#cant play somebody w a victim complex without furthering it for fun
judvs · 2 years
𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽  :  shrieking shack, hogsmeade  !
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“what the...” there was, of course, many an explanation for why the rotten door of the second floor bathroom refused to open for marietta after she had taken her ( much needed ) five minute breather and attempted to rejoin the party. the lock was rusted, the hinges stiff, the bottom of the door had gotten stuck against a decaying floorboard or loosened nail... you name it and, sober, she would’ve entertained them. liquored up and already on edge, the unpleasant jolt of her heart in her chest when the door refused to budge upon tugging was accompanied by what, in her eyes, was a completely natural progression to all out panic. “hey !” raising her voice to a shout in an effort to be heard over the music and general hustle & bustle, and with her wand ( and any spell that might’ve been of use to her ) momentarily forgotten, marietta banged her palms against the door, already considering the idea of bursting her way through if she couldn’t grab the attention of a passerby, “i’m stuck ! is anybody out there ?” 
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