#cannonsburg tattoo
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aflowerthatbloomed · 3 years ago
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚🍒 𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 🍒 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆  
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ series masterlist˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧ plot: a college student who was as sweet as cotton candy and a professor who was as stern as a dean somehow make the perfect recipe for success. It is Aurora Lennonsburns begging of the year essay. she wants more than anything to become an English professor like her favorite teacher Mr.Hiddelston. Though mean and sour she loves the way he teaches she finds his lessons quite insightful and useful. She finally picks a title for her essay. She calls it enchanting. It almost matches her topic about the connection between humans. Mr.Hiddleston is impressed with her work. And for the first time, aurora puts down her book and starts to pay attention to her surroundings. but what if there was another interest, a small-town boy who was in a diner just making it by. The two seem to have an odd little fling. and Mr. Hiddleston doesn’t like that. 
warnings: this book contains age gaps, drinking, smoking, family problems, mental illness, etc please tell me if you find something i should add to this list! :)
☄. *. ⋆chapter 1: wasn’t my best idea 
pov: aurora cannonsburg 
Wasn’t my best idea, I was currently running toward the small diner on campus. I thought sleeping in an extra ten minutes would give me time to get ready and make it to the other side of campus on time for my creative writing class. I was never one to be late; so this was causing my stress to fly out my butt. My dingy converse pace quickly down the sidewalk. I looked like a wreck. I was wearing my shortalls with an old dingy flower-patterned shirt that had long sleeves and a green zip-up from middle school. Wasn’t my best choice of clothes but they worked. 
My English essay is due by the end of the quarter. It’s one of the most important papers I will write in my college career. The one with the best essay could be honored with an award for graduation and it will look really good on your resume. I pray to be an author that will run her own publishing company. But for right now this essay would be the start of that dream. Last night I stood up till four in the morning searching for concepts. My mind wouldn’t let me rest so I was up vastly late. Inhaling a sharp breath pushed the glass door of Rock-in Diner. I swear this is one of the best places to get coffee on campus. 
The morning chatter was still flooding the air of the retro diner. A small smile grew on my lips as I grew comfortable in the silent conversations and laughing. The Rockin-in Diner was quite the spot. The walls were all decorated with tons of faded neon lights, yet some of them were glowing a vibrant hue. The teal walls held old guitars and band pictures, there was a tiny stage that had a drum set. The tables were covered in multi-colored picnic table-tablecloths. And the coffee cups were huge. It was like walking into a small little retro heaven that had the warm scents of hazelnut and hashbrowns.
“Hey kiddo, you're late,” a familiar voice called me out of my morning trance. My eyes flicked over to the counter where a man stood with a small stubble and perfectly quaffed hair. The tattoos on his neck made me immediately know who it was.
“I know, I know, don’t bring it up,” I chuckled as I walked toward the counter. His loose-fitted crew neck made me jealous of how cozy he looked. Sebastian works at the Diner. He's twenty-five and he's a pretty sweet guy. From the second I first came to Yale he’s been my number one helper. 
“Why are you late, you're never one to pull this?” his deep voice asked, leaning on the counter, arms crossed, eyebrows plucked up. His face was stern. Something about Seb, he had and has a lot of piercings. Well not as much anymore. He used to have his face covered in them. His brow, his labret, the bridge of his nose. And like a lot more. But now he only sticks to his nose and lip even the ear ones are gone. I eagerly want to rip them out. They look so uncomfortable I still can’t even find comfort in my second piercing in my ear. 
“I was up all night working on my topic for a creative writing essay,” chuckling at his sternness. He cared way too much. But it was nice to have someone who cared. 
“So could I please with five cherries on top have my usual?” I jokingly whined as he rolled his eyes and shook his head. Taking a rag and smacked it over his shoulder as he glared at me. 
“You better of been working on that essay,” Seb said, pouring a cup of coffee into a to-go cup. 
“What could I have been doing?” 
“Partying, drinking, everything you know you shouldn’t do,” he jests, passing the cup to my hands. Took it from him and let the warm liquid warm my skin. It was my turn to roll my eyes. I never had time for that stuff. I wish I did. Truly. I wanted to go out on the town and go to the frats but I don’t know what to do. How to socialize in those situations. And plus I have so much work. 
“I don’t even know where the frat houses are,” I snickered while taking a small sip of my caramel coffee just letting it warm my system. Energy surged through my body just from the single sip. 
“Keep it that way alright?,” he said flatly as I nodded. 
“Don’t be like me kid, do something worthwhile.” 
My face dropped, “you did something worthwhile.”
“Mhm, get to class before I chase you out of here with the hose, I’ll see you later right?” I laughed loudly as his cold face stood deadpan. I ran to the glass door pushing it open a bit.
“Of course, Bye Seb!” I wave before walking out on the sidewalk and making my way toward the small bus station. Looking down at my watch I noticed it was 11:28; Luckily for me, the bus comes every twenty minutes and in two minutes the bus should be here, only making me fifteen minutes late for an eighty-minute class. 
Sebastian. Met him on the first day of freshman year well this year. I was lost and saw a small diner and I walked in there. He had a funny apron on with the words “kiss the cook” embroidered on it. He was focused beyond belief due to the morning rush. I probably looked like a lost dog because he gave me such a sympathetic look. He called me over using his nickname that has stuck “kid.” Seb call’s anyone younger than him that. I figured that the more time I spent around the diner. It was quite endearing. Anyways after he called out to me he gave me directions and even walked me around campus later that day. He’s a bit cold sometimes but I personally find that lovable. 
A squeak scared me out of my reminiscing, I noticed a small white bus. Hopping on, I showed my driver my ID. The woman in the chair gave me her usual smile when she saw me but then she looked at me confused. A huff of air escaped my lips before saying, “stayed up late with my essay.” Before plopping myself in the seat behind her. 
“This is a first for you hun, let me tell you I’m happy seeing you a little rebellious,” the older woman winked at me through the rear view mirror. A little giggle left my lips in response. Leaning forward on my seat I sigh drastically, 
“Everyone has been telling me this.” 
“It’s unlike you sugar, you are never one to be late. Everything alright?” The bus driver's sweet voice asked, looking at me with sad eyes. I realized everyone has been so worried. Seb, Ms.Davis the bus driver. But in honesty, they had nothing to fret about. I had one little glitch in the system and that’s okay. It was a stressful night. This essay is so important to me. 
I smiled and nodded while looking at her through the rearview mirror, “I swear on every caramel latte with extra whip cream I’m okay, Dr. Hiddelston assigned me this essay that is very important for graduation and I want it to be perfect.” 
Her lips cracked up a bit making me feel very relieved, “you tell him for me if he gives you any headache I’ll take his books and shove them so far up his-” 
“Woah! Ms.Davis, Vulgar!” I snicker before looking at my phone and noticing a notification. 
Lily (bestie!)
11:31 new message: 
rora! are you okay, dr. hiddels is worried i’m worried you never do this. text me back asap!!!!!!
My eyes widened, did everyone think I had some scandalous night on the town or something, quickly opened the messaging app, my fingers typing on the screen furiously. 
Aurora (tiny!) 
11:32 new message: 
I’m fine!!! Promise was up all night working on my essay!!! Be there in 5 minutes and tell hiddels i’ll be there. 
11:32 new message: 
oh, thank god, okay i’ll tell him!
Shutting my phone off I looked up to see the bus empty. No chatter, no laughing, just the sound of the engine. A small sigh escaped my lips and I sipped more of the sweet coffee. The squeak of the bus made me jerk as I noticed I was in front of the campus. Lecture hall 3B. My teeth budded from my lips at the sight of my class. Bouncing on my heels I waved goodbye to Ms.Davis before leaving and heading inside the large hall. I loved walking down these halls, my favorite class was definitely creative writing. It was the most freeing. Dr.Hiddleston has many degrees, creative writing was one of them. I knew he was a Doctor in literature. He is the nicest professor in the world. I think so at least. He is very good at simplifying things and making them easy to pick up. My converse squeak on the marble floor. Mumbles of teachers talking, and students answering questions filled my ears. I liked the sound of people. It was comforting. Looking at a tall door placing my hand on the golden knob, I hear a British voice,
“And that's how you incorporate—Ms. Cannonsburg glad you made it.” 
My cheeks warmed up now noticing why being late sucked. All the attention was suddenly placed upon me like a princess being coronated. Sticking my hand out I wave it a little while walking slowly. Clutching the straps on my backpack. Dr.Hiddleston stood there in his gray slacks and white button-up. Those buttons on that shirt should be buttoned up a little more. His perfectly slicked hair was very clean and proper. The light-haired man also had a pair of glasses adorned on the bridge of his nose. The mid-morning sun brushed on his skin giving him a perfect glow. He was the definition of grace and elegance. He always made me feel a bit insecure. I never give myself a second glance in the morning. Maybe it’s because I won’t like what I will see. Or maybe it’s because I genuinely don’t care. But Dr.Hiddleston always looked proper. Well-groomed. 
“Sorry Dr.Hiddleston,” I flustered quickly making my way to my seat in the hall. My eyes spot my best friend Lily. Her blond hair was shoved up on top of her head in a messy bun, with her black sweats and sweatshirt were a perfect match as her clumpy mascara was running. She looked at me with a smirk as she shook her head. I took a seat next to her. 
“It’s alright darling, don’t make it a habit,” my professor's smooth voice said before he went back to his lecture. Nodding quickly I snatched my laptop out of my backpack and quickly logged in. 
Hearing a chuckle beside me I looked at Lily with a small glare, “told you, you're not built to stay up past ten.” 
“Shush, I needed to choose a topic,” grumbling I looked at my document, noticing the topic I picked highlighted with light pink. The connection of people. I was shocked I even got to pick the idea. But I feel the connection of people was a great topic. 
“Aurora, if you are going to come to my class twenty minutes late please don’t speak,” Dr. Hiddeslton's calm voice asked, annoyed. My mouth clamped shut giving my undivided attention to my professor. Something about Dr.Hiddleston his eyes are intimidating. They are this whimsical blue that I swear looked like the waves on the beach. Shells I swear are hidden inside them. But there is a sternness hidden in his iris, one that could make you shut up just by a subtle glare. Sucking in my saliva to rekindle some hydration. I just nodded and focused on his lesson. 
☄. *
Class ended. Unfortunately, it didn’t go off without a hitch. The embarrassing feeling never left my system. And currently sitting in the empty study hall where Dr.Hiddleston was collecting his papers and neatly tucking them away into his leather suitcase. It looked worn—the beige leather was faded in color; there were patches and stamps adorned on the huge case. It looked to have a lot of age. I bet if the suitcase was human. It would have probably been wise. It matched Dr.Hiddleston, a wise, wise man. 
“Aurora, are you okay?” his velvety tone coaxed me out of my thoughts. Something about him always made me feel small. I lose all confidence when I’m around him. It’s easy for me to talk to people. That’s never seemed to be an issue. Dr.Hiddleston had some ability to make you feel like a puppy being scolded. 
“Yes, Dr.Hiddleston I had a long night is all,” I confirm before sliding my backpack onto my shoulder preparing to exit. A cough made me look toward him. His sharp features were a questionable look. His brow quivered, thin lips pressed into a line, and his toned arms crossed over his chest as he leaned on his desk. 
“I would hope a party would not distract you from your work Ms.Canonsburg you are a great student and it would be disappointing to know something as insolent as a party would keep you from giving your best in class.” 
“I could confirm Dr, I was in no way at a party,” I flush, shaking my head, my hair hitting my face as I did the action. If one more person asked if I was at a party I was going to kick them. And probably scream. 
A bit of both. 
His face softened from his hard facade back into its usual cheery smile, and a wave of relief flooded over me, “May I be as bold as to ask what was keeping you up all night making you late to my class?” 
My breath hitched in the back of my throat. I didn’t want him to think I was blaming him for my tardiness. Honestly, it was on me. The topic isn’t due until three weeks from now. I just have so much other work I need this essay to be done before the semester is over. My eyes avoided his not wanting to meet his pretty blue ones. Teetering back and forth on my feet I proposed a small smile, 
“I was working on some homework.” 
“Mmm…Praytell, what class was this assignment for?” He integrated leaning his slim body on his desk still with his arms crossed and eyebrow plucked up but this time he seemed to have an amusement lacing in his tone as he had a pen in his hand shaking it around with two fingers. I couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed about that. 
He kind of talks like a book. 
My body went rigid before I cleared my throat getting my little white lie settled, “My Lit theory class.” 
“Interesting,” He said ominously before grabbing his frayed briefcase and walking beside. My neck couldn’t help but tilt up at the height difference. He was a foot and a quarter taller than I was, and his height brought a bit of fear to me. It wasn’t that being tall is a bad thing. I find it to be quite an attractive feature of a man. And I’m jealous of the taller woman. But I always had this slight fear of being in a relationship with a bean stock of a man. It was intimidating, my family is pretty tall and somehow I got the short gene. 
“Would you like me to walk you out darling?” 
“Um…yea that would be great thanks!” 
Taking my left hand and placing it in my right I cracked my knuckles each socket giving a solid pop sound. Switching my hands doing the same motion as I watched him turn off the lights and walk toward the door frame. The sunny room dimed a bit from the lack of artificial light but I followed him walking toward the door. His long legs strutted out the room me following in close pursuit. An awkward silence was placed upon us. We just walked our legs out of sink. He was always three steps ahead yet he would stop so I could catch up. It was a kind gesture. The light-haired man beside me was kind. A gentleman. He would shoot me a friendly smile like a reminder that there was nothing to be worried about. 
“Have you been having a hard time in your classes? This is why you are up to unruly hours trying to complete work,” he abruptly asked, breaking the silence that seemed to just become comfortable. The question made me jolt standing back a bit. Struggle? 
Shaking my hands around in front of me I frantically dimmed out his idea, “No, no! Not struggling, not at all, just want to get my work done before the holiday break! I have a lot to do over break so um… need to get it done is all!” 
My eyes trailed to his face which was contorted in an expression I couldn’t explain. His glasses slid to the bridge of his nose as his middle finger propped the magnifying glasses back to their regular position on his face. “What are your plans for the holiday break?” 
“I’m going home,” I lied. 
I never had a great relationship with my family. My siblings are far too old to come back home to deal with my dad. I understand he’s not the easiest man to deal with. He’s harsh, cunning, blunt. Though sometimes I can’t blame him for his anger. Is that bad? Sometimes I wonder if it’s bad. 
“Big plans with the loved ones?” 
Both of us made it toward the exit, his long stature stood in front of me as he opened the door. He stood there jerking his head as if to tell me to walk through and I did just that. My converse walked out the door. 
“You have a good day Ms.Cannosburg.” 
“You as well Dr.Hiddelston,” 
With a quick smile, he left. Just simple goodbyes. 
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