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yuzu-adagio · 1 year ago
the pumpkin spice frosty tastes like candles smell
I THINK I like it, but it's bizarre how specifically it tastes like Candlesmell
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snakestories · 2 years ago
Your bed is emptier tonight
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michaladamski1987 · 5 years ago
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Zapach i biżuteria - idealny prezent dla kobiet 🎁🎁🎁 Połączenie niespodzianki, biżuterii i zapachu jest zawsze magiczne dla obdarowywanych osób. Świeca zapachowa SupriseCandle to subtelny zapach zamknięty w zniewalająco pięknej świecy, który na zawsze pozostawi w pamięci ten cudowny czas odkrywania piękna zaklętego w srebrnej biżuterii a chwilę tą uczyni dla Ciebie wyjątkowo magiczną. SurpriseCandle to wysokiej jakości ręcznie wykonana świeca zapachowa, która zapewnia wyjątkowe działanie aromatyczne. Piękna w swojej prostocie stanowi idealne dopełnienie wystroju każdego pomieszczenia. Pragnąc zaoferować produkty przyjazne dla środowiska, knot jest w 100% z bawełny. Świece z naturalnego wosku palmowego podczas palenia nie wydzielają dymu, nie wywołują reakcji alergicznych, są w 100% naturalne, biodegradowalne, koszerne i ekologiczne, natomiast czas spalania jest nawet dwukrotnie dłuższy niż świec z wosków syntetycznych. Olejki zapachowe dodane do naszych świec mają piękne, intensywne ale nie duszące aromaty, idealnie odzwierciedlają swoje nazwy. Dla kogo doskonała jest świeca zapachowa z niespodzianką? Świeca zapachowa SurpriseCandle z wyjątkową biżuterią będzie doskonałym upominkiem na podarowanie komuś prezentu pełnego blasku i cudownego aromatu. To oryginalny prezent dla niej – kobiety, dziewczyny, narzeczonej, żony, mamy, babci, przyjaciółki, siostry…. podkreśl ich wyjątkowość. Kliknij i dowiedz się więcej: https://surprisecandle.pl #stylzycia #surprise #candle #surprisecandle @surprisecandle.pl #niespodzianka #pezent #gift #gifts #pomysłnaprezent #dlakobiet #forwomen #świeca #świece #candles #zapach #smell #candlesmell #biżuteria #jewelry #jewellery #srebro #silver #silverjewelry #silverjewellery #świecazbiżuterią #fantasy #journey #fantasyjourney (w: Michał Adamski) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4j-OivgF0Y/?igshid=ce52ulpevlq1
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leori-the-unlearned · 3 years ago
i’ve had this written out for a lil while but wasn’t sure whether to post it or not but i WILL cause i care about it and like it but:
a bunch of vibe associations for tangle and whisper!!! it is a lot so that’s why it’s under a ‘read more’
it is also NOT formatted in a fancy way, it is an experience. now be free and consume!!
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whisper associated with sleepy mornings- not that she isn’t a morning person, but that she has the vibes of an early day, yellow sunbeams stretching through window slats to keep the sun out of your eyes, sitting at the breakfast table and sipping at coffee that finished brewing a minute ago. nothing to do, yet, but knowing you will. not a fleeting moment, but temporary, lingering.
moving with… not always grace. she’s not always perfect, pristine predator like people like to think hunters are. she knows how to move, but she’s just as capable of being lazy or clumsy or just aimless as anyone else. but it’s the little things; the ways she has practiced motions and routines for things, smoothly drawing her stirring spoon out of the cabinet or pouring just the right amount of cream into her coffee, and those moments you can see all the grace in her for a glimpse
sometimes, she’s the early morning. the time before day when nobody is known to wake, just before the day proper begins. it feels like an outlawed time - like a time you’re not supposed to see, whittling away at the dripping hourglass of the earth with everything alive unawares.
she’s fluffy breads crafted with love, spongy breads like cakes, the sorts you eat at blown-up events and parties and make for small gatherings of your loved ones. she’s glossy hardwood, firm and solid and so so warm, in the lightest way. the golden of early light, of the nursery room dressed in rich caramels and unstained woods. 
tangle is not practiced. there’s hardly anything she seems to do the same way, except flit from place to place and bounce, except for the things she does like clockwork. going by ron’s chili dog place every tuesday a little after one, or closer to two on the days she practices out in the woods and always spends a little longer out than she thinks she will and gets hungrier than the lunch she brought along, and they’re not always tuesdays but they’re regular all the same
and otherwise, she’s in two phases
one, too large for life, too large for the house she’s in, tail coiled and bristling excitedly and so so ready to get out of the house
and the other, content. lazing on the couch, working on a labor of love with dedication and intent and patience as she gets too wrapped up in her task to notice the hours going by. fitting perfectly between flashy wallpaper and pops of color.
two phases brought about by the taste of adventure, or the resolution afterwards when everything winds down and tangle needs a break
she’s the flavor of blue raspberry popsicles after you’ve spent probably forty minutes swimming, still feeling the lasting marks of the water’s hold after you’ve dried off and still feeling ghosts of the currents you fished through, but spending a moment to enjoy this treat. it only lasts so long as it lasts, but it lasts forever until it’s over, and the smell of adventure follows you, because you’re going to get back in the pool- later, which will be now before you’ve known it and after an eternity.
a life spent gliding between chase after chase, flickering interests like striking matchflames and those softer eternal loves lingering like the smoke and candlesmell. strawberries and some sort of homely baked scent that tells you there’s something waiting for you.
mannerisms - where whisper makes small, certain movements, planned and arranged before she makes them, tangle uses the confidence of a street food cook who’s been doing this for years and has the recipe to any modular food in her menu memorized. practiced only in the way that she’s been flying by touch for as long as she can remember, and can make up anything she does. a ‘beginner’s luck’ trained for years off tangle’s own variability.
a compliment,
like the sky when sunset reds start to rise from the horizon, bleeding into blue; backlit clouds shadowy and dark but for a glimmer of gold at the edges; counterweights to each other working in tandem to keep balance
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I love burning new candles ❤ #candle #burning #newcandle #purple #berry #love #candlelove #flame #glass #instalove #like #freshcandle #candlesmell #smell
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momentumspinner · 8 years ago
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#adorethissmell #lovethissmell #candlesmell #peteralexander #peteralexandercandle #present #christmasgift #latergram #nightbeforechristmascandle #blackcurrent #plum #lemon #lavender #dancingsugarplum
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theoldversionofme · 5 years ago
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inst: candlesmel
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