fuck!” siblings.  Yes. A little sister named Bra. parents.  Mother: Bulma Father:  Vegeta parental involvement.  The same old story. Bulma had taken care of her well during those eight years of being basically ignored by her father. She was slightly spoiled rotten, but she was a well meaning kid. And eventually Vegeta did warm up to her, and is sort of impressed by the sheer fire she held when she younger. 
occupation.   President of Capsule Corp current residence.  Inside the Capsule Corp building with her parents (and husband) close friends.  Goten and Marron relationship status.  Single ( EOZ verse), Married to Goten (GT/Family verse) financial status.  Wealthy, upper class driver’s license. Both for landcars and aircars.  criminal record.  Several counts of petty vandalism and probably underage drinking as well as murdering several Freeza Force mooks and prob other bad guys in space.  vices.  Pride, Wrath, Lust and Gluttony
sexual orientation.   Bisexual romantic orientation.   Biromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive |  dominant  | switch |  unsure preferred sexual role.  submissive | dominant | switch (more leaning into being dominant)  |  sex repulsed libido.  Average turn on’s.  Praise, tying up her partner, love bites, body worship, getting eaten out, having a large amount of control, dirty talk turn off’s.  Daddy kink, breeding kink, over aggression, weird fetishes love language.  Teasing remarks, expresses love through actions and implied messages through her words. Also can very affectionate in private.  relationship tendencies.   Initially works off on teasing and prodding her partner’s ticks in order to generate chemistry with them. Grows a bit clingy and love struck once she finds her One, and sheds the teasing off to be fully affectionate. Also while she teases, she also has a habit to grow flustered and embarrassed when someone returns the favor to her. However, she’s incredibly loyal to those she loves, and even exhibits some sort of protective instinct towards them.
character’s theme song. Super Love Lotion and Do It Like a Dude hobbies to pass the time.  Training / Studying / Hang out with friends / Wander around the city / Attempting to learn how to cook mental illnesses.  PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, slight superiority/inferiority complex physical illnesses.  She’s pretty healthy! left or right brained.  Left fears.  failing to live up to her parents’ expectations, not having a good enough appearance, losing everybody self-confidence level.  High (but is it really genuine or just a mask?) vulnerabilities.  Short temper, high aggression, her insecurities (especially her appearance and abilities) and loved ones
Tagged: stole it
Tagging: anyone else who wants to do this
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jonahwhalesw1 · 6 years
Personal Connection- Ch. 7 (Cancer)
Here’s my submission for the seventh prompt for the @tpthvegebulsmutfest .  “Personal Connection” is up and running on Ao3 as well.  So if you need to recap, please do so.  And brace for it, this one is THREE TIMES LONGER than my normal chapter length so it’s basically smut piled on smut piled on smut piled on angst piled on fluff.  You were warned!  hahaha  Also, shoutouts to two of my favorite people @scarletraven1001 and @thats-my-bulma who I have included in here as Bulma’s two other assistants Scarlet and T.M.  
The previous chapter was the Saiyan Wedding Night so what could possibly come next... the Saiyan Honeymoon Period!  Plus a surprise!  Enjoy!
He felt powerful. More powerful than he ever thought possible.  More powerful than… than…  More powerful than when Kakkarot ascended.  It was incredible to feel all of this energy coursing through him like he was the most awesome conduit in the Universe.  One flick of his wrist and mountains shattered, raining dust and rock like a beautiful, misty spring day.  Another gesture cratered the Earth like he was never capable of before.  He had found it.  He was sure.  He was absolutely sure.  He was closer than ever to ascending to the Legendary, to claiming his birthright as the Prince of All Saiyans.  He had been right a personal connection had been needed and she was… she was his key.
In truth, Vegeta flicked his wrist and annihilated another part of the desolate desert landscape, in truth he had known she was the only woman in all the Universes for him. He had given himself over to her and she had given herself to him back on Namek.  It was a moment of… of… he refused to call it weakness, it was a moment of… personal pleasure; yeah, personal pleasure, a single moment he had taken in all his miserable life of torture and enslavement to Frieza to indulge in something that would make him happy.  And that… Vegeta’s keen dark eyes focused in on the Saiyan home… and it’s porch/balcony… and the opened doorway were she stood watching him, her curls bouncing and shifting in the hot desert breeze, her blue ombre gown swirling and shifting around her ankles like pooling water again, and he grinned… Bulma made him happy. Especially when wearing the dress he was forever going to consider her Saiyan Wedding Gown.
He powered up again and relished in feeling the air snap and crackle with electricity that he alone generated in the atmosphere.  This was how it was always meant to be.  He, the Prince of All Saiyans, testing his strength amid the hot air of a desert like Vegetasei in view of his Princess after a night of mating that had left him so drained that he thought it would nearly kill and, in nearly killing him, granted him more strength in recovery.  As usual for Saiyans, what didn’t kill them made them stronger.  A chuckle tickled his throat, and that blasted Woman, his Woman always seemed to push him to the edge.  Last night, their Wedding Night, it had been with lust and love.  Her emotions overwhelmed him just as much as her perfect body.  And he couldn’t help but respond the same.  Overwhelm her with his affection for her, a side of himself he never showed anyone… not even himself, although he knew it existed inside him because there were times he could feel it threatening to surface… times around her.  No matter how much she was a harpy at him, with ever word that was like a cat bearing it’s claws, he knew that if anyone or anything even dared to hurt her, he would slaughter them with absolutely no mercy the same way he would have offed Freiza if he had had the power to at the time.
On Namek, it had been the very sight of her and the way the Namekians seemed to almost bow and scrape to her, practically worshipped her like a patron savior of their peoples.  To see her rule, well he’d thought she’d been ruling them when all she’d been doing was acting nicely towards them while on her mission to collect the Namekian Dragon Balls but still, her command over others aroused more than just his attention. And her nearly Saiyan looks… she had caught his attention and kept it more than any other female he had ever encountered in the Universe… All the way through the first time he’d ever had sex, all the way through their first time together.  Then back on Earth they had pretended like nothing had happened between them, except for her comment about how he’d better not try to do anything naughty to her.  It had shocked him that she would make such an open, vulgar declaration that they both knew privately was a blatant invitation for their first encounter to not be their only one.  But when he’d found out about Kakkarot’s survival… and when he’d found out that she already had a sexual partner that she was endeavoring to resurrect, any second chances between them seemed completely over and done with.  But when he’d returned to Earth and came face to face with that stupid fool she now called an ex and she’d put that single finger to his chest and the way she’d led him off to shower, he couldn’t take his eyes off her ass.  So pert, so round, so all he could focus on and memories of the way he’d gripped each luscious cheek desperately in his bare Saiyan hands as she’d rode him without abandon… he’d dug his fingerprints into her soft, sweaty flesh… His journey had been exhausting and relatively fruitless, but one look at her and the delectable sway of her sinful hips, one earful of her harpy commands and he wanted her again.  He wanted a second moment of happiness, of personal pleasure all to himself. He wanted to drag her into that shower with him, remove their clothes with a satisfying and arousing tear, and make them both so filthy that it’d take a nice hot shower hours and hours to cleanse them of their amorous juices.  But no.  Her pathetic excuse for a mate back then had been far too near and her sense of fidelity is so damn strong that she wouldn’t even consider being with him in that moment; when he was dead, she had been available, but alive, she was not.  Vegeta had had to content himself with a simple shower and restrain himself from taking actions on his impure thoughts and memories of her filling his head, both of them.  But still, they had argued as soon as he’d left the shower.  He’d needed to hear her, hear that shrill harpy exasperation and grin to himself at the pink shirt she had left him.  Badman. She truly was vulgar and the most petulant creature he’d ever met and he was absolutely convinced that she was the only woman in the entire cosmos for him.
Then when Frieza came back, came to Earth.  She’d followed them out to face the sadistic lizard.  The pathetic moron had argued with her, but she was defiant.  He’d never forget her words:  “We came to see this Frieza.  After all, when I was on Namek, I didn’t get to see him once!...  Sure I know, which is why we came!  If Frieza wanted to, he could ‘BOOM’, blow up the whole world, right?  It doesn’t matter where we are.  So that’s why I wanted to have a look at him.”  Her elegant face was set with a fiery determination with her hands on her shapely hips.  It was all so enticing, so rocking him to his core that in that moment he’d sworn that he’d found his Queen and he’d stay with her family for as long as it took for her to become available again.  And that hadn’t been too long.  It was tumultuous between those two.  The moron’s infidelities were numerous and obnoxiously in her face.  Vegeta remembered vividly the exact moment he went from loathing her beloved Z Fighter to hating the man with so much fire he desperately wanted to incinerate the lying, cheating bastard!  He had only held himself back because of her, his Bulma and the knowledge that if he did incinerate the disgusting excuse for a mate without her finding out about what he was doing behind her back she would never accept Vegeta as her new mate.  Her last mate.  They had had a screaming match that Vegeta could hear through his training in the Gravity Chamber and that was saying something. In frustration, he’d shut the system down for the night well earlier than he’d like.  As he’d stepped out, he both heard and saw them on her balcony fighting.  Vegeta stalled right outside the door of the Chamber considering that his room was so close to hers, it would be ridiculously obvious that he was there to hear and see them as he went into his own living quarters.  He’d flown to the top of the Chamber and sat down to wait them out… and watched… and listened…  Rumors had reached her about his going out with other women…  He told her they weren’t true, that they were lies, and asked her why he would ever even look at another woman as long as he had her, the most beautiful woman on the planet…  She told him that he’d taken out other women behind her back before, mentioned someone named Becky Some-Stupid-Earth-Name and a concert, to which the weakling told her that it hadn’t been his fault, that Bulma had rejected him.  Vegeta had smirked, Why exactly would she not reject such a pathetic excuse for a man?  And then she’d said out loud exactly what Vegeta had thought and he’d never been prouder to think of her his future mate.
The fight had escalated from there.  Way escalated.  Vegeta’d tensed his muscles, ready to fly in and send that fool packing if he dared to even take a single step towards her in anything other than supplication.
But the weakling had told her ‘Go to Hell!’ and stormed back into the main building of Capsule Corp, leaving Bulma to scream at his back until he’d apparently been out of her sight then falling to her knees and crying harder than Vegeta’d ever seen her do.  Vegeta’s knuckles cracked at the memory of seeing her like that as he’d cracked them in his tight fists then.  How dare he!  How dare Yamcha hurt her like that!  Every fiber of Vegeta’s body vibrated with her every wail. He rose into the air and that’s when he saw him…  Yamcha striding out of her house… and straight to a waiting car… with another woman in it, the blonde friend from the nightclub she’d gone to when he’d picked her up for a night of passion and claim her as his, not the one with the smartass mouth but one of the others that had been shocked that Bulma’d known all along that they’d been sharing Yamcha’s bed or at least he’d been sharing theirs from time to time.  He’d frozen in the air at the sight of Yamcha slipping into the passenger’s seat and leaning over to greet the woman with some charming words that she giggled at and a kiss… the sort of kiss that meant skipping whatever other plans they’d had that night and going straight to being the cheating bastard Vegeta had come to understand that subpar fighter had become.  It took everything, everything Vegeta had in him to not blast the car off the face of the planet. As the car had pulled away, Vegeta’s eyes had sought out her humbled, wailing figure.  And it took everything in him again to not race over to her and tell her, tell her what he’d just witnessed… she’d never believe him, no matter how much personal experience she had with the truth, she’d never believe that the man she thought she was in love with would betray her so blatantly right on her front doorstep…  So he’d flown back to his room as quietly as possible and hated himself every moment. A lie by omission was still a lie and he just lied to her, to Bulma by not telling her what he’d seen.  Vegeta had stayed in his room all evening.  The Mother, concerned, had brought food up to his room, but… he’d… he didn’t eat any of it.  He had no stomach for food after he’d lied to the Woman he was hoping to make his Queen one day.  He’d avoided her for the next month solid.  Day or night, it didn’t matter.  He couldn’t bare to face her… not after his own… he’d betrayed her; maybe not by her standards, but by his.  And so he waited… he watched the cheater make false amends and her take him back yet again… then more cheating, more fighting, more crying… more amends, more taking him back…  more, More, MORE!  Then she’d finally caught him redhanded, well Yamcha hadn’t had red hands so much as that red head friend of her hers, the smart mouth, underneath him.  Bulma had returned to her room, to her private lab in her room, her little sanctuary… and cried again.  This time, no, this time he wouldn’t avoid her, wouldn’t hide from her, wouldn’t lie to her.  She’d walked in on the truth, all he needed to do was be there for her unlike him. Friends, somewhere along the way they had become more than just one time lovers, they had become friends and he hoped something even more than that. And it was that “friendship” and that hope that led him out of his room and straight to hers that night.
Outside the door he sensed her laughably weak ki fluctuating with distress.  It had taken ages of his fists clenched and trembling down by his side before he’d gotten enough restraint not to fly out to wherever he sensed that bastard’s ki signature and kill him, kill him and his slut for betraying the weeping Woman.
She had been so kind to him.  No one had ever been kind to him.  The disastrous exploding of the Gravity Chamber months ago had been embarrassing. His Pride balked at his frustrations at not attaining the Legendary getting the best of him so easily so soon and resulted in him sending a retaliatory blast against his own richocheting blast back then.  Something very stupid and very reckless to do in the confined space of the Chamber. The blast had ruined everything. Set him back weeks as his stupid body needed time to heal from the damage he had wrought to himself!  Luckily the Chamber had been rebuilt and repaired by the Father’s robots working day and night while he had been unconscious in a medical bed… and woke up to her, sleeping, but maintaining vigil at his bedside regardless.  At first that had absolutely mystified him, but he had since come to realize that that was simply her.  And suddenly Namek didn’t seem quite so far off again.  She considered him a friend, no matter their onetime fling, and that was what she did for friends.  He had to reciprocate her kindness to him while he was injured and… and…  He was absolutely stunned when he’d opened the door to her room and saw her, dressed exactly as she had been on Namek, and struggling to control tears in what was apparently a small work area in her trash pit of a dirty room.  He’d never been so caught off guard before.  He fought to control his breathing and struggled even harder to regulate his racing heart.  So he disassociated as best he could and focused on something else, anything else… He found he didn’t like hearing her cry. Not from a distance and not up close. Her antagonistic Harpy wailing he could handle, thrilled him, aroused him, but to hear that Harpy voice being tamed by strangled sobs.  No, that was not okay with him.  And so he had entered her room and walked over to her work area.
The swirling of her Wedding Gown practically boiled around her ankles as he continued to build energy and his ki shield whipping up the wind.  He fed off the memories.  At his mere presence in her bedroom, she had stiffened up at her desk and tried desperately to wipe away the trails of salt water staining her flushed cheeks and sniffing back any other evidence of her distress.  “What do you break now, Vegeta,” she’d spat the words with venom.  “Nothing,” Vegeta had admitted, “I haven’t damaged anything.  This has nothing to do with the Gravity Chamber.” “Then what do you need for your training now,” she’d sounded so exhausted and so desperate to wallow in her own loneliness.  “There are no other requirements to further my training, Woman,” he’d answered.
WHIZZ…  Suddenly Vegeta let loose a glowing orb of ki energy.  Then sped away to outrace it.
“Then why are you here,” she’d asked.  “I… I… I couldn’t think for a moment over your pathetic caterwauling, Woman,” he’d come up with instead of just flat out admitting to her that he sensed her distress and came to help her.  That had reopened the floodgates and she broke down again. Sobbing.  And she told him the whole story, told him how she had gone to surprise visit her boyfriend (and ‘boy’ was an accurate way to describe him) at his own domicile.  How she had walked in on him bedding another woman in the middle of said bedding.  And how she’d run from his bedroom… and he had not chased after her.  Her entire journey back to Capsule Corp had been spent without so much as a call or message from him on her phone.  Apparently he had chosen to finish bedding his mistress while she had returned here to cry over being tossed away by that weakling.
Vegeta caught up with his own blast, outpaced it then turned and smacked it back towards the Earth with the same rage he wished he could do to Yamcha’s head, both the one on his neck and the other I his pants.  WHIZZ…  He outpaced it again and kicked it back up into the sky, all the better to torture that lying, cheating, disgusting SON OF A BITCH!!!  WHIZZ…  He sent it back to the ground; Vegeta couldn’t believe it, he still couldn’t believe it.  That boy had thrown over this woman for someone, anyone else?!  How the Hell was that possible?!  Vegeta took out every bit of anger on his own ki ball.
It had been her crying, her crying that had broken through his inability to process that back then, and grated on his quickly fraying nerves.  He was losing control on his anger… so he’d reached over to her mess of a desk and picked up a random piece of technological whatever.  He’d began fumbling with it.  His scheme, yet another attempt to maintain control over his emotions around her with disassociation, worked and her attention was immediately drawn to the item in his hands.  She was always so protective of her work no matter how miniscule.  The small object had been already fairly damaged with parts of it dangling awkwardly from scorched wires and burnt and twisted metal containment, apparently whatever it was supposed to do had backfired spectacularly literally and it had exploded, but it had been clear by her silence and intense focus on how he was handling it that she did not want the little item damaged any further.
WHIZZ…  WHIZZ… WHIZZ… Vegeta flew this way and that as fast as his energy would allow him and faster still.  Pushing himself.  Forever pushing himself.  
He’d nudged a particular dangling piece just a little too harshly and caused it to loosen further. Immediately she’d snapped the thing out of his hands, “Stop messing with that!”  She’d barked at him, cradling the thing protectively to her chest like a mother with an infant.  He remembered a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth at the sound of her voice no longer tamed, but he quickly put back on his mask of seriousness when he gave her a piece of friendly advice, “You’d better keep that protected.”  “I am,” she’d barked, but that wasn’t his point, wasn’t what he’d meant.  He’d shook his head and he’d taken advantage of how she’d been facing him.  Vegeta’d reached out a gloved finger and put it’s tip directly over her heart.  “I mean this.  You’d better keep this protected.”
WHIZZ…  WHIZZ… WHIZZWHIZZWHIZZ… His heart raced.  Rushing blood roared in his ears.  He’s trapped the blasted orb between three positions.  Just like those three drones had trapped one of his ki balls between them when his recklessness had gotten the better of him back in the Gravity Chamber.  No, this wasn’t going to happen twice.  Not again. Not in front of her.  Not so blatantly in front of her!!  Back then he had been a fool.  A weakling that had lost his touch at self control.  Not now.  No, he was a master of self control and he was going to prove it.  His eyes steadied…  His body tensed…  A smirk drifted across his lips, All good things comes to those who wait…
Her eyes had softened at him and those plump lips sorted themselves out into a solemn line, she’d nodded at him and promised that she would.  She would be better at protecting her heart.
Then her hand had come away from her broken trinket…  
And touched his cheek so softly, so excurcaitingly softly…  
WHIZZWHIZZWHIZZWHIZZ…  A muscle in Vegeta’s cheek twitched…
Her palm against his cheek had been so sincere, so delicate, so genuine…  
He remembered looking into her eyes.  Those sincere, those delicate, those genuine…  
Then he’d looked down at those entrancing lips…  
He’d kissed her!
Vegeta caught the orb in midair!  Floating… focusing his ki to counteract the damage and begin to take control of the glowing energy sphere’s power.  Bend it to his will.  Force it to allow him to send it right back to his opponent while adding his own energy to it…  A unique and powerful form of practical and psychological combat.  He allowed the process to force him lower and lower to the ground…
Her lips, her mouth, tasted sweeter than anything he’d could have ever imagined, than he had been imagining them to taste like.  Namek had been so long ago and he knew that the mind always played cruel tricks by making one think that something was way better than it had actually been.  But this was no trick.  She was even better than he’d remembered.  When he’d pulled away from the liplock, she’d been staring at him.  Shocked.  He’d looked away, embarrassment reddening his cheeks.  He’d thought that she’d been rejecting him.  Until he’d noticed her eyes soften again and her gaze lower to his own lips.  He’d turned his face back to hers as she’d put her broken piece of tech back on the desktop, her eyes still so focused on his lips.  Her own lips parted ever so slightly.  Then her hands came up to his cheeks again.  His breath caught in his chest when her warm, soft palms made contact with his skin.  He’d felt her bring his face towards hers as she leaned into him.
…Vegeta’s toe tips were barely grazing the desert floor…  he grit his teeth harder…  harder… harder…
Her kiss had been intense.  Full of heat. Passion.  Everything her voice had had in it when she’d yell at him.  He’d wrapped a hand around to the back of her head. Laced his fingers into the soft, teal hair there.  Her fingers had trailed down to his neck.  Pulled him further down to her.  His free hand reached back to her butt.  He lifted her just a hint.
…Vegeta’s feet landed on the rocky desert ground.  But he still held onto the blast…  Increasing it’s energy…  Turning it… Turning…
She’d obliged him by lifting one of her legs to wrap around his waist as best she could.  He’d lifted her the rest of the way up.  Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Her hands gripped the top of his shoulders tightly.  They’d held on to their kiss.  Increased it’s heat.  Increased it’s intensity…
…The orb grew in size… The power of it starting to push him back…
His cock had hardened at the press of her body against his.  He’d stepped forward.  Pushed them back to her desk.  Lowered her butt to it’s surface.  His hand smacked away the tech on it.  Leaned her back on it.  Her legs tightened around him.  His cock had responded in kind.  Their kiss grew in intensity.  Hot…
…His breath came out his nose in loud huffs… the orb kept growing…
Suddenly she’d started struggling against him the more he leaned her back onto her desk.  The more she thrashed, the more irritated he got. Finally he’d broken their kiss.  “What the Hell is it, Woman,” he’d snapped.  “Clothes, Vegeta,” she’d panted in his face, “Clothes off now!”  “Oh.” He’d backed up to give her enough room to move.  Kicked some of the random crap she’d thrown all over her room out from under his booted feet.  His armor was lifted over his head.  Thrown it Gods knew where.  Her vest had followed.  Her top followed.  His top followed.  She’d suddenly sat up on the desk and yanked down his pants.  Revealing he hadn’t been wearing underwear.  His erection sprung free.  He tore her leggings off.  Revealing she hadn’t been wearing any underwear either.  Freeing her intoxicating wet scent to the air.  They went back to kissing.  Fiercely.  Hungrily. He kicked his boots off.  Her shoes came off.  Her back hit the top of her desk…
…The orb’s power turned!  Vegeta flung it with a roar at a distant trio of mountain peaks.  They shattered instantly!  Their shards incinerated within seconds!
Vegeta fell to his knees.  Panting. Sweat dripping off him, plopping onto the reddish brown dirt beneath him.  He was exhausted.  But he’d done it!  With a little more practice, this would be truly a far more effective means of countering an opponent’s attack than simply slapping the incoming blast away.  He could catch it and use their own blasts against them, their own power against them. Slowly, he got to his knees with a grin. He looked up…and his smile disappeared, Where the Hell is she?!  He looked around, there was no sign of her. During his battle with his own ki ball, she’d actually walked BACK INTO THE FUCKING HOUSE!!!  Gods DAMN that Woman!
A snarl fixed to his face, Vegeta stomped right for the porch of the home she’d made him. Where the Hell was she?!  Where the Hell did that Woman go in that damn house?!  He stopped at the threshold and surveyed the interior.  The bedroom was still the same as this morning.  Rumpled sheets from…breakfast.  He couldn’t help it, a slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.  He’d woken up first.  His eyes opening in the sunlight and catching sight of the Saiyan architecture, the white wooden nightstand table simply carved, the drapes covering the windows, everything out of dream… and yet not.  It took a moment for his mind to adjust.  To recall that Frieza had not been some truly demented nightmare.  To recall that all of this had been destroyed. To recall that everything his eyes were seeing had been painstakingly reconstructed from secondhand accounts by intergalactic traders by the woman he loves… she’d sighed in her contented sleep and his head bobbed on the gentle cresting wave of her inhale and exhale. His eyes refocused on the pale skin far closer in his view.  It looked as soft as it felt.  She shifted slightly then and he noticed that her arms were wrapped around his shoulders and the back of his neck… and one luscious breast was under his head and it’s equally luscious twin was right… at… his… lips.  Vegeta had grinned then pressed his lips gently against the fluffy flesh before them and kissed.  She didn’t move.  He kissed again.  Still she slept.  He shifted, his eyes widened.  He couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed earlier.  He was still inside her.  He had fallen asleep inside of her.  He shifted even more.  Slipping his arms out from under warm little body.  She stirred with a hum of slightly disturbed rest but slipped easily back into her deep sleep.  He lifted himself up over her on his forearms on either side of her.  She shifted as her arms slipped off his body onto the cool royal sheets beneath her, but she settled back into sleep.  He smiled down at her.  Devilishly.  Smirking. Darkly.
Her curls were disheveled to the point of nearly losing their voluptuous curl, instead being wavy and nearly straight against the full pillow against her head.  She looked so… so… so unafraid.  So… at peace.  With him.  She… for a moment all the darkness, all the devilishness went away and he was just a man staring lovingly down at his new wife.  He leaned down and kissed her soft lips.  As if on instinct, her lips puckered back, kissing him back.  She sighed into him.  Their kiss ended and he purred against her lips, “Good morning… Wife.” But she didn’t respond.  He waited, but she didn’t respond.  Rather than being mad or shocked, he grinned against her lips then moved his along to the side of her mouth, he kissed.  “Tired, are you?”  He asked her soft, pale skin.  His lips moved on to her jaw.  He sucked her flesh between his puckered lips for a moment.  “I’m not.”  He nuzzled along her jawline.  The tip of his nose angling her chin up slightly enough for his lips to get at the base of her jaw.  He breathed her in… and parted his lips, releasing his breath against her neck. He could feel her skin prickle and respond to his stimulus.  Oh, he’d thought, I have plenty more stimulus were that comes from.  “It’s morning, Bulma,” he breathed.  “Mmm?” She hummed, slowly coming out of her slumber.  He kissed the side of her neck… then kissed again… and again… and again… devouring her defenseless, tiny, little throat.  She stirred, her body curling into his lips, wanting more.  He pulled away, trying to lure her the rest of the way out of sleep to join him in the morning after bliss of their Wedding Night.  But she didn’t rise to his bait.  It thrilled him.  Her stubbornness was absolutely intoxicating.  “I’m hungry, Wife,” the devilish, dark smirk returned as he looked down at her, “I’m hungry for breakfast,” his eyes cast down to what had been his pillows for the night, her exquisite, perky breasts; he felt his cock harden inside of her, “I’m hungry… for strawberries,” he growled.
His mouth parted and the tip of his tongue licked at one breast.  Teasing her nipple to come out and play with him.  She stirred and he felt her womanhood clamp around his stiff member.  He licked again… and again… each time drawing out her pert strawberry more… and more… He swirled his tongue around and around the sensitive nib as he tested his hips with a slight movement.  She moaned.  He flicked the tip of his tongue over her nipple, it was stiff, as stiff as he was; his hips still testing.  Swiftly his mouth descended on her nipple.  He sucked and licked and kissed until she was writhing underneath him, fully awake.  He began thrusting.  She gasped above his head, he felt her grip the sheets beside her pillow.  That wasn’t going to do for him.  He loved the thrill of her fingers tangled in his coarse hair.  The feel of her finely manicured fingernails sharpening themselves like claws along his scalp.  Oh fuck, it drove him wild.  As he feasted on her left strawberry, his hands reached up and gripped her wrists.  He pried her hands away from their death grip on the Saiyan bedding and he moved her hands to the back of his head.  Instantly her nails dug in where her fingers wove.  His hips bucked relentlessly.  Her back arched, serving his strawberry breakfast up to him on a porcelain platter.  “Oh fuck,” she finally gasped.
As his hips and cock worked her slick pussy, his hands gripped the sheets while he fed.  Her legs rewrapped around his waist.  Her cool heels bouncing against his bare ass. He loved that too!  She was literally spurring him on!  He groaned as he felt the first tightening of his balls. He thrusted faster.  Harder.  “Yes! Oh fuck yes!!”  She screamed.  Eyes squeezed tight.  Nails digging in further.  His scalp burned.  He bucked harshly.  “VEGETA!”  She shrieked. Her nails scratching his scalp.  Oh fuck, his balls were so fucking clenched. Quickly he switched to her other breast. His other uneaten strawberry, leaving his saliva to glisten on the freshly eaten strawberry.  He didn’t waste time trying to awaken the nib from it’s well rounded bowl of delicate cream.  His mouth dove down onto the surface of the cream, sucking it into his mouth and licking and sucking her juicy strawberry from it’s depths.
Her thighs squeezed against the thinnest part of his V-shaped torso.  He drove deeper into her.  Burying himself to the hilt over and over and over.  “Uh, uh, uh, uh,” she cried with every thrust.  She was wet.  So fucking wet.  Every movement sent a whiff of her up to his nostrils.  Every movement sent her heels bouncing off his taut ass.  More.  More. He pounded into her harder. Harder.  Harder.  Faster. Faster.  Faster.  She took him. She took everything he could give her.  She screamed and writhed for more.  “VEGETA!  VEGETA! VEGETA!”  She screamed his name with every pounding.
Oh fuck, they were so close.  He inhaled her the stiff sensitive nib in his mouth.  His tongue flicked over it.  Around it. Rubbing his tastebuds over it. Her hips bucked.  He pounded.  Licked. Pounded.  Licked.  Her walls clenched around his cock.  He slipped along them.  Pounded. Licked.  Pounded.  Licked. “VEGETA!!  VEGETA!! VEGETA!!  OH KAMI!!  KAMI!! KAMI!!  KAMI!!  VEGETA!!!!!!!”
Her screamed ripped across the walls as she came.  Her walls a jackhammer on his hard cock, milking him to orgasm.  He abandoned his finished strawberry and buried his gritted teeth against her cream, “BULMA!!!!!!!”  He felt his cock jolt over and over as it let loose streams and streams of his hot cum into her wanting, hammering pussy.  His hips kept working with hers as their movements fed their orgasms. Slowing as they came down off their high.  He panted against her breast, she panted beneath him.  Finally her legs fell off him.  Her hands fell off him.  “Oh fuck, good morning,” she giggled breathlessly.  He chuckled then leaned up and kissed her, they laughed into each other’s mouths.
Vegeta chuckled to himself now, smirking at the messed up sheets. Even from here he could see the holes of her nails and his in the Royal blue sheets.  The smell of their lovemaking still hung heavy in the air. His hand went to his bulge.  He was hungry again, the memories of the morning so vivid he could still taste it in the air.  He heard sounds coming from his left, from the other side of the living area she had created.  He headed for the door they were coming from… kicking off his boots as he crossed the large room…
*                      *                      *
“Where is it, where is it, where is it?!”  She whispered like a maniac to herself.  She had her mother cook up every single thing Vegeta liked for breakfast (she could skip that capsule, she grinned to herself), for lunch, and dinner which was currently the problem.  Her ditz of a mother had put the Saiyan sized meals in capsules with the exact same labels!!!  Kami damn it!  How exactly was she supposed to know which one to pop? “Crap, crap, crap.  I want this to be perfect for him.  This has to be perfect for him!”  She fretted over the opened box of capsules, wringing her hands as she stared down at them, her eyes darting from one to the other.
As soon as she was sure he was close to finishing with his training for lunch, she had rushed in here and began frantically setting the long, large table.  She had been meticulous.  Absolutely meticulous about setting the gold plate, gold flatware, gold goblet of his favorite wine exactly where the traders said they were placed for the King’s dining.  All that was left was for her to get the damn food on the damn table!
“Come on, come on, he’ll be in here any moment!”  She squeaked to herself.  He had to be just about don—
She snapped ramrod straight.  The heat of him made her back start sweating immediately.  Shit, she hadn’t gotten his food ready ye—
Words fled her brain as soon as he nuzzled the back of her ear.  The press of his body against hers made her skin tingle in the most exquisite ways she could have ever imagined.  Was this what life was going to be like with him?  Her body constantly teetering on the edge of bliss until thrusted over the edge and she lost her mind in screams of his name or lost her body and mind in the intensity of his lovemaking.  Oh Kami, please let it be yes to both, she gasped as she felt the press of a certain restrained part of his body trying to part the cheeks of her butt through the soft sheer fabric of her Wedding Gown.  Her legs trembled, Holy crap, she was aching between her legs.  She bit her lip, Kami, she was aching.  “Feed me… Bullllllmaaaaa,” he groaned.
Holy Fuck.
She watched as one of his hands came into view and covered the container of capsules.  Bulma watched as he dragged the container down the white stone counter of the bar side of the kitchen island.  It fell off the countertop and fell onto the floor with a clatter.
The silence was thick with heat.  She could tell he was staring at the back of her head.  Waiting, watching her reaction.  Hunting her without moving a single muscle.  His breathing was steadied but she could hear the heaviness in it.  He was straining to control himself.  Her breathing shallowed at the realization.  Oh Kami, her mind squeaked.  A shiver rippled through her body, he couldn’t help but see it. With as close as he was, how could he miss it?
Her eyes were still riveted to the polished, white stone countertop as she watched the shadows of his hands raise up behind her.  Within seconds she felt pulling at the jewels around her neck.  Suddenly she felt them lift off her skin.  Vegeta gently pulled the jeweled petal ‘pauldrons’ from her stilled body… folded it nicely, taking care to keep the jewels undamaged before setting it down softly on the seat of a stool next to her.  She tilted her head to stare at it.  It was so odd seeing him be so… so… she really wasn’t sure how to describe it… reverent?  Yeah, reverent with what was basically what she considered a Saiyan noblewoman’s necklace. Suddenly she felt hot fingertips brush along her cool skin as his fingers fumbled with the ties of her gown atop her shoulders.  Her breathing caught in her chest, she held it.  Hot as his touch was, a combination of the desert sun, his naturally freakishly high body heat, and the intensity of the moment, each movement was like a caress of both her and the air.  Then his fingers settled on a single lace of each shoulder.  And pulled.  Slowly. Her flesh tingled.  Each slip of the chiffon strips sending tendrils of white hot electricity throughout her body.  She gasped.  Her body trembled like she was out naked in the cold.  She couldn’t get her body to stop shaking.
She stared at the way his shade’s arms moved further and further away from her own. His fingers taking the delicate sheer chiffon laces with them, but never going faster than the fabric was comfortable with.  It was strangely… seductive.  Overwhelmingly erotic.  Her knees were shaking, she clamped them together.  Not for the first time she was in the presence of a side of him that she knew for a fact was all her own.  He fought others, he seduced her.
The ties came completely undone.  The free laces fell forward, not exposing her chest but coming dangerously close to it all on their own.  Then… his fingers let go of the royal blue strands he held.  And her dress slipped silently down her body and fell without a whisper onto the floor.
He really hadn’t missed a thing. Even before he’d opened the door, he’d heard her freaking out about capsules her Mother had apparently mislabeled. If he hadn’t been desiring her before, he certainly was after he stepped through the open doorway and heard her say ‘I want this to be perfect for him.  This has to be perfect for him!’  He removed the navy blue, semi-swoop necked tank he’d been training in.  Felt the tight fabric stretching and peeling over and away from his skin.  Not snagging on the smooth pale welts of every scar, but catching and caressing every bulge and etch of sinewy muscle.  Finally clear of his head, Vegeta cast his top on the floor beside his feet.  Then he took a step back… and saw her shudder uncontrollably; not the shudder of her anticipating his touch, but out of chill.
Vegeta hooked his thumbs under his waistband and began peeling his tight navy blue pants off.   He kept his dark eyes zeroed in on every soft line of her pale pink body.  It was amazing.  Time stood still for her.  She was just like on Namek.  The most delicate body he’d ever seen.  All soft lines, no scars, not a single blemish.  He hissed as erection strained against his descending waistband and finally sprung free, it waved and bounced in the air.  Vegeta groaned at the movements and slipped his feet from his pant legs.  He discarded the fabric as well on his other side.  He stared at the back of her head.
“I, I, I, I…” She kept trying to form words through the trembling of her body.
He stepped closer than before and pressed his chest against her back.  She exhaled into him.  Leaning her head back against his shoulder.  Relief filled her at the feel of his heat once more warming her body in more ways than one.  His fingertips touched her outer thighs as he buried his nose in her voluminous teal curls.
“What,” he breathed across her skin.
“I, I, I,” she breathed, still shivering; he wrapped his arms around her, giving her more of his warmth, “I had my Mom make all your favorites… and I, she, we… encapsulated them.”
“Why,” he sighed into her ear.
“It, it had to be…”
“Why did you have her make all that when…,” he pressed his erection against her perfect ass, “when you’re all I’ll ever need?”
She melted into him with a gasp that she felt traverse her entire body… he reacted to it, holding her tighter, keeping her upright even as her knees buckled, and bowing his head into her exposed neck.  He inhaled deeply, breathing her in like she was oxygen from a mask.  Giving him life.  She writhed in his arms, rubbing her body against his, feeling his hands prowl her body. His hands moved down to her hips… moved to the back of her hips… and gave her the slightest nudge forward.  Bulma obeyed.  She leaned forward, her palms landing softly on the cold polished stone. She trembled, it was freezing compared to the heat she’d just embraced and had embraced her.  She was panting.  It’s so damn hard to breathe.  Shit.
Suddenly she felt a gentle pressure and tingling suction at the base of her spine as his hands grasped her hips.  Oh fuck, he was kissing the base of her spine at the very bottom of the small of her back. Her whole body tingled.  Every nerve ending on fire.  She shook at the devastating sensations.  Fingers mashing onto the cold surface of the countertop.
Then she felt something press against the base of her spine… slowly drag up her electrified flesh… then the gentle pressure and tingling suction again…  the soft press again… and a puff of heat from his nostrils as the tip of his nose slide up her spine again… then another heated, simple kiss to her spine…  Bulma squeezed her knees together with a whimper. Biting her lip.  Nails digging into stone like claws.  The tip of his nose glided up another couple of vertebrae sending ripples straight to her already wet core.    His own hands were trembling against her skin.  He could smell her.  He could smell her and it was rocking him to his core as deeply as feeling him scent her up her spine was to her.
“Kami,” she gasped as he placed another supple kiss.
“Don’t,” she felt him rasp against her spine.  His desperation rattling through her bones.
“Oh fuck,” she squeaked as the tip of his nose snaked up her spine between her shoulder blades.  Her head fell forward.  Her hips rocking gently involuntarily.  Kami, she couldn’t control the way—he rushed her body with a hungry growl as he mouthed the side of her neck.
“Vegeta!  Uhnnng, Vegeta!”
Her body gave a little.  Her hips curving back against his crotch.  Instantly he slipped his hand between her legs and pulled them apart. She resisted a little, thighs quaking… until she felt the zing of the tips of his canines against her flesh. She gasped.  He nudged her legs again and she slipped one weak leg aside. Quickly Vegeta took his hard cock in his hand, it felt burning hot.  He bit his lower lip, breathing seething through his nostrils, as he rubbed the already wept precum over his sensitive tip… and put his readied tip to her slick entrance.
“Fuuuck,” he groaned painfully.  Squeezing his eyes shut.  She was slick, so fucking slick.
He felt her body trembling more than ever before.  She was struggling to breathe, her body vibrating on a different level with want and desire and need.  Gods, she needed him.
“Don’t hold back,” he whispered by her ear suddenly.  “No one can hear you here.  Except me.  For Gods’ sake, Woman, don’t hold back.  Anything.”
For a moment she didn’t know what he was talking about until he leaned down, grabbed the back of her knee, and hiked her bent leg up onto the countertop.
“I won’t,” he gasped. He sounded like he was on the edge of an inferno.
He didn’t even have to guide himself in.  With a single thrust, he was inside her.  Filled her. Instantly her body was on fire! Her back arched dramatically as the all-consuming gasp left her gaping mouth.
His body surged against hers.  Each thrust was deep, penetrating, and made her toes curl to the point of their own white knuckles.  Her nails tried to dig deeper and deeper into the smooth, polished stone surface beneath their tips.  But to no avail.  It was impenetrable… But Vegeta was proving very thoroughly that she was not!
He grunted next to her ear as her upper body braced back against his chest for shelter.  Her head leaned back on his shoulder as gasp after rattling gasp left her lungs.  Her mouth perpetually hanging open at the sheer feel of him.  It was amazing!  Would never cease to amaze her!  It was like he was built just for her.  Just to complete her.  To drive the most incredible pleasure through her body like an endurance trial for the soul. She tried to speak, but only succeeded in bobbing her jaw a little.  Her mind screamed his name!  Vegeta!  Vegeta! Vegetaaaa!  She gasped for air with a strangled sob.  He responded.  He pushed his chest forward and practically flung her upper body onto the cold, hard surface of the countertop.  It was all she needed.
She gripped the far edge of the countertop for dear life!  “Oh FUCK YESSSS!!!!!  Oh Kami!  Oh Kami, Vegeta, fuck me!!  Fuck me so good!!!”
He gritted teeth and pounded into her like a man possessed by his own lust, “I’ll fuck you, Woman!”  His words seethed through his relentless thrusts.  “I’ll fuck you so Gods fucking good!!”  A roar strangled off in his throat.
“Yesss!  Yesss! Uhnng!  Ah!  Ah! Ah!  More!  More! Oh fucking Kami, MORE!”
He obliged.  The sound of his body pounding into hers with tireless ‘THUD’s of lust reached his ears. She squealed!  Screamed and writhed sharply underneath him!  Her feet momentarily leaving the floor in her sudden instance of thrashing!
A vicious growl howled from her mouth as she ground her teeth together.  
“DON’T!”  He snarled beside her ear.  “I told you!  Don’t hold back!  Don’t fucking hold back!  Do what you wanted to do in that conference room!  Say it!  UHHHNNNGG, FUCKING GODS, SAY ALL OF IT!!!!”  He was nearly losing control!
Her jaw let loose!
“VEGETA!!!!  You’re everything!  You’re a Prince!  You’re a King!  You’re a mother fucking GOD!!!!  Yesss!!!! Yesss !!!!  Yesss!!!!  Yesss!!!!”  She was losing her mind.  She could feel it!  His cock, He, was fucking her raw right here on their kitchen countertop and the sounds of it were echoing off the walls!  She loved it!  Loved every minute of hearing the sounds of his hot, sweaty skin slapping against hers!  Loved how his balls spanked her pink!  How they were spanking her red by now!  More, she wanted more.  She wanted him to break stone.
She thrashed. Thrashed like her body couldn’t get enough of his.  Thrashed like they weren’t quite in the right position.  Thrashed like she was trying to help him get the best out of her.
Suddenly he grabbed the far edges of the counter with her and rammed!
She saw white! A scream of pain shattered the pleasure for a moment!  He eased up…
“I’m sorry,” he gasped as he continued thrusting, gently, “I’m so—”
“Don’t,” she squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself for what was to come, “Don’t.  Hold.  Back. I won’t.”
He buried his face against the lovebite he’d left on her hours ago as he rammed into her again. Not as hard as before but still fiercer than now.
Her forehead sought polished stone for comfort.
“Is this it?  Is this what you wanted to do to me in that conference room?  What you wanted them to hear?”
“No,” he growled against the back of her neck,  He stared at teal curls.  “I wanted them to hear you.  I wanted to climb on that table, mount you, and let you scream down the building how you’re mine!  Do you hear me?!  You’re mine!!!”
With that, he pushed her up on the counter fully.  Climbed up after her.  Gripped the far edge of the counter with white knuckles and thrusted into her again. She gripped his wrists.  “I’M YOURS!!!!”  She shrieked.
His grip bore down on the fragile white stone in his grasp.  As fragile and pale as the voluptuous body at the mercy of his.  He squeezed his eyes shut.  Fuck, he hadn’t even noticed how tight his balls had gotten! How close he was—
“FUCK!!!  MINE!!! MINE!!! MINE!!!”
Her pussy had a death grip on his cock.  So close. So fucking—
“OH FUCK!! OH FUCK!! OH FUCK!!  MINE!!!!!”  The stone shattered in his hands as he felt the release!  His hips worked and worked!  “VEGETAAAA!!!!!!”  She screamed as her walls pulsed and throbbed around his draining cock.
Within seconds, it was done.  Their orgasms were done.  And it somehow felt like… like…  He leaned over her, supported by his arms, panting.  Dripping sweat down on her panting form.  It somehow felt like it wasn’t enough.  He still had more to give her… but she looked so frail panting on top of the stone.  Eyes shut, body recovering from climax.  Perhaps they were done for the day.
Slowly Vegeta eased himself out of her, to which her breathing hitched until he was fully out of her, then eased back off the countertop.  He took a moment with his feet on the floor; to catch his breath and for her to catch hers.  Then he placed his hands on her hips and began to slide her body carefully off the countertop.  He moved slowly, heeding the cues of the ever so slight movements of her muscles to guide his pace.  Her legs fell to the floor, dangling… her toes touched the floor… the balls of her feet… then her feet were fully on the floor.  He waited for her to catch her brea—
She shot away from him.  He didn’t even have time to process it as she ran out the doorway.  It wasn’t until the sounds of her laughter form the living area reached his ears that he understood.  He grinned.  The minx! The fucking brilliant minx!  She tricked him!  Played frail.  Played overwhelmed by the intensity of his thrusts!  But she was ready.  Just as ready as he was.  Just as left wanting more and wanting it right now.  With a throaty chuckle, the hunter pursued his prey.
*                      *                      *
As soon as he entered the seating area, he caught the flash of pale skin and teal hair slipping through the far doorway.  His grin deepened.  The bedroom doorway.  Another enticing laugh reached his ears.  He chased.
*                      *                      *
The Prince of All Saiyans burst into his bed chambers and found her already hurriedly crawling onto their massive round bed crowned with upper part of the Saiyan Royal emblem in bright red.  A giddy squeal left her chest as she rushed to get onto the rather high bed.
Vegeta’s grin turned dark, feral, completely lusting.  He slowly began stalking around.  Keeping his distance from her to allow her to get into whatever position she chose.  This was her game.  He was playing along.  But that didn’t mean that he couldn’t have his own fun within it.  Finally he was standing a distance directly behind her when she was fully on top of the bed.  On all fours.  Suddenly she looked over her shoulder at him.  Her eyes were all bright and sparkling with playfulness… and something more. Her sapphire depths pinned him to the spot.
As he watched, she slowly tilted her head down.  Keeping her eyes locked with his.  When her head was fully bent over, exposing her red and swollen lovebite to him, his cock twitched, bobbing in the air, she swayed her perfect ass at him.  Her pink folds calling his attention.  He licked his lips at how wet she was showing him she was again.  Vegeta’s eyes refocused on hers.  She bit her lower lip.  A low throaty growl rumbled through his chest and his cock bobbed in the air again.
“Fucking Gods, Woman,” he husked at her.
“Feed me,” she purred, “Feed me like a Saiyan.”
Something deep inside him clenched.  His whole body burned.  He gripped his manhood as he eyed his Woman.  “Oh, I’ll feed you alright, Woman.  I’ll satiate every appetite you will ever have.”
He took a step towards her.  He had to grip himself harder when he saw her perfect, delicate hands grip the blue sheets. She gripped tighter and tighter with every step and so did he.  Her eyes simmered.  His burned.
“You promise,” she breathed.
“Always,” he growled. Stepping up onto the dais the bed sat on.
She tried to crawl away from him, but he was on the bed with his hot lips pressed against the small of her back in seconds.  He grabbed her hips and yanked her back to him.  Her soft pink meeting his stiff rod.  Bulma gasped.  He kissed slowly up her spine.  Languidly, relishing the taste of her.  She moaned with each feel of his lips and tongue.  Each moan making him harder and harder inside her; he felt her pussy grip him tighter and tighter, her body betraying how intensely she was feeling his touch.  He kissed and kissed and she writhed in his grasp.  Finally the tip of his tongue found the tingling space between her shoulder blades.  She shuddered violently, nearly collapsing.  He smirked as his lips puckered on her skin, gently sucking; her hot core had a death grip on his throbbing cock…  Then he was face to face with the tender wound he’d given her mere hours ago.  His tongue snaked out and lapped at the tender, healing flesh like a cat lazily lapping at a saucer of milk.
“Kami,” she breathed.
Vegeta smirked… and lapped again.
“Uhhnng Kami,” she gasped.
He could tell her eyes were squeezed shut by the way her white-knuckled hands were shaking in the taut confines of the balls of the bed linens she clutched.  Her scent reached his nose; potent, sweet, musky, and in every way her own.  He closed his eyes and buried his face in her wound.  He could feel her wince as he inhaled his favorite scent in the universe. She was soaked.  He reached between her legs as he inhaled deeply again. He slipped his fingers along her hot lips.
“Oh Fuck!”  The top half of her body collapsed onto the Royal ‘Saiyan’ bed linens.
His body followed hers.  Vegeta opened his mouth just enough to exhale.  His hot breath blowing across her already sensitive marking.  Her hips bucked and she wailed into the sheets.  That was his cue.  His mouth covered her lovebite as he thrusted hard into her.
“VEGETA!!”  She screamed.
His mouth ravished her nape as he thrusted and thrusted over and over.
“Uhhh!!  Kami, Yes!!”
He gripped her harder. Growling into her flesh.  Driving into her like a madman.
“Uh!!  Uh!!  Uh!! Yes!!  Yes!!  Uh!!  Yes!!”  She was a screaming testament to his tempo.
He slipped two fingers between her folds.  Gliding them over her slick swollen bead.  Her head snapped up and the scream that left her throat echoed off the walls.  He plunged his member to his hilt into her wet and suddenly reared up, pulling her up with him.  Rubbing her precious bead.  Drenching his fingers and his cock in her scent.  He thrusted deeper.  Harder. Not easing up for a moment.  His other hand holding her small throat so that her squeezed shut eyes were aimed at the Heavens as he continued feasting on her lovebite.  Her pale, lithe, little body bouncing on her seat in his lap.  He rubbed and rubbed exquisitely gentle circles over her sensitive pearl like the precious jewel it was to him.  Her thighs quaked against his beneath his thick, muscular forearm that pinned her hips down to his.  Bulma writhed, her back trying to arch to fight the tide that was quickly washing up her body, but Vegeta held her firmly, forbidding her from shying away from all that he wanted her to feel from him.
“Uhhnng Vegeta!  Kami!!  Kami!! Vegeta!!!,” finally words fell from her slackened jaw.  He heard her moaning his name to the Heavens, felt the raw emotion in her body.  Felt her nails dig mercilessly into his thighs as she bounced on his member.  She drew blood.
“Gods,” he growled as he devoured her, “Oh FUCKING GODS BULMA!”
His balls clenched like they were in a vise. She gripped him like a vise.
“Vegeta!! Vegeta!!!”  She gasped.  “Bulma!  Bulma!!!” His voice choked on her name.
Nearer.  Nearer. Harder.  Harder.
“Kami Vegeta!!!”  “Gods Bulma!!!”
Deeper.  Deeper. Faster.  Faster.
“Veget-  Veget- Oh Kami!!  Kami!!  Kami!!” “Bul-  Bul- Fuck! FUCK!  FUCK!!!”
“BULMA!!!”  Somewhere he heard his roar crack glass as he released into his bride.  “VEGETA!!!”  Her nails ripped his flesh as she came hard on his cock, milking him of every drop he had to give her.  His hips bucked a few times, prolonging their pleasure with each thrust.  He felt something seeping out of her and down his shaft.  The slow oozing of their juices made his thighs shiver.  He released her throat and clutched her to him.  Their heads slumped forward, panting; the side of his face pressed against her shoulder blade.  Vegeta squeezed his eyes tight as air gratefully filled his lungs.  Seconds ticking away into a minute… he tilted his head and gave her shoulder blade a soft kiss, barely pressing his lips to her wet skin.  Then he lifted his head up more and applied another kiss… more and another kiss… then another… then another…  She sighed and he felt her curl into him like a cat seeking warmth; he held her, not bothering to hide his grin.
“Well,” he whispered by her ear.
Bulma grinned, “I’m still hungry… Husband,” she purred his new title.
His eyes opened and he felt the dark hunger inside them shining through.  Her contagious grin widened.  And Vegeta knew, he knew his Bulma was antagonizing him, continuing their little game of chase even without making him chase her up the bed to claim her waiting body.
Slowly, he smirked then his lips curled back from his teeth.  Vegeta opened his mouth just enough to playfully nip at the tip of Bulma’s ear. He was rewarded with the feel of her shuddering in his arms, a shiver of pure pleasure running through her body straight to her core and emanating out like a heat wave.  Awww, she feels heavenly.
“Then,” he purred back, “who am I to deny my own… Wife.”
Bulma shifted, rubbing her body against his with soft moans and purrs.  His breathing hitched and he felt his own body shudder in pleasure.  Although she didn’t know it, she was behaving like a Saiyan, marking him with her scent all over his body, claiming him as hers now and forever to any and all females that came near him.  And she was doing it with sounds that were all too Saiyan to him, all so animalistic.  He loved her for that.  She never asked him to shy away from his primal side when he was with her and he seemed to bring out her primal side every time.  They were a perfect match for each other… they could be exactly who they are with each other… that was so valuable, so rare… so precious.
He needed her.  He needed her now.
Vegeta let go of her and dumped her unceremoniously onto the bed as he rose up on his knees.  He stared down at her, a Prince commanded attention.
Her movements were languid like liquid honey oozing and seeping along as she stretched herself out over their blue bed sheets before rolling over onto her back before him.  She held herself up on her elbows and kept her legs together as she brought her bent knees up between them then spread her legs provocatively. Her curling toes rubbing across the hot, sweaty flesh of his hips as she made a show of waiting for him to claim her again that his penis received all too loudly and clearly.  Vulgar Woman, it throbbed as it extended out from his body.  
His patented smirk returned.  Their little game.  He loved that she’d come up with this…
Slowly he leaned forward… placing hands onto the sheets on either side of her head as his body loomed over hers.  He kept his eyes locked with hers and saw her pupils dilate, somehow making her rapturous sapphire blues even bluer and even more the only kind of Heaven he could ever hope of getting lost in.  He heard her breathing pick up and could see from the bottom of his vision, her plump, perfect breasts glistening with sweat and heaving with her pounding heartrate.  He could sense her body tensing in anticipation of reuniting with his body.  He took in one long inhale of the air between them.  His nostrils flared with the aroma of their union.  Keeping her eyes on him, the tip of his tongue pushed his smirking lips apart enough to lick them wet and graze along the sharp edge of his teeth before retreating back inside his closed mouth again.  Her lids lowered and a pained expression took hold of her features as she watched his tongue and all the allurement he was enticing her with. She gasped.  He chuckled to himself, low and lusty.  She whimpered.  He felt movement by his knees and knew those pale, delicate hands of hers were flushed and white knuckled fisting the sheets.
Vegeta moved his hips and felt his stiff shaft run between her spread lips.  A pained cry left her as her mouth gaped open and her spine arched.  His cleft split just perfectly to rub over her still swollen and even more sensitive pearl.  She yelped and her hands shook in their grip on the bed linens.  He slicked himself with her fresh juices and the residue of their last union only minutes ago.  Watching her writhe and endure him beneath him with each slight shift of his hips. Rubbing and rubbing.
She trembled, “Ahh!!!  Vegeta please!”
“What have I told you about begging?”
Her eyes opened with a bright, brilliant, sapphire show of defiance that made his aching cock twitch.  “What… have I… told you… about making me,” she panted.
He leaned his face closer to hers, “So,” his voice was low with a hint of danger, “you want me to make you never beg me for it again?”
“No,” she husked back in his face; her words shocked him, “I’m asking you… to answer my prayers.”
His stomach growled with a primal need he never knew he had before now.  It longed to be satiated.  Satisfied from now until the end of time… with her, only ever with his Bulma, his beloved Wife.
Vegeta shifted his hips once more and brought them to meet hers.  Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, his head kissed her nether lips.  Bulma gasped and under his façade of carnal calm, Vegeta grit his teeth.  He pressed himself at her entrance.  Slipping in with warm, wet welcome.  Inch… by… inch…  Bulma closed her eyes in an exhale of relief as her body tensed around his cock, feeling every throb of the veins of his shaft as he was sure he could take her pulse from the inside.  And it was racing.
He crept into to her to his hilt and paused, looking down at her.  After a few more moments, she opened those beautiful blue eyes of hers up at him. She looked so comfortable underneath him; it never ceased to amaze him how comfortable she was with him inside her. He leaned down even closer to her. His lips brushing against the plush surface of hers.  “Start praying.”
Bulma’s eyes snapped open.
Vegeta leaned back up, looming over her once more. He flexed his tight, muscular, sweat-slicked ass.  Moving his hips in slow… thorough… circle.
Her hands snapped to her hips.  Grabbing them.  “Kami,” came the strangled gasp.
“Wrong deity.”  His hips circled low… and slow… again.
“Vegeta,” came the strangled sob.  Her perfect nails digging into his flesh.
“What was that… My Queen?”
She relaxed into him.  Raising her bent legs higher up his hips, her inner thighs brushing over the backs of her gripping hands.  Allowing him deeper access to her.
“Vegeta,” she breathed his name with reverence.
“My… Bulma,” he prayed along with her.  And made another slow… circle… with his hips.
He could feel the pleasure flood her body as it flooded his own as he penetrated her deeply then inch by intense inch withdraw from her only to inch by inch reenter her to the hilt and press in further to get as deep inside her as they both wanted him to.  Every circle he eased out inch by inch… then reenter inch by inch.  Slow. Deep.  “Vegeta.”  “Bulma.”
Another circle made with all the control he was surprised he could muster.  Inch… by… inch.  Slow. Deep.  “Vegeta.”  “Bulma.”
His whole body was wracked with tension. Hers vibrated on the same level. His perfect match.  Her perfect match.
Another circle.  Inch… by… inch.  Slow. Deep.  Her nails pierced his skin.  His trembling hands gripped the sheets without mercy.
“Vegeta,” her voice shook.  He could already hear the edge of tears at how her body was building towards Earth-shattering glory.  “Bulma,” his own voice trembled.  His knuckles whitened as he felt immeasurable pressure at the base of his shaft.  He wanted to gasp, Holy Fuck, but he didn’t.  He didn’t want to hear that.  Vegeta only wanted to hear her sweet voice trembling on the edge of pure bliss with him saying his name and his voice quake with joy saying only her name.
“Bulma,” he gasped again.  His voice breaking.  He regripped the sheets.  Tighter. Another circle.  Inch… by… holy fucking inch!  Slower. Deeper.  He’d never made love to her like this before.  Feeling every sensation of her body.  Feeling every sensation of his own body.  It was so overwhelming.  He could feel it already.  He knew she could too.  “Vegeta,” she wept, “Vegeta.”
He wanted to, he wanted to answer every prayer she’d ever made.  Now. Forever.  “Bulma,” he felt like he couldn’t breathe, “Bulma,” he gasped.  Another circle…  Her back arched and her fingers left his hips.  Digging into his lower back.  “Vegeta,” she gasped.  She pulled herself closer to him.  Her legs slipping higher.  Inch… by… blissful inch… Slower…  Deeper…  Holy Fuck!
“B-Bulma,” his voice broke.  “Bulma,” he moaned in anguish.  She felt so good.  This all felt so damn, fucking good!
“Vegeta,” she squeaked.  Her fingers struggling for purchase on his body.  “V-V-Vegeta,” the tears were flowing.
Oh Gods!  Oh Gods!!
Another circle….  Her breathing hitched and she tried to say his name again…  Oh Gods!!!  Vegeta gritted his teeth…  Inch… Oh Gods!!!  “Vegeta.”  By...  Inch… “Bulma.”  Slow… Deeper…
Suddenly her fingers dug into the one place he couldn’t control himself when she touched.  Where his tail used to be.
He ripped the sheets.  The scream ripping from his throat as he saw stars flashing like bolts of ki behind his squeezed shut eyelids.  His hips took on a mind of their own.  Circle after circle.  Deeper. Deeper.  Not slower anymore.  No.  He needed release.  More and more.
Her fingers worked the same circle his hips were making into her over the nub of his tail.  Over and over.  Bolt after bolt, star after star flashing and flashing.  “Bulma.   Bulma.  Bulma.” Her name falling out of his mouth over and over as he drove into her.  “Vegeta.  Vegeta.  Vegeta.” She cried her mantra.  Her back arching exquisitely.  Giving him the exact perfect position for her fantastic spot to rub his shaft ruthlessly inside her.  Gods!!!  Gods!!!  Circle. Circle.  Circle.  Deeper. Deeper.  Deeper.  Her fingers circled.  Circled. Circled.  Rub.  Rub. Rub.
Suddenly his heart practically stopped.  “Bulma!” He cried out as his body collapsed forward on top of her.  He shuddered and shuddered.  Cumming and cumming in her.  “Vegeta!”  She sobbed into his shoulder.  Her fingers digging into his tail spot.  Her walls shattering around him.  His hips kept moving and moving.  Cumming. Cumming.  Shattering.  Shattering. Their breathing ragged and desperate as their bodies trembled.
Then it was painfully.  Slowly.  Over. All the tension left them. Exhausted, their bodies went limp. Vegeta panting into the bed over her shoulder, Bulma panting to the ceiling over his shoulder.
Minutes passed… then he heard it.  Low at first then finally loud enough that he knew that sound anywhere.  It infected his dreams as surely as it’s owner infected his life.  Thankfully.  He turned his head, his cheek resting on the warm sheets, and eyed her.
“Why are you laughing, Woman?”  He smiled weakly, fairly certain he already knew the answer.
Her giggle was light and airy.  She turned her head to face him, still laughing even as her panting made it difficult… but all the more enchanting to his eyes, she looked like he never dared to imagine Heaven to feel.  Enchanting, absolutely enchanting.  His heart clenched to know that this Woman was now his Wife.  It terrified him… and relieved him.  Eventually her laugh gave out to her lack of air and she panted again, looking at him with adoring eyes that always disconcerted him.  Their very gaze told him that she trusted him with her life and her heart and no one had ever done that before, felt that way about him before, and it unnerved him like nothing else, but… he’d take it from her… he wanted it from her; no one else, just her.
“You’re so good to me, Vegeta,” she breathed in delight.
She smiled warmly at him.  She lifted a weak hand between their bodies to his cheek and brushed away a tear he hadn’t known he’d let slip.  Normally he despised tears as a sign of weakness, but… he smiled to himself, there were a lot of buts when it came to her.  She shattered his normal and changed things around him…  No, she let him know that his life had changed.  There was no more Frieza or being that disgusting lizard’s slave.  He… had… a… new life now… with her.  He raised a shaky hand and skidded it up her body to rest his palm on her soft, flushed cheek.  His thumb gently wiping away the drying tears from the rosy apple of her cheek.  He’d do anything to make sure she lived, anything. They laid there, two spent lovers, spouses still in the coital bliss of their honeymoon, gently rubbing each other’s pinked cheeks with tender caresses as they gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes—
Her smile died.
Vegeta tensed, “What is it?  What’s wrong?”  No, they couldn’t be attacked now.  He hadn’t recovered from making love to her yet.  He was still too weak.  He was too weak to protect her if the Androids attacked right now.
She didn’t say anything.  But her eyes.  They said everything.  She was suddenly sad.
Vegeta lifted himself up as best he could.  “What is it?!”  He snapped. “Who’s coming?!”
“We have to go back,” her voice was so small and dejected he almost missed it.
“What,” his head snapped back to her.
“We have to go back.” He still wasn’t getting it, but she was already lost in her own misery.  “I set an alarm because I have a big meeting to go to tomorrow morning and you have your training so I knew this wouldn’t last long but…”  She sniffed and now he understood.  Everything about him softened as he looked down at her huddled into a semi-fetal position on their bed, her whole demeanor lost in such a deep sadness that they had to go back to Capsule Corp; their honeymoon was over.
Silently, quietly, she sat up; her heels resting on the edge of the bed with her knees bent up under her chin.  Her hair covered her eyes so he couldn’t see her face anymore, but he knew by the drop of her shoulders.  She was crying again, shedding new tears, but not of pleasure or joy, ones of stark sadness that this moment had to end.
Just as silently, Vegeta edged to the lip of the bed and placed his feet on the shockingly cold, stone floor.  He took a moment just sitting there.  The moment was over.  He too should have known that it wouldn’t last.  They couldn’t stay here forever in the piece of Vegetasei she had brought back to him, that he had taken her as his wife in.  Eventually they had to go back to reality.  He stood up as she finally let the pad of a single foot touch down on the stone she had painstakingly found and had installed to specifications she meticulously planned just for him.  She mumbled something and he glanced over at her. Sorrow still hid her features.  He stood before her, “What?”  He asked.
“I don’t want to go back,” she said barely above a whisper.
His eyes widened. Shocked.
She reached out to him, leaned into him.  And he let her.
“I don’t want to go back.  I just want to stay here like this, with you, forever.”  Bulma said with her head against his chest and her hands on his sides, looking down at his spent cock, her dripping pussy, and the space between them.
“Bulma,” he said softly; she listened, but didn’t respond.  He reached down and slipped the side of his finger underneath her chin and lifted her face to look up at him.  Her blue eyes were red, her flushed cheeks red and wet, her nose a little runny, and her lip still quivering as she tried to put on a brave face in front of him, “Bulma,” he repeated, “This doesn’t have to end here.  You are not going to stop being my wife when we return to Capsule Corp.  We can take this back with us.”
She blinked her eyes, trying to keep more tears at bay, for a moment her eyes drifted away from him then back.  “But it won’t be like this.  This… here…  It’s been so, so wonderful.  So…,” she sniffed again and he saw the tears returning.
“I love you.”
The tears didn’t come. Shocked back into submission.  She blinked.  He hadn’t really ever told her that outside of a bedroom situation.  And while this was still, yes, a bedroom situation, they weren’t in the middle of lovemaking or in the middle of the foreplay quickly leading up to lovemaking.  This was, was…  She shot to her feet and wrapped her arms around his neck.  Quickly Vegeta wrapped his arms around her tiny waist.  They held each other tightly.
“I love you.  I love you so much Vegeta.”
She buried her face in his neck.  He buried his in her shoulder.  BEEP!  BEEP! BEEP!  The alarm went off again.  A temperamental reminder.  As they continued embracing, he reached up and cupped the back of her head… and gently kissed her shoulder.  She sniffed against his throat and tightened her hold on him.
“We can do it,” he spoke softly to her, “We can take this back with us.  We don’t have to leave this feeling here.  We can take it with us.  Just you and me.  Bulma and Vegeta… Wife and Husband.”
After a few more sniffs, she nodded.  Their hold loosened just enough for him to lean back and look at her face.  She reluctantly lifted it and met his eyes. Bulma could see him searching her own eyes and offered him a weak but genuine smile.  He stopped searching, content with her answer to his unspoken question of ‘Are you alright?’
“We should shower before we go.”  She said, her voice stronger this time.
“Why?  I thought you liked smelling of how I’ve claimed you.” It was part playful teasing of her, part genuine hurt at her wanting to wash away the signs of their Wedding Night.
“I do, but I don’t think we should be going home and telling my parents that we’re married now with both of us smelling like we had a really great honeymoon.”
“Hn,” he could see her point.  To a Saiyan household, they returning to their family dwelling reeking of their joined juices would only alert their parents that they were mates and bonded in a way that no one could break.  But to an Earth household, such odiferous evidence of their marriage would be very much frowned upon; it was deemed to be unseemly.  And honestly, the only people he wanted picking up the scent of his seed thoroughly inside her and his sweat perfuming every part of her body was those disgusting business men and any others like them that she had to deal with on a near daily basis as the transition of power over the company from her father to her continued steadily.  That was enough.  When she had a business meeting with any men, he would make sure that they would be able to smell that she belonged to another long before they would be anywhere near her.  Her parents didn’t need that kind of proclamation.  “Agreed.”
She nodded with a heavy sigh.
Suddenly Vegeta lifted her up by his arms wrapped around her waist.  A cry escaped her lips as her hold around his neck tightened, but her broad smile spoke volumes.  Her toes dangled inches above the floor as he marched over to the door leading to the bathroom with a smirk firmly on his face.
*                      *                      *
Her elated giggle echoed off the walls as he set her on the white tiles of the massive shower she’d constructed after he’d shut the glass door of the shower wall made entirely of crystal clear glass.  Mischief made her face even more beautiful and before she could utter any vulgar thing, Vegeta plunged his mouth to hers in a salacious kiss.  Deep and thorough.  Their tongues tangling playfully together as she kissed him back, still wrapped in each other’s arms.  She pressed her body to his.  He felt the press of her pelvis against his and he broke their kiss.
“Woman,” he stared deeply into her playful eyes, “If you do that, I will fuck you senseless in this shower and we will never return to Capsule Corp ever again.  I will keep you in here, moaning, growling,” he growled himself, “and screaming my name until you have no voice left to annoy me with your vulgarity.  And even then I will not stop pleasuring you over and over again until your heart explodes in your chest.”  He pressed his forehead against hers.  Never breaking eye contact.  “I will claim you for the rest of your life.  And we will never leave here.”
Even though his words were filled with all sorts of naughty promise that she knew he would make good on, his warning was loud and clear:  No sex in the shower… well, no sex in the shower right now.  Maybe later. He still hadn’t got to finish what was started when Yamcha had interrupted them in her shower and come to think of it, a shudder shook her body for a moment, she’d rather he’d finish what was started in her bathroom in her bathroom back at Capsule Corp not in their bathroom here.  Reluctantly, Bulma eased her pelvis away from his.
Vegeta leaned in again and pressed his lips to hers.  The kiss was soft, simple, and so very, very sweet.  No tongue, just lips.  His were softer than she’d expected.  His hands so calloused from continuous fighting, his skin smooth but marked with even smoother scars; neither reality ever giving her any indication of the soft pillows his lips would be.  It was a pleasant surprise the first time they kissed and continued to be every kiss thereafter.  Their kiss broke and she tilted her head and leaned in again to give him another soft, simple kiss.  Then another. Then another.  Until he refused to break the kiss again.  He moved his mouth over hers, with hers.  Finally he parted his lips just enough to touch the tip of his tongue to her closed lips.  Her lips parted at the entreaty and he slipped inside her mouth.  Caressing her tongue with his in languid motions.  She moaned a little and Vegeta began to move. Taking steps that forced her backward, she moved with him, keeping their kiss going.  One of his arms left her waist as he reached back to the wall, grasped the knob, and turned it.  The whole ceiling opened up with rainwater.  The main downpour coming from the golden vine shower head.  It was a warm, cozy heat that permeated their skins with dewy delight.
Single-handedly, Vegeta reached into the seemingly hidden niche in the wall and pulled out the bright pink bottle of shower gel.  He flipped the cap without breaking their kiss and the scent of potent artificial strawberry filled the rain-soaked air.  He took up the bottle and squeezed some of its contents out on the ridiculously fluffy, pink loofa ball sitting next to the bottle.  Then he set the bottle back down and took up the loofa ball. He massaged it in his hand the way he wanted to massage Bulma’s voluptuous breast; despite himself, a deep growl rumbled his chest like the first roll of thunder signaling an oncoming storm…  But he had to restrain himself.  Bulma’s preemptive plans were right.  She had a business meeting to attend and he still had his training; she had a massive company to head and he had a legend to become.  Slowly he brought the foamy ball to her back and rubbed deliberate circles over her pale, sleek back.  Bulma’s arms retreated from his neck so her hands could take their place.  Their kiss ending, but their lips still brushing across one another.
“I thought we weren’t going to do anything in here,” she breathed on his lips.
“I said that I wasn’t going to take you in here.  I did not say that we would not be bathing.”
She grinned. “When is it my turn to scrub you,” she giggled again.
Vegeta’s chest tightened at the sound of her laugh and the feel of it so close to his own lips… and another part of his body was responding with a certain tension as well. He had to quash that if either one of them was going to make it out of their Saiyan home before the Androids arrived.
“Tch.  It’ll be your turn to bathe me when I’m done with you.”  He went in for another kiss.
*                      *                      *
The warm desert air dried his hair with it’s breezes as they walked out of their Saiyan home and set foot once again on the red, arid soil of planet Earth.  It was only a few steps, but if felt like they were already miles away.  Bulma broke free of his side and went to the button bearing the Capsule Corp logo right next to the golden, ‘Throne Room’ doors.
“Are you sure you don’t want to encapsulate it yourself?”  She asked.
Vegeta walked up right behind her, close enough to press his body to hers.  His arm joined hers in reaching out to the white button, specifically designed to blend in with the exterior for his memory’s personal benefit.  She leaned her head back just enough to look up at him with that enchanting smile of hers. He looked down at her with his own smile of a smirk.  They pressed the button together.  The pop was immediate, loud, deafening.  Instinctively his free arm wrapped protectively around her waist as they watched their Saiyan home disappear into a massive puff of smoke.  There was a part of him that wondered if this was how his Father’s palace had looked when Frieza destroyed the planet.  Had it suddenly disappeared in a massive puff of smoke to the sound of a startling loud bang?...  But this was different.  He felt no sorrow here just the realization that… that… he was going home.  With her.  They were taking Vegetasei home with them back to Capsule Corp and any time he wanted, any time they wanted, with the push of a capsule cap and a good toss, Vegetasei would be back for them to reside in.  Whether or not she knew, she’d given him a choice he didn’t think he had.  It never once occurred to him that ‘He could have it all’ was an option for him.  One, the smoke cleared and he looked at the large, white capsule lying in the red dirt a small distance away from them then looking back down at her, Bulma looked back up at him again with her happy smile, one option that he was taking.  He could have it all.  Would have it all.  With his Wife.  His Bulma.
She walked away from him to fetch the precious capsule and remained still, the prideful Prince but he now had something else to proud of in his life.  She picked up the capsule and hurried back to him with utter joy. He grinned and welcomed her back into his arms.
“See,” she held up the capsule, “All safe and soun—”
He pinched her chin between his thumb and the side of a finger and lifted her face up to his. He leaned down and cut her off with a kiss, tenderly sucking at her full, bottom lip.  Then nipping at her upper lip.  She tilted her head and he applied a deeper kiss to her lovely mouth. She opened her mouth a little and slipped her tongue inside his mouth.  He leaned into her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close as he indulged in the taste of her.  Did they really have to return to Capsule Corp?  Did they really?  She wrapped her arms around his waist and tilted her head, her tongue plunging deeper. He mashed his mouth to hers.  She moaned into his mouth.  His hands went lower and clutched her hips.  His breathing picked up.  So did hers.  Was her parents’ home really where they needed to go?  After all they had a perfectly good bed encapsulated in the palm of her hand.  All they needed to do was pop the cap, toss, and devour each other every step of the way. Never to be seen or heard of ever again unless someone went wandering in the desert and happened to be within range of her screaming his name and appealing to her God over and over again, and he did intend to make her do that.
But as the wind picked up and ruffled her wavy teal locks, he knew.  They couldn’t dwell here in their fantasy any longer.  He had the Legendary to attain and she had a world-wide empire to run.  He broke their kiss and saw the flicker of disappointment in her bright eyes.  She felt the same way too.  He leaned his forehead down to touch hers with cocky smirk on his face…
“Besides,” he told her, “your parents leave quite often…”
He let his words hang there between them… and watched their ramifications blossom on her face.
“Yeah,” she bit her lower lip in that enticing way he loved through her grin, she giggled, “Yeah, they do.”
He could have her screaming down the whole of Capsule Corp and the entire damn city!
Bulma unwrapped her arms from his trim waist and reached into the pocket of her coveralls. She pulled out her container of capsules and opened it, took out a large capsule, pressed the cap, and casually tossed behind her.  With a pop and puff of smoke, her helicopter appeared.  Her eyes drifted down to the ‘V’ marked capsule in her hand… Vegeta watched her but slowly his smirk dimmed into a frown.  She looked… sad. Her eyes rose to his again and they were pink, she was trying not to cry. He scowled, after all this why the Hell would she need to cry about anything?
“Take this,” she said, her voice straining to keep from warbling.
Oh, “No.”
“Please, Vegeta, it’s a gift for you.  Take it.”
“Keep it, Woman.”
She blinked and her eyes lowered to gaze at his chin.  Tears threatening.  He felt her body tense in his arms.  He didn’t like it.  “Please—”
“No,” he told her firmly.
She sniffed.
“I need you to keep it.”
She looked up at him.
“Where else would my…,” he swallowed hard, “Where else would my home be, Bulma, then with you?”
Her tears came. But not of sadness.  Yeah, he was so fucking poetic with her; just her.  He brought a hand up and closed it over her hand, closing her hand over the ‘V’ capsule in its palm.
“Keep it,” he told her quietly, “It belongs with you… Wife.”
Before she could completely dissolve, he quickly mashed his lips to hers again.  But she still wept against his lips.  He let a few shudders travel through her body before ending their kiss.  She was nodding even before he could speak.  It was time to leave.  They could only prolong this so much.  She opened her palm again and placed the ‘V’ capsule in her container of capsules, closed it, and put it back in her pocket.  Vegeta took her hand in his and they walked over to the helicopter.
*                      *                      *
She’d landed back at Capsule Corp in the exact same spot that she’d taken off from.  After his retrieving his bag from where he’d flung it in the back again for the ride home and their disembarking, she re-encapsulated the vehicle and pocketed it as the strong smell of massive amounts of delicious food reached their noses.  Bulma smiled. She knew the distinct scent of expertly made tonkatsudon, pork-filled pot stickers, pork-filled steam buns, and pork and nappa cabbage with bean sprouts filled egg rolls.  They were all her favorite foods.  Well, not just her favorite foods.  Suddenly the sound of Vegeta’s stomach growling filled the dusk air.  Her eyes widened.  That was right!  All he had done this morning was… well, he had her for breakfast… then he trained until lunch time and then when she was trying to get his food ready, he’d…  Holy Kami, Vegeta had skipped on food in order to have the most fantastic sex with her.  He must be starving!  Then her own stomach bellowed it’s emptiness.  Okay, she was starving too!  She hadn’t actually eaten anything either.  They glanced over at each other.  She smiled and so did he, that fabulous smile that only she ever got to see, “Let’s go and tell them.”  He nodded his silent agreement.
As they stepped closer to the sliding glass door of the kitchen, Bulma glanced over at Vegeta again.  He kept his eyes ahead, his steps as sure and steady as he gaze… but there was something else… something new in his demeanor, something she’d never seen befor— Wait, yes I have.  He’s, he’s proud, but not in his usual way.  He’s proud… of me! He’s proud to tell someone that I’m his wife!  He’s proud to show me off to someone! And he’s proud to—  Bulma slipped her arm around his as he kept his arms at his sides in that smug, strutting way of his.  He side-eyed her sternly and she beamed up at him, “Mine!”  She sing-songed at him.
“Tch,” he looked away from her again, but she caught it.  He was smirking.  He was smirking so damn bad!
She giggled.
“Not a word, Woman.”
She hugged his arm; his bicep felt warm against her soft cheek.  “Hm-mm.”  Truth be told, she wanted to show him off to someone, anyone, everyone herself.
They continued walking and as they got closer, she heard Vegeta sniff the air.  She smelled it too.  The scents of before were joined by others.  She smelled the marinated vegetable mix of kinpira gobo, roasted pork fillet (probably meant to go with noodles as usual), and sautéed chicken served over ramen with the most flavor-filled broth.  She had to admire Vegeta’s restraint.  She wanted to run to the door, fling it open, and dive face first into the first dish she saw no matter what it was.  But he wasn’t changing his speed at all.  Just a very steady and deliberate march… and it made her wonder why.  Until he reached out and opened the door for her… then stood aside for her to enter first. She blushed violently as she crossed the threshold; he was still so damn proud to show her off.  To present her as his Wife!  Even while starving.
The light from inside only served to exaggerate the darkness that arrived with sundown outside. It was so starkly different that Bulma had to blink a few times which gave Vegeta enough time to enter behind her and slide the door closed again.  At their arrival, Bulma heard her Mother squeal.
“Oh my, Bulma and Vegeta, you’re just in time for dinner.”
Bulma gaped at the sight.  Every single surface was covered with massive serving dishes piled high with both of their favorite foods.  The feeling was overwhelming of dying and going to culinary Heaven.
“Wow, Mom, what’s the occasion?”  Bulma half-joked.  She had a suspicion growing stronger by the nanosecond that her Mother had begun a mad cooking spree the moment they left the other day expecting them to come back with some major happy news for her and she had made a preemptive strike of a celebration dinner.
“Oh nothing, dear.” Her Mother chirped, but the dodge was just a little too artful.  Panchy went back to finishing a truly massive bowl of strawberry pudding, probably meant to go with the already finished massive bowl of chocolate mousse she spotted at her Mother’s elbow.
Vegeta suddenly wrapped an arm around Bulma and tugged her close to him.  Bulma gasped.  Drawing her parent’s attention.  They stared, her Mother from one of the kitchen counters and her Father from his usual seat at their kitchen table, lowering the newspaper he had in his hands and shining expectant eyes right at... Vegeta?!  Bulma looked up at the Saiyan Prince and saw him meeting her Father’s gaze.
“Bulma has become my mate.”  He announced boldly.
Bulma gaped. Her parents grinned.
“Oh how lovely,” Panchy cried, “What does that mean exactly?”
Bulma stared at her Mother.  Really?!  Really Mom?!
“It means, Panchy dear, that by Saiyan standards our little girl and Vegeta are married.”
Panchy clapped her hands together and was incandescent with joy, “Oh my!  I’m so happy for both of you!”
Her Father rose from his seat, walked right up to Vegeta, and offered his alien house guest his hand.  “Welcome to the family, Son.”
Vegeta stared down at his now Father-in-law’s proffered hand… then met his eyes once more… and took the hand.  “…Thank you, Sir.”
Bulma felt tears sting her eyes and blinked them away with a sniff.
“Oh thank goodness all this yummy food won’t go to waste!”
Bulma laughed as they sat back down at the table and dug in.  Their first family meal.
*                      *                      *
She snuggled into her pink pillow.  Yet again. Suddenly there was a hot breath puffed across her cheek from the warm face pressed over her ear.  Strong, muscular arms made their presence known around her slim waist even through the pink satin mini-nightgown she was wearing.
“Are you done being a nuisance yet, Woman?  Go to sleep.” The gravelly voice growled at her.
She could feel her husband’s voice rumble through her body in the most delicious way.  She grinned.
And felt Vegeta pull her in closer and tighter to his body.  Spooning her.  Cuddling her.  She sighed contentedly.  And put her hands over his.  He lifted his fingers up and laced them with hers, sighing himself, in response.
“Are you happy,” she asked.
“Very.  And since we came back here so that you could get to sleep early to attend this meeting tomorrow morning, I suggest that you now go to sleep, Wife, or I will make better use of you staying awake by ravishing your body till this pathetic bed breaks and then I will ravish you on the floor until the floor breaks. Do you understand me?”
“Yes,” she purred.
“Bulma,” he warned.
“Spoil sport,” she pouted.
“Oh I will definitely spoil you, Wife,” Bulma’s breath caught in her chest at Vegeta’s own lusty purring and the distinct feel of a certain part of his body pressing it’s hardening self against her pert buttocks, “Later.”
“Damn,” she hissed.
“I know,” he grumped.
It took some effort but for once she fell asleep with her husband without sex or love-making exhausting them into blissful oblivion.  Actually… she thought falling asleep wrapped in her husband’s arms was really… nice.
*                      *                      *
For the most part the meeting had been a complete disaster.  But ultimately the representatives from the other company had caved and signed the new contract.  It wasn’t like they really had a choice or anything, they were so small that the buyout was a foregone conclusion and they couldn’t do a damn thing about it. But that fact didn’t stop them from throwing a perpetual tantrum from the moment the stepped onto Capsule Corp grounds until the left it, saving their loudest, most obnoxious behavior right for Bulma Brief’s face.  She had sat there at a minor conference room (and yes, she had chosen a distinctly minor to prove a freaking point after how all the phone calls just to set up this meeting had gone) near her office and calmly let them make total asses out of themselves at the top of their voices. And when the braying was done, she simply slid the paperwork forward with the pen already ready and waiting on top. Did they really think that she hadn’t dealt with this type of crap before?  That she hadn’t seen worse fits?  That she hadn’t thrown worse tantrums herself?! Wow, if they did, then they sure as Hell hadn’t heard the gossip columns’ legends of her and Yamcha’s relationship of many, many years.  Her temper was more than the stuff of legends, Hell, it was freaking mythological!
But still, they had gone down kicking and screaming and she didn’t have any problems admitting that she admired and liked that about them, even offered them both jobs… until one of them started making the trademark sounds of gearing up to literally spit in her face.  Her blue eyes had snapped opened into an instant narrowing that made the guy swallow his own loogie.  And the glare in her beautiful eyes made sure it went down hard.  They threw her customary pen at the table top and stormed out. Qira was waiting and entered at a steady unhurried pace to which Bulma could only think to compliment with ‘Good girl’ and gathered the contract and the pen as her employer got to her feet and smoothed out her short skirt.  They walked together back to Bulma’s office where they were greeted by Bulma’s three other secretaries/assistants.  Qira was her personal assistant and the other three were there more or less to back up the extraordinarily heavy load of work that Qira was forced to endure being the Capsule Corp Heiress’ ‘chief handmaiden’. As Qira left to take the contract to the Legal Department so it could be properly filed by the attorneys, Bulma entered her office, sat down, and began prepping for the next meeting she’d have.  It was relatively minor.  Technically she didn’t even have to show up for it, but after the creepy, handsy Capricorn guys and the tantrum trio from Zerotech, she really wanted to just sit down opposite a group of people who didn’t treat her like a little girl playing grown-up in her father’s clothes or some soul-stealing bitch. Really, was it too hard to ask for some adult behavior?  Really?!
She sighed. Again.  And opened up another file folder and began to read it’s contents. It was the dossier of the leader of the company that had come to them with an idea that they wanted Capsule Corp to help them out with.  In truth, as Bulma read, the company was super, super tiny, even smaller than Zerotech. But.  They had a brilliant idea on their hands, if they had the proper facilities to mass produce and mass distribute it…  Bulma smiled to herself, Yep, these guys weren’t going to stay small for long… And coming to Capsule Corp was no ordinary shot for the moon for them.  They wanted to expand.  They wanted to debut in the big leagues.  And they had the mind to back that up.  Bulma took up a pen and made a little note on a steno pad beside her:  Get in on the first floor then And it’s always nice to reach out and help another lady get to the top.  There’s far too much testosterone up here. Then she tapped the pen against the pad as she read on.
She was absorbed in page twenty-something when the alert on her desktop sounded.  Bulma reached out and pushed the button without looking up from her reading.  “Yes?”
“Miss Briefs, you have a guest,” Scarlet answered.
But there was something in the sound of her voice…  Bulma’s eyes quirked at the speaker, Is she… was her voice… warbling a little?  Before Bulma could ask her assistant what was wrong, her door opened.  Her eyes snapped to her doorway and she gaped.  Vegeta looked…  Holy Fuck does he look, her legs snapped shut underneath her desk and she felt her core awaken.  Her breathing became unsteady.  No wonder Scarlet was having troubling speaking.  Kudos to the young woman that she could even manage to speak, Bulma was left speechless.  And he knew it.
He smirked at her and she clenched her knees tighter together.  He was wearing the most well-fitting, charcoal grey, button-up shirt she had ever bought him.  And it wasn’t buttoned up all the way!  He had stopped!  Stopped at the button just before his finely sculpted pecks began.  Putting on a display of his chest… much in the same way she did when she wore something lowcut in the front.  She bit her lip as her eyes traveled down to his rolled-up sleeves.  Again stopped just above his elbows to show off his hard-earned forearm muscles. Down further to the two large brown bags he carried in his arms, but she’d get around to wondering about those later. Her eyes spotted him wearing a wine-colored leather belt with polished nickel buckle in a simple yet entirely him design.  And he was wearing light grey slacks that were military crisp and just as well-fitting his lower body as his shirt fitted his upper.  And he had wine-colored, business loafers on.
“Hungry, Woman?”
Bulma gulped and nodded when she couldn’t find the words to speak.
“Good, because I plan on spoiling you.”
She gasped.  He stepped in and kicked the door closed behind him. They were alone.
Still smirking with a dark gleam in his eyes, he stalked over to her desk.  With each of his steps, she backed her chair up.  He chuckled to himself at the sight.  His smirk deepening if that was possible and his eyes glittering with the thrill of the hunt.  Without even realizing it, she’d given chase the same way she did by trying to get away from on the bed in order to get him to chase her and pin her onto the bouncy mattress with his searing hot body.  She’d retreated in the face of his approach and he’d felt that pull to chase her fleeing body down and pin it.  Slowly, tantalizingly slowly, he lowered the brown paper bags onto the top of her desk.  Her eyes flickered to them for a moment and she knew the logo immediately as belonging to the same restaurant that she’d taken him to to get bacon cheeseburgers after he’d ravished her in the conference room as a surprise visit to her place of work and before they’d spent an entire day and night having orgasm after orgasm until she just couldn’t take anymore.  A low growl sounded in the room.  Her eyes snapped back up to meet his.  She’d done it again!  Her eyes had retreated from him and he’d just chased them back to him so he could pin them with his own dark, brooding gaze.  She shivered.  He smirked slickly.  Then he retreated.  Bulma’s jaw fell open at Vegeta’s back as he returned to the door and quietly locked it.
She found the urge to breath again without him being quite so near.  Quite so obvious about what was about to happen in her private office at Capsule Corp.’s main building.  Then he turned.  She froze. Time stopping.  He stood there staring her down.  His smirk gone.  His arms be his sides.  His hands worked into tight fists.  It was one of his many battle stances.  Intimidating. Dominate.  Powerful.  And so fucking sexy!  She shivered again and felt a sudden tightness in her core.  Holy Fuck! Am I really that close to cumming?!  Just by him looking at me?!  Oh dear Kami!
Vegeta approached. Bulma bit her lip, but her body still trembled uncontrollably.  Oh Kami!  Oh Kami!  Oh Kami! He kept eye contact with her as he came to a stop right in front of her desk.  She froze again.  Caught in the intensity of those eyes, she felt weak and small, helpless, defenseless. She’d never felt so vulnerable in her life than in the face of those dark eyes.  Then he broke eye contact as he reached into the first back and pulled out a large take-out container.  She blinked, Huh?  He set it on her desk then he reached in again and pulled out a second container, again without looking at her.  She kept watching him, waiting for… for… for whatever, but Vegeta just kept reaching into the bag and pulling out foil-wrapped burger after foil-wrapped burger. After the fifth burger was laid down on her desk’s top, she sniffed the flavor-filled air.  The containers held the expertly handmade French fries.  She could smell that for sure.  A smile touched her lips then blossomed as she looked at the spread he was preparing for them with her desk as the table. He’d remembered their first date. Granted it wasn’t all that long ago, mere days, but still, Vegeta had remembered so that was really saying something.  Her favorite burgers with her favorite fries.  Yummy yum yum.  She clapped her hands together and licked her lips.  She didn’t notice his eyes flit to her for a split second as he unloaded the last burger from the first bag then start unloading the second bag.  Well, since Vegeta had the laying out well in hand that left Bulma with the opening and unwrapping to do.  She stood up from her chair and popped open the first white container.  Releasing the steam let loose by the magnificent thing that was fresh from the fryer French fries!  She grinned and eagerly plucked on of the really crispy thin ones from the top and popped it into her mouth.  It was blazing hot, but salty and, she began chewing, soooo yummy!  She moaned closing her eyes, enjoying herself.  Then quickly turned her attention to popping open the second container of fries before picking up the first of many, many burgers and unwrapping it halfway.  She moved onto the next as Vegeta unloaded the last burger then he plucked both empty bags from the desk top and set them on the floor.  Bulma continued carefully unwrapping halfway burger after burger for the definitely Saiyan-sized meal.  She began humming to herself, happily, contentedly.  Vegeta watched her as he slowly came around the desk to her. She kept unwrapping, blissfully unawares of his approach.  He waited right behind her until she was done unwrapping the very last burger; it took ever bit of control he had in him to wait that long.  Why, why did I have to order so many damn burgers?!  Finally Bulma put the last ready-to-eat burger down and looked up.  He wasn’t there.
His body slammed into hers from behind.  She lurched forward.  Her palms slammed onto what little free space there was on her desk’s top.  Suddenly his hands were there right beside hers. His hot breathed huffed and puffed a steaming path against her ear as his hips worked against her tight buttocks. Grinding himself against her. Kami, she could feel him!  He was stiff like an iron rod.  She gasped and he pressed himself against her ass harder. Her back arched.  The back of her head hitting his shoulder as she suddenly, fiercely came.  Her legs shook violently.  But he kept thrusting against her.  Holding her up as he felt her body tremble and shudder in pleasure.  Helping her orgasm extend for as long as possible. Gradually the shaking stopped. His thrusting stopped.  She panted with the back of her head still resting on his shoulder.  
“Ahhhh,” he breathed against her ear, his searing breath gliding along the side of her neck like a hot breeze, “Teetering so close to the edge, were you?  Feel better?”
She barely managed to nod her head, but he felt it as she tried to catch her breath.  She hadn’t even had time to scream or speak or anything else she had cum so fast.  All she could do was gasp and ride the wave.  Just as suddenly as he’d pounced on her, her body gave in to him.
“I told you,” he whispered beside her ear, enjoying himself, “I was going to spoil you.”
His hands retreated from the desk and slipped down to the bottom of her short skirt’s hem.  He reached out to her just enough to let his fingertips graze her flushed skin.  His fingertips slipped underneath her skirt hem and ghosted up her thighs. She shivered violently and an aching moan left her throat.  He let go a breath over her ear.  Her body spasmed as she whimpered and he peered down and watched her pert nipples harden beneath her white blouse.  He strained even more against the confines of his slacks.  He wanted nothing more than to tear his clothes off, tear her clothes off, and let them both scream and roar the damn facility to the ground. But he’d said he was going to spoil her and spoiling her he was going to do.
Her flesh was goosepimpling.  He fought his own urge to groan, but he couldn’t help how ragged his own breathing was becoming.  Then his fingertips touched soft silk.  His fingers traveled even slower higher.  Yes, a tiny stretch of soft silk.  Her panties…  He curled his fingertips over the thin bands of her panties’ waistband at her sides and place a seductive kiss on the hair-covered skin behind her ear.  With a moan, he felt her body relax.  He began to pull the soft fabric down her voluptuous hips.  Moving his head to kiss the back of her head… further down, moving to kiss the back of her neck and scent deeply the mating mark he knew was there underneath the lux fabric of her top… further down, kissing between her shoulder blades… further, the middle of her back…  He kneeled at the altar of her perfect ass.  Slipping her delicate panties further down her thighs, kissing the small of her back… further, her planted his lips on one of her full butt cheeks through the black fabric…  Her head snapped forward with a groan and her nails dug into the desk top.  He inhaled deeply of her sweet scent as he cleared her knees and drew the sleek, black, satin thong down her calves.  She shuddered and he felt his cock twitch harshly as a fresh wave of scent hit his nostrils.
“Lift your leg,” he hoarsed and didn’t bother to try and clear his throat.  He wanted her to hear what she did to him.  That it wasn’t only her body that was teetering on the edge.  That it wasn’t only her that would feel better after cumming.  He wanted her to know how much he needed her all the time.  For lust.  For love. For everything.  She was his everything.
One leg lifted shakily.  He slipped the thong off.  Then the other leg lifted.  And finally she was free.  He left the thong on the floor.  She tried to shake her high heel off.  His hand shot out to her heel, “Don’t.  Don’t take them off.  I want you to keep them on.”  She lowered her foot to the floor.  He leaned forward and kissed the back of her knee.  She gasped.  He kissed the back of her other knee.  His tongue lapping at her soft skin.  He could practically taste her blood rushing through her veins as her pulse raced.  It turned him on knowing the way her body reacted to him.  He leaned up and kissed the back of her thighs.  His fingers lifted her skirt over her hips.  Exposing her. Her nether lips were soaked.  He couldn’t resist.  He mashed his mouth to her lips.  His tongue slipping between her folds.  Lapping up her sticky juices.  She barely managed to slap her hand over her mouth and stifle the scream as she collapsed onto her desk.  She squeezed her eyes shut and screamed into her hand again as he licked again.  And again.  And again.  She tasted delicious.  He fed from her, gripping her plump ass cheeks until they were turning pink in his hands.  He devoured her.  Couldn’t get enough of her.  She began to thrash.  Suddenly Vegeta shot to his feet, lifted her up, and spun her around to face him.  He took her face in both hands and mashed his mouth to hers.  He kissed her deeply.  Hungrily. She clawed his shirt. Collar.  It only made him want her more.  He didn’t bother to stifle his moans, groans.  Every sound he could possibly make down her enticing throat. He grabbed her ass.  Her legs instantly popped up and hooked her knees over his hips.  She began to lean back on the desk…  Suddenly she shoved him back.  He staggered a few steps, shocked.  They’re kiss breaking.
She was on her knees in front of him in an instant.  She was moving faster than he thought she could.  She yanked down his fly.  Yanked down his pants.  His briefs. He gasped the moment he felt cool air on his cock.
“Hnng,” he barely stifled his own cry as her warm mouth enveloped him.  He lurched forward.  Free hand slamming on the desk top.  His other hand clutching hair at the top of her head.  His hips moving on their own as her bobbing head and suction demanded his body follow her lead.
“Gods,” he gritted his teeth.  Eyes squeezed shut.  His nails digging into her desk’s once unmarked, wooden surface.  “Mmmmm.”  He clamped his mouth shut as she continued sucking him.  Her tongue was writhing magic around his shaft and head.  Gods! Oh, Gods!  He was putty in her hands.  Hers.  Totally. Completely.  Oh, Gods!  “Bulma,” he moaned, clutching her teal locks.
She hummed her moan and, for the love of all the Gods of Vegetasei, he came.  Part of her desk’s top snapped.
She sucked and sucked. Swallowing shot after shot as he drained himself down her throat.  Humming her moans of pleasure around his member.  Her luscious vibrations dragging out his orgasm.  His hips moved achingly slowly.  Her precious lips slipping back and forth over his long, thick, pulsating shaft. She sucked and sucked him until his hips stopped moving as his orgasm finally started to ease.  He panted.  His body shaky at best.
“Holy… ha… ha… ha… shit,” he tried to get his breathing under control.  And failing at it.  He didn’t care though.  This Woman constantly pushed him to his limits.  With even more training and how much affection they were showing each other on a regular basis now, he was sure he’d attain the Legendary soon enough. And then, then, he could challenge that clownish dope, destroy him, destroy those tin cans, and live this everyday of the rest of his and his Wife’s lives.  Mating with her at every opportunity, training like a madman for maintenance of his new found and hard-fought power.  Returning to the desert to make their Saiyan home permanent and… his mind flashed to her underneath him as he took her as his mate; the way she’d clung to him, the way her fingers felt rubbing the soft furry numb at the base of his spine… Yes, they’d return to the desert, take up residence in their Saiyan home she’d made, and he mate with her until that Royal Saiyan bed shattered beneath them. Yes… Yes…  “Yessss.”
Her lips slipped slowly back along his member; the tip of her tongue tracing her path along the underside of his cock.  His breathing turned ragged, his fingers digging into splinters.  Suddenly her mouth released him with a loud, wet POP.  His eyes snapped open.  Holy fuck, she just popped his cock from her mouth. She just popped his cock from her mouth!
He reached down and yanked her up to him.  Her lips met his and he tasted himself in her mouth as he kissed her deeply. Hungrily.  His tongue plundering her depths.  She yanked on his shirt collar.  Her tongue wrestling with his.  He reached down and grabbed her ass.  Her chest heaved with a moan and she hiked a leg up over his hip.  Kissing him deeper.  He heaved her up into his arms.  Her hands found his neck.  Her nails digging into his skin.  He growled viciously in her mouth.  His nails digging into her plump ass cheeks.  She growled back.  Fuck, his cock ached, yearned for her sweet cunt. He had to have her!  Now!  He couldn’t wait anymore!  Not when she fucking growled at him!  He turned and forgot his pants and underwear fallen around his ankles.  He more or less tripped and fell and dropped her into her chair with him on top of her.  The chair tipped far back.  He startled; his arms slipping under her legs to brace into the mahogany-colored leather. Their kiss broke.
“It’s okay,” she gasped breathlessly, “It rocks.”
Suddenly he froze. “It… rocks?”  He repeated carefully.
Bulma gulped. “Ve-, Vegeta?”
He thrusted into her. She gasped again.  Desperately clawed at his chest.  Her hands gripping chunks of luxurious charcoal grey fabric. He looked down at her.  Her cheeks were flushed, her brilliant eyes needy and wanting.  Desire looked beautiful on her.  He didn’t mention that he felt the same way.  So needy, so wanting of her, so desirous.
“What’s the matter, Woman?”  He husked. “Scared?”
He rolled his hips before she could answer.  Her eyes rolled.  Her head snapping back as her back arched.  Giving him an even better angle to pleasure her.  She whimpered.  He leaned forward and dragged his tongue up her pulse line.
“It’s okay,” he breathed.  Vegeta rolled his hips again.
She flailed wildly. Finally clamping one hand over her mouth, stifling her scream.  Her other hand reaching desperately behind her, nails ferociously clenching the soft leather.  Eyes squeezed shut.
“Bulma, move your hand,” Vegeta told her quietly.
She shook her head. Crying behind her hand.
“Bulma, move your hand,” Vegeta said softer.
Bulma’s hand stayed in place.
Vegeta leaned forward and gently nuzzled the back of her hand then slipped the tender skin a soft kiss.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, “You can move it.”
Her hand suddenly latched onto the back of his head and mashed his mouth against hers.  He rolled his hips and he was the one to scream into her mouth.  He rolled his hips again.  And again.  On and on. Screaming her name into her own mouth over and over with each roll.  Her hands moved over his body as his mouth moved over her mouth desperately.  His biceps.  His hips.  His taut ass. He broke their kiss.
“Grab my tail,” he gasped against her lips, “Fucking Gods, Woman, grab my tail.”
Her fingers dug into his numb.  He stifled the primal scream that ripped from his chest with her mouth again.  His hips rolling.  His ramrod cock easily slipping deeply in and out of her sticky sweet pussy. He cried her name over and over into her mouth.  She cried his name in his.  Her fingers rubbing savagely with every deep plunging roll of his hips.  More and more.  Rolling.  Rubbing. Screaming.  Tears streamed from his eyes.  He knew they were streaming from hers.  He didn’t care.  This was bliss.  Sheer heaven. More.  More.  Rolling. Feeling pressure building in his balls. Clenching that base of his cock. Her pussy gripped him.  Harder.  Harder. Her fingers digging into his tail numb. Rubbing.  Rubbing.  He wailed. She sobbed.  More.  More. More.  Rolling.  Rolling. Rubbing. Rubbing.  Clenching.  Gripping. Suddenly she started gasping like she was hyperventilating.  His heart was palpitating.  She was so tight around him.  The chair rocked violently.  He was surprised it hadn’t already snapped.  It was a testament to its craftsmanship, undoubtedly her craftsmanship.  Rolling. Rolling.  Rubbing.  Rubbing. The pressure at the base of his cock was like a vise.  His breathing lost control entirely.  Rolling. Rubbing.  Rolling.  Rubbing. More.  More.  More. More.  SNAP!!!!!
He screamed her name. Slamming his cock into her hard enough to knock her heels off her dangling feet.  And holding his position there.  Feeling his cock shoot jet after jet of his hot cum into her welcoming, thundering pussy.  He felt something rush over his cock.  Warm, watery liquid.  Not his cum. She screamed.  Cried.  Her fingers dug into his tail.  Her walls milked and milked him.  Her legs spasming over his arms.  His buttocks flexed with the straining of filling her pussy with his seed as deeply as he could.  Time, the world, seemed to stand still…
…then it was finally, mercifully over.
Vegeta broke their kiss.  His forehead resting against hers, his breath panting over her opened mouth as she panted over his opened mouth.  Their bodies shook with physical duress.  Then she suddenly surprised him.
“Take me on the floor.”  She whispered a siren song he couldn’t deny himself.
He slipped his hands over something wet on her leather seat and grabbed her ass.  Lifting her up.  He managed to get to his feet, turned then fell to his knees, and laid her back on the carpet.  He laid on top of her.  His penis never leaving her body as he moved.  He slipped his hands to take hold of her hips.  Her legs wrapped around his waist.  Her bare heels feeling cool and spurring against his muscular ass cheeks, finding homes in his dimples.  He braced his knees into the carpet.  Without a word more, he began thrusting into her.  His pace was steady.  Her hands held onto his neck, her fingers threading up into his coarse hair at the base of his skull.  Sending little electrical thrills down his spine.  Their kisses, loving, tender.
There was a knock at her door.
His lips left her mouth and switched to her neck.  He lovingly kissed the side of her neck as he continued to make love to her on the floor of her office.
“Yes.”  She moaned.
There was no way in Hell any of them out there didn’t know that he was fucking her senseless in here now.
“Miss Bulma, you told me to tell you when you had ten minutes left before your next meeting.”
“Push it back.”  She begged.
He knew she wasn’t talking to her assistant.  One of his hands reached up above her head, his fingers gripped the floor, and he thrusted harder, deeper into her.  She moaned lusciously into his ear.
“Vulgar Woman,” he whispered laughingly into her ear.
“How far should I push it back, Miss?”
“Half an hour,” he whispered.
“Half an hour,” she moaned in a way that made him nearly cum too soon.
The assistant was gone.  And he could finish making love to his wife without interruption.  Vegeta’s lips returned to Bulma’s.  She moaned and moaned as he indulged in groan after groan. Their bodies were vessels of pure pleasure now.  He felt her start to tighten around him again just as his balls were beginning to brace again too.  He picked up his pace, his knees burning with the friction of the carpet.  Her heels digging into the dimples of his buttocks. She moaned in time with his thrusts like he was.  Faster and faster he slipped in and out of her for minutes that seemed to go on without end.  The pressure inside of them building again… faster… faster…  His hips bucked as he released inside her again.  He felt that strange wet again as her walls fluttered. Welcoming his seed once again. She sighed, relaxing with the pleasure. He, he smiled, only ever felt this relaxed with her.  They didn’t move, just enjoyed the way their bodies tingled and felt like something they only had ever experienced with each other; it was comfort, pure, uncomplicated comfort.
His head slumped beside hers, his soft breathing brushing against her throat.  He loved the feel of her.  She held him.  When he was sure he’d given her all he could, that his orgasm was truly over and done, he moved his hips and slipped out of her.  It was few minutes more before he was able to push himself up on his hands and sat back on his heels, breathing heavily, exhausted; he looked down at her and saw her smiling up at him, breathing heavily, exhausted.  Thank the Gods I brought as much food as I did, we’re going to need it.
With a pleased smirk, Vegeta reached out a hand to her, Bulma took it, and he helped her sit up. He looked down at the mess between them and noticed a puddle that smelled sweet and musky to his nose.
That liquid?  Was that… was that…  “Was that… you?”
“What did you do?”
“I… squirted.”
“Squirted?”  He had no clue what she was talking about.
“It means you did very, very, very good.”
His smirk deepened. So did her smile.  They got to their feet.  He pulled up his underwear and stuffed himself back in as she picked her panties up from the floor and slipped them back on.  He pulled up his pants and made sure he looked the same way as he had when he’d came in so as not to arouse anymore attention than he was fairly certain they already had with her moaning answers to her assistant’s questions as she slipped her skirt back down in place.  He looked over at her.  She really was right, the freshly fucked look absolutely suited her.
Vegeta walked up behind Bulma and slipped his arms around her waist, holding her close.  Her hands slipped over his and gave her shoulder a kiss.  She leant her head against his and the new couple enjoyed a small moment of cuddling. Then Vegeta’s eyes lighted on the food. Cold now, of course, but still ready to eat.
“Eat.  You’ll need your strength for the rest of the day.”
“You too.”  She laughed.
The sound never ceased to feel him with all sorts of emotions he once feared but now welcomed all because of her.  He let go of her and she retrieved a roll of paper towels from her drawer where she kept some of her spare engineering stuff that she liked to tinker with when the mood was on her as Vegeta went around the desk to the one of the guest chairs there. He watched her wipe her chair dry of their fluids… then glanced over at the puddle stain on the floor.
“And what about that?” He asked.
After throwing the wet towels in her wastebasket, she reached into another drawer, this one filled with spare things if she had just come for a workout before work or was heading to one right after, and grabbed a towel.  She laid it out over the stain and stepped on it until it had soaked up as much as it could then tossed back in the gym drawer.  She retook her seat and scooted it up to the desk as did he. But his eyes were still riveted to the still visible damp spot on her heather grey carpet.  He frowned, something wasn’t sitting right with him about it all…
“You seem,” he began, “to have had those particular… items readily available for such a situation.”
She nodded, focusing on the food.  She was famished and those French fries were looking really appetizing.  She was going to have keep in mind to have some energy drinks or energy bars lying around to help her build up her stamin… a smile curled a corner of her lips and her eyes floated up to his face, Or she could build up her stamina without snacks…  Then her brows furrowed.  Vegeta’s brows were furrowed as he stared at their stain on the floor from their latest bout of intense love-making and he was right on the edge of scowling at it, she could tell.  Why the Hell was he giving the Royal Saiyan stink-eye to—Wait. He, he doesn’t think—“Vegeta.” Her voice was soft.
His eyes snapped to her.
“I never had sex with him in here.  He never came to my office.  My home, yes, but never my office.  He, he didn’t care enough to pay attention to what I did.”
Vegeta sat in silence.  His eyes flitted back to the stain.
“I know.”
“I haven’t been living in your parents’ home for long, but I did notice that he would never go into your lab, never go into these offices.  You’re right, he had no problem going into your residence, into your… bedroom.”
“I’m a mess.”
“No, you are not, Bulma.  He was a fool.  And he didn’t deserve you.  He wasn’t worthy of you.  You are perfect.”  He blushed and looked away from her.  “At least… that’s what I think.”  He grumbled under his breath.
She laughed.
“Tch.”  He scoffed.
She stood up, but he refused to look at her. How dare she mock—She walked around her desk, up to him, and moved his arm out of the way so she could sit on his knee.  He was face to face with her.
“I didn’t mean it like that.  I meant I’m messy.  When I’m working on a project, especially if it’s small, I bring it with me and I work on it here and you’ve seen my room and my lab, I’m a slob.  The towels and everything is because I spill a lot of stuff when I’m working.  Oil, glue, soda pop, coffee.  I’m a mess.”
He stared at her.  She beamed at him radiantly then leaned in, tilted her head, and kissed him.  After a moment, he kissed her back, slipping the arm she had moved out of the way around her.  When their kiss broke, she turned towards the food.
“You’re infuriating, Woman.”  Vegeta’s attention turned to the food as well.
“And you’re an asshole,” she picked up a burger and turned back to him, “Now, your Highness, would you care for a bite?” She smiled at him.
He eyed her for a moment more then leaned forward and took a massive, Saiyan-sized bite out of the cold burger in her hands. She gaped at the size of his bite. And yet, he smirked to himself as he chewed leisurely, he wasn’t falling for it.
“Don’t tempt me.”  She looked at him innocently.  “I said don’t tempt me, Woman.  You won’t want me to drip this burger down your throat then lick it from,” he leaned in to her, “your strawberry.”
She grinned, she knew he’d remember.  She took a bite from the partially eaten burger and kept grinning at him as she chewed.  He growled and took another bite of their shared burger, she took a bite then offered him the last of the burger.  He took it and popped it into his mouth as she reached down and picked up another burger then plucked a few fries and ate them as he took another massive bite of their second burger.  She plucked a few fries and offered them to him, he leaned forward and ate the fries from her fingers.  She snuggled in closer to him, his arm held her closer still; he’d never shared a meal before.
*                      *                      *
Qira checked the clock and sighed.  It was time to get Miss Briefs for her next appointment.  And thank goodness that it wasn’t going to be held in her office.  At first Qira had thought that she’d misheard her boss when she’d moaned ‘Yes’, but when she’d moaned ‘Push it back’ in a way that was absolutely, just… horny.  It was more than telling that the rich and powerful heiress was getting laid by the incredibly sexy as Hell boyfriend she’d debuted days ago. And getting laid pretty damn well by the sound of her boss’ voice.  Well, that and the half an hour request.  Qira had no doubt that the office would reek of sex.  While that might be an effective tactic of distracting and throwing off potential corporate opponents, she also knew that that was not how Miss Briefs conducted business.  Despite her public persona of the rich, beautiful, risqué party girl, the truth was that the heiress was incredibly private… and she kept her relationships to herself.  This… exhibitionism was very much unlike her.  Even though everything was behind closed doors.  It was the mere fact that they knew anything was going on in the first place that was different.  Bulma Briefs had never brought anyone to her office’s before and technically still hadn’t, but her new man… he seemed to be feeding off of tracking her down for sex… And Miss Briefs was up for it!
First the conference room after a big contract meeting that had taken a ridiculous amount of time to finally get the signing of and now, another meeting, granted not nearly as important…  Well, the Capricorn contract hadn’t exactly been important.  They were yet another small company that needed Capsule Corp to save them, but it had been so contentious to negotiate.  It had been clear from the beginning that the executives resented Capsule Corp’s involvement and had been even clearer about resenting the living shit out having to work with Doctor Briefs’ daughter rather than the man himself.  It didn’t enter their thick, chauvinist skulls that no one had seen Doctor Briefs attend any function for at least two years now as the representative of Capsule Corp and it was blatantly obvious to anyone with eyes that the Doctor and his daughter were in the middle of transitioning control of the company from him to her.  But that didn’t stop them from making the contract meetings a waking nightmare from which there seemed to be no escape in sigh from along with their creepy ass attempts at molesting Miss Briefs; Qira suspected the touchy-feely crap they put her boss through were to make it clear to her what they thought of her and her status in the company.
Now… this was again an unquestionably minor meeting with just some people looking to add Capsule Corp as sponsors for their own products, but if anyone walked into that office and got even the slightest hint that notorious party girl heiress Bulma Briefs had fucked some guy in there right before their meeting…  Well, it’d be game over.  They’d blab to the nearest camera and the story would be plastered across every glossy mag and be a major story for any gossip show within minutes.  All this hard work would be for nothing.  Miss Briefs would be disgraced, Capsule Corp would become an overnight joke, and everything would be lost.
This was crazy behavior.  It was the behavior of a person who was… a person who was head over heels in love and lust with some fantastic person.  Qira kept the smile at bay as she got to her feet.  As she walked around her desk, unhurriedly so as to give Miss Briefs and her boyfriend as much time together as possible, the chief personal assistant couldn’t help but think that her boss deserved to have this man that made her happy, that shocked her with surprise lunch visits and lunchtime sex.  The baseball player, playboy, ex didn’t do that.  She frowned momentarily; actually it was quite legendary how he’d fucked some of the secretary pool behind Bulma’s back without the boss woman ever finding out.  They’d have a fight and he’d wander through the offices ‘blowing off steam’ which somehow ended up with him hitting on some pretty secretary and getting her to blow him or get a quickie in in the janitor’s closet or the dumb woman’s car or his car.  For those close to Miss Briefs, he disgusted them.  At least this guy only seemed to have eyes for Bulma.  That was good.  Miss Briefs deserved that.
Facing the door, Qira took a moment then reached up, drew her hand into a loose fist, and—The door unlocked and opened!  He standing there with Miss Briefs holding his hand beside him.  Qira froze in shock for a moment then quickly recovered herself.
“Uh, um, it’s, it’s time for, for the meeting, Miss Briefs.”  She hoped it wasn’t too apparent that her boss looked flushed and, and… Qira smiled, Bulma Briefs looked radiant in the midst of afterglow.  And he looked proud to be beside her… and protective of her too.  Yep, Miss Briefs deserved a guy like this.
“Do you have the prep ready?”
“Yes, Miss Briefs,” the assistant turned on her heels and returned to her desk to retrieve the file that they would take with them to the meeting.
Vegeta and Bulma stepped out of her office.  He ignored the three other women as he turned to face his flushing bride.  She seemed to literally glow after the passion of their love-making.  It was mesmerizing.  He stepped closer to her and slipped his free hand around her waist to the small of her back, pressing her to him.  His eyes dark, intense, and undeniably full of fiery desire.  She glanced uncomfortably at their audience, but he didn’t care about these pathetic mortals, all he could see was his Namekian Goddess.
“Bulma,” he husked.  Her eyes met his.  “Are you going to be home at the usual time?”
Usual time?!  Has he been watching me?  Timing me? Wait, he’s been paying attention to me the same way I’ve been paying attention to him? Bulma smiled.  And he smirked.  He knew she knew now.  They’d been keeping tabs on each other’s routines long before that night at the club, long before she’d broken up with Yamcha for good.  They’d been watching out for each other ever since they returned from Namek. Wow, neither of us really have forgotten about Namek.  I guess… we were… only a matter of time.  She brought up her free hand to play with the first button he used on her shirt, he’d buttoned it back up the same way he’d had it before, showing off his chest.  She watched her fingernail trail beyond the confines of the fabric to his exposed flesh.  She bit her lower lip, feeling heat repooling in her core again.  His skin was still flushed as well.  And she liked how intently he was watching her touch him. It was… kinky.
“Yeah,” she answered quietly.
He elicited a deep growl that snapped her wide eyes back to him and stilled the entire room.
She trembled.  Holy Fuck!  I almost came!  I almost came just then!
“I’ll see you back at home tonight.”
Her chest heaved, “Back at home?”
He nodded, “Home.”
She couldn’t breathe.  He leaned in and devoured her lips hungrily.  She heard gasps around them as she closed her eyes and melted into the carnal animal that was Prince Vegeta.  His talented tongue licked at hers, tasted every inch of her mouth, his teeth clicked against hers.  It sent a zing through her entire body.  And she felt what the sensation had done to him.  Holy freaking Kami, they were ready for each other again!
When she clutched his shirt, he knew that she could feel his growing erection.  Gods, he could smell her scent filling his nostrils, becoming more and more potent by the second…  He could also hear the heavy breathing of the three women watching them.  Suddenly it was vividly in his head, the way she’d panicked when they’d been essentially caught in the conference room…  Her petrified ride in the elevator with him… Before things could get too out of hand right in front of her employees, again, Vegeta ended their passionate kiss.  She panted and stared up at him imploringly.  He frowned, Gods, I want to Woman.  Don’t you understand?  I’d scare all of these pathetic humans from this entire building and take you until you screamed the building down…  And you made me scream it down as well.  If he didn’t leave now…
He let go of her, turned, and walked away.
“Vegeta,” she called.  He stopped and looked back at her.  “I’ll be waiting.”
“No,” he smirked again, “I will be waiting.”
Her breathing picked up as her eyes sparkled.  The grin on her face was priceless.  As were the stupid expressions of the women around her. Vegeta turned again and finally left; he had to race back to the Gravity Room, he had to vent some of this energy. If he kept this pent up for her, he’d end up tearing her apart.  No, he had to release some of this now!
Bulma just stared at the now closed doors to her offices.  “Um, Qira, I believe we have a meeting to attend.”
“Yes,” the young woman squeaked then cleared her throat and returned her voice to a shaky normal, “yes, Miss Briefs.”
Her chief assistant held up the needed file and Bulma confidently led them out of her offices.
No sooner had the doors closed again then Scarlet spoke up.
“Oh my God, I think my ovaries exploded.”
“Uh-huh,” agreed T. M.
Somehow, someway, the two women managed to sit back down.  It was even harder to figure out how they managed to return to doing their work.
*                      *                      *
If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought she was currently in Hell.  But no, she was on Earth and working with people that constantly seemed to have a chip on their shoulders about everything.  She had thought that this was going to be a nice relatively easy day of meetings with various reps from various companies, but that didn’t seem to be what Kami had in mind for her.  With days like this, one would think that Capsule Corp was the most hated company in the world and she obviously the most hated person in the world.  But sometimes, sometimes people just have really, really bad days.  And they take it out on you.
Bulma Briefs had never felt more exhausted or stressed in her entire life and she’d been on alien planets under attack by despotic lizard king and his band of psychos…  Actually she was now married to one of those psychos, but that was beside the point.  Yet another meeting had gone horribly wrong and she and Qira ended up having to be the adults in the room because the others sure as Hell weren’t going to.  Bulma finally dragged one bare foot up the last step then her other bare foot and stared longingly, forlornedly at her bedroom door.  For the love of Kami that was a welcome sight.  She trudged along with her heels in her hands.  She turned the handle and stepped inside.  With a heavy sigh, she leaned back against the door in the total darkness of her bedroom and let her body weight slam the thing shut.  The back of her head thudded against it and as she closed her eyes and enjoyed a moment of silence.  Finally, peace at last.  She tossed her heels.  Stupid things, but they were technically the only things that had spared her from losing it at the reps.  Like Hell she was going to chuck some of her sexiest designer shoes at those assholes; they wouldn’t know how to appreciate the chicness.
She sighed again and covered her eyes.  Kami, it had been a disaster.  It was supposed to have been a simple, SIMPLE!, consultation, but no, these guys either hadn’t bother to pay attention to the memo she had sent to them beforehand or… well, they just hadn’t cared to.  Or else they were stupid enough to think that the rules didn’t apply to them.  It was ABC simple.  Capsule Corp only has a certain amount of space it can give to other smaller companies to afford them a real shot and getting from a small pond into a big one.  At the beginning of every year they collect applications to fill those spaces.  And it is CRYSTAL CLEAR in the memo sent to every single applicant company that there are certain fundamental requirements that each company must fulfill to reside in Capsule Corp.  Number 1! The applicant company must send the documentation that certifies that they are an actual business recognized by some Better Business Bureau or recognized legitimate local, state, or national government.  Number freaking 2!  The applicant companies are only allotted the SINGLE YEAR to work on whatever project they had made their application based on.  And Number fucking 3!  At the end of said year, the applicant company and it’s project are essentially ‘graduated’ from Capsule Corp, meaning they are cut loose from the Capsule Corp facilities, financing, and commercial, advertising, and sponsorship supports.  The applicant company is back on their own with absolutely no help from Capsule Corp whatsoever and Capsule Corp is under no obligation to provide further assistance to said applicant company on it’s submitted project or any other project. If the applicant company wishes to submit another project, it must reapply with the new project as it’s basis for application and undergo the review and approval process all over again.
“It’s that FUCKING simple!”  She shouted at the dark.
Silence answered her.
She sighed again, her hands fell from her eyes, and she pushed herself off of her door.  Even in complete darkness, she knew her room absolutely.  How else could she navigate the thing while also keeping it a total pig sty.  She mentally counted off the steps to her vanity.  She unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall on her vanity seat then reached around and undid the button of her skirt, unzipped it, and slipped it off her hips.  Letting it fall to the floor.  Maybe, just maybe she could forget this day ever happened with a nice evening soak in her jetted, infinity bathtub.  Get some ramen for a midnight dinner with a glass of that fruity chardonnay her Mother had bought not to long ago…  Yeah, that sounded really good to her right now.  She reached behind her and undid her bra, slipping the black satin number down her arms and dropping it onto the floor.  The matching thong soon followed.  As soon as Bulma straightened back up, a light came on.
She jumped with a startled gasp too caught off guard and her mind too sluggish to think to scream.  She caught herself on her vanity after stumbling onto it.  She immediately looked to her nightstand that was the only place in her room where a light that soft and golden could come from.  Bulma gaped.
There he was.  Vegeta was sitting up in her bed.  Her pink sheets covering his lower body, but it was clear to see that he wasn’t wearing anything on underneath those sheets.  Vegeta smirked at her, lowering his hand from the lamp’s switch to rest on his lap.  It disappeared behind the fabric-covered, distinctly shaped mound.  Yep, he was definitely had a raging, fucking hard on for her.  He indeed had been waiting for her.  And was really happy to see her.
“Hard day?”  He teased her by putting on lascivious emphasis.  “Want to take it out on someone?”
She grinned.  She loved his bedroom voice, especially when he went so far as to talk dirty to her. He may call her the vulgar one, but he had a gift for making her wet when he decided to get as close to vulgar as he possibly could.  He sniffed the air… and growled deep, low, and so fucking sexily.  He grinned something wicked at her.  Yep, he knew she was wet for him already.
Well, no sense in denying it. She sauntered over to the bottom end of her bed.  His eyes followed her.  Prowling her. Hunting her.  She bit her lower lip.  She paused for a moment so that he could get a good, long look at her naked body before she leaned over and placed both her palms on the soft sheets.  She lifted a knee onto the bed.  His eyes sparkled.  Then her other leg joined her body on the bed.  He licked his lips and nearly came.  She kept her eyes locked with his as she slowly crawled up the bed to him.  It’s a new version of their game for them to play.  Both being hunter and prey at the same time.  A sexual battle of wills and hungers.  Yummy.
She intentionally crawled up his legs and got a good welcoming sight of his manhood leaking precum onto the bedsheet cover it from her view. This time it was her turn to lick her lips and she saw his eyes let her know that it was anguish to stop himself from cumming just a moment ago.  She kept crawling until she was over his lap. Her lips met his waiting lips.  Her eager core hovering just barely over his erection.  She broke their kiss but her lips never left his before she gave him another kiss… then another… and another, seductively, enticingly.  She down between them and took the hem of her sheet at his stomach between her fingertips.  They shared another kiss, tilting their heads to taste each other deeper and deeper.  Their tongues tangling in quick sparring matches lasting as long as each plunge into each other’s depths.  She pulled the sheet up… kiss… and down, exposing his dripping cock to the cool air. He hissed in between kisses and she grinned devilishly.
“Hard day?”  She purred teasingly against his lips.  “Want to take it out on someone?”
“Vulgar Woman.”  He growled.
“You like me vulgar.  And loud.”  She leaned back from his lips as her hands reached down between them and caressed his wet head.  Vegeta’s eyes narrowed and his cheeks flushed as he groaned at her gentle touch.  She caressed his head again.  He dribbled fresh precum.  She smoothed the liquid over his tip, slicking him and her fingers with his juices.  He leaked more precum and she smoothed it down his shaft, massaging it.  Suddenly his hands abandoned their white-knuckle grip on the sheets beside his hips and gripped her upper arms.  She cooed softly at his touch; he wasn’t hurting her but he was letting her know that he was at her mercy, willingly.  She repositioned herself over his bulging, wet head.  She held him in place as she lowered her hips. He hissed, she gasped when his head touched her wet lips.  She let her head fall back, mouth slack with pleasure as she lowered herself further. His hard manhood parting her wet lips and spreading her hot pussy.  She slowly slid easily down his engorged cock.  Vegeta buried his forehead against her chest, his grip on her arms tightening, his jaw slackened with the unbearable pleasure she enveloped him in. When he filled her to his hilt, Bulma lightened her touch so that just the tips of her fingernails were grazing his skin.  She dragged her nails to take of hold of his chiseled hips.  She bowed her head, smelling his hair.  Salt, sweat, and his own unique spice that tickled her nose and wetted her appetite.  She gradually raised herself then lowered herself again.
“Hnnngh,” Vegeta moaned.
Bulma raised herself and lowered herself again.
“More,” he begged, barely above a panged whisper.
Quickly she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close to her, and he wrapped his arms around her, clinging to her like she was salvation. She began working her hips more, bouncing on his cock; spending the rest of the night riding her husband until they both walked funny.
*                      *                      *
He had to work off more energy again… okay, so it was pent up tension, he needed to work off pent up tension.  He’d woken up this morning to a somewhat chilly breeze coming through the still opened door of her balcony that he had entered through to surprise her in bed just in case she actually had made it back sooner than he’d expected.  It wasn’t that he couldn’t sense her ki, he’d been able to do that since their first intimate moment on Namek; it was that, he hated to admit this even to himself, but she was distracting him more than usual.
“Initiate gravity simulation.  Four hundred times planet’s own gravity.  Warning simulation exceeds human biological tolerance levels.”  He zipped from one end of the Gravity Chamber to the other.  He could still feel the pressure in the chamber’s air as he flew in it, but it was no longer oppressive, no longer holding him back or holding him down.  He snapped out a solid kick at nothing.  It was fast.  Spot on.  Easy.
It was only natural, he knew that.  She is his mate.  Of course he’d be extremely attentive to her presence and her needs.  He sensed every fluctuation in her ki due to her emotions easily.  That wasn’t the problem.
Suddenly he zipped downward towards the ground faster than the eye could see.  He landed gracefully on his hands and flipped to his feet then back flipped back onto his hands.  Flip after flip after flip across the red floor at a break neck speed should he slip. But he had absolutely no intention of slipping and breaking anything.
What the problem was was that Vegeta only thought about those things, only sensed them.  She flooded every fiber of him.  Overwhelmed him every moment of every day and night.  In truth, she always had but he had kept all of that at bay out of respect for her and her relationship with another no matter how low he thought that other was.  But now that she was his for the rest of their lives.  He didn’t even think to keep anything at bay.
He jumped up into the air on powerful legs. Zipping in and out of sight before reappearing with a strong, debilitating punch in the air.
…anything except his pursuit of the Legendary.
He zipped again out of sight.  Seemingly invisibly flying in a bizarre corkscrew to the ground.  Nearing it. Diving away in a fluid motion like he was a gale force wind all himself.  He roared with the effort.  At the pull on him from below as he zipped back up into the air and somersaulted. Landing in the air for a moment before somersaulting in a temporary freefall.  He zipped suddenly right.  And came back up with his muscle-rippling body stretched out in all its elegant, sinewy glory for another crushing kick at the air.  He spun for another sudden kick.  He zipped back to the ground.
Somehow, someway Vegeta had… …  He’d forgotten about wanting to become a Super Saiyan.
He landed with a shuddered thud.  But it didn’t affect him at all.  He couldn’t let it even though he felt it rattled his already clenched teeth. Immediately he delivered a devastating punch just as hard as his landing to his invisible foe.  He popped up.  Turned to deliver a face-on high kick to the head of another imaginary attacker trying to come at him from behind.  But it was a feint.  He disappeared in another zip to a different part of the Chamber again.
Suddenly he dipped!  The brutal pull of gravity nearly knocked him out of the air.  He gasped.  Reset his teeth.  And surged to another spot that took him in and out of human sight.  That had been too close.  Way too close.
He did flip after mid-air flip.  Allowing his body to fall for a second before pulling his body into a tight ball and spinning.  His body lifting and dipping at his control.  This was his fight to dominate.  His to control.
And that was the problem.  He had originally began pursuing her because of the personal connection he suspected was so very critical to unlocking Super Saiyan status, but now it was out of hand.  Now it was a distraction.  A limitation?
He spun tighter.  Faster.  Hurling himself like a ball of barely sheathed rage at the floor.  Then pulling himself out of his form to land with an slight tap of his feet on the tile floor, intimidating in it’s blatant ease.  Showing his control at it’s best.
He shook his head.  No.  It wasn’t.  He could feel that much.  He was on the right course.  He was closer than ever now.  Too close.  Way too close.  But still not there.
He stood there.  Panting.  Staring down no one.  His body feeling every effort he’d made in his training session and showing it off in the set of his stance’s shoulders.  Finely etched muscles bearing her mark claiming him as her mate on the nape of his neck.  Moments like this made him feel it the most.  His new scar. The sweat slipped over his skin and along the trails of etched by his body’s impressive musculature.
That was the rub.
He stood there and let gravity crush him. Then he tried to raise his arms. He gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his own exhausted muscles that were traitorously adding gravity’s assault on him.  Little by little.  Shaking violently with the exertion.  They rose in defiance.
Making a personal connection, maintaining it, wasn’t enough. It was balancing?—No,… managing?...  Yes. That was it.  Managing this personal connection was the next step.  Kakkarot wallowed in his sentimentality like a pig in mud, but Vegeta, the mighty Prince of All Saiyans… he… he… he’d never really had any concept of that sentimentality as anything other than a supreme weakness to be despised and disgusted by if not snuffed out as viciously as possible.  This… these feelings were so easy, so comfortable when she touched him, when he touched her.  But in her presence or alone with his own thoughts, it all terrified the fuck out of him!  And Prince Vegeta didn’t like being terrified… it brought back so many dark memories… so much of his past… he didn’t want to go back there. Not ever again.  It was, it was too much.  And he wouldn’t ever dare let any of that get even remotely near his Bulma.  Not ever!
Suddenly he felt it!  The gravity was easing!
“Gravity simulation shutting down.”  The computer announced.
“NO!”  He shouted. But it refused to obey him.
He turned on wobble legs to face the door to the Gravity Chamber. Who would fucking dare to—
She was standing there when the door opened.  Her hair a puff of curls held back from her beautiful face by a stupid blue headband.  It wasn’t the color, he liked her in Royal blue, it was the headband itself that bothered him.  He hated the way it held her curls back; he loved it when her hair framed her beautiful face especially when it was flushed with the heat of their passion for each other, the way her curls bounced with each and every thrust the same way her magnificent breasts did.  He hated it when she wore headbands—his eyes travelled further down her perfect body. And bugged!  She was—She was—He couldn’t fucking form words!  She was wearing his Badman shirt!  And lace white silk stockings!
She stepped inside… closed the door behind her… and locked it. She stared him down with a luscious smirk and cocked her hip to the left, her hands gently pulling at the hem of the shirt…  He sniffed the air and smirked as he felt his cock twitch inside the tight confines of his workout shorts, she wasn’t wearing any underwear.  She caught sight of his smirk and stopped… then bit her lower lip, his favorite enticement.
“Hungry, Saiyan?”
He growled, lifted a leg, yanked his sneaker off then flung it somewhere. He stared her down as he did the same with his other sneaker.
“Good,” she purred.
His erection was full.
She slinked over to him.  Her fingers slipping up her body the way his tongue did and began undoing the shirt buttons… exposing those perfect breasts and her strawberries that were ripe for tasting.  She was right in front of him before she slipped their favorite shirt of his from her elegant, pale shoulders and hung her arms by her sides so the fabric could fall away from her body and pool at their feet.  Her scent filled the room.  She stepped closer and put her hands on his chest.  He nearly winced as his cock twitched again, instead hissing at her with lusty eyes.  She leaned forward and nuzzled his neck.
“Oh fuuuuck,” he moaned and let his head fall back with closed eyes.  He was so vulnerable like this.  But he wanted her to take him.
She did.  Her lips parted just enough for her tongue to reach for his salty, wet skin.  He groaned at the contact.  She licked up his pulse line.  He grabbed her hips and pressed her to him so she could feel his manhood torturing him with it’s excited girth.  He felt it leak precum.
“Gods, I nearly came,” he told her.
She giggled darkly against his neck.  Then licked his pulse line again.
He couldn’t take it anymore!  He grabbed his waistband, but suddenly her hands were there and shoved his away.  He clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, the unforgivable thought of begging her crossed his mind before he felt her fingers wriggle in between the fabric and his body and begin pulling his pants down.  She lowered with it.  Grazing her hot lips over his wet flesh as she did.  He did it!  He came! He looked down as his body trembled and shuddered while jets of white cream shot from his engorged tip onto her pale skin.  Slicking her stomach… then up between her perfect breasts… up her throat… past her jaw with an oozing trail of seed.  Her searing hot tongue licked at the cleft of his tip like he was a delicious lollipop deserving of taking her time to indulge in the flavor of.
“Oh fuck,” he gasped.  Cheeks flushed.  His whole body flushed.  His eyes half-lidded.  He sunk his hands into those bouncy teal tresses.
She dipped her head under his shaft.  Another squirt shot out when he felt the tip of her tongue at the base of his cock.  His balls ached.  Her tongue trailed up his cock and his hands trembled in her hair.
“Bulma.”  His voice was weak from tension.
Those entrancing sapphire orbs looked up at him, half-lidded and panged with all the anguish aching desire was.  She reached up and took his hands gently in hers.  She tugged ever so slightly and obeyed her silent command to kneel with her.  She slipped her hands to his neck as she leaned in and kissed him.  He devoured her mouth.  The scent of his cum on her skin boiling the blood in his veins.  She leaned into him, pushed him further, and he sat back on his heels, his hands gripping his ass cheeks desperately.  She climbed onto his lap with his grip’s help. Easily sliding down onto his stiff member.  He worked her hips on him for her.  He moaned with the feel of her enveloping him.  She moaned with the feel of him filling her completely.  It didn’t take long for their kiss to break so she could scream against his lips.  He felt her body tensing.  He gripped her harder, practically embedding his fingerprints in the supple flesh of her ass.  Her back arched but he couldn’t catch her.  If he let go of her…  Gods, he couldn’t!  He needed her to cum!  He needed to cum inside her!  Shatter her into a million pieces all screaming his name with carnal abandon!
“VEGETA!”  She shrieked as she leaned back with the top of her head hitting the tiled floor.  He kept thrusting!  Kept moving her hips!  Watched her strawberries bounce!  Watched those curls bounce!
“UHHNNNGG!  VEGETA, KAMI, VEGETA!!  MORE, PLEASE MORE!!”  Her screams echoed off the walls gloriously.
He gripped her harder.  His fingers digging in as his hips and cock bore down on her.  She wailed!  He gritted his teeth, “HA!! HA!!  HA!!  HA!!”
She flailed.  Her arms writhing over the tiles above her head.  Her bent legs bobbing then shook!  She was cumming!  He slammed his cock into her with a roar that tore at his own throat!  Cumming!  He felt more squirts shoot deep inside her.  Felt her warm cunt welcoming him deeper with quake after quake.  His slammed his hips into her again.  More squirts.  The walls of her pussy milking his cock.  He felt their juices ooze over his manhood.  Heard it drip and seep onto the floor underneath her ass as he held her hips above still smashed to his crotch.  She’d squirted again, sending some of their juices to the floor.
It took a moment for their bodies to still.  Her eyes opened to find his…  Vegeta nodded and slipped his hands under body to gather her up in his arms. He got to his feet with extreme effort and made his way over to the computer’s console on shaky legs.  He sat her down on the edge of the console.  No sooner had the cold metal touched her hot ass then she immediately latched onto his neck, her thumbs holding his jaw firm. Her forehead was against his.  She stared into his eyes.  He weakened in the face of their intensity.
“Computer, initiate Evening Protocols.”
He had no idea what she talking about.
“Initiating Evening Protocols.”  The computer complied.
The windows suddenly tinted with images of a starfield.  The lights in dimmed until the lighting gave the effect of a moonlit night.  He stared into her eyes, feeling every drip of sweat trickling down his body.  Caught the glimpse of ‘moonlight’ reflecting off of her wet skin, the starlight shimmering on her thigh.  Her hair was radiant.  Despite the exhaustion he felt, every fiber of his body reacted to her like she was some kind of human form sensu bean.  He felt his cock twitch inside her.  Her fingers dug into him.  Her teeth gritted.  Her eyes blazing.  He hissed between his clenched teeth.  His fingers digging into her left butt cheek and under her right thigh.  He felt the fire growing in his own eyes.
“Ready for seconds?”
She didn’t give him a chance to answer as she mashed her lips to his, feeding him her tongue.  His hips feeding her his cock over and over.
*                      *                      *
They spent the night in the Gravity Chamber’s lower level, grabbing a quick meal of protein bars and water before continuing.  The protocol even reaching the lower level’s living quarters. He sat on the bed of lavender grey sheets with her facing him on his lap.  She gripped under his knee with one hand, the back of his neck with her other. Using his own body as leverage as she ground her hips in circles that left him speechless except for his groans and moans of pleasure.  He held onto her ass for dear life while her fantastic breasts bounced and mashed against his chest. The night belonged to them and them alone.
*                      *                      *
Days past.  Weeks. Nearly every free moment they had, they spent together.  Sharing their bodies.  Making up for the time lost since Namek and now.  Sometimes he’d surprise her at work for lunch, ‘feasting’ on her, or showing up at the end of the work day, turning her office into their own personal den iniquity after all her employees had gone.  Sometimes she’d surprise him in the Gravity Chamber, giving him some ‘stamina training’ in the bedroom of the Chamber’s lower level for hours on end.  She constantly amazed him as she kept pace with him and her own work while his body, his mind, his soul were being pushed to the limits.  But he could feel with each passing moment the Legendary getting closer and closer. There were moments he honestly could feel it right at his fingertips if only he could turn the key in the lock. He was on the right path, she kept him on the right path.  Until.
The sun had just begun to shine hazy, golden rays through her opened balcony doors.  She had been snuggled into his body.  Her hands resting comfortably on his ass beneath the sheets.  Her pillow a combination of her actual pillow and his muscular bicep, his other arm wrapped lovingly over her with his hand holding as much of the warm, comfy sheets to her back.  His lips buried in the soft small hair where her hairline bet her forehead. Her soft breaths gently puffing into his chest… then her breathing picked up, that was the first thing he noticed while he tried to conceal that he woke early every morning just to enjoy being in her arms before having to leave for training… then she’d shifted, her breathing picking up more… then she began making swallow sounds even though she had nothing to swallow except her own saliva… she stirred again, made an unhappy sound, panting now.  For a moment, Vegeta thought she was having a sexual dream about him.  Until her eyes shot open and turned away from him but remaining under the comfort of his arm.  He could tell she was fully awake now.  She was restless, her mouth smacking with her continuing efforts to swallow down her spit, panting.  Suddenly she dove out of bed.  Vegeta sat bolt upright and watched her naked body run for the bathroom.  She dove inside.  Vegeta stared at the opened door.  If the Woman had to go—
She was vomiting into the toilet.  He hesitated for a moment then…
Vegeta got out of bed, “Bulma?”
The bathroom door slammed shut.  He stopped in mid-reach for his pants thrown on the floor.  He walked up to the door as the muffled vomiting behind continued.  Vegeta bowed his head, closed his eyes, and felt her ki.  It fluctuated with her emotions and the strain of how sick she was, but it didn’t seem anymore or less destressed than she was doing something she was uncomfortable with and that he could understand.  He opened his eyes.  And thought better of mentioning that he was right outside the door.  If she had a problem with him being able to listen in or enter before, then she’d most likely have a problem with knowing that he was waiting right outside the door…  Screw it, “Woman, I’m here if you need me.”  And left it at that.
He returned to their bed and slipped back under the pink sheets. He sat up and eyed the closed bathroom door.  Her ki told him that she’d heard him and that his comment had comforted her some, but she was still uncomfortable.  At least he had made the right call…  Thinking of it though, it aggravated the shit out of him that he knew what her ki felt like when she was uncomfortable.  He picked up on it first when he used her ki to help him find that conference room she’d been in when he stopped by to take her back to her room to make-love to her for the whole day and night.  He hadn’t like how it had felt then.  In fact it had given him a sense of urgency to get to her faster.  To discover that it was these men who tried to treat her as less than, treated her like…  Like how her ex treated her, that made him even angrier.  Since then he’d developed the ability to sense the signal of her ki so that he could keep a constant eye on her.  Any time he sensed that discomfort, he quit training early, dressed for lunch with her, and went over to Capsule Corp to surprise her.  She’s gotten used to his surprises, perhaps expecting them, but the men that made her feel uncomfortable got a shock that they wouldn’t soon forget—
The toilet flushed then the door opened.  Bulma walked out looking pale and flushed all at once. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and sniffed.  Her eyes looked tired and exhausted.  She looked… frail.  It disturbed him.  He didn’t like how weak she looked, how weaked her ki suddenly felt to him. She made her way around to her side of the bed and crawled in under the sheets beside him.  Then shocked him by turning her back on him.  He stared at her.  After a few moments she shivered from some chill only she could feel.  He laid down beside her, facing her… then inched closer to her until his front was pressed to her back, providing warmth.  In response, she turned even more away from him, hugging her pillow with a whimper.  No, she wasn’t going to put him off that easily.  Things were different now.  They were mates now, married.  Carefully, he closed the distance again and draped his body over hers.  He slipped his arm up over hers to cover her completely with his warmth.  He pressed his cheek to the back of her head and rested his chin gently between her shoulder blades so that his lips were pressed to one.  For a moment she was tense beneath him.  She didn’t like showing weakness to anyone anymore than he did. But she relented and eased into his protective warmth.  They went back to sleep… well, she went back to sleep, he kept awake for the few hours more until it would be time for them to wake and go to their respective works.  Even in her sleep she shivered from time to time.  And it was fitful.  She would shift this way and that, never getting comfortable for long. But he kept still, providing her with something constant and unwavering while her body would not.
When her annoying alarm sounded that it was time, she rose slowly and groggily turned the shrieking thing off.  Rubbed her tired eyes.  All under his careful gaze.  Then she gulped once, twice then hurried to the bathroom again.  He waited and his suspicion was confirmed, she was sick again and vomiting into the toilet.  He frowned as he picked his pants up off the floor and slipped them on.  He hesitated for a fraction before walking over to the closed door.
“Woman, I will bath and dress back in the other room.  But I will walk you down to breakfast.”
“Don’t,” her voice was strained then she vomited again.
He nodded, he didn’t agree with nor did he like it, but he was going to respect his mate’s wishes, “Very well then.”
He stayed at the door until she vomited again then reluctantly stepped away from it.  He gathered the rest of his clothes from the floor.  He gave her closed door one last look before leaving for his old room.
*                      *                      *
Vegeta liked showering without her and dressing without being able to catch her watching him dress and spying her dressing herself as well beside him even less than he did sensing her being sick.  But still he walked into the kitchen without her.  The Mother was there cooking the Saiyan sized breakfast that seemed to delight her beyond rationality and as usual the Father was already sat at the table with a half-eaten muffin and a half-drunk cup of coffee in front of the opened newspaper blocking him from general view.
“Oh, Vegeta!”  The Mother chirped excessively brightly, “Good morning!”
Vegeta took his seat and began to dig into his mountain of pancakes soaked in butter and syrup that had clearly been waiting for him.
“Where’s Bulma?”  She flipped another batch of pancakes that was the beginning of another mountain for him.
“She sick this morning.”  He grunted, shoving another forkful in his mouth and chewing without tasting or thinking.  His mind was on his mate, continuing to monitor her ki.  He could tell she wasn’t vomiting anymore, but she still was not happy as she moved about their bedroom.
Suddenly he noticed the abrupt lack of normalcy in the room.  He looked up.  The Father had the paper folded down so he could stare at Vegeta with Why the Hell is he grinning at me?! Vegeta turned and saw the Mother standing over her pancake griddle and Why the Hell is she grinning at me?!
“What?”  Vegeta demanded.
The parents gave each other a look.  Vegeta’s eyes narrowed as the blatant lie left the Mother’s lips, “Oh, nothing Dear.”  She looked away, returning to her pancakes with a giggle.  Vegeta turned, the paper was back up.  But the Saiyan Prince couldn’t help noticing the overwhelming sense of excitement in the room now.  Every nerve of his body was on edge as he went back to his pancakes.  He was on high alert.
He heard the sounds of heels clicking down the stairs.  Damn her, he glared at the doorway, waiting for her to show up, she’s been vomiting all morning and she’s still wearing those blasted things rather than some sensible shoes.  She finally showed up in the doorway and his glare darkened even further.  She was wearing business attire.  A nice black button up silk blouse, a black formfitting pencil skirt, and black stiletto heels to go with the grim ensemble.  It didn’t escape his notice that her choices were meant to conceal how pale she was and she’d added pink eye makeup and lip gloss to conceal anything else.  She still looked stunning, but he knew what she was hiding and he didn’t like any of this at all—She took one sniff, greened, slapped her hand over mouth, and raced down the next hall to the bathroom on that level.  Vegeta’s eyes narrowed, his expression truly dark, but it was covering up his own fear. Something was wrong with his mate. Something he couldn’t fix or protect her from—Heart disease…  The boy from the future’s voice rang in his ears.  Kakkarot, he gritted his teeth.  What if that boy’s presence had altered things in ways he hadn’t expected?  Maybe by saving Kakaarot, Vegeta swallowed hard, maybe another would die in his place.  Maybe Bulma… No, he shook his head, Just fucking NO!
The Mother placed a plate at the chair beside him.  He glanced over.  It was practically bare.  And so bizarre.  It had slices of sharp cheddar cheese and large sour pickles.  Then she placed a glass of, he sniffed, apple juice next to it. What the Hell was that for?!
Bulma came back in, one hand wiping her mouth and the other covering her queasy stomach, and her Mother immediately went to her.  “Come sit down and eat and drink this, Dear.  It’ll help.  Trust me.”
Bulma did without question.  Quietly, which scared him even more, Bulma sat down and picked up a slice of cheese.  She took a small bite, chewed gingerly, clearly judging how her body was reacting… then swallowed and went in for a slightly bigger bite… then a small sip of juice… before another bigger sip… then a bite of pickle… and another… another. It did ease him that she was eating and it seemed to be staying down.  More than that, he could sense that it was taking her discomfort away, calming her stomach.
“Take it easy at work today, Honey, okay?”
“Yes, Dad.”
“I will join you for lunch.”  Vegeta grumbled beside her, tucking into a plateful of sausages while waiting for his second pile of pancakes.
“Not that sort of lunch, a real one,” he whispered.
“Oh… okay, that’ll be nice.”
He side-eyed her.  Something was very wrong.
*                      *                      *
Her Mother had packed a lunch of more cheese slices and sour pickles and apple juice.  When he showed up with them at Bulma’s office, she looked relieved to see him. He sat at her desk, she sat in his lap (at his demand, he refused for her to be out of his reach and protective care), and he watched her devour it all.  Apparently, this was all she could really stomach today.  He didn’t eat.  Just kept guard over her and made sure she ate.
*                      *                      *
In the evening, it was just like in the morning.  She ate a dinner of more cheese, pickles, and juice. They settled in to bed and he was just about to wrap his arms around her and keep her close to him when she suddenly jumped out of bed and bolted for the bathroom.  Vomiting.  He frowned at the closed door.  No, he didn’t like her being sick at all.
*                      *                      *
His fear only grew as the days passed and she spent the mornings and evenings vomiting.  The only meals she had consisted of sharp cheddar cheese (she’d forgone the delicacy of slices and just bit chunks off the brick of cheese), large sour pickles, and apple juice.  After a week, Vegeta was ready to tear the place apart.  At night, with her finally settled in his arms as she had that first morning of illness after a session of vomiting again, “You are going to the doctor tomorrow.  Do you understand?  No work. Nothing except your doctor,” he growled by her ear.
“Already have an appointment for first thing in the morning and Dad is handling things with the Company so I can have the day off.”
…  “Vegeta?”
“I love you too.”  He felt her grin.
“Stop that, Woman,” it felt so good for her to smile again, “Otherwise I might have to give you something else to smile about.”
A soft giggle shook her tiny, little body (it made for a nice change from her near constant shiver at the nonexistent cold) and he crushed her a little closer to him, kissing her shoulder blade.
*                      *                      *
He wasted another drone.  She would be mad at him for that, but he couldn’t help it more than he usually couldn’t help it.  She’d gotten up earlier than normal to get to her Doctor on time.  He’d risen with and intentionally fought her on getting ready. Vegeta had flatly refused to go shower and dress in his training clothes in his old room.  Not today.  At the very least he was going to stay in the room while she vomited then bathed then vomited again then dressed for her appointment before vomiting again prior to leaving.  It had bothered him that she demanded that the bathroom door stayed shut.  Enraged him actually.  But he didn’t push the issue.  He wanted her as well as possible for her appointment.  When she was gone, he showered then dressed and went to train.
He appeared behind another drone extended his bare hand and blasted it to scrap metal.  He gritted his teeth, seething.  Then zipped out of sight again to set up another attack on another drone.  She’d returned an hour later.  He’d immediately stopped his training to seek her out back in their room.  She was changing into a pair of loose sweatshorts and a baggy sweatshirt when he gotten to her balcony and entered the room.
The drone didn’t even see him coming.  It made a rather nice debris field on the tiled floor below.  He zipped out of sight again.  When he’d asked her what happened during her appointment, she told him that the Doctor had checked her and also took some of her blood to study just to be sure.  He frowned, again and for the same reason as he’d frowned then.  The need to analyze blood didn’t sit well with him.  If it were something as simple as a cold, why the Hell would they need her blood?!  No, something worse was going on.  He, Vegeta’s flight faltered, he landed and stared at the ground…  Dark thoughts swirled in his head.  Thoughts he couldn’t bring himself to ignore or forget or speak even to himself.  He squeezed his eyes shut.  Clenching his fists.  Gritting his teeth.  No, he wasn’t…
Everything you love dies.
“SHUT UP!!!!!”  He roared.
You’ll lose her.
“NO I WON’T!!!!!”
“NO!!!!!”  His power up annihilated the last of the drones. Nothing survived.
He stood there.  A raging flame of ki.  He wouldn’t lose her!  Not now! Not ever!
Two hours!  She told him two hours before the stupid Doctor would call her back with her blood results!  He fumed. “Computer!  What’s the fucking time!”
He didn’t even hear it answer him.  Her ki was moving.  He froze. She was anxious.  Her ki stopped.  It must be the phone call.  Had to be. He waited… feeling her emotions intensify—“BULMA!”  He screamed, flying at the door.
Her ki had changed!  She was in distress!  The fucking door wouldn’t open!  He stood back, poised to blast it out of his way when he remembered that the simulation was still active.  It would unlock the door unless he shut it down and she’d kill him if he destroyed the Chamber again.
He waited agonizing seconds as the stupidly slow machine complied. He kept track of her ki.  She was scared of something.  Frightened of what the Doctor must have told her.  Fear gripped his heart like ice.  In the back of his mind he swore he heard Frieza’s cackle. You’re going to lose her.  Everything you love dies.  His mind was racing.  His heart was racing.  Everything was racing except the Gods damn machine!  He sensed her ki suddenly race too.  He startled. Eyes wide as icy fingernails sunk into his heart.  Then he felt it, she was vomiting again.  Great, just what she needs.  She’s scared and puking her guts out.
Vegeta kicked open the door and flew directly for the balcony of their room.  She’d been taking a nap in there.  He landed and raced into the room.  He bolted for the opened bathroom door.  He got there just in time to see her…
“Buaaaaaaahhhrrrrgg.”  With her head over the toilet.  Heard the splashing.  Her whole body shook violently.  She tried to come up for air, but gagged and, “Buaaaaaahhhrrgg!”
This time was different.  She saw her flail.  Grip the porcelain.  Desperation seized him.  Vegeta dove for her.  He was at her side.
“What is it?!”  He gripped her arms.  She tried to speak, gagged, and keep her head over the open bowl.
Vegeta shook.  She strained. Her face turning bright red.  Her voice went raw as she tried to throw up again but could only manage massive, painful heaves.  She squeezed her eyes shut.  Tears running from her eyes.
“Bulma!  Please! Tell me!  Gods damn it, tell me Woman!”
Her body finally let up.
“I’m…,” she wept, “I’m… pregnant.”  She heaved violently again.
Vegeta froze.  His mouth falling open.  Frieza cackled in his head and… something else, someone else.  My son…  “No,” he gasped.  Frieza cackled even louder.
“What,” she croaked.  She looked up at him with a stricken face.  Blood shot eyes.  Beet red skin.  Snot dripping from her nose.
He let go of her like she’d electrocuted him.  But the shock was much greater!  Never forget…  His Father’s voice tormented.  He was going to be a father!
“No.”  He remembered his Father handing him over to Frieza.  No goodbye.  Nothing. “No.”
Bulma stared at him, “Vegeta?”
Nothing except that disgusting lizard’s smile!  His Father handed hi over to that!  Without a… Without a…  “How dare you.”  He raged.
“Vegeta.”  She sobbed. He saw her tears.  Remembered his own.  He backed away from her slowly.
“How dare you do this to me.”  He accused.
She broke down.  She broke down in front of him.  Because of him.  “Please,” she cried, “Please, Vege- Vege- Vegetaaaa.”  She wailed, reaching for him.
He slammed himself back against the doorframe.  “Don’t you dare!  Don’t you even fucking dare!  You… You… You…”
“Vegetaaaa.”  He saw her hand reaching for him.  Remembered another hand reaching for him.
He flung himself back into the room.  “Don’t you touch me!  Don’t you fucking touch me!  How dare you do this to me!  How dare you bring this… this… cancer here!!!”
His blood roared in his ears!  He ran!  Vegeta turned and ran!  He flew away from her!  Flew from her room!  Flew away from Capsule Corp!  Flew away from the city!
*                      *                      *
The wind tore at him like hands.  Reaching for him.  Snatching at him before he slipped through their fingers.  Her fingers…  Vegeta screamed at the wind.  Tears filling his eyes before being ripped away from his cheeks by the power of his flight.  That was worst of all.  He’d betrayed her.  Hurt her worse than Yamcha ever thought of hurting her.  Vegeta had abandoned Bulma when she was most vulnerable…
My son…
“Shut the fuck up!  Shut the fuck up, you asshole!”
My son…
“Don’t call me that!  Don’t you ever call me that.”  Vegeta’s voice broke with all the pain he’d kept locked away for decades.  “You gave me up!  You threw me away to that… that monster!  You’re a monster!”
Never forget…
“How could I!  How could I ever forget what that lizard did to me!  How could I ever forget that you let him do that to me!”
“How could you…  How could you abandon me like that.”
Vegeta wept.  Fiercely wiping away tears with a gloved hand.  A glove she had made him.  He stared at his glove with water blurred vision. “My Bulma,” he whispered, his anguish too deep, too profound, too much. For him.
Vegetaaa…  He heard her weeping in his mind…  Then he heard Frieza’s unmistakable cackle.
Vegeta stopped.  Staring at his glove.  “DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!!!!”
The cackle didn’t stop, but something inside Vegeta finally broke through.  He clenched his fist so tight it shook.
“Don’t you dare touch either of them.  They are mine.  They are mine to protect.  They are mine… to love.”
Suddenly his attention snapped to the right.  What the Hell was that?!  It was a massive power.  His eyes widened, The Androids?!  It couldn’t be!  I have to get her off the planet!  I have to get all of them off the planet!  But just as suddenly as his fear had reared it’s head again, he sensed something familiar that sent it away again…  Kakkarot’s brat?  Is that Kakkarot’s brat?
Vegeta flew towards where he sensed the massive ki coming from.  It wasn’t the only one in that direction. But it was the strongest.  He could sense three kis… moving…  After half an hour, he was within sight of them: Kakkarot, his brat, and the Namekian. Vegeta kept his distance and watched. The clown and the Namekian were sparring against the child.  He glared. They were faster than he remembered. Much faster.  Had he fallen so far behind that even—The brat unleashed a massive ki blast at the two!  Vegeta gaped. H-h-he’s so strong!  How is that even possible?  How can the half-bred offspring of that oaf of a third-class warrior be so powerful? He’s not even—Son began sparring one-on-one with Father.
The child’s speed was impressive, but, Vegeta’s eyes narrowed, he was slow.  Far too slow. Kakkarot delivered a swift kick to his son’s gut then a punishing blow that sent the child hurtling towards the ground.  Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest; honestly, he never thought the soft-hearted buffoon had it in him to hurt his own child in the name of ensuring that that child grew strong enough to take on far more powerful enemies that would use far less mercy if any at all.  The brat recovered and charged at his Father.  Vegeta caught the glint in the child’s eye.  That ferocity was pure Saiyan.
“That’s my boy.”
Vegeta startled.  It was Kakkarot’s voice, there was no doubting that.  Admiring the tenacity of his child, the fierce warrior that child was becoming in order to take on the Androids…  The Pride…  In his child…
*                      *                      *
The boot toe landed on the balcony without a single sound.  As did the other.  He hesitated on the threshold.  Working his fists at his side.  Staring at the ground.  Working up his courage.  It flashed through his mind how her ex had abandoned her on this very balcony… Vegeta stepped into their room.  Theirs, not hers anymore, theirs.  Her sobs came to his ears and he stepped up to the threshold of the bathroom.  She sat huddled next to the toilet.  Sobbing as she clung to it.  She looked like he did that first time after Frieza had beaten him.  Then Nappa had stood on a bathroom’s threshold and let a small child who thought he was Prince to anyone grieve the childhood he’d lost and fear the future that was to come.
She stifled her sobs and suddenly drew herself back further against the wall.  Hiding her face from him.  Looking every bit as though she were a trapped animal about to be brutally kicked again.  He knew that look.  He’d been the animal in that look.
He uncurled his fists and crossed the threshold.  He walked up to her.  She hid her face even further from him, tried harder to stifle her sobs. With a heavy sigh, he turned and leaned back on the wall… and slid down it.  She huddled herself even more away from him.  He stared down at nothing, lost.
“I’m sorry.”  His voice was quiet, small.
She kept sobbing, hiding herself from him… shielding herself from him. He covered his face with his gloved hands, buried his face in shame.
“Please, Bulma.”
She gave him nothing.
His fingers bent as though he could claw his own face off with or without gloves.  “I… I hurt you.  I promised you I would never hurt you…  But I did. I hurt you worse than Yamcha.  I betrayed your trust.”  His throat caught, choking his next words, “I betrayed your heart.”
She sniffed.  At least she’d listened to him.  That was more than he could ever ask for.  He looked over at her back shuddering and heaving with her continued tears.  Unsure of himself, he reached out to her.  He felt every moment of the pain he’d inflicted on her with each moment his hands neared her body.  Denied her everything he’d ever promised her just when she’d needed him most.  His fingers touched her and she shied away from his touch.  He reached further.  Hoping, praying to long dead Gods of a long dead planet that she wasn’t out of his reach forever.  That she’d, she’d… his fingers touched her again and she tried but couldn’t get away from him anymore because of the wall and the toilet.  His hands closed over her shoulders.  She was tense, quaking with her pain and fear and tears.  Vegeta gently pulled her to him.  She resisted every moment; staying in a tight ball. He didn’t know whether it was exhaustion at everything or because she really was giving him the second chance he really didn’t deserve, but she allowed him to gather her up in his arms like a child.  No sooner had he set her in his lap than he got his answer.  She started bawling while reaching an hand up to clasp his neck while she sought shelter in his armored chest.  Relief flooded his body as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close, cradling her head to his heart.  He trembled with the release, tried to sniff his own tears back and failing just as miserably at it as she had.
“You scare me,” Vegeta whispered to her, “Hell, you fucking terrify me.  Everything about you terrifies me.  How much I love you.  How much you mean to me.  How much I…” He grit his teeth, clenched his eyes shut at the thoughts, the nightmares he’d been hiding from her for months now, ever since they’d found out about the Androids coming, about how those tin cans would torture her then kill her right in front of him before letting him die in misery at their soulless hands.  He wept, tried to stifle it, but he wept, “I… can’t… lose… you. I… I lost my world once… I won’t lose it again.”
She sniffed then sniffed again.  Then shifted in his arms.  Bulma wiped away some of her tears as she looked up at Vegeta.  He was crying.  And not just crying, he was desperately trying to keep bawling like a grief-stricken widow at bay.
“Is, is that it?”  She asked with a soft voice.  “You’ve been afraid—”
“I thought that stupid boy from the future had changed more than he knew.  I thought that instead of Kakkarot dying from that heart disease that you… you…”  His voice failed him again.
Bulma reached up and cupped his cheek, “Vegeta—”
He crushed her to him.  “Please, please don’t leave me.”
Bulma was frozen with shock while Vegeta’s face was buried into her neck.  She could feel him shaking.  She could hear his grief seething out from between his clenched teeth.  He was trying so hard not to lose it… not to lose her. Slowly she moved her arms… as soon as he felt her wrap them around him, he did lose it.  Sobbing like a child.  She held him and let him cry.  Every once in awhile she could make out the words ‘I’m sorry’.  He kept repeating them.  Just those two little words.  But she knew what they meant to him, what they cost him to say.  Just by being sick, he’d thought the worst… and come to think of it, why wouldn’t he?  It wasn’t exactly like he’d had the best life.  While she had no idea about his life as a child on Vegetasei, she had a pretty good idea about his childhood with Frieza or rather at the hands of Frieza.  He had been the fiend’s child slave after all.  Child slave, child soldier, monster in training.  As far as she could tell, what made Vegeta happy had been completely destroyed by Frieza and if there was even a rumor of something new that might make Vegeta happy to have around, that was snuffed out in the most brutal way possible in front of Vegeta just to make a point.  As far as she could tell, she and what her family offered him were the only good things to happen to him that Frieza hadn’t and couldn’t kill.  But these Androids.  They could destroy them.  They could destroy his happiness right in front of him all over again.  Beginning a new cycle of torture and terror and death. And why would Vegeta expect anything less?  All his life had given him so far was exactly that.  Why would he ever expect his happiness to last?  Why would he ever expect the other shoe not to drop and squish him like a bug beneath its sole?
Bulma bowed her head and nuzzled his shoulder, her arms wrapping around him tighter.  She held him until his body stopped shaking with his sobs.  He sniffed… then sniffed some more before finally easing his hold on her.  She took his cue and eased her embrace.  He pulled back and before he could say or do anything else she curled up in his lap and snuggled in close to him.  He cradled her.
They sat there for awhile.  Silence letting their thoughts sink in.  Letting what had just happened hang in the air like the mist of their showers together.
“This was my fault,” he said quietly to the floor just beyond his feet.
“You said it yourself that I scare you, that you thought—”
“No.”  He stated firmly.
Bulma sat up and looked at him.  For once this whole time, he could meet her eyes.  She searched his eyes.  There was something in them that she couldn’t quite place…  Or perhaps it was because there are so many things in them that it was impossible to peg down just one emotion.  Her brows furrowed.  Of course she’d fall in love and marry and have the child of a man just as complicated or more so than she was.  She leaned in, searching, seeking even harder.  Haunted.  Grim. Happy, a soft smile touched her lips at that.  Then she saw the emotion she hadn’t seen in his eyes since he sensed Frieza coming to the planet and flew to meet his old tormentor.  Fear.  Her smile faded away.
“Vegeta, what do you mean?”  She wasn’t sure she wanted an answer.
“How far along is the child?”
“Actually, well, about a month.”
His jaw set.  “I did this to you.”
“Hey,” she laughed but it sounded desperate and scared even to her ears, “I was there too you know.  I had a hand in this just as much as you.”
The way he said it was so, so; the weak smile her laugh had left behind died again and her lower lip began trembling with her own fears.
“There was a legend on Vegetasei.”
“The Super Saiyan?”  She asked hopefully.
“The Great Ape Moon.”
Well, that wasn’t what she’d expected, “Huh?”
“Remember our Wedding Night.  That full moon.  The Great Ape Moon.  Your Super Moon.”  She didn’t say anything but he could see in her eyes that she understood and he went on, “The legend of the Great Ape Moon says that if a Saiyan, especially a member of the Royal House, takes a mate under the light of the Great Ape Moon that the couple will conceive a child, the Heir to the legacy.
“I knew this, I knew this and I took you as my mate under that moon anyway.  I… I… I wanted you to get pregnant.”
Vegeta searched her eyes, but couldn’t identify what he was seeing in them—She shot forward and grabbed his neck for a passionate kiss.  Vegeta froze, stunned.  The kiss broke before he could even think of reciprocating.  She pulled back from him a little just enough for him to see the tears spring to her eyes before she burst into tears again, trying to smile through them.
“I’m so sorry, Bulma.  I’m so sorry I did this to you.”
She laughed.  Unlike moments ago, it was a laugh that was full and hearty and, and joyous.  “You wanted a baby with me.”  She laughed. “You wanted a baby with me.”
Vegeta smiled, “Of course.  Wife.”
She flung her arms around his neck and laughed with tears of joy. He held her close, his arms around her waist, knowing now that their unborn child was there, and he smelled deeply of her hair.  There were sour notes competing with the strawberry he always found there since claiming her as his forever; undoubtedly sour from the vomiting.  He wondered if he’d have to get used to that.  He smiled and buried his face in hair and neck, scenting her; he didn’t care if he would have to, his Woman was going to have his child. Her laugh subsided.
“Vegeta,” she sing-songed.
“What, Woman?”
She leaned back.  He frowned as she ebbed from him.  But she put her forehead to his, a mischievous and confident look in her eye. “Frieza lost.”
“What?”  He had no clue what she was talking about.  Of course Frieza had lost.  The repulsive lizard was dead for God’s sake!
“You have a mate.  We’re going to have a baby.  That disgusting piece of shit lost.  You won.”
Suddenly he got it.  Everything Frieza had tried to deny him… he had it now, all except for the Legend and he was closing in on that, he was sure.  Vegeta snapped forward and gave her a fierce kiss.  Devouring.  Yanking her to him even more.  She kissed him back.  There was a heat in him, in her, in them both.  And something more now, an Heir.  Bulma moved, straddling him now.  He felt himself harden at the proximity of her core.  She moaned into his mouth.  His hands shifted to grab her ass.  Her hips bucked into his and he let out a growl down her throat—
They froze, eyes popping wide open.
“Yooohoooo,” her Mother’s psychotically chirpy voice piped in through the door, “Bulma!  It’s time for dinner!  Did you hear back from the Doctor yet?”
The kiss broke, they stared at each other.  “Uh, uh, Yeah!  I need to tell you and Dad something.”
“Oh really?  Is everything okay?”
Their brows furrowed and they looked back out the bathroom door. Why the Hell did Panchy suddenly sound like she was about to explode with glee?  They looked back at each other.
“Did she hear us?”  Bulma whispered.
“I didn’t sense her near.”  Vegeta whispered back.
“We’ll be down in just a moment!”  Bulma called.
“Oh, is Vegeta with you?  How nice!”
They both looked at the doorway again.  There was that sound of barely contained glee again.
“See you two downstairs!”
Bulma looked back at him, “We better go.”
She started to get off him when he suddenly yanked her back to him, grinding her core over his barely subdued bulge.  She gaped at him… and felt her mouth start to water.
“I’m not done with you yet, Woman.”
She gulped, her heart racing, and she bit her lower lip.  He was captivated by the sight, licking his own lips.  She glanced behind her then returned her attention to her Husband.  She began leaning in, “They can wai…,” she stalled partway, her expression changed, “They can…,” she smacked her lips, “They—” Nope, she dove for the toilet and “BLEEERGH!”
Vegeta reacted in an instant.  Shifting out from under her then holding her hair out of the way with one hand and rubbing her back with his other.  Finally not being shut out, but allowed to help her through this.
*                      *                      *
Okay, so sex had gotten the miss for the rest of the night. Vomiting was a tremendous mood killer and her stomach still felt queasy so anything later on looked just as unlikely. Damn it!  But still. It all meant that she and Vegeta had a baby on the way.  She wiped her mouth as she put her hand on the stair railing and began to step down. Until Vegeta stopped her.  He carefully scooped her up into his arms. Levitated and floated them both down the stairs.  Landing gently at the bottom and letting her down just as gently.
“Was that really necessary?”  She asked.
“Yes, you’re are not falling.  Ever.”  He asserted dominantly.  It’d be a real hot-ass turn-on if she didn’t want to puck all over his boots at the moment. But she stocked the memory away for when she felt better.  And then she’d ride his hot Saiyan ass until she got motion sickness…
They walked around the corner and stopped in their tracks.  It was more than a little disturbing to enter the kitchen and find her parents holding hands at the table and staring giddily at the doorway they were stopped in.  Oh-ho-ho, had they’d been waiting.  Without preamble, “I’m pregnant!”  She blurted out.
Her parents looked at each other with sparkling eyes.  But there wasn’t the explosion Bulma or Vegeta had been expecting.
“I knew it,” Panchy beamed.
“You did, Dear.  Spotted it a mile away.”
Bulma and Vegeta gaped.  “What?!” Their daughter exclaimed.  “You knew?!”
“Oh, of course, Dear.  Sharp cheddar cheese, sour pickles, and apple juice was all I could keep down when I was pregnant.”
Bulma couldn’t form words.
“Now come sit down you two.  It’s a time to celebrate.  We’re going to have our first grandchild!”  She clapped her hands together as she went to fetch the plates for the table.
Bulma and Vegeta exchanged glances then smiled and sat down next to each other.
“You know she’s not wrong,” he whispered to in her ear, “I want more than one child.”
Bulma grinned, “So do I,” she whispered back as her mother set down a plate of cheese and pickles before fetching the glass of juice.
No giving a shit anymore, Vegeta reached over and lifted her onto his knee, holding his Wife while she ate the meal their unborn child would allow her to keep down as Panchy brought him over a massive plate of food.  They tucked into their food, soon joined by her parents eating their own platefuls.  They talked about what to expect and how they were going to decorate Vegeta’s old room into the new nursery.  It was a wonderful family dinner.
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garlic8reath · 6 years
pigeonfeather reblogged your post “For the request thing... I'm interested in that time Every Namekian had to chill on Earth for a while so what about,...”
Aawwh this is great I love it! Cargo being a snail, and just putting maximum effort into Uno (I think?) but the poor baby has so many cards… oh and so many juice boxes!! Speaking of clothes this time period would have been a good opportunity for the “fashion montage” trope and I feel we were robbed. I bet Bulma or Mrs. Briefs would definitely have a hand in this Thinking about the book thing is nice too… Piccolo would be curious and pretend not to be, but they are in fact listening closely, you can tell by their ears
( @pigeonfeather bringing this to a new post because if I reply on the post with art it’s quickly gonna become a mile long)
I’m glad you like it :D Yep, they are playing Uno, it was what I could think of that would be easy enough for Cargo to understand (and easier to draw than Pretty Pretty Princess, Candy Land, or Chutes & Ladders lol.) I think poor Cargo was the victim of a “draw 5″ card ;P
Ooh, a clothing montage for during this time period would have been cute; lots of 80s outfits; it seems like a Bulma Thing would have been for her to take Gohan out shopping, being the Money Aunt who spoils her nephew (partially because she knows how hard Chichi’s life is.) 
I agree that Piccolo would be curious about Gohan’s books as well (and also any discussions of Namekian Things since they were deprived of that), listening in with twitchy ears, but too shy to ask to join in (Nail spent much of the time period that the Namekians were at Capsule Corp. begging Piccolo to please, please interact with the other Namekians.)
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