pehters · 4 years
( @candiheart​ ) « starter call
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               HE WAS STILL getting used to the angel gig, admittedly. And he certainly didn’t feel like he was very GOOD at it, either. But at one moment, he’d been in some sort of darkness, some sort of opposite of Being, and then, he’d been in front of this girl and it was like information had been downloaded into his head. All he knew was that this was Carrie and it was his job now to watch after her; that was it. 
It was proving to be easier said that done. Probably his fault. 
At first, when she’d do things that were probably, definitely BAD IDEAS, and he’d try to stop her, it was like he was less than air: poof. No sound. No matter. She couldn’t hear him; he could stop her. That had changed a few weeks ago, and the two of them — Reggie called them a TEAM, though Carrie didn’t seem to have signed on to that kind of name yet — had been experiencing... GROWING PAINS. 
“Hey, Carrie? Can we maybe pump the breaks on this idea?”
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shinemadea · 4 years
you ate at my favourite spot for dinner
@candiheart  |  meme
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          “  oh  ,  we’re  calling  dibs  on  places  now  ?  “  she  folds  her  arms  across  her  chest  ,  incredulous  expression  painting  her  features  .  she  refuses  to  believe  that’s  the  level  of  pettiness  carrie  has  reached  .  that’s  not  to  say  she  doesn’t  think  she’s  capable  of  it  ---  she  can  be  mean  when  she  wants  to  .  better  than  anyone  she  knows  .  but  she’s  always  hoped  that  no  matter  where  they  stood  ,  she’ll  never  be  the  one  to  bring  out  that  much  resentment  out  of  her  .  it  used  to  be  our  favorite  spot  -----  she  doesn’t  say  it  .  maybe  they’re  too  far  gone  .  maybe  this  is  all  that’s  left  ;  snarky  comments  ,  eye  rolls  &  the  occasional  scoff  .  it’s  not  a  happy  thought  .  “  alright  ,  we’ll  circle  back  to  it  when  you  own  the  place  .  until  then  ,  can  we  drop  it  ?  "
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shinctogethcr-a · 4 years
@candiheart​ liked for a starter!
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julie slid her back down the wall of the bathroom stall, trying to just tell herself to breathe. she pulled her knees up, leaning forward to rest her forehead against them, trying to ignore the tears as they fell. realistically, she knows maybe she should get someone. she knows she could text flynn and the other’d be out of class and there in an instant, or even the guys who could just poof to her... but right now she couldn’t bring herself to do that, right now she feels as though maybe it’s just better if she’s alone...
it seems as though the universe had other plans for that as she hears the bathroom door swing open. carefully, she peeks out at the bottom of the stall and despite the fact that she can only see shoes, she knows who’s joined her almost instantly, she’d recognize those shoes anywhere. she doesn’t really have the energy to deal with anyone right now, least of all her ex-best friend. maybe if she stays quiet enough, carrie won’t notice her. though as she goes to take another breath in, a sob that’s not super loud but loud enough the other could hear, escapes her, and that idea goes out the window. “shit.” she mutters quietly as she waits with bated breath to see what would happen.
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phantombassist · 4 years
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Send a 🏇 to go horse riding with my muse! | accepting
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                it started out with a ruse on why all of a sudden they were there instead of ― was it sweden that julie had originally said they were from? kayla was someone that had quickly caught his interest and to get to her he had to get to know her friends. carrie was ― against julie’s wishes ― was one of those friends. and carrie seemed to be the type that had been on a horse before or at least would want to.
it had taken reggie a few days to finally get the courage to talk to her. “have you ever been horseback riding? do you maybe want to go? with me. i just um... want to get to know you.”
       //. @candiheart​  said:  🏇
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whyishealwaysdead · 7 years
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♡ L O V E M E H A R D ♡
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phantombassist · 4 years
i got my drafts down to owing the following:
 @candiheart - 1
@betterwriter - 1
@soulscattered - 1
@sunsetlead - 2
@stargazermuse - a lot still.
also ask box is slowly being cleared.
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phantombassist · 4 years
1 - @soulscattered
1 - @candiheart
10+ - @stargazermuse
   plus like 5 ask memes from different people. i promise i’m slowly getting to things but my last brain cell is currently hoola hooping and wanting to make another oc while ignoring every other responsibility i have.
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whyishealwaysdead · 7 years
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♡ IF you want TO ♡
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