bashxdash · 2 months
🩹 margarita to whoever you wanna use im not picky ^^ -@candymaildelivery
Send 🩹 to patch my muse up after a fight. || Accepting
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It had been some time since Brulo had to deal with unruly customers. Normally he would have kicked them out long before things escalated to the point of violence. But this sadly hadn't been one of those times.
The guy had been pretty drunk (shocker) and lost one too many times at the card table. So the next step in logic was to take the anger out on Brulo.
He only got one punch to Brulo's  face before the man was escorted off the premises - kicking and throwing insults all the way out the door.
Brulo cursed bitterly - cupping his nose as blood trickled down from it. Red coating his fingers and the taste of copper bitter in his mouth.
Margarita was the one to offer to help patch him up. Even with his own personal protest he would be fine.
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“At least I don't think he broke anything.” Brulo sneered as he kept his head bent forward as he sat on one of the stools. Holding an ice pack on the growing bruise.
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lultimagoccia · 21 days
Well, Margarita was tired from grabbing things for Pepper and just wanted to go back home, and what was home? The pizzeria, of course!! She was carrying a bag of some things that Pepper needed for the day and walked back to Pepps pizzeria and went inside. Not really noticing anyone inside before putting the bag of things she grabbed for her peppino on the counter and rubbing her eye.
"Peppy-roni, i got the things you asked for! I even got a snack for us I been saving up for!"
She called out. Not really noticing this wasn't her Peppy-roni's place, and it was another pizzeria that belonged to Pepp!
(Hopefully this is good! Have a tired confused lady)
- @candymaildelivery
For his part, Sacchetti was actually ending his shift, having staffed his beloved pizzeria well enough by now that he didn't have to stay so late ( he often still did, but this time Gustavo had all but shooed him out the door before he could ). Was just about to untie his apron and hang it up when the sound of an unfamiliar voice called out, presumably to him? But he had no idea who this person was or what she was talking about. Something about ... pepperoni?
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" Eh? I ... I am sorry, did you need something, signorina? Pickin' up or placing an order? "
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strebcr · 25 days
🪶 marco or kevin if ya wanna -@candymaildelivery
send 🪶 and I'll tell you what animal your muse reminds me of
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Marco reminds me of a penguin beacuse of all the pingu edits you do with her! But penguins are also my favorite animal :^)
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Your Kevin on the other hand has mouse energy :^)
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bladesfromthedark · 26 days
the puffball looked up at the swordsman before waving their arm before walking up to them and tilting their head. The Swordsman looked weird but she didn't mind! She tried to go up to them and boop them! Besides she didn't want to cause harm at least for now! They didn't seem harmful right now at least!
-@candymaildelivery (Hellooo!! Hopefully this is ok ^^)
. . .
Something familiar approached them.
Someone they had absolutely wanted to avoid.
Yet, it was strange. The other's demeanor was not threatening. Not that the Dark Matter trusted her. Still. Curious entity that they are, they couldn't help warily watching. See what the puffball would do—
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Wait. No no no. Drawing too close. DANGER. DANGER. DANGER.
Swordsman jerks backwards, and a rainbow-hued blade materializes out of thin air. The weapon is promptly jabbed in Kirby's direction… but merely as a threat. It doesn't actually come close to making contact.
"Stay. Back."
Their previous defeat remained perfectly clear in their mind. Engaging this hero in combat is ill-advised.
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fvllnbcryl · 26 days
Maragarita wasss messing with Raziel again. She got spooked and used her braceletes to teleport. It didn't help she was having a small episode and was worried something was going to hurt her! She thought she would be fineeee she thought she wouldn't be somewhere far away from her pizzeria! After all, it never really did that before, but today was her lucky day! A small portal from the ground opened near the gem and a Margarita popped out before landing on her back. She was never going to get used to teleporting with her bracelets friends wasn't she?
(Hopefully this is good Xp) -@candymaildelivery
The cave Aqua had chosen to hide inside was pretty quiet, apart from the few rodents here and here, and the sound of water dripping from the stalactites. Nothing the gem wasn't used to by now. Still, she was on guard in case a corrupted gem managed to get in.
She flinched when she heard the noise, immediately standing upright. That 'ow' didn't sound like any noise a corrupted gem would make; it was often just growls. This sounded like a voice.
Knowing she might come to regret it, Aqua decided to go in the direction of the voice.
"Hello?" She called out. If she got a response, this would prove this wasn't a corrupted gem
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mixed-up-multiverse · 3 months
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@merwynsartblog sent:
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Not doing a meme but thought i give nice positive vibes and stuff and nice words your really nice and sweet and just so awesome/gen i love how you write your muses. Even if i dont know much about your muses I still like seeing them on my dash and going "OOP!! Oh shit thats gracie! Hiiii gracie!!" You in general is a nice awesome person and i enjoy seeing your stuff/gen reminder to eat and drink smth when you can btw!! -the mun from @candymaildelivery
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// OML MERWYN THANK YOU??? This is so sweet?! I'm glad you likes seeing my stuff! I rlly gotta do things more with you omg! In fact imma reply to that thing we got with Bonnie and Marco soon asderfgtyhjuuhygtfrdeswq
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merwynsartblog · 2 months
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My name is Merwyn, and I go by any pronouns! (Bigender)
If you are a person who kins then hi! Im kevin from spooky month, Kirby, Garcello from fnf, Luigi from super mario, And Zuke from nsr!
Im a 18 year old artist who is just trying to do his own things! I usually listen to other rambles or doodle and draw!
Just please know im a shyish individual!! I don't like too much conflict!! But that being said i will be aggressive if you are a ass to me or not reasonable. Treat others like how you wanna be treated.
ALSO Sorta lose age limit. 14+. I will bump it up when im older but i post gore, body horror, suggestive stuff, and nonsexual nudity here!! Be careful
Basic dni i feel like people should know wtf the basic dni is + No zionist in this damn blog. We support Palestinian here + if you support the your boyfriend game (the one w/ peter) + support vizipop/likes them or supports hazbin hotel/ helluva boss. (if your one of those fans who knows the flaws and stuff idm it then)
I dont want you anywhere near me.
Also im a system!! They might post sometimes but not alot!
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ANYWAYS i own a few blogs!! Check em out if you want!
- @candymaildelivery (serious rp blog. Not a askblog or a casual rp blog.)
- @wornoutworkersaskblog My oc marco x wagegang rp/askblog!!
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#Merwyn art (My art!!)
#Merwyn rambles (me rambling about ocs)
#Merwyn posts (Random posts)
#Merwyn reblogs (reblogs)
#Merwyn polls (my polls!)
#The silly rambles (Friends rambling to me! it happens alot so if u dont wanna be spammed you might wanna not follow)
#Merwyn answers (Random small questions i get sometimes)
Credit for the user boxes
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ANYWAYS UH.. thank yall for reading!!
Edit! I will be adding gofundmes and stuff for Palestine families and stuff like that!
Under readmore is a list of palastine stuff! Please donate if you can! 🍉🇵🇸
(VV i cant link anymore so we gotta work with what we got)
Gofundme 1
gofundme 2
gofundme 3
gofundme 4
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istg if i sent the wrong fucking blog im going to kms./nsrs.
I follow a blog rhat also starts with candy instead of my rp blog. istg please send candymaildelivery not candy heart chy istg im going to feel so small if i do.
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infernal-thorns · 3 months
Pick random stuff and I'll psychoanalyze you
Stolen from: candymaildelivery
Tagging: Just steal it bruh
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it’s okay to be scared.
I know you’re scared, it’s okay you don’t have to pretend you aren’t. It’s not like it used to be, you aren’t in danger anymore, but it’s okay to still be scared, these experience's don’t fade so easily. I promise you will be alright.
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you are enough.
you will and you have always been enough, despite the lack of praise, despite every “failed” project you are enough. You are more than what you create.
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strebcr · 1 month
"Can I be excused for the rest of my life?" - fuck it you get kevin instead of marco this time
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"At least those kids just sprayed cheese wiz in here. It could be worse, it could have been syrup! Do you want ants? Beacuse that's exactly how you get ants Kevin!"
Despite not really being that close with Kevin, Streber felt obligated to help. Marco and Ethan would be on Streber's ass if he didn't help clean up anyways. Streber grabbed a near by mop and started to slowly clean some of the cheese wiz.
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strebcr · 2 months
❤️‍🩹 for the shitpost thing hcbd
Marco, as always lol and only do it if ya wanna -@candymaildelivery
send ❤️‍🩹 for a shitpost edit of our muse's relationship
( any kind of relationship can be applied)
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Duke Nukem vc: My fucking god these bitches gay! Good for them! Good for them!
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strebcr · 2 months
“..do you need me to grab that for you?” from marco @candymaildelivery
(they are both short but hey!! taller boyfriend ehhehe)
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"It's not that high, I can get to it if I just use a stool ya know?"
Ah yes the stuck at 5'1 despite being a grown ass adult curse. The worst curse there is!
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bashxdash · 2 months
Just wanted to send this sorry for cluttering up your inbox mun!
But to me, you're a really good writer/gen! I know we haven't done much and stuff, but still!! You're really neat and cool!! Take all the time ya need to get comfy and feel better and stuff!! I know my words cant make the thoughts go poof but just know your not alone thinking like that!! Take your time with things and just have fun!! I hope you feel better soon and if ya need to bug someone im pretty much here alot of the time just chilling! Have a gn rest ^^/gen
(sorry if this is all just scrambled im normally just weird with writing lmao) - mun from @candymaildelivery
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//i was debating on replying to this ask soley on the fact i just want to keep in my askbox to re-read over it from time to time when i find myself getting hung up on my thoughts. but thought it was such a sweet message that i wanted to respond
i genuinely mean it when i say thank you for this. i gotta remind myself that at the end of the day. roleplaying is a hobby and im allowed to take the time with it
and no need to feel like you are cluttering up my askbox. anyone is free to send asks whenever//
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strebcr · 2 months
💗  to  lean  against  my  muse.
w/ marco..maybe -@candymaildelivery
Gestures of affection starters. Can be platonic and romantic. Send me...(Send 🔄 + any emoji to reverse the outcome.)
💗 to lean against my muse.
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One of the best parts of having a boyfriend, is that you can use him as pillow. That's exactly what Streber did, leaning against Marco when he wrapped his arm around Streber. When you're tiny and get cold easy cuddling with someone big and warm is wonderful! Marco is the best boyfriend and pillow someone could ask for.
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strebcr · 3 months
"SHORT!" - marco @candymaildelivery
Im not sorry/silly
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"You know you're in a good hotdog throwing distance, we both know I'm not afraid to yeet this whole weeiner at you!"
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strebcr · 27 days
Welp!! The tired mailman made some goodies for her partner and decided to spoil him while he was busy doing whatever god knows what. She went to find him and when she did she tapped his shoulder and giggled before handing him a small tupperwear he made him some pizza crescent rolls and some Churros!!
Do not mind your girlfriend being covered in flour. She makes a mess in the kitchen and DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO CLEAN HERSELF UP AFTER SMH
(i think this was cute hehe)
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Oh this is a wonderful suprise! Especially after a long work day. Streber could smell the food from the tupperware and it was making him hungry already! His green eyes lit up instantly. A big smile was on his face!!
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"Ahhhhh, my hero!!!!" Streber said putting the tupperware somewhere safe before hugging his girlfriend! Was Streber gonna be covered in flower? Yes! Did he care at the moment? Absolutely not! Besides he was in his after work PJs anyways.
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