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nastyatticman · 4 years ago
1, 11, 13, 15, 16, and 17 for the oc thing!
1. What’s your oc’s most irrational fear? Is there a specific reason this fear came about?
Sidney - That at any moment he’s broken some law and wouldn’t know it until he got arrested for it. Except for being a serial killer, he’s a tax paying law abiding citizen. His public persona is so inoffensive, and he’s somewhat conventionally attractive (and constantly trying to fit in or please people), so he could probably get away with some minor crimes. This fear comes from a childhood full of getting in trouble for minor offenses, things that weren’t his fault, or things he was never told were wrong by his toxic parents. And, perhaps, some subconscious guilt around all the actual crimes he commits.
Chance - That he’ll randomly throw out his phone, wallet, or other important items. It’s because he gets bad intrusive thoughts sometimes, and even after he learned that those are okay and don’t reflect his inner character and desires, he still worries about dropping his stuff. Some of his intrusive thoughts are related to harming himself or others, which he knows he won’t do, but can he be so sure that he won’t throw his phone out of the bus and into oncoming traffic when all the windows are open?!
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
Sidney - Musical theatre, drawing furries, collecting souvenirs from his family “vacations”. He’s very concerned with his public image and he’s embarrassed he feels so strongly about shows like Cats! and High School Musical even though they don’t have a good plot etc etc. He’s afraid if people hear the word “furry” they’ll assume he’s some kind of sex freak. Maybe he is, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from him doodling little bunnies and warrior cats in the margins of his notebooks. And last, you may actually see some of the grim tokens he takes to remember his exploits. His family’s pretty well off so no one bats an eye at him coming back from winter break with a new jacket, much less a keychain or something small. It’s just that kidnapping and killing is generally discouraged, so only he knows how he really got them.
Chance - He doesn’t have too much shame when it comes to his hobbies etc - he either uses his wacky hobbies to get attention or weed out the people who judge him for things. However he probably has a big interest in stuff like selfshipping and x reader fanfics, but he doesn’t like to share that unless he can spin it as something wild and funny he does. Otherwise people tend to see this nerdy little guy and think, “oh, that’s kind of sad, he can’t meet anyone in real life”. Sometimes they say that to his face.
13. What’s your oc’s dream home like?
Sidney - Somewhere remote, with a bit of a cottagecore vibe. He loves the cabin his family visits twice a year, and how it’s still close to a small town with everything he needs. Prefers an area without the noise and traffic of the modern world. ...He still wants perfect WiFi though.
Chance - Somewhere big and spacious. Closer to the city, with everything he needs in walking distance. Ideally he wants to live in a nice house with a vegetable garden and plenty of space for him & his future partners to pursue their passions. He’s a bit of an introvert at times, even when it comes to his current roommates, so he doesn’t mind if things are very spaced out. Like, everyone having their own room and bed to make their own, and they can take turns sleeping with each other or something.
15. What’s your oc’s morning routine like?
Sidney - He gets up bright and early, takes a shower and does a little skincare. Then eats a healthy breakfast and starts his day. A real morning person.
Chance - Not a morning person at all. Probably clicks snooze on his alarm and spends a few minutes dicking around on his phone before he absolutely has to get up and get ready for the day. Probably grabs a quick breakfast or just buys something when he gets to school or wherever he’s going.
16. What’s your oc’s nighttime routine like?
Sidney - He sleeps kind of early, on a somewhat strict schedule. A little skincare, dental care(?), getting into comfy pajamas.
Chance - Night owl. Typically he washes off any makeup or blood on his face, brushes & flosses, and showers. Gets cozy in bed with at least one extra blanket. Spends a maybe concerning amount of time on the phone before finally sleeping lol.
17. If your oc had a social media page, what would it be like? What would they post about? How much personal information would they feel comfortable posting on it? How often would they update it?
Sidney - He has a couple! Most of them are very professional or social, in a just in case people Google him way. Like, a LinkedIn, Facebook, and an Instagram with highly curated and inoffensive pictures of him. Mostly pictures of him during milestones like his high school graduation. Doesn’t use them often but you’ll see people comment wishing him a happy birthday. He’s too shy to post much about his interests there though, even the stuff that doesn’t involve murder. Has smaller accounts on other websites where he posts/interacts with darker content anonymously. Like a dark aesthetic tumblr with pictures of forests n caves n shit. On the flip side he probably has a Pinterest, with 0 personal info abt him but several boards dedicated to cute stuff and drawings reference, that paints a picture of who he is.
Chance - He is, begrudgingly, on Facebook to keep up with boomer family members. He’s a paranoid bitch (and rightfully so), so he’s mostly on Tumblr since their data tracking and algorithm is run by a hamster on a wheel. Chance is much more personal there but also impersonal - no pictures of his face or specifics on his location, but he feels free to talk abt his kinks and shit. He’d have an edgy nsfw blog but his main blog is for fandoms & true crime. (Well, “true” in universe. He uses it to keep track of rumors about killings and potential slasher sightings.)
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noxturnol · 2 years ago
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been doing some more midwich brainstorming (big spiky boi belongs to canineofdoom)
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princelydisaster · 5 years ago
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Tagged by @canineofdoom for this name thing! He helped me pick one since my self image has been... lacking lately. Luckily in this pic you can see my hair and my shoes :p
I tag @herbertwestt @thebyrchentwigges @meetthefeebles @dearest-queerest-nux @jaeda-nacht @missiodine & like anyone ever who sees this & wants to do this seriously... have fun
And can this be my trans day of visibility post? 🤔
he/him ✨
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chemical-x-glitch · 2 years ago
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transmasc werewolves ^^
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veritiddies · 6 years ago
callout post for @canineofdoom bc my entire dash is just unquenchable thirst for werewolves
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missiodine · 4 years ago
Tag Game: 17 Questions, 17 People
Tagged by @oudkee ty!!
nickname: iodine, ilora, damn spoonhead (affectionate)
zodiac: pisces
height: 5′10″ / 178 cm
hogwarts house: i dunno, i dun watch/read the harry potter
last thing i googled: post canon cardassian lore, specifically about palandine
song(s) stuck in my head: Vode An (from Star Wars: RC), The Cardassian Anthem (made by Volker400 on youtube), Daloy Politsey, Hijos del Pueblo,  Complete History of the Soviet Union Through the Eyes of a Humble Worker
number of followers: 49 (im not famous lol)
hours of sleep: i am for 9, but it varies a lot
lucky number: 13
dream job: i want to be a star trek actress/writer
currently wearing: cargo pants, tracksuit jacket
favorite author: I don’t really have a favorite, but Andy Robinson is pretty good. I’m reading A Stitch in Time right now
favorite instrument: uhhhhhhhh vocals
aesthetic: goth, but i kinda just wear whatever
favorite song: The Internationale
favorite animal noise: ..................awoo......
random: i like cardassians a lot. did you know that?
tagging: @rosegardenofeden, @rosewoodcasket, @ladyvean, @a-very-spooky-enby, @enbyjade, @heretostealyogirl, @beacuzz-i-can, @cardassianbabie, @princelydisaster, @canineofdoom, @stay-neurotic, @lesbian-sarek, @weyoun-9 and anyone else who wants to! (and you don’t have to if you don’t want to!)
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princelydisaster · 6 years ago
@goth--phase @canineofdoom
rock lee vs gaara but…. more
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kazzouli-blog · 8 years ago
Oh shooty shoot it’s-a ‘nother tag thingy!
Tagged by the high and mighty @bohemianteaking! Thank you for the tag, my good man!
"If I were a...”
Month: December! Love me that cold weather.
Day: Saturday because I get to sleep in. Heck yeah.
Planet: Mercury because I’m constantly running back and forth in a panic.
Deity: I don’t really know deities so I had to look this up, and I found the Norse deity Beyla, who was supposedly the goddess of cows and bees... or something. I like cows and bees so. Yeah.
Animal: Been told by my friends I’d be a golden retriever, but I also like the thought of hibernating so bear sounds rad too.
Piece of furniture: Memory foam heck yeah!!
Gemstone: Calcite
Flower: Can I go with morning glory? I hate mornings, but they look pretty radical.
Weather: Slight autumn breeze!
Color: Some sort of deep blue.
Emotion: Exhaustion. Seriously I’m really tired 24/7 help
Fruit: Pear I guess??
Place: A quiet nature-filled area in a mountain range/forest.
Taste: Anything sweet-related.
Scent: Cinnamon, probably!
Body part: Hair I suppose.
Pair of shoes: I’m so much of a cool kid, I’d be those #Sick light-up Sketchers. Whatever happened to those? I miss them. I want adult-sized ones :(
Time of day: Mid-to-late afternoon
I know @miss-meowledge @nico-conway and @sir-mantis were already tagged but I’m tagging you guys again. Consider yourselves double-tagged.
In addition, @thatcloverguy, @canineofdoom, @elephantchimes, @ghastlyglazed, and anyone else who are interested have my tag-blessing!
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hazelnutter345 · 8 years ago
Tagged by: @elephantchimes
Name: Jessica
Nickname: Hess or Charry
Zodiac sign: Picesies
Height: 5'5″
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit: Grapes, they are bite sized!
Favorite season: Winter, it’s the season I was born in.
Favorite book: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo 
Favorite flower: carnations, we had them growing up so they are the default flower in my head
Favorite scent: fresh baked cookies
Favorite color: I love all of them
Favorite animal: my cats
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: Tea
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 hours
Cat or dog person?: cat person, I love my kitties :D
Favorite fictional character: Ayano Tateyama
How many blankets do you sleep with: I use two a blanket and a comforter
Dream trip: I’d like to go visit family in Seattle
When was your blog created?: I have no idea, I think I had it for a year before I even started using it.
 and I tag uhh, @fuschiaghosts @canineofdoom @eviltwin76 and anyone else who wants to!
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kazzouli-blog · 8 years ago
Aw heck what someone noticed me??? And it’s someone I really admire??? what the heck that’s awesome
Thank you so much for the tag, @ksenya-the-artistic-cucumber!! It is quite the honor. :) (also holy heck you have a really cool name)
Name: Kathryn Douglass
Nickname: Kat, kazzy, kazzouli
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′5″
Orientation: Lesbian
Favorite fruit: Apples!! Probably the only one I like to be honest.
Favorite season: Winter! Cold weather is amazing.
Favorite book series: Uh... a-all of them...? I can’t say I particularly have a favorite series, per se. But Les Misérables by Victor Hugo is a huge classic I love, and I also adore Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross! (But jeez I really oughta pick up more books. If any of you have any suggestions please let me know!!!)
Favorite flower: Every flower. All of them. Flowers are hecking gorgeous. I love them.
Favorite color: Anywhere near the blue range! I really especially love deep blues and various teals.
Favorite animals: Dogs, cats, cows, horses, crows, raccoons, lions, pandas, bears. That’s just to name a few; I really love animals.
Coffee/tea/cocoa: I personally don’t like the taste of coffee and it makes me super jittery, and I don’t drink tea often. I guess that leaves hot cocoa! Super delicious in the winter, too.
Average sleep: Anywhere from 3 hours to 18. I can’t seem to track a proper sleep schedule to save my life.
Cat or dog person: Dogs! Cats are a very close second though.
Favorite fictional characters: (get ready)
Avatar Korra, Bolin, Opal, Jinora, and Asami from Legend of Korra; Marina from Splatoon 2; both those cuties from In a Heartbeat; Zarya, Sombra, Widowmaker and Lúcio from Overwatch; Luna and Leni from The Loud House; Asgore, Asriel, Chara, Frisk, Toriel, and Undyne from Undertale; Luigi from the Mario series; Scaredy-Bat from Ruby Gloom (seriously that lil�� guy is so cute); @canineofdoom‘s weird family of creepy gay OCs; Miltank from Pokémon; and because my brain is mush at 4:30 in the morning, that’s all I can think of right now. There’s probably way more but this post is too long anyway.
I tag: @ghastlyglazed, @canineofdoom, @elephantchimes, @miss-meowledge, @thatcloverguy, @bohemianteaking, @sproused, and @drawhouse! If any of you lovely folk would care to do this (as well as anyone reading this), feel free to! :)
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kazzouli-blog · 8 years ago
Wow someone noticed me and now I’m playing a tag game thing that’s pretty rad
Answer some questions and tag some folks!
Tagged by: @mrssp00ky (ily bae 💕)
Name: Kathryn
Nickname: Kat
Zodiac sign: Capricorn 
Height: 5'5″
Nationality: Whiter than a tub of mayonnaise A huge blend of European nations.
Favorite fruit: Apples! Though honestly, that’s about it for fruits I like. I’m more of a vegetable kind of person.
Favorite season: Winter!! I looooove cold weather and it’s so darn peaceful. I’d give anything to have some snow where I live.
Favorite book: I’m rather partial to Les Misérables. I recently picked back up Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross and I forgot how much I enjoyed it!
Favorite flower: Golly, I can’t say I have a specific favorite. They’re all so gorgeous! Let’s just go with poppies, I guess.
Favorite scent: Vanilla’s always a fan favorite for sure. Though cocoa is a wonderful smell as well, and nearly every flower as well.
Favorite color: Definitely blue. Perhaps a bit on the turquoise side too.
Favorite animal: Well, if it was hard to tell from my blog alone, dogs! Huge fan of cows, cats and horses as well.
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: I actually don’t drink much of tea though I do enjoy it. And I’m really not a coffee person, so the inner sweet tooth in me says hot cocoa :)
Average hours of sleep: Hard to say. My sleeping is really all over the place. If I were to pinpoint it, I guess... 1-4 hours? Minus the huge 10 hour “naps” I take during the day when I basically black out.
Cat or dog person?: Dogs, but cats are a very close second!
Favorite fictional character: Luna Loud! As well as Avatar Korra, Asgore from Undertale, and, uh... does Miltank count? ‘Cause if so. Yes.
How many blankets do you sleep with: Gotta have a bundle of blankets yo, about 3 or 4. The only way to sleep for me.
Dream trip: Disneyland. I’ve been there a million times but. Disneyland.
When was your blog created?: This blog is very recent! About a few weeks old I think. Lil’ babby blog... I’m so proud. I actually used to have another blog back in, I wanna say, 2013? 2014? I had run into some issues so I deleted it a long time ago, and just recently decided to give tumblr another go. No regrets so far :)
I’m not entirely sure who to tag, so I guess anybody who would like to? @vanillafrappelatte, @elephantchimes, @lgbtloudhouse, if any of you fine folk would like to do it then go on ahead! (And @canineofdoom I know you were already tagged but I’m tagging you again.)
This was pretty fun, I gotta admit. Have a nice day, friends!
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goodmorningmistermagpie · 6 years ago
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kat-sucks-blog · 9 years ago
Someone acknowledged my existence and tagged me in a thing? Dang son I feel honored. Thank you @xymatta <3 (also go follow her folks she’s hella rad)
Last song I listened to: I’m gonna exclude video game OSTs, so I think it was “Rock It for Me” by Caravan Palace.
Relationship: Single unless you count the crippling loneliness deeply embedded within my soul ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Last Thing I googled: cvs pharmacy hours
Amount of followers: 93
What made me get a tumblr?: I honestly don’t remember. I think it was because one of my friends told me to get one? Also might’ve had something to do with memes. Actually, yeah, probably memes.
Do I get a lot of asks?: Frankly I don’t even remember the last time I got an ask lmao
Why did I get this URL?: My name’s Kat and I think I suck, so y’know
I’m gonna double-tag @canineofdoom, @hazelnutter345, and @boscojabot, and also tag @mrssp00ky, @elephantchimes, @itsdatsniperwaifu, @flourineuraniumnitrogen (if you want), and the rest of you lovely people who want to!
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eviltwin76 · 10 years ago
(Tagged by troy-wagners-sideburns)
The game is top ten husbands/wives/partners. The rules are, pretty much, to write down your top male/female/other celebrities or characters and then tag at least ten people to do the same.
1. Eridan Ampora 2. Sn0wman 3. Tim Wright 4. Dana Scully 5. Terezi Pyrope 6. Tasha Yar 7. Annalise Keating 8. Remy Lebeau 9. Jane Crocker 10. Joaquín Mondragon
wow that's way more girls than i was expecting
hazelnutter345 kyocat4 canineofdoom bleak-minds spiritofcamelot tallwhiteandalright nrrrdgrrrl333 colordrifter ineffablehusbands epsilonchurches
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kazzouli-blog · 6 years ago
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guardianofreaks · 6 years ago
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