#cannot wait for the first person to get finstock
ok I MUST see the results of this for Teen Wolf. Spin here for a character and then vote
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asterekmess · 4 years
Oh boy, here we go, Motel California is just full of absolute bullshit. *sigh* let’s get started then.
Read More’s are good for the environment (or so i’ve heard)
Before we start, I wanna let you guys know that I’m just not gonna comment on the Jennifer/Derek scenes. I just. I really honestly cannot do it. I don’t care. No. Also as this is well, this episode, please be advised that there will be extensive suicide mentions.
I know this is random as hell, but that truck looks like mine. Oh, and look at the date, it’s only like nine years older than mine. nice.
why does it look like he’s nursing an arrow wound on his leg? Is it just me? That doesn’t look like a claw mark.
Can...can I just point out (god, i already need the tag) that....that they’re drawing a DIRECT parallel between this ARGENT HUNTER and Scott with the whole “lifting up the shirt to reveal the bite on their side’ thing? Like, it’s a perfect replica of when scott does it in the first episode. And they don’t do that with the others. Jackson’s bite was just Visible when he got out of the water and we never see Isaac, and Erica’s bites. Boyd’s was a whole sitting down thing on the Zamboni with his hoodie. They didn’t even do the same thing with Victoria ARGENT’s bite. OH and he’s wearing the heirloom necklace from season 1.
Wait, hold up. So, he just got bitten that night, but he’s already gonna shift? What? The bite works that fast?
....he’s from MA? Why tf is he in california? Also, he’s 27 apparently, oof.
Finstock...honey...you ran out of keys when you have like 6 students behind you still.
why is Finstock paying for Allison and Lydia’s room as well? He’s just that nice, or did he honestly forget they aren’t on the track team?
Maybe it’s just the Sterek shipper in me talking, but someone wanna explain why the fuck Stiles would put Derek on the suspect list for HUMAN SACRIFICES? Let alone TWICE? He literally just helped Derek get his pack back and has been working with them the whole time? Why???Would??He???Suspect???DEREK??? OR his sister???
I totally forgot that Scott promised Stiles he would watch Star Wars after they got back to Beacon Hills. SCOTT YOU ASSHOLE COME ON.
yeouch. You’re putting a huge damper on my Stydia brotp here Stiles. jeez.
*Movie trailer voice* He’s a hunter whose family has been torn apart by a human/werewolf war, who refuses to give up the fight against a species his clan has persecuted for centuries. He does weird detective work that makes no sense and looks like a Dark Souls ghost repeat of someone’s death. He insists on ‘staying out of things’ but then follows people around getting mad when things go wrong. Coming this summer, Chris Argent must actually learn.....to get off his ass and help.
WHY DO THEY ALL DO THE CLAW THING??? Yes, they are obviously claw marks. Why the fuck do you need to put your fingers on it?
Honestly, it makes me so sad because STiles is trying okay? Like, Boyd was pissed that Stiles acted like his friend when they never hung out, and STiles is trying to do the chill smalltalk thing, trying to point out things they have in common. He’s trying to MAKE FRIENDS and Boyd is just....uh...possessed? And still getting candy?? Huh?
Honestly, I’d do the same thing Stiles. Get that candy.
Allison, why’d you get in the shower if Lydia wasn’t back with the towels yet? How’re you planning on getting to them? You expect Lydia to come into the bathroom while you’re showering to put one there? #allydia confirmed.
Okay, okay, look at that adaptation we got going on here. Remember, okay, the last time Allison was harassed sexually (which, holy shit I can’t believe this has happened twice) it was by Jackson, who was possessed by Matt. So when Scott gets super fucking creepy, instead of freaking out, her FIRST instinct is to check if he’s still himself, if he’s okay. She jumps to ‘possessed’ and tries to take care of him WHILE SHE”S NAKED IN THE SHOWER AND BEING CREEPED ON. Which, while absolutely horrendously terrifying, is also an interesting character growth. We get to see how Allison responds to the same situation, but a season later.
Really not a fan of the weird-ass focus they put on this woman’s stoma ( think that’s the word) like...are you seriously trying to make that a part of the ‘horror’ aspect of this episode? For real? what is wrong with you?
So I did the research, and actually, hotels aren’t required to tell anyone about deaths in their rooms. But they also renovate the entire room basically to clean that kind of thing up. Replacing walls and anything that can absorb liquid and even electronics. Oh, the things I google for this research. *sigh*
So, she says “since opening.” So...why does it even matter that an Argent was here? ALSO...why does the wolfsbane whistle matter? Clearly the whistle wasn’t the cause of the last howevermany (apparently 40) years of deaths, so why would it be the cause of these ones?? They gave like fifty different answers to the question of why the wolves (and only the wolves) tried to kill themselves and none of them make sense?
Hey, so...what the fuck even is this possession thing going on? What is it actually doing to these wolves? Why are they getting affected at different times? or did they all get affected at the same time, and the scene with Ethan and Danny is supposed to have been happening at the same time as the bit with Scott and Stiles? Is it supposed to like, make them more impulsive, or just drive them to do what they want to do? Boyd wants some candy, and he will get some candy. Isaac wants to watch tv so he just sits there and clicks through static endlessly. Scott wants to......fuck Allison?
Honestly? Good dad moment here. Chris. Good Dad Moment. I just, feel so bad for Allison. That when it comes down to it, she will always end up lying to her family to save Scott’s ass. Either when they’re dating and her dad wants to kill him for it, or when Scott shows up in her bathroom and grabs her and she can’t possibly tell her dad about it without Scott getting shot.
WHY do they treat that moment like it’s a big shocker that Allison was there? She TOLD her dad she would be going to help them. This shouldn’t be a surprise to him???
....wait how was allison on the phone with her dad, fully dressed and outside, but now she’s in her bra and drying her hair in the bathroom? TIMELINES. TW doesn’t HAVE them.
OKay, so Lydia says it’s only been 40 years, which would mean that the motel was only 6 years old when Alexander Argent died in it. Plus...Lydia literally says that approx. 4 deaths a year is a reasonable number? So...either this place has a lot of suicides, or it doesn’t. WHich one? Also, just because you have the warning at the beginning of the episode doesn’t mean you need to go into such callous detail about the different kinds of suicides that took place. God, that’s so tasteless.
As horrific as this moment is, I feel like I should point out that the behavior/conversation that Lydia hears...it’s nothing like what happened with the wolves. They’re talking about it, clearly nervous. But the wolves are stoic and silent. What? WHAT IS THIS PLOTLINE? IS THE MOTEL causing these suicides somehow, or are the werewolves poisoned by wolfsbane?? THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT PLOTS. WHICH ONE IS IT?
god, I just..I can’t not point out the contrast here! Lydia is saying she heard two people die in a room across the hall, and after leading Allison there they find an empty room going through renovation. All she has to say is “they were here” and Allison believes her. No hesitation. Stiles’ childhood best friend literally shows up dead and Scott refused to believe a word he said about human sacrifice until Deaton confirmed it. Yet Lydia and Allison have known each other less than a year, and Scott and Stiles are supposed to have been friends for ages.
I just...I hate fisheye lenses. they don’t give me any horror vibes at all, they just look stupid. Personal preference.
Boyd, honey, those things are supposed to have bags in them so they can be reused.
Lydia is actually very correct, remember what I said about the renovating?
God, this episode has so much...just horrible shit. I’m gonna fucking ignore it for my own sanity and just focus on how wolfy it is that Isaac wouldn’t want to sleep under the covers at a hotel because it would probably smell. Plus, bare feets. Also, why’d he go to bed so early? Did Boyd go get the ice for him, since he’s sweating so much?
I love that they are roommates.
Okay, I don’t understand. Three more suicides are about to happen. Boyd, Ethan, and I guesss...Scott? So what the fuck was up with Isaac? I just...they’re supposed to like. give into their their worst thoughts or something? Boyd’s guilt about his sister. Ethan’s....something. Scott’s...uh...self-hatred? Or, I think it’s more his lack of self-confidence? He doesn’t hate himself, he just doesn’t think he can keep going. And Isaac’s ingrained guilt of doing the wrong thing? His fear of being useless...I guess? So is it supposed to make them suicidal and Isaac’s a weird case, or does it only do that sometimes, and the rest of the time it just leaves you paralyzed with fear? This makes literally no sense.
Where has Stiles been this entire time?
Uh...that’s not how Alphas work? Just because Derek died, it wouldn’t make Scott an Alpha. Scott didn’t kill him. Even if Derek Was dead, it would’ve been from impact or from the wounds Ennis gave him. In no universe would Scott become an alpha. If it was the impact, Cora would become Alpha, as the next blood relation. If it was Ennis, the Hale Alpha spark would be gone/soaked up by Ennis.
Okay...so, Stiles was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, and he didn’t hear Scott talking to the phone?
*snort* Stiles has a Nokia phone. How much do you wanna bet his dad bought that for him after the Pool Scene because he was trying to make sure Stiles didn’t break another phone?
Did...did Stiles just leave the room with the toothbrush in his mouth?
Okay, I get that this is a teen drama...but why does it have to be so obsessed with 16 and 17 year olds having sex? Seriously? It’s not the common occurrence people think it is? Now, if these were college age people...or, hell, even then it wouldn’t be this fucking common. Seriously. I don’t want eye-candy from someone who’s supposed to be 17 at MOST. Teenagers watching this might like the eye candy, but when I watched this at 17 I STILL was sick of the sexy scenes. Knock it off.
.....uh....Ethan...do you not understand human anatomy? Giving Danny the bite wouldn’t remove the metal bars in his chest. It might heal the cartilage or whatever, but it wouldn’t REmove the BARS. Oh see that’s just creepy. Wait. OKay, are you telling me that Ethan’s thing that he wants, with this possession thing, is to bite Danny? AND HOW DOES DANNY NOT RESPOND TO THAT? HE’s supposed to know about werewolves, which means he HAS to be getting what Ethan’s going for. WTF?
...what the FUCk kind of voldemort “love and monsters” kinda bullshit was that? What does that have to do with Ethan’s deepest fear/insecurity?
I am...so confused. FIrst off, I love having Allison, Lydia, and Stiles all chillin’ trying to figure things out. THat’s amazing. But how do they know something’s up with Isaac? Also, it contradicts what I was theorizing before when Allison says the last time she saw Scott like that it was a full moon. Now I’m even more creeped out? WHy would they have her fully believe that it’s Scott, and just...let him be a fucking creep? Why would they openly admit that he’s been that terrifying with her before and then just...be chill about it? Also, when did she actually see Scott act like that? When he did it on his second moon Allison never saw him bc Derek tackled him into the woods. When did Scott go all creeper on her? Is this a REgular OCCUrREncE?
I know it was wasn’t intentional, but it’s such an adhd mood for Stiles to see the paper sticking out of the bible and just snatch at it. most people would call that ‘attention to detail’ but like...I just see it as ‘wtf is this, gotta know gotta know” mooood.
Why does Stiles go running to the next room like it’s an emergency, and what is the relevance of these articles in the bibles? LIke, yeah, you knew there were a ton of suicides. How does this help?? God, it’s like they were trying to make it a mini-horror film, but they just suck at understanding what the right order is to put things. FInding those articles should’ve been something that happened at the beginningin order to create a sense of unease, not in the middle of figuring things out!
how exactly did Stiles get the damn door open if it was locked? For that matter, how did Ethan know the handsaw was there? Was he on his way to talk to Lydia and Allison, or was he heading for Scott and Stiles’ room to get help? WHat’s going on???
Thank you Allison for not just Standing There. And Lydia for having a BRAIN. <3
OKay. I know I said I wouldn’t comment on these scenes with Jennifer, but this is just a general observation. DEREK. YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE. YOU ARE PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF CALLING PEOPLE FROM THE BED.
What...what does that mean Ethan? “You probably shouldn’t have.” WHat?
I know it’s supposed to be for the Allison/Scott angle, but I just love Lydia and Stiles heading to save the pack. *sigh*
I gotta say, I actually really respect Stiles for straight up telling Lydia about the parallels he’s seeing. Rather than hide it from her, he’s trying to get to the root of the problem, point blank and he’s being honest with her about his worries that she might be involved without even knowing it. And she listens and doesn’t get immediately defensive. This communication is SO GOOD. Stydia BROTP.
I’m fucking on the verge of tears. Sinqua, your acting is just...like, you barely speak in this scene and yet your face is just??So pained?
Bare feets. I know I point it out a lot, but like, compared to kali, who keeps her claws out all the time even in like a fucking hospital. It’s so cute to see Boyd and Isaac wandering barefoot in their hotel room. Just, the level of calm it implies, despite the situation. They feel so safe with each other.
ALSO did Boyd go through all of that while Isaac was under the bed?
WAIT WHAT? WHy is Lydia suddenly all pissed off? WHAT? That makes no sense! But then when she says his name, she doesn’t sound upset at all?? WHAT?
ALSO, I thought this was supposed to be about suicides? Why did they add this totally random (and horrific) thing? It has nothing to do with BoYD! JUST BECAUSE YOU PUT A TRIGGER WARNING DOESN”T MEAN YOU NEED TO MUSH AS MUCH FUCKED UP SHIT AS POSSIBLE INTO ONE EPISODE. GOD. It’s like those people who assume just because they’re allowed to do R rated shit, they have to have random sex scenes in their tv show.
where did Scott get gasoline? Like...where?
God fucking damn it, how fucking demonizing can you get, fucking juxtapositioning Scott’s suicidal monologue about Derek suffering and being dead, then jumping to Derek fucking someone instead of telling anyone he’s alive? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why is it literally ANY TIME Stiles or Derek are in some way happy (NOT that I’m considering Derek at that moment in time Happy or in any way okay) they always make it out to be the most horrible thing ever? It’s like I said before, Stiles smiling on the field because he actually gets to play lacrosse? Jackson’s about to die. Stiles happy because he’s going to play a game in class? His best friend is missing. Derek....I’m not even going to give what’s going on a name. But then they just layer that over Scott...what even is he doing? Everyone else actually tried to kill themselves. Why is he just...standing there? Are they seriously trying to make the claim that his strength of will is so strong he’s the only one could can hold out against the...whatever the fuck is causing this? Jesus fucking christ do you have to turn him into Jesus every time? SERIOUSLY?
...I get that this is supposed to be an emotional moment, but why the fuck does Scott’s monologue about how much he sucks have to drag Stiles down with him? Stiles was literally always good at lacrosse. He never got ‘better’ before being put on the field. You saying that the both of you were ‘nothing’ is a terrible, horrible thing to say because you’re implying that because Stiles didn’t get the bite like you did, the only thing that makes him more than nothing is being your friend. How does Scott manage to be a total asshole even when he’s in the middle of explaining why he wants to die?
AGAIN WITH THE RANDOM PLOTLINES. DAVIS WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS THE HOTEL HAUNTED, OR IS THE WHISTLE FULL OF WOLFSBANE OR IS THE DARACH ACTIVELY MAKING THEM KILL THEMSELVES? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? ANd why would the Darach be making them kill themselves?? THey don’t match any of her sacrifice requirements! This makes no sense with the plotline you follow for the rest of the season!
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SCENE? Scott was NOWHERE NEAR Ethan? WHY THE FUCK DID HE GIVE SCOTT THE CREDIT FOR SAVING HIS LIFE? And why would he thank him for it, when he told Stiles he shouldn’t have been saved? WHAT IS GOING ON?
Also, why does Ethan have like, a bruise thing on his cheek? Is that...is that a skin thing, or like, a show thing?
This doesn’t solve the problem of Allison’s car being stuck with an empty tank at the side of the road halfway to Beacon Hills.
dude. you realize that was literally 34 years ago? Deucalion would have to be like 50. and even then he would’ve been a fucking 16 year old Alpha. So that makes Deucalion more likely in his 60s. Also, why the fuck do you care Chris? This is such a random fucking thing. It makes no sense. What the fuck does it matter now?
Last Thoughts: What the fuck even is this episode? It’s like this steaming dumpster fire of half-assed ideas and loose ends to plots we’ll never see and really shitty horror movie vibes. We’re talking D List or maybe E list horror movies. I’m honestly disgusted? I can’t remember the last time I had to watch something so tasteless and cruel and insensitive in every single way?
.....on to the next episode, I guess. God, I need to change all of this in the rewrite, and I don’t know if I can actually make it good?
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snokoms · 5 years
Under the Sea part 7
so, I have a name for this OC. but I don't like the name. If you know any good and/or werid names, you would be a great help.
While living in the cave Stiles finally has time to think. Stiles and his thoughts were never a good combination. He tries to avoid it as much as possible. Unfortunately, there is not much to distract him after his first search of the cave.
 So, he thinks. He thinks about the pack and comes to the not-so-surprising realisation that he might be alone in this. Yeah, it might not be his first kidnapping, nor is it the first time he had to get himself out of the situation. It is, however, the first time in a different body.
 Would they even recognise him?
 He starts thinking back to the beginning of freshman year. Scott and him had been slowly drifting apart since they changed schools. The crooked jaw boy having less and less time for him, blowing him off and spending more time with others. Saying he had to train for lacrosse if he was going to make it on the team that year.
 Maybe that was why he had taken his friend out to the woods that day. To spend one last time together before school started again. Like a last hooray. Of course, it had to blow up in his own face when Scott went and got bitten by a werewolf.
 Crazy right?!
 Yeah, not so much apparently.
 So, he had helped the boy with his control. Watched him make first line and go for pizza with the team after plays (never mind that he was on the team as well, not like he was invited or wanted. Who could want him?).
 Watched him trying to woo the hunter girl, like it could end as anything other than complete and utter disaster.
 And when they did get to spend time together, that was all his best friend talked about. Her perfect hair and beautiful eyes and did you know that Allison-. You get the gist.
 Maybe that is why he got so obsessed by the Hales (yes obsessed, he admits. Take that.) Throwing himself in the world of nightmares headfirst to distract himself and fill the lonely days and lonelier nights.
 The shaky ground his dad and he had reached years after his mother’s dead slowly disappearing with every lie, every time he did not came home, every crime scene he showed up at. All the bruises that barely left his body before others already covered them. All the excuses that they both knew were not true. Every time he avoided eye contact because he was afraid of the look in his dad eyes.
 After the nogitsune, after finding out what it did, what he did. After finding out about the nightmares hiding in the shadows around the corner. The empty bottles had started showing up again. Making him avoid his dad out of fear of the man becoming like just after his mother finally was laid to rest.
 Laying between the seaweeds and anemone he starts thinking about the pack. His mind immediately going to the time he held Derek up in the pool for four hours. Waiting for Scott to show up and chase away the kanima, he never thought he would be able to feel his legs again afterwards. Happy when Derek was finally able to drive him home. Or the time grandpa psycho had kidnapped him and thrown him in the basement. Only to find Erica and Boyd hanging from the opposite wall, (he hoped they were well, wherever they had run to after they were freed from the alpha pack) chained with electricity. He knew Allison knew. Had seen her there. Had felt her slice the dagger on his legsarmsfeetbreakhisfingers-
 Breath Stiles. Breath, in, hold, out, hold. Again. After a while he calmed down again and let his mind wander to more recent events.
 After the nogitsune the pack had started to drift even farther away. He could see the looks, the distrust and hate. He knew they blamed him for Allison’s dead. Aiden’s dead. The bomb at the police station, making his dad work even more. The arrow in Finstock’s leg. It was all his fault. Everything was his fault.
 He knew, okay?
 He knew he let it in.
 He should have been stronger.
 Closed the door like Scott and Allison did.
 Fought harder.
 Why was he too weak to close that damned door? His brother would not even look at him anymore. Lydia was disgusted with him, he had long ago abandoned his ten year plan to woo her (right around the time a certain sourwolf moved back to town). Isaac had left with Chris, running from the memories of the girl they loved.
 Everyone at school avoided him (even if they were all too happy with his warnings), still afraid of him. Of what he became. Of what he is. Because that was the biggest joke, wasn’t it?
 The nogitsune did not create anything. It just used what was already there. Corrupted his spark, used his knowledge. Used everything he had read online on days he could not sleep. Used everything he had learned from his observations.
 It had shown him what is was like to kill.
 To hit.
 To hurt.
 To make those that hurt him know what it was like to be beaten. Ignored. Tortured. Used. Thrown away like a rag toy.
 Yes, nogitsunes lived on chaos and pain. But it could see what his host had seen. Just like the host could see what the parasite had seen.
It had used everything that made Stiles Stiles.
 And in turn he had learned how to protect himself. How to escape chains. What the quickest way was to silence someone. What the most hurtful way was. How to move swift and quit. How to hunt the hunters who hunted him.
 The new puppies in the pack avoided him.
 He did not know if it was because someone told them to, or because of him. He tried to avoid thinking of the former option.
 Malia had left.
 Derek had left.
 Everyone left him.
 Maybe he had deserved this. Maybe all he was good for were territory disputes, information gathering, kidnappings, or extra additions to rare species.
 Did not mean he wanted it.
 He wanted out. He was going to leave the hell hole called Beacon Hills. Find a new place. It was why he had graduated a year earlier. Only applying to schools on the east coast. Packing his bare essentials, transferring his mother’s funds to another, untraceable account. Using what Danny had taught him after a lot of bribing. Using what Void had taught him during his possession. He had even left his laptop and mobile in the sheriff’s house, making it seem as if he was still in Beacon Hills.
 If no one notices he is kidnapped for days. Then surely no one will notice, or hell forbid miss him, if he leaves town.
   Two days later their careful routine is broken again when a trilling goes through the rocks, followed by an angry screech in the distance.
 The boy looks up from his fish, they started eating together after that first time. In a flash he is by the entrance moving something. A curtain of seaweed appears. With quick and swift movements, he starts herding Stiles towards the smaller cave.
 This is the closest they had been together since he woke up.
 The screeching sounds again. Closer this time.
 The werecreature starts physically pushing him towards the opening, all the while looking back. Afraid of who is behind the noise. Taking his chances, he swims inward (he’s gotten a lot better in using his tail, itching for the opportunity to use it outside the cave).
 Fishboy follows and starts moving away more seaweed near the ceiling of the cave on the left side, revealing an even smaller entrance, motioning for Stiles to enter. With one look behind he quickly does so. Whatever is behind the noise. It’s close. Very close. The sweetwatercreature follows and Stiles quickly begins to swim. Through narrow tunnels and sometimes even smaller corridors they go from one cave to the next. Being pushed to his max by the hunter they left behind.
   It feels like hours, maybe more, and he is exhausted when they finally pause. They’re in a slightly bigger cavern and can freely move around each other.
 Was that, did it just, could he….
 Yup, he just sort of understood seahissing.
 Perplexed he looks at the boy. It looks back and then quickly swims away.
 Exhausted he decides to stay there for a while. Scrubbing his scales free of dirt. They have grown in his time underwater. The scales are now covering part of his torso. Getting thinner higher up and thicker again on his neck around his gills.
 He is just about finished when he hears something coming his way. Quickly hiding in one of the pathways he sees the boy returning. It looks almost sad when it notices Stiles isn’t there. Carefully laying down the seaweeds he found.
 He is almost gone when Stiles pokes his head out of his tunnel. Softly scraping the wall. When it looks back and sees him it starts geckering and hissing so fast he can barely hear when one word stops and the next starts.
Coming out of the tunnel and swimming towards the seaweed he starts eating. All the while paying attention to the sounds he hears. Trying to make sense of it.
 Why did it look so sad when he thought Stiles was gone?
 Why did it try to save him from the terrifying noise?
 That’s when he notices how young the boy really is, how small. The muscles on its arm aren’t defined enough to carry another person. Without thought he grabs one and examines it. Lays it against his arm. Pokes at the little bit of muscle. Looks at every side, when the boy only looks quietly towards him, he grabs the other arm as well.
 It’s the same.
 How are the fingers so small?
 He remembers them being bigger against his skin when he was caught. Where they only big when he was above water? But that makes no sense. He didn’t shrink so why would they. Curiously he looks towards the owner of the appendage. What if…? What if they’re not the same? Does that mean the other is still out there? Or was his kidnapper killed by the monster in the lake. Is that who they ran from?
Is it dead and this one found him, finders’ keepers? No, no he cannot hope that whatever took him is dead.
 He never has such luck.
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i-sveikata · 7 years
Gabby liveblogs the new teen wolf ep
i mean technically it’s not liveblogging since I’m in australia and the delay obvs but here we go guys prepare for death:
-lololololololo the fuck they always gotta start it at the school cause they cant afford another set anymore
-whut scott is the assistant coach???!!!!!
-omg hayden left?????? why do they literally just remove all of their female characters with nonsense explanations??? hello kira???? havent seen her in a while. do females not exist in beacon hills?? apparently even being a love interest isn’t a good enough reason to keep the gals around anymore dear god.
-’you want my whistle? who gave you a whistle???’ omfg coach finstock is the best
-the fuck was that supposed to be a wolf on the field or a coyote??? or malia???? legit can’t even tell, oh nvmind scott and liam followed it into the woods found a pack of dead wolves with weird bugs that are crawling out of their eyes, naturally.
-malia heading out to paris and not wanting to help anyone with the problem is goals. but you know there are other ways to write female characters without making their only interest being climbing dick you know, we can have depth.
-liam and scott bonding, lol, they cute and feels, scotty all worried he’s losing control, making him repeat the werewolf mantra dear god this is dorky. giving it instrumental impressive music wont change that friends.
-lol, ‘i got ducktape’ this is me.
-oh goody more mental asylum stuff and weird frozen mummified rock shit, is this a throwback to pompeii or what?
-yeah touch the petrified ashy human corpse thing, that’s a great idea obvs like what is even happening right now.
-of course some dude exploded out of it, why are we even surprised people? oh that’s right we’re not. wait who the fuck is that? no wait, i can guess, it’s another mediocre white guy.
-’i like latin’ liam you dork, oh poor kid ‘this has been a really hard year for me’ ‘if you want to talk about your girlfriend guidance hours are posted’ damn girl that’s brutal.
-interesting that all the youngins are getting a senior registration and applying to colleges scenes talking about their futures at school but for the veteran characters we barely got a sentence about it.
-’you can see me right’ omg lol corey are you having some visibility issues.
-who wants to guess this new college guidance lady is probably not human- lol the music just changed and went all sinister like bruh we already got this, literally every new character we meet ends up being evil like cmon.
-who the fuck is this nolan kid- yet another mediocre white boy!!!!!- are they going for the olympics in white boys what is this shit- oh god she wants to talk about the animal attack on the field.
-lol him being like ‘that was no animal’ jesus fucking christ honestly am i in deja vu land are we just repeating tired drama from the first season now.
-liam how do you not know what a scarab is????? have you not seen the mummy what kind of kid are you??
-haha that girl screaming ‘why does this keep happening to our school’ when all the rats show up is the real shit.
-mediocre other mummy white boy appears in the classroom, stares a bit and tries to look interesting and then leaves. wow lifechanging moment.
-naturally liam and mason end up in the pipes again, because where else would teen wolf film things that happen.
-lydia making a bestiary yeah girl. Her mama isn’t being very smart saying no to that- who’s guess is it she dies almost immediately??? yeah girl leave that paperwork in mamas desk. 
-scott trying out his weird electrocution kink with his mum, i am uncomfortable, but also teaching her the ways of electrocution is vaguely sweet.
-mama mccall gonna cover all the werewolf shit when scott is gone i love it. family bonding stuff yeaaaaaahh. oh shit she electrocuted him whilst hugging. family fun times.
-’i held the button, didn’t I?’ ‘you held the buttton’ BEST
-rat king ew is that what they said. gross. lol malia making liam smell the gross dead rat.
-REROUTED. malia is determined to get on a plane to get that french dick apparently.
-how the fuck did mummy white guy end up in the sheriff station???? do the deputies no longer exist?? wheres papa stilinski???
-parrish on the creepy white dude, all is well apparently.
-liam and mason bringing mama mccall a nice dead rat. bring her dinner you sick bastards.
-the fuck??? hallways in flames, parrish meeting another possible hellhound??? what is trying to be said here, fucked if i know.
-weird white guy has some kind of blood kink, sniffing all the injured people in the hospital because of reasons.
-idiot dudes punched liam in the face and he lost his shit. some mantra kid. use the werewolf force. freaky white mummy guy looming in the hallway behind him, cue demon suspense music while he chases for liam now in a closing elevator.
-ANDDDDDD the door closes before mummy white dude can get to him. shocker. i am on the edge of my seat with surprise and  anguish obvs
-lydia showing up to get scott? i thought in the last ep stiles said hed be driving down to campus with lydia together???? does that mean she did and came back for some reason?? or stiles miraculously teleported there on his own. wow i love continuity. good thing im watching teen wolf huh.
-all the lights go out, because its lydia this is teen wolf and EVERYTHING MUST BE DARK AND HARD TO SEE AT ALL TIMES.
-phones ringing are always the most suspenseful thing to happen to me as well, love hearing that dialtone and having a wind machine suddenly blowing hair out of my face before appearing back in... wow you guessed it- the school!!!
-ohhhhhh spideyweb time. love it. gotta touched those creepy webs because otherwise what else could lydias banshee powers possibly do. lots of screaming. love that. was that gunfire? idk here this is stupid. 
-ah yes, lydia miraculously finds the perfect bit of web to touch because of unexplainable reasons.’ YOU LET IT OUT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO RIDE WITH THE HUNT FOREVER’ k thanks im hanging up the web now byeeeeeee.
-how does nobody lock the fucking school doors at this point. parrish and mummy white dude just walked straight in.
-’what are you?’ ‘you know what i am im the same as you’ lololololololololl this is gonna be some weird hellhound pissing contest.
-’something you let out, something that needs to be stopped’ oh goody something new an differernt for us. so innovative.
-ah yes, the pissing contest begins. or fire contest i guess? idk?/ and oh hey the guidance counsellor lady was not as she seemed!!! wow, i never would have seen that coming in my life. thanks
-hey guys when you take away the fire, it’s just two shirtless dudes homoerotically wrestling with each other.
-oh well time for parrish to sleep it off,
-’if the wild hunt couldn’t keep you nothing can’ this is literally sounds like the fucked up adage ‘if i cant have you no one can’ and i am uncomfortable.
-oh boy white mummy guy isn’t after liam- i could never have guess that would happen.
-’it must be stopped nothing else matters’ wow, no, because here I was thinking just let the monster run free and kill people and pile up bodies and stuff. isnt that what teen wolf is about.
-what the fuck lydia, popping your ass up in the middle of the headlights like some kind of ghost haunting, ‘we cantt leave’ bruh you need to chill. 
-of course they need some scene with mason giving liam a pep talk like hes the most important character in this show, yeah id totally believe that. hey heres an idea instead of making it about comforting him for losing his girlfriend, how bout you dont write his girlfriend out, there i fixed it.
-malia’s flight no longer delayed!!! haha that squeal of excitement, omg she yelled ‘Oui Oui’ i gotchu girl leave this hellhole while you can.
-opp and heres scott and lydia out to ruin her fun. ofc.
-”no, no nonononono  no, its just rats and wolves- and maybe a little bug problem’ see shes got the spirit. let her get french dick in peace. but also, how the fuck are they gonna explain her and scott hooking up in the future because idk what a fucking ride.
-goes to the window instead because her friends are trying to cockblock her- shes DETERMINED PPL U CANT STOP THE DICK.
-lol scott steps aside and then lydia moves into malias way MY GOD before scott pulls her back out, fuckin i cannot.
-two seconds of disappointed looks but cmon guys lets not pretend that malias an independent person who can make decisions outside of the group- aaaannnnnn shes back. wow. quelle surprise.
-but hey at least she hit scott in the face with her bag, get it girl.
-injured white mummy hellhound staggering through the woods then shift to lydia, malia and scott in the car ‘we opened a door to another world and something came out with us’ THIS IS LITERALLY THE PLOT FOR SEASON 3? 4? THE ONE WITH THE NOGITSUNE CMON PPL.
-of course guidance counsellor college lady is gonna kill white mummy hellhound boy. i support her.
-’what kind of price a big price?” ‘big’ wow, A+ dialogue here, someone give them an emmy for this shit.
-oh no guidance counsellor lady in trouble. bu t of course when push comes to shove, shoot white mummy hellhound boy in the head. but white guy actually died for once???? props. lets see how long hell stay dead before theres a reason that makes no sense to bring him back. cough cough theo.
-two seconds later cause apparently thats enough time for her to escape without the Gang sans stiles noticing. even though two of them have increased hearing and sense of smell?!!!??!! because it wouldnt be teen wolf otherwise.
-lydia ‘i thought you couldnt kill a hellhound’ WHEN WAS THAT EVER SAID??? I LITERALLY DO NOT REMEMBER THAT BEING STATED???
-scott, picking up the bullet casing which apparently killed an unkillable hellhound but hes just so good its not an issue. oh hey, is that a fleur de lis?
-’argent’ ooooooooohhh more suspense. dont think i can take it.
-’the sound of someone who’s never lifted a hand against a human being’ you can says shes a hunter lydia, her trunk was full of murdery shit we get it.
-also whats with teen wolfs repetitive need to make girls have an emotional distressing response to something before they go all ‘i kill you, ill kill everyone, ill kill myself idgaf’ and their expression goes all Tough Girl. like cmon. u realise girls dont all react the same way to the same things right?
-but hey props to guidance lady for not dying, though i mean she’s a girl and shes not white so lets assume her chances arent strong for future eps.
-lol all three of them sitting on scotts bed together. is it just me or should they all just make out, im just saying.
-’can we say we forgot?’ omg lydia PHRASING, u literally forgot stiles barely a few eps ago, dont crush him already.
-’we almost lost him last time’ i just love how the girls have all the emotional lines and scott just gets to sit there a nod like stiles hasnt been his best friend for years and years. but apparently connection on teen wolf means only if you want to fuck each other since scott magically forgot stiles without much effort and the entire season was about lydia getting him back even though they literally werent even dating and theyd given no indication shed even liked him when he was taken. but suddenly shes magically interested in him and the connection with scott, his best fucking friend for life somehow wasnt strong enough and I AM SALTY.
-malia- ’if this turns out to be somthing big and we don’t call him-’ ‘he would kill us’ hey look Scott got to say something accurate about his best friend, yay!
-’you guys didn’t hear his voice, he was really excited to be there’ aww scott, but seriously you asshole writers are still telling me their connection wasn’t enough for scott to bring him back? for shame.
-’lets just play the voicemail’ lol here comes the swelling emotional music.
-but seriously fuck you guys, heres stiles telling scott to leave beacon hills behind him and that its not his responsibility and not to worry about it and take stiles’ jeep (which we know he loves more than anything) and drive, and the instrumentals are getting really emotional showing stiles at the fbi and youre still trying to tell me that scott wouldnt have remembered his best friend without lydia???? fuck off.
-omg the nerd stopped at the fbi seal and straightened his tie i fucking love it.
-seriously whats with this music??? like stiles just won the damn noble peace prize or something just for showing up. its no wonder ppl think scott isnt the main when the writers give stiles all these storylines and attention, like this is not subtle ppl.
-stiles constantly interrupting the fbi dude in the middle of the presentation gives me life omg.
-’one recent manhunt had our crisis response team chasing down a bizarrely feral unsub in the wilderness of north carolina-”
-are they literally trying to sell that this is current??? like that is clearly season 1 footage of derek what the fuck is happening right now. why cant he just have a vacation for fun, why do the writers have to ruin everything for him but nope, mass hunting derek time ofc,
-the way stiles put his hand over his mouth as if that would cover up the fact that he literally spat water everywhere. smooth stilinski.
-omg the presenter dude look down at the list of names seeing Mieczyslaw Stilinski and legit being like ‘uh... young man’ thats awesome.
-’just got a little excited’ honestly what the fuck teen wolf. you baiting sterek fans or what?
-stiles trying to find out what they’re after him for- ‘Murder’ but what type of murder. “Mass murder’
-suspenseful music AGAIN jesus fucking c h r i s t.
-OMG now they’re just zooming in on dereks tattoo, increasing the music. dude we fucking get it, thats derek hale and you, the writers, fucking hate him. chill.
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batwynn · 8 years
Invitation For Two
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