ccreatures · 10 years
canoodlingmooses started following you
I like your url a lot okay
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idem-porter · 10 years
I was tagged by assiduousnerd! :D
Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer questions the tagged set for you in their post then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.

Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
1. If you were to spend a day within a TV show, what would it be?
Totally Doctor Who, I'd love to go on a trip with the Doctor!
2. Do you like anime?
Yeah, I do.
3. Do you buy CDs, vinyls, or download music?
Usually CDs or downloads.
4. One day you wake up invisible to everyone, what is the first thing you would do?
Tbh, I'd walk around naked.
5. If you were to ride into battle on an animal, what animal would it be?
A tiger! Or a dragon (if they were real TnT)
6. Would you ever consider being in a band?
Yeah, I'd consider it.
7. What’s your favorite scent of scented candle?
Hmm, I think I liked this one mango scented candle a while ago, but it got all used up so I can't quite remember.
8. Showers in the morning or in the night?
Idk, just depends on whenever i get around to it.
9. What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
Haunting in Connecticut
10. If you had the opportunity to travel the world, would you take it? If so, where would you go?
Dude, yes! And if it's traveling the world, heck, I'd travel the world! I'd go anywhere I could!
11. How are you feeling today?
Meh, I'm alright I guess. Life has just sucked a lot recently, it's hard to have any sort of exceptional day when life just stinks.
1. What is your favorite type of soda?
2. If you could spend the day with anyone, fictional or non-fictional, who would you spend it with? What would you like to do with said person?
3. Marvel, or DC?
4. What would you refuse to do for one million dollars?
5. What's your favorite color?
6. If you had to dispose of a dead body, how would you do it?
7. If you were a super hero what powers would you have? What would your hero name be?
8. What's your favorite letter of the alphabet?
9. If you had a year off, what would you want to do?
10. What was your first mobile phone?
11. How did you get your name?
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