#cannot stand it the crustiness and the beauty standards
hecksupremechips · 8 months
Everyone in the 2000s was nasty looking as hell and they still had the audacity to want women to be literal twigs
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
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I hate to admit this; but after 7 yrs of hyp.erse.xuality, Eris’s libido is doing a: “IN HIBERNATION MODE: don’t touch me, or you will die” phase. I’m coming to understand, that it’s just one of her many, many cycles of existence. Something I am JUST learning that she NATURALLY goes through as a deity of CHAOS & DISCORD.
This is a big reason I think she’s MIA a lot. She’s expected to be a sexpot, &  “ship, ship, ship or die!!!” And she’s DONE. (for now) (I’m calling myself out here, no worries. I never pursued what “we” didn’t want!!) 
And yes, she is normally a highly sexual being that enjoys her beauty & skills of entrapment, but she is primarily CHAOS, DISCORD & STRIFE, and I am realizing NOW, that she is ALSO cyclical. Love, hate, or “whatever,” she’s rolling into different seasons “whenever” at the drop of a hat, and she changes, constantly.
[[[ NB: I also think when certain events and social garbage trends chime up in the world, she becomes a Being of pure indifference & force, and can’t be burdened with seduction and relationships; even one-night stands are stupid waste of time to her. ]]]
So, she’s NOT ace, but she’s not hypersexual, either. She’s a GODDESS, an entirely different “thing” from us mortals, so she CANNOT be measured by our human NEED to categorize everything and force fit the human standards du jour. 
Funny, but back when I first made her in 2012-13, I originally stated: “She wouldn’t be a good muse to have for romance ships.” But after a few months, I caved and I rom-shipped her with people. (Hey, she was ok with it to a point) Well, many ships have come and gone, and many muns have deleted or went into radio silence, but yeah, I was right. I still love shipping her, it’s always fun and interesting, and the smut was great--BUT right now? yikes. No. So...
See? You CAN learn new things about a crusty-ass old dusty muse you’ve been cranking out for years & years. XD It’s NEVER OVER.
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