#cant have the risk of him sneaking away and asking someone to call the police!! nuh uh!!
nana2009 · 6 months
you're the only artist i'd ever forgive for femboy karkats i hope you know that because the juxtaposition of a pretty boy karkat with an ANKLE MONITOR is hilarious (and pls dont take this rudely as i LOVE yandere content and am so glad SOMEONES making it in the hs fandom barely anyone has the balls)
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EIUHAJKBSADSH THANKSSS i feel honored </3 cant stop myself no matter how hard i try its automatic reflex the dave strider effect
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someone else also loves seeing karkat with it ;) (and hates seeing without.)
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A True Love The Final Chapter
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Gif credit @yourwonkywriter
Taglist. @nocturnalherb16 @leaalfred. @creepers-baby-girl. @jesseswartzwelder. @writerwithasoul. @glimmerglittergirl. @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @twistnet. @baylishh. @tomhardydallasstarsgirl. @spnaquakindgdom. @mayans-mc. @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo. @withmyteeth. @miss-nori85. @mrsmarvelous1995. @believinghurts
While Nestor talked with his men. Miguel smoked his cigar with a smile on his face. He knew the Mayans had something to do with your disappearance. But he didnt know if they took you or if you ran off with one of them. That stumped him. But he would soon find out.
"Kill them all if you have too. They're no use to me". Miguel told Nestor.
"What about the deal we had with them? Alvarez isn't going to like that".
"You let me deal with Alvarez when the time comes. Just take them out and bring me her". Miguel eyed Nestor. Nestor nodded and went to do his job. He's never seen Miguel like this before willing to kill entire club for a girl when he could have anyone. He didnt understand.
So the plan was set, Ez would take Gilly and Riz with him to Pops to look after you and your family. Angel and the others would take the bodies and the girl they paid off to Nestor at the designated place and time. It all seemed to perfect. Everyone had a gut feeling this wasnt going to work but they all knew the risks.
"You protect her. If anything happens call me. Ill be right here". Angel hugged Ez before leaving.
"Dont worry about us. You be safe".
"So I'll see you when we get back"? Angel grabbed you by your belt loop, bring you close to him.
"Not if I see you first". You both chuckled. You played with his chain on his wallet.
"I'll be alright. Dont worry". He moved your chin up with his hand.
"I'm going to worry. I just need you back home safely. I want more sneaking around". You giggled.
"Oh we'll have to sneak around, here at pops. He has ears like a dog. Plus your moms here and your grandfather. He scares me by the way". Angel chuckled wrapping his arms around you.
"Just come back to me".
"I will. I love you".
"I love you too". Angel leaned down and kissed your lips. Maybe for the last time. He kissed you long and hard. Not wanting it to end.
"I have to go". Angel released your lips and your waist, he grabbed his helmet from Ez.
You blew Angel a kiss before getting into the truck. This might be the last time you see him. It scared you. It was like going into battle and never knowing if you're coming home.
Angel and his guys road off down the street. And you in the opposite direction. You couldnt let this be what it came too. Going into the unknown. You had a plan of your own.
Getting to Pops, he met you outside and greeted you. Your grandfather took a liking to him. He was a simple man and he liked that.
"You can have my room and I'll take the couch". He offered.
"That's kind of you but I cant throw you out on the couch. I'll sleep on the couch or I can just bunk with my little sister". You said with a laugh. She hated sharing a bed when you were kids. She'd hate it worse now.
"If you're okay with that. That's fine with me". He chuckled and went inside the house.
"Hey Ez, where's the bathroom"? You asked.
"Go past the kitchen and it's your first door on the left". He said bringing in the suitcases.
"Thanks". You walked past him and headed in that direction but you made a little detour to the back door and started running. You just hoped Angel hasnt got to Nestor yet.
Angel and the others flew down the highway. The truck behind them carried three bodies. Two male and one female. With a girl passenger in front. His mind raced. He wanted this to work. He needed it to work. He was kinda second guessing his choice. Maybe he should have chose to leave. But it was to late for that. They turned off to the place they were to meet Nestor.
There stood Nestor and five of his guys. Their guns in hand.
"What took you so long"? Nestor asked before they could get off their helmets.
"Had to chase this one down. She wasnt cooperating with us". Bishop started off.
"Was Y/N there"?
"There wasnt any sign of her. Her family said they hadn't seen her in years". Angel spoke up, taking off his gloves.
"They could be lying. Has she said anything"? Nestor pointed to the girl.
"No. We dont think she can talk".
"We dont pay you for your thinking. Get her out of the truck and put her in the van. Now". Nestor ordered.
"Where do you want the others"?
"Bury them here. As long as they're dead she has no place to to go". Nestor got back into his car and waited for them to finish up.
Angel, Coco and Creeper got the bodies out while Bishop watched Nestor making sure he didn't pull something over their heads.
Nestor watched them as they unloaded. He got on the phone to call his boss but Miguel didn't pick up. He figured he was having another one of his fits. Nestor wasnt okay with taking and killing the girl as she sat beside him. He figured he would let the mayans do the dirty work and kill her as well.
"Loza". Nestor barked at the presidente. Bishop went over to the car.
"Take care of her too. We dont need her after all". Nestor opened the door for the girl and she got out.
"What do you want me to do to her"?
"Kill her. She's a witness". Nestor said coldly.
"Fine. After all that hard work and tracking her down. You just want me to kill her"? Bishop had to make it convincing.
"Yes. Bury her with the others". Nestor rolled up his window and his driver took off down the road.
That's exactly what the mayans wanted.
"Here's four thousand. Creeper will drive you where you want to go. Dont come back here dont speak of this to anyone. Okay"? Bishop handed the girl a wad of cash and sent her off to Creeper.
"You think he'll buy it"? Angel came up behind Bishop.
"Yeah. We have this in the bag. Get these bodies buried and let's head out". Bishop ordered and the others started digging.
While Angel's problems seemed to go away, you had yours. Getting back to Miguel's was hard without a car. You had to sneak everywhere. Looking behind your back and watching over your shoulder. His guys were everywhere.
But then you saw the house. You knew a secret way to get in without being seen. It was your only way in and out without Miguel finding out. Going through the woods and finding the back door you sneaked in.
No one was around, which was suspicious. No noise or anything. That's when you knew Miguel knew you were coming.
"Welcome back, Mi Amor". His voice scared you as he came up behind you.
"You look well". You sarcastically said at his appearance. The bags under his eyes. The day old clothes.
"I've been worried about you. Where have you been"? He steps forward, you step back.
"Around". You kept your answers short.
"Well, I've looked everywhere for you. No one has seen you or heard from you. So you went willingly. Because there was no ransom or demands. Just your wedding ring". Miguel tossed your wedding ring at you.
"I needed to get away. I couldn't do this any more".
"Do what? Be loved and cared for. Get everything your heart desired".
"Be afraid of living my life. I couldn't with you. You controlled everything I did. Who I saw. What I wore. Everything. No one should live like that".
"So why did you come back? Maybe to save someone"? Miguel chuckled. You knew he figured that it was a mayan but not which one.
"I came back to end this. To tell you I want out".
"It's not that easy, sweet girl. You and I are joined until death". Miguel stepped forward and grabbed your arm. Squeezing you tight. Angel was going to he pissed once he seen the bruises.
"Let go". You gritted your teeth as you clawed his hand. He pulled his hand back and slapped you across the face. That was the first time he hit you and it was going to be the last.
Miguel jerked you to him by your wrist. "I gave you everything. A nice home. A man that loves you. Nice things. Anything you wanted you got". He yelled in your face.
"Not everything. I needed freedom and I needed someone to love. I never loved you. I have hated you since I met you. That was our wedding. I dreaded to be alone with you".
"You ungrateful bitch". Miguel went to raise his hand again but you saw the gun in his waistband and grabbed for it. He saw it too and went to get it. Both of you struggled for the trigger. It simply went off. Both of you were shocked but only one was shot. The gun fell to the ground and so did Miguel. A gun shot wound to his lower abdomen. Shock on your face.
You stood over him, watching the life drain from his eyes. You knew you should call the police but why they were on his payroll. So you went to the security room and deleted all the tapes for that day. Wiped away any evidence that you were there. Looking at the house one last time, you left all your belongings. All the pictures you had of your family. Everything you had was in there. But that didnt matter. You had Angel and your family back. That's what was precious. So you headed back to Pops. Angel was probably there already. Killing Ez.
"You had one fucking job to do and you screwed it up". Angel yelled at Gilly, Ez and Riz.
They looked all over for you before Angel got back. You were a ghost in the wind. Once again.
"I'm sorry. She couldn't have gone far. She has no car". Gilly piped up but regretted it when Angel gave a death glare at him.
Angel was so angry. He fought for you and now his little brother lost you. He was worried that one of Galindos guys picked you up or worse you're dead. But all his worries changes when he saw you coming up the driveway. Something about you changed. Your hair was free flowing and you had a smile on your face. Not a care in the world.
Angel ran to you, picking you up and twirling you around in the sun. You kissed him deeply with everything you had. He was finally yours and you were finally his.
You were no longer Mrs. Galindo. You were now who ever you wanted to be. No labels. Just free. Except for Angel he was the only one that had a hold on you and you weren't going to let him go.
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Gif credit @angelreyesgirl.
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