#capitol souvenir
continuousmeowing · 2 years
The wistful feeling of looking through old photos of me and my no-longer-best-friend and remembering all the fun we had and how there’s never going to be any new memories with her.
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slaymitchabernathy · 5 months
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Mr. Peacekeeper
“President Coriolanus Snow, I salute you,” he whispers to himself while looking in the mirror.
Coriolanus looks extremely sharp and put together in his opinion. With his perfectly tailored suit, his golden curls slicked back, but not too slicked back, and his shiny black leather shoes.
He remembers a time when he’d sit on the edge of his tiny bunk bed, shining his black Peacekeeper boots. It’s all in the past now. All of it.
Well, not all of it.
He turns and finds Soarynn standing in the doorway of the bedroom, holding her dress up to her chest as if it might fall at any moment. “Yes?” She takes a cautious step into the room before turning around, exposing her bare back along with the dress that hasn’t been laced up yet. That explains why she’s holding onto it for dear life.
He can’t stop the grin from forming on his lips, “Could you string me up?” She asks, casting him a glance from over her shoulder. He nods and walks over to her, his fingers grabbing the strings that will give Soarynn the perfect figure as the dress clings to her shape. He can’t help but stare at the plethora of scars on her back. Some are from cigarettes, from men who liked to put them out on her bare skin. Others are from long nails that hadn’t been cut in a long time.
He tries to forget that time in her life, when she slept with lowlife men for a few sad coins.
He tries to remind himself that she was trying to survive, to provide for her family and make a living but heaven knows it can be hard for him.
It’s been hard for her too. Learning a new way of life here in the Capitol has been…an adjustment for Soarynn so to speak. At first, she’d been in awe of the city and its wonders. The food, the fashion, and of course, the culture. It was all so different from the Districts.
That’s why Coriolanus loved it so much.
Once they arrived at the train station they were greeted by Dr. Gaul of all people. The mad scientist was a rather odd woman but she was beaming when he stepped off the train and praised him for giving her such a “wonderful performance.” Her eyes had then landed on Soarynn who was pressed to his side, wide-eyed as she looked around at all the people.
“I see you’ve brought a souvenir, Mr. Snow,” she’d said, chuckling to herself when Soarynn gave her a rather disturbed look.
Coriolanus had made a mental note to keep Soarynn far away from the clutches of Dr. Gaul, a woman who had no reservations about testing her new ideas on human beings.
For the most part, he did keep Soarynn hidden away. He didn't need everyone to know about her. Only the people who mattered knew of Soarynn's existence. They were going to see many of those people tonight at the charity auction that President Ravenstill was hosting at the President's Mansion.
"I don't remember buying you this dress," he says, pulling on the strings. She sucks in her breath as he tightens up the dress and lets out a small groan, "Well you bought me about a million dresses when we got here." She's not wrong. Once Coriolanus got back to the Capitol he gave him and Soarynn proper facelifts. He grew out his curls and got her hair cut, it had been so tangled and dirty. Now it fell around her breasts and had a more flattering cut.
He got Soarynn facials, massages, and all the creams and makeup she could ever want. If she was going to be his girl, she had to look the part. He taught her how to walk in heels, how to always be on her best behavior, to look people in the eye, to have manners.
She had to be perfect.
"Nothing wrong with keeping you properly clothed," he tells her before tying the strings off with a bow. "Now, for tonight I want you to be on your best behavior, and don't stray from my si-"
"From your side, I know," Soarynn huffs, walking back out into the hallway. Coriolanus is hot on her heels, she's not about to get an attitude with him. "I don't have time for any outbursts Soarynn," he reminds her, "people in the Capitol won't understand if you start behaving oddly." Soarynn makes it all the way to the living room before he latches onto her wrist and pulls her into him, she struggles but Coriolanus has always been much stronger than her, even if she has filled out a little more with her new Capitol diet.
"I don't wanna go Coriolanus," she whispers, trying to pry his arm off of her, "all those men do is look at me and act like I'm some shiny trophy." She is a trophy but she doesn't need to know that.
Coriolanus sighs, "Soarynn, I'm not asking you to come with me, I'm telling you that you're coming with me tonight, like it or not. Besides, lots of their wives will be there. You like them don't you?"
Since getting back to the Capitol, Coriolanus had been working extremely hard to reconnect with the higher elite. He was going to run for President in the next election and to do that and win, he needed connections. He befriended all sorts of wealthy men and politicians, knowing that it could only help his campaign.
Soarynn didn't really understand any of it, why he'd want to run for President. "You already have a nice fancy house," she'd said one night, the two of them sitting in their after-sex bliss. He had given her a squeeze and pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder, "Yes, but it's different. You'll see."
Soarynn looks down at the ground, her entire body somewhat deflates, "I don't like talkin' to them. They're so old and boring." Coriolanus has to withhold himself from wrapping a hand around her pretty little neck because the last thing he needs is for her to say something like that in front of the wrong person. "They're married to the most influential men in Panem," he reminds her, "and what did I say about properly enunciating your words?"
Getting that southern twang out of Soarynn's voice had been more than difficult. It wasn't even the accent that bothered him, but the vocabulary, the shortened words, the strange sayings. It all had to go and he'd been working hard with her to get it out of her system.
He didn't mind it as much when they were alone but in public was a different story. He had introduced her to an associate of his when they first arrived in the Capitol and Soarynn had horribly embarrassed him. She had attempted to compliment his associate's shoes and yet she found the most revolting words to do so.
After that, Coriolanus learned his lesson.
"You said to talk proper because the folks in the Capitol won't understand me," she mumbles. Coriolanus slips two fingers under her chin, tilting her head up to look at him, "Yes I did. And I need you to be on your best behavior for me tonight, understand?" Soarynn's eye twitches but she nods, "Alright, I'll be on my best behavior."
꧁ ꧂
The President's Mansion is everything he could have imagined.
Coriolanus can't help but imagine what it'll look like when he's living here. He'll repaint the walls for sure, add some more marble statues in the gardens, maybe a greenhouse. "It's so big," Soarynn says in awe as she looks around. Coriolanus nods, they've only been granted access to certain parts of the Mansion and he already feels as though he could get lost at any moment. He spots a few of his old Academy friends and tugs Soarynn along with him, "I want you to meet some of my old friends."
Soarynn has nothing to do but nod and put on the pretty smile he's taught her before they reach Festus Creed and Felix Ravenstill. "Coriolanus Snow, what a rare sight to see," Festus teases. Coriolanus rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around Soarynn a little tighter. Festus is known to have wandering eyes along with wandering hands.
"I thought I might make an appearance," Coriolanus says nonchalantly. He won't tell them how excited he was when Soarynn walked into his study with a shiny envelope addressed to him. He normally didn't appreciate Soarynn coming into his study without permission but she had walked right in, holding out the envelope, "It looked real important," she had said. Indeed it was.
The boys aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're ogling Soarynn and Coriolanus would be a fool not to play that to his advantage, "Have I introduced you to Soarynn?" Felix's jaw is slightly slacked and Coriolanus is willing to bet that it's from the amount of cleavage Soarynn is showing tonight. Charity auction be damned, Coriolanus was going to make sure that everyone envied him and the pretty girl on his arm.
"I don't believe you have," Festus says, "I'm Festus Creed and I'm extremely talented in bed." Coriolanus can't stop the scoff from leaving his mouth at his friend's vulgar language but Soarynn laughs and leans her head on his shoulder, "I'm sure you've got a real talent," she replies.
Coriolanus knows that any well-behaved Capitol lady would be repulsed by Festus and his crude comments. They'd flinch and gasp but Soarynn doesn't. Even though she hasn't slept with anyone but him since arriving at the Capitol she's still numb to the idea of sleeping around. And it disgusts him. To see her so casually replying to comments such as the one Festus made, to laugh and tease him back. She should know better.
Although Coriolanus feels that once you've whored yourself out enough, comments like this won't even phase you.
You can take the whore out of the Districts, but you can't take the Districts out of the whore.
He shoots both Soarynn and Festus a look, "Why don't we keep the conversations civil?" He suggests, quieting both of them down. Felix looks somewhat uncomfortable and Coriolanus plays into it, "So Felix, is your uncle prepared for the Presidential race?" Felix sighs and rolls his eyes, "He won't shut up about it."
Coriolanus is hoping to overtake Felix's uncle so any inside information is crucial. "Is he nervous?" Soarynn asks, somewhat intrigued at the premise of being related to the President of Panem. Soarynn wasn't very political or involved with politics. She only really cared about the Mayor back in Twelve but that was such a small scale compared to the Capitol.
Felix shrugs, "Not nervous, he just..." His voice dies off and he seems to be lost in thought for a moment before shaking his head, "Never mind. He'll do fine, it's just another election to him."
Coriolanus nods and gives Felix a polite smile but he can't help but wonder what Felix was going to say. He needs to find out, get the inside scoop so he can win. But there's really no way to get that close to a Ravenstill, at least not without being creepy. Coriolanus cringes at the thought of cozying up to Felix, trying to win him over. Absolutely not. It's only effective when girls do it.
When. Girls. Do. It.
He looks down at the very pretty girl at his side, who is still so young, turning eighteen in a month, so vulnerable without him, completely dependent on him. She belongs to him.
"Excuse us," Coriolanus says before dragging Soarynn away from his friends which earns him a curious look from her but he ignores it, "Where're we goin'?" Coriolanus could lose it right then and there at her improper grammar but he brushes it under the rug, he'll have to be forgiving for this plan to work, to make Soarynn compliant. He finds a dark and empty hallway and pushes Soarynn up against the wall, his lips are on hers in an instant.
Soarynn moans into the kiss, her hands come up to grab his shoulders while he grabs her small waist. Coriolanus isn't too keen on public displays of affection, not when his image matters so much. But Soarynn has always got off on it. She's always been a slut.
"You look so pretty tonight," he whispers against her lips. She really does. Her hair has been curled and perfectly frames her face and her makeup is light and subtle, perfectly enhancing her natural features. Soarynn's always been pretty, but the District life managed to dull that natural charm. In the Capitol her skin is brighter, bouncier, her hair is thicker, her lashes longer. Thank goodness he brought her here.
Soarynn whimpers when his hands slide down to her ass and he squeezes it, "Tha...thank you Coriolanus," she whispers back. She's also much more sensitive in the Capitol. More responsive to his touch now that he's the only man who gets to fuck her tight little cunt every night.
He shoves his knee in between her legs and Soarynn gasps, grinding against it. Coriolanus chuckles, "Always a little slut for me huh? Even in the President's Mansion." He presses kisses up and down her neck, sucking on her sweet spots. He's careful to leave nothing behind, no one needs to know what they're doing. "I need you to do something for me," he says while kissing her jaw. Soarynn sighs and leans into his touch, the touch she's been so desperate for the entire week. With work and his campaign, Coriolanus has been more than busy the past couple of weeks and hasn't been properly taking care of his little District whore. She's more than eager to be fucked, which begs the question if she's willing to be fucked by anyone.
"Anything," she says and she means it too. He knows Soarynn will do anything to be fucked, to be touched, and maybe just maybe feel some sort of genuine connection. Even though she won't come outright and say it, he knows that she wants something more than sex. She wants to be loved. Soarynn had asked him about it when they first arrived, what the dynamic of their relationship would be like. She didn't want it to be like it used to be, where he sold her off to the highest bidder. "You're my girl," he had told her, "don't you worry your pretty little head about it."
But Soarynn had worried. He could see how she clung to words of praise like they were a lifeline to her. Without him, she was nothing. And Soarynn couldn't afford to be nothing.
He brings his lips right next to her ear and whispers the next eight words, "I want you to sleep with Felix Ravenstill."
She stills once those words register in her brain and she pulls away from his touch immediately. Coriolanus lets her move his hands off of her and take a step back, he can see the hurt in her eyes, the betrayal. "You...you said I wouldn't have to do that anymore," she says. Her voice is so fragile, so quiet and shaky. Coriolanus pinches the bridge of his nose, he needs this to go smoothly. He can't afford any loose ends.
He reaches out for her but she flinches, "Soarynn, it's to help me win, don't you want to help me? To be good for me? Be my good girl?" Soarynn's lip quivers and he can see her fighting the urge to cry, "I wanna be more than your girl Coriolanus," she says, "you can throw away a girl at any time. A wife is different." She's smarter than he's given her credit for.
Coriolanus looks down at the tiled floor, at his shiny black shoes, and nods, "Okay." Soarynn sniffles, shifting on her feet, "Okay? Okay, what?" Coriolanus looks back up at her, starting from her high heels and making his way up her slim body, admiring how the dress hugs her just right. Felix is going to love ripping it off of her.
"Okay, I'll make you my wife. If I win then we'll get married. It'll be a grand wedding and we'll have children and start a family, a new life together," he promises.
Soarynn eats it right up.
"What...what do I have to do?" She asks, looking so small and naive. Coriolanus grins, "Exactly what I tell you to do."
꧁ ꧂
He's a nervous wreck while he paces in his living room, watching the television screen for any updates.
He also keeps glancing at the front doors, waiting for Soarynn to get back from her very important night out. "Come on," he whispers, "hurry it up." He can't be too upset, sleeping with the President of Panem takes some time, but he's an impatient man.
It's all played out perfectly for him.
Soarynn has slept his way to the top. First, she sunk her claws into Felix Ravenstill that night at the charity auction. They snuck away to one of the many bedrooms and Soarynn came stumbling out the back entrance of the house a few hours later covered in bruises and other bodily fluids. Apparently, Festus had wanted in on the action but the job was done either way.
Then, she made her move on the President's security detail. Coriolanus knew those men wouldn't let her get too close without some convincing that she was a harmless little field mouse. Soarynn had been terrified at the prospect of sleeping with men who had guns on them at all times but Coriolanus was swift to remind her of her time spent on the Peacekeeper bases. "Those men would've fucked you with their guns and you would've liked it," he had hissed, grabbing her jaw and slamming her into the wall, "now stop being a whiny brat and do as I say."
There had been tears and new promises made, but in the end, she made it to Ravenstill.
From what Soarynn told him, Ravenstill was an old, boring man who partook in the most basic sex she's ever had. And Coriolanus was more than willing to take her word on it. Ravenstill did however get off on seeing other men have a turn on Soarynn, something Coriolanus didn't predict. She had come home in tears, a bruise on her cheek and blood between her legs. He had comforted her and washed her gently in the bath before swaddling her in the comfiest pajamas. "Only one more time," he whispered as she finally drifted off to sleep, "you'll only sleep with the President one more time." And he meant it. Soarynn would never sleep with the President of Panem again.
His attention is drawn to the doors when he hears them open and a disheveled-looking Soarynn appears. Her eyes immediately find him and he raises his eyebrows. Has she done it? She nods. Coriolanus breaks into a giant smile, and strides across the room and the foyer and scoops Soarynn up in his arms, listening to her squeal in delight, "Oh you're perfect," he tells her, "this is it Soarynn. You've done everything and now it's all done."
Soarynn is grinning like a wildcat and she giggles, "It was real scary watchin' him cough up all that blood. I had to act so surprised." Coriolanus chuckles as he sets her down on her feet, "I'm sure you were the perfect little actress. He's dead then?" Soarynn nods and bats her eyelashes up at him, "Dead as a doornail."
They celebrate big that night. Coriolanus makes love to Soarynn for the first time while the Capitol news plays in the background, informing them that President Ravenstill has succumbed to a sudden deadly illness and has passed away. The country will be in shambles but with Coriolanus tied neck and neck with Ravenstill in the election, it's no question who will take over.
"I love you," he grunts, fucking into her slow and steady. She looks beautiful under him, absolutely beautiful. "You'll be my perfect First Lady. Can't wait to fuck my children into you, watch you walk around all swollen with my heir, carrying the Snow name."
He can picture it now, their prosperous future. Their wedding, their children, and then, Soarynn's unfortunate death. Unforeseen of course but at the perfect time when the children are old enough to be looked after by a nanny and he can remarry without causing too much suspicion.
Soarynn smiles up at him before pressing her lips against his, "Snow lands on top," she whispers.
Snow certainly does land on top.
꧁ ꧂
"Coriolanus, what are your plans for Panem once you're sworn in as President?"
Coriolanus wishes he could tell all these reporters to fuck off with their stupid, basic questions but he just smiles through the pain. It's customary for the future President to have one press briefing before being sworn in. Today has been a long day of festivities leading up to his inauguration. He's less than an hour away from being President of Panem and he can taste it, taste the power.
He looks powerful. With his hair perfectly styled, the red rose pinned to his lapel. He glances to his right where his fiancé is standing, prim and proper. Once Ravenstill was out of the picture, Soarynn snapped into being the perfect Capitol lady for Coriolanus. If he knew this was what it took to get her in line, he would've killed the man ages ago. Coriolanus sleeps well knowing that he's managed to get Soarynn to do all his dirty work and has secured himself the perfect wife.
He can't afford any loose ends and eventually, Soarynn will have to go, but until then, Coriolanus plans on enjoying his perfect little wife and her tight little cunt until they're both of no use to him.
"I plan to get this nation into shape," he responds, "and to tighten the security on the Peacekeeper bases. I myself was a Peacekeeper and I was a witness to vermin slipping through the cracks one too many times." He can see Soarynn slightly flinch at the word 'vermin' but it's not his fault that she chose whoring as her profession. It was fine back then but now things need to change. He can't have any District rats swaying the opinions of his Peacekeepers.
The report nods and jots down his response and Coriolanus withholds a sigh of relief. He's finally done. Now, all he has to do is be sworn in. He's been waiting for this moment his whole life and it's finally happening.
Snow lands on top.
"Mr. Snow? Just one more question. I'm Sejanus Plinth from the Capitol Gazette."
Coriolanus who was about to step down from the podium, zeroes in on the outspoken voice, the same outspoken voice that caused him nothing but annoyance and being heavily inconvenienced.
Sejanus Plinth.
As District as they come, and nothing but a speck of dirt on his shiny leather shoes. It's no surprise that he chose journalism as his profession. He probably thinks he's going to "change the world" with his shabby little articles.
Coriolanus remembers ending him more than anything. Sejanus had everything he wanted. A family, money, and a higher status than the one Coriolanus used to possess. Now the tables have turned and he finally gets to look down on poor Sejanus Plinth who's so desperate to ask him single question. His response will probably earn Sejanus a small amount of money that he'll then use to try and help the less fortunate.
Coriolanus feels the cruel grin spreading across his lips as he nods at Sejanus, "Go ahead. I'm always willing to speak to the less fortunate." A wave of laughter passes through the crowd of reporters and Sejanus manages a somewhat professional smile.
"Is it true that you've been selling your fiancé out to influential men?"
Coriolanus feels his smile slightly waver but his face never falters, "Pardon? I...I don't quite understand what you're asking," he says with a light-hearted chuckle. There's a tension in the room and he can't quite get rid of it.
Sejanus tilts his head, "Is it true, that you have been selling your fiancé's body for the past years to move up in the world?" It's a simple question, Mr. Snow. According to my sources, you started sleeping with her when she was seventeen while you were serving as a Peacekeeper in District Twelve."
Coriolanus can't stop himself from turning to look at Soarynn who's staring right back at him, an expectant look on her face. She should look distraught, if his reputation's on the line, her's is too.
"I don't recall ever having any sexual relations with my fiancé when she was underage," he says, his voice firm. Sejanus gives him a teasing smile and Coriolanus can feel a pit beginning to form in his stomach.
"You sent her to partake in sexual interactions with Commanding Officer Hoff so you could bring her with you to District Two when you were reassigned as an Officer," Sejanus says, reading directly from the notes he's brought with him, "then in District Two you allowed Commanding Officer Potts to take advantage of her after he caught wind of you selling her out to higher ranking officers in hopes of you moving up in the ranks. Then you proceeded to sell her out to various Capitol men such as Felix Ravenstill, Festus Creed, and President Ravenstill who unfortunately passed away due to an "unknown illness" and my sources tell me that she often frequented the President's Mansion before he passed away."
There's an uneasiness in the room and people are beginning to whisper to one another and Coriolanus can feel it all slipping away. He glances to the door where he can see Felix and Festus attempting to leave but they're being held by security.
"Sexual slavery concerning a minor is a serious crime Mr. Snow, and so is murder, and I have evidence leading me to believe that you forced Miss Nightingale into poisoning the President so that you could win the election."
People are talking now, throwing around accusations and whispers. This is bad. Very, very bad. Every fucking news outlet in the country is in here getting this story. He watches as five Peacekeepers push their way through the crowd and he can only hope that they're coming to his rescue.
"Coriolanus Snow, you are under arrest under the premise of murder, participating in underage prostitution, and sexual coercion."
A camera flash goes off and everything is in slow motion. All the sounds around him are muffled as he's handcuffed and shoved towards the side of the stage. People are crying out for justice or for mercy. He can see Felix and Festus also being handcuffed shouting for him to do something.
But he can't. He's in shock.
Someone has to help him, someone has to tell the truth, well, not the truth, but enough of the truth so that he can get out of this. He looks to the one person who can help him, the one person who also happens to be responsible for all of this. Who waited for his big shining moment to take him down.
She wears her most innocent smile, the same one she gives to all the men she's about to take advantage of. Sure, she'd sleep with anyone, but she'd also steal their watches, slip a few bills from their wallets, get them to help her out of a sticky situation.
He just always chose to ignore that.
Soarynn holds up her hands to the Peacekeepers and they surprisingly stop. Soarynn slowly walks over to Coriolanus until she's right in front of him. She's wearing red lipstick and has a rose tucked into her hair. Clear property of Coriolanus Snow. Soarynn reaches for the rose and pulls it from her hair, she brings it up to her nose and sniffs it, humming to herself as she closes her eyes.
"You hear that Coriolanus?"
All Coriolanus can hear are the shouts of everyone in the room. Of his life falling apart.
She opens her eyes before she crushes the rose in her hand, crumpled petals fall to the floor.
"It's the sound of Snow falling."
| Part 3. | Final Part |
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muzaktomyears · 11 months
Caught up in the thrill of celebration [after the telegram from Capitol Records about 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' being number 1 in the US], the bandmates took turns climbing onto Mal's back, with the big man parading them around the room. "They went mad!" Mal recalled. "They always act this way when anything big happens - just a bunch of kids, jumping up and down with sheer delight. Paul climbed on my back demanding a piggyback. They felt that this was the biggest thing that could have happened. Gradually, they quieted down, ordered some more drinks and sat down to appreciate fully what had happened."
On Sunday, February 9, the day of the [Ed Sullivan Show] broadcast, the band received a congratulatory telegram from Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker. Paul couldn't help ribbing Mal, saying, "You're his biggest fan, Mal, how come you didn't get a good luck telegram?" As the roadie looked on, "the whole episode ended up with the boys fighting about who was going to keep it as a souvenir."
As usual, the boys enjoyed teasing their roadie - at one point, George placed plastic cups inside Mal's shirt pockets, which the Beatle then irreverently filled with milk. In a tenderhearted moment, John announced to Mal that "after sarnies [British slang for 'sandwiches'], you are my favorite animal."
As with the other members of the entourage, Mal felt Ringo's absence [during the beginning of the '64 world tour] acutely. During their flight to the Continent, the Beatles resorted to humor, their favorite balm, to make light of their predicament. "The boys really had fun at the pilot's expense, as he didn't know Ringo wasn't present and kept asking for his autograph," Mal remembered. "George jumped in at one point and said to Paul, 'Go on, Ringo - give him your autograph. Don't be mean!'"
Living the Beatles Legend, Kenneth Womack (2023)
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catindabag · 10 months
The fourth set of ✨Academy Photos✨ in my TBOSAS Crack!AU. Here’s PART 1, PART 2, & PART 3.
PS: A certain Mentor (Festus) secretly gave the Tributes a camera to share in order to quench their boredom while waiting for the final verdict that would change Panem forever. (AKA: The great trial to stop/revamp the Hunger Games and replace it with ✨Panemvision✨). Enjoy~.
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Sabyn, Facet, and Velvereen pretending to enjoy Palmyra Monty’s infamous expired family pie before being rushed to Dennis Fling’s Black Market clinic again to recover. #barelysurvived #send #sorrows #prayers #foodpoisonedby #PalmyrafreakingMonty
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Domitia Whimsiwick laughing at Festus Creed (at the back) because of his failure to buy booze and chocolates for the group. The convenience store clerk thought Creed was just 15 years old and almost got him arrested for illegally buying alcohol as a minor. #Festusfails #Felixhelpus #almostgotarrested #again
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Velvereen, Facet, Dill, and Mizzen hiding at the back of the school kitchen while waiting for their Mentors to empty out the food pantry again. #atfancyschool #washungry #needthatheavenbread #withMizzenthegremlin
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Bobbin (Corn Poppy) being forced by Coral and Wovey to go with Coryo and Sejanus to an underground dance competition, just because he can backflip and do somersaults for fun. #weneedcash #dancedancebaby #Snowjanus #masterplan #withBobbinCornPoppy
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Bobbin (Corn Poppy) with a very happy Coryo Snow. They won the underground dance competition and got some extra cash for the Tributes. Also, a jealous Sejanus took the photo out of spite. Now Bobbin is on Plinth’s hit list for touching his sugar baby fiancé without permission. #wewonbaby #wehavecash #Snowjanus #masterplan #youbetterwatchout #BobbinCornPoppy #Coryoismine!
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Clemensia Dovecote got caught reading a banned book that was once owned by Dean Casca Highbottom when he was still dating the ever gorgeous Crassus Xanthos Snow. #allaboutlove #Crasca4Ever #bannedbook #gotanotherdemerit #sorrynotsorry
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Mizzen the gremlin and Brandy Sharp Candy trying to act normal and posing for their respective Districts while touring the old Capitol train station with their Mentors. Honestly, they just want food and souvenirs to bring back home. #choochoo #nomoreHungerGames #touringtheCapitol #withourMentors #PercyPrice&rice
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Facet and Velvereen posing inside Livia’s gigantic walk-in closet. They were the only Tributes to be invited by Mama Cardew because of their ✨fashionista✨ status. #Bestlooking #Tributes #DistrictOneforthewin #sponsoredbyMamaCardew #wegotthebanksbaby
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the-sun-and-the-sea · 2 months
Hello! Do you have any recs about Finnick and Annie getting closer before the games? I don’t care if it’s before her games when he’s mentoring her or if it’s back in district 4 before either of them go to the games. I just want any fic where they get to know each other before the 70th games. 
Hey! I do have childhood odesta rec lists here and here that you might be interested in checking out, so this list will probably be more focused on them in the Capitol before the Games. I hope this helps!
Needed a Friend by lielowatllupins - This takes place after Finnick's Games but before Annie's, which I think is such an interesting time to explore Odesta! It's not complete but I love what's there so far, it feels very organic and warm.
The Theory of Everything by Icosagens - This has honestly become one of my favorite 70th Games fics. I love the dialogue and the odesta dynamic, and the way the different elements of the plot intersect is so well done. Definitely check it out if you haven't already!
can you drink all my thoughts by mavilywavily - This is a really cool one just featuring some pre-relationship odesta moments from different times. I'd definitely recommend checking it out!
one last souvenir from my trip to your shores by oceannie - What I love about this one is the worldbuilding, both with d4 and Annie's internal world. I also love the odesta dynamic in this one, it feels very grounded in the reality of their situation.
i belong under your skin by orphan_account - This is definitely a gritty look at Finnick's life, and if you're looking for some angst in the odesta dynamic, then you should check this one out. It's very vivid, which I really like.
Hopefully you can find something from this list! As always, feel free to reblog if you know of or are writing any fics that fit this premise!
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french-unknown · 1 year
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finnick odair x little sister!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Since you met Finnick when you were only 6 years old, you immediately thought of each other as brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, the Hunger Games do not spare children.
[ m a s t e r l i s t ]
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Mags is your grandmother from your mother’s side so you grew up in District 4 in Victors’ Village with your whole family.
You had a sweet childhood, which makes you a nice and quite innocent child when it comes to the world you live in, and you were very close to your grandmother who often took care of you. Your family grew without ever being in need thanks to the pension of the former victor but nevertheless remained very humble and appreciated by the district because you were all devoted to charitable works.
The subject of the Hunger Games has always been a sensitive subject, however, and no one was watching the Games at home.
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When you were 6, Finnick - then 14 years old - won his Games and also moved to the Victors' Village.
He immediately formed a kind of brother-sister relationship with you, where he was the one who looked after you when your parents were not there. He also went with you to school, which was the same as his, and waited for you in the evening so that you could go home together. He was truly the sweetest big brother in the world who kept reminding you that you were his little princess.
Your relationship improved even more when Annie Cresta came to settle down when you were 11 because the three of you often hung out together. You were over the moon when you found out they were together.
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Unfortunately, you were nominated as the female tribute of the 73rd Hunger Games when you were only 14 years old.
There was panic in your family: your parents wouldn't let go of you as they hugged you in the back room and you saw Mags crying silently in a corner. During the whole preparation period, all of them who were mentors came with you and did their best to teach you the techniques to hide and to survive during the Games.
Just before entering the arena, your grandmother gave you her necklace with an oyster shell so that you would have a souvenir of her.
Luckily for you, the arena for the 73rd Hunger Games was "City Ruins" so so the weather conditions weren't extreme and you had plenty of hiding places to hide in "comfortably". You used your skills and, just like the District 6 Morphlings and Mags before, you were able to survive in the arena without having to fight with anyone. Plus, you were very popular on Capitol because you were a child and also as a descendant of a previous victor from the first generation. So, coupled with the fact that Finnick and Mags had gone out of their way to get you sponsors, you received a lot of gifts that helped you a lot during the Games.
You were greeted like a miracle on your way home.
However, the stress of your nomination as well as her old age got the better of Mags, who passed away before the start of the 74th Hunger Games.
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When the 3rd Quarter Quell was announced, when you were 16, you were in shock and yet, when you heard Annie's name as a tribute, you volunteered in her place. You considered her your big sister and loved her as such, so knowing her psychological state, you preferred to take a chance rather than let her die. When you were in private with Finnick, he thanked you for saving her and promised to always protect you no matter what, as the precious little sister you were for him.
You joined the Rebellion alongside Finnick.
As the start of the Games cannon thundered, you jumped into the water to swim to the catwalk. Thanks to your swimming abilities in your district, you were one of the first to go out of the water. However, while you were locating yourself in the arena as well as where Finnick and your allies were, you didn't see Enobaria who emerged from the water at your feet to come and bite your Achilles tendon until it was bloody. You managed to push her back into the water before running to Finnick, whom you had spotted at the Cornucopia, and collapsing at his feet, unable to walk.
He carried you on his back for the rest of the Games where he defended you tooth and nail against all threats such as the fog, monkey mutts or other tributes. You comforted him as best you could after his time with the mockingjays.
Given your physical proximity to him before the dome exploded, he used his last strength to crawl up to you before the hovercraft took him away. So you were picked up in the same basket as him.
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So you were sent to District 13 where you both eagerly awaited Annie's return and, when she finally came back and she and Finnick finally got married, you were their maid of honor. When Finnick then left with the expedition squad to the Capitol, you stayed in the underground District where you learned from Annie that your entire family was executed by Snow after you disappeared due to your rebellion. Once Finnick returned and you all witnessed the execution of Snow and Coin, the three of you settled back into District 4.
You have the house right next to theirs.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @amonett @zodiyack
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frances-baby-houseman · 6 months
y'all columbus is cute! I love a mid-sized city. I'm near the capitol so not like the hippest area (my coworker is in short north and i'm jealous!) but again, small city! I can walk to the convention center and from there I can walk to some fun stuff. And I'm close to the river so if this rain lets up in the morning I'm going to go for a run! I walked around the north market which was delightful and I might get lunch there but I'm definitely going to get some souvenirs there.
and of course everyone at my hotel is going to PLA so that's nice, too. Also I always like being a little farther from the convention center bc like, you can get a coffee. The lines at the center are always TERRIBLLE.
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perlelune · 9 months
In Oxyctocin, I imagine Snow whistling to himself, casually packing his bags to leave for the Capitol and putting her in it like a little souvenir 😭😂🤣
Not a litle souvenir 💀💀💀
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xtabithanala · 4 months
Livia and Arachne friendship headcanons
Their friendship lives in my mind rent free so I have to share some headcanons:
• Before the war and when the Crane family traveled a lot, Arachne would always bring souvenirs for Livia. Only for Livia :)
• Livia often stayed over at the Crane family's house and liked the attention and love she received there, something her own parents rarely gave to her
• In my AU, Arachne survives the time as a mentor and Brandy actually competes in the games. Through Livia's genuine worry for the tributes, Arachne begins to show some doubt in the games, especially after she saw Facet protecting Livia in the bombing
• Livia is the only one who fully understand Arachne's humor and in return, Arachne shows her true emotions towards Livia only
• Livia was with Arachne and held her hand when Seneca was born + she was his godmother
• Livia felt jealous of Arachne's happy marriage
• Livia never told Arachne about the things Snow did to her (h*jacking her, selling victors to her and vica versa) to keep her safe
• Both escaped to District 13 with the remaining former Academy students and spilled Snow's secrets but never spoke in front of cameras
• When Arachne found out that Snow had h*jacked Livia, she cried
• Arachne would frequently play the Real Or Not Real game with Livia to keep her calm :)
• After the war they went back to the Capitol and became neighbours
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deadpresidents · 6 months
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As [House] minority leader, [Gerald] Ford had rarely left the White House without pocketing a handful of elegant matchbooks for deposit in a bowl on the receptionist's desk in his Capitol Hill office. Constituents scooped them up, the perfect souvenir of their brush with history. Ford continued the practice while acclimating himself to his new status [as President], no longer a tourist but not yet at home within the walls that had sheltered Jefferson, Lincoln, and the Roosevelts. Scarcely able to believe the latest turn of events, recalled newsman Bob Schieffer, "he would go around and every once in a while he would just pick up a handful of those White House matches because he'd just been doing it all his life."
-- Richard Norton Smith, on Gerald Ford still feeling like a tourist in the White House and hoarding souvenir matchbooks after becoming President in 1974, An Ordinary Man: The Surprising Life and Historic Presidency of Gerald R. Ford (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO), which was just released in paperback.
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victoriams · 1 year
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ᴡɪᴛʜ ʙʟᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ɪɴꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟʟɪᴄ ᴛᴀꜱᴛᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏᴀᴛ.
bae doona . non binary . they/them ➶ DID YOU SEE THEM ?! they’re finally back as a MENTOR , and you know they’re one of my favourites ! it’s CYBELE KASTEL , the FORTY year old WINNER of the SIXTY-NINTH hunger games! i’m just so excited to see them returning to the capitol all the way from DISTRICT SIX! they won their games using A SLEDGEHAMMER so their tributes will no doubt be desperate for their wisdom. the capitol just loved them for being so CAPABLE , even if they have been known to be DERANGED at times . ( character ISN’T part of the uprising )
FULL NAME cybele kastel
NICKNAMES cyb, psycho killer
DATE OF BIRTH january 19th, 54th year
AGE forty
ROLE mentor
VICTORY YEAR sixty-ninth
GENDER non-binary
ORIENTATION pansexual panromantic
POSITIVE TRAITS capable, intrepid, self-assured, sharp
NEGATIVE TRAITS deranged, brutal, volatile, callous  
MBTI entj-t – the commander   
ENNEAGRAM type 8 – the challenger
MORAL ALIGNMENT chaotic evil
ZODIAC gemini
Cordelia Carter – mother, deceased
Bertram Kastel – father, alive
Caerus Kastel – older brother, deceased
Cyprian Kastel – older brother, alive
Circe Kastel – niece, alive
tw: violence, addiction & parental death
For most children, growing up in District Six is a curse. In a district so rife with poverty, starvation, squalor – it is often considered a miracle to even make it past childhood. Of course, no such issues faced the Kastel children. Not because they were particularly talented, or exceptionally bright – but because their mother had gotten lucky exactly once in her life and won the Hunger Games.
Cordelia Carter was, by all accounts, a rather unremarkable victor. She had won the games at eighteen by playing the coward’s game and hiding until she was certain only one other tribute remained. For the most part, she was regarded with a resounding sense of apathy from the Capitol. She was bland, and boring, and not terribly desirable – and so she was allowed to sequester herself to a quiet little life back in her home district, save for her annual visits to the Capitol. After winning the games, she had tried to continue down the same path that she’d had laid in front of her since the day she was born – shortly after moving into the victor’s village, she married her childhood sweetheart, had a few children, and attempted to enjoy the simple life she’d always wanted. If anybody ever noticed that she seemed somewhat absent following her stint in the arena, or if anybody clocked on to the way her hands shook after she woke up screaming each night, or the way she would lock herself in her room for weeks at a time – nobody ever thought to say anything about it. Besides, the girl was rich now – what more could she possibly want?
You are the third, and final, of Cordelia’s three children. Your childhood is… unremarkable, at best. You do not struggle for food the way that your peers do. You are not wafer thin from lack of sustenance, and you do not need to start working to survive before you hit high school. Some of them seem to resent you for this – for your new clothes and fancy house and the souvenirs your mother brings back from her annual trips to the Capitol, of all places – but you wear their jealousy like a badge of honor. It’s not your fault, after all, that your mother won the Hunger Games, and their parents did not. Why shouldn’t you revel in the spoils of her victory? Besides, it is not as though they come without a cost. Your mother tries, you think. She tries to be there for you and your siblings – and, truthfully, you think your existence is the only thing that keeps her from diving headfirst off the deep end. But she’s not warm. She’s not loving. She keeps a calculated distance, and, when you’re only a child, you don’t understand why. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that it’s because of you – that, somehow, you need to earn her love. You just don’t know how.
This is the part where we will talk about your father. Bertram Kastel was, according to all who knew him, an extremely uninteresting and pervasive man. He had started dating your mother when they were still in school, and, when she had been reaped for the games, he had assumed that this would be the end of their romantic entanglement. A true gentleman, of course, he did not abandon her when she returned from the games, though he considered it after learning how weepy and skittish she had become following her stint in the arena. In fact, he proposed only a few short hours after finding out that the victor’s salary would be enough to ensure that neither of them would ever have to work again. You never think very much of your father – you see very little of him when you are younger. You’re not sure he’d ever particularly wanted children, or if he had just wanted to appease your mother and keep his paychecks coming. He prefers spending his days drinking or gambling or both – leaving you and your siblings almost entirely to your own devices, not that you mind, of course.
There is one thing that your father teaches you: and that is respect for the Capitol. Yes, it is instilled in you at school, but he is the one to really drive home the message. He tends to ignore the awful things that they have done – the way they let your people starve, the way they have left your mother a hollow shell of a person – but focuses on what they have provided. For him, it is a life of luxury without ever having to lift a finger. It is a steady paycheck without ever needing to work for it. It is a status above the rest of the district, a big house and nice food and the ability to waste away his days however he should so please. If you want to get ahead, Cybele, he had told you once, you have to play to their rules. Everybody knew the way that victors were treated when they fell out of line. There is no use bending to the morals of the people here – they aren’t the ones who will provide for you. You think, if it were not for your mother’s insistence that she remain in District Six, he might have tried to move to the Capitol. He seemed to like them better than his own district.
You are eight years old the first time your mother falls ill. None of the doctors in District Six can determine exactly what is wrong with her. She is taken to the Capitol for several weeks to receive treatment, and returns looking sickly and gaunt and with a seemingly limitless supply of morphling. You think, maybe, it would have been better for everyone, had she just died then and there. Your mother had always been erratic – but, when she takes the morphling, she turns into someone you barely recognise. She becomes lifeless and inert – barely leaving her bed for days at a time. Whenever her supply is running low, she becomes violent and vicious and cruel – lashing out until your father is able to secure her another dose. It continues like this for the next two years, your mother cycling through stages of listlessness and savagery, depending on how much morphling is in her system at any given time. You soon cease to remember the woman you had known – instead she is replaced by a volatile, unpredictable timebomb. You learn to walk on eggshells in your own home.
She dies when you are ten. The morphling, apparently, had been only to dull her pain – but it had never been a cure for whatever was wrong with her. You watched helplessly as she became sicker and sicker, until a doctor from the Capitol arrived to check her vitals and declared her dead. Surprisingly, you feel very little about your mother’s demise. The mother you’d known had ceased to exist almost two years prior – the one who died in your home was a pale, cruel imitation. Instead of sorrow, or grief, you feel a hollow sort of numbness – a chasm in your chest that widens just a bit when you think of your mother. You are not allowed to sit with any grief that you might have had for long, anyway. It is only three short days after your mother’s passing that your father receives a letter from the Capitol, informing him that, as Cordelia Carter is no longer living, he and his children are no longer eligible to receive the victor’s stipend she had been receiving. Nor are they eligible to live in the victor’s village. The letter comes with one final, merciful, cheque, and an eviction notice. Your father is informed that he has two weeks to find alternate accommodation. 
You go to live with your aunt, after that. Your father’s sister had never married, nor had she had any children of her own. You’d had very little to do with her, growing up. You think your father might have been ashamed of her – she is a humble seamstress, who had always been content with a humble life. Diedre Kastel’s home is plain, void of any luxuries or colour. There are two bedrooms; one belongs to Diedre, and one had previously been her sewing room. This room you will share with your siblings for the foreseeable future, whilst your father sleeps in the cramped living area. It is so unlike your old home, that, for a week or two, it is a novelty. This, however, quickly wears off as you are forced to live in close confines with siblings and a father you had been capable of avoiding in the larger space. Your aunt Diedre expects that you will only stay here for a short time – that her brother will find work, and be able to afford his own place, and that would be that.
Unfortunately for your aunt Diedre, your father had entirely different plans. See, dear reader, he had become accustomed to a certain standard of living – and can we blame him? The life of a victor’s spouse was enticingly luxurious – and he had not had to work a day in his life for the last twenty years. He had no intention of doing it now. Bertram figured that he had lived off a victor’s salary before, and he was going to do it again. Lucky for him, he had three soldiers with the blood of a winner coursing through their veins. You older siblings have their reservations about this plan – neither of them had ever really intended to volunteer for the child death match – you, on the other hand, are immediately captivated by the idea. You take to your father’s teachings like a moth to a flame, training from dawn until dusk, watching tapes of the games until your eyes become sore, hands constantly bloody and raw from the weapons you learn to use. Something in you seems to unlock at the opportunity to showcase your own brutality – a penchant for violence that quickly makes you an asset.
Looking back on it, you’re not quite sure whether you were born as a monster, or made into one.
Caerus volunteers first. He is the oldest, after all – and, after you, the most capable. He turns eighteen only a few days prior to the sixty-seventh reaping ceremony, throws his hand into the air with such enthusiasm that it startles those around him. You seethe with jealousy as you watch him board the train to the Capitol – as he gloats in his interviews, returns a training score of nine. Boasts that he will be the one to continue your mother’s mediocre legacy. Your jealousy, and his arrogance, thankfully, are both short-lived. Caerus may have trained with you, but he did not train like you. He is pierced through the heart on the second day of the games, all but forgotten by the time the final cannon sounds. Your father calls his performance embarrassing, and you happen to agree. For anybody else, losing a sibling in the games might have served as a wakeup call – but Caerus’ death only serves to spur you on. You cannot let his failure be your legacy. You know you can do better – and so you spend the next two years training harder than you had before. Sharpening yourself into the perfect killing machine.
The sixty-ninth games were supposed to be Cyprian’s. You can tell he doesn’t want to volunteer – but the threat of disownment, of being tossed to the streets, looms over his head, as it does yours. Of the three of you, you’d always considered Cyprian to be the least capable of taking the crown. He was always a little too soft – cringing away at the gory details of the games, too weak to lift weapons, too scared to swing them. You know he won’t win – and you refuse to let another loser tarnish your record. So, when the names are drawn for the sixty-ninth games, you beat your brother to it – screeching that you will volunteer before he has the chance. You’re only fifteen – but, you know that you have a better chance of winning the games now than Cyprian ever will. There is an opportunity for him to volunteer to join you – and, for a moment, you hope that he does. It will be even more vindicating to have to kill him in the arena to secure your victory. To prove once and for all that you were the best of your mother’s children. He doesn’t. Pathetic.
The sixty-ninth games are unique, in that they are almost entirely in the dark. The arena is modelled after the mines in District Twelve – abandoned shafts and convoluted caverns. The only sources of light come from the illuminated Cornucopia, and from torches which a few tributes were lucky enough to secure during the bloodbath. Members of the public watch the majority of the games through infrared lenses, leaving the tributes to wander in the dark undisturbed. Obstacles include cave-ins, floods, poisonous glowworms, and mutated flesh-eating bats. Fresh water is in abundance, but food is incredibly scarce – a few tributes make the error of eating the mushrooms that grow on the walls of various caverns. The best bet, for those smart enough to think of it, is hunting for fish in the various lakes that have formed deep within the cave system or foraging through backpacks at the Cornucopia. Fortunately, few tributes succumb to starvation – this is one of the shortest games in history, lasting a mere four days.
You do not bother grabbing a flashlight from the Cornucopia – you see such a thing as a hindrance, rather than a help. Instead, you grab two things from the Cornucopia: a backpack, and a sledgehammer. The other tributes do not immediately see you as a threat, you are small in stature, skinny, and quiet. Even when you return a training score of eleven, they still assume it must have been some kind of error. They are quick to change their tune, however, once you dispatch four tributes during the bloodbath alone, including your own district partner ( he was really annoying – and kept asking you about an alliance, like an idiot ). Your kills are not particularly elegant, either. The first, you strangle with your bare hands. The next three, you beat with your sledgehammer until they are unrecognisable, bloody pulps. You are covered in blood when you finally decide to retreat from the Cornucopia – after the rest of the tributes have already fled from your rampage, that is. You spend the next four days stalking through the arena without any light to guide you – following the sounds and lights of the other tributes, picking them off, one by one, like some sort of monster from the shadows.
You think the gamemakers try to kill you on several occasions – floods in your quadrant, bats and glow worms and other mutts – but you always manage to stay ahead of whatever they send for you. You are entirely focused on your task – to win, no matter what it takes. The final cannon sounds on the fourth day of the arena ( though nobody can tell how long it has been, submerged in the pitch blackness ) when you kill a boy from District Four. By the end of it, you have a kill count of fourteen ( you would’ve liked to round it up to fifteen, but they ran out of targets for you to kill ). Apparently, it’s some sort of record – and you cannot help but be incredibly proud of yourself for this. 
You expect to be celebrated when you return home. You’d done what was asked of you, what the Capitol had expected of you – you’d become a winner, and you expected to be celebrated as one. And yet, your family does not immediately shower you in praise and affection. In fact, they seem to be afraid of you. Your brother calls you a psycho, your father states that you might have gone too far – that your behaviour wouldn’t win him favour in the Capitol. You cannot believe what they’re saying – as far as you’re concerned, there’s no difference between killing one tribute, or two, or fifteen ( so close ). There’s no difference between killing with poison or with a hammer. You’re angry – angry that your father had been the one who had sharpened you into a weapon, and now seemed horrified at what he had created. You grab the nearest object and throw it at his head – an old vase that shatters into hundreds of pieces, cutting him across the face. You shove him against a wall and tell him that everything you did, you did because of him. You tell him to kiss his meal ticket goodbye.
Then, you storm out. And you do not speak to him or your brother again.
The next six months are spent in relative isolation. You move into the victor’s village alone – the same house you’d grown up in. The few times you venture out into your district, you are met with horrified looks, whispers, animosity. They see you as some sort of beast – and you don’t understand why. All you’d ever done was what you were told. All you’d done was bring glory to the district. Things start to shift during your victory tour. You may be feared in District Six, but in the Capitol, you are celebrated. They cannot get enough of you – of your brutality. They cheer for you, ask for your autograph, shower you in affection and glory. It is so different from the reception you’d received back home, that you almost cannot believe it – were it not for the fact that you know this is the reception you deserve, after everything you’d done.
You begin looking forward to your yearly trips to the Capitol – though you offer very little in the way of guidance towards your tributes. You don’t want to be overshadowed by any other victors from your district, after all – why would you help them take your title? You find that you are more comfortable in the Capitol – they are the ones who respect you, after all. The ones who pay you. When you begin to hear whispers of rebellion, you’re disgusted. You don’t understand how other victors can be so ungrateful. You do not hesitate to offer your allegiance to the Capitol, to offer your services to stop the rebellion before it starts. It is Bellona Snow who takes you up on your offer. She sees the fire in you, the monster that needs to be satiated.
You don’t think mercenary is quite the right word for what you become – but whenever something, or someone, needs taking care of without anybody else knowing, they send you. It satisfies your need to destroy – and satisfies your hip pocket. Maybe the other victors would consider you a traitor, for what you’re doing for the Capitol. For hunting down rebels and turning them over to be killed. But, truthfully, you’ve never cared much for their opinions. They’re not the ones signing your cheques, after all – and, if the Capitol falls, so, too, does your way of life.
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wheretogoph-blog · 19 days
7 PROVINCES IN 6 DAYS (Negros Oriental, Siquijor, Negros Occidental, Iloilo, Guimaras, Antique, and Capiz)
This trip was both exhausting and incredibly rewarding! I planned it for my 26th birthday. After six months of research, I finally created an itinerary that perfectly matched my flight schedule. Yes, I bought the plane tickets before finalizing the itinerary. I’m excited to share all the details with you—this will be VERY detailed!
Where to start?
I started my trip in Dumaguete, Negros Oriental, for easier transportation. My flight was 7AM.
I booked a flight from Manila (MNL) to Dumaguete (DGT) with Cebu Pacific. My flight was originally scheduled for 7 AM, but there was a one-hour delay. Fortunately, my tour guide was very kind and waited for me at the airport.
Day 1: Dumaguete, Negros Oriental
9:30 AM: Arrive at Dumaguete–Sibulan Airport. 9:30 AM – 9:45 AM: Wait for my checked baggage. 9:45 AM – 10:00 AM: Freshen up at the airport. It’s a small airport with only two restrooms, so it was a bit crowded. 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Meet up with Kuya Thony for the Dumaguete-Valencia Tour. I was a bit shy at first because I was running late, but Kuya Thony was incredibly understanding. I had booked a solo tour with him two months in advance. Despite the rain throughout the tour, which I usually dislike, we pushed on and I eventually forgot about the weather.
Here are the places we visited on the tour, including the entrance fees:
Subida Souvenirs Cata-al Museum: Donation only Tierra Alta: PHP 100 per person, PHP 50 for parking Sulfur Vent: No entrance fee Pulangbato Falls: PHP 100 per person, free parking Redrock Hotspring: PHP 100 per person, free parking Forestcamp Resort: PHP 200 per person, PHP 30 for parking Chada Valencia: No entrance fee Dumaguete Signage: No entrance fee Rizal Boulevard: No entrance fee Cathedral: No entrance fee Silliman View: No entrance fee Sansrival Pasalubong: Depends on what you buy Monkey Sanctuary: No entrance fee. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see any monkeys because of the rain, though I spotted some in the distance on the mountains. Dove Feeding Plaza: No entrance fee, but you need to buy bird feed to attract the birds for photos. I opted for the larger feed, which cost PHP 50. 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM: Arrive at the hostel, Antwet Backpacker’s Inn & Rooftop Bar, for PHP 449.98 per night. After settling in and taking a bath, I headed out again at 7 PM. The hostel is conveniently located in front of the Negros Oriental Provincial Capitol.
I explored the area, took some pictures, and visited Rizal Boulevard, which was also part of the tour. Kuya Thony had mentioned it’s especially lively at night, and he was right—it was vibrant and full of energy.
Since I wasn’t very hungry, I looked for a café near the boulevard and found Tom N Toms Coffee. I ordered a mango yogurt smoothie for PHP 200. It was decent, and I spent about 30 minutes there before heading back to the hostel.
I prepared my things for Siquijor before sleeping.
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Day 2: Siquijor
I booked a fast craft ticket in advance via the Oceanjet website, which cost approximately PHP 750 for a round-trip ticket. I mistakenly thought that purchasing the ticket online meant I wouldn’t need to wait in line at the port. Unfortunately, I was wrong. First, there was a long line to get a physical ticket, and then another line for the terminal fee payment of PHP 15. It would be helpful if they included all fees on the website to streamline the process for tourists. I wasn’t the only one confused; many other travelers seemed to be in the same boat. The travel time is approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
There’s also a cheaper ferry option costing around PHP 400 round-trip, with a travel time of about 2 hours.
5:30 AM – 6:00 AM: Wake up and prepare. I was supposed to check out of the hostel and leave my luggage there, but the reception was unavailable. So, I ended up booking another night through the Agoda app. I couldn’t reach the property representative either.
6:00 AM – 6:30 AM: Breakfast at Jollibee, which is conveniently located near the hostel.
6:30 AM – 6:40 AM: Head to the Port of Dumaguete. Remember to bring a valid ID, as it’s required for entry.
6:40 AM – 7:00 AM: Wait in line to get a physical ticket and pay the terminal fee.
7:00 AM – 7:20 AM: Wait for departure.
7:20 AM – 7:30 AM: Boarding. One thing I love about Oceanjet is their punctuality—they’re always on time!
7:30 AM – 8:15 AM: Fast craft ride from Dumaguete to Siquijor.
8:30 AM: Meet my tour guide, Kuya Dehm, outside the terminal. Although he wasn’t the guide I initially booked, everything went smoothly during the tour!
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM: Siquijor Tour—an action-packed day exploring the island. Here are the places we visited, along with their entrance fees:
Welcome to Siquijor: Free, located just outside the port
Saint Francis of Assisi: No entrance fee
Paliton Beach: No entrance fee; donation requested for photo ops by locals
Pitugo Cliff: PHP 30, plus PHP 30 for parking
Old Enchanted Balete Tree: PHP 20
Hapitanan Broom Shot: No entrance fee; donation requested for photo ops by locals
Lazi Church: No entrance fee
Lazi Convent: No entrance fee
Cambugahay Falls: PHP 20, plus PHP 30 for parking
Molave Man-Made Forest: No entrance fee
Salagdoong Beach: PHP 50 entrance fee, plus PHP 20 for parking
Cang-Isok Old House: No entrance fee; only for sightseeing, as you cannot enter
Lilibeth Pan Bisaya
Kuya Dehm and I parted ways at exactly 5:15 PM outside the port where we initially met. The Siquijor port is more convenient than Dumaguete’s. I just showed my e-ticket and paid the terminal fee. Although there were plenty of tourists, the line moved surprisingly fast. I waited until 6:00 PM.
6:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Boarding.
6:15 PM – 7:10 PM: Fast craft ride from Siquijor to Dumaguete. This was the most terrifying hour of my life—the weather was cold, the craft was fast, and the waves were huge due to the rain. It felt like a roller coaster ride. The woman sitting next to me said the rough ride was normal, though the waves were higher than usual. After this nerve-wracking journey, I took a tricycle back to the hostel. The caretaker was very kind and said it was no problem to leave my things in the room, even suggesting I shouldn’t have booked another night as it was unnecessary.
I checked out at 9:00 PM and headed to the Ceres Bus Terminal for the 10:00 PM bus to Bacolod. To my surprise, the only available bus was an ordinary one. The conductor advised me to wait for the 1:00 AM air-conditioned bus, which would be more comfortable.
In the midst of it all, I forgot to have dinner on my birthday! I quickly took a tricycle to Bazinga Dumaguete, where I enjoyed a burger and fries combo for PHP 200. It was delicious! I stayed there until 11:30 PM and then returned to the terminal, where I almost missed the bus.
1:00 AM: The bus departed for Bacolod. I slept throughout the journey to save time and hotel expenses.
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Day 3: Bacolod, Negros Occidental and Iloilo
I arrived in Bacolod at 6:00 AM and had breakfast at a carinderia next to the terminal—one rice and hotdog for just PHP 35, plus a free soup!
Since it was too early for the museum and The Ruins, I decided to explore the area:
7:00 AM – 7:45 AM: I took a tricycle to the Plaza, which was only a 3-minute ride, but the driver asked for PHP 200. I was unsure and ended up paying him. I took a leisurely stroll around the plaza and visited the following attractions:
Bacolod Plaza Bandstand Welcome to Bacolod City arch City of Smiles San Sebastian Church 7:45 AM – 8:15 AM: Enjoyed coffee at Dunkin’.
8:15 AM – 8:50 AM: Walked to Capitol Park and Lagoon.
8:50 AM – 9:45 AM: Visited The Negros Museum.
9:45 AM – 10:40 AM: Took a Grab to The Ruins, but unfortunately, it was closed for an event.
10:40 AM – 11:30 AM: Headed to Manokan Country and had lunch at Aida’s Chicken. The chicken inasal was decent.
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Stopped by SM City Bacolod, which is conveniently located just in front.
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM: Walked to Bacolod Port and waited until my departure at 1:00 PM.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: Arrived in Iloilo, took a tricycle to my hotel, and checked in.
2:20 PM: Arrived at the hotel, which was quite old and lacked an elevator. My room was on the third floor, so I rested until 4:00 PM before continuing my tour.
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Started a walking tour around Iloilo:
Calle Real Sunburst Park Plaza Libertad 4:30 PM – 4:45 PM: Commute to La Paz Market by bus with a La Paz signboard.
4:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Had an early dinner:
Netong’s Original Special La Paz Batchoy Madge Coffee, the oldest coffee shop in Iloilo 6:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Took a bus to Jaro with a Jaro signboard.
6:15 PM – 7:00 PM: Explored Jaro:
Jaro Plaza Graciano Lopez Jaena Park Campanario de Jaro Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral 7:00 PM – 7:20 PM: Returned to Iloilo City Proper.
7:20 PM: Arrived back at the hotel.
I must say, Iloilo City has an excellent transportation system. Buses seem to go everywhere, which is very convenient. Plus, the hotel I booked is located in the city center, making it easy to get around.
Day 4: Guimaras
6:00 AM – 6:30 AM: Prepare to head to the port.
6:30 AM – 6:50 AM: Travel from the hotel to Parola Wharf. Advanced booking isn’t necessary. There are various fast crafts available, with fares ranging from PHP 15 to PHP 30 one way. I chose the PHP 30 option because it’s air-conditioned.
7:00 AM – 7:20 AM: Ride the fast craft from Parola Wharf to Jordan Wharf.
7:20 AM – 4:00 PM: Met my tour guide, Kuya Ryan, and we started the tour right away. Here are the sites we visited:
Jordan Signages: No entrance fee.
Smallest Plaza: No entrance fee.
Windmills and Man-Made Forest: PHP 30 entrance fee, PHP 20 parking fee.
Pitstop Restaurant (for Mango Pizza): I was skeptical, but it turned out to be surprisingly good! Free parking.
Guimaras Signages: Free parking.
Trappist Monastery: Free parking; donation requested for candles.
Guisi Lighthouse: PHP 30 entrance fee, PHP 20 parking fee.
4:00 PM – 4:20 PM: Travel back from Jordan Wharf to Parola Wharf.
4:20 PM – 4:40 PM: Return to the hotel to freshen up.
5:00 PM – 5:25 PM: Commute to Molo Plaza.
5:25 PM – 6:30 PM: Relax and explore Molo Plaza—there’s so much to see and do!
6:30 PM – 6:45 PM: Return to the hotel by riding a bus bound to Iloilo City proper.
6:45 PM – 7:30 PM: Prepare for bed and get ready for the trip to Antique.
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Day 5: Antique
I woke up before my alarm and quickly got ready to start the day.
5:00 AM: Wake up.
5:15 AM – 5:45 AM: Prepare for the trip to Antique.
5:45 AM – 6:15 AM: Walk to the public market behind Robinsons Place Iloilo. I needed to catch a jeepney with the “Mohon Terminal” signage. I was a bit anxious about commuting since there weren’t many clear instructions online. Thankfully, the hotel receptionist kindly advised me to head to the back of Robinsons Place Iloilo and wait for the right jeepney.
6:15 AM: Arrived at Mohon Terminal. I was initially confused because the only bus there was headed to Kalibo. Fortunately, I asked the driver, who confirmed that the bus would pass by Anini-y, Antique, my destination. I boarded the bus to Kalibo but informed the driver to drop me off in Antique.
6:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Travel from Mohon Terminal to Siraan Hot Spring and Health Resort in Anini-y, Antique.
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Enjoyed relaxing at Siraan Hot Spring and Health Resort. The sulfur hot spring was wonderful, and the resort’s cliffside location offered stunning views. I would have loved to stay overnight, but I had other tours planned.
12:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Headed back to the hotel. I waited for a bus bound for Iloilo outside the resort. The bus dropped me off at Mohon Terminal, where I caught a ride back to Iloilo City proper.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Freshened up at the hotel and then prepared for an Iloilo City tour.
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM: Took a bus with a “La Paz” sign from Iloilo City. This bus also passed by the museums.
3:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Explored the museums:
Museo Iloilo
National Museum Western Visayas Regional Museum (This one was particularly interesting; it was converted from an old prison into a museum.)
Both museums are conveniently located side by side.
6:00 PM – 6:20 PM: Rode the bus back to Iloilo City proper and stopped at Robinsons Place Iloilo for dinner.
6:20 PM – 6:45 PM: Dined at JD Bakery Café. I tried their Molo soup, which was decent.
6:45 PM – 7:30 PM: Strolled around Robinsons Place and nearly forgot to buy pasalubong. Luckily, there was a Biscocho Haus kiosk nearby!
7:30 PM – 7:40 PM: Returned to the hotel.
7:40 PM – 8:00 PM: Prepared for the trip to Capiz and then went to sleep.
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Day 6: Capiz
I woke up extra early to prepare my check-in baggage. I had bought a bit too much biscocho and butterscotch, so I needed the extra time.
4:00 AM: Wake up.
4:00 AM – 5:30 AM: Prepare for Capiz and check out. I left my luggage at the hotel lobby before heading out.
5:30 AM – 6:00 AM: Went to the back of Robinsons Place again to wait for a jeepney bound for Jaro, as it would pass by Ceres Northbound Terminal.
6:00 AM – 9:30 AM: Traveled from Ceres Northbound Terminal to Roxas City Integrated Transport Terminal. There was light traffic, and we made a 15-minute stop in Passi City.
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: From Roxas City Integrated Transport Terminal to Roxas City Plaza.
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Explored the city. Here are the places I visited:
Roxas City Plaza
Manuel A. Roxas Monument
Immaculate Conception Metropolitan Cathedral (Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Capiz)
Capiz Provincial Capitol
Ang Panublion Museum
Pres. Manuel A. Roxas Ancestral House
I initially planned to visit The Edge, but it was an hour away, and traffic was heavy.
12:00 PM – 12:15 PM: Took a tricycle back to the Integrated Transport Terminal.
12:15 PM – 4:00 PM: Travelled from the Integrated Transport Terminal to Ceres Northbound Terminal in Iloilo.
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM: From Ceres Northbound Terminal to the hotel in Iloilo. I took a jeepney bound for Iloilo City proper.
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM: I had planned to book a Grab to the Iloilo Airport, but fortunately, I found a couple of travelers also heading to the airport. The hotel offered a transfer service that was much cheaper—PHP 150 compared to the PHP 500 Grab fare.
5:00 PM – 5:45 PM: Transferred from the hotel to Iloilo Airport.
5:45 PM – 6:00 PM: Checked in.
My flight was originally scheduled for 7:30 PM, but as usual, there was a delay. We ended up boarding at 9:40 PM. You know there’s a delay when you see a Jollibee box at the gate!
10:00 PM – 11:15 PM: Flew from Iloilo to Manila.
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Dasma to Baclaran: PHP 60
Baclaran to Airport: PHP 200
MNL to DGT RT with 20kg check-in baggage: PHP 4,771.12
Breakfast at the airport: PHP 150
Coffee: PHP 255
Dumaguete-Valencia tour (tricycle, good for 2 pax): PHP 1,300 (Motorcycle tour for solo pax costs PHP 1,000)
Tip: PHP 500
Lunch: PHP 1,300
Coffee: PHP 100
Tour entrance fees: PHP 730
Hotel (2 nights): PHP 996
Cafe smoothie: PHP 200
Coffee: PHP 200
Souvenir: PHP 300
Total for Day 1: PHP 11,062.12
Day 2
Dumaguete to Siquijor RT OceanJet ticket: PHP 750
Tricycle to port: PHP 20
Breakfast: PHP 120
Coffee: PHP 200
Terminal fee RT: PHP 30
Siquijor tricycle tour: PHP 1,300
Tip: PHP 500
Lunch: PHP 1,200
Entrance fees: PHP 500
Souvenirs: PHP 500
Refresher: PHP 200
Tricycle from Dumaguete port to hotel: PHP 20
Tricycle to Ceres bus terminal: PHP 50
Tricycle from Ceres bus terminal to Bazinga: PHP 50
Tricycle from Bazinga to Ceres bus terminal: PHP 100
Dinner: PHP 250
Dumaguete to Bacolod bus fare: PHP 510
Total for Day 2: PHP 6,300
Day 3
Breakfast: PHP 35
Ceres terminal to plaza: PHP 200
Entrance fee: PHP 100
Coffee: PHP 100
Grab from Capitol to The Ruins: PHP 220
Grab from The Ruins to Manokan County: PHP 220
Lunch plus tip: PHP 250
Coffee at the terminal: PHP 50
Tricycle to hotel: PHP 100
Hotel (4 nights): PHP 3,462
Iloilo City to La Paz: PHP 15
Dinner: PHP 165
La Paz to Jaro: PHP 15
Cafe: PHP 200
Grab back to hotel: PHP 164
Total for Day 3: PHP 5,196
Day 4
Grab from hotel to Parola Wharf: PHP 125
Coffee: PHP 200
Iloilo to Guimaras RT: PHP 60
Tricycle tour: PHP 1,500
Tip: PHP 500
Entrance fee: PHP 200
Lunch: PHP 1,000
Parola Wharf to hotel: PHP 130
Iloilo City to Molo Plaza: PHP 15
Souvenir: PHP 100
Total for Day 4: PHP 3,830
Day 5
Iloilo City to Mohon Terminal: PHP 18
Coffee: PHP 200
Iloilo City to Anini-y: PHP 210
Siraan Hot Spring entrance: PHP 150
Anini-y to Iloilo: PHP 210
Lunch: PHP 150
Coffee: PHP 180
Entrance fee: PHP 200
Dinner: PHP 150
Pasalubong: PHP 5,000
Total for Day 5: PHP 6,318
Day 6
Iloilo City to Ceres Terminal: PHP 15
Ceres Terminal to Roxas City: PHP 210
Bus from terminal to plaza: PHP 15
Entrance fee: PHP 50
Coffee: PHP 165
Lunch: PHP 200
Tricycle from plaza to terminal: PHP 100
Roxas City to Ceres Terminal Iloilo: PHP 210
Ceres Terminal to hotel: PHP 15
Grab from hotel to airport: PHP 150
Coffee: PHP 250
Dinner: Free (due to delayed flight)
Coffee: PHP 255
Grab from airport to Dasma: PHP 1,500
Total for Day 6: PHP 3,135
Total Expenses for the Trip: PHP 35,841.12
Overall, this trip was the most expensive and exhausting journey I’ve ever undertaken, but it proved to be profoundly fulfilling. The Visayas region, with its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, particularly Dumaguete, has truly captured my heart. Dumagueteños are some of the kindest and most welcoming people I’ve ever met. Their warmth and hospitality made every moment of the trip memorable and worthwhile.
Despite the challenges, such as navigating the various transportation options and managing expenses, the experience was enriching. From the breathtaking natural beauty to the rich cultural experiences, every aspect of the trip added value to my journey. The sense of community and the genuine kindness of the locals left a lasting impression on me.
If I ever decide to settle down or retire, Dumaguete will undoubtedly be at the top of my list. Its charm, combined with the incredible people and the serene environment, makes it a perfect place for a future home. The memories and experiences from this trip have cemented my affection for this wonderful region, and I look forward to returning someday.
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cohenskicksposts · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Dwight D / Presidential / Presidential Inauguration / MCMLIII 1953 Emtpy.
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ledenews · 2 months
Theory of a Deadman Unplugged Tour Coming to Capitol Theatre
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Theory of a Deadman brings their Unplugged Tour to Wheeling’s Capitol Theatre on November 17th. The hard rockers will be joined by Saint Asonia and Cory Marks.  Pre-sale tickets are available beginning Wednesday, July 17th at 10 am with the password CAPITOL. Tickets are on sale Friday, July 19th at 10 am. Tickets are available at CapitolTheatreWheeling.com, the WesBanco Arena Box Office or by calling 304-233-7000.  With sky-high hooks, riffs as thick as a 2x4, rumbling grooves, and a razor-sharp sense of humor, Theory Of A Deadman have quietly persisted as an unapologetic, unbreakable, and undeniable hard-rock force with major multiplatinum hits and countless sold out shows in each of the past two decades.  Jamming together in basements throughout high school, the band burst out of their small hometown of North Delta, British Columbia with the self-titled, Theory of a Deadman, during 2002. In addition to the double-platinum breakthrough album Scars & Souvenirs and gold-certified The Truth Is… , they have notched a procession of hits, including the gold-certified “All Or Nothing,” “Bitch Came Back,” and “Lowlife,” platinum-certified “Angel,” “Hate My Life,” and “Not Meant To Be,” double-platinum “Bad Girlfriend,” and triple-platinum “RX (Medicate).” As the biggest smash of their career this far, the latter marked their third #1 on the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and garnered a nomination for “Rock Song of the Year” at the iHeartRadio Music Awards. They have logged two Top 10 debuts on the Billboard Top 200. In 2020, Say Nothing landed at #2 on the Billboard Alternative Albums Chart and #3 on the Rock Albums Chart. Plus, it earned praise from American Songwriter, Billboard, and Classic Rock Magazine who awarded it “4-out-of-5 stars.”  Now, the award-winning quartet—Tyler Connolly , Dave Brenner , Dean Back , and Joey Dandeneau —once again deliver a barrage of anthems, beginning with the single “Dinosaur” and more to come. Saint Asonia united hard rock, Adam Gontier (vocals, guitar) and Mike Mushok (lead guitar) luminaries under a new banner, joined by Gontier (bass) and Cody Watkins (drums). Respectively, Gontier and Mushok had reached stratospheric heights in Three Days Grace and Staind, topping charts, packing venues, and selling millions of records.  Read the full article
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Denver CO Plate Souvenir, Vintage.
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tajmahaltourtrips · 4 months
3 Days Golden triangle tour By Taj mahal tour Trips Company
Embark on a Magical Journey: 3 Days Golden Triangle Tour with Taj Mahal Tours Company.
Our painstakingly prepared 3-day tour package allows you to experience the mesmerizing appeal of India's Golden Triangle. Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company invites you to discover the cultural riches, architectural marvels, and historical treasures of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, often known as the Golden Triangle.
Day 1: Delhi Exploration Arrive in Delhi. A warm welcome and pickup from the airport or your hotel. Begin your tour with a seamless transition into the center of India's capital city. Tour of Old Delhi. Explore the ancient splendor of Old Delhi with excursions to Jama Masjid, Chandni Chowk, and Red Fort. Immerse yourself in the lively sights, sounds, and flavors of the busy streets. Explore New Delhi. Discover the architectural treasures of New Delhi, including India Gate, Humayun's Tomb, and the Qutub Minar. Admire the combination of Mughal, British, and modern influences in the city's landmarks. Overnight Stay in Delhi. Relax and rest in a luxury hotel in Delhi. Reflect on today's adventures and prepare for the voyage ahead. Day Two: Agra Excursion Sunrise Visit the Taj Mahal. Begin an early morning journey to Agra to admire the Taj Mahal at sunrise. Capture amazing images against the backdrop of this historic monument. Guided Tour of Taj Mahal Learn about the Taj Mahal's history, architecture, and romance with expert commentary. Discover the love tale behind this architectural masterpiece. Visit to Agra Fort. Explore the magnificence of the Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Admire its beautiful architecture and historical significance. Shopping and Cultural Experience. Browse the local marketplaces for souvenirs and handicrafts. Enjoy real Mughlai cuisine at a neighborhood eatery. Return to Delhi. Departure from Agra and return to Delhi Relax and enjoy the picturesque drive back to the capitol city. Day 3: Jaipur Exploration Arrive in Jaipur. Welcome to the Pink City of India! Begin exploring Jaipur's rich cultural heritage and architectural grandeur. Visit to Amber Fort. Explore the spectacular Amber Fort, which combines Rajput and Mughal architecture. For a regal experience, ascend to the fort via elephant or jeep. City Tour in Jaipur. Discover Jaipur's prominent landmarks, including the Hawa Mahal, City Palace, and Jantar Mantar. Immerse yourself in the brilliant hues and busy streets of the Pink City. Depart from Jaipur Say goodbye to Jaipur and set out on your journey back home or to your next destination. Reflect on the remarkable events and memories created throughout the Golden Triangle journey. Finally, our 3-Day Golden Triangle Tour provides an ideal balance of history, culture, and architectural magnificence, allowing you to immerse yourself in the essence of India's Golden Triangle. With Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company, you may go on a discovery journey and make lasting experiences at some of India's most iconic places.
What is included in the 3-day Golden Triangle Tour package? Can the itinerary be altered based on personal preferences? Are admission costs to monuments and attractions included in the tour package? What kind of accommodations are offered during the tour? What is the ideal time of year to go on the Golden Triangle tour?
Edmonton Oilers: A Legacy of Excellence.
The Edmonton Oilers, situated in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, are one of the most successful franchises in NHL history. The Oilers were founded in 1971 as a member of the World Hockey Association (WHA) and joined the NHL in 1979 as part of the WHA-NHL merger. Since then, the team has made an indelible impression on the world of professional hockey, with a long history of success and a devoted fan base.
Early Years and Rise to Prominence. WHA Era The Oilers' beginnings in the WHA and early successes in the league The introduction of famous players such as Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier, and Paul Coffey NHL Entry Transition to NHL and instant impact on the league. The rise of the "Boys on the Bus" and the team's exciting playing style The Glory Years Stanley Cup Dynasty. Dominance in the 1980s, with five Stanley Cup titles in seven years. Legendary matches with opposing teams and unforgettable events in playoff history Hall of Fame roster. Talented roster includes Hall of Fame players and future luminaries. Contributions of major players to the team's success and legacy Post-Dynasty Era: Transition Period. Adjustments due to the departure of important players and changes in team dynamics. Challenges encountered during the rebuilding phase and efforts to preserve competitiveness. Return To Prominence The late 1990s and early 2000s saw a resurgence, with playoff berths and deep runs. The rise of new stars and leaders inside the organization Recent Years and Future Outlook. Playoff Pushes Recent playoff participation and attempts to regain former glory Creating a competitive roster with draft picks, trades, and free agency. Fan Support. Oilers fans' unwavering loyalty through highs and lows. The effect of the fan base on team morale and performance. Community Engagement and Impact Oilers Foundation supports community engagement and charity projects. Supports youth hockey activities, education, and healthcare. Economic Influence The Oilers' Impact on Edmonton's Economy and Identity Effects of the team on local companies, tourism, and civic pride Finally, the Edmonton Oilers' legacy is defined by a culture of quality, passion, and perseverance. From their humble origins in the WHA to their climb to NHL champions, the Oilers have left an unmistakable impact on the world of hockey and continue to inspire future generations of fans with their dedication to success on and off the ice.
How many Stanley Cups have the Edmonton Oilers won? Who are some of the most legendary Oilers players? What is the importance of the "Boys on the Bus" era? How has the team performed in recent years? What efforts does the Oilers Foundation assist in the community?
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