bennettcook · 1 year
Bolsa-auxílio é de até R$ 1,1 mil, para estudantes de ensino superior; confira Concursos › Notícias › Sul EDITAL DE ABERTURA N º 02/2022 PROVAS RELACIONADAS PCI Concursos
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clovisbrasilart · 2 years
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Sketch Av. Presidente Vargas e ao fundo Igreja Nossa Senhora da Camdelária - 2022. @clovisbrasilart . #rio #candelária #lugaresincriveis #lugares #sketch #arte #art #pinturaemtela #quadros #araruama #ilustra #illustration #ilustração #comics #gamer #tatoo #dibujo #film #music #draw #desenho #anime #picture #instaartis #instaart #landscapepainting #drawing #street https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJhLF_Nd4i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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18th-century Candelária Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Brazilian vintage postcard
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random-brushstrokes · 3 months
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Victor Meirelles - Estudo para o Panorama do Rio de Janeiro (Morro da Conceição e Candelária), ca. 1885
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danijr · 3 months
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Igreja da Candelária - Rio de Janeiro
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animicida · 2 years
Mais uma sessão que você consegue mostrar sempre a beleza das coisas, mas por mais que eu me esforce eu não consigo enxergar nada bom em mim. Queria poder vê beleza nos retalhos, queria acreditar que é através das rachaduras que a luz entra, queria conseguir me levantar, mas sou pesada demais pra mim mesma e duvido que outras pessoas consigam me segurar. Posso até parecer iluminada, mas são apenas meus cacos brilhando pelo chão, e quando chega a noite e cada músculo do meu corpo geme de dor, que me encontro comigo mesma e me enxergo na escuridão o que é estranhamente acolhedor onde não preciso sentir dor na mandíbula de tanto fingir sorriso durante o dia e me familiarizo com o gosto salgado das lágrimas até ser tomada pelo sono e esperar a travessia do inferno em mais um dia que chega.
Fragmentos de uma análise com Deusa Candelária.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Round Two: Mbiresaurus vs Bagualosaurus
Mbiresaurus raathi
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Raath’s reptile from Mbire (after the Mbire district of Zimbabwe, and in honour of palaeontologist and discoverer Michael Raath)
Time: ~ 230 million years ago (Carnian stage of the Late Triassic)
Location: Pebbly Arkose Formation, Zimbabwe
There was once a time… before titanosaurs… before diplodocids… before any sauropod… when sauropodomorphs were simply Just Some Little Guy. And that is where Mbiresaurus, oldest African dinosaur ever found, comes in!
Mbiresaurus was named in 2022 from Zimbabwe, and is the only dinosaur yet named from the Pebbly Arkose formation. It’s known from a beautifully complete skeleton that has all the features of a classic Early Dinosaur. It is small, has long gangly legs and arms, and a lil head with vaguely pointy kinda multipurpose teeth. The fact that all the wild diversity and enormous size of the sauropods came out of something like this is hard to imagine, but evolutionarily step by step these little scampery dudes would work their way up! 
Bagualosaurus agudoensis
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Name meaning: Strongly built reptile from Agudo (from regional usage of “bagual” in southern Brazil to mean a well built but crude person)
Time: ~230 million years ago (Carnian stage of the Late Triassic)
Location: Candelária sequence, Upper Santa Maria Formation, Brazil
Although most famous for their enormous size, the sauropodomorphs began as little scurrying bipeds like all other dinosaurs. It wasn’t long though before they started packing on the beef amd shooting for size and power, and Bagualosaurus marks the beginning of that shift. It was still small, only a little over 2 metres long, but its skeleton shows some of the first signs of bulking up, hence its name! Its legs in particular are more robust than the earliest sauropodomorphs, and its skull is starting to show similarities to later and larger Triassic sauropodomorphs like Plateosaurus. Bagualosaurus is the biggest dinosaur described from its ecosystem so far, but it was still very much in the shadow of larger reptiles and synapsids, with a lot of growing left to do!
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dani-xis · 8 months
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Candelária quase todo dia
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leoinjapan · 4 months
A week in Colombia
Day 1
i arrived at El Dorado Airport at 4am, having slept not that great on a six-hour overnight flight from Toronto. my friend had booked me a taxi straight from the airport to her apartment; taxis here are really cheap, around 4 pounds to get across the entire city. Uber is also widely used here, although you should sit in the front seat as they are not actually allowed in Bogotá. apartments in Bogotá are really well protected, with different security measures to keep you safe. first i napped for a few hours and then had a delicious vegan bowl made by my friend's lovely mom. then my friend showed me around her neighbourhood, Chapinero, a historically queer district in north Bogotá. i learned how Colombia is a really queer and trans-friendly country, where gay marriage is legal and trans people have complete right of self-determination to change their documents, even with non-binary options, as well as gender-affirming healthcare!
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for lunch my friend treated me to patacones, a mashed plantain baked to a crisp and topped with delicious toppings. she also showed me some awesome bookstores, such as Nada and Tornamesa. i tried delicious local chocolate from Fruto de Cacao. the weather was amazing at around 23 degrees celcius, not too sunny but pleasantly warm with no wind. luckily i did not suffer immediately from the altitude sickness that many tourists get when they arrive, as Bogotá is the highest capital city above sea level in the world.
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we went back to watch a documentary about Lemebel, a queer icon in latin america (my friend was scandalized i had not heard of him). then i napped a bit more, which was a mistake; i woke up feeling so sick that i couldn't eat!
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then we went to Theatron, latin america's biggest queer club. the streets that were empty before came alive with music and thousands of people. we had hotdogs from Nomáda Bogotá which were lovely, but sadly i was too sick to eat. Theatron has over 15 rooms with different types of music and live shows, and a capacity of over 6000. entry is less than £10 on saturdays (cheaper on other days) and includes a drink (gatorade for me)! my friend tells me more and more straight people come to the club now, but it was still very queer-friendly and one of the coolest club experiences i have ever had.
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Day 2
for lunch my friend took me to a delicious vegan restaurant that does all traditional Colombian food, called Maria Candela. i tried ajiaco, a Bogotán dish of a herbal soup made with different kinds of local potatoes and chicken. it was so yummy, cheap and super filling!
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i then went on a general tour of Bogotá hosted by Beyond Colombia. the guide was super enthusiastic and taught me so many things i didn't know about Colombia. we walked around important sights in its history, tasted the local traditional alcohol called chicha (fermented corn and sugar), and walked around the iconic La Candelária district. it was so colourful, full of street art and intricate crafts.
we then went to see Past Lives (again) at the cinema. the cinema quality was amazing, and the popcorn tasted really good! during Oscars season, you can get a pass to all the Oscars movies in february.
Day 3
in the morning i took an Uber to the bottom of the Monserrate, a mountain in Bogotá. it costs about £6 for a return journey on the cable car up the mountain to its peak, where you will find a church, a tourist market, and some restaurants. you can hike up the mountain yourself, but it takes around 2 hours. on the holy week, people walk up barefoot or on their knees on a sacrificial pilgrimage up the mountain to the church. in the church is the Black Madonna, based on the same iconic statue on the Montserrat mountain in Catalonia.
(this is also when i found out i got into the university of tokyo starting in april!)
it was super foggy on the 3000 metre high mountain and we could barely see the city. it started to pour with rain and my umbrella was not enough. unfortunately i got cold and wet without a coat, and was also exposed to high levels of UV up on the mountain, which led me to develop a fever later that evening...
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i tried a bit of coca tea on the mountain. in Colombia and other countries in the Andes mountain range, people have been consuming coca leaves for centuries. coca tea contains a small amount of cocaine with mild stimulant effects, much like caffeine in coffee, and is completely harmless. Colombians use it to cure altitude sickness, nausea, and other stomach upsets.
i took my friends i made on the tour to Maria Candela again and i tried frijolada, which is a wholesome bean soup that i really loved. after that, i went to the Botero Museum/MAMU which has some really unique art from international artists, paintings by the iconic Colombian painter Botero, and a current exhibition highlighting indigenous culture and art (all in Spanish). it's free to visit so i definitely recommend going!
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when my friend heard i felt sick, she took me to get aguapanela. panela is unrefined sugar, which you put in hot water for a nice soothing beverage. the Bogotá tradition is to put pieces of cheese in it, let them melt and then eat them! since i'm vegan i had it with bread. it was very delicious
Day 4
i had a restless night with my fever and decided to stay at home for the day. my tour guide even cancelled, so it felt like a sign not to go anywhere.
my friend's mom was an absolute angel and made me delicious vegan food and hot drinks and before long i felt a lot better
Day 5
in the morning i went on a war and peace-themed walking tour, also operated by Beyond Colombia. our guide was super knowledgeable, condensing centuries' worth of history into three hours. i learned so much about Colombia's recent history and controversies and i highly recommend this tour.
after that, i went to the Gold Museum (or Museo del Oro), which houses pre-Hispanic golden artefacts. in the indigenous culture, gold represented the sun and did not have monetary value; it was used in crafting and often offered back to nature. El Dorado is not a place, but an ancient ritual in which gold is thrown into the water, particularly a large lake near Bogotá; the Spanish dug up a lot of it and melted it into gold bars, but this museum still holds a large collection of 35,000, which is still only about 1% of the original artifacts that have been sacrificed in the ritual over the millennia.
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at the end of the day my friend invited me to a collage-making workshop, which was really fun and therapeutic!
Day 6
at 8am in the morning, i took an Uber to the Paloquemao fruit market, where i was to have an AirBnB Experiences tour with my friend's brother, Victor. i was stunned by the amount of fruit i had never seen before. i tried different avocados, guavas, berries, cactus fruit, melons, and more. my favourite was the guanabana, or custard apple, which tastes exactly like custard!
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the market is also full of beautiful flowers, vegetables, souvenirs and all sorts. i recommend visiting, though take an Uber as apparently it is not in the safest of neighborhoods.
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in the evening i went to the National Museum, which houses an impressive amount of information about Colombian history. there are currently a few exhibitions about indigenous cultural revival. i was most excited to see a small exhibition about Las Traviesas, a collective of displaced indigenous trans women in Colombia, which was a beautiful and inspiring display of art.
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towards the end of my visit, i developed a migraine. i got a tasty dinner at Wok and then went home to recover. thank you again to my friend and her mom for taking care of me!
on the day there was a big protest in the city centre in support of the current president. it's better to try and avoid the city centre when there are big protests.
Day 7
me and my friend went on a day trip to Villa de Leyva, a town north of Bogotá in the beautiful Boyacá region, famous for its emeralds. the bus trip took between 4 and 5 hours each way.
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the town is absolutely gorgeous, full of cobbled streets and old colonial architecture. it was more touristy than Bogotá, with lots of tourist shops and some tasty food options. i got gelato made with tamarind and tajín (chilli flakes). for lunch, we went to La Maria Bistro which had an incredible brocolli dish that was the best thing i've eaten in a long while.
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we went to Casa Terracota, the world's largest ceramic structure. it took 15 years for the architect to bake the house, during which it fell down three times. the construction was incredible and it was a very unique experience. usually the tour is only in spanish, but the guide did a great job translating it to english for me. the crazy thing was that he did his study abroad in Paignton, which is the town next to my hometown!
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Day 8
on the last day, my friend and i went into the city to buy souvenirs for my family. there are tons of tourist shops and stalls in La Candelária, and we did our best research to find out which crafts were authentic. for lunch we want to Maria Candela again as the whole city was having a vegan burger festival with several restaurants participating.
in the afternoon we went to see Perfect Days, a really beautiful japanese movie. the cinema in Bogotá was really nice, with great quality screens and tasty snacks.
in the evening we went to my friend's favourite taco place, Insurgentes. the vibe was great and the tacos were delicious (mostly meat but some vegan).
for our final stop, we went to Chiquita. much smaller than Theatron but with a majority queer crowd, the music was on point and the atmosphere was great. there were even a couple of drag performances which apparently happen every night. i really loved this bar, which had a mixture of 90s/2000s pop and latin pop. i could have stayed there much longer but i had to get home to sleep before my flight at 9am.
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i am the first to admit i knew nothing about Colombia (or even South America in general) before coming to Bogotá. i was eager to learn, and yet i learned far more than i ever imagined. Colombia exceeded my expectations 100 times over.
the internet is full of scary stories about Colombia, yet i felt safer here than i ever have in the US, for example. the city is so vibrant, colourful, and creative, full of life and soul. it is also the most queer-friendly capital i have been to, with the most amazing clubs you could imagine.
i learned so much about the history of the country, the language, the food, the art, and the gorgeous nature that's around every corner.
but what makes Colombia so, so great is the people. everybody here was so friendly and made such an effort to make me feel welcome, even though i know barely any Spanish. the city feels so alive with passion, hope, and resistance. i am so, so grateful to my friend Estefanía for taking care of me while i was there, looking after me and showing me the real Bogotá, making sure i knew where to go and what to do. she really is the best of us, and i will never forget her kindness 💕
i am so grateful to her incredible mother as well for nursing me back to health when i was sick!
i would come back to Colombia in a heartbeat, but until then, i have to get on the language apps!
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semioticas · 2 years
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Brasil do futuro é #Lula13Presidente
Brizola, Beth Carvalho e Lula em um encontro que fez história: o comício com mais de um milhão de pessoas pelas eleições Diretas Já! para presidente da República, em frente à Igreja da Candelária, no Rio de Janeiro, em 10 de abril de 1984.
Veja também:
Semióticas – Tancredo virou ficção
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Hoje a igreja celebra diversos títulos de Nossa Senhora como: Nossa Senhora da Luz, Nossa Senhora da Candelária, nossa senhora das Candeias, Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes, Nossa Senhora do Amparo, neste dia que celebramos a apresentação do Senhor no templo. Que nós possamos também neste dia, apresentar o nosso coração, para que seja transformado, guiado e iluminado pela ação do Espírito Santo, por meio da santa igreja. salve Maria! Paz ao coração! viva Nossa Senhora! viva Apresentação do Senhor no templo! viva a nossa fé! #apresentaçãodosenhornotemplo #apresentaçãodosenhor #nossasenhoradascandeias #nossasenhoradaluz #PADREAFONSORODRIGUES #rosariopermanente https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKrxQwLWc6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bulkbinbox · 2 years
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vista Interna do dispensário do hospital candelária, 1910. fotografia de dana b. merrill.
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amor-barato · 29 days
O bonde ia agora atravessando os Arcos. Sob a luz de um dia brumoso, encoberto, um dia pardo, a cidade se estendia irregular e triste. Bondes, carros, transeuntes passavam por debaixo da arcaria secular. Escachoavam, marulhavam, redemoinhavam como as águas de um rio. As casas eram vistas pelos fundos e os passageiros entravam um pouco na vida íntima dos seus habitantes.
Viam-se criadas a lavar, homens em trajes de banho, casais que almoçavam — todas essas cenas familiares iam sendo desvendadas pelo elétrico que rodava devagar, quase roçando as bordas do velho aqueduto do conde de Bobadela.
Foi um alívio quando penetrou pelo flanco da montanha de Santa Teresa, guinchando estrepitosamente, vencendo a rampa que o levava morro acima. A cidade se foi vendo melhor. Lá estavam as ruas centrais, cobertas de mercancia; mais além a Cidade Nova; acolá a pedreira de São Diogo, chanfrada, esfolada e roída pela teimosa humanidade; a estrada de ferro, o Mangue...
As torres das igrejas subiam aos céus com os seus votos e desejos. Do zimbório da Candelária, muito calmo na sua curva suave, o lanternim olhava tudo aquilo com superioridade e curiosidade e curiosa indiferença.
O mar parecia coagulado ou feito de um líquido pesado e espelhante; os navios estavam como incrustados nele e as ilhas pareciam borrões naquele espelho fosco.
A vista caía sobre um veículo, um carro, por exemplo, e, dali, poucos metros acima do solo, não se podia perceber se era um "coupé" de luxo ou um carro da Misericórdia, se era uma traquitana de praça ou o "landau" do presidente.
Não se separavam bem as pessoas e as coisas: o que se via era aquele ajuntamento, aquela aglomeração, que lá do alto parecia ser uma existência, uma vida, feita de muitas vidas e muitas existências.
Lima Barreto (Numa e a Ninfa)
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schoje · 2 months
Diante de desafios inesperados como desastres naturais e pandemias, medidas emergenciais se tornam vitais. Recentemente, o governo brasileiro aprovou uma medida que possibilita aos moradores de algumas cidades do Rio Grande do Sul acessar uma quantia significativa de seus fundos do FGTS para lidar com emergências. Este recurso é conhecido como "Saque Calamidade do FGTS", e tem sido uma boia salva-vidas para muitos, fornecendo um suporte financeiro essencial em tempos de necessidade. Entendendo o Saque Calamidade: Este programa permite que cidadãos afetados por calamidades retirem até R$ 6.200 de suas contas vinculadas ao FGTS. A ideia é oferecer uma ajuda financeira rápida para cobrir despesas imediatas, facilitando a recuperação dos impactados por eventos adversos. Cidades Elegíveis: Entre as cidades beneficiadas estão Agudo, Anta Gorda, Candelária, Encantado, Farroupilha, Feliz, Porto Alegre, Porto Xavier e Santa Tereza. Os residentes dessas localidades podem agora acessar essa ajuda financeira especial em resposta à decretação de estado de calamidade. Como Funciona o Saque: Para efetuar o saque, os cidadãos podem optar por fazê-lo diretamente através do aplicativo do FGTS ou pessoalmente em uma agência da Caixa Econômica Federal. No aplicativo, o processo é simplificado através de um menu que guia o usuário através dos passos necessários, desde a escolha da modalidade de saque até a confirmação final. Documentação Necessária: Para solicitar o saque, é indispensável apresentar um comprovante de residência atualizado, um documento de identificação e a Carteira de Trabalho. A verificação desses documentos é crucial para processar o pedido. Impacto da Medida: Além de proporcionar um alívio financeiro imediato, o Saque Calamidade tem um papel fundamental na estabilização econômica das regiões atingidas, contribuindo para a reconstrução das comunidades e a retomada da normalidade. Apelo à Solidariedade: Essa iniciativa não apenas reflete a responsabilidade do governo em atender às necessidades de sua população em tempos críticos, mas também reforça o espírito de solidariedade nacional, garantindo que nenhuma comunidade afetada tenha que enfrentar suas adversidades sozinha. O Saque Calamidade do FGTS é uma medida que demonstra o compromisso do governo em proteger seus cidadãos em momentos de crise. Para aqueles que se qualificam, é crucial se informar e proceder com a solicitação. Este benefício não só ajuda a mitigar os efeitos de crises imediatas mas também fortalece a resiliência das comunidades para enfrentar futuros desafios. É uma ferramenta valiosa que reafirma a importância de sistemas de apoio governamentais proativos em tempos de necessidade. Gostou da notícia? Aproveite para participar do nosso grupo no whatsapp e receba notícias exclusivas diariamente. ENTRE NO GRUPO AQUI é grátis, e você recebe em primeira mão as nossas notícias! Siga o SC Hoje News no Google News para ficar bem informado. Siga nosso perfil no Instagram: @schojenews Siga nossa página no Facebook: @schojenews Inscreva-se no nosso Canal no YouTube: @schojenews
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blogoslibertarios · 2 months
Sobe para 13 o número de mortos no Rio Grande do Sul após temporal
  O estado do Rio Grande do Sul contabiliza 13 mortes causadas pelas fortes chuvas que afetam o estado desde segunda-feira (29/4). De acordo com boletim divulgado pela defesa civil na manhã desta quinta-feira (2/5), entre os 134 municípios afetados, há 5,2 mil desalojados, 21 desaparecidos e 12 feridos por causa dos temporais. O município de Candelária é o que tem o maior número de desaparecidos,…
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radiorealnews · 2 months
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