wutheringmights · 2 months
For the ask game, are there any activities that Spirit used to enjoy but now dislikes?
Back when Spirit was happy (pre-war), he enjoyed getting to know more about Lokomo culture. But post-war, he struggled to let go of the lingering resentment he felt towards himself for what happened and was resistant to engaging more with his culture. He eventually forced himself to get back into it (in a small character arc that I would include in STP, should I ever continue it) but there’s no passion left. Its about educating himself in case something bad happens again. He doesn’t take any real joy in it.
Along with that, I think he used to be into outdoorsy activities like camping and hiking. Post-war Spirit would rather die than ever sleep in a tent again, thank you very much.
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riverbankofclay · 2 months
My warrior cats oc Clay
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Name: Clay
Age: 23 moons?
Appearance: A medium-furred light brown and cream tom with white eyes and a chocolate brown stripe running down his back
Personality: A distant, manipulative, and mysterious tom who never admits he's wrong.
Story: Clay was by his father, Mallowpatch, who told him stories of cats on the island who lived outside the clans. Him and his siblings, Mudkit and Terracottakit, lived in Moonclan and trained to become warriors until tragedy struck. The camp caught on fire from some kits playing with a half empty lighter they found. Mud and Terracotta both died in the fire a year before they were meant to become warriors. While attempting to save his siblings, Clay witnessed his father murdur the leader, Candlestar. He felt like just letting tye fire engulf him but he dragged his siblings bodies to safety.
Clay settled in an old fox den, and with his siblings' ghosts following him, he began to offer magical objects and potions from the stories his father used to tell him. Though he would never tell his customers quite what the potion did.
That's all for now. I hope to post more about them soon.
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queenfeathermoth · 3 years
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The cat creator is in Picrew made by HarvestBrook, here the link t.co/XD0PFB6l60
Continuing with the Encanto Warriors AU, is Abuela, who for me is a different type of character then what Disney usually does. Many of the story beats in the movie are going to be the same with a few differences, of course. Abuela name in this a AU is Candleglow , later on would be Candlestar.
When Candlestar was still a young warrior and her clan was still named MesaClan. She fell in head over heel love with a kind and helpful tom who always put other cats first before himself, they quickly become mate and had kit. But a few days after her kits were born a big group of rogues started to claim and attack them, because MesaClan was out numbered and being that more peaceful cats they decided to leave. But just like in the movie events, Candleglow’s mate dies try to make peace with them, this led Candleglow wishing to StarClan to drive this intruder away, and they do just that and lead Candleglow to a new territory surrounded by mountains and beautiful valley in the middle. After these events the leader of MesaClan decided to make Candleglow deputy and rename the Clan in her and mate honored. This led Candleglow into feeling that she and her mate’s descendants are meant to guide and help the Clan into better and bright future and it didn’t help that her kits started showing powers.
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This guilty badname boy, leader of LeafClan
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Warrior cat OC idea:
A leader named like Waxstar or Flightstar or Candlestar
Who as leader let that power get to their head and made a lot of stupid choices
And is finally taken down by a warrior or deputy or something with the Sun prefix
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hotdogdraws · 4 years
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Redrew Candlestar w/ a bonus Rusty
As a baby/apprentice, he starts off super duper ginger unlike actual colorpointed kittens. Then as time goes on, he gets lighter and the “candles” become more prominent. Once he’s leader, the “candles” start to drip and get lower and lower with each life he loses. By the time he passes, he’s practically white.
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alleventsalert · 3 years
Photo London 2022 - Photolondon.org
Photo London 2022 – Photolondon.org
Photolondon.org – Photo London 2022 are organized by Candlestar Ltd. It will be held on 12 May – 15 May 2022 in London, Great Britain. Photolondon.org | Photo London 2022 You just need to follow the steps to participate in Candlestar Ltd. (Photo London). Open your default internet browser.Type www.photolondon.org. it in your address bar. Fill in all the required details.Fill in the…
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whileiamdying · 3 years
Abbas Kiarostami: film-maker and photographer extraordinaire
The late Iranian artist considered “still pictures” the perfect, poetic counterpart to moving images
Gareth Harris
6 July 2016
The Iranian film-maker Abbas Kiarostami, who died in Paris earlier this week aged 76, was hugely influential in world cinema having won the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 1997 for his film A Taste of Cherry. Kiarostami was born in Tehran in 1940, and studied fine art at the city’s university. His other noteworthy films include Certified Copy (2010) and Close-Up (1990)—but crucially his photography also met with critical acclaim.
Earlier this year, the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto presented 50 full-scale images of doors by Kiarostami (Doors Without Keys). Curators selected the pictures from 200 works made by Kiarostami over 20 years. He found and photographed the doors—all locked—in Iran, France, Morocco and Italy. The images were displayed at the museum in a maze-like configuration.
In an interview, the artist explained what sparked his passion for photography. He told us: “I owe it to the 1979 Revolution [in Iran], because it was very hard to make films. I had to go on producing images, so I started taking still pictures. It became a parallel activity to film-making. They interact. There’s a mutual influence.”  
He also explained why he was drawn to still photography, saying: “I guess it’s a defence mechanism, but also kind of a protest against all this—in my view—unwelcome movement in images. Some of my latest works are experimental films that last four or five minutes. But each still image can last four or five minutes. If an image is worth seeing, it takes concentration and contemplation.”
In 2009, Kiarostami showed a series of photographs entitled Road and Rain at Purdy Hicks Gallery in London; the exhibition was co-organised with the London-based arts organisation Candlestar whose director, Fariba Farshad, says: “When we were working on this show Kiarostami often told me that photography was his first love. 'It is my meditation,' he often said and the images that he made have the meditative, poetic quality that pervades all his work.”
Kiarostami told The Guardian in 2009: “The idea for this series of rain pictures is one I had a long time ago. I had spent years looking through my car windscreen, admiring the rural landscape, admiring the raindrops and the effect of light on them.”
Another important series called Snow White comprises 30 images of snow-covered landscapes taken between 1978 and 2004. A work from the series, some of which were taken on Iran’s Caspian coast, sold at Bonhams in 2008 for $132,000. “In the Snow White series, Kiarostami makes a transition from the urban to the natural, and with it replaces political discourse with philosophical contemplation,” said the catalogue entry.
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auroraemoon · 8 years
Teapot to the Stars
I know it is unexpected, but I am sending a teapot out into the Vast Nowhere of the universe.
So far he is high above the tallest of the forest trees riding with the fury of the wind as he strains ever upward.
The moon nearly fell out of the sky at the thought of her little porcelain visitor, "How delightful," she cried, "We can sip tea together and follow the eye of the sun."
Teapot had always wanted to sip tea on the moon; he wondered if God would join them—all three of them could lie on soft dust pillows and smile as they watched their first earthrise together.
Moon, God, and Teapot:  friends for life. I know he'll be sad to leave, maybe he'll drip a perfumed tear or two, but I think God carries a towel for such times.
Moon will probably show him her deep blue Tranquility Sea, pull out her snow-white lute, and chant her Aria of the Universe—she's been writing it for the last ten-thousand years.
"You were not made for Earth alone; you were made for the Everywhere. Candlestar Sun still abides too bright, but you can swim even in her timeless ocean of fire."
"Diamond smiles pour from your long curved, white lip; your single eye is full with liquid light; your round belly shines like a bowl of radiant starfish—onward you fly, in celestial stride, awakening with the fury of the wind."
Teapot did, in fact, arrive on the moon. Moon was giddy with excitement (not knowing which way to shine at first). God arrived in a sudden burst of butterflies and fragrant rainbows. Everyone laughed.
They watched earthrise together, they told each other silly stories, they sang songs about seeing beyond the world, Moon even shared a little about her dark side.
God told them that on some worlds flowers evaporate like incense when you touch them, filling the air with soft music and beautiful petals, and of course, they all drank some lovely hot tea.
Teapot clutched the moonshell necklace that Moon had made for him; God tied two, long silk, lightning ribbons on his little handle saying, "This is old angel magic, it will keep
you from dripping and shivering in deep space. Angels tie them around their wrists, it helps stop the sadness they sometimes feel as they enter the earth's atmosphere."
Teapot stood, a sorrow rose in his spout as he looked at his two new friends. All of a sudden he felt very full, very full indeed. "How can I leave you?" he dripped.
"Leave us?" Moon laughed, and God smiled. "You're not leaving us, you’re taking us with you—and Sun, and Wind, and the Stars.
“But what about the Earth?” Teapot said. God sky-beamed, and Moon grinned a enormous white toothless grin. “The world looks a lot different from up here.”
“Beautiful isn’t it” said God. “Resplendent,” said Moon, who had admired the earth for quite some time. “Of course Earth is invited,” said Moon, “she is just having a hard time getting used to the idea.”
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marcosk8 · 7 years
Perchè è importante per i fotografi allestire una mostra personale
Perchè è importante per i fotografi allestire una mostra personale
Dominic Hawgood, Under the Influence, TJ Boulting, 2015 Fariba Farshad, fondatrice e direttrice del festival Photo London e uno dei giudici dell’International Photography Award 2018 ci spiega come organizzare una mostra personale che funzioni. Fariba Farshad è coordinatrice della rinomata consulta culturale Candlestar, che ha sviluppato e insediato grossi progetti in tutto il mondo, compreso il…
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wutheringmights · 3 months
Of the Faovarians who translated Spirit's old journal, what are their opinions on its contents?
Warriors actually stopped them from getting their hands on the journal. They did get their hands on the various blue prints that Spirit made for Lincoln.
The overwhelming consensus was a combination of:
-how the fuck did you get such a large sample of an old Hylian variation???
-why couldn’t this large sample be about everyday life in an ancient Hyrule and not whatever weird science this is
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wutheringmights · 5 months
With Spirit being a serial dater, what kind of exes does he have? What were his breakups like? If he was attracted to Jean for his stability, what else was he attracted to in his partners? And who is this Warriors-like exe? 👀
Ooooooh boy. Strap in because I am ready to info-dump so much about Spirit's horrendous love life.
Spirit's serial dating didn't start until a couple of years after he returned back to New Hyrule. His relationship with Zelda had a slow, painful death. He lashed out at her a lot because he felt like he wasn't being heard. Zelda was upset that he betrayed her trust while feeling terrible that she was making his pain about herself. When Zelda had to start thinking about political marriages, Spirit finally decided to put them both out of their miseries and end things.
They're still friends. Spirit still loved her. But the moment the relationship ended, Zelda seemed to brighten up and become her old self again. She was so much happier, and that hurt.
Spirit tried moving on too, but he really couldn't get over Zelda. This was also around the time that his lashing out and moodiness was starting to reap consequences. Alfonzo fired him. A lot of his friends lost contact. He was gaining a reputation for being hard to work with. He was as famous as ever, and no one liked him.
He didn't set out to date a lot. There were plenty of people who wanted to date the famous Link Macaryll, so he was never short of options. He was looking for a partner, but in the sense that a partner was going to fix him. He felt abandoned. Unlovable. He just wanted to find someone who would stay by him.
If you asked him what his ideal partner was like, he list generic traits like humor or kindness. In reality, his ideal partner was someone who liked him. He would mold himself to be whatever they wanted so that they would stay and never abandon him.
But of course, that's a terrible foundation for a relationship. Nothing progressed past the first date because it was so obvious that Spirit didn't really like the people he was going out with. This was a chore, and he didn't really enjoy himself. It hurt every time he was refused a second date.
Jean was probably the first person he dated because he actually liked them.
At this point, Spirit had been weaving in and out of Jean's life. Spirit was friends with Linebeck, who was friends with Jean. They ended up getting drinks together sometimes. They probably first met on the day of Jean's accident, the one that led to his leg being amputated. They got closer after Linebeck and Spirit opened their own garage in Trading Post, with Jean being one of the first employees. This is where they started to become friends, albeit with the occasional discomfort whenever they realized that Spirit was Jean's boss.
Before Spirit dated Jean, he was in a pretty terrible situationship with a character I have not named yet (vote now on your phones).
This character was the son set to inherit his father's lucrative trading company. Until he did, he captained a prominent trading vessel. In New Hyrule, job titles are used in place of names when possible (ie: engineer) (somewhere in CTB, Spirit has a line about being used to just being called the engineer vs his name...). So this character is often just referred to as the Captain.
So when Spirit meets this handsome asshole called the Captain, he's first more than a little weary. But the Captain loved the hunt, and pursed him endlessly. And, well, Spirit wanted to be loved. That this guy resembled Warriors quickly went from disquieting to kinda attractive.
They never officially dated, but they did hook up and spend a lot of time together. That the Captain was a terrible person and was terrible to Spirit was an added bonus. Spirit liked how familiar it was. A part of him wanted to bring some part of his experiences in the war to New Hyrule so that people would understand him. Another part was so lost as to why his life wasn't fixing itself the way he wanted to that he wanted a problem he knew how to cope with. He even insisted on calling him by his job title as much as he could, because he wanted to be fighting Warriors again.
Everyone who knew Spirit was worried about him, but no one could get through to him. Zelda, Niko, Linebeck-- they all tried to sit Spirit down and gently tell him that he needed to cut this guy off, but Spirit would only dig his heels in deeper.
Which takes us back to Jean. One thing about Jean is that he never looked down at Spirit. For all his intelligence, Spirit was infamously terrible with people. When it came to social cues, his friends and family tended to get a little condescending about it. Not Jean. After a couple of months of this bullshit and reaching his breaking point, he sat Spirit down and talked to him about it.
Jean wasn't condescending, so Spirit didn't throw his defenses up. Jean's questions forced Spirit to actually reflect, and he had a moment when he realized that he didn't want to put himself through this anymore. Finally, he cut off the Captain.
That was a turning point. They became closer friends and, after a few weeks, Spirit realized he had a crush. He tried to hide it, but wasn't too subtle. Jean tried to ignore him for as long as possible, but Spirit eventually did ask him out. Jean ended up agreeing, and they dated for six months.
As a character, Jean is the pinnacle of stability. He's calm and even headed. He wasn't prone to getting upset. He was thoughtful, hardworking, and a grade A older brother. He's the type who asked a lot of questions before making a judgement, which gelled well of Spirit's irrational behavior-- by asking Spirit why he was upset, he would accidentally deescalate. If he had a flaw, it's that he's not the most romantic guy. Rituals like buying flowers and going out to dinner seemed a bit pointless to him. He'd rather stay at home and not waste the money. But over all, he was a real catch.
Spirit wasn't used to stability. He couldn't shake the feeling that everything was going to go wrong again. Jean was going to hurt him because everyone hurt him. Subconsciously, he believed that if everything was going to go wrong anyway, he might as well do it himself; he'd rather be the problem than be another victim.
On top of that, Spirit was a terrible person to get into a disagreement with. Everything had to turn into a high stakes argument. He was defensive, and often got mean when he was upset.
They lasted six months. Jean couldn't handle Spirit anymore. He broke up as gently as he could, but Spirit was still crushed. He had half the idea to apologize and try to win Jean back, but Jean started dating someone else-- someone a little older and as steady as Jean was.
Spirit was only 2-3 months out from the break up when he was pulled back into Warriors's era. It's still fairly fresh, and he was in the middle of lapsing back into his worst self when he wound up in the Temple of Souls.
Bonus Facts:
Spirit realized he liked Jean when he saw Jean playing with his younger siblings on the beach. Was watching him build sandcastles and was like "aw, fuck"
Jean got Spirit to quit smoking, which lasted up until Spirit ended up in Warriors's era
Jean didn't have a crush on Spirit when they started dating, but Linebeck swore that Jean was so bothered by the whole Captain thing because he was a little jealous (Jean's reoccuring complaint was that Spirit deserved better)
Linebeck didn't know they started dating until a couple of weeks in. Then he sat them both down and did a joint shovel talk that amounted to: a) Jean if you hurt Link, I will kill you, b) Link if you hurt Jean, I will kill you, c) Jean if your boss takes advantage of you I will stop it, d) Link if your love affair endangers this business I will kill you
Spirit liked that Jean was older, both because he felt better understood and that Jean was someone who he could depend on to take care of him; but Spirit was also constantly anxious that Jean thought he was immature
The last straw in the Captain situationship was Spirit getting a black eye
Spirit probably met the Captain at a royal function, while he was moonlighting as Zelda's guard
Zelda didn't know anything about the Jean relationship until it was over; Spirit didn't trust her after how badly she reacted to the Captain stuff
Even when he was with Jean, Spirit never really got over Zelda; while he does sincerely love her, she also symbolizes a point in his life when he was sincerely happy that he aches to go back to
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wutheringmights · 6 months
Everytime I think about Spirit literally begging for Warriors, I have to think of this meme to keep it in perspective.
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if i have to see this, then so does everyone else
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wutheringmights · 7 months
For the ask game: 11, 12, or 25 please?
11) Was there a scene that you hadn't originally planned to include? Why did you decide to fit it in?
I might have talked about this before, but the Fever Dreams sequence was originally going to be a third of its length. It became way longer because I realized I needed to use it to develop Warriors's childhood.
My original vision was for Warriors's childhood to be largely vague, if only because I thought it didn't matter thematically. I was wrong. The way this guy grew up is very important.
12) Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
I have a scene in my brain where the boys go to a bar to hang out that would largely feature Warriors trying to not drink and hide the fact that he doesn't drink.
I mostly wanted this scene included so that I could world build around the concept of alcoholic milk in Hyrule. Also, I wanted the character Hyrule to be confirmed lactose intolerant.
25) Is there anything you would change now about this fic? Why or why not?
There's a few:
Replace Whitestone's role with Impa, and just generally include more about her
Add back in the journalist oc I cut out
Add Ghirahim
Find a way to add the House of Nephus characters earlier so that I could really go in depth with their story
Develop the Knights of Hyrule way more
Mayyyyybe not include Midna? I love her, but I have been shoving her storyline to the side so much that I probably should have gone without it
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wutheringmights · 10 months
How are the residents of New Hyrule taking Spirit's current disappearance?
Spirit's train was found abandoned with a note that literally just said: I'm not missing. I'll be back. -Link
(Spirit definitely does not want people speculating too much about his disappearance again, but he also does not want to give any personal details about himself in the process).
Linebeck III is fucking fed up that his business partner is pulling this bullshit A SECOND TIME. He will not shut up about it. When Spirit comes back, they are going to have some Words.
Zelda is appropriately worried that he's doing something incredibly self-destructive, but there's not much she can do.
Niko is surprisingly chill about the whole thing. (Niko made the mistake of thinking Spirit's original disappearance was his adventure with the Chain that he had heard from Wind, so he's happy to see that Spirit is finally getting to meet his Great Uncle.) (And hey, maybe meeting other heroes will straighten him out.)
This time around, word around the kingdom is that Spirit went on an extended vacation. Only the most dedicated sleuths believe that he may have gone missing again.
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wutheringmights · 1 year
Thinking about the complexity of Warriors' character (as always) and was curious: in the event that Warriors somehow came to use the four sword, how would he split? Where lie the fault lines of his personality?
Sometimes I entertain the idea that, after escaping from the toxic loyalty of the military and losing his arm, the most selfish, back-stabbing aspect of Warriors' being would manifest as a dead body now. I just think it'd be funny if he splits into three guys at total odds with each other and one silent, elephant-in-the-room corpse.
Oooooh. If we want to commit to the idea that his backstabbing nature is gone now, a dead body would be a chilling way to represent that.
But at the same time, I confess that I struggle a bit with trying to dice up Warriors's personality into four parts. You can't separate the parts of him that are a backstabber from the parts of him that are an anxious mess because one informs the other. He only fell into that toxic loyalty for the military because he was determined to be the best person in the world. They go hand in hand. It feels disingenuous to claim that he can be one thing but not the other at any state.
...but as I typed that out, I realized that it would be interesting to divide Warriors up not by his personality, but by the STAGES of his life. Like he grabs the Four Sword and is split into:
15 year old Link Walton: high strung and ambitious, but feels like he is failing his sickly mother
17-18 year old Captain Walton: manipulative military captain trying not to crumble under the pressure of being the legendary hero
20-21 year old veteran Link: deeply depressed and nonverbal veteran on forced leave reckoning with his past actions
23 year old Warriors: in the middle of his adventure with the Chain; has learned what friendship is and has yet to confront his past again
*those ages are inexact. don't look too closely at them
I think that would be a fascinating way of looking at Warriors, especially if they're put in conversation with each other-- or better yet, with characters like Time and Spirit. There's something disturbing about meeting what is clearly a young teen struggling to do right by his mother and knowing that the captain next to him is who he will become.
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