#cant point fingers if you just think a curse got to em because of how horrifying one user can mutilate sumn
dailykugisaki · 1 month
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Day 278 | id in alt
At least one of the students is a horrid menace to both curses and curse users. I was beginning to lose hope.
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purplecraze · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast AU 11
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:26 PM
"But there must be a way! I mean curses are made to be broken right? Thats the whole point!"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:27 PM
"Like I said, they can be broken by the caster, but he's dead...."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:28 PM
"Thats a stupid rule" He pouted, fixing himself on the chair
"Then why my mom could help?'
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:30 PM
"Because she was that good, I guess... it's been years since she was here and she passed away, but whatever spell she cast on the dome is still acti--" Fugo halted his chain of thought. "............"
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:31 PM
"Right! I was thinking it must be her magic to keep the plants alive then! Because its winter but is all alive there!!
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:33 PM
"......." he shook his head, lost in thought.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:40 PM
"...Did you every tried to enter in the dome?"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:43 PM
"...........uh? what?" seems he hadn't been paying attention.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:45 PM
"The dome, Fugo!" He squeaked jumping down the chair
"Y-You said it hurt less when you are outside; but what if its because you were close to the dome?? If mom did some, i dunno, healing or life magic there maybe-- Hold on!"
He ran out the room and got back with the vase of flowers
"Try to touch em'
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:53 PM
He hesitated. Seems it was indeed something he hasn't tried until now.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:54 PM
"C'mon!! Maybe we can find at leadt some clues how to fix this!" He exclamed hopeful
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:54 PM
"Put them down, I don't want to end up touching you by accident..."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 2:55 PM
"R-Right!" He murmured putting down the vase
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 2:58 PM
"......." he carefully brushed his fingers over a rose and........ nothing happened.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 3:02 PM
"Holy shit!" He smiled ear to ear
"Holy shit Fugo!! Cmon grab your coat lets go to the dome!!"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 3:06 PM
Fugo could barely believe it. why hadn't he thought of it before?? but...... things weren't so easy...
despite it taking far longer than usual, the rose ended shriveling up before they could leave the room.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 3:07 PM
"No- No lets try anyway!" He said watching the flower
"Maybe it works just inside there! We cant give up now!"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 3:08 PM
"........" Fugo shook his head. "...No, I'll end up destroying the place, I don't want that.."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 3:09 PM
"Please! We cant know if we dont try!"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 3:11 PM
"........" he stepped back, looking troubled.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 3:13 PM
"I will go there trying to find something, if you want come do what you want" he rolled his eyes leaving the room
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 3:16 PM
He looked off bitter, not following.
The dome is just as it was.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 3:19 PM
Still Nara got inside, looking for something; he didnt know what, but maybe he could find something, maybe something his mom left there or just some magic energy or some other shit like that.
He checked between the plants, the trees and the flowers, behing the vases and so on
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 3:24 PM
it's been 10 years since she was here, so even if something had been left behind at the time, what chance was there that it would still be here?
However, the place did feel other-worldly and magical, now that he knew of it.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 3:27 PM
Narancia sat on the ground after a while; all he got was dirt on his hands and clothes
"Ugh..." he didnt wanted to give up, but he didnt even knew what to look for, but there must been a reason why both he and Fugo would be attrached to that place
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 5:19 PM
maybe there is, maybe there isn't? there's no one to tell, since your mother can't explain it anymore.
Fugo leaned on the windowsill, eying the dome listlessly. If it were just plants, there's that.... but even if he had thought of were true, there was no way to confirm it. There's no way he'd put up with that risk....
It's okay... just one more night, then it's full moon. and he'll.....leave.... the day after... things will just go back the way they were. The boy might search around for a bit, but he'll forget about him soon enough again.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 5:22 PM
Yes Fugo; Narancia is totally gonna forget the cursed boy in the castle that kills everything he touches and turns into a monster when the sun comes down AND is somehow connected to his dead mother that turned out she was a witch. Sure.
But for now; Narancia just got back into his room, taking a quick bath before sneaking in the kitchen to eat something before it was dark
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 5:26 PM
I mean, maybe in a year or so? write it off as a fever dream?
As the night came, there was some ruckus again, but for some reason, it was significantly less then the other times he had been trashing around inside. there's not as much screaming involved either
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 5:30 PM
Narancia wondered if it was because he was sick.
He sighed, sitting next to the room window, checking the garnen, to see if the other got out again; the snow whas getting tall, didnt really wanted to see him pass out on the ground again like the other day
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 5:31 PM
nope, seems he was staying inside. but it was a relatively peaceful night none the less.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 5:32 PM
Should he go check on him ans break the rule again? Or maybe use the time for sleep?
He sighed, maybe he could check the dome again...
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 5:33 PM
welp. your funeral.....
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 5:34 PM
Ok ok, to the bed then
He sighed, rolling under the covers.
But if the other got out, he swears he will find a way to beat his ass without touching him
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 5:57 PM
it really was very quiet for what was 'normal' in that place. If you try your best, you can even sleep the night through.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 6:03 PM
Indeed, Narancia did that, waking up in the early morning, to make breakfast for both of them
He thinked about a bit and then got in the dome again, this time to find something more common than magic, he got back with a basket of oranges and some flowers; making orange juice and then made the flower boil with sugar; and some time later he had some rose water syrup!
He used it to garnish the pancakes he made; and also addedo to some fresh snow from outside he scooped in two cups, making some homemade rosewater granita.
He then took all to Fugos bedroom, knocking lighty the door
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 6:08 PM
Fugo wasn't in his bedroom, but you found him along the way. He sat underneath a window and had fallen asleep in that pose.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 6:46 PM
Oh dear...
He poked him with a spoon
"I made breakfast, you need to eat something"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 6:54 PM
"h-hnn..." He frowned a bit, then peeked over at him.
"...good morning.."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 6:55 PM
"Morning!" He chirped
"I made pancakes with honey and syrup!"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 7:02 PM
It was such a simple thing... getting woken up by someone. Seeing someone's face, first thing in the morning... someone telling him 'good morning'. and looking forward to having breakfast with them.
It really was such a small thing.
And yet.... Fugo couldn't help but to smile.
"hmn.." he nodded. "I'll come..."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 7:05 PM
"Ok!!" He said going to the dining room, laying the plates with some distance from his and fugo's
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 11:28 PM
Sorry, I haven't gotten to my swooshy tricks for breakfast yet." he followed along. "......? what's this?"
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 11:31 PM
"Mh? Whats what? Told you! I made pancake with honey and rose syrup! Also some orange juice, there are some fruit trees in the dome, ah, the syrum should be good on ice cream but we dont have any and i dont know how to make it, so i improvvised and used the snow to make rosewater shaved ice!" He said sitting now, sounding pretty pround of it
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 11:33 PM
"heh..... you really went out of your way. Thank you." he sat down and tried some of it.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 11:34 PM
"Well you need to recover so you shouldnt push youself too much, also breakfast is important!"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 11:36 PM
"I'll be alright now, last night and the next 2 are the easiest on me... oh. it's really quite good." he smiled a bit, taking another bite.
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 11:37 PM
"Mh? What you mean?" He asked curious taking a bite
"Mh yep, usually i end up always buring stuff, but this time is just a bit crisp" he laughed as he keept eating
"Also how its the fever going?"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 11:39 PM
Fugo felt his brow. "mm... should be alright after a good breakfast~" but he lay his fork down for a second.
"I don't go insane during full moon, that's why it's safe for the merchants to deliver supplies tomorrow."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 11:40 PM
"....Reverse werewolf" He murmured
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 11:41 PM
"Sunlight💢 and moonlight, really. the stronger the light, the less it effects me. with the light reflecting on the snow too, I should feel fine."
orange-plane-boy — 08/29/2021 11:42 PM
"Ohh- thats why you were more chill tonight? And when there is bad weather? You dtay like that the whole day??"
purplecraze — 08/29/2021 11:43 PM
"the sun is strong enough, even if it storms during the day. But at night, they're the worst. The first night you were here, it was very cloudy."
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beann-e · 3 years
Far Off Crushes
Mattsukawa Drabble pt.2 ( click here for part 1 )
I’m not sure why this took me so long sorry for the wait !!
“ uh — so what do we do now “
“ the fuck if I know “
Your body shook as he made eye contact with you almost trying to see if something had happened in your last class for you to become an asshole like this out of no where
He smiled softly when you looked away and shook your head causing your face to light up in confusion.
Today had not gone like you planned at all.
You originally planned to end your day walking out of school with your best friend mattsukawa while he preached to you about your beauty and how much he adored you maybe even stopping and buying you some flowers on the way home
but for some reason you found yourself still stuck in your last class with a tall male, blonde striped hair, and a horrible attitude staring down at you “ I did my part right I asked you out so “
your eyebrows furrowed as you cut him off “ so “
He shook his head at your remark “ so why are you acting like a prick right now ? “
your face morphed into annoyance looking away from him to try to calm down he hadn’t done anything wrong but you needed something—someone to blame something to say that you weren’t at fault for all these unexpected mistakes that popped up in your plan “ so”
“ so don’t you also have to do some shit too ? A part to play ? why the hell am I doing all the work here “
you sighed you knew this was gonna be hard you weren’t sure how your personality’s had meshed together so well earlier.
All you knew is that for some reason right now he was annoying you because one he wasn’t mattsukawa and two he wasn’t mattsukawa
“ let’s just —let’s go home ok “
“ finally a good fucking idea —getting tired of just standing here“ he nodded slowly as he sipped the milk box he held in his hand.
He was honestly a bit more confused than you were he thought it was normal to be nice to your crush but if it was then why did it seem like you two had suddenly traded personality’s. You the asshole he really didn’t want to be around and him the submissive schoolgirl. He thought it would be better if he didn’t come on too strong , limited his cursing , and talked to you regularly but that clearly wasn’t working.
now he was shitting his pants at the fact that he would have to actually talk to you and then on top of that work up the courage to curse at you someone he only found himself wanting to spoil.
“ you have to move out of the door way first “ your face went deadpanned looking up at your new ‘boyfriend’ who jumped in his shoes moving over as far away from you and the door as he could causing you to scream out “ not that far you ditz I don’t have fleas“
he scoffed walking behind you your bodies heading for the exit as you stopped at the door him running right into your back holding your shoulders so you didn’t fall over from the impact
His eyes widening when you didn’t move to open it “ uh “ his eyes roamed over your face his own morphed in pure confusion why would you just stop in front of the door after just telling him not too long ago to move away from doors.
“ the fuck are you doing “
you growled “ your suppose to open the door for me ‘boyfriend’ “
“ w-what “
“ it’s gentlemanly y’know “ you looked to the door sadly “ and mattsukawa used to do it for me “
“ one i swear you just made that word up the fucks gentlemanly and two ok —what do I do with that information “ his eyebrows came together in a furrow as he looked down on you visibly confused “ you do know i’m not going to do everything that your perfectly capable of doing on your own just because we’re dating now right ? “
you felt your body flame as you pushed the door open by yourself the boy behind you racing to keep up with you. Screaming profanities as every door you opened smacked him in the face because you only opened it enough to let yourself through.
“ god such an— “ his mouth snapped shut as you turned around and drilled your stare into the side of his face.
The quiet air swirling around between you two the wind howling before you heard his voice become softer.
your mind slowing when you finally landed on a thought that’s been stuck in your head since he showed up at your last class earlier ‘ wheres the smart alec asshole from the hallway —why’s he acting so —so sweet ‘
“ psst “
your head turned to look his way before turning back around “ hey y/n “ you groaned giving him just a little bit of your attention
“ look “ his hand came down on your shoulder patting you gently as you followed his finger that was outstretched to point at the animal across from you two “ a puppy “
your face lit up in excitement as he stared down on your child like state his heart beating rapidly when his gaze finally fell to your eyes that were gleaming with interest.
His own darting around your face as if stuck in a trance watching as the wind comb over your features your smile one he wanted to see all the time.
‘ they like what I like ‘
His mouth flying open without his permission “ so pret—puppy— let’s go see the puppy “
“ wh-what no we can’t ju— “
“ let’s go see the puppy “ you jumped he obviously wasn’t one to take no for an answer and that was clear when his offer seemed to turn into more of a demand than a request you nodded as if he could see you his body already across the schoolyard and making it’s way to the park.
Your mouth moving to scream out stop when you saw him touch the dog without permission his hand already coming onto the top of the dogs head softly “ hey you cant ju— “
His face never changed as he pulled back the finger that the dog bit only to smile at the red that moved across his skin and fell to the grass. Holding out his hand showing where he’d been hurt. Eyes coming up to look at the owner “ shots ? “
the owner shaking their head as they spoke “ knew he could fend for himself so I let cha’ do it “
your ‘boyfriend’ smiled as he stood “ he’s got a little spark — like em “ he turned back to look at you before he squatted again hands on his knees “ come ‘ ere “
you looked at the boy in confusion before you looked to the owner “ come on “ you glared at the male that sat next to the dog before following him letting out a small apology to the owner that went unheard as he paid more attention to his phone instead of the two high schoolers that were attacking his dog with their hands.
You moved to sit on the grass staring at the dog in front of you that just stared back your eyes never leaving his. The two of you almost having a conversation through your eyes.
A loud laugh rippling from the ground up and through your body “ the fuck are you doing ? “ the boy beside you screamed both the dog and yourself turning to stare him down “ what are you ? having a staring contest with — with the dog ? “ he busted out laughing as he thought back to your behavior a couple minutes ago
“ here look this is you “ he moved to stare at the small animal before you two. His eyes hard and serious as he tried to stop the laugh that threatened to leave his lips
He wouldn’t stop staring until he heard you laug—
“ oh god shutup “ you laughed causing him to relax and finally let himself laugh when he felt your hands outstretch and push him over to the ground “ it’s not like he can talk or anything how else are we suppose to y’know communicate “
“pet him you doof “ he smiled as he looked to the dog in front you flailing his hand towards the animal as he spoke “ pet him y/n he’ll respond better to a nice person like yourself than he did me “
your eyebrows creased before you nibbled your bottom lip “ swear it “
he smiled softly before holding out his pinky to you. Your eyes widening at the childish motion before laughing softly reaching out your own and wrapping it around his
“ swear it “ he spoke loud enough for you to hear but soft enough for you to hear he meant every word he said regardless of the sharp edge and bass his voice held
you felt the nerves in your body electrify before a hand inched it’s way across the grass ghosting over your own hand feeling your hesitation “ may I “
you nodded as he took your hand in his own squeezing lightly to calm your jumpy fingers before he guided you to the dog his hand wrapped around yours as he directed it up and down—guiding it softly around the puppy’s fur. Your mouth quirking up in a small smile when the dog whimpered in approval and turned over on its belly “he’s — he’s cute “
the owner turned to look between you and the boy that sat next to you “ yeah he’s a friends actually “
you nodded “ your friend has great taste“
he smiled “ yeah I like to think so— actually thinking about him right now he’s got quite the eye for pretty things “
you and the taller boy next to you spoke at the same time both of your eyes on two different thing when speaking “ yeah “
you moved to stand up as you made eye contact with your boyfriend who nodded in understanding before he led you back to the street to walk you home.
the mood created by the dog left behind and now traded for a dry and quiet one as you two walked a distance away from each other you playing with your hands as he pushed his own deeper in his pockets
“ hey look “ you gulped heavily at his voice forgetting how deep and heavy it was “ look— I — i’m not like mattsukawa I know it I understand it “ he nodded to himself trying to get it in his head “ I don’t think i’ll ever be on that level personally and — well physically“
you listened not turning around so that you didn’t make him nervous “ but “ his voice went hard “ I can try I can try to be what you want me to be — who — who you want me to be if you just —just give me a chance—please I— “
your eyes widened as you moved to speak causing him to realize that he was just begging in the middle of the street his hands sweaty while gripping at his backpack straps “no—no just “ he sighed “ just leave it alone this shit got way too fucking emotional too quick “
“ but why “
he grunted “ didn’t I just say leave it the fuck alone “
“ but I don’t wanna “
“ you don’t listen “ he rolled his eyes “ kinda hot kinda “ he dropped his voice to a whisper “ pisses me off “
“ mm “ his eyes darted to yours before looking away
“ look your good ok “ your voice croaked out making his brain swirl as he listened to you speak letting you melt away all his doubts “ i’m sorry i’ve been a little bit of an asshole “
“ a litt— “ he laughed before coughing “ uh yes i’m sorry you’ve been really um wonderful y/n“ he coughed again fixing his uniform before following after you
“ it’s just today didn’t go how I expected at all and now i’m just i’m here with a guy I don’t even really know and I can’t help but be a little pissed off that I lost my best friend and crush all in one day — I just —don’t think I blame you or I’m upset or pissed at you just“ you looked to the ground “ just a really crappy day “
“ yeah no I totally understand “ he took a big gulp as he loooked to you his body finally stopping and taking a deep breath “ y-y/n can — can I — I have something to te— “
“ hey wanna come in “ you put the key in your door flinging it open smiling back at the male not hearing anything he’d just siad “ ‘ rents aren’t home and I — “
you shook your head “ I kinda don’t wanna be alone think i’m gonna cry or spazz if I am “
he looked around the street before turning around and staring at the floor face made up in a state of confusion “ o-oh we’re at your — your house “ his eyes went into shock realizing what he got himself into he didn’t think this far ahead “ the place where you eat , study an—“
“ what the fuck are you a reporter why are you out here telling every single neighbor i have what i do in my house “
he smiled softly before accepting the invite waking in and putting his shoes to the side after taking them off
“ sooo this is where you live “ his eyes glanced over towards a wall—-every wall trying to figure out what kind of person you were or even trying to figure out how he’d gotten this far he assumed you would’ve called the whole dating thing off
He wanted to savor this moment before you cut all connection with him. He just wanted one day of doing nothing but spending his time hanging out with his crush maybe then they would finally notice him as the nice kid and not just the asshole from school who screams and sulks in corners
“ ha you say that like you’ve been interested in it forever—do houses really bring you this much joy —what are you an aspiring housewife?“
“ no I just — well I do have something to tel— “
“ god I can’t believe I confessed today “ his face dropped before it hardened him following you while you ran through your house and plopped down belly first on your bed
“ I never thought this would’ve happened I mean look i’m sitting here with you for christ sakes —i assumed i would never see you again“
he moved to sit next to you grabbing your feet hesitantly and laying them across his lap “ I-is there something wrong with me”
“ no no no I just “ you sighed into your pillow “ I just don’t know you “
“ would you y’know like to know “
your brain stopped working at his question —did you wanna get to know this new person next to you ? “ if you don’t wanna know that’s cool I just I know a lot about you and you don’t know about m— “
“ hey can you tell me how you know so much about me “
“ I— I um ? “ he looked away from your back and looked to your room door “ maybe after you find out a little bit more about me “
“ fine “ you huffed “ but you don’t deserve to look into my pretty eyes until you tell me “
your voice dropping into a flirty tone eyebrows wiggling into your pillow as if the male next to you could see them “ their pretty you may just fall in love — so I really suggest just telling me “
he laughed “ no I know — I know but uh I don’t wanna tell you and freak you out because you don’t know me yet—that’d be weird “
you groaned out a small “ fine “ as he shifted uncomfortably in his space looking for a little bit of comfort. He was seriously really surprised he even made it this far he didn’t want to screw up now
“ ok so uh my names kentaro you can call me—“
“ ken “
“ fuc—i mean um sure —i was uh thinking the same thing“ his eyebrows furrowed trying to get used to the new name “ I play on the volleyball team hence why you saw me in the hallway on my way there and fell on me with your extremely heavy body may i add “
“ hey “ you screamed pushing out your foot from his hold and kicking him in his side causing him to laugh and rub at it softly while he spoke
“ yeah and I— I like dogs or animals really “ he smiled to himself hands moving to play with your socks still searching for that comfort he tended to ramble when he was comfortable. Most people assumed he was quiet and reserved but the truth is he just didn’t feel comfortable enough to talk to anyone no one made him want to speak
well no one except you and you made him want to simply because he couldn’t understand you instead of pushing you away like other people he wanted to learn more about you and if that meant breaking down his wall and outside persona god he would do it so fast “ their um sweet and fun and I like that they keep to themselves y’know—their never asking me to do things or yelling at me they just “ he sighed “ chill “
he smiled wider looking at your floor “ did you know my nickname on the team is mad dog “ he scoffed “ honestly used to hate it until I went to the dog park one day I tend to go to calm my nerves —I should bring you one day actually i would love to bring you one day—first date maybe? no wait we’re not really dati— but uh there was a lady there and she yelled out ‘ mad dog ‘ “
he shook his head at the words that just spilled from his mouth silently begging himself to stop he didn’t wanna scare you off
“ so I turned my head and said yeah only to get cut off by a dog barking and running into her arms that day —‘ts weird but for some reason it made me a bit more confident in my nickname not just because of the dog that would be stupid but because I seen how something I thought was made to make fun of me could one day turn into something with love behind it “
he sighed “ that was a horrible explanation—I mean I used to think they were doing it because they were assholes but as time went by I noticed they just really dug giving out nicknames and I was lucky enough to have one—that wasn’t just straight up demeaning like shittykawa “
he smiled softly while his hand traced up from your socks to your legs playing drums on them “ I hope one day i’ll have someone who’ll say the nickname with just as much love as that lady did — the dog they— they seemed so happy and I — I wanna feel it too y’know “
he felt his hands going sweaty and pulled them back off of you not wanting to scare you “ sorry I — I tend to ramble if i’m comfortable because I don— “
“ don’t talk much around people “
“ y-yeah how’d you “
“ same—feels nice to finally get it out huh and just talk without being rude to everyone—when’s the last time you had a proper conversation like this “ you smiled softly your head now turned to look at him body moving to sit next to him both your legs hanging off the side of your bed “ ken your really passionate with your words “
“ oh — oh I am ? “
“ do you show the volley guys this side of you or “
“ yeah right and risk being called soft why the hel— “
“ then why’d you show it to me “ your eyes moved to look into his you were honestly confused you two barely knew each other youd just technically met today as far as you knew. so why did he feel so comfortable of course you were happy for him to finally say what felt like was sitting on his chest for years but
“ kentaro “ his eyes snapped away from their place on your lips with a slight hum “ why did you — why do you feel so comfortable with me “
“ because I — I “ his eyebrows furrowed “ because y/n I love y—” his body jolted when he heard a knock on the front door causing him to ramble “ BECAUSE I LOVE KNOCKING “
your eyes widened at his outburst shaking your head and standing “ fuck I um — I enjoy knocking a lot y’know how it just — it just uh y’know goes knock knock —really cleanses the soul “
you laughed uncomfortably before you left the room him following quietly behind you watching your body slowly get closer and closer to the door “ who is it “ you screamed making your through the house
“ hey babe it’s issei “
“ issei “ you screamed happily kentaros body shaking in fear his mind racing with thoughts and hands sweating like crazy his eyes on the brink of tears.
He could not let mattsukawa in if he let you open that door his chances were over. He felt the whole world slow— he felt his whole world get closer and closer to the thing that would only destroy them feet moving faster than he’d ever thought possible
“ fuck “ he screamed “ people just — I keep getting interrupted “ he huffed “ I-i’m trying and trying and I “
“ k-ken “ you spoke causing him to look up and notice that he had somehow made his way in front of you his back to the hallway leading to the door and blocking It from your view “ what are you tal— “
“ please just — just shutup “ he cringed at his word use he’d been trying all day to be nicer around you he couldn’t ruin it now “ no don’t shutup never shut up just — god fuck — holy shit “
“ t-the big threes “
he laughed “ y/n please i’ve — ive — i’m in love with you “ he spat out quickly and harshly making it feel more like a threat than a good thing.
His words turning into a giant spitball as he stared at the floor arms outstretched “ i’ve been in love with you since first grade and if you wanna count kindergarten I swear I loved the way you nibbled on your crayons “
he shook silently “ middle school started it all I was gonna con— confess but you — you were too focused you liked school at that time and I didn’t wanna be an asshole and ruin it—or even make you sacrifice your grades—in elementary god I was sucha prick but a dumb prick I was an idiot I didn’t understand why I felt the way I felt—it pissed me off so I broke your color pencil “
he was on the verge of tears causing you to soften when you thought back to the angry guy you met in the hallway earlier “ I replaced it I swear I ran to the bucket and tried my best to find a red but I couldn’t it was so hard all the crayons were broken and — and I tried y/n but I couldn’t so I took tape and glue and tried to rebuild it and left it at your desk and it was so worth it to see 3rd grade you showing everyone your cool new pencil “
He took a quick breath before starting again “ and then — then high school came and god fuck highschool that’s when you met that asshole and he — I — I — he knew I liked you it was almost obvious to anybody on that fucking team if they looked closely enough “
he shook his head to the floor as if sitting through his thoughts “ everything mattsukawa did or gave you for your birthday was my doing I was the one texting the group chat and reminding them that it was coming up — every time he took you out for lunch dinner whatever the fuck he did that was all me — I paid —i took you out not him “ he felt his rage seeping out
“ he stole all my ideas for you away from me and then earlier actually tried to steal you from me in my fucking face the nerve of that shitty asshole— “ he scoffed his anger boiling inside and staring to pour over
“all you’ve been doing is talking about him while I have the fattest fucking crush on you and it — it hurts “ his voice was going hoarse body tensing at the knocking that never seemed to stop only pressing harder into his head making him spill everything “ I became an asshole in high school and I — I knew you wouldn’t want me I knew I had no chance so I left you alone but that doesn’t mean I stopped liking you I still did I still do — when I saw you in that hallway earlier I thought it was fate “
he laughed “ and I don’t even believe in that bullshit much less believe that you’ll like me after I show i’m not the tough asshole I pretend to be “ his heart broke “but I do I fucking love you — I don’t know how else to say it how else to make you feel it but I love you — I love you y/n l/— “
his body relaxed and fell into happiness when his eyes slowly dropped and noticed your lips on his.
‘ how long have they been there’
Eyebrows coming together before his hands ghosted around your waist his mind telling him not to smile so he didn’t break the kiss but at the same time telling him to kiss back so he also didn’t break the kiss and trust he never wanted to break the kiss
and oh god he forget that he was suppose to close his eyes he’d dreamed about this for so long so why— why did it feel so different now that it was happening is it because your real is it because that assholes knocking on the door outside waiting to get in.
Is it because he can say that this situation perfectly describes how mattsukawas trying so desperately to get inside your heart but he’s already there stealing the job from an asshole like him yeah that’s it
“ you dick stop smiling “ you pulled back and spoke against his lips
“ I—- I can’t help it your just so “
“ you should’ve told me sooner “
“ I didn’t think you would accep— “
“ no you asshole “ you punched him in his chest causing him to grab hold of it “ that you were the reason why my rose was two different colors in 3rd grade “ you laughed to yourself “ the crayon you gave me was cool yeah but it was orange not red —you gave me the wrong crayon back asshat”
“ I-i’m sorry we can make another one “
your heart warmed “yeah — let’s make that our second date ok “
“ h- huh when was our first “
you scoffed “ as long as you’ve liked me I thought you would’ve remembered every little thing we’ve done together “
his face crinkled into confusion “ i’m sorry I “
“ in middle school we were science lab partners “ you smiled softly “ we dissected a frog together remember“
“ you— you remember “ he laughed “ and how you were cutting it open while I was screaming my head off like a chick “
“ how could I forget “
“ so you knew me this whole time “
“ mm I know the sweet guy that’s standing in front of me right now pouring his heart out to me yeah “ you paused to look up at him “ if your asking if I know the asshole who curses every other word and is just a straight prick to people as a facade then no I will continue to forget him “
he brought his face close to yours his breath tickling your lips “ may I “
“ you ma—- “ his lips locked on yours again causing you to gasp and finally tune out the knocking swirling around your house “ you gonna get that “ he looked to the side “ if you want him to come in he ca- “
“ no I wanna be with you “
he smirked to himself “ then tell the asshole your busy “ he picked you up bridal style your voice loud causing the knocking to stop so the person could listen “ hey douchebag i’m with “ your eyes came to rest on kentaros “ i’m with my boyfriend “
you smiled as he moved to speak “ yeah and he says the only dick allowed in here is his own so give us some alone time yeah so they can fall in love again “ his eyes locking with yours meaning everything he said “ the right way this time “
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
You, Me, and Salsa Nights
Leo Valdez x Reader
A/N: It was brought to my attention that @kwilliamoon thinks my Leo fics are bomb and I love them so much for that. Enjoy, all! 
Word Count: 1.6k 
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After another long-lasting and draining day at Camp Half-Blood, Leo Valdez was finally done with the day. It was Friday, which meant he went through the last of many things for the weekday. He was finished with the last cabin inspection first thing in the morning, greek classes, battle training, various activities and chores, competition, and campfire sing-along, which he was glad to avoid during the weekends, now that he could have the option to dodge the favorite hobbies of the children of Apollo. 
With it being eleven o’clock in the evening, it was curfew time, and Leo felt a wave of relief the moment he crashed into his comfy single-bed. ‘Happy Friday indeed,’ he thought to himself as his eyes closed, breathing in slowly as he tried falling asleep. 
It was only a few minutes past eleven o’clock when Leo’s face wrinkled in disappointment as he frustratingly sat back up, opening his irritated eyes. What was wrong with him? Why did he feel the need not to sleep at the moment? He shook his head and laid his back against the bed again, trying to knock himself asleep once again. He closed his eyes harder, trying to tell his body that it was time to doze off. 
Not even one minute had passed when Leo’s head felt like an erupting volcano. He started grumbling curse words in Spanish as he sat back up again, placing his hand on his forehead. He looked around the room, examining all his half-siblings, who have succeeded in falling asleep unlike him, which made him envious of what they were doing at the moment. Since his body was not up for sleeping, he had no problem getting out of his steel bunk bed, actively, but slowly, to make sure he wouldn’t wake up anybody. 
Luckily for him, he was nearby the iconic fire pole of his cabin, which comes down from the second floor, the floor he was currently at, all the way to the ground floor. He grabbed onto the pole and made his way down to the ground floor, which was always unclean and messy, filled with junk most of the time. 
Leo looked around the room, checking out the workbench with overflew with scrap metal, screws, bolts, washers, nails, rivets, and a million other machine parts. He may have had the energy to get out of bed, but did not have the enthusiasm to do any work, plus, there was another chance of waking anyone up. 
He made his way to the exit of the cabin, which had a lot of gears around, as he slowly opened the door and stood by the entrance of his cabin. He wasn’t scared of getting caught by authorities such as Mr. D or Chiron, because he was a counselor! He could have made a small, white lie and defended himself by saying he thought he heard someone try to sneak out. Besides, he knew a couple of people, cabin-mate or not, who would also be seen, awake at this ungodly hour. 
Leo was leaning by the brick wall of the entrance, looking all the way at Cabin Four, the cabin covered in beautiful flowers and tomato plants, which would grow on the walls and doorway. It wasn’t hard for Leo to find his girlfriend, Y/N, who would be often seen at night, randomly watering the wildflowers and roses, which grow on the porch, as a way to serve her boredom at night. She too was someone who had trouble sleeping like Leo. 
It didn’t take long for Y/N to discover that her boyfriend was up at night as well on that day. As she was watering the flowers, she noticed a small spot of fire from the corner of her eyesight, waving in mad directions. She looked up and turned to see a figure by Cabin Nine, waving around the small spot of fire she could feel from the corner of her eyesight. 
There was a smile on her face the moment she realized that it was her boyfriend Leo, who was the one by the entrance of Cabin Nine. Y/N quickly finished watering the plants and discretely jogged from her cabin to Leo’s. Leo was opening his arms wide, as Y/N’s body crashed with his, hugging him as tight as she could. 
Leo could hear small giggles from her girlfriend, as he pulled away to see that she was smiling happily from her giggles. “Couldn’t sleep again, mi amor?” he obviously asked her, placing a strand of her hair in the back of her ear. 
Y/N nodded, “Guilty as charged.” Leo nodded as well, understanding her. “Me neither. And I even thought today was one of the most tiring days we’ve had,” he complained playfully. 
Y/N laughed at his complaint, “You probably are starting to lack cardio, Valdez,” she sarcastically suggested, “I can’t sleep because I fear I might have nightmares,” she embarrassingly said, “like last night.” She looked down to the ground, contemplating on the nightmare she experienced recently. 
Leo placed a finger on her chin, causing her to look back up at him. “Hey,” he quietly said, “Nightmares aren’t something to be ashamed of. We all get ‘em too, Y/N. Like literally, last week, I didn’t want to tell you this but I dreamt that Festus ate all my scrap metal, which caused me to wake up screaming and waking up my other cabin-mates.”
Y/N’s embarrassed smile turned into laughter as she giggled again, “And is that why I overheard Jake Mason and Nyssa Barrera complain about you last week?” Leo shrugged sarcastically, without an answer, meaning that it was definitely about that. Y/N nodded in understanding, which caused Leo to shake his head, “Anyways,” he said, “I have a proposition for you, mi amor.”
“I’m listening,” Y/N said. 
Leo turned around to open the door to his cabin. He took a hold of Y/N’s hand as he brought her inside his cabin. Y/N hesitantly pulled his hand, which made him turn around to her attention. “Leo, are you sure this is a good idea for me to be in your cabin? At this hour? I think I should get going-”
“Relaaaax, mamacita,” Leo comforted her, placing his hands on her shoulders, “I’m a counselor of this cabin. I’ve got power here.” he confidently assured her. Y/N took a deep breath and gave in, nodding at Leo, who smiled in relief. 
“Okay,” he said, “I need cardio, and you need something to help distract you from thinking about another round of nightmares, right?” 
“Mhm,” Y/N verified, “And what about them?”
Leo grinned with something on his mind as he turned around to switch on the radio he built, turning on an energetic song, but at a low volume, which was perfect for the two of them to hear. Y/N tilted her head, wondering why he did that. “What’s happening, Leo?”
A smirk grew on Leo’s face as he walked closer to Y/N, placing one hand on her waist, and another on her shoulder. “Cuera Maraca y Bongo is happening and I’m going to teach you how to dance the salsa.”
Y/N’s eyes grew wide, but she followed Leo and placed her hands on him as well. “Are you sure this is a good proposition, Leo?” she hesitantly asked him. 
“Again, relax, Y/N/N,” he reminded her, “You’re going to be a natural in this. If my mother taught a hard-headed person like me, then I can teach someone who’s unsure of whether she has the moves in her or not.”
Y/N, as instructed by Leo, rocked back on her right foot to the beat of the song. She smoothly shifted her weight from the front to back to shift her body position. Leo smiled as she cooperated and executed it well. He swung his hips slightly to accentuate the movement, which she willingly followed. 
She didn’t question how smooth of a dancer her boyfriend was, but instead, she focused on becoming somehow smooth of a beginner dancer that night. 
Once the song was finished, Leo and Y/N were still in each other’s arms, looking at each other with admiration. Leo was astonished at how quickly his girlfriend could learn the salsa, as he took weeks to months, learning from the footsteps of his own mother. There was more to learn about Y/N from his point of view. 
From Y/N’s point of view, she was staggered by how excellent of a dancer he was. She was always there when Leo would taunt others, teasing them that they were to be cautious of his ‘sick dance moves’ he kept in his sleeves. She never knew how much of a skilled dancer he actually was, and they were in fact, the sickest moves she ever witnessed. 
It was time to break the silence when Leo and Y/N coincidentally spoke at the same time, expressing, “You’re amazing.” There was awestruck in their reactions, for saying the same thing at the same time, and for bringing out the truth all of a sudden. 
Y/N chuckled, grinning at Leo, “Leo, I never knew how much of a dancer you were. This is definitely something you should show off to everyone here.”
Leo, flattered, shook his head and hands, “No, no, no, as much as I want to show this off, and believe me, I do, since I have the right to,” he teased, “YOU, my lovely girlfriend, should be the one showing off those moves- well, to the girls, definitely NOT the guys here- er- anyways, Y/N, you’re going to be natural in such a quick time, believe me. You have gifts.”
Y/N smiled, “Aw, thanks, Leo.” Then, all of a sudden, her smile turned into a surprised facial expression, as Y/N figured something out. “Leo! I think we just found a way to use up sleepless nights.”
Leo, happy as ever, leaned in and kissed Y/N’s forehead, and said, “You, me, and salsa nights.”
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Cheerleader Captain {HCs}
Includes: Terushima, Oikawa
Authors Note: This is a sort of collab with @lexysclubhouse based on our conversations LMAO, but seriously go check hers out!
If a part 2 is wanted, leave an ask!
Warnings: Cursing
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also hello go check out Lexy’s part of this (collab? Idfk)
you two probably met while he was in practice, but since you’re the cheer captain, you needed to get the last jacket for one of your competitions coming up
so they’re on a water break and they just see a random person come in like
are you lost baby gorl 😏
Terushima comes up to you smirk and all
“Hey gorgeous, you lookin for me?”
You just look up at this man
Bored as hell
And you’re just SILENT
so you go to your coach, and immediately a smile comes of your face
and he’s like oh my god
Angel 🥺
so you talk with your coach, get the jacket and say goodbye to her
jacket w a v i n g in the wind behind you like there’s literally a fan on but there’s not?
you’re just so cool to him
so he has already fallen like
was trying to find you but he can’t
He’s over here thinking you’re a 3rd year from how mature you were
(You’re a second year hehehehe)
so the next time he sees you, YOURE at practice!
His team wasn’t told that their gym was gonna be used for a little before practice
So his team got their early and saw your team doing a routine to “Livin’ La Vida Loca”
the words “I don’t deserve their oxygen” full on came out from his mouth
Like you’re practicing in sweats but shit I mean I’d simp 😳
About 2 weeks later he hears about you guys winning your competition
At this point you kind of know him? Like after that small interaction the cheer team and volleyball team were introduced to eachother
Especially since you were going to be cheering at prelims in 2 months
So the next day he pulls you aside and confesses
Stuttering and ALL
Shit I’d KILL to get flowers from someone
especially him
okay lex not the time
literally the first conversation was about his tongue piercing
And he got REALLY self conscious
like of course you took it out for comps and stuff but for just hanging out you had it in
You look so hot with it to him
so two weeks pass and it’s pre-lims!
At this point you’re one of Johzenji’s favorite couples
Like why didn’t y’all get together sooner you cute as FUCK
So you guys are doing a small routine while Terushima goes up to serve
Now between switching sides after losing the 1st set, you walk up to him
He’s just staring at you smirking
“So, you wanna talk about that serve?”
“OH IM SOOOOORY, my pretty baby was just so beautiful, I couldn’t look away.”
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here’s what I’m thinking
Terushima HAS a cheerleading partner?
Oikawa HAD a cheerleading partner
Your schedules just never lined up and it was a mutual break up!!
You guys broke up about 3 months ago so the awkwardness is basically gone?
Like y’all are friends ya know
And yeah both of you do both still think about it randomly
mostly oikawa 👀
So they’re at practice and you come in SPRINTING
you don’t come out of the office for a while so they end up starting the game
you wanna know who’d up to serve
Oikawa :)
boy serves RIGHT when you come out
Like the universe was like “oh? let’s scare the mother loving SHIT out of ‘em!”
literally hits the wall next to you
like shit
He was already gonna get scolded by iwa
but you?
he comes up to you with his arms behind his back, his eyes obviously terrified
“Do you know what you just did?”
“Yes.” 🥺
“And do you realize what you’re gonna do?”
Homeboy has never eeen this side of you so he’s terrified.
And when you go to walk away he realizes you’re wearing a captains jacket
“Wait, Y/N, you got promoted?”
“Oh, yeah, I tried for it like a month ago.”
he kinda just stares at you walk out like
oIKawA tOoRU
missing my ex?
n e v e r
okay maybe sometimes
so the next time he sees you they’re at the prelims against date tech
And he seems you come in in your uniform
So you guys lock eyes and y’all wave at eachother
you can see his face is r e d so you’re smiling
the game starts, you guys doing simple cheers, but as they get to the transition to the second set, you guys start doing a cheer to “Idol” by BTS that you choreographed
And seeing you as a captain?
he literally paused to stare at you, iwa was like
stan iwa honestly y’all would make fun of him together whenever you guys had time to hang out
So, end of prelims, they lost to Karasuno
And you’ve been to his house maybe a few times when you guys were dating?
so you remember where it is
his mom?
kinda shocked to see you?
especially in a cheerleading uniform since she never realized you did that?
but you were talking about how you just wanted to see him
so you go upstairs and into his room and he’s just in the corner with his alien plushy sobbing
Your heart is breaking at this point for this man
You go and sit beside him, him not really acknowledging you
“Tooru, I’m really really proud of you and what you’ve become. That will not be the last time you’re on a court, and I will make sure it that as long as I live.”.
he turns to you and turns his alien pushy, instead clinging onto you
You can feel your uniform getting soaked, but you run your fingers through his hair anyway, giving him forehead kisses
after a while of crying, he lifts his head to look at you, eyes still very puffy
You look at him back and you give him a small smile
And he puts his hand on your chin
Gotta get that kiss kiss after missing you for so long
so here you guys are at about 2am
Talking about how you missed eachother
“Y/N, I really want to get back together with you.”
“Who would I be to say no to an offer like that?”
You guys go to school the next day
Give the rest of Seijoh 4 sQUEEZES
cuz they deserve it I love them dearly
on Saturday you guys actually went on a date!!
you wanna know what song came on the radio
“Ya know you looked really cute doing this cheer, might want to see it again~”“OIKAWA TOORU I WILL NOT HESITATE TO CRASH THIS CAR”
End note: “Just a Friend to You” begins in two days and I’m v excited! (Once again thank you for 100 notes!) (self promotion ✨) But in all seriousness, please go check out Lexy’s stuff! She’s a great writer and is so sweet ❤️
~ Lex 🖤🤍
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ekel-a · 3 years
Heartbreaks Aren't Easy
You ever seen a movie where the girls falls in love in one month and she’s already picking baby names and planning her wedding coz she found ‘the one’That girl is me! All the time! I love to love! First time I was inlove….I picked flowers, dresses, honeymoon destinations, baby names I even went to one of those baby face apps and matched me and my ex’s faces together  to check if we would have an ugly baby..( I do that in month 2 of dating you Im sorry, I cant take any chances) The apps are sickening accurate, I tried it on my sister and her hubby (I’m sorry Lydia and Rahim, I was just checking) and my niece was so close to the apps prediction image!Yes I love to love and I go overboard sometimes its my bad habit because when you put in such high expectation its so easy to be broken and Oh Lawd was I broken in tiny little pieces when our 2 yr on and off charades ended…I drank a bottle of wine every single night! Every single night! Because I couldn’t sleep! Yes, I was slowly becoming a tinsy bitsy alcoholic….and I would hide when I drink because I didn’t want anyone to know how bad I was doing, I was angry. Very angry. The anger was extreme! I would treat people terribly  I was rude and mean gosh I was toxic! It took me a while to get rid of it, a nun walked up to me at a certain office, I had rudely cut off a line and answered the man infront of me in the worst possible way and left the whole crowd in amazement.. she walked up to me and asked ' Why are you so angry? Forgive them, whoever it is, its not worth it' It was like an epiphany..I moved to another region..traveled all across the region to see what I can do to help the community, involved myself with all sorts of projects to keep myself busy. And Gosh I was busy. But I was still broken angry. And you know the saying ;hurt people , hurt…people' Its damn right accurate. The first guy I dated after that merry go round I messed him up like no ones business. I treated him so bad I cant even bring myself to forgive me for how I treated him till date. Then I noticed, I was doing to him the same things that had been done to me. Pain is a chain. It is.  I was hurt and I was vulnerable and much worse, I was scared, I was scared of every single man I met, I was scared of men in the street I was scared of men at church I was scared of all men, at one point I cancelled out the forever after happy neutral family thoughts that I used to look upto, I didn’t even want to hear it, I told my very born again mother that I don’t think I like men anymore ..long story short …I was in a church having the devil cursed out of me ..Oh mom hahaha… . I didn’t trust anyone and in my little mind I was protecting myself. I build a wall so high even the wind couldn’t come above it.Heartbreaks are hard, they can ruin you….people will think you’re crazy you’re insane. I had a cousin who thought she was helping me by telling me what he was doing, letting me know he was moving on she didn’t even know how hurtful she was being,  I learned, when people are hurt, don’t try help, don’t try give them advice, let them hurt, let them heal and most all. Listen to them..dont give advice don’t tell them what to do. Just listen….I had a friend I used to complain to…every single damn week I call him complaining about how angry I was….He has no idea  but his no judgement listening kept me sane hahaahaLong story short It took me a year to get it together…then the most terrible thing happened. Dating got difficult for me, Its like I went back to the girl who was straight from high school who was nervous when she saw a boy…I had a lot of guy friends mind you, its just ..the dating part. Oh Lawd… I would fidget and stutter and talk without making sense, I was always very nervous…Once I was on a dinner date I dropped the whole plate of food on my dress with my butter fingers  and as I stood up to go get cleaned up I slipped and landed on a piano in the restaurant, I'm just lucky Mbeya restaurants never have big crowds..there were only 2 other people in the restaurant.  It was bad, I was grown woman and I was acting like a teenager..all nervous and fidgety, I wrote him a long message excusing myself and embarrassingly tried to slip out the kitchen door (damn waiter told on me)… he caught me at the parking lot trying to escape I was an inch close to running, luckily the man accepted my weirdness wholeheartedly and we went back inside to finish dinner ...hahaHeartbreak can totally change you..its tough out there when you wear your  heart on a sleeve. So be careful with people’s hearts…But the let me lighten up your heart by telling you  a little story about the one man I love unconditionally ….When I was young,  my father used to give me these tiny little pills whenever I was sick, he used to say they would make me feel better. So whenever I was sick and  from the hospital I would eat my meals take my meds and finish up with the magic pills he specifically got for me whenever I was sick, he used to say they treated everything and anything, this went on till I was 5 years old…until  about  when I was 8, I hadn’t been sick for a while and those pills used to taste so good. So I stayed home that day and played sick, I pulled his leg so he wont go to work I rolled on the floor and cried so hard the neighbors heard, trying to convince him I was sick and  I needed those magic pills, my mother saw right through me she didn’t even give me the time. But my father oh my, he carried me rubbed my tears and demanded they make me soup… felt my forehead and demanded my mother take me to the hospital ..’Oh no Dad I need the pills they will make me better again’ When he declined I started crying and complaining again..’my tummy, my head they hurt so bad, please give me the magic pills’ Gosh I cried so hard, and so he did, he went out to the nearest pharmacy (as he told me) and got the pills. When he got back he gave me one pill. I took it in and sprung up saying I felt  better already. I drank my soup and he asked me if I would be able to go to school tomorrow…I said yes. Whenever I played sick he without argument gave me 1 magic pill. Until I was old enough to forget about them. 10 years later, I was abroad for  college,  my first year, I was walking around in a supermarket and saw something Odd…It’s the pills! I screamed! The pills! I went to the counter paid for them and immediately started to chew em on them..bringing back memories of when I was young...but I was just so curious! What were the pills doing at a super market?? So I asked the lady at the counter..'what are these?'‘They’re  called Tic Tacs!’ She said  I took a picture and sent him an email ‘You knew?’  he called and laughed for 10 minutes straight!Is it too late for  fathers day story?...
0 notes
setsunatama3 · 5 years
Chapter 9: the sunny dragon makes its move and the first day of class
Chapter 9: the sunny dragon makes its move and the first day of class
After a prank well played and a trip to the dorms for a shower. And a change of clothes Naruto headed to his library to get some casual reading done. A few hours later, Kurama walked in and hopped into his lap. "Brat we need to talk." Kurama communicated through their bond. Naruto waited for the fox to continue as he got comfortable. "I know you sensed whatever was in that bunker it felt like the other three signatures we felt when we came to this world, but this one is fading. I would say that this person has about a year or two left at best. What do you want to do about it? This could be the time to complete one of the projects you were working on."
However, before Naruto could give his answer, the door was blown off the hinges by a furious blonde dragon. Running over to Naruto, she lifted him by his collar. Cocking her arm back for a blow. with red in her eyes, she growled." explain what you did to my sister now!"
"Ah, you mean the seals I used or do you mean the training because I don't understand what you're so mad about."
Yang was about to punch naruto for his answer when a red missile tackled into a book shelve the enraged dragon yelling," Yang no it's a misunderstanding!" 
"gahh, Ruby, what do you mean!" Yang wheezed out ribs now hurting due to the slight girl's impact. and the books that fell on the pair.
Seeing the mess, he would now have to clean up and lamenting the fact that he could not use his clones lest he shows even more of his hand. Naruto let out a long sigh and slapped a seal on the two using his chakra with just a touch. Quickly using the halve ram seal the girls found themselves sitting in seiza hands behind their backs and unable to move. Naruto Pinched the bridge of his nose. He was determined to get to the bottom of this as the rest of team RWBY walked in. 
Naruto pointed to the only level headed ones in the room." explain now please the princess." 
"Well, when we finally made it back to our room after learning how to walk no thanks to you again. Ruby explained her haggard state to Yang and what seals you put on us and how you applied them. But I am betting she stopped listening at the point where we had to strip our tops. And that was when Yang stopped listening and came after you like a bull seeing red. And we followed trying to stop her." as Weiss continued to explain the situation Yang had time to calm down and realized that she was in the wrong. Cursing her protective streak after seeing the damage to the door and realizing that she had kicked in the door to get in here in the first place had most likely damaged the door and wall as well.
Letting out another sigh naruto turned to the pair and said." look this is just one big misunderstanding, and I am going to let you go ok don't worry about any damage I'll fix it later."
Getting nods from the two he added." since the two of you are here, I can give you the training seals as well so what do you say blake, Yang?"
"ok, sure."
 Leading them to his room to get his supplies, he showed them to the bathroom so they could get towels to cover themselves and had blake lay down on his bed first. "Since I don't know what your stamina and strength are at, I will only be giving you my standard three rings."
As he drew the interconnecting rings around each of her wrists Weiss was hovering over him analyzing the design of the characters as the went up to Blake's arms and lead to a sigil on her back then he connected them to seals on her legs placing a bloody digit in the center sigil on her back. He finalized the seal, making the script flow back into three interconnected rings like spirals. On her arms and legs and the sigil morphed into Blake's emblem. Repeating the process for Yang as he added four circles and the control sigil on her back. Now with questions, as he left the room, Wiess followed letting the girls get dressed in peace. 
"Naruto I have a few questions about your seals. And I was wondering how they compared to my glyphs? "
"Well, Weiss how exactly do your glyphs work? Do you have to assemble them yourself or do you think it and bam your aura does the rest for you?" thinking on the questions that naruto had asked her Weiss paused for a moment then answered. "For ones I am most comfortable with, I can summon the effects without much thought. But for more complex ones they take time and practice. I also need time for experimentation for new glyphs then there is the different effects dust has on my glyphs." her eyes widened a bit at the implications of how similar the two abilities where.
"We're going to have to talk about this later we have so much to go over naruto." Weiss then left muttering theory to herself. 
As blake and ruby left Yang was standing there nervously," hey i-is there anything I can do to help?
Walking up to his desk, he pulled out his sealing supplies. "this won't take too long to fix that the beauty of seals, although this is a temporary fix. Would you like to watch then we can make dinner and get the others." 
Walking down to the door, he started his work as Yang looked on in amazement. In about ten minutes, the wall and door were back to normal. 
After walking into the kitchen, naruto started to pull the ingredients out from the fridge. and wanting to be useful, Yang asked. "what can I do to help?"
"Well you can put on the other apron and wash the rice there is a rice cooker over there in the cabinet to your left." 
With a smile, Yang did as instructed as he pulled out a whole salmon and started to descale and debone it in just minutes. Getting more instruction, she began to work on the miso soup as he quickly diced and shredded cabbage and pickled radish and carrots for a slaw. As they finished, he grilled the fish and asked Yang to get everyone for dinner. 
By the time that Yang had arrived with everyone. The plates where set and food was on the table again. With everyone eating and had a good time all around. The food was so good Ruby was stuffing her face like an adorable chipmunk. After finishing dinner, Yang went to help clean up. Soon after finishing the dishes, Yang pulled Naruto off to his room as everyone was hanging out watching tv or in the library playing a board game.
 Noticing her stiff posture and the fidgeting the girl was doing.” Yang what's wron-." before he could finish his question, Yang pulled him down and kissed him. Instinctively he deepened the kiss and held her in his arms. Making out until the need for air became overwhelming and the two separated for air. "Naruto'' I love you. You treat me like a woman rather than some trophy. And I have never felt this way about anyone el-." before she could say anymore naruto interrupted her.
"Yang we cant you don't even know me, and there are things about me you don-."
Angry at the rejection, she kissed him to stop Naruto from speaking. "Yes, there are things I don't know, but I don't care. And I won't care even if you were my dad's age. You should know by now I'm greedy and(kiss) I take what (another kiss) I want and (kiss) I never let go. So foxy you're stuck with me!" grinning as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Taking her arms from around his neck, Naruto closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "there is no way for me to talk you out of this is there?"
"Ha not on your life Foxy!." Yang chirped going in for another kiss before naruto stopped her. Pressing his two fingers to her lips, he looked her in the eyes and said. "If you want this then there is something you need to know first." walking over to his desk Naruto moved the chair out of the way and pressed his hand to a seal underneath the desk. He Retrieved a large scroll. Setting the open scroll on the counter. He turned to her and took her by the hand and led her to the scroll.
"This is my clans scroll it shows every member of my clan since before it founding as an official clan it automatically updates itself showing my relation to the sage." pointing to the line on the scroll that shows his relations. Then he showed her  his name on the scroll. "this is me and these where my wives and children."
Taking a step back at the revelation, Yang tried to come up with a logical answer for the information naruto had given. "ok so you're like a thousand years old or something. And you had three wives?" "I'm 157, and I had three at the same time due to clan laws and politics," Naruto added.
"Right so three at the same time because of politics and rules. Heh, I certainly know how to pick em. Like I said earlier Foxy your mine even if I have to share. They will have to be mine as well." Yang surged forwards,  her lips found his. They soon broke apart, and the grinning blonde took a step back, putting her hands on her hips and made her intentions clear. "even if you don't love me yet. Naruto Uzumaki your mine and I'll have to make you fall in love with me! It just looks like I have to make some plans of my own."
 Yang then strode out of the room, leaving a dumbstruck blonde behind.
Later that night in team RWBY dorm after Yang snuck back in.
"I know your awake Yang." turning over in her bed; Yang came to face the princess of her team. "You were alone with naruto for a long time. What did you say to him?" Weiss questioned the blonde. Grinning to the snowy-haired beauty, she got out of her bed and crept over to Weiss's bed and told her. "it's simple I just told him how I feel, and I am guessing you feel the same if so your not going to have much luck. But for what it's worth may the best woman win!" she then leaned down and kissed Weiss knowing that a challenge would only prove to entice the girl into rash action and drive her insane slinking back to her bed, leaving the stunned girl speechless. unknown to the pair a blushing raven-haired bow wearing girl had heard everything. 
The next morning found teams RWBY, AACM rushing to class as Ozpin and Glynda stood by.
Now in professor ports class, Grimm studies as the man droned on about stories from his youth. All Naruto could get was "in my day blah blah blah blah scary grim dead now blah blah." to him it was more like the man liked to hear himself talk. Before class had ended the professor had asked his students," now who among you feels that they have what it takes to be a true huntsman?" raising her hand in response Weiss declared," I do sir!"
"Excellent step-down and meet your opponent." stepping down to the front of the class, she saw the rumbling cage containing a Grimm of some kind. After prepping her self and drawing her rapier Myrtenaster.her teammates cheered her on "fight on" Blake cheered waving a little flag and Yang cheered "go, Weiss," and ruby exclaimed, "yah represent team RWBY." Annoyed at the cheering, "Ruby, I am trying to focus!" Weiss yelled. As the professor's ax came down on the lock breaking it and unleashing the Boarbatusk Grimm. Now free it began to charge Weiss who dodged out of the way and made a glancing blow to its flank as she avoided .rushing in for a frontal assault she clashed with the tusks of the Grimm. Getting her rapier stuck in the tusks, hearing ruby cheering again Weiss lost focus and was disarmed and thrown away as she was separated from her weapon. As the beast charged at Weiss, she jumped out of the way running for her sword as it hit one of the desks. as she reclaimed her sword ruby had exclaimed," Weiss goes for its belly there is no armor there!" 
"Stop telling me what to do!"
Setting up one glyph in front of her and above herself as the Grimm made another rolling charge. It rammed straight into a  glyph that reflected the beast. And Weiss jumped on the glyph that turned black, and she shot herself forwards impaling the Grimm on her sword. Killing it leaving it to disintegrate into dust as class ended. And Weiss left without saying a word. 
 Making his way out of the classroom naruto caught the tail end of the argument between Weiss and ruby "- Ozpin made a mistake." Weiss then walked off. Walking up to the now distraught reaper naruto comforted the girl. "Its ok ruby it's only been a day, and I am sure you will grow to be an excellent leader. Weiss wasn't made the leader because she doesn't know how to lead; she was not made leader because she doesn't know how to follow. Like you will grow to be a leader, she will grow too in her ways. I've got to go now red" patting ruby on the head. Naruto handed her off to Sarada and her team. Then stalked off to find Weiss. Ozpin hid just around the corner,  listening in on the conversation and was impressed at what the young man's insight. Knowing that the two would now need more investigating. 
After a brief search, he found Weiss in a stairwell leading up to a balcony. Following her up, he walked out onto the balcony sneaking right beside her he said, "it's a nice view is it not." 
Hearing his voice when she had come up here to be alone had Weiss nearly jumping out of her skin. "Ahh… do you have to do that?!"
"Weiss we need to talk about you and ruby. And I just need you to listen to a story of mine. I'll do anything you want after ok?" noting the lack of the nickname she had grown fond of since they had started over she simply nodded her approval.
"Weiss, you and Ruby, remind me of the relationship I had with my best friend, Sasuke. We were rivals to the very end. Pushing each other to be our very best. You wouldn't believe it, but at first, we were like you and ruby. He was a skilled prodigy, and I was the idiot who didn't have much more than pure grit and determination," naruto said with a sad smile.
Looking out towards the sunset, naruto leaned on the rail and continued his tale. 
"You know we had our ups and downs a lot of downs. But I know that I would have given my life if it meant that he could live even another minute longer. Just like he did for me, there was an attack on our village and to save the village and my life he chose to die in my stead. So I could help push back the attackers. That day his sacrifice saved many lives. The point of this story. Is that I don't want you to end up like my godfather and his team. The first was a prodigy who became so obsessed with the knowledge that he became a criminal delving into the darkest of depravity. The medic of the team became a drunk who gambled away fortunes due to loss after loss. My godfather became so obsessed with his work and finding his best friend turned bitter enemies that he never visited me until I was thirteen."
My point is that we all have choices to make, and you need to give ruby the chance to make them and follow. I am sure that you are a good leader but have you ever had to follow. Or make a tough choice? It's only been a day to give her time.
Nodding in response
"So you said you would do anything I asked right?"
"Y-yea I did," naruto said cautiously trying to figure out what the girl wanted from him.
Blushing up a storm Weiss made her demands thinking to herself." I won't let Yang beat me! fortune favors the bold." taking her first step to winning she stood up one hand on her hip and pointed the finger at Naruto and declared, "I want a date naruto just like yang, and I want you to be mine."
She then lunged forward to kiss him, and in her haste, she tripped over her own feet. And headbutted naruto as he caught her in an attempt to readjust for another kiss. "so next Friday after class I'll take you to vale?" naruto asked, holding his nose.
Panicking with embarrassment Weiss tried to check his nose. After assuring that he was ok, she blushed from head to toe as he kissed her forehead." later princess its a date then." Naruto left the girl frozen in shock and headed down the stairs.
Walking far enough that he would not be overheard. Kurama came and lept on to his shoulder.
"I made it down to the source of that power we sensed and it's a person. I don't like that man he's hiding something."  
Sighing Naruto frowned not liking the situation.naruto sent a message to Sarada through their bond." Sarada oz is hiding things from us, and it's not looking good."
"... ok, what is our response going to be ." 
"We will wait and watch for now ." after giving his mental affirmation, he continued his walk down the stairs Heading to the dorms to study.
Getting a knock on his door naruto got up from his desk and opened the door." how can I help you Yang." not saying anything she just grinned and pushed him into the room and closed the door. "can you do that thing to the door you did last time? I have a few questions." in response naruto formed the halve ram seal the room flashed briefly and was sealed in a privacy barrier. "There we can talk freely." naruto said after leading her to sit on his bed.
Nodding Yang began her questions." so what exactly are you?"
Naruto grimaced, Thinking about how to answer this simple question made his head hurt.as technically he was human. Deciding that the best course of action was to start with the beginning.
"Well, to start with to understand what I am is simple yet extremely complicated. I am human, yet I am so much more. The book Blake was reading from my library is an extremely edited version." and so naruto began his tale. Telling her about his childhood, the origins of chakra, Biju, his past since he became a shinobi. And about the sage of the six paths and finally his best friend and brother Sasuke. Then finally how he was banished.
 "So no aura but something called chakra. And your an alien to. And oh yay the most potentially powerful being is an extremely lazy fox .who I might add he likes to nap and is doing so in the corner." as Yang continued to complain about how unfair it was that she had such a complicated boyfriend. Naruto silenced her by kissing her and pulling her into his lap as they made out.
"I'm still not happy about more work, but I could get used to this."
"If it makes you feel any better, I am independently wealthy." blinking in disbelief, she asked." how exactly?"
Ah well you know how I said my godfather was a perv well he wrote books, and when we came here, I published the series here. Icha Icha Paradise is the name of the series, and it's under the pen name Gama Sennin." naruto said nervously.
"No way! My boyfriend is my favorite author." Yang squealed and tackled him and began a heavy makeout session. 
The two stayed cuddled like that for about an hour before Yang spoke again. "So did the princess make her move yet?"
Naruto froze looking at her gobsmacked an eye twitching." I didn't think anything of it at the time, but it was you who put her up to it wasn't it."
With a cat that ate the canary grin on her face, she just kissed him again. And chirped, "yep" before hopping out of his lap and walking towards the door. Knowing she had to go, he released the seal, and she opened the door, and naruto escorted her to her room. "You know that I will be forced to get you back for this," Naruto whispered in her ear before nipping the lobe and running his hand down her back. Sending shivers down her spine. She sulked, knowing that she would need a cold shower now grumbling to herself on how unfair it is to get her all revved up like this and just leave.
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 7 years
Lucas would 100% fight cuddles, but secretly love it. Yes. Give me attention. Give me love. But not in public, also I WILL shove your clingy ass to the floor if someone comes in. Gotta reputation to uphold. But ahhh later, k?
I am so down for this headcanon, Anon. In fact, I got a bit inspired and wrote a little one-shot for this. Hopefully, someone gets a kick out of reading it as much as I did writing it.
Zoe didn’t spy on Lucas all that much, not after that one summer in ‘09 when she found out that her older brother liked to masturbate to German, humiliation porn…the results of which hadn’t been her proudest moment. Probably shouldn’t have thrown a stack of VHS’s at his pale, shamed face until he’d caught an edge of one naked tape in the temple and started bleeding. The way she’d handled that night may have ended up giving him a complexion he probably didn’t deserve, but alas, she’d kept her nose out of his business after that. At least she’d apologized for it the next day, much to both of their embarrassment.
This time was different, though. Lucas, at the ripe age of twenty-seven, had his first girl over…he’d snuck her in when the house had gone quiet after dinner and the only way Zoe knew about it was because she’d forgotten to water the ferns outside the trailer and had gotten a quick look behind the crack of her door as Lucas was inputting the codes on his ‘Fortress of Solitude’, with the chick and her tight ass beside him; hands in her pockets.
Drop the fucking mic! - a real live, not-blown-up-with-plastic-skin girl?!
Zoe couldn’t believe it. What sorta bet had this chick lost?
No one in their right minds would have wanted to spend a second alone with that creep and yet Zoe had sat in her trailer all night waiting for the door of the barn to swing open, signaling that the girl was leaving…or that Lucas was disposing of a corpse. It sounded funny at the time, but after several hours Zoe got worried; a curious, concerning type of worry for her brother and the poor girl he’d brought home under the cover of darkness
She threw on a jacket, zipped it up to her chin and dragged the rusted crowbar from under her bed before bracing the cold, ready to crack open the second-floor vent and bypass that stupid lockdown he had on the front door. All the cacophony of bugs and swamp frogs had died down last week thanks to the cold air, but fat bats were fluttering overhead as Zoe stepped carefully across the backyard. A light upstairs on the main house was still on - her parent’s room. Her nose wrinkled, knowing what a light on after midnight meant. It was mighty dandy that her Mama and Daddy still liked each other like that, but hell…was everyone getting laid but her in this damn place?
Don’t even go there; she told herself, ignoring the pervasive image of her family members fornicating. Gross. A stray moan from somewhere on the property made her stop and grimace. Double-gross.
It must have been over a year since she’d last snuck into Lucas’ hidey-hole, and the last time had been to steal her VHS player back. She hadn’t run into him then, but now, as she swung the vent open on it’s screaming hinges, she wondered what the fuck she was going to do if she saw somethin’ illegal going on. Call the cops? - on her own brother? No, she didn’t think he was actually capable of anything serious like rape or murder…even if he was probably the kinda guy that got off on that shit. Trying not to think too much about what she was stepping into, Zoe shoved her legs through the opening and slid down the metal wall with nary a sound. Living a life with the kinda family she had at least made her good at sneaking around like this.
Rarely did she get caught.
There was a vibrating pulse under her feet and the distant sound of…what - was that her ‘Black Keys’ CD?
That fuck-face…she’d been wondering where that had run off too. Lucas and his sticky fingers. It wasn’t something he’d have ever listened too. It didn’t have enough gutter bass to it for his liking, so it must have been something for the girl which only peaked her curiosity all the more. If she liked the ‘Keys,’ she couldn’t have been that bad…right?
His door was cracked, casting a thin, widening triangle of light over the dusty concrete floors. Zoe could hear a couple of grunts; male grunts…not overtly sexual but it still made her pause and frown, wondering if this was worth the possibility of seeing her gross brother in a compromising situation again.
‘Knock it off will ya?!’
That snarl was her brother alright; Lucas with a stick up his ass, but the short, female giggle that followed it only proposed more questions. What the hell was going on behind that door that would leave Lucas as the one complaining?
Zoe always had thought he was one of those self-hating gay guys, trying to cover up their own hangups with body language that suggested he had coal turning to diamonds up his ass. Ugh, bad thoughts again. She needed to stop that before her dinner of pork chops and collard greens came back up.
Through the cheap door and a sweet drum solo, Zoe heard Lucas emit a long, defeated growl. Her brows pinched, and against her better judgment, she took a few soft steps towards the door.
Thankfully Lucas hadn’t changed the layout of his shithole since the last time she’d ‘visited.’ Everything was where it’d been when she’d busted the door down and ripped her VHS outta his system a year ago…except he’d apparently bought a new player since then. The TV on the floor flickered that skeleton army scene from ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ on mute…highlighting the baffling sight of Lucas with a red, frozen face and that cute girl wrapped around him; arms and all. The chick was practically glued to him with her face buried in his neck and rubbing her nose into folds of his hood as he grumbled.
It was…kinda cute, actually.
Zoe watched her brother deflated under the forced affection; saw his mouth twitch at the corners, smiling just before the girl lifted her face up and gave his hard jawline a wet raspberry. Lucas jumped, arms trapped at his sides and cursed over the music, throwing himself back into the sofa cushions. The girl fell with him, laying over his body in a pair of tight jean shorts and a tank top with some band’s logo printed in white on the back - it looked like a goat man with a huge cock…but Zoe couldn’t tell for sure.
“Why ya gotta be such ah’ clingy bitch all tha’ damn time…” Lucas hollered, wiggling around her embrace until she laughed, making him go red again; brows up. Zoe watched with a tight mouth as the girl leaned in and gave her brother’s nose a quick kiss, only to shove her head up under his chin and squeeze him all the tighter.
“Don’t play coy, Lucas,” she said into his chest - somehow Zoe could make out the words over the din of music, “I know you like this.” - and as if to prove her point Zoe had the skinny view through the door crack of this crazy chick as she rolled her hips down into her brother’s crotch. Zoe could appreciate the female form, hell…she’d been with a couple of ‘em before, and she had to admit the girl had a nice ass as it clenched while her hips canted downwards.
“…shit…c-can ya’ do that again?” Lucas asked, sounding so small and pathetic and oh-shit, Zoe had always thought he was, but now she knew for sure that her older brother was still a green- virgin! Unable to choke it down, Zoe laughed without a filter - loud and unrelenting and not giving a shit that she’d blown her position. Another part of her was just relieved the whole thing she’d been worried about was all around as innocent as it could be - too innocent for a guy on the ass end of his twenties.
“Shit!” Zoe heard Lucas shout as her eyes squeezed shut under a greater heave of laughter.
It was funny! - how could she not swing the door open and watch, with even greater relish, as Lucas sat up and toss his girlfriend on the floor? The girl fell off almost gracefully, gasping hard before settling back on her elbows; almost as if she’d been kicked off a dozen times already and knew how to drop and roll like a pro by now. That also, in of itself was hilarious.
Zoe clutched her stomach and choked on another fit of laughter while Lucas raised his knees up, trying to hide the obvious boner in his pants.
That high-tension look was back in place, like a lock latching back. Zoe would feel guilty for fucking up a rare moment for him later that night, but right then she was enjoying the look of embarrassed hatred on his face while his ‘girlfriend’ stared over at her with wide, green eyes and a flushed face. Hell…if and when she was done with her stupid brother Zoe might try and hit that, but anyone weird enough to go for someone like Lucas probably had bigger problems than he did.
There, on the floor, clearing away the shocked expression, the girl sat up on her knees and smiled, “Y-you must be Zoe…bad circumstances but it’s ah’ pleasure to meet ya, I’m-”
“She’s ‘Jus’ Leaving,‘” Lucas butted in, folding his arms over his lap; head on his shoulders with a cast-down expression under the hood. He looked like someone had stolen his ice cream cone or something, which cut through Zoe’s mean pleasure enough to remind her off the ol’ days when they were just kids, shitty and inseparable.
Yeah, Zoe felt guilty about it, but to ‘Jus’ Leaving’s’ credit, she didn’t take it personally. There was something real fucked up about a girl that could lean in and kiss a guy’s cheek who’d just thrown them off onto the floor, who then proceeded to be a dick about it…
Zoe wasn’t allowed to walk the girl out, but Lucas shoved her shoulder once they were outside and dug his fingers into his ‘girlfriend's’ arm, pulling them across the yard without a single word. The chick gave a short wave Zoe’s way, which she returned with a baffled look no doubt. The whole thing was like somethin’ out of ‘The Twilight Zone’…parallel dimensions…or Stockholm syndrome, maybe. Lucas couldn’t have gotten someone that understanding and hot otherwise.
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