#cant even attempt to jump it because nobody else is home and my house is being cleaned so i can barely be in my house and i was told to get
broke-on-books · 10 months
When you get home from college and go to do the errands you were explicitly told to do only for your car to be dead 😡
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antisocialsln · 2 years
i feel like im dying. nobody wants me around anymore. everyones making it painfully clear theyre sick of me. im a hypocrite. i get upset that they choose drugs over me and drinking over me when i do the same anyway. im high most of the time i spend awake and if i can drag myself to the fucking store im drinking and ive just stopped addressing it now. the ghosts are out to get me. something followed me home the other day i saw it in the mirror it laughed in my ear. the voices have been back for longer than i dare admit but im so used to them that its somewhat comforting having them back. theyre more protective now theres something here. “cover the mirrors” “keep away from the windows” and such. theres always eyes in the dark. i cant make them go for long. there are shadows that move in every corner and ive gotten used to the bugs crawling all over me again. my family dont care, i tried to talk to them and all i was met with was laughter. something kept banging on the window, loud enough to make me jump so fast i went dizzy. i got my dad to check the garden, nothing there. it happened again. he was still in the kitchen. he didnt hear it. either time. neither did my mom. i saw something outside of the window but they didnt believe me they said it must have been in my headphones but it wasnt i rewound the video. no banging. something threw my cup off of the side. i was nowhere near it, home alone, no breeze, nothing else fell, no pets, nothing but me and something else. it threw my cup on the floor and it broke. i was having a good night. it was my favourite cup, i cant drink the drinks i need to drink every day without it. my routine is ruined. thats hard for me. i know it sounds stupid but i suppose you could say my autism clung onto this cup so i could hydrate. i feel empty now that its destroyed. i texted my dad. i told him i want the ghost stuff to stop. they need to make it stop. i cant handle it anymore. i dont feel safe alone in the house. he didnt take me seriously. he still things its my fault. he yelled in a public area that i have to stop being so clumsy, he tried to tell me i was drunk. “you were drunk. you knocked it off the side. you were pissed. you drank way too much” i know i didnt i didnt have anything to drink and the only pills i took where after the matter to calm down and go for a walk high because thats the only thing i could do i couldnt stay in the house. its all so hazy. it feels weird. i experienced the whole thing in 3rd person. ive been tunnelvisioned for weeks now. the color from everything is dull to me and i dont really enjoy anything anymore unless im playing a character.  i tried to explain to my father that i want to die. i tried to tell him i know i am going to kill myself and he told me to “stop being so fucking dramatic”. every day now he yells at me for not getting out of bed, for being lazy. but im hardly sleeping at night the only rest i get is in the day i cant sleep at night anymore and im hardly sleeping in the day anyway i fall asleep at 8-9am and i wake up every 30-60minutes until i get yelled at around 2pm to get up. im mostly mute now. nobody comes to see me. leaving the house to go anywhere but sit on a park swing alone in the dark at night is terrifying and im supposed to be going to comic con on friday. i cant die no matter how much i try ive definitely hit 10-15 attempts in the past year by now. 2 alone this month and its only november. no matter how many pills i take, no matter if i swallow glass, no matter what medication i mix with alcohol, no matter how much i bleed or dont breathe. i just cant die. im immortal. and its killing me in a completely different way to what i want. and yet i still have this irrational fear of almost dying and needing hospital intervention. not even out of fear of being sectioned. i almost want to now. i almost want them to throw me in a psych ward and leave me there. the fear is if that happens, even if im just in for a night. my parents will never let it go, they will never let me go, itll all get worse. ill get no privacy, they will be on my ass all the time. just because it would make them look bad. im trying to go to uni just so i can show them i can move out so thats easily 4 more years of this fucking bullshit before i get a chance at being free. i really dont know how much more of anything i can take. i dont want to be here. i really, really do not.
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calleo-bricriu · 5 years
Sunday Afternoon.
(( Cleaned up and pieced together from a thread with @misfit-herbologist , who you should definitely check out. I’ve known & have been writing with them for several years. ))
A couple of hours meant exactly two hours.
Not an inaccurate interpretation of two hours but, it might have been easier to just say “two hours”.
When Calleo appeared in front of Vasiliy’s place he stopped for a moment, looking around the area. It must have been awhile; he was almost certain there weren’t that many greenhouses the last time he’d visited or, if there were, they were almost certainly smaller.
Moving plants, the thought struck Calleo out of nowhere, always made him nervous and there were bound to be a lot of moving plants in that place. Plants were just–not supposed to do that, they were supposed to stay in the ground and not wander about, make sounds, grab things, or even worse and even those that were meant to capture prey were still supposed to remain firmly in the ground.
Well, non-magical plants were supposed to, at any rate. What magical plants did was anyone’s guess; maybe nothing, maybe screaming in a way that would cause you to die, because why not?
Our of habit, Calleo swept the area for traps, wards, and hostile magic in general. He didn’t necessarily expect to find anything, though; at this point it was more of an automatic habit that one was just supposed to do before approaching a building, even when invited.
And, of course, finding nothing out of the ordinary, he walked up to the door and knocked, silently hoping it was Vasiliy who answered the door and not Vasiliy’s partner whose name he could never get entirely correct even after several years.
This time, Calleo had not left his hair down, that was far too much to both deal with and risk around weird, grasping plants. It wasn’t exactly done up nicely either, just lazily tied back in a manner that suggested he might have actually wrapped it around the two wands whose job it was (at the moment) to act as hair sticks. Perfectly appropriate use of wands.
That added wonderfully to the impression that Calleo had, perhaps, been up all night, took a bit of a nap in the morning, then realised he was supposed to have been somewhere an hour prior and decided as-is would have to do. As long as nobody looked terribly closely, he did manage to look relatively put together.
Fortunately for Calleo, it was indeed Vasiliy who opened the door. He still had his winter beard and had thankfully remembered to trim it before his friend’s arrival. His hair, on the other hand, looked like it hadn’t seen a brush or comb in a few days, though it was just as likely that Vasiliy had just been frantically cleaning and getting things ready for his guest. Not like his house really needed that much more cleaning and organising, truth be told.
 “Ah, Calleo,” Vasiliy said with a warm smile. “Please come in. I was just finishing up the tea and I’ve got fresh biscuits.” The welcoming smell of tea and biscuits was evident as soon as the front door was opened, and Vasiliy stepped aside to let Calleo through.
   There were a number of indoor plants inside, though thankfully nowhere near enough to confuse the home with the greenhouses, but enough to give the strong impression that the homeowner was a fan of plants. They also, thankfully, didn’t rustle or give the faintest impression of sentience at the guest’s arrival.
   Aside from Vasily himself, and his cat Smoky peering around the stairs in the hallway, the only other sounds in the home were from the kitchen of the tea kettle’s whistle slowly dying down and the clinking of some tea spoons and cups as they filled and arranged themselves on the small table there. A small stack of book sat waiting.
“Vasiliy! You look–” he canted his head in a slightly bird-like manner, “–about how I’d look if I had left this mess on my head down.”
Calleo stepped past Vasiliy and into the house, taking far too careful note of which plants were where in case nay of them got any strange ideas of moving about or acting in ways plants just shouldn’t be acting.
“Kitchen, or–?” He glanced back at Vasiliy and stopped moving, not particularly wanting to just wander around the house, even if it was the house of someone he knew fairly well. Calleo did give the cat a nod, as though the animal were going to greet him in return.
“Anyway, I was mostly a bit curious as to how accurate you could get an array of flowers to fit at least the general theme, kind of, of something but I probably shouldn’t jump straight to business, should I?” Another sidelong glance at the cat with fur that probably stuck to clothes, though it may also have been a quick look to see if Vasiliy’s partner was around or if he’d purposely made himself scarce.
“We probably ought to catch up a bit first, yeah?”
The cat stared back at Calleo while Vasiliy shut the door behind him and then gave him a slow blink. She didn’t otherwise move, seemingly waiting to see what room they would be heading to.
“Oh— I was just getting things ready in the kitchen but it’s no problem to move things out to the not-kitchen.” Vasiliy paused and then ran a hand through his messy hair as if that would fix anything, taking a moment to remember how to be a normal social person. He hummed to himself and stepped into the nearby kitchen. “Tadeusz went out to run some errands so he may be back before you leave.”
It was cosy and not too big but managed to keep anything one might need in a kitchen. On top of the cupboards were tins upon tins of various teas as well as a number of coffees. Some were purchased and others had new labels written upon them–they must have been the ones Vasiliy grew himself.
“Sugar or honey? Cream or milk?” Vasiliy asked Calleo, looking back towards him to quickly inundate him with too many questions. “Or do you prefer black? Do you want jelly with your biscuits? Or would you perhaps prefer something more savory?”
“Kitchen’s fine, mate,” Calleo waved dismissively at nothing. “Usually no rugs in there, not that I intend on dropping anything. It’s been awhile since I’ve forgotten I’m holding something, open the hand it’s in, and drop it.”
“By awhile, I mean about seven months.” He turned as the door closed, and his attempt to do so casually didn’t necessarily land; it ended up looking more like a mild jump than anything else.
Before he could manage to apologise for that reaction to nothing more than a door closing, Vasiliy had begun peppering him with questions–about something? Tea and food and then tea and–
Calleo blinked owlishly and followed Vasiliy into the kitchen, “It–black is all right. I’ll figure the rest out when I get to that point.”
Maybe if he sat down there would be fewer questions? Probably not but, taking a seat would look less standoffish than staying where he was, looking mildly shocked at the fact that a door had closed. It was just a closed door anyway, not a cell door, this wasn’t a prison, he wasn’t a captive, and there would be no good reason for Vasiliy to have locked anyone in or out of a room.
“Things have been well, yes? It has been some time and I figure it may not be the best idea to just presume,” while he was now in the kitchen as well, Calleo didn’t sit. Not yet, anyway.
“You’ll have to–well, not have to, but it would be nice–forgive me, with all the work I do and the sorts of people I work with it’s sometimes a bit tricky to not be a little jumpy!” He laughed and shook his head, “Old habits and all of that. Funny thing is, around people I know are dangerous, I’m perfectly at ease.”
“Hm. That’s all right,” Vasiliy reassured him. He set some sugar, honey, and cream on the table anyway in case Calleo did change his mind, and a jar of strawberry jelly. “Nothing in here will bite you.” He side-eyes a tea spoon that was still floating about in the corner. It promptly dropped to the counter with a clang–a small clang proportionate to its size–when it was seen. “Well, nothing should bite you.”
“Oh! And where are my manners? Please, take a seat, make yourself comfortable.” He gestured to the chairs at the table and waited for Calleo to sit before seating himself down.
“Ah, everything’s been well for me, and I don’t think there have been any dramatic changes since the last time we met. I’ve just been studying different plant specimens, writing about them, experimenting with hybrids of a few.”
Once it appeared that the pair were getting settled, Smoky entered the kitchen and sat down by the door. Observing.
“Won’t and shouldn’t are two very, very different things,” Calleo all but flopped into an open chair, “though it doesn’t look like much in here does a lot of moving on its own–I mean, apart from us and the cat.
A cat that Calleo turned to eye somewhat suspiciously.
"That is just a cat, right? Not some sort of familiar or some kind of weird living situation with an–no, obviously not an Animagus, I’d be able to tell that. Forget that part, that was a part that should have stayed right inside my head!” He flashed a brilliant, if a bit tired, grin and, for the moment, only curled his hands around the tea cup.
“Hybrids like making lilies produce lima beans? Or something a little less mad than a suggestion a Muggle illustration from the 1920s made as a joke? Or more mad? I’m not sure what the scale of ‘mad experimentation’ is in Herbology, maybe that’s all perfectly normal.”
Calleo moved to take a sip of his tea but stopped when the cup was mid-way to his mouth, “You did mean hybrids of plants and other plants, yes? Not hybrids of plants and–garden toads or people you don’t particularly like or anything like that? Because you don’t need to hybridise anything for that, you can just get creative with Transfiguration.”
“Smoky?” Vasiliy picked his own tea up and looked at the cat. “Ah–oh no, she’s just a house cat,” he said, shaking his head. “I think she’s just checking you out. Nothing to worry about.”
The aforementioned cat gave Calleo another slow blink, and then began washing her face like a perfectly normal cat. Nothing suspicious here. Vasiliy meanwhile took a biscuit and spread some jelly on it as he listened to Calleo.
“Plant hybrids. The lillies that produce lima beans will just be a silly little side-project because now I’m just curious if I can do it. I’m sure I can, but the process is still fun.” He sipped some of his tea before continuing.
“But yes, I’ve mainly been experimenting with various herbs and some produce plants. Seeing if some can be made hardier, or if they can take on the qualities of both parent plants, or maybe even produce some combination.”
Vasiliy paused, considering the hybridisation of plants and very-much-not-plants. He hmms and makes a mental note.
“What about yourself, Calleo? What have you been up to?”
“Cats are such odd creatures. I think it’s the eyes, somehow.” Reluctantly, Calleo tore his attention away from the perfectly ordinary cat that was busy doing perfectly ordinary cat things.
“I’m glad your answer was–not boring or mundane but normal? Then again, my basis for normal is often based on what my own projects are and none of those are even remotely objectively normal most days.” He absently scratched the side of his head, “That happens after a few years, you just lose all sense of what ’normal’ actually is.”
The hum seemed to prompt Calleo to elaborate, “You ought to see the dog I made for Braxford. Had a Magizoologist yell at me about it like I didn’t think it entirely though! It’s technically just a dog that was a little transfigured, not something I bred, because I don’t think you could breed a dog and a spider–” he trailed off. That likely wasn’t the best line of conversation for tea.
“I have been up to a lot of things I have no business being up to, around or in, chief of which is a tower. What’s left of a tower anyway. That’s partially why I’m here but, I’ll get to that later.”
“Apart from that, work,” he shrugged idly and took a sip of tea, “and I don’t like a good lot of what I keep seeing on the political side of my job; I have to keep myself in relatively okay standing with various governments on the continent in order to move freely, you know.”
Calleo shook his head and paused for a moment to have some more tea, “The Ministry wants nothing to do with reports that have been leaking out from Eastern Europe for almost eight years now and it’s not going to end well for anyone if they keep their current view. At this point,” he chuckled lightly, “I’m fairly certain Europe’s reaction in the next four or five years is going to be a tired, vaguely sarcastic, ‘I told you so’.”
   “A dog and a…spider?” Vasiliy frowned a little. “Ah–no, that’s okay. I don’t like spiders. I’m sure it’s interesting though!” He smiled a little and took another biscuit. “No adverse effects? I would be concerned about its well-being and quality of life, especially since those are two very different organisms.”
   “That’s not to say I wouldn’t be curious to see a plant combined with an animal,” he added quietly.
   He then furrowed his brows a little. “I honestly am very bad at keeping up with politics or anything. And what have you been doing in a tower?” Vasiliy takes another sip of his tea. “Is that where you’re growing lichen? Why are you growing lichen, anyway?
   The cat, while no-one’s looking at her, quietly hops onto the table and lies down on the stack of books beside them.
“Now you just sound like a Magizoologist!” Calleo snorted back a laugh, “It’s not as though I did it on a whim; it started out as a pun–you know, wolf spider–but the first one was…it was a spider so it had the brains of a spider, and that didn’t go so well.”
“The second one was arguably more dangerous and much less frantic, so, kind of messed with the pun when the third one was a domestic dog transfigured to have several features more commonly seen on spiders.”
“Specifically,” he grinned, “eight eyes, eight legs–just two extra in the front and two extra in the back–and it can spin webs. It also has hollow, venomous, black ‘teeth’. Incredibly friendly, and has a permanent charm on it so Muggles only see a little white spitz dog.”
Calleo picked up his cup again and answered Vasiliy’s first question without exactly thinking, “Grindelwald,” he seemed to realise mid-sip what he’d just said out loud and very slowly and deliberately set his cup back down; the only outward sign of what was probably a somewhat large internal cringe.
“I’d apologise for my personality but, really, you’ve known me long enough to be probably mostly used to it by this point,” he sighed and shook his head, “That is where the lichen is, though; grows on the walls. I’m not growing it. I wouldn’t have any use for it. It’s–I think it turned into one of those weird things someone latches onto if they’re kept in solitary confinement too long? There used to be rat skeletons nailed to the wall as well and I really don’t want to ask about that because I’m certain the answer will be as unsettling as anything I could come up with on my own.”
“He’s weirdly protective of it. The lichen, not the skeletons; I don’t normally get near that wall just on principle. It flowers now and again. Odd little red things on stalks.”
   Vasiliy shivered lightly. “No. That’s–that’s too many things on one dog. Is it poisonous, then? Or–I mean more is it dangerous for people?”
   “G–Grindelwald??” Vasiliy momentarily went pale and just stared at Calleo unsure of how to even continue on that topic. Did he want to know more? Was it safe to know more? Dare he ask?
   “The red stems that the lichen grow are their reproductive structures,” he then says. Yes, let’s change topic. That’s much safer than worrying and wondering about the war criminal. “It sounds like those are isidia–column-like structures that stand up above the thallus, which can be different colours depending on the species. So, red in your case.”
   Yes, that’s good. Let’s talk about fungus. Excellent.
“Peekers is a perfectly normal–ish–friendly dog. Of course, that goes off of Braxford’s interpretation of friendly but he’s had dogs before and I’m sure I’d have loudly heard about it if Peekers were somehow unmanageable.”
Calleo nodded, “Mm. Surprisingly friendly and conversational when not completely out of his mind. Reckon most people are, though. He’s not even the most dangerous person I know these days. Anyway!” He smiled again, “Isn’t that what flowers in general are? Or am I still at some T level understanding of what flowers are?”
“Admittedly, I didn’t know lichen, of all things, flowered.  I’m not even sure I knew it was a plant, to be perfectly honest. The red clashes fantastically with the weird shade of green that stuff is.”
“I managed to get it to grow on a few rocks in my yard, somehow. I"m not entirely certain how that happened because the Muggle who explained how to do it said it involved a blender and something else–I’m not really sure, I haven’t got a blender, and just let her do it.”
“I can tell you, however,” he pointed at Vasiliy with his cup, “I felt more than a little mad using a butter knife to spread it onto bare rocks. Glad nobody but the crows in the yard saw that.”
   “Well, they aren’t really a plant so those structures wouldn’t be considered flowers. They’re close to plants, like moss, but are also similar to fungus. They can grow in practically any climate, too. And what kind did you start growing yourself? The same one as in the tower? Or another type? Is it because you like that colour contrast, or did you just have that on hand? I don’t really keep too many of them myself but I do have a few unusual lichen specimens in my collection.”
   “I think the ones I enjoy are a little fluffy, you could say. They’re a little like mesh and grow out like little branches from whatever it is they’re on, usually tree branches, and they’re lighter in colour. Well, at least the ones I’ve collected are a little on the bright side, there are likely others that are dark.”
   “If you’d like to add a little variety to…either of those lichen collections, I could give you some that I keep. You would, however, need to spread them in much the same way.”
   Vasiliy then took a slow sip of his tea, feeling a little better now that he rambled a little about plant-things.
   “Now, ah–you wanted to do something with a flower message?”
The question about what type of lichen it was was met with a completely blank stare. A completely blank stare that continued for far longer than it should have. The only indication that Calleo hadn’t completely somehow frozen was the fact that he was occasionally taking a sip of tea.
“I have no idea what it is apart from lichen that makes weird red stalk-flowers now and again. Whatever I spread onto rocks was whatever flaked off and fell to the floor there. I just sort of–collected it for a couple of years. There’s a small ‘garden’ of it on a few smaller rocks in a bell jar there now.”
“I’m not sure if I’m insulted or not that it grows just as well on outdoor rocks in Scotland as it does in a dodgy old building designed to suck the life out of everything it touches. Doesn’t say much for Scotland’s weather or my house, does it?”
Calleo sat quietly for a minute or two, considering the lichen offer, “You know, I think I will for the sole reason that I want to see if he asks me what in the actual hell I’m doing to what’s left of the walls and to see if he believes the explanation.”
“Right, right!” Again, he set his cup down. Holding it and talking at the same time didn’t appear to be a possibility, “The entire reason I decided to take up the majority of your Sunday! It’s not–I know, for the most part, how messages via flowers work, primarily because I can read, but this is slightly different.”
“I don’t think it can be done directly because what I’m kind of thinking of is more–a ‘mood’ in the wording that would make it recognisable as to what it’s meant to be paired with if that makes any sort of sense.”
   “We can take a look at the lichen that I have later then.” Vasiliy nodded. “Even if I strongly question your life choices,” he then added quietly.
   He glanced at the stack of books beside them and then reached over to stroke Smoky’s head, who purred in return. “That sort of message is really much easier to send via flower arrangements. What are you pairing it with? A letter? A poem?” Vasiliy paused. “You’re not sending him some sort of secret messages, are you?”
“Vasiliy, I strongly question my life choices. You can see what good it does.”
“It’s not as bad as it seems–I mean, it kind of is, it’s actually rather objectively terrible but, it also isn’t.”
“At some point I think I just got rid of the bar,” he shrugged and smiled again. If any of that bothered Calleo, there certainly wasn’t any indication of it.
“I hadn’t really thought that far ahead; does it need to be paired with something?” He canted his head slightly, “Secret messages? No, no, it’s more a–re-reading of something.”
“What kind of secret messages did you imagine I’d be sending, out of interest?” A hint of amusement crept into Calleo’s voice.
“Oh, I don’t mean pair it when you send it. I may have worded that poorly. I think I just meant what you’re basing the message on?” Vasiliy ran a hand through his hair, this was a lot more socialising that he’d done in a good while.
“And I have no idea what sort of secret messages you might send and if that were the case I wouldn’t want to know what they were or whom they were for. But if that’s not what they are then–that’s good. That’s good and fine and I prefer that.”
“Oh! It’s a poem. I haven’t got it written down, I’m not sure I’m allowed to; I do have it memorised, however. Maybe think of whatever plants get involved as a bit of theatre or something? That’s probably not exactly the right word there.”
“Not sure yet if I want to be able to read along with them.”
“I’ve sent coded messages before with flowers but I’m not entirely certain if the recipient knew that or if he just thought some weird man was sending him flowers for some inexplicable reason,” Calleo frowned slightly at his cup.
“And once, with Felix,” he perked right back up again! “I had to tell him not to take ten words and something like a hundred letters and symbols to say what he could say in English in, like, five words because chances are I’d translate something wrong or miss some subtle nuance and take it literally.”
“I like to send Braxford inappropriately aggressive messages that way and it’s a lot more interesting than just sending an owl to ask him if he fancies a duel.”
Calleo’s grin was now back and it had a bit of a sharp edge to it, “I like to send him bouquets of Rhododendron and Tansy.”
“That is clever,” Vasiliy said with a smile. “I didn’t think anyone still sent little messages with flowers. Well, apart from the maybe-more-typical romantic sort, of course.” He then nudged Smoky a bit and pulled a notebook out from under her. The cat didn’t seem to mind and lied back down on the next book as if she were never disturbed in the first place.
“A poem then? Hm. I won’t write it down if you’re not allowed to but I will note some keywords and themes so we can keep track, if that’s all right. I know I can get a little excited when talking about flowers and I’m pretty sure you’re not here for a lecture on herbology or anything,” Vasiliy said with a light chuckle.
“At least I know Braxford isn’t going to misinterpret it–and it’s not really ‘war’ but, the way we destroy everything involved sometimes might count as a minor one. Great way to keep your skill and reaction time up!” Calleo watched the cat a bit too closely again. It was just. A. Cat.
When Vasiliy asked about the poem again for possibly the third time that afternoon, Calleo wrenched his attention away from the perfectly ordinary cat and back to his friend, “Oh! Right, right, the thing I’m actually here about!”
“I’m going to play it a bit safe and not just read you the entire thing but, the topic of it was, of course, waxing poetic about the sunrise over the Northern-ish lake where they lived. Thing is, though, you do have to avoid anything reed-like,  aquatic, or anything like long grass that looks like it might grow around the edges of a lake.”
“Now that I think about it, it could probably just be an array of orange and reddish flowers mixed in above a lower blue layer but, I’m guessing, you’ll be able to add a little more depth to it than that.”
Vasiliy jotted a few things down so he doesn’t forget: sunrise over a lake, no aquatic plants, and also draws some little flowers of different types as he thought them over. He tapped his pencil on the paper a few times before speaking up.
“Gerbera and tulips are a couple of flowers I can think of that have mostly symbolism as well as come in a variety of colours–aside from roses, in popularity, of course,” he said. “Red, yellow, and orange tulips tend to symbolise passion, cheerful thoughts, hope, and understanding. There are also blue ones for tranquility if you wished to stick to one type of flower.”
“Gerbera, which also come in a range of colours that would be appropriate for the sunrise theme, represent energy and joy,” Vasiliy continued, all the while more focused on making little drawings of the flowers he’s talking about and noting their meanings. “Again, positive messages, but maybe a little too…loud? Not loud, but they don’t really read as peaceful and tranquil as a sunrise over a lake would be.”
“Ah, freesia is another. Protection and calm. Let’s see.” He went back to tapping on the notepad as he recalled flowers, not yet resorting to the assortment of books he’d dragged out of his and his partner’s little personal library. “Blue violets for faithfulness, purple for loyalty and simplicity.”
Vasiliy finally stopped and looks up at Calleo, a touch of concern on his face. “Was that too much?”
For the most part, save for tulips and violets, Calleo had no idea what Vasiliy was talking about.
“I think, if it’s a sunrise, it’d be a bit of a–half circle that dips behind the blue flowers? So maybe a few of those,” he pointed to the Gerbera sketches, “for things not the–whatever the center of a floral sun would be, and use the tulips near the center.”
“A mix of blue and violet, well, violets might give the water some depth and it looks like the freesia has a shape that would work well to be rays of sunlight throughout?”
Evidently, he didn’t think it was too much.
“Should probably put a few preserving charms so it doesn’t start to wilt and die the way cut flowers tend to do after awhile. In this particular situation that would–” Calleo shook his head, “it just wouldn’t be a good idea.”
   “I think that would work out just fine,” Vasiliy said with a smile. “So–this and the other lichen samples. Was there anything else you needed, Calleo?”
   “Oh! Did you want to make this flower arrangement here? I’m not sure that I have all of the required flowers, but you can take this sheet and I can point you at a good local florist?”
Calleo shook his head, “No, no, nothing I can think of and, since I’ve taken up the majority of your day with all of this you’re overdue for a break!”
“I’ll take the sheet to a florist and let you get back to your afternoon, thank you again.”
“I’ll let you know how well it goes–though I probably won’t know with the lichen for a month or so.”
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dothewrite · 6 years
i cant get the idea of a stressed tsukki hunching over on his bed with his head in his hands looking down and his gf just coming up from behind him and wrapping her arms around him and kissing his the back of his shoulders just a scenario with tsukki not being a salty shit and for once genuinely showing himself being upset and his s/o comforting him or cheering him up being an absolute goofball which is her normal persona
I did my best trying to work with an upset Tsukishima and a goofy significant other. It ended up extremely difficult to picture him being vocal and very visibly upset whilst she’s cracking jokes and everything, so I attempted to reach a happy medium. I hope it’s still faithful enough to what you wanted, and I hope you enjoy.
His mother lets her into the house first.Their walls are well built, but the ceilings were hollow enough for sounds topass in and out freely and Tsukishima can catch every footstep that padsagainst their waxed floors. He doesn’t hear much exchanged between themdownstairs; perhaps a nod, or an understanding expression that he can picturewithout much effort.
He considers berating his mother for doingsomething unnecessary again—he wasn’t old enough to pay taxes, but he mostcertainly was capable of recruiting his own emotional support brigade on his own, thank you very much—but he recallsthe worried twist to her lips when he’d returned home after practice withobvious strain in his voice.
Tsukishima wasn’t going to kid anyone. Hewas fully aware that he was a terrible son most of the time, and a terriblebrother. He only wishes that he could be not-so-terrible a lover, if that wasthe only thing he was to accomplish. But she walks up to his door, socked feetplanted carefully on the opposite side of his room and taps her knucklesagainst it.
“Kei?” Her voice wafts in, muffled by thethick carpet that fills in the bulk of his bedroom. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” he says, trying hard not toventure into the realms of bitterness quite yet. She’s never had to ask toenter his room, what with her propensity to barge in as often as possible to scarehim for the shits and giggles. A strong friendship between her and his motherdidn’t help his case at all.
That may be the reason why he swallowsdryly after his answer. The realization that this time she may turn around andleave him alone if he really had said no was not a welcome one, and it ringsunfamiliar bells in his head that he’d rather not face.
She slides the door shut behind her assilently as possible. It closes with a gentle click, and he counts the momentsshe requires to gather her breath and make her way towards him.
He breaks his blank stare at the oppositewall long enough to peer at her out from the corner of his eye. She’s a fuzzyblur without his glasses on, but he still watches with bland fascination as sheperches on the edge of his mattress as if discovering her manners for the firsttime in her life.
Tsukishima looks away. That was too harsh,even for his fickle conscience.
“I suppose my mother asked you to comeover,” he says instead.
She works her mouth for the right thingsto say, to her credit. “No, but you do usually send me a few texts afterpractice. Radio silence is… unusual.”
“Keeping tabs?” He asks, and damn, the nobitterness rule was supposed to last longer than five minutes.
“No, I don’t. It was just a feeling.”
He turns fully to look at her then, eyesstill slanted and his jaw uncomfortably tight against something unidentifiablethat attempts to claw its way up his throat. “I see. Well, how can I help?”
“I was…” He watches her struggle, her eyesflickering behind the wall of control that she’s likely learned from him. He’dalways made comments about how she’s so different from him that it’s a miraclethey’re together, but he sees now, past the veil of self-satisfaction, thatit’s not a look that suits her.
“…What?” He says, a little less unkindlythan before. “Hoping you could help me?”
“Yes.” She raises her eyes to meet his,squarely. “That’s the gist of it.”
He snorts lightly. “Well, thank god yourpsychic powers of observation sent you here. God knows what would happen to meif you hadn’t.”
Saying nothing, she continues to stare athim as if he was an ancient inscription, waiting to be unlocked by the powersof determination.
Frankly, it makes him squirm. Tsukishimasuspects it’s why she’s doing it.
“Sorry,” he finally mumbles.
He spies a small, relieved hint of smilethat tickles the corner of her lips.
“It’s alright,” she says. “I’ve beenaround you enough to know what you’re like.”
“And what exactly am I like, then?” He asksstiffly.
He almost shrinks back when she suddenlyreaches up for his face. Resting a thumb on the furrow between his brows, shepresses down and rubs at it until the tension from his temples are forciblydrained. He considers telling her that she’s cheating, but nothing comes outwhilst she’s still touching him.
“Prickly.” She shifts closer ever soslightly, so that her voice can soften. “Defensive when you think someone’strying to pry something out of you. Offensivewhen you think someone’s trying to map you out.” She huffs a small laugh whenhe scowls again. “An extremely grumpy man who’s not saying no to a massage evenwhen he’s pissed off.”
“Like you would stop if I told you to?”
“Maybe,” she answers, smirking. “If youask nicely.”
“Yes, because I do that so very often.”
“You should, you know.” He misses hersoothing rub very briefly when she lets her hand fall back onto her lap. “It’sgood for your non-existent social skills.”
“And you’re not doing a very good job ofcomforting me, if that’s what you’re here for.”
“Are you letting me?” She laughs, moreloudly this time. It does escape him sometimes, how she could literally laughat everything in the face. She could face a pit viper and she’d do the tangoaround it if it could cheer somebody up. “But you’re not wrong,” she says.“I’ll try harder.”
He feels an urge to tell her that shedoesn’t need to, but at the same time he knew it wouldn’t put her off. And itwouldn’t be true, either.
He can’t understand how she can look athim with such an open expression. As if she’s not aware that he could saysomething particularly venomous because he could, and it would break something.
“Kei,” she says gently, “will you talk tome?”
Well, he couldn’t very well tell her to goaway. But he wasn’t sure—could he even really match her openness? Even withnobody else in the room and an entire evening to himself, he hadn’t been ableto say a single word at his wall.
Tsukishima groans, and turning away fromher, dumps his head into his hands. “No.”
“No.” There’s a baited silence, and heexhales raggedly. “…Yes.”
Behind him, she hums lowly in sympathy butdoesn’t say anything else. He sucks in a deep breath.
“School. Grades.”
“Volleyball. People.” He reconsiders.“Mostly volleyball.”
“I could hit someone for you. All you haveto do is give me names. There’s no much I can do against a ball, though.”
“God,” he groans again, “really?”
“Tsukishima Kei,” she says very seriously.“I would punch someone in the face for you.”
She’s half about to laugh, he can tell.She’s not someone who can stay serious for very long. “Would you get expelledfor me?” He asks, rolling his eyes behind his hands. “And then get a job at aconvenience store because you’ve missed out on graduating? And then get marriedand washed-up and resent your child for holding you back in life and my, how could you have been so careless,punching your chances in the face during high school?”
“Maybe,” she says, “you’ve missed yourcalling as a soap opera script writer. I swear that’s a show somewhere.”
“I wouldn’t know. I don’t join in mymother for TV after dinner.”
“Too busy stressing, probably.”
“Sorry, sorry.” He watches her shadow liftits hands up in surrender. “Jumping back into serious business.”
“You really are shit at this.”
“I must be, considering you haven’t turnedaround to look at me yet.”
If he rolled his eyes any harder, and anymore, they’d probably be stuck to the roof of his head and he’d have to walkaround looking perpetually unimpressed with the world. And it’d all be herfault.
He hears her shuffle closer. “I didn’tmean that, really,” she murmurs at his back. “You don’t have to turn around ifyou don’t want to.”
And Tsukishima really didn’t. His face,although muffled and slightly suffocated from the pressure of his hands, feelscomfortable turned away from the world. It was warm, safe, and he didn’t haveto open his eyes and watch the minutes tick by as his nerves ran circles aroundhis mind until his body’s completely frozen and fraying at the edges.
He wants to close his eyes and breathe aserratically as he wants without having to care about how he sounds like toanyone else. He’s got enough trouble trying to stay sane without being requiredto prove it to someone else too.
The truth was, he expected more fromhimself. This was not breakdown worthy, as if he was some special case. As ifhe had it harder than any other student.
When he suddenly feels arms pressingagainst his sides, he almost jerks to his feet. For a moment Tsukishima ishorrified at the thought that maybe he’d just said all that out loud, as ifhe’d just signed up for therapy or some other activity that he’d rather becaught dead than doing. He holds his breath, waiting for something to happen,but she only presses closer, wrapping them around his hunched shoulders. He canfeel the rise and fall of her chest against his back, and her fingers tuckedtenderly underneath his collarbones.
He’s strung too tautly to manage to askher what she hopes to achieve by doing this, and neither does she give him thetime. She must have felt his breath hitch, for she buries her face into thecrook of his neck and squeezes him tightly.
“I’m probably making you sweat,” she saysafter a good five minutes of sitting there silently, both pressed against eachother. Tsukishima can’t help the shiver as her lips graze his skin. “But Ithink it’s working.”
“What’s working?” He says faintly.
“Calming you down.” Her arms slide downhis sides at an aching pace until they rest snugly around his waist. There’s ashuffle behind him and she repositions herself with her legs crossed instead ofon her knees. “Your breathing’s a lot steadier now.”
About ten different responses rise to histongue, but she rubs her cheek against his shoulder blade, and he swallows themdown.
“I’m… I—urgh,” says Tsukishima, veryeloquently. She huffs into his neck, and he can feel her faint smile againsthis heated skin. “Not good at this.”
“You don’t have to tell me all of it ifyou don’t want to,” she murmurs.
“I thought you wanted to know.”
She shrugs against him. “Only if it helps.There’s no need for it to be now, if it makes you feel worse. I mean, I couldalways gather it later in the form of handwritten letters or poems in my shoelocker or something.”
“Jesus,” Tsukishima laughs thickly. “I’msupposed to be upset here. Stopmaking me laugh.”
“Laughing can either make or break you,”she says, smiling. “Which one will it be?”
“It’s incredible how much you have my bestinterests in mind.”
Tsukishima finds himself holding hisbreath when she doesn’t respond immediately.
“I hope I do,” she says finally, her voicesolemn. “Tell me if it doesn’t seem that way.”
He lifts his head and heaves a labouredsigh. He covers her white-knuckled fingers with his own—no longer afraid of howrough his blisters may feel to her—and pulls her firmly into his back. It knocksthe air out of her with a soft ‘oomph’.
“It does,” he says, feeling ratherdrained. “Don’t worry.”
She attempts to say something in reply,but Tsukishima’s fingers are still gripped tightly around hers and whatever shedoes say is lost into his shirt. He smiles wryly.
“Are you expected home anytime soon?”
She shakes her head into his back.
“Alright.” He shifts so that she’s restedmore comfortably against him and gathers his breath.
“I’ll start from last week.”
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markleetrashh · 7 years
Woke Up Alone;Haechan
Genre: huge angst (im ready to make some people cry im sorry)
Request: @hqleetaeyong my babe requested this a month back for an angst haechan scenario so here it is skdmdn
A/N: i spent so much time on this omg dont kill me after yall read this please
*Warnings: de*th/depression
Word Count: 2,481
Nothing seemed to be going your way anymore-you were flunking all your class assignments and tests despite your constant efforts to revise and study, and all because of a small misunderstanding, your friends had turned their back on you.
The people you once could lean on and gain support from, were now gone.
The digits on the weighing scale added more salt to the wound, constantly reminding you of how you weren’t as slim as the people around you, and that you had lost many you once thought were worthy because of this small matter.
Nobody seemed to understand you. Once you thought everything was going well, it all fell apart again, leaving you at your most vulnerable.
You needed someone to hold you in their arms, remind you that you were loved and appreciated. And most importantly, you wanted someone who could give you love and comfort.
But you didn’t have anyone.
You couldn’t even trust yourself anymore.
You hated yourself more than anyone could ever.
You blamed yourself for everything that had happened.
You were completely alone.
But yet at the end of every day you found yourself lying on your bed, all curled up in the warmth of your own arms, thoughts running deeply in your mind. All you could do to make everything better was to assure yourself that it’ll get better.
At the end of the day, you could depend on no one else but yourself-
-as much as you hated it.
His face was etched vividly at the back of your mind, and you couldn’t help but think about him for the fifth time that day. His small and shy smile and laughter replayed in your head as you remembered how he reached out his hand excitedly to shake yours, then slightly bowing as he flashed you his bright smile again, his eyes forming into the shape of crescent moons.
Just this itself could make you smile, the first time you ever did genuinely in a few weeks.
“My name’s Haechan! I’m looking forward to working with you all hehe”
You remembered how he said that sentence in an excited tone, and behind his voice it was as though you could feel a small boy jumping inside of him, ready to fill your days with laughter and joy.
You found yourself smiling once again, before you snapped out of your trance as you catched a glimpse of yourself in the mirror seating by the bedside.
How long has it been since you last smiled like that?
How could a boy you just met today make you feel so happy and contented?
The next morning, you were more than excited to head of to the cafe for work- for the first time ever.
The lady dressed in full black, your boss, looked at you shock as soon as she saw you enter the cafe, then squinting her eyes, “Why are you here so early today, Miss Y/N, i thought you dreaded work? Is something up?”
You let out a small laugh before shaking your head, placing your bag in the usual spot in the staff room, “No, i just.. felt good today”
Your boss gave you a comforting smile, then pat your back, “I was joking. I’m glad that you are, i told you working in a cafe could help clear your mind hm?”
You smiled back at her. You were thankful and grateful for her care and concern towards you, and you only had her to thank for making you feel much better than you were a few weeks back.
She had noticed you completing blanking out in a bookshop near your house, and immediately asked if you were okay. Finally having someone to even worry over you, you couldn’t help but break down in front of her, a complete stranger at that time, and letting everything out that you had been holding in forever.
She completely understood, and promised to help you out. Which was why you were currently able to work as a barista in her small cafe, after she offered that it may help you get your mind off things a little.
And it did.
You put on your apron swiftly, then started to set everything up, preparing the cups and ingredients needed.
Not long after the door to the cafe opened once again, and you were met with the eyes of the one you had been thinking of the whole night.
His soft brown hair was slightly covering his eyes, and his dark brown skin seemed to glow under the sun. He caught eye contact with you and bowed slightly, the sides of his cheeks raising up, his eyes turning into thin lines again.
You returned a shy smile, eyes unable to leave him.
Your eyes followed him as he made his way to the staff room, then to the empty spot right beside you.
“Y/N? Good morning!” he waved his hands in front of your face, followed by a small giggle.
You stuttered a little, “H-Hi, good morning” before giving a small awkward wave back, causing him to laugh.
He shook his head then smiled to himself, “You’re so cute”
His words hit you all of a sudden, and you felt a tingling feeling throughout your whole body. Your cheeks started to burn as you tried quickly looked away from him, “o-oh.. am i?”
You closed your eyes and mentally slapped yourself for the words that just came out from your mouth.
Surprisingly, Haechan nodded his head, then held out a thumbs up in front of you, saying even louder to you, “Yes you are”
Naturally, your lips started to curl up as his words replayed in your mind over and over again, your heart quickening its pace every single time.
He was special, how could someone you only just met made you this happy?
“Y/N!!!!! I got us some chicken, open your door and stop sleeping you pig” Haechan’s loud voice rang through your whole apartment, as his fingers repeated pressed the doorbell.
You peered your head out of your room, eyes squinting at the bright light from the door, then letting out a groan and laying back in bed, “Just open it, it’s not locked”
You heard shuffling from the outside as you closed your eyes again, hoping that you could get back some of the sleep you lost due to Haechan’s shouting.
However, his voice rang loudly again, “Do you not know how dangerous it is to not lock your door i cant believe you did that, what if something happened to you?”
Haechan nagged at you as he shook your legs lightly, trying to wake you up.
But seeing that you had no reaction at all to his doings, he jumped right on the bed beside you, then attacking you with tickles, causing you to scream and laugh out loud.
After a few minutes of the ‘wrestling’, Haechan hit your arm lightly, slightly out of breath, then nagging at you once again with his now obvious irritated voice, “Wake up now please”
You turned to face him abrutly at his words, your smile slowly fading away into an expression of admiration as he was only an inch away from you.
5 months of friendship but you all had never been this close.
It made your heart race.
And there was a moment of silence
You saw Haechan gasped a little, his eyes falling from your eyes to your lips, his cheeks turning into a light pink as he got up quickly.
His voice softened as soon as his eyes met your gaze.
“C-Come out, let’s eat the chicken before it gets cold.”
You shook your head and covered your face to forget everything that had happened, but your heart wasn’t cooperating.
It was beating really quickly, and loudly.
Does he know i like him?
Does he like me too?
His arms were around your shoulders, your head on his chest. His soft and warm voice acting as a lullaby as he sang you a short tune. He was caressing your hair lightly, both of your breathings together as one.
“It’ll be fine, don’t worry” Haechan said those words to you for the third time that night, attempting to make you feel better after you started breaking down suddenly after being not able to sleep.
And you blame overthinking for it-your thoughts got the better of you again and you just started thinking of every single negative thing that had ever occurred to you.
Next thing you know, Haechan has rushed right over to your house immediately after getting your call, despite it being at a late 2AM.
You nodded your head at his words, wiping your tears once more, snuggling deeper into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his torso.
Someone was finally there for you when you needed it.
He made you feel appreciated and cared for, and you couldn’t thank him enough for that.
You felt comfortable in his arms, against his body.
His arms never left you once that night and you felt secure, and safe.
Only he could make you have that feeling.
You were deeply in love with him.
Just like any other day, you found yourself waiting patiently for him to walk into the cafe, face full of smiles and happiness, pulling the strings of your heart and making your day full.
Especially today, you wanted to see him the most, mainly because you had wanted to tell him something important-your feelings.
Your eyes would lit up in excitement whenever you saw the door to the cafe open, but would droop into disappoint when you weren’t met with the person you wanted to see most everyday.
Two hours later and he was still not here, and you were worried sick.
Is he not feeling well? Did something happen? He hasn’t been replying since yesterday.
Your eyes would quiver as you’d blank out occasionally, as your mind would drift off to think about where Haechan was and where he went.
He never skipped work once, even when he was sick, it was unlike him.
You tried calling him, but there no answer.
You went back that day feeling devastated, as though you had lost everything. One day without seeing him and you were back to the old you, how could you live without him?
The next day you went to work enthusiastic again, hoping that he’d appear. But he still hasn’t returned to any of your calls or messages.
After a long and tiring day of being disappointed countless times, you sighed and made your way back home, alone, unlike the usual days where Haechan would accompany you and fill you with his jokes and funny stories, turning you into an endless fit of laughter.
The third day, still no replies or his appearance. It was as if he disappeared into thin air.
Day of day you’d make your way to the cafe, holding on to the small strand of hope that he was going to come back, but none of it happened.
You were getting less and less and motivated, and you did everything with almost no emotion. You didn’t feel happy anymore, that is, without Haechan right by your side.
Your boss had noticed and she knew the reason why, and she knew she had to tell you sooner or later.
“Y/N, could you come here for a talk? We’ll stop work after this,” she called out to you softly, motioning you to seat beside her at one of the small tables.
You nodded without saying a word, then sat beside her emotionlessly, mind filled with thoughts of that one person.
The lady beside you took in a deep breath before placing her hand on your thigh, “I know you’ve been feeling upset lately.. and it’s because Haechan’s gone suddenly, right?”
You turned your head to her immediately at the mention of his name, then raised your eyebrows at her, “Yes, do you know why? Did he tell you?”
She sighed again, then closed her eyes, a look of remorse on her face, “You see… Y/N, Haechan.. he’s… gone”
You were confused at her words, as you furrowed your eyebrows together, your hand holding tightly onto hers, “What do you mean.. gone? Did he move to another country? Where did he go”
She frowned, as you could see her trying to hold her tears back, “You see, Y/N. Haechan, you thought he was that one kid that’s always happy right? Truth is he’s gone through much more than you and he’s actually really really sad inside. But he told me not to tell you so you wouldn’t worry, and i took him in here because he heard of you and wanted to cheer you up, because he didn’t want you to feel like him. He, was overwhelmed by a lot of things too these past months but he kept it from you. He couldn’t take it anymore and he.. went to a better place, at least he’s happy there. Y/N, please i know you love him a lot and he’s always so happy telling me about you and-”
You ran out of the door and onto the road after hearing all those words, your tears rolling down your cheeks endlessly as you didn’t want to believe what you just heard. You heard shouts calling out for you, but before you knew it, a huge blow threw you onto the floor and you were met with pitch darkness.
The wind from the air conditioning’s blowing strongly in your direction, making you hide even deeper under your sheets, trying to find warmth.
But nothing was the same anymore.
Outside your room were people talking and walking around, holding flowers or basket of fruits to visit their loved ones, each of their rooms filled with care, love and warmth.
But for you, your hospital room was filled with utter silence, other than the constant beeping from the heart rate machine standing beside you.
It seemed to be your only friend.
You room was cold, dark and empty.
No one was there for you, again.
His face was the only thing you could think of, as the memories that you two had spent over the past 9 months replayed in your head, remembering even the smallest detail.
Because he meant that much to you.
And he still does, but does it even matter now?
You wiped the tear falling from your swollen eyes roughly as you hid your face in your arms,
you were used to this
after all, you still ended up waking up alone.
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Taehyung Scenario: When Times Get Hard.
Request: Can you please do a scenario where V is married and as we know he likes children& he wants to have one but after many tries he and his wife found out that she cant have children and she refuse to adopt one!i want smth angst but romantic,maybe v buy a lil pup after some time?Thank you girls,kisses!💕
Genre: Angst / Fluff.
Your hands were trembling and your stomach had felt better, you were arriving home and you knew your husband was already there, maybe hoping for some good news, some light for the questions you had been having, why after so many years and tries without any kind of protection you had not been able to get pregnant. The first months your doctor had said that you were just stressed about the pregnancy process, that you just wanted it too much and that you should relax and let it happen naturally, so Taehyung and you had done just that and waited, but it had been a total of two years and there was no baby in your sights.
You were worried, and you knew Taehyung was too, both of you wanted a family and with the passing time you felt like that wasn’t going to happen and it was heartbreaking. You clutched your purse, your tests were buried somewhere inside. You had gone to an obstetrician expert in fertility to know what was going on, Taehyung had gotten everything faster than you because his exams were easy, and everything was alright, he was happy and hopeful ever since he knew it and you bit your lip, taking a deep breath and closing the front door behind you.
-Babe? - your husband’s voice reached you, he was clearly waiting for you. Taehyung appeared at the receiver and went for a hug, you wished he didn’t notice your trembling just yet.
-Hi Tae - your voice was raspy and you freed yourself from his arms, making your way towards the living room while he followed you closely behind.
-I ordered Thai food for dinner, thought you might want some - he was eyeing you curiously, you nodded, taking a sit on the couch to not go around the place nervously. -What’s going on? -
Taehyung was by your side in an instant, sitting next to you and passing his arm behind your back. You didn’t want to look him in the eyes, you didn’t have the strength so you focused on your coffee table instead. You knew you had to tell him right now, this was as good of a moment as any other and you doubted you or him would ever be fully prepared, so it was better to end with this.
-I had a talk with the doctor, he’s got my results - you gulped, clasping your hands together in a sheer attempt of grounding yourself, one of Taehyung’s hands held your forearm softly.
-And? - Your eyes moved to him for a brief moment and then you looked away, feeling the lump inside your throat growing to the extent of asphyxiating you.
-I can’t…- Your voice broke and you choked with the first tears that shook your body violently, bringing your hands up to cover your face while you broke down right there.
Taehyung tried to soothe you but you were crying so heartbreakingly between his arms, out of nowhere. -You cant what babe? is alright…- he ran his palm up and down your back but it did nothing to calm you down.
-I can’t have them, the doctor confirmed it today… I…. I can’t have babies….- you shuddered again, doubling over yourself with sorrow and Taehyung felt the reason of your despair.
His hand stayed frozen midway while reaching for your back again, the rest of his body was frozen too, you weren’t looking at him and his breath got caught somewhere between his throat and his lungs, suddenly the ground beneath him wasn’t that steady anymore, his tongue was like cement inside his mouth with the harsh reality of these news. He finally moved his hand to the small of your back but it wasn’t even a second after that and you stood up, walking away from him because your future was crumbling and you didn’t know how to handle it.
You didn’t expect this possibility, you wanted to stay strong for each other but it was affecting both of you badly and none of you could ignore it. This didn’t fit the plan, you were both expecting to see little versions of yourselves running around the house at some point so now with you not being able to carry a child of your own you felt defeated. The house felt empty even if all these time it had been just the two of you but just knowing that there was going to be exactly just the two of you forever made you feel so alone.
The atmosphere around had changed and you feared your relationship with your husband was going to change too. Taehyung was sitting on his usual side of the bed,  he was wearing sweat pants and nothing else and he seemed relaxed but there was the tiniest frown on his forehead and you knew he was thinking or maybe reflecting on something. You were sitting by his side too with a book in hand that had done nothing to take your attention away from your current situation and you felt so apart from him, afraid to ask what was on his mind for the fear of it being about the adoption issue. Taehyung had come to you about the possibility of adopting a baby, or a few of them, he was so into family, yo had known it since the moment you met but you hadn’t wanted to do it and so you had dismissed that idea and you could see he was troubled with that.
-I jus don’t get it…- Taehyung said suddenly, you watched his hand balling into a fist over the sheets and you didn’t need to wonder anymore, he was thinking about the adoption. It was really late at night already, you knew both of you were tired and the only light on in the bedroom was the one of your nightstand. -I try to but I just… it’s not like we are not enough by ourselves, you know we are but I thought, perhaps, that this wasn’t a bad idea -
Taehyung moved his eyes to you, he was sad, he looked the saddest you’d ever seen him and it hurt, it hurt more than you could put into words and you wondered why was destiny so cruel with you. You placed your book aside, moved  on the mattress to surround your husband with your arms and let your head rest on his chest, sighing with Taehyung’s warmness.
-I’m sorry - you whispered and closed your eyes, you were sorry for too many things all at once so you just let him take it as he wanted and needed.
-Me too… I know- One of his hands carded through your hair gingerly and he sighed, pressing a kiss down on the top of your head, his other hand taking a hold of your waist and he accommodated both of you until you were laying down comfortable as one.
Bit by bit and after months passed, you started to go back to normal, at least to the same rhythm that you had before. Maybe it was that you only needed time to heal the wound, because this was a wound for both of you, nobody could ever say the contrary and you treated it as such.
Taehyung had kissed you deeply before going out after lunch and the memory of that kiss still made your knees feel weak, your love was still there, burning bright, alive and strong and you had decided to cherish that everyday.
Around five hours after that Taehyung called you and said to meet him at the little park three blocks away from your neighborhood, so you made your way there after putting on a long cardigan over your dress. You waited on the place he told you to and before you were about to call him again to ask where he was because you couldn’t see him anywhere, a puppy collided on your legs. You looked down at it and it was the cutest you’d ever seen, with a beautiful caramel blond fur, it was a golden retriever pup.
-Oh hi…- you crouched down to greet him and it did a few jumps, earning a laugh from you. Then Taehyung was crouching down next to you, all smiles and joy.
-It is cute, isn’t her?- he took the pup on his arms and handed it to you, you enveloped her with your arms and smiled at your husband.
-It is  - you caressed her fur with your fingertips, enjoying the sensation of it. -the owner must be looking for her -
You noticed the puppy had a yellow collar but no medal with a name or information. Taehyung laughed and his arm surrounded your waist so he could hug your side. -Or maybe she is the one looking of her owner -
You looked at your husband with curious eyes and Taehyung took the chance to steal a kiss form your lips.
-I want  to tell you something Y/N - he cleared his throat, kissed your lips a second time and fixed his brown eyes on you, they were filled with tenderness and honesty, so Taehyung. -We are already a family, you and I, you are everything to me no matter what -
Your eyes watered down with his words and you hugged the pup a little tighter against your chest. You nodded, Taehyung was everything to you as well, he’d always been and he will always be, but you needed to hear those words from him; he was your husband, your lover, your light, your family.
-Thank you…- your voice wavered a little and Taehyung nodded, you’d wanted to say something else, more than just thanks but you couldn’t, and you were sure Taehyung noticed that.
-I know these past months have been rough, but I believe that for as long as we are together, we can make it through - Taehyung kissed your temple and caressed down to your cheek with his lips. -Just that now, we will have company -
He smiled and his eyes fell on the puppy between your arms. so you understood why he said she was the one looking for her owner, her owner was you. -Is she ours now? -
Your husband nodded, caressing behind her ears. -Her name is Hope -
You couldn’t have imagined a better name for her and Taehyung’s hand met yours on Hope’s fur. Now whenever you looked at her, you could know it, you could remember it, even if it was hard and things went down, dreams could be made again as long as you were together, as long as you had hope.
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happyfirebear-blog · 7 years
The Life I Live.
As of today December 11th, 2017 will start the writing about my life and my struggles. This would just be a small window into my life so like every good book I will give you a backstory and what lead up to where I am now.
It was December of 2014, I was 18 and was living with my parents and two younger siblings in the NorthEast side of El Paso,TX still living as if i was still 15yo cause first thing i did when i woke up was turn on my Xbox 360 before walking into the kitchen and grab myself cup of coffee and spend hours of my day playing xbox as a way to make some friends who enjoy playing the same games as i do and i always found some way to make new friends and loved the different views and opinions of  C.O.D Public Lobbies once i filtered through the hatred that took up a large majoraty of the game i met a few Great Friends that i am still close friends with to this day some of which i met when i was 16yo. One day i was talking to my Aunt and cousins whom i was talking to frequently over the phone and some how the idea of me spending the summer there was brought up. i cant remember who it was that brought it up. One afternoon I was offered to spend the summer with my cousins in Artesia,NM. It was the first week of January when i heard that my Cousin whom i was the same age me being a few months younger got his own place and was living with his Girlfriend. Early in the morning before sunrise my mom, brother, Sister and I began the long Three-hour drive through the Guadalupe mountains and small towns that were scattered along the way. We finally arrived in Artesia that morning and i met my Cousins girlfriend and it was a little awkward since i hadn't seen my cousin in person since i was a very young child but that feeling dissapeared within the week. I lived with them for the first month of January and i had a really good time they eventually left that house and we moved in with my aunt and my younger cousin where i would stay for another two years. That Febuary i got a call from my mom telling me that the landlord in el paso had evicted them and had nowhere to go as he was illegally giving them only 3 weeks to leave. My mom and Aunt started talking and found a way to let them stay with her. I started working at walmart in the last week of febuaray starting out as a Unloader spending 3 months unloading trucks sorting and pulling pallets out to the sales floor. I quit after the 3 months due to a visiting Assistant manager giving me a ridiculously hard time and gave out Coachings (the equivalent of being sent to principal's office in school) like candy on Halloween and not wanting to take it anymore as I felt it was taking an emotional toll on me. A few weeks after quitting I got a call back from another ASM who offer me a position in the Sporting Goods department as a sales associate. I worked in that position until February of 2016, when I left because of ongoing family drama between my mom and my aunt and I was hearing it both at home and at work since everyone worked at Walmart at one point in time. I eventually grew tired of it and wound up quitting my job thinking I could find a job somewhere else with a drama-free workplace, we lived together but there were conflict and rumors spread of cheating that eventually took a toll on my mom’s marriage and caused them to divorce with my stepdad leaving to Texas. With me being unable to find a job and walmart not wanting to hire me i was not much help financialy so i tried to help the best i could being there to listen to problems and attempted to lighten the mood as much as I could but not being able to give the kind of financial help we needed we eventually went to live with my mom’s boyfriend only to be kicked out and with nobody else to fall back on we called my aunt and she helped use get our things from his front yard and back into her place at 3am without hesitation cause what family is for if not forgetting grudges even for a few days to help you out. We lived back at my aunts with the same drama and arguments to bubble back to the surface and caused everybody lives to become uncomfortable and avoided each other being afraid to say something that would start more conflict. Jump Foward to June 2017, My oldest cousin, her boyfriend and I moved into a small 3 bedroom rental house in Loco Hills, NM Where I really tried to push myself to get a job desperately applying to places that would hire someone who only has 1yr of retail experience and no drivers license or vehicle and has to rely on others for transportation. Me not having a job i basically stayed home playing Maid where i feed the 7 dogs that were here and tried to keep the house clean when they got home from work, cleaning the dishes, sweeping, mopping and switching the dogs since my cousin owned a pit bull who was SO sweet and loving as long as you were not another dog that wasn’t her boyfriends Blue heeler. So every day I would wake up early in the morning to put the five dogs that spent the night inside outside and the two that were outside they would go inside for the day and I would switch them again the same night to make sure everyone got relatively the same amount of time outside. I found it very hard to ask for things as I wasnt doing much in to help pay for bills and each passing week I felt more and more down about myself and where I was in my life as a 20-year-old who is back in the same place in life he was when he was 14, jobless, and being an financial leech to who ever is around him cause he cant get a job and because of this it is a part of the reason my cousin and her Boyfriend coudn’t afford to keep their car and pay the rent and bills of the house and were forced to move back in with my aunts in order to keep their car. Me, however, I am still in loco hills currently By myslef untill later this week where my mom and her BF are moving from hagerman,NM to loco hills to live in a place where they can have their dogs since I was hesitant to move back in with my aunt with all the people who live there it would be crowded (8 people in a 4 bedroom house) so to avoid any more uncessary drama I stayed here and asked my mom if she would like to rent this place to avoid possibly losing our dogs.So here i am laying in bed drinking coffee with my dog sleeping on my shoulder hoping my life will move on as I am applying to places every day but it is emotionally draining filling out applications and calling places only to be given an endless list of excuses or just flat out denied the position for not having a drivers license or a personal vehicle. But if you happen to be reading this and your workplace is hiring or maybe you are a manager and would like to look at my Resume’ i will be happy to Email it to you.         
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